Simple Faith or Doubts?
‘He (Lord Jesus Christ) descended into Hell’ – Apostles Creed (3rd Century)
“For to this end the gospel was proclaimed even to the dead, so that they might be judged indeed according to men in the flesh, but they might live in the spirit according to God.” (1 Peter 4:6, Berean Literal Bible)
Here’s a ‘simple answer’:
The “dead” in 1 Peter 4:6 is the ‘same dead’ (those who are dead & not whilst they are living nor spiritually dead referred to here) as mentioned in 1 Peter 4:5 (the verse before) agreeing to context perfectly.
“who will give account to Him who is ready to judge the living and the dead.” (1 Peter 4:5, Berean Literal Bible)
*There are NO words such are “are” or “now” in the ‘Original Greek Text’ which some translators introduce (to fit their bias of understanding) when they translate 1 Peter 4:6 giving rise to modified phrases such as ‘are dead’ or ‘now dead’. You can check it out for yourselves to see if it’s true (an image of an interlinnear is attached in the comments below too proving this fact).
Many translations also ‘miss’ the actual word word found in Greek which is “and (even, also)” and “to this (end, for, reason)” which signifies that ‘this is a different Gospel preaching’ (to the dead) which is contrasted against the ‘usual Gospel preaching to the ones living on earth’. Please ponder this ‘deeply’ (meditate with this Scripture, Original Interlinear or an accurate translation) to ‘realize this too’. Some translations translate either one of these two words only (why? ask them).
Links discussing FAQ regarding this, please consider:
Thank you for reading, Peace to you!