Heart – Judgment of Hearts – Hope for NON Christians?
God Judges each one based on their heart, to quote:
“All the ways of a man are clean in his own sight, But the LORD weighs the motives” (Proverbs 16:2, NASB)
Introduction – Sundar Singh – Is he a reliable Christian Witness?
Here’s a Simple Way to look at it: When compared to any Christian who speaks against Sundar Singh’s Visions, it is clear that despite ‘their ministry or life in servitude for Christ’ (not to mention their numerous church attendance or hours in prayer) —-> yet the ‘amount of miracles’ & ‘afterlife visions of heaven-hell’ —-> experienced by ‘his opposing Christians’ are LESS to ZERO while Sundar Singh used to ‘experience these ‘spiritual visions’ as frequently as more than 10 times each month’.
So, the next time a ‘Christian’ speaks against Sundar Singh, please be ‘careful’ of ‘your own words’ as this Man of God is ‘more close to Christ than you & I’ and Christ may NOT be ‘on our side in such cases of our pride & arrogance against the Gift of Visions which God gave him’.
Also, I plead unto ‘Christians’ NOT to ‘accuse Sundar Singh falsely’ bringing Judgment upon ourselves (Matthew 12:37, Romans 3:8). The Difference is, Sundar Singh NEVER condemned ‘any Christian who differed from him into an eternal Hell’. He always HOPED for the Salvation of his Theological Opponents DESPITE their theological errors.
Probably due to ‘his heart that was pure’, he saw God (Matthew 5:8), i.e. Lord Jesus Christ (John 14:9) and we ‘do NOT’. Please take note that the Infamous ‘eternal Hell Vision seer, Bro DGS Dhinakaran’ himself saw Sundar Singh in Heaven as his book records.
So by preaching and believing all these (please consider the points below, next) —> even about the ‘best theological opponent from the Eternal Hell Camp with his own afterlife Vision gifting, Bro DGS Dhinakaran’ —> also confirms that Christian Universalist beliefs such as that of Sundar Singh does NOT cause them to go to ‘Hell’ at all.
Before you tell me so, yes each of the persons mentioned here (including me) all believe in the Bible ‘only’. In fact, there are secrets which God gave ‘outside’ the Bible too (Matthew 13:11) and specifically to ‘His Saints’ (Colossians 1:26) which will be accessible to us ‘if we are humble enough to learn them instead of question them’ (Matthew 7:6).
The one ‘with faith pleases God’ (Hebrews 11:6) and the ‘one who doubts or lacks faith’ is the one who will be at loss to such ‘deep joy & peace’ being tormented by say the ‘lies which they continue to believe’ instead of ‘God’s Wisdom’ (James 1:5 – 6).
Can you see it?
Regardless, we do NOT condemn those Christians who ‘cannot accept it now’ but instead we ‘show MERCY to those who DOUBT’ as it is Written:
“And have MERCY on SOME, who are DOUBTING;” (Jude 1:22, NASB)
Here are other rarely known facts regarding the ‘spirit world’:
1) Who is Sundar Singh?
2) What Happens at Death?
“After death the soul of every human being will enter the world of spirits, and every one, according to the stage of his spiritual growth, will dwell with spirits like in mind and in nature to himself, either in the darkness or in the light of glory. We are assured that no one in the physical body has entered into the spiritual world, except Christ and a few saints, whose bodies were transformed into glorious bodies, yet to some it has been granted, that, while still dwelling in the world, they can see the world of spirits, and heaven itself, as in 2 Cor. 12:2, though they themselves cannot tell whether they enter Paradise in the body or in the spirit.” – Sadhu Sundar Singh
Translation Source:
3) Can a NON-Christian be Saved upon entering the Spirit World?
Example: The case of an IDOLATER
To Quote:
“I saw in a vision the spirit of an IDOLATER on reaching the world of spirits begin at once to search for his god. Then the saints said to him, “There is no god here save the One True God, and Christ, who is His manifestation.”
At this, the man was a good deal astonished, but being a sincere seeker after truth, he frankly admitted that he had been in error. He eagerly sought to know the correct view of truth, and asked if he might see the Christ.
Shortly after this Christ manifested Himself in a dim light to him, and to others who had newly arrived in the world of spirits, because at this stage they could not have endured a full exhibition of His glory, for His glory is so surpassing that even the angels look on Him with difficulty, and cover their faces with their wings (Isaiah 6:9).
When He does reveal Himself to any one He takes into account the particular stage of progress to which that soul has attained, so He appears dimly, or in the fuller light of His glory, that the sight of Him may be endured. So, when these spirits saw Christ in this dim but attractive light, they were filled with a joy and peace, which is beyond our power to describe.
Bathed in the rays of His life-giving light, and with the waves of His love, which constantly flow out from Him, flowing over them, ALL THEIR ERROR was WASHED AWAY. Then with all their hearts, they acknowledged Him as the Truth, and found healing, and, bowing in lowly adoration before Him, thanked and praised Him. And the saints, who had been appointed for their instruction; also rejoiced over them.” Sadhu Sundar Singh
Translation Source:
Comment: But doesn’t the Bible Teach that IDOLATERS do NOT inherit the ‘Kingdom of God’ (1 Corinthians 6:9 – 10)?
Yes, to quote (from Page 84 of ‘Lost Orthodoxy’ Book):
The Context in which Holy Scripture is clear as Irenaeous implies the Paternal Love of the Father that ALL are HIS SONS due to being CREATED by HIM, hence HIS CHILDREN.
