The secret to Loving God
What we say, write and do all the time reflects the things which we love the most.
As an example:
1. A person who always talks, writes and plays soccer loves it the most.
2. A person who always talks, writes and listens to rap music obviously loves it the most.
3. A person who always talks, writes and listens to financial prosperity truly loves money the most.
4. A person who always talks, writes and does ministry at a church sincerely loves his church the most.
5. A person who always talks, writes and does charitable works clearly loves his good works the most.
6. A person who always talks, writes and does great deeds for the development of his own race distinctly loves his own race the most.
7. A person who always talks, writes and does great deeds for his country without doubt loves his country the most.
8. A person who always talks, writes and does good things towards his own family unambiguously loves his family the most.
9. A person who always talks, writes and does greater deeds for his spouse definitely loves his spouse the most.
10. A person who always talks, writes and does deeds towards others regardless of their race, creed, belief, blood-relation, friendship and everything else sincerely Loves God the most because it is written (literally):
“If any one may say — ‘I love God,’ and his brother he may hate, a liar he is; for he who is not loving his brother whom he hath seen, God — whom he hath not seen — how is he able to love?” (1 John 4:20)