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But isn’t might a maybe only? No because Christ knows No Failure

But isn’t might a maybe only? No because Christ knows No Failure

(i) An Example Verse:

(ii) An Example of Meaning:

Why did Lord Jesus Christ come in Flesh (“Manifested”)?

To ‘Destroy’ ALL Works of the Devil eventually.

Blessed Saviour of the World!

(iii) A reasonable question:

Might in this context doesn’t mean “maybe” right?

(iv) A Reply:

‘Christ is the Champion of champions simply because He knows NO failure; All other champions have failed and fallen short of the Glory of God in various ways’ – Anonymous

Whenever Scripture (or translations) apply ‘might’ to ‘Christ’, it’s always a ‘definite fulfilment’ (with “no” maybe’s). It’s a certainty in time. A delay is possible but “no” thwarting of His Purpose in any way can remain ‘forever’.

(v) Explanation

The “might” is added in English; just like the Scriptures “might” be fulfilled (Matthew 26:56)

There is “no” maybe when it is done by Christ. Christ never fails to fulfil all God’s Will.

When the person acting on God’s Will is a human being (contrasted to the above scenario), it “might” (maybe) be fulfilled since man can fail in fulfilling the Will of God.

In 1 John 3:8, the One Acting to Destroy the Works of the Devil is Lord Jesus Christ Himself, and thus there is “no” Failure.
So the “Might” or maybe depends on Who is called to fulfil it and in this case, it’s our Blessed Saviour and He never Fails meaning that it will Come to pass eventually agreeing with Universal Reconciliation in Christ as other Scriptures are consistent with it (e.g. Ephesians 1:8 – 10, Colossians 1:20, 1 Corinthians 15:24 – 28)

Please consider the image below:

The other thing is that the Greek Word simply means “destroy” and not necessarily “might destroy” and thus other translations do “not” have the word might when that Greek Word (shown in image above) is translated for example as in the case of NIV and NASB too.

“The one who does what is sinful is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s work.” (1 John 3:8, NIV)

“the one who practices sin is of the devil; for the devil has sinned from the beginning. The Son of God appeared for this purpose, to destroy the works of the devil.” (1 John 3:8, NASB)

So, the word “might” by “itself” does NOT appear in the Greek but only the word “Destroy” in lexigraphical terms (dictionary – definition – lexicon). Some scholars add the word “might” because in their scholarly “opinion”, they think it is so due to the nature of the destroy word in Greek while other scholars such as the NASB and NIV ones disagree.

For me, whether the word might is there or not by “scholarly analysis”, it will be Fulfilled just like Scripture “might” be fulfilled is “certain” simply because the One Acting to Fulfilling it is NOT man, but God Himself in Christ, our Blessed Saviour of the World! The explanation is similar for John 3:17 too where the word “might” is ‘added’ by scholars likewise and means similarly too. Thus Christ saving the Whole World is definite as John 3:17 testifies.

(vi) Further Explanation

“I know that You (God) can do all things, And that no purpose of Yours can be thwarted.” (Job 42:2, NASB)
What delay? His Longsuffering or Patience which leads eventually to ‘Salvation’:

“and regard the patience of our Lord as salvation; just as also our beloved brother Paul, according to the wisdom given him, wrote to you,” (2 Peter 3:15, NASB)

When will it be fulfilled? In His ‘Kairois’ (plural) – Divine Appointed Times – for His Ransom to be a ‘Testimony’ or become ‘testified’ (applied to become true, for ALL).

“Who (Lord Jesus Christ) did give Himself a ransom for all — the testimony in its own times (kairois) –” (1 Timothy 2:6, YLT)

‘The Proof of all this is His Blood; It is written in Red, In His Sinless Blood and thus He knows No Failure’ – Anonymous

Please note that the Universal Reconciliation of all things is by His Blood (please note the word ‘Blood’ in Colossians 1:20).

Also, the definition of ‘all things’ (context) is ‘all created things’ as described in ‘Colossians 1:16’ prior first and this is the Greatest Secret about the Mystery of Christ as Colossians 1:26 does refer to this Unfathomable aspect too (please also correlate with 1 John 2:2, John 1:29 and 1 John 4:14 to debunk the ‘limited atonement misunderstanding’).

“’Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you Great and Mighty things, which you do NOT know.’” – God in (Jeremiah 33:3, NASB)

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