However, in regards to ‘obedience and doctrine’, the ‘sons of the Devil are those who disobey and hence do NOT inherit His Kingdom’ (1 Corinthians 6:9 – 10, e.g. may just ‘enter only’ to live in some OUTSIDE permitted regions of the ‘kingdom of the heavens’ and NOT the heavens, please take note ‘carefully’, being the ‘least’ due to Command-Breaking Matthew 5:19) vs in Contrast, ‘His Sons of obedience & doctrine’ INHERIT His Kingdom (e.g. highest positions such as KING & PRIESTS too, Revelation 1:6, Ephesians 3:6 and beyond!, 1 Corinthians 2:9 being the ‘Great’ in His Kingdom of the Heavens too, Matthew 5:19).
4) Is there any other Reliable Christian Vision of Heaven/Hell agreeing to this HOPE for ‘good’ NON-Christians?
Yes, Emmanuel Swedenborg’s Visions of Heaven & Hell speaks this ‘Same Truth’, to quote:
(i) Regarding the Good Muslims being in the ‘Lower’ Heavens
“The Mohammedans, like all nations who acknowledge one God, love justice and do good from religion, have their own heaven, but it is outside of the Christian heaven. The Mohammedan heaven, however, is divided into two. In the lower they live uprightly with several wives; but only those who give up their concubines and acknowledge the Lord our Savior, and also His dominion over heaven and hell, are raised up from this into their higher heaven. I have heard that it is impossible for them to conceive of God the Father and our Lord as one, but that it is possible for them to believe that the Lord rules over the heavens and the hells because He is the Son of God the Father. It is because of their holding this belief that it is granted them by the Lord to ascend into the higher heaven.” – Emmanuel Swedenborg
Translation Source:
Swedenborg clearly implies a ‘division in the regions in which the good muslims are allowed to enter’ based on whether say ‘they practiced polygamy vs monogamy’ where the latter are in the ‘better place among these lower regions of light upon their salvation’.
(ii) Regarding the Good Africans who seem to be the Easiest to Enter the Lower* Heavens
“THE AFRICANS IN THE SPIRITUAL WORLD; ALSO SOMETHING IN REGARD TO THE GENTILES. The Gentiles who have known nothing about the Lord are seen in the spiritual world round about those who have known Him; yet so arranged that the outmost border is formed exclusively of those who are thorough idolaters, and who in the former world worshiped the sun and moon.
But those who acknowledge one God, and who accept such precepts as the Decalogue contains as the precepts of the religion and consequently of their life, communicate more directly with the Christians at the center; for in this case the communication is not intercepted by the Mohammedans and Papists. The Gentiles are also distinguished according to their genius and their capacity to receive light through the heavens from the Lord; for there are among them some who are interior and some who are exterior, which difference comes partly from climate, partly from the stock from which they have sprung, partly from education, and partly from religion. The Africans are more interior than the others…
As the Africans surpass all other Gentiles in interior judgment, I have had conversation with them on matters of more profound inquiry, and latterly about God, and the Lord the Redeemer, and about the inner and outer man. And as they were delighted with this conversation, I will state some of the things relating to these three subjects which they perceived from interior sight…
… The Africans were delighted with these remarks, because from the interior vision in which they excel they recognized that it was so.
Because the Africans are such, a revelation has been made among them at the present time, which is spreading round about from the region where it began, but has not yet reached the coasts. They keep aloof from European strangers who believe that man is saved by faith alone, and thus by mere thought and word, and not by will and deed also; saying that he is no man who has any worship and fails to live according to his religion, for then he must needs become stupid and wicked, because he then receives nothing from heaven. They also call crafty wickedness stupidity, because there is no life in it, but death only.” – Emmanuel Swedenborg
Translation Source:
*Lower Heavens? Yes for Sheepfold2 (John 10:16). The ‘higher regions of the heavens’ is only for Sheepfold1 (John 10:14). To quote (from Page 234 of the ‘Lost Orthodoxy’ Book):
Please note carefully that “two sheep folds or sheep pens” are referred to by Lord Jesus Christ in John 10:14 and John 10:16. The Greek Word “Aules” (meaning “pen” or “fold” or “house” or “courtyard” for the sheep) refers to its dwelling place and NOT the sheep itself.
Can you see it?
The popular fallacy of claiming that the “two sheep folds” (John 10:16) refers to “Jewish vs Gentile sheep” is flawed because if true, it means that “Jewish sheep go to a different sheep pen or sheep house than the Gentile sheep” —-> meaning that Jewish and Gentile sheep go to different places in the heavens with their souls after they die plainly contradicting Galatians 3:28 and Ephesians 3:6 in that there is NO AFTERLIFE Distinction between Jewish and Gentile sheep when they die.
Please note that when Lord Jesus Christ meant “sheep fold or sheep pen” (John 10:16), He is referring to the “dwelling place” (or “Home” or “House”) of the sheep meaning that it refers to their AFTERLIFE DWELLING PLACES (John 14:2 – 3) and NOT an earthly sheep fold/pen/house in any way because we are ‘strangers and pilgrims on earth’ having only a HEAVENLY HOME (Hebrews 11:13 – 16).
