All about the Anonymous Christians and its author Jonathan Ramachandran

Jonathan Ramachandran is founder at which serves as a Christian Blog discussing the Greater Hope of Biblical Christianity in Christ Alone. He does not believe in any form of Unitarianism but strictly adheres to Lord Jesus Christ as the only Way, only Truth and only Life by which we hope and pray that most Men may eventually be Saved by His Mercy (if God Wills it). This is due to latest research as of year 2022 – 2024 with both Church Father quotes and early Christian writings such as the Shepherd of Hermas* (The Pastor) which seem to echo Non-Elect Salvation Possibility as shown in Powerpoint Slides below & in last page of book titled #LastBook for free pdfs for latest research/books on this topic and more:

1) Paid Purchase for those who wish to buy the book to support my living (for new book titled “First Christianity: Chiliasm Prophecy Model and Non Elect Salvation Possibility” (CPM and NESP, released 17 December 2024):

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Sample Discussion:

#CPMNESPBook [Pages 186 – 190]; CHILIASM & FIRST CHRISTIANITY –  Slide 1 –  It seems very safe to be a Christian of some mainstream denomination despite errors – why? Because Tertullian’s quote below applies “Baptism by Fire” Salvation to those of “weak/pretended faith” too. That’s why I point the differences but I don’t say any mainstream Christianity is headed to Eternal Hell.

Tertullian clearly distinguishes that no Christian is baptized in Fire if his faith is real and only a person with pretended or weak faith gets baptized in Fire unto Judgment (which clearly links to his purgatorial quotes in hell shown next revealing Spirit World Judgment Context since a true and stable faith is already baptized in water unto salvation  here on earth and so no further judgment is needed in the “Spirit World”, right?):

“John himself professes that the celestial things are not his, but Christ’s, by saying, He who is from the earth speaks concerning the earth; He who comes from the realms above is above all; and again, by saying that he baptized in repentance only, but that One would shortly come who would baptize in the Spirit and fire; — of course because true and stable faith is baptized with water, unto salvation; pretended and weak faith is baptized with fire, unto judgment.”

Tertullian. On Baptism. Chapter 10.                    

Contrary to some common Pentecostal opinions that baptism by fire refers to the gift of “speaking in tongues”, Tertullian does not equate so here. In fact, Tertullian clearly distinguishes that the right faith is baptized only with water and Holy Spirit while the weak and pretended (wrong) faith only in comparison, is baptized with fire, unto judgment. We also know that Tertullian views this Judgment by Fire as some type of Purgatory due to his other quotes such as this:

My interpolation here is that those who get baptized in fire and are saved after any Spirit World judgment is possibly Non Elect Salvation since I don’t think Christ would marry a Bride who has a weak or pretended faith and the Gospel’s “good ground” harvest already specified that a minimum of thirtyfold level of faith is needed. Also, doesn’t ‘pretended’ itself equals having ‘no faith’? Hence this case could refer to even possibly non-Christians as well then to have a chance at this Baptism by Fire and be saved after Hell as Tertullian applies it to such weak or pretended faith Christian ones next [implied]):  

“before God the Judge (for in this light do we read of him, in another passage, as the accuser of the brethren, Revelation 12:10 or saints, where reference is made to the actual practice of legal prosecution); and lest this Judge deliver you over to the angel who is to execute the sentence, and he commit you to the prison of hell, out of which there will be no dismissal until the smallest even of your delinquencies be paid off in the period before the resurrection. What can be a more fitting sense than this? What a truer interpretation?” Tertullian. A Treatise on the Soul. Chapter 35.

Tertullian (c. 155 AD – c. 240 AD) is a Chiliasm Church Father who is honoured as the Father of Latin Christianity and is regarded as the Founder of Western Theological Scholarship for his immense writing and influence toward the Christianity in the Western world.

#CoachJonathanRamachandran #AnonymousChristian #ChiliasmProphecyModel #CPM #NonElectSalvationPossibility #NESP #Book released 17 December 2024 with #Irenaeus of #Lyons #Justin of #Rome #JustinMartyr and #Tertullian #Catholic #Protestant #Orthodox #Lutheran #Methodist #Anglican #Pentecostal #Denominations .

#CPMNESPBook [Pages 172 – 176]; CHILIASM & FIRST CHRISTIANITY –  Slide 2 –  A Major Church Father St. Gregory Nazianzus seems to point that the Context of Baptism by Fire refers to Non Elect Salvation Possibility (NESP) linking Matthew 3:11 – 12 to 1 Corinthians 3:15 here.

As a sample, I will show another quote from St. Gregory Nazianzus which shows that he seems to view some “saved by fire” (non-elect salvation for sinners who are chastised and cleansed) while “others perish in that same unquenchable fire” (the damned) which reads as follows regarding God’s Fire,

“For I know a cleansing fire which Christ came to send upon the earth, and He Himself is analogically called a Fire. … I know also a fire which is not cleansing, but avenging; either that fire of Sodom which He pours down on all sinners, mingled with brimstone and storms, or that which is prepared for the Devil and his Angels or that which proceeds from the face of the Lord, and shall burn up his enemies round about; and one even more fearful still than these, the unquenchable fire which is ranged with the worm that dieth not but is eternal for the wicked. For all these belong to the destroying power; though some may prefer even in this place to take a more merciful view of this fire, worthily of Him That chastises”. [St. Gregory Nazianzus. Oration 40. Chapter 36.]

Who was he? St. Gregory Nazianzus (c. 329 AD – c. 390 AD) was the second great Greek Doctor of the Church in order of time who is also known as Gregory the Theologian or Gregory Nazianzen. He was the archbishop of Constantinople, a theologian, Great Hierarch, Cappadocian Father, Ecumenical Teacher and is an approved Church Father in the first Lutheran Fathers’ Book of Concord who is also venerated in the Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox Church, Oriental Orthodoxy, Anglican Communion and the Lutheran Church.

