Appendix: A friendly disagreement with a Top Academic Journal
1) JonR – Chiliasm Prophecy – 1 Thessalonians 4:17 (“Rapture” Verse) and 1 Corinthians 15:52 (“Twinkling of an…
1) JonR – Chiliasm Prophecy – 1 Thessalonians 4:17 (“Rapture” Verse) and 1 Corinthians 15:52 (“Twinkling of an…
Update (18 Sep 2024): Original New Research Chiliasm Prophecy 1 Thes. 4-17 and 1 Cor. 15-52 Separated by…
Jewish Believers are not same as Gentile Believers in NT Laws and neither is Male vs Female by…
Possibility not Doctrine – Does Christ Words in Matthew 19 point to Elect vs Non Elect Salvation by…
Christian Missiology Why Japan was Evangelized so Late and so Little? Didn’t God Love Japan? Proof of…
My #ORCID link: #Biography. (What if the “Non Elect Salvation Possibility” writing does NOT get published in…
Beyond all this, I appreciate your humbleness SIR because you were willing to read it despite being in a top theological position in a world No.1 type ranking university and even reply. May God repay you in His Kingdom even just for humility alone (Sorry if I have to reveal this conversation to promote the reading of the writing itself hehehe). I am aware that my writing touches a sensitive topic which may not be suitable for wide publication as it may offend some readers.
This topic of non elect salvation possibility fascinates me because it relates to the spirit world and learning about God’s eternal judgments. I am not afraid to write something which can turn out as false as long as I treat it academically and present it with evidence from first Christianity till now which could explain it.
Slide 26 in Miscellaneous Powerpoint. Which religion is “Suborno IsaacBari”? This upcoming child Math prodigy gives a “confusing”answer…
Chiliasm Prophecy aspect are discussed here which seems to differ from popular positions today. Big names are quoted including St. Justin of Rome (St. Justin Martyr), St. Irenaeus of Lyons, Tertullian, St. Methodius of Olympus, St. Ambrose of Milan and St. Victorinus for this possibility consideration (not doctrine since no one can be sure 100% till it comes to pass).