So, if the sheep are separated into two types based on their AFTERLIFE DWELLING PLACES or “sheep pen/fold/house” ——-> then “Sheepfold1” vs “Sheepfold2” go to a ‘higher vs lower’ blessed afterlife regions (different houses – area) in the AFTERLIFE —-> where Sheepfold1 (John 10:14) KNOW Him (hence any believer in the Faith of Jesus Christ, be it Jew or Gentile, 1 Thessalonians 4:14 – 17) while Sheepfold2 (John 10:16) do NOT know Him until they are brought in by Lord Jesus Christ (i. e. Saved in the afterlife, John 3:14 – 15) and only recognize Him after SEEING Him there as their Saviour (John 6:40) being brought into their respective “sheep fold/pen/house” respectively as John 10:16 clearly means.
But isn’t Swedenborg a heretic?
I pointed out earlier that ‘the eternal Hell theologian Swedenborg didn’t believe in the Trinity’.
However, the Trinity & Purgatorial Hell Universalism believing Sadhu Sundar Singh saw Swedenborg in the ‘Blessed Abodes’ proving that ‘Swedenborg must be Saved despite his doctrinal errors’.
Sundar Singh doesn’t just mention that ‘Swedenborg is saved but that Swedenborg occupies a high place in heaven’ —–> which Proves that ‘Salvation and Mercy is God’s Decision Alone as apostle Paul Beautifully mentioned too.
Please consider the explanation in link below:
Two people can have the ‘same doctrinal error’ but ‘one could be Saved while the other Judged’ or ‘Both Judged’ or ‘Both Saved’ as God Alone Determines that Righteously after ‘Looking at our hearts’:
“Every way of a man is right in his own eyes: but the LORD [YHWH] PONDERETH the HEARTS.” (Proverbs 21:2, KJV)
5) Is there Earliest Authoritative Scripture level Writing agreeing to this HOPE for ‘good’ NON-Christians?
Yes, ‘The Shepherd of Hermas Book’. To quote (from Page 51 of the ‘Lost Orthodoxy Book’):
Can you see how DEEP the Wisdom of God really is in regards to His JUDGMENT (Romans 11:33 – 35)?
Comment: Sheepfold2?
The Shepherd of Hermas Writing (which is only next to New Testament Scripture as even Irenaeous, Pope Callixtus I, Tertullian, Clement of Alexandria have endorsed it) clearly records the Gospel being Preached to ‘certain dead’ who ‘died in Good deeds’ but did NOT believe in Christ during their earthly lives prior, as they didn’t have the Seal of God.
The Shepherd of Hermas is NOT discussing Christ’s Descent but some 40 apostles + teachers who after they died, went into the afterlife abodes to ‘convert these’. Mysterious Indeed but it’s LITERALLY recorded as discussed in detail in links below:
The ‘believing after seeing’ Mystery is Possible as it is echoed in John 6:40 and John 3:14 – 15 but it’s NOT for all but only on those whom the Lord deems His Mercy for He weighs all hearts to decide that (The afterlife Context is strong in these Verses, John 3:14 – 15 since the Son of Man is ‘Lifted Up’ Points to the ‘Spirit World’ & Post His Resurrection).
6) How about the early Christian Quotes which seem to Point to Hell being Eternal?
For example of a discussion, please consider pages 59 – 74 in the ‘Lost Orthodoxy Book’.
If so, why should I believe in Christ now?
Please refer to Page 492 in the ‘Lost Orthodoxy Book’ for an explanation. Thank you.
7) How about the Respected Eternal Hell Theologian Augustine of Hippo?
Emmanuel Swedenborg claims to have met ‘Augustine of Hippo’ himself during his visits in the ‘spirit world’, to quote:
“… I have several times talked with Augustine, who was bishop of Hippo in Africa, in the third century. He said that he is there at this time, inspiring them with the worship of the Lord, and that there is hope that this new gospel will be extended into the surrounding regions. I have heard the angels rejoicing over that revelation, because through it there is being opened to them a communication with the human rational, hitherto closed up by the universal dogma that the understanding must be kept in obedience to the faith of the ministers of the church.” – Emmanuel Swedenborg
Translation Source:
“At night my soul longs for You, Indeed, my spirit within me seeks You diligently; For when the earth experiences Your judgments The inhabitants of the world LEARN RIGHTEOUSNESS.” (Isaih 26:9, NASB)
One Day, ALL Men will UNDERSTAND after LEARNING God’s PERFECT JUDGMENT and thereafter will PRAISE HIM:
“Therefore do NOT go on PASSING JUDGMENT BEFORE the TIME, but WAIT until the Lord comes who will both bring to light the things hidden in the darkness and DISCLOSE the MOTIVES of MEN’s HEARTS; and then each man’s praise will come to him from God.” – apostle Paul (1 Corinthians 4:5, NASB)
Those who learn it now ‘without seeing’ having ‘faith’, please God more (John 20:29, 1 Corinthians 2:9).
“If I could see all hearts, and weigh them on a scale, I’ll know …” – Anonymous Christian (Song Title: ‘Jesus in You’, link below):
Peace to you
P/S: A Common accusation by Mainstream Christianity against us
Apostle Paul Preached a Gospel that has this SAME Accusation thrown at him, Verse:
“And why not say (as we are slanderously reported and as some claim that we say), “Let us do evil that good may come “? Their condemnation is just.” – apostle Paul (Romans 3:8, NASB)
‘Be careful little mouth of your SLANDER…’
May God have Mercy on whom He Wills:
“What then shall we say? Is there injustice with God? Never may it be! For He says to Moses:
“I will show mercy to whom I may show mercy,
and I will have compassion on whom I may have compassion.”
So then, it is NOT of the willing, NOR of the running, but of GOD SHOWING MERCY.” – apostle Paul (Romans 9:14 – 16, BLB)
Blessed be YHWH’s Most Holy Name!
