Reading Hearts: The Greatest Indicator
God’s Condition on “who will find Him” (or to whom will He reveal Himself, i.e. “be found” to that person)?
“You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.” (Jeremiah 29:13)
Note carefully this ‘secret’: The one who seeks with —> “all” —-> of his/her heart
God doesn’t make any mistakes in “revealing Himself” to such ones only.
Here’s one way of putting it:
‘I vowed to search for Him and in my journey I became ‘lost’ instead; eventually, when He met me I realized that it was ‘not’ I who found Him but He who searched and found me instead’ as the verse says:
“For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.” – Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 19:10)
That’s why God’s Heart alone is “Perfect”.
*For I was ‘lost’ not Him (thus ‘I needed to be searched out for’ and ‘be saved’).
‘Blessed Saviour of the World’