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No Fear, No Punishment

Consider this beautiful verse:

There is no fear in love.

But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment.

The one who fears is not made perfect in love.” (1 John 4:18)

Eternal hell involves fear (horrific fear, in fact).

Universal Reconciliation is the doctrine of Perfect Love because in the end, 100% of all are saved (the meaning of “perfect” and “love”).

So, based on these simple facts and the verse mentioned above, it is easy to see that:

(i) Those who believe in eternal hell are actually being “punished” with “fear” (of eternal hell itself) since the verse above clearly mentions that “fear has to do with punishment” and have “not” been made “perfect in love” (literally).

(ii) Those who believe in Universal Reconciliation have “no fear” but rather have experienced the “perfect love” of Christ which as “driven out all fear” till there is “no fear” which remains in us after we believe this Truth, agreeing with what is written in the verse above (literally too).

Your “choice” of “belief” determines whether you’re “punished with fear” or “made perfect in love”.

That’s all literally.

No twisting, interpreting etc.

Just a literal explanation.


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