P/S 2: Motive – What & How do we Preach?
The motive is to warn of the Biblical consequence that we reap what we sow (Galatians 6:7) including our rejection of the word of God (Psalm 107:10 – 11) which can be returned to us in the afterlife (Hebrews 9:27, Luke 16:19 – 31) instead of deceiving people that there’s no Judgment and that everyone will enter heaven after we die or equivalent.
Only believers in Faith of Jesus Christ do not come under any afterlife Judgment (John 5:24).
The motive is to speak the Truth as it is Written and not ‘speak an opinion as we like it’ backing it up with Bible Verses first and Earliest Church History where possible.
“There were those who dwelt in darkness and in the shadow of death,
Prisoners in misery and chains,
Because they had rebelled against the words of God
And spurned the counsel of the Most High.” (Psalm 107:10 – 11, NASB)
We also Speak of the Mystery of Christ especially in the Context of Universal Salvation being ‘His Steward of such Mysteries’ (1 Corinthians 4:1 – 5), for example:
(i) All in All – All Creation Born Again – Mystery
(ii) Hell Torment – Odunao, Kolasis, & Basanizo
(iii) Sheepfold2 – What Happens to Good non-Christians?
(iv) Aeons to Immortality – Paul – Is apostle Paul endorsed?
(v) Can Christians be Saved if their Doctrine is Wrong?
(vi) Antichrist – Universalist Hope – Apocalypse of Elijah Explains
(vii) Forgotten Gospel – HOPE for ALL Men
(viii) Universalism in Christ Alone – Secret of the Gospel – Apocalypse of Peter
Universalism in Christ Alone – Secret of the Gospel – Apocalypse of Peter
(ix) Trinity – Did St. Irenaeous of Lyons believe in the Trinity?
(x) Saviour of the World – Matthew 5:20 – 1 John 2:2 – 1 John 4:14 – John 12:32 – Tithes – Apostle Paul’s Epistles – St. Irenaeous of Lyons Explains
P/S 3: More Details?
(i) Book with Covers
(ii) Book with NO Covers
P/S 4: Why the 'Lost Orthodoxy Book'?
Why this Book? Justin and Irenaeous are considered the first Greek based writing - leaders before Clement of Alexandria. Their writings are next to New Testament Scripture and earliest writings such as Shepherd of Hermas only. So, they are very authoritative as accepted by all Christianity generally as Orthodox. Only that their writings are not easily and correctly understood as I tried to demonstrate. Logic: You can tell the same thing with Verses but unless an authority of Doctrine and ancient Biblical Koine Greek says the same, people won't believe you. So this book attempts to bridge that gap and illustrate the Wisdom of Holy Scripture as understood by these earliest authorities.
Peace to you
All Glory to God in Lord Jesus Christ, our Most Blessed Savior of the World!
Bonus: How about eternity?
How to understand 'age-during' correctly?
P/S: Age-During Power
Doesn't the Phrase "age-during Power" or "age-during Glory" limit God's Glory to the age only and thus AEON must mean forever?
This is a COMMON FALLACY in THEOLOGY arising from the Fact of NOT understanding that God ALONE has Absolute IMMORTALITY (1 Timothy 6:16) and hence to each 'created thing', it can have at MOST 'an age-during might/existence first' (as Irenaeous explained earlier that can be 'continued to the next AEON or AGE as God Wills') which is the TRUE meaning of 'age-during might/glory' as 'God only endows age to age endurance/glory to those created things which reflects back to Him'.
Isn't Holy Scripture ACCURATE?
To quote (from Book 'Lost Orthodoxy'):
(i) Page 53 from Book 'Lost Orthodoxy'
Please note that the Greek Word for 'Immortality or Incorruptibility' (e.g. in 1 Corinthians 15) as it is found in quote above too has NEVER been used to describe the duration of any 'afterlife Judgment' in the Bible and is NOT from the Greek Word "Aion or Eon" proving further distinction on the 'fine details' (in case you didn't realize this well known fact).
What is the "[age-during, and NOT eternal] good things of God" which is mentioned in the above?
It refers to the Coming First Resurrection to live in this Renewed Old Earth under this present Old Heavens (Revelation 20:4 - 6) during His Millennial Reign for 1000 years. This Reign is NOT eternal and the good things from this OLD earth is NOT eternal since at the end of this age (after the 1000 years are up), the Great White Throne of Judgment takes place next (Revelation 20:11 - 15) and thereafter a NEW heaven and a NEW earth with NO sea too will be made for us to dwell (Revelation 21:1).
Holy Scripture itself proves the existence of 'non eternal but age-during good things which last to the end of this current age only in the OLD earth & OLD heavens' (2 Corinthians 4:18) because that's the 'first reward' we receive upon the 'Resurrection of the Just' during the 1000 year Millennial Reign of Christ. Even St. Iraneous explained this distinction in 'against Heresies' that the 'General Resurrection' (Chapter 35, Daniel 12:2, John 5:28 - 29) is 1000 years later than this 'First Resurrection' (called the 'times of the kingdom', Chapter 34, Revelation 20:4 - 6) proving distinction though he did not go into much details for the 'General Resurrection'.
