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Sheep ONLY?




The Quote in Image is a “Popular False Teaching”.






Wrong logic in quote in Picture.

The Verse which states that He lays down His Life for His Sheep means that but does NOT mean for ‘His Sheep ONLY’ as the word ‘ONLY” does NOT exist in such Verses (please don’t “add” the word “only” in your interpretation as that word does NOT exist in the Original Koine Greek of the Verses you quote itself. Please prove to me otherwise by quoting such a Verse, thank you).


Such Verses depict a “Special” highlight toward “His Sheep” as “believers” are “more special” but God Saves ALL MEN and NOT believers only as the Prophetic Conclusion in 1 Timothy 4:10 clearly reveals irrefutably agreeing to 1 Timothy 2:4-KJV and that’s why we “give thanks” for behalf of “all men” (as it is exhorted in 1 Timothy 2:1), knowing this Truth Prophetically.


He also died for the Whole World (1 John 2:2).


NO Verse says that His Ransom does NOT apply to the goats (1 Timothy 2:6).


Sheep are Saved without Judgment (John 5:24) and the rest Via His Mercy which Triumphs and ends any afterlife Judgment Sentence which may have to be endured first (James 2:13).





The Greek Word “ONLY” exists in 1 John 2:2 and NOT in ‘any of their claimed Verses’. Can you see it?


“and He Himself is the propitiation for our sins; and not for ours only, but also for those of the whole world.” – apostle John (1 John 2:2, NASB)


Please note the SIMPLE meaning of these PHRASES as follows:


“our sins” = ‘Sheepfold1’s sins’ = ‘His Church’s sins’




“not for ours only” = ‘not for Sheepfold1’s sins only’ = ‘not for His Church’s sins only’


“but also for those of the whole world” = ‘all creation in the World too’ (Mark 16:15)

Where His Healing Word of the Gospel will apply to ALL CREATION too eventually (Mark 16:15) till ALL CREATION is BORN AGAIN (implied in Romans 8:22) for them too to share in the aspect of being SINLESS, i.e. being ‘set free from the corruption of sin & its effects, decay, vanity’ —> sharing in the ‘Glorious Liberty of the Children of God’ in this area (Romans 8:20 – 21) where the ‘believers are more special inheriting more as the sons of God’ (Romans 8:19).

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