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Us, All Men, Creation and the Will of God


Here’s a brief comment regarding ‘how we view Holy Scripture’ with regards to these aspects under the correct Predestination view of the Holy Will of God:

For example, Romans 8 and 9 speak heavily regarding predestination (Romans 8:30) and how believers are Saved & led by His Spirit.

God’s elect (believers) often referred to as “us” in Scripture are Saved. The “us” believer verses speak about “us” & the rewards which are ‘specifically’ for “us” due to believing in Him first.

Those who don’t believe are condemned already and will come under Judgment & Hell fire accordingly into the “age to come” (literally, the “age-during punishment” in Matthew 25:46).

However, beyond That future age God saves due to His Will and Mercy as the “all men” verses reveals this. God can Save at any time within these ages as well as He Wills because we can set no limits to His Saving Power.

The “all men” verses in no way contradicts the “us” or “believers” verses but rather speak of “time” periods into which all of God’s Will is to be fulfilled.

Just like in Romans 8, apostle Paul points out the ‘delieverance’ of ‘all creation’ from the ‘serving of corruption (sin)’ into the “Glorious liberty of the children of God ( E.g. us, believers, elect)” One Day too by “His Will” (A Universalistic Promise which is not to be ignored either, verses below):

“For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it, in hope

that the creation itself also will be set free from its slavery to corruption into the freedom of the glory of the children of God.” (Romans 8;20 – 21)

Note that the verses above are ‘speaking generally’ regarding ‘all creation’ and ‘its will’ (free will even into ‘futility’) vs “God’s Will” (Who ‘subjected it to Hope’) to be “delivered” (being ‘saved’ by ‘His Will’) proving “generally” that God’s Will will overcome any creation’s free will setting it free into the “liberty as Children of God again”.

The ‘temporal futility of creation’s free will’ causing it to serve ‘corruption (of sin)’ causing it to be ‘bondaged to sin’ is “not” absolute & Will be overcome by God’s Will.

For example, the famous ‘Christ’s intend of gathering Jerusalem as a hen under its wings’ but Jerusalem being “not” willing is an example of “creation’s free will subjected to futility instead of God’s Will”. It is “temporal” according to the ‘general outworking of creation’s free will vs God’s Will’ as revealed in Romans 8:20 – 21 & creation will be “freed” from this “corruption” (all corruption) of sin by His Will to the “Glorious liberty of the children of God” as promised in whatever future “times” it takes.

The fact that the ‘finished’ work on His Cross (“it is finished”) but it takes different “times” (plural, Greek ‘kairois’, Divine moments) appointed for ‘Salvation’ to be “a testimony” (or ‘come to pass into reality’) may be seen in the verse below proving ‘not’ all are ‘saved’ at the same time before we die:

“Who did give Himself a ransom for all — the testimony in its own times –” (1 Timothy 2:6)

If interested, more detail write ups & a free downloadable book may be found at explaining many more aspects regarding this hope beginning with literal translation & explanation of Holy Scripture. Thank you for reading. Peace to you

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