(ii) Page 126 from Book 'Lost Orthodoxy'
The Bible Teaches that ONLY God has 'Deathless-ness' (athanasian) being Immortal and that His Power to sustain the rest of things is to the 'age (aeon) only' so that 'NONE of the current things will last eternally' (can you see the real meaning and purpose of His 'age-during Power'?) as these 'former things' will eventually pass away (and NOT last forever, Isaiah 65:17, Revelation 21:4):
"Who [God] only is having Immortality [Athanasian], dwelling in light unapproachable, whom no one of men did see, nor is able to see, to whom is honour and might age [aeon]-during! Amen." - apostle Paul (1 Timothy 6:16, YLT)
Yes, God's Power or Honour is 'highlighted' (NOT limited) to the 'age (aeon)' in Holy Scripture because these 'created things' are to last to 'that particular age (aeon) only' - an incredible accuracy in Inspired Writing pointing to this Truth. In like manner, God of Israel does NOT mean that He is the God for Israel only but is highlighted thus for 'His Specific Purposes toward them' (Romans 3:29).
For example, God's Power is highlighted as 'His age-during Power' (in 1 Timothy 6:16), because it refers to the current 'created things' lasting only 'till the end of this age only' after which the 'fire will consume it' (2 Peter 3:7 - 10) and a New Heavens and a New Earth will be Made thereafter (2 Peter 3:13).
How about 'forever' then in FIRST CHRISTIANITY?
Aeons to Immortality - Paul - Is apostle Paul endorsed?
Someone wrote:
'Apostle Paul never met Jesus; never heard Jesus preach; never lived in Jesus' group or commune. And yet, Paul elevated himself above Peter and James. That was presumptuous of Paul.'
That's what makes the anointing of His Holy Spirit on apostle Paul incredible. Something the wisdom of this World cannot understand in the flesh.
It's called being Spirit led.
Apostle Peter, the apostle of the Jews who walked with Christ endorsed apostle Paul in 2 Peter 3:15.
Any man's rejection of Paul is a 'worthless attempt' especially since they themselves or the leaders they follow 'never walked with Christ either'.
And apostle Peter never endorsed any of the leaders who are against Paul. Simple.
"and regard the patience of our Lord as salvation; just as also our beloved brother Paul, according to the wisdom given him, wrote to you," - apostle Peter (2 Peter 3:15, NASB)
Example of a Deceiver: 'Hyam Maccoby' who wrote 'The Mythmaker: Paul and the Invention of Christianity'.
I will believe apostle Paul over "Hyam Maccoby."
There is "no meekness" in accepting "Hyam Maccoby" and rejecting apostle Paul.
Is "Hyam Maccoby" humble in writing and rejecting apostle Paul? (this is getting 'weird').
Christ chose apostle Paul and NOT Hyam Maccoby.
P/S: Example of arguments against Paul
Someone wrote:
'Do my eyes deceive me, or do I spot a quote by Paul, the inventor of Christianity? The man who hated his own body. The man riven by guilt. The man who so very much NEEDED to feel saved that he projected his own guilt feelings onto everyone else and made Jesus into a dying god who would forgive Paul all his sins - which is what he needed so very much.'
Apostle Paul is a great man of God who is honest about the sin in his body that he despised it, he acknowledged his past sin in persecuting the church before his conversion and Saw the Love of Christ Who Died for the sins of men who won't even admit to their "own sins due to their own blindness".
Question 2
'Well my translation says "everlasting cutting-off". - "And these will go away into eternal punishment..." (The New Annotated Oxford Bible", 1989; and exactly the same translation is found in The NIV Thematic Study Bible: The International Version", 1984).'
Reply 2
Your arguments are weak sir when it is NOT substantiated with 'earliest Christian History'.
Quoting the Bible doesn't prove that as 'everyone from heretics to believers quote the Bible and Translations'.
We have to prove it from the understanding of Earliest Authoritative Christian Writings 'outside' the Bible to prove that they 'understood the Bible in that Way'.
Here are four examples from PURE FIRST ORTHODOX CHRISTIANITY how 'the word AION/EON/AEON means age-during and NOT eternal' (sometimes, singular-age/aeon vs plural-ages/aeons too ACCURATELY AS IT IS WRITTEN):
(i) It doesn't matter what your translation says sir.
Here's how as St. Irenaeous of Lyons (the REAL authority on Koine Greek) explains:
Page 115 (from 'Lost Orthodoxy' Book):
1.) Aeons - Are Aeons distinguishable from each other?
Whilst discussing a heresy of the gnostics, St. Irenaeous mentions the following:
"And besides; "the eternal [Aeonian, Age-during] fire which the Father has prepared for the devil and his angels," -they ought to show of which of those Aeons that are above it is the image; for it, too, is reckoned part of the creation." (St. Irenaeous of Lyons, 'Against Heresies', Book II, Chapter VII - Created Things are Not the Images of Those Aeons Who are Within the Pleroma, Point 3)
Please note carefully that Irenaeous is quoting the Verse in Matthew 25:41 where the same Greek singular-word "Aeon" (or Eon or 'age') occurs ---> and puts the burden of the argument that the Gnostics ought to show 'which of those Aeons that are above it is the image' ---> proving that the 'Aeonion fire or age-during fire' is for a particular "age" only, namely AGE2 in our write ups.
The heresy Irenaeous is discussing in this passage relates to some Gnostics' claim that an 'Aeon or Age' is an 'Image of some creation''.
Thus in relation to the 'Punishment Aeon' described in Matthew 25:41, St. Irenaeous is obviously ridiculing these Gnostics by asking them 'which Image of Creation' corresponds to being 'fiery' like that future Aeon or Punishment Age (AGE2)?