Recall that St. Gregory’s famous quote pointing to the context of 1 Corinthians 3:15’s “saved by fire” case is not for Christians but novation heretics who are not following Christ’s way but their own way which is why I see it as a Non Elect Salvation “possibility” below. In order to not misquote St. Gregory’s meaning about what he meant about “judgment” context here, his other quote here seem to point to either universalism or more accurately, some type of Non Elect Salvation possibility. St. Gregory writes,

“Let these men then if they will, follow our way, which is Christ’s way; but if they will not, let them go their own. Perhaps in it they will be baptized with Fire, in that last Baptism which is more painful and longer, which devours wood like grass, 1 Corinthians 3:12-19 and consumes the stubble of every evil.” [St. Gregory Nazianzus, Oration 39, Chapter XIX, Oration on the Holy Lights,]

The above is probably St. Gregory’s Non Elect Salvation quote here simply because he is quoting the context of 1 Corinthians 3’s part which includes this saved by fire context and he is mentioning that fire as last Baptism where these Novation heretics (who follow their own way and not Christ’s way) still get this chance to be baptized with Fire and saved by fire as this is intrinsically implied in the quoted Bible verses below:

“If anyone’s work is burned, he will suffer loss; but he himself will be saved, yet so as through fire” (1 Corinthians 3:15, NKJV)

“I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance, but He who is coming after me is mightier than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. 12His winnowing fan is in His hand, and He will thoroughly clean out His threshing floor, and gather His wheat into the barn; but He will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire.” (Matthew 3:11 – 12, NKJV)

Book Description

This Book offers new insights to old ideas. Chiliasm Prophecy Model is resurrected from the writings of three principal legendary Church Fathers of the Christian faith: St. Irenaeus of Lyons, St. Justin of Rome (Justin Martyr) and Tertullian. New theological discoveries by the author are presented throughout the book: For example, did you know that the famous “Rapture” verse (1 Thessalonians 4:17) and the “change in twinkling of any eye” oracle (1 Corinthians 15:50 – 52) could be referring two different events which are separated by 1000 years? Sometimes the writing takes a dialogue form where the author states the questions with which he wrestles with whenever he quotes old Christian works providing insightful academic comments as well in the process. Every ancient writing quoted has never been condemned by classical Christianity and so it’s a must read for Protestants, Catholics and Orthodox alike (while some of these writings has been considered canonical Scripture by considerable parts of Christendom). A serious implication of the Chiliast prophecy “possibility” regarding the new “Non Elect Salvation” concept invented by the author is presented in light of this Model. Mysterious quotes from other Church Fathers and some renown Christians are presented together with interpretation and interpolations of difficult Bible verses to support it. This Book is not fully doctrine since we cannot be sure 100% regarding the prophecy part and rather attempts to do an honest excursion rather than a ‘Mr. Know it all’ type of attitude.

This book studies an entirely new concept which is non elect salvation. I invented the academic term “Non Elect Salvation” to denote this possibility. The idea is that there is a salvation outside of the Christian Salvation (which is the well known Elect Salvation) and it differs in the time which it occurs (second resurrection), the final abode (final new earth), the judgment it endures (saved by fire, purified, sanctified) and even the type of bodily resurrection (terrestrial) which entails it. The recipients of this salvation could include both fallen Christians as well as non-Christians. A structure of proof is presented based on the fundamental notion of “no prophecy is of any private interpretation” (2 Peter 1:20) where the Chiliasm Church Fathers St. Justin of Rome (Justin Martyr) and St. Irenaeus of Lyons are primarily consulted followed by Tertullian, St. Methodius of Olympus and St. Victorinus of Pettau too. Where there is difference in their writings, I prefer to stick to St. Justin and St. Irenaeus for accuracy because they are earlier and boast of a closer relationship to the lineage of the Blessed apostles themselves. A key point to note is the challenge to the popular modern view that 1 Corinthians 15:50 – 52 refers to rapture but these Chiliasm fathers seem to point to 1000 years in human body first before a change into no more flesh and blood (or angelic) at the end of the Millennial Reign and other aspects are presented to match it. This is my original research and I have not seen any other scholar viewing 1 Thessalonians 4:17 and 1 Corinthians 15:52 as two different prophecies as I learnt it from these quotes. Apart from that, I study other aspects of Chiliasm Prophecy to build a rigorous Model so that it can be considered a possibility of truth.

The book has brand new theological interpolations not found in any other book. For example, the claim of 1 Thessalonians 4:17 and 1 Corinthians 15:52 is separated by 1000 years, Baptism by Fire perspective as Spirit World Judgment with a Chiliasm touch, Post-Mortem salvation ideas different from universalism and even discusses whether Matthew 19 can be seen as a two-fold response revealing Non-Elect Salvation vs Elect Salvation. Please read the conclusion of the book to understand the “new” discoveries proposed as possibilities (too much to list here individually for the “my interpolations” part).

1)     JonR – Did St. Irenaeus of Lyons Possibly Teach Non Elect Salvation for Some (in MS WORD) – 1 October 2024

Alternate file:  JonR – Did St. Irenaeus of Lyons Possibly Teach Non Elect Salvation for Some (in PDF) – 1 October 2024

2) JonR – Chiliasm Prophecy – 1 Thessalonians 4:17 (“Rapture” Verse) and 1 Corinthians 15:52 (“Twinkling of an Eye Change” Verse) is Separated by 1000 years. (Original: 18 Sep 2024; NEW update: 21 Sep 2024)

*Link for Ms Word download:

*Link for PDF download:

3) JonR – Non Elect Salvation Possibility (8 August 2024; NEW update: 21 Sep 2024)

*Link for Ms Word download:

*Link for PDF download:

Yet again, another journal wrote this (on 21 September 2024):

Your manuscript was received in the editorial offices of The Journal of XXX on 09/18/2024. Unfortunately, we cannot proceed with review of your manuscript for the reason(s) listed below. Please be sure to adequately address all of the issues listed if you wish to return your manuscript. The length of this article far exceeds the permitted length: Submissions cannot exceed 40 pages. Submissions cannot have a table of contents. Submissions should not have a bibliography but rather only footnotes. References should be more than internet sources. The author’s own exposition on the biblical texts should be longer than the quotes.” As it is, the file submitted does not qualify as a submission.”

My Reply (slightly modified):

“All the man made rules for your journal does not reflect any academic nor knowledge based reason for rejection but rather just reflect administrative reasons. For example, if I were to comment on a Bible Verse/Church Father Writing, it does not mean my number of words being longer than the quoted Bible Verses/Church Father Writing means more accurate truth since I may be just highlighting a particular key aspect but yet need to quote it all so a reader can see the context and judge whether my shorter comment makes sense or is logically consistent or not even if they disagree (that’s all an editor should do, i.e. check consistency).

