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Who is Orthodox?

St Athanasius of Alexandria was declared by history as the “Father of Orthodoxy” (he didn’t call himself a (spiritual) “father”, at least not that I know of).

A Nice quote from him:

“‘The glory of the Father is that the human race not only was created but was re-created when lost.’”~ St Athanasius

*Alexandria at that time still defended the True doctrine of “Christ centered Universalism” (in modern terms) at its core.

To quote too:

“While the devil thought to kill One [Christ], he is deprived of all those cast out of hades, and he [the devil] sitting by the gates, sees all fettered beings led forth by the courage of the Saviour.”–Athanasius, the Great Father of Orthodoxy

Compare with (note the “consistency & similarity” in doctrine):

“Our Lord descends, and was shut up in the eternal (“age-during”) bars, in order that He might set free all who had been shut up… The Lord descended to the place of punishment and torment, in which was the rich man, in order to liberate the prisoners.” –Jerome

“In the liberation of all no one remains a captive! At the time of the Lord’s passion the devil alone was injured by losing all the of the captives he was keeping.” –Didymus, 370 AD

“While the devil imagined that he got a hold of Christ, he really lost all of those he was keeping.” –St. Chrysostom, 398 AD

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