Since NO such 'creation (or image) in fire exists' as per 'their hypothesis that each Aeon corresponds to a creation', hence the Gnostic's claim that an Aeon has a creation-mirror is a 'false statement' (implied by Irenaeous' argument above).
By usage itself it is clear that St. Irenaeous looks at the next Aeon (singular - AGE2) referred to in Matthew 25:41 as distinguishable and is part of a subset of Aeons (plural) ---> and that's why he asks 'which creation (past of present, implied) corresponds to the next Aeon, AGE2?' (Implied) ---> Meaning that Irenaeous does NOT see the 'next age, AGE2' as 'eternal' but as a 'singular age/aeon only' out of the larger set of 'plural ages/aeons' into which it belongs.
(ii) Do your scholars know how to read apostle Paul?
I'm not asking that question but St. Irenaeous himself (below) as 'he explains' too thereafter a 'correct reading of apostle Paul'.
Page 141 (from 'Lost Orthodoxy' Book):
Irenaeous Clearly implies the AEON2 and NOT forever.
"... know NOT how to read [apostle] Paul. ... And he [apostle Paul] says, "the unbelievers of THIS AGE, [AEON, AGE1]," because they shall NOT INHERIT the FUTURE AGE [AEON, AGE2] of Incorruption ... So therefore, in such passages, the hyperbaton must be exhibited by the reading, and the apostle's meaning following on, preserved; and thus we do NOT read in that passage, "the god of THIS AGE, [AEON, AGE1]," but, "God," whom we do truly call God; and we hear [it declared of] the UNBELIEVING and the BLINDED of THIS AGE, [AEON, AGE1], that they shall NOT INHERIT the AGE [AEON, AGE2] of life which is TO COME [next AGE, next AEON, Future - AGE2]." (Irenaeous, 'Against Heresies', Book 3, Chapter VII, Point 1 & Point 2)
Please note that Irenaeos basically 'repeats himself twice' in the above that the 'unbelieving' of THIS CURRENT AGE, AEON1 ---> shall NOT inherit 'life' & 'incorruption' in the NEXT AGE, AEON2 and that there is also at least AEON3 (based on Ephesians 2:7) proving that the next AEON2 is NOT eternal as explained by Irenaeous' own writing too (in the previous post below - under the Topics, 'Aeons of the Aeons – ages of Ages – St. Irenaeous of Lyons on the Eternal Age Heresy' and 'All Things – Aeons – Salvation of All – Secrets from St. Irenaeous of Lyons' - for example):
(iii) Did St. Irenaeous understand 'Zoe Aionion' (age-during life) in Matthew 25:46 to mean 'eternal life'?
No. Please consider the following:
To Quote (from Page 125 in the 'Lost Orthodoxy' Book):
" Besides those, however, among these heretics who are Simonians, and of whom we have already spoken, a multitude of Gnostics have sprung up, and have been manifested like mushrooms growing out of the ground.
I now proceed to describe the principal opinions held by them. Some of them, then, set forth a certain Aeon who never grows old, and exists in a virgin spirit: him they style Barbelos.
They declare that somewhere or other there exists a certain father who cannot be named, and that he was desirous to reveal himself to this Barbelos. Then this Ennoea went forward, stood before his face, and demanded from him Prognosis (prescience).
But when Prognosis had, [as was requested, ] come forth, these two asked for Aphtharsia (incorruption), which also came forth, and after that Zoe Aionios (ageduring life).
Barbelos, glorying in these, and contemplating their greatness, and in conception [thus formed], rejoicing in this greatness, generated light similar to it. ... "
(St. Irenaeous, 'Against Heresies', Book I, Chapter XXIX:1)
I repeat the above, please note the following 'heresy, carefully':
"... heretics ... multitude of Gnostics ... Some of them, then, set forth a certain Aeon who
never grows old... these two asked for Aphtharsia (incorruption), which also came forth, and after that Zoe Aionios (age-during life) ... " (St. Irenaeous, 'Against Heresies', Book I, Chapter XXIX:1)
Can you see it?
Firstly, please note that 'Zoe Aionios' is a similar phrase to 'age-during life' (popularly
translated as 'eternal life' in Matthew 25:46).
Irenaeous is contending that the 'Gnostic heretics' are the one who were popularizing the 'new idea' that there is a 'certain Aeon' or 'certain Age' ----> 'which never grows old' (i.e. is 'eternal').
Notice that the 'Aeon which never grows old' ----> is said to have been equivalent to have
attained 'Aphtharsia (incorruption)' which is IMMORTALITY (as this word is different and is
found in 1 Corinthians 15) ----> meaning so clearly that there is NO such thing as an 'eternal age' but that 'each age has both a beginning and end' (being time periods, implied).
Yes, the Gnostic heretics are the ones who introduced the concept of an 'eternal age' which 'never grows old' as they say, it has attained 'Aphtharsia (incorruption or immortality)'.
The rest is their 'story telling' with 'fabled beings representing these ages or aeons'.
Are you going to tell me that your 'Oxford PhD guys are right and Irenaeous is wrong?'
I will believe the apostolic Authority of Doctrine (St. Irenaeous of Lyons) over your 'secular pagan writing based PhD scholars who claim against his writings'.
(iv) Is Age-during life and Immortality ("eternal life") different?
Yes. Here's how St. Irenaeous of Lyons understood "Immortality or Everlasting Life" correctly according to Holy Scripture (we shouldn't understand it differently):
To quote (from page 43 of 'Lost Orthodoxy' Book):
- b) Immortality
What is Immortality or living Forever in the Context of Scripture according to Irenaeous?