If an editor disagrees with a meaning, say when a Church Father writing is against the editor’s opinion which exists too (like I presented even possible Scripture level Shepherd of Hermas and so nothing “scholarly about his opinion either as another scholar would agree with the Shepherd of Hermas quote”) so an academic journal should print it to show that these variety of thoughts exist but let God decide which was more accurate on that Day.

Doing anything more is playing God which is okay if the journal or editor turns out right but is say the Non Elect Salvation quotes of the Shepherd of Hermas turns out right, then they could be cast into Hell because it is said to be Scripture Level including by St. Irenaeus of Lyons and Tertullian, both Chiliasm Church Fathers.

Interestingly, for example, in the Non Elect Salvation submission pages 27 – 28, Tertullian himself had trouble with the Non Elect Salvation quotes of the Shepherd of Hermas (which proves this part is preserved authentically according to even Tertullian himself who is disagreeing or having trouble with its meaning) but yet please observe carefully Tertullian’s wise and scholarly reply (no wonder Tertullian is the Father of Latin Christianity and Founder of Western Theological Scholarship) since he writes as follows,

“But I would yield my ground to you, if the scripture of the Shepherd, which is the only one which favours adulterers, had deserved to find a place in the Divine canon; if it had not been habitually judged by every council of Churches (even of your own) among apocryphal and false (writings); … I, however, imbibe the Scriptures of that Shepherd who cannot be broken.”

Basically, Tertullian in his discussion here (with Bishop of Rome, Pope Callixtus I at that time) is saying he has problem because the Shepherd of Hermas since it gives some type of Non Elect Salvation to “adulterers” (implied) and that’s a reason for his hesitance that it has been included in the Divine Canon (e.g. Muratorian/Roman Canon which are first oldest known Bible Canon, etc.) but yet he says that he will “imbibe” (absorb) it since it is “Scripture which cannot be broken”.

Ah, that’s how we are supposed to do proper academic reporting and commenting honestly based on evidence like this regardless if we agree to the Shepherd of Hermas or not like how Tertullian did and that’s exactly the methodology I followed. So I guess Tertullian himself or the other Church Fathers I quoted may not be published in your journal if their original writings were submitted since sometimes the Bible Verses they quote is longer than their commentary for that part etc. breaking your administrative rules.

Wow, your journal must have apostles and prophets greater than Chiliasm Church Fathers themselves, is it? If not, then let’s humble ourselves and present the evidence as it is for we cannot be judged for presenting truth honestly (like Tertulian did here) and if the Shepherd of Hermas say turned out to be not Scripture, we have nothing to lose since God also can clearly see that this is the “preserved evidence” that we have.

The worst reason given is should not contain Internet sources. I agree if the Internet source is somebody’s opinion. However, please notice that all Internet sources which I quoted for content part is Church Fathers writing where for example my hardcopy for St. Irenaeus of Lyons’ Against Heresies reads the same either way.

This means every single Chiliasm Church Father writing I quoted exists in hardcopy and has more value in its content than any journal publishing in the whole world (because they’re written by true Christians in those early centuries from lineage of the Apostles themselves).

If any writing was tampered with in history is beyond my ability to know so that doesn’t count but all that matters for honesty is I only quoted from available scholarly translations of the Church Fathers and not write in some personal man made opinions of unbelievers, pagans and not Spirit filled Christians that your journal publishes probably most of the time.

Anyway, my part is done and let God Decide on Judgment Day whether what I sent in is accurate or nor. Since I cannot determine this part either, I don’t feel any motivation to do anything further apart from just trying so that God doesn’t judge me for hoarding it.

When a journal rejects it and if their theological interpretations for these Verses quoted becomes right, they are justified but if mine was right, then they will be judged for not giving it a fair publishing right beyond silly man made rules for not judging it by its content value only as I just demonstrated. Shalom.”

P/S: By the way, in my recent PDF (Book) on “Non Elect Salvation Possibility” and “Chiliasm Prophecy 1 Thessalonians 4:17 and 1 Corinthians 15:52 separated by 1000 years” in the Appendix, when I called a particular journal as publishing “not Spirit Led Christians, unbelievers and pagans”, please don’t be offended since it was a “secular Modern Religion” type which includes “New Age stuff etc.” and please don’t misread me as I never use such word on a Christian journal “generally”.

P/S: This is Slide 30 in #MiscellaneousPPT – Earthly versus Heavenly Ranking – What did CHRIST teach? Most important element for University Ranking (example recent link: ) should be “number of new and significant discoveries” and not opinions of student satisfaction or employment hire because these can be influenced by “nepotism”.

For example, in Theology, “most accurate prophecy + doctrines” affect “eternal ranking and heavenly glory” (Matthew 5:19) beyond “number of conversions with errors” (Daniel 12:3) which only God can determine who is more accurate but knowing this should help us be more careful where for me, I try to match it with Christians before me by providing say “Chiliasm Church Father” quotes.

Earthly discoveries no matter how great say in Math or Technology doesn’t affect anything in eternity so are not of any eternal value unless it is used to do “Charity Doctrine” say via money earned and only then it converts to “treasure in heaven” for Christians as Christ Taught for “Perfection” in Matthew 19:21 and Luke 12:33.

Please remember that following Christ must include Charity Doctrine too by “relative measure” since he told this to a “rich” man (so how much is by human free will and heart, Luke 12:34) as MOST BLESSED LORD JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF TAUGHT both as follows:

“Jesus said to him, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me.” … 33Sell what you have and give alms; provide yourselves money bags which do not grow old, a treasure in the heavens that does not fail, where no thief approaches nor moth destroys. 34For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Matthew 19:21, Luke 12:33 – 34, NKJV)

By the way, in my recent PDF (Book) on “Non Elect Salvation Possibility” and “Chiliasm Prophecy 1 Thessalonians 4:17 and 1 Corinthians 15:52 separated by 1000 years” in the Appendix, when I called a particular journal as publishing “not Spirit Led Christians, unbelievers and pagans”, please don’t be offended since it was a “secular Modern Religion” type which includes “New Age stuff etc.” and please don’t misread me as I never use such word on a Christian journal “generally”.

