Another one of His Command: Church Order
And their rebellious insubmissive pride goes against this verse too (in today’s churches):
Again, His command:
“I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet.” (1 Timothy 2:12)
What is one going to say?
(1) That this verse only applies to churches which evangelist Timothy visited? That’s how absurd their analogous infamous 1 Corinthians 14:34-twisting is.
(2) The Greek words here refer to “man” and “woman” not ‘husband & wife’.
That is, there are different words in Greek for “husband & wife” versus “man & woman”.
I think you get the point (no adding/removing from the meanings written).
(3) Questioning His rules are ‘not’ welcome. Obeying is.
Refute them speechless even before they can formulate a “no verse” man-made “opinion” (reject it).
Hence, I quit their churches which do ‘not’ obey His Word.