NO Eternal Life is Granted in One Aeon or One Age – The Eternal Age Heresy –
Understanding Immortality Correctly.
Body and Soul do NOT exist forever but are subject to God granting its existence from ‘age to age’ or ‘aeon to aeon’, that is from ‘one aeon to the next’:
” … But ALL THINGS which proceed from Him, WHATSOEVER have been MADE, and are made, do indeed receive their own beginning of generation, and on this account are INFERIOR to Him who formed them, inasmuch as they are not unbegotten.
Nevertheless THEY ENDURE, and EXTEND their EXISTENCE into a LONG SERIES of AGES in accordance with the WILL of GOD their Creator; so that He GRANTS them that they should be thus formed at the beginning, and that they should so exist afterwards.”
(St. Irenaeous of Lyons, ‘Against Heresies’, Book II, Chapter XXXIV.-Souls Can Be Recognised in the Separate State, and are
Immortal Although They Once Had a Beginning, Point 2)
I repeat, please note these phrases ‘carefully’ from Irenaeous’ own words (NOT mine) which
proves this claim Irrefutably for ‘Sound Doctrine’:
ALL THINGS which proceed from Him, WHATSOEVER have been MADE —> are INFERIOR to Him who formed them —> THEY ENDURE, and EXTEND their EXISTENCE —> into a LONG SERIES of AGES —-> [Ages or Aeons – Can you see the Plural ‘ages to come’ or ‘aeons to come’ theory true even for ‘future ages’ as per Ephesians 2:7) —-> in accordance with the WILL of GOD their Creator, so that He GRANTS them.
Can you see how FIRST CHRISTIANITY understood 'age-during life vs Immortality' BIBLICALLY?
Best is, our Most Blessed Savior, Lord Jesus Christ endorses St. Irenaeous and 'NOT the Oxford Translation even' ("sorry") ---> to be Correct in regards to the Meaning of that same Koine Greek Word in concern in each of these related Verses (be it Noun or Adjective), namely the Root Word AGE/AION/EON/AEON in Verse below:
"Whoever speaks a word against the Son of Man, it shall be forgiven him; but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it shall not be forgiven him, either in this age [AEON1] or in the age to come [AEON 2]." - Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 12:32, NASB)
I repeat, the 'next Age/Aeon' (AEON2) CANNOT be eternal as "AGE3 or AEON3 exists" proving 'irrefutably' that "AGE2 or AEON2 must END to make way for AEON3, implying that the NEXT AEON2 cannot be eternal" as apostle Paul confirms it in Verse below Beautifully:
"so that in the ages to come He might show the surpassing riches of His grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus." - apostle Paul (Ephesians 2:7, NASB)
I repeat for Emphasis:
"so that in the AGES to COME [AEON2, AEON3, ...] He might show the surpassing riches of His grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus." - apostle Paul (Ephesians 2:7, NASB)
Please don't remain deceived by the 'opinions of men be it from Oxford or ancient Pagan non-Christian type itself' as opposed to ours by Christ Himself, apostle Paul & St. Irenaeous from FIRST CHRISTIANITY.
Peace to you
P/S: Age-During Power
Doesn't the Phrase "age-during Power" or "age-during Glory" limit God's Glory to the age only and thus AEON must mean forever?
This is a COMMON FALLACY in THEOLOGY arising from the Fact of NOT understanding that God ALONE has Absolute IMMORTALITY (1 Timothy 6:16) and hence to each 'created thing', it can have at MOST 'an age-during might/existence first' (as Irenaeous explained earlier that can be 'continued to the next AEON or AGE as God Wills') which is the TRUE meaning of 'age-during might/glory' as 'God only endows age to age endurance/glory to those created things which reflects back to Him'.
Isn't Holy Scripture ACCURATE?
To quote (from Book 'Lost Orthodoxy'):
(i) Page 53 from Book 'Lost Orthodoxy'
Please note that the Greek Word for 'Immortality or Incorruptibility' (e.g. in 1 Corinthians 15) as it is found in quote above too has NEVER been used to describe the duration of any 'afterlife Judgment' in the Bible and is NOT from the Greek Word "Aion or Eon" proving further distinction on the 'fine details' (in case you didn't realize this well known fact).
What is the "[age-during, and NOT eternal] good things of God" which is mentioned in the above?
It refers to the Coming First Resurrection to live in this Renewed Old Earth under this present Old Heavens (Revelation 20:4 - 6) during His Millennial Reign for 1000 years. This Reign is NOT eternal and the good things from this OLD earth is NOT eternal since at the end of this age (after the 1000 years are up), the Great White Throne of Judgment takes place next (Revelation 20:11 - 15) and thereafter a NEW heaven and a NEW earth with NO sea too will be made for us to dwell (Revelation 21:1).
Holy Scripture itself proves the existence of 'non eternal but age-during good things which last to the end of this current age only in the OLD earth & OLD heavens' (2 Corinthians 4:18) because that's the 'first reward' we receive upon the 'Resurrection of the Just' during the 1000 year Millennial Reign of Christ. Even St. Iraneous explained this distinction in 'against Heresies' that the 'General Resurrection' (Chapter 35, Daniel 12:2, John 5:28 - 29) is 1000 years later than this 'First Resurrection' (called the 'times of the kingdom', Chapter 34, Revelation 20:4 - 6) proving distinction though he did not go into much details for the 'General Resurrection'.