1) JonR – Chiliasm Prophecy – 1 Thessalonians 4:17 (“Rapture” Verse) and 1 Corinthians 15:52 (“Twinkling of an Eye Change” Verse) is Separated by 1000 years. (Original: 18 Sep 2024; NEW update: 21 Sep 2024)

*Link for Ms Word download:

*Link for PDF download:

2) JonR – Non Elect Salvation Possibility (8 August 2024; NEW update: 21 Sep 2024)

*Link for Ms Word download:

*Link for PDF download:

Here’s another reply from a famous Professor of Theology who has been kind in his encouragements from the start (and I appreciate it) but I also present my reply thereafter for edification. I withhold the name and all that because I am disagreeing with common practice which is found in a lot of such journals and the idea needs to be discussed and it’s not about attacking anyone personally (let’s be matured enough to understand this as I welcome their feedback too to continue such discussion further if keen but even God allowed freewill so each can do any decision on earth here including praying to virgin Mary and be prosperous with money and even convert more people than anyone else even within Christianity itself with that error and  yet He won’t intervene till that Day, so we need to be careful of what we say and do):

Firstly, the Professor wrote:

“Thanks so much for the hard work you’ve done on this article. I do hope, as you indicated, that it was helpful for you. Unfortunately, it is not ready for publication in XXXXX. It is too long and not according to our published guidelines and lacks critical engagement with sources. You’ve provided lengthy quotations but we would expect to see interaction with those sources. Again, I do believe your work was not in vain if it was edifying for you. May God continue to bless the work of your hands.”

My Reply (slightly modified):

“Please allow me to illustrate why I chose this method: Interaction with source 1 (say Chiliasm Quote) and critically commenting on it would require source 2, 3 etc. some of which could be other Church Father’s writing against it (non-Chiliasm) or out of Church historical data (secular or pagan sources). The key point is neither sources 2, 3 etc. quoted against it could be true and in the end whatever is published in any such journals ends up doing only an opinion based discussion sometimes including non-Christian sources.

In contrast, the method I employed is simple which is quote only a line of agreeing Chiliasm sources for the topic at hand to prove that such a line of thought for certain Chiliasm aspects listed has been held by such Church Fathers.

In Mathematics, what I did can be called a check of logical consistency which is the basis of truth. Please notice that it doesn’t determine truth but presents candidates of truth based on arguments which do not self contradict. So if a critical view approach which is common to such modern theological understanding involves quoting opposite ideas and questioning the validity sources themselves while basing those claims on other historical sources (which they themselves cannot be proven but eventually just assumed since no one can do a time travel to see who is speaking the most accurate truth), the problem of logical inconsistency spirals within it but it gets published because it’s just a jumbled up marsh of opinions that’s filled with data of thesis and anti-thesis but gives an impression of considering both sides.

My point is that the method I employed is the only one done by “Chiliasm Church Fathers” (who are actual universally accepted as Spirit filled Christians generally by Protestants, Catholics and Orthodox). I mean no Church Father writing would either be published in any of such journals either because say when St. Irenaeus of Lyons or Tertullian quotes the Shepherd of Hermas as Scripture which contains Non Elect Salvation, they accept it as it is without doing any critical analysis of the source but downright reject say Marcion’s writings.

My style is similar to them and I added the interpolations to show logical consistency and thus present a candidate of truth which is “Non Elect Salvation Possibility” and “1 Thessalonians 4:17 and 1 Corinthians 15:52 as two separate events separated by 1000 years” which could include viewing “Two water of life events separated by 1000 years implying to different badges of the saved namely Elect vs Non Elect” and also matching Christ’s Reply in Matthew 19 to possibly present it in this light where each  of these aspects themselves could be “new discoveries for the interpolation part“* based on ancient renown and accepted sources to show non-contradicting logical consistency within it in order to present it as a candidate for “possibility of truth”. Maybe this is a new way which should be considered for theology which is already well adapted in Mathematical proof from the latter centuries onward, namely “rigour” instead of “critical” thought.

*Note: The claim which I say as “new discovery” is academic and that doesn’t mean my interpolations must be true (which only God can decide) but it can be a possibility of truth for consideration which stands unless someone can show with ATLA or any other journal databases, which are all recorded, that someone else wrote such interpolations based on Chiliasm Church Father quotes likewise of which I would be surprised if found since I did original work and did not plagiarize from anyone and a coincidence would be insightful not only because someone else thought of it similarly (for example both Newton and Leibnitz invented Calculus at the same time simultaneously without realizing each other’s work)  but also that it shows that such a work can be published in a journal too.

I know that I don’t have a PHD in any field but shouldn’t a man be judged by the content he is presenting than a title? For example in Math history again, Pierre de Fermat did so many new Mathematical discoveries in his lifetime but only had a bachelor’s degree in Law and was a lawyer all his life and did more for “new discoveries in Math” than most professors of math with PHD at that time.

I am not saying that my interpolation discoveries in Theology (if turned out true) are like Newton or Fermat in Math since a key difference is I learnt it say from the Shepherd of Hermas writing or possible Non Elect Salvation quotes from these Chiliasm Church Fathers who could be then like “Newton/Fermat of Theology”. All I did was to find and connect the dots for such a possibility which I present honestly with evidence.

If new, such a line of logic may be called “theological rigour” where a candidate for possibility of truth  is defended based on Bible Verses, Church Father quotes (especially Chiliasm ones to show that it’s not a private interpretation which is also an important ingredient for any theological consideration in order to avoid quoting heretics and pagan historical context which is an obvious flaw of modern critical way of thought which is unfortunately prevalent in journals too) and personal interpolations added and commented to show that it passes a test of logical consistency (i.e. especially without contradictions with Bible verses which could mean like that are presented with it) within the presented  eschatological or theological model to be a “possibility” of truth. It’s not truth itself since if we have a few candidates of possibilities of truth done this way,  then which is final can only be determined by God but He will see our honesty and what is done like this sounds more fair as academics in a Christian perspective.

Thank you for your time.”

