A Story of a Coach
A coach who “lost”
Sometimes, we got to “lose” to lighten up another’s life in the “same area of talent”.
Never hold back any knowledge in that field from a student who wishes to learn. Teach all you know as a teacher.
Pass it on. Don’t bring any “secret knowledge selfishly” to your grave.
I have seen “Champions” made when a teacher shares all he knows in an area toward his students in an hour which he himself took several years to see it at that level of clarity or understanding by himself without help… Simply because He knows what it means to “want to learn” but there’s “no one to help back then”.
Teach your students the “same knowledge” regardless of their “race, religion or creed” without holding anything back. I believe God will be pleased if you do so.
It was never about the “Competition” nor the “winning /losing” but “Loving” the “knowledge” (field/area of expertise) for the beauty it contains.