Cannot Change (His Will)
Here’s a classic:
Two options using logic based on the fact that “God does not change”:
Option 1:
Since God does not change, Hell is eternal or God annihilates.
Option 2:
Since God does not change, Hell is not eternal (but is temporary) and God Saves all the world in the end.
To see which of the above is ‘true’, it’s simple:
Ask yourself, “which is the initial state or Will of God that cannot change?”
Is God’s Will “Hell to be eternal” (or “to annihilate His enemies”) or for “All to be Saved”? We all know that it’s the last one mentioned here.
Hence, since “God cannot change”, God’s Will cannot be altered “absolutely” thus resulting in “All” the World to be Saved in the “end” (in ‘time’).
Why “labor” and “suffer reproach”?
Note the word “living God” Who is the Savior of “All” men in the verse below.
“For therefore we both labor and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God who is the Savior of all men, especially of those that believe.” (1 Timothy 4:10)