Water/Tree of Life Bible Verses at start of 1000 years Millennial Reign for Christians in human sinless resurrection body (Elect Salvation) during First Resurrection but changed to no more human into angelic at end of this 1000 years when Marriage of Lamb is completed in Old Earth/Heavens.Water/Tree of Life Bible Verses at end of 1000 years Millennial Reign for non-Christians including fallen Christians in human sinless resurrection body (non-Elect Salvation) during the Second Resurrection in New Earth/Heavens (if this interpretation is true).
i) Christians partake of the Water of Life immediately after the final great tribulation and first resurrection on the old earth. “5Therefore they are before the throne of God, and serve Him day and night in His temple. And He who sits on the throne will dwell among them. 16They shall neither hunger anymore nor thirst anymore; the sun shall not strike them, nor any heat; 17for the Lamb who is in the midst of the throne will shepherd them and lead them to [c]living fountains of waters. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.” (Revelation 7:15 – 17, NKJV) ii) River of Life allegorical fulfilment during the Millennial reign includes usage by mere mortals and so cannot be referring to the final one. “12Along the bank of the river, on this side and that, will grow all kinds of trees used for food; their leaves will not wither, and their fruit will not fail. They will bear fruit every month, because their water flows from the sanctuary. Their fruit will be for food, and their leaves for medicine.” (Ezekiel 47:12, NKJV) iii) There is a literal sea with fishes in it when this allegorical fulfilment of the Water of Life happens during the millennium. “When it reaches the sea, its waters are healed. 9And it shall be that every living thing that moves, wherever [c]the rivers go, will live. There will be a very great multitude of fish, because these waters go there; for they will be healed, and everything will live wherever the river goes. 10It shall be that fishermen will stand by it from En Gedi to En Eglaim; they will be places for spreading their nets. Their fish will be of the same kinds as the fish of the Great Sea, exceedingly many. 11But its swamps and marshes will not be healed; they will be given over to salt.” (Ezekiel 47:8 – 11, NKJV) iv) A literal moon and sun still exists during the millennial reign of Christ. “Then the moon shall be confounded, and the sun ashamed, when the LORD of hosts shall reign in mount Zion, and in Jerusalem, and before his ancients gloriously.” (Isaiah 24:23, KJV) v) Sinners/Mortals exists during the millennium meaning it is still affected by sin and so it is before great white throne judgment day. “There shall be no more thence an infant of days, nor an old man that hath not filled his days: for the child shall die an hundred years old; but the sinner being an hundred years old shall be accursed. …” (Isaiah 65:20, KJV)
“4And in that day His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, which faces Jerusalem on the east. And the Mount of Olives shall be split in two, From east to west, Making a very large valley; Half of the mountain shall move toward the north And half of it toward the south. … 8And in that day it shall be That living waters shall flow from Jerusalem, Half of them toward [e]the eastern sea And half of them toward [f]the western sea; In both summer and winter it shall occur. 9And the Lord shall be King over all the earth. In that day it shall be— “The Lord is one,” And His name one. … 16And it shall come to pass that everyone who is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem shall go up from year to year to worship the King, the Lord of hosts, and to keep the Feast of Tabernacles. 17And it shall be that whichever of the families of the earth do not come up to Jerusalem to worship the King, the Lord of hosts, on them there will be no rain.” (Zechariah 14: 4, 8 – 9, 16 – 18, NKJV) vi) One last rebellion of mortals/sinners is at end of this 1000 years who are destroyed by heavenly fire (Revelation 20:7 – 10) and after that “Lake of Fire” Judgment Day begins. “7Now when the thousand years have expired, Satan will be released from his prison 8and will go out to deceive the nations which are in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle, whose number is as the sand of the sea. 9They went up on the breadth of the earth and surrounded the camp of the saints and the beloved city. And fire came down from God out of heaven and devoured them. 10The devil, who deceived them, was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where[b] the beast and the false prophet are. And they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.” (Revelation 20:7 – 10, NKJV)
i) The recipients of
for the Water of Life here are after book of life results are revealed and on the final new earth and heavens. “1Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. Also there was no more sea … 5Then He who sat on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.” And He said [b]to me, “Write, for these words are true and faithful.” 6And He said to me, “It[c] is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. I will give of the fountain of the water of life freely to him who thirsts. 7He who overcomes [d]shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he shall be My son. 8But the cowardly, [e]unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.” … 10And he carried me away in the Spirit to a great and high mountain, and showed me the [h]great city, the [i]holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God, … 22But I saw no temple in it, for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple. 23The city had no need of the sun or of the moon to shine [l]in it, for the [m]glory of God illuminated it. The Lamb is its light. 24And the nations [n]of those who are saved shall walk in its light, and the kings of the earth bring their glory and honor [o]into it. 25Its gates shall not be shut at all by day (there shall be no night there). 26And they shall bring the glory and the honor of the nations into [p]it.” (Revelation 21:1, 5 – 8, 10, 22 – 26, NKJV) ii) Even Christians (the “Bride”) seem to call to some “others” to partake of the “Water of Life” freely toward the “Thirsty” at that final time and via the “freewill” choice of “Whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely” and the “leaves of the Tree of Life” are used for final “healing” of “nations who are saved” (possibly due to being “saved by fire” of 1 Corinthians 3:15 case) while the rest are damned. “1And he showed me a [a]pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding from the throne of God and of the Lamb. 2In the middle of its street, and on either side of the river, was the tree of life, which bore twelve fruits, each tree yielding its fruit every month. The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. 3And there shall be no more curse, but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it, and His servants shall serve Him. … 17And the Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let him who hears say, “Come!” And let him who thirsts come. Whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely.” (Revelation 22:1 – 3, 17, NKJV) iii) Second resurrection only happens at the end of 1000 years Millennial Reign of Christ. No final judgment of any sinners or wicked occurs earlier since they need to be in their final resurrection bodies first. “4And I saw thrones, and they sat on them, and judgment was committed to them. Then I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their witness to Jesus and for the word of God, who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and had not received his mark on their foreheads or on their hands. And they lived and reigned with Christ for [a]a thousand years. 5But the rest of the dead did not live again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection. 6Blessed and holy is he who has part in the first resurrection. Over such the second death has no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with Him a thousand years.” (Revelation 20:4 – 6, NKJV)
Comparison details highlighted further. 
1) “… When it reaches the sea, its waters are healed …  very great multitude of fish, because these waters go there; …” (Ezekiel 47:8 – 9, NKJV) = Literal sea still existing on old earth.1) “… 1Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. Also there was no more sea ….” (Revelation 21:1, NKJV)  = The final new earth has no more sea.
2) “… 15Therefore they are before the throne of God, and serve Him day and night in His temple …” (Revelation 7:15, NKJV) = Temple  still existing in this Old Earth/Old Heavens.2) “… 22But I saw no temple in it, …” (Revelation 21:22, NKJV) = No temple in the final New Earth/New Heavens nor in the final new heavenly Jerusalem city.
3) “… and serve Him day and night in His temple. …” (Revelation 7:15, NKJV) = Night exists in this earthly Jerusalem city.3) “… 5There shall be no night there …” (Revelation 21:5, NKJV) = No night in the final new heavenly Jerusalem city.
4) “… Moon shall be confounded, and the sun ashamed …” (Isaiah 24:23, KJV) = Sun and moon still existing during the millennium.4) “… 23The city had no need of the sun or of the moon to shine …” (Revelation 21:23, NKJV)  = No sun nor moon in the final new heavenly Jerusalem city.