(ii) Page 126 from Book 'Lost Orthodoxy'
The Bible Teaches that ONLY God has 'Deathless-ness' (athanasian) being Immortal and that His Power to sustain the rest of things is to the 'age (aeon) only' so that 'NONE of the current things will last eternally' (can you see the real meaning and purpose of His 'age-during Power'?) as these 'former things' will eventually pass away (and NOT last forever, Isaiah 65:17, Revelation 21:4):
"Who [God] only is having Immortality [Athanasian], dwelling in light unapproachable, whom no one of men did see, nor is able to see, to whom is honour and might age [aeon]-during! Amen." - apostle Paul (1 Timothy 6:16, YLT)
Yes, God's Power or Honour is 'highlighted' (NOT limited) to the 'age (aeon)' in Holy Scripture because these 'created things' are to last to 'that particular age (aeon) only' - an incredible accuracy in Inspired Writing pointing to this Truth. In like manner, God of Israel does NOT mean that He is the God for Israel only but is highlighted thus for 'His Specific Purposes toward them' (Romans 3:29).
For example, God's Power is highlighted as 'His age-during Power' (in 1 Timothy 6:16), because it refers to the current 'created things' lasting only 'till the end of this age only' after which the 'fire will consume it' (2 Peter 3:7 - 10) and a New Heavens and a New Earth will be Made thereafter (2 Peter 3:13).
P/S 2: Prophecy - All Created things? Really?
Example Verse:
"For our citizenship is in heaven, from which also we eagerly wait for a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ; Who will transform the body of our humble state into conformity with the Body of His Glory, by the EXERTION of the POWER that He has even to SUBJECT ALL THINGS to HIMSELF." - apostle Paul (Philippians 3:20 - 21, NASB)
Please note 'carefully' this "Prophecy" embedded in the quoted Verse:
Subject ---> "All things" ---> "All [Created] things" (1 Corinthians 15:27, Colossians 1:16) ----> to 'Himself' too ---> eventually (1 Corinthians 15:24 - 28, Colossians 1:20).
Can you see it?
Is it Done yet?
Not yet (Hebrews 2:8) and God does NOT Fail (as 'Prophetically' mentioned toward the 'Completion of His Work' in John 17:1 - 5).
For an example of a Contextual Explanation of John 17:1 - 5, please consider Page 110 from the 'Lost Orthodoxy' Book (next, quoted below):
Also, 'It is Finished' in Revelation 21:6 points to the 'thirsty ones' being able to drink from the Water of Life (which hasn't occurred yet, it is literal & and 'eternal drinking', Revelation 22:17) and is NOT referring to the 'internal spiritual drink' which believers or His Bride drinks (John 7:38) as to taste the powers of the age to come now (Hebrews 6:5) where His Bride or Overcomers inherit 'All [Created] things' (Revelation 21:7, Ephesians 1:22) which is in parallel to the 'wicked' having their 'part in the Lake of Fire simultaneously' (Revelation 21:8) ---> where again, NONE of these Prophetic statement are done yet.
We find another similar phrase where Christ says that 'His Work is Finished or Done/Accomplished' (in John 17:4) which is Written in the Context of 'age-during life' (John 17:3) being given to ALL FLESH eventually (John 17:2) thereafter which Christ Prophetically echoes to Return to His Full Glory again (John 17:1, 5) which He 'let go' of Earlier (Philippians 2:6 - 7) Humbling Himself for Love's Sake to Save the World (1 John 4:14) ---> which is NOT Done yet for all as ALL FLESH is NOT Resurrected in a Body yet (So, this Statement again is Prophetic in assuring that Christ Will Accomplish ALL the Work of God).
The Verses above are in 'Context' in regards to the Meaning 'It is Finished or It is Done' (linking these together, John 19:30, Revelation 21:6, John 17:4 - Prophetically).
Yes, in the Context of Universal Reconciliation and Salvation too, the Infamous Prophecy of ALL [Created] THINGS to be Reconciled back to Him eventually (Colossians 1:16, 20 or 1 Corinthians 15:24 - 28) is NOT Done yet either (as Hebrews 2:8 clearly Reveals) with NOTHING being left Un-subject to Him (meaning that there is NO Eternal Hell where evil can exist eternally - can you see it?) ---> when that Happens (being FULFILLED - Matthew 5:17 - 18) in its OWN DIVINE TIMES APPOINTED for this 'as it is Written' (Ephesians 1:9 - 10, Acts 3:21, 1 Timothy 2:6) Proving again that these Verses are Prophetic.
Hence, Judgment is Real and though Salvation is a Free Gift of God, some only attain it after [afterlife] Judgment in the Lake of Fire (for the Wicked) first [as my post regarding this aspect titled 'Final Afterlife Judgment - Plato & Justin Martyr' reveals some 'hidden things in parallel between Early Christianity and the Greek Stories] ----> and 'our obedience toward God plays a role toward our reward or inheritance level in His Kingdom of the Heavens' (as Matthew 5:19 implies in the Context of being 'least vs greatest' there).
P/S 3: Book Lost Orthodoxy?
(i) Book with Covers
(ii) Book with NO Covers
This short Write Up explores the Possibility of the Greater Hope of Universal Reconciliation focusing on the NON-Christian aspect in regards to well known and reliable Visions of Heaven & Hell by both Emmanuel Swedenborg and Sadhu Sundar Singh in agreement to the Ancient Shepherd of Hermas Text too.
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Heart -Judgment of Hearts -Hope for NON Christians
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