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Last Words

Our Lord’s Last Words Spoken to The Fallen Apostle

Judas did this after he ‘realized’ that he had betrayed Christ the Lord and that His Innocent Blood will be shed thereafter due to the betrayal too.


Yes, he was an apostle because he was ‘numbered’ alongside the other apostles as well. To quote:

‘The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke state that Jesus sent out “the twelve” (including Judas) with power over unclean spirits and with a ministry of preaching and healing: Judas clearly played an active part in this apostolic ministry alongside the other eleven.’ (Matthew 10:5-10; Mark 6:6; and Luke 9:1)

Why did he betray Him?
Satan entered into him:

Then Satan entered Judas, called Iscariot, one of the Twelve.” (Luke 22:3)

Post betrayal, Satan must have injected some thoughts similar to this: ‘if you have any honour left in you, go and kill yourself for betraying Him is the worst thing an apostle can do… punish yourself… you have to take your own life because He doesn’t want to punish you for it…’

A Great Truth Judas has Missed Understanding it:

Lord Jesus Christ called Judas a ‘Devil’ (referring to that Satan will enter Judas) prior to betrayal but during the betrayal, our Blessed Saviour also called Judas ‘His friend’:

Immediately Judas went to Jesus and said, “Hail, Rabbi!” and kissed Him. And Jesus said to him, “Friend, do what you have come for.” Then they came and laid hands on Jesus and seized Him.” (Matthew 26:49 – 50)

The Lord still decides who remains ‘His friend or not’ regardless of betrayal even if Satan succeeded in playing a role of destruction in it…

“If only Judas understood…the word … “friend”.., which the Lord uttered to him during betrayal…”

*Calling Judas ‘His friend’ might also be the ‘last words’ Judas heard directly from the Mouth of the Blessed One itself… ‘

I wonder what actually happened thereafter in the spirit world…


The Greatest Love was to be ‘demonstrated’ thereafter by ‘Him alone’:

Greater Love has no one than this, that one lay down His life for His friends.” – Lord Jesus Christ (John 15:13)

**If Judas understood… The Answer stood before him at his ‘worst sin’… and called him a ——> “friend”.



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