5) “… LORD of hosts shall reign in mount Zion, and in Jerusalem …” (Isaiah 24:23, KJV) = Heavenly mount Zion contrasted against earthly Jerusalem during the millennial reign.5) “… showed me the [h]great city, the [i]holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God, …” (Revelation 21:10, NKJV) = Final new Heavenly Jerusalem city context.
6) “… bank of the river, on this side and that, will grow all kinds of trees used for food …Their fruit will be for food, and their leaves for medicine …” (Ezekiel 47:12, NKJV) = Earthly Tree/Water of Life used by mortals of millennial reign (allegory, not the real one).6) “… The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. … And let him who thirsts come. Whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely. …” (Revelation 22:2, 17, NKJV) = Heavenly Tree/Water of Life only to be applied to final sinless resurrection body.
7) “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes I will give to eat from the tree of life, which is in the midst of the Paradise of God.” (Revelation 2:7, NKJV) = Only Christians (the “Churches/Overcomers”) can eat of the “fruit” of the Tree of Life probably because they have celestial heavenly body so can partake of it in the Paradise of God (heaven zone).7) “… nations of those who are saved … The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. …” (Revelation 21:24, 22:2, NKJV) = The saved nations seem to only be able to partake of the “leaves” (not fruit) of the Tree of Life for “healing” probably due to having only an earthly or terrestrial final resurrection body in comparison.
8) “14Blessed are those who [g]do His commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city. 15[h]But outside are dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie.16“I, Jesus, have sent My angel to testify to you these things in the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, the Bright and Morning Star.” (Revelation 22:14 – 16, NKJV) Notice that only those who do His Commandments get the right to go past the “gates” into the “city” referring to the final new Jerusalem (lowest heaven which descends and connects to the final earth in the final scene) while those outside can refer to sinners where some could be saved by fire and require the healing of the leaves of the tree of life.8)  “Then the LORD God said, “Behold, the man has become like one of Us, to know good and evil. And now, lest he put out his hand and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever”—” (Genesis 3:22, NKJV) Notice that the Tree of Life cannot be applied to any sinful human body but only to a final sinless resurrection body meaning those “saved nations” partaking the “leaves of the Tree of Life” for “healing” earlier cannot be referring to the Millennial reign timeline of “sinners/mortals” but those of the final scene after book of life results are revealed too and these could be “saved by fire” (1 Corinthians 3:15 with Daniel 12:10) and hence require “healing” post-Judgment to be “saved”.
9) “11For no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ. 12Now if anyone builds on this foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw, 13each one’s work will become clear; for the Day will declare it, because it will be revealed by fire; and the fire will test each one’s work, of what sort it is. 14If anyone’s work which he has built on it endures, he will receive a reward.” (1 Corinthians 3:11 – 14, NKJV) 1 Corinthians 3:14 reveals the case with reward so seems to match Revelation 22:14 here for those entering heaven.9) “15If anyone’s work is burned, he will suffer loss; but he himself will be saved, yet so as through fire.” (1 Corinthians 3:15, NKJV) 1 Corinthians 3:15 seems to be a case with no reward but just “saved by fire” in comparison so could be one of the sinners mentioned to be “outside” in Revelation 22:15 and require “healing” from “leaves” of Tree of Life as Revelation 22:2 means to be part of “nations who are saved” but do not enter heaven on that final earth (Revelation 21:24 – 27) and could not go pass its gates.
10) “… That living waters shall flow from Jerusalem, … 16And it shall come to pass that everyone who is left of all the nations …17And it shall be that whichever of the families of the earth do not come up to Jerusalem to worship the King, the Lord of hosts, on them there will be no rain …” (Zechariah 14: 8, 16, 17, NKJV) = Mortal (Sinners) exist on earth during Millennial reign “Water of Life” timeline and notice that the Lake of Fire Judgment has not happened yet (indicating which timeline). Notice that the mortals partake of the allegorical water of life while Christians partake of the real Water of Life during the millennium because only those of first resurrection (His Bride) are in sinless human resurrection body at that time.  10) “… I will give of the fountain of the water of life freely to him who thirsts. 7He who overcomes [d]shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he shall be My son. 8But the cowardly, [e]unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:1, 6 – 8, NKJV)  = Nor mortal nor sinners mentioned among the partakers of the actual Water/Tree of Life on the final new earth timeline when the Lake of Fire results have been revealed. Notice that the source of the Water/Tree of Life is Christ in Revelation 22:1 – 2 and that’s how probably a newly saved resurrected sinless human body can partake of His Resurrection and Life via that medium.
11) “11Now I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse. And He who sat on him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war. … 19And I saw the beast, the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against Him who sat on the horse and against His army. 20Then the beast was captured, and with him the false prophet who worked signs in his presence, by which he deceived those who received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped his image. These two were cast alive into the lake of fire burning with brimstone. 21And the rest were killed with the sword which proceeded from the mouth of Him who sat on the horse. And all the birds were filled with their flesh.” (Revelation 19:11, 19 – 21, NKJV) = Notice that the “Beast” (Last Antichrist) and “false prophet” are cast “alive” into the Lake of Fire after Christ’s Second Coming and immediately after this the 1000 years Millennial Reign of Christ begins with the First Resurrection as the next chapter in Revelation 20:1 – 6 shows.11) “1Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, having the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. 2He laid hold of the dragon, that serpent of old, who is the Devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years; 3and he cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal on him, so that he should deceive the nations no more till the thousand years were finished. But after these things he must be released for a little while.” (Revelation 20:1 – 3, NKJV) = Notice that during the “1000 years Millennial Reign of Christ, Satan is locked in the bottomless pit” meaning it cannot be now (as non-Chiliasm positions err allegorically) and this only happens after the Second Coming of Christ has occurred with only the “Beast” (Antichrist) and “False Prophet” cast into the Lake of Fire first. Yes, notice that Satan is not cast into the Lake of Fire during the 1000 years Millennium itself contradicts many modern positions which claim that Judgment Day occurs immediately after the Second Coming of Christ.
12) “11Then I saw a great white throne and Him who sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away. And there was found no place for them. 12And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before [c]God, and books were opened. And another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to their works, by the things which were written in the books. 13The sea gave up the dead who were in it, and Death and Hades delivered up the dead who were in them. And they were judged, each one according to his works. 14Then Death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second [d]death. 15And anyone not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire.” (Revelation 20:11 – 15, NKJV) = When compared with Verses in Revelation 20:1 – 6 and Revelation 20:7 – 10, we see clearly that great white throne Judgment Day only occurs at the end of this 1000 years Millennial Reign of Christ which is the Chiliasm Timeline Prophecy position.12) “7Now when the thousand years have expired, Satan will be released from his prison 8and will go out to deceive the nations which are in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle, whose number is as the sand of the sea. 9They went up on the breadth of the earth and surrounded the camp of the saints and the beloved city. And fire came down from God out of heaven and devoured them. 10The devil, who deceived them, was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where[b] the beast and the false prophet are. And they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.” = One last rebellion by Satan is allowed at the end of the 1000 years Millennial Reign of Christ but this time fire from heaven devours the enemies and Judgment Day follows next. Notice how the Bible clearly describes that Satan only joins the “Beast” (last Antichrist) and “false prophet” in the “Lake of Fire” during this end of 1000 years meaning both the ”Antichrist and false prophet” have been burning for 1000 years already.

i) Powerpoint Slide

ii) Last Book – Possibilities and Dangers of Doctrine

He believes in the Inerrant and Inspired Authority of the Bible as Infallible and also accepts the First Christianity Writings such as the Shepherd of Hermas and the Apocalypse of Peter as possibly Inspired and Authoritative Writings as endorsed by the Earliest known Christian Canon called the Muratorian Canon. In his past he studied Actuarial Science, worked as a Seismic Engineer, did a few years of Christian Ministry under paid employment before returning to his school days passion as a Math Olympiad Competition Coach freelancing in that and now a National Coach for the Math Olympiad National team.

Apart from that he does some Christian Music under the label Anonymous Christian in an album titled Saviour of the World.

He also writes a theological & mathematical blog where both write-ups are displayed together on the same website. In his free time he also teaches how to play guitar by ear and recently released his first secular song in September 2019 titled Lost Without You under his name Jonathan which is uploaded via the YouTube Channel called The Failed Guitarist.

Free Math solutions are also shared in these Facebook pages:

i. Free Math Olympiad Secondary Solutions by Jon

ii. Free Math Olympiad Primary Solutions by Jon

iii. Free School Maths Solutions by Jon

*A brief note about the “Shepherd of Hermas”

i) Question

Someone said that this verse is one of the hardest to understand “… And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams …” (Acts 2:17, KJV)

ii) My reply

This verse was literally it was used for Day of Pentecost on Acts 2:17.  It’s not really about the vision/dream/prophecy but which one is “real”? That’s why I show “Shepherd of Hermas possibility” since it’s the only No. 1 vision/prophecy that has been approved by so many early great Christians from the 2nd to 5th centuries before it went out of use as there was no internet those days so unless something was transmitted it may not be known but to date, no Church council nor any Church Father has ever condemned the Shepherd of Hermas. Even the earliest most authoritative Christians with the Holy Spirit from Tertullian to St. Athanasius the Great and including even the direct Disciple of those who were disciples of the Apostles such as St. Irenaeus of Lyons too have approved it and there’s no prayers to virgin Mary or equivalent in it meaning it could be well preserved as it is. Since no one can say anything for sure we can present evidence and God Will understand even if we got tricked (but what are the odds of that in light of all the evidences and big names presented including the earliest Bibles of Christianity e.g. muratorian Canon, codex claromontanus etc. All including it too?)

iii) Example Shepherd of Hermas approval quote summary

[From Page 904 onward of the #ChiliasmBook] or [From Page 61 onward of the #EternalHellAnnihilationUniversalismBook]

Example Shepherd of Hermas Approval Quote: Shepherd of Hermas which was considered Scripture-Level in First Christianity by even St. Irenaeous of Lyons (Hearer/Disciple of St. Polycarp an apostolic father being the direct disciple of Apostle St. John who wrote the Book of Revelation) , Tertullian (father of Latin Christianity), Pope Callixtus I (Head of the entire Roman Catholic Church in his time in First Christianity), St. Clement of Alexandria (head of the Cathecatical School of Alexandria) and even the First Bibles of Christianity (the Muratorian or Roman Canon in the West & the Codex Claromontanus Canon in the East) while Eusebius (father of Church History) and St. Athanasius the Great (father of orthodoxy & Champion of Trinity) approved of its use for catechumens.  Proof quotes and details in those pages (too much to list here).


I am not preaching “myself” in this website though my friend who helps build it puts more of my photos/songs/story etc. by God’s Grace which I appreciate. This is proven because I am quoting “earliest” Church Fathers and Christian authorities of doctrine from some of the holiest men to ever live for Christ. So it’s not me but their quotes proving that no personal opinions are carelessly added unless it has some “possibility” based on these First Christianity quotes presented in free pdfs/books. Can you “see” it?

Link for free pdfs/books below or research done between years 2022 to 2024 (“evidences”) on various topics which is important because we cannot love God “more” unless we know more accurately about Him as the First Christians did and “Sharing the Gospel” includes “accuracy” and NOT just “preaching about Christ” but also “Preaching what Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ taught and commanded too” (such as “Chiliasm” Prophecy aspect & “Charity Doctrine + Holiness” aspect as details listed out in latest research).

Important Note: Though sometimes I write in a way that may give the feel that “possibility” might just be true and refute the ideas against it, it does NOT necessarily mean I am “right” simply because I am well aware that I can be misinterpreting (but in light of these First Christianity quotes, I also could be right) and that’s why I present all this honestly as a “possibility” only either way and accept whichever God Reveals as Right One Day. Here are links for free pdf download for all these books (A hundred year old Christianity cannot tell you a 2000 year old story):

i) #DialoguesBook—LGorSMv/view?usp=share_link

ii) #BibleandChurchFathersQuoteBook

iii) #SafeRouteScripturallyBook

  1. iv) #EternalHellAnnihilationUniversalismBook

  1. v) #MysteryoftheKingdomofHeavenBook

  1. vi) #Edu4LifeBook

vii) #ChiliasmBook

viii) #DoctrineBook or #BookofDoctrine

viii) #MyCV15Oct2023

Even if saved, more accurate faith/doctrine shine like heavens which is greater than simply converting many into less accurate faith/doctrine as Daniel 12:3 Prophesied. In the end, ABILITY is more IMPORTANT than AVAILABILITY as ROMANS 10:2 already REVEALED GOD’s WILL in this that “KNOWLEDGE” (i.e. ABILITY in DOCTRINAL – ACCURACY) is more important than even “ZEAL for GOD” (i.e. AVAILABILITY or simply converting for God in their own way) according to these BIBLE VERSES as IT IS WRITTEN. In short, anything which affects eternity is vital.

“…  And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, SOME to EVERLASTING LIFE, SOME to SHAME and EVERLASTING CONTEMPT. Those who are WISE shall shine Like the BRIGHTNESS OF THE FIRMAMENT, And THOSE WHO TURN MANY to RIGHTEOUSNESS Like the STARS forever and ever. 4“But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase. …” (Daniel 12:2 – 4, NKJV)


“…  3And the WISE SHALL SHINE as the BRIGHTNESS OF THE FIRMAMENT, and SOME OF THE MANY RIGHTEOUS as the STARS FOR EVER and EVER. 4And thou, Daniel, close the words, and seal the book to the time of the end; until many are taught, and knowledge is increased. … 8And I heard, but I understood not: and I said, O Lord, what will be the end of these things? 9And he said, Go, Daniel: for the words are closed and sealed up to the time of the end. 10MANY MUST BE TESTED, and THOROUGHLY WHITENED, and TRIED WITH FIRE, and SANCTIFIED; but the transgressors shall transgress: and none of the transgressors shall understand; but the wise shall understand. …” (Daniel 12:3 – 4, 8 – 10, Brenton Septuagint Translation, based on the Septuagint or LXX)

“… 1Brethren, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for [a]Israel is that they may be saved2For I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge3For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and seeking to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted to the righteousness of God. 4For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes. …” (Romans 10:1 – 4, NKJV)

[From Page 346 onward of the #LastBook]; please see how St. Ireneaus quotes “Daniel 12:3’s context”:

“… but when it is read by the Christians, it is a treasure, hid indeed in a field, but brought to light by the cross of Christ, and explained, both enriching the understanding of men, and showing forth the wisdom of God and declaring His dispensations with regard to man, and forming the kingdom of Christ beforehand, and preaching by anticipation the inheritance of the holy Jerusalem, and proclaiming beforehand that the man who loves God shall arrive at such excellency as even to see God, and hear His word, and from the hearing of His discourse be glorified to such an extent, that others cannot behold the glory of his countenance, as was said by Daniel: Those who do understand, shall shine as the brightness of the firmament, and many of the righteous as the stars for ever and ever. Daniel 12:3 Thus, then, I have shown it to be, if any one read the Scriptures.  …” – Blessed St. Irenaeous of Lyons, a Hearer of Blessed St. Polycarp who is an Apostolic Father being the Disciple of Blessed St. John who wrote the Book of Revelation, Approved Church Father in the First Lutheran Father’s Book of Concord, Venerated in the Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox Church, Oriental Orthodoxy, Anglican Communion, Lutheran ChurchFirst Doctor of the Church in order of time, Father of Catholic Theology,  Chiliasm Church Father  (c. 130 AD – c. 202 AD,  ‘Against Heresies’, (Book 4(IV), Chapter 26), Point 1-partial)

Roman Catholic Source:

I believe that Prophets can have ZERO PROPHECY ERROR (Deuteronomy 18:19 – 22) and are subject to NEW TESTAMENT TRADITIONS (1 Corinthians 14:37 & 32) and if one already claim that a “PROPHECY” is ONE’s OWN ORACLE/Attempt even if WRONG, GOD ALLOWS it since HIS NAME is NOT quoted as “GOD TOLD me SO TYPES which risks ‘ETERNAL/Olam’ damnation if wrong same word in Daniel 12:2 ” (Jeremiah 23:37 – 40) as GOD HIMSELF explained in Jeremiah 23:36 so our way here leads NO one to hell even if wrong in prophecy aspect, can you see it?  Also, comparing with St. Irenaeus of Lyons and St. Justin of Rome (earliest Chiliasm Church Father’s quotes whom I find most accurate & if anyone finds an error with them, let’s discuss) I keep away from much modern Christianity whose “prophecy” aspect seems to differ much to be “safe” but am willing to do “Charity Doctrine” or other parts of ministry with them if they want too (freewill choice). Here are the Verses (not empty claims):

“… 36And the [k]ORACLE OF THE LORD YOU SHALL MENTION NO MORE. For EVERY MAN’S WORD WILL BE HIS ORACLE, for you have perverted the words of the living God, the Lord of hosts, our God. 37Thus you shall say to the prophet, ‘What has the Lord answered you?’ and, ‘What has the Lord spoken?’ 38But since you say, ‘The [l]oracle of the Lord!’ therefore thus says the Lord: ‘Because you say this word, “The oracle of the Lord!” and I have sent to you, saying, “Do not say, ‘The oracle of the Lord!’ ” 39therefore behold, I, even I, WILL UTTERLY FORGET YOU and FORSAKE YOU, and the city that I gave you and your fathers, and will cast you out of My presence. 40And I WILL BRING AN EVERLASTING (Olam) REPROACH UPON YOU, AND A PERPETUAL (Olam) SHAME, WHICH SHALL NOT BE FORGOTTEN.’ ” …” (Jeremiah 23:31 – 34, 36 – 40, NKJV)

“…  19And it shall be that whoever will not hear My words, which He speaks in My name, I will require it of him. 20But the prophet who presumes to speak a word in My name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or who speaks in the name of other gods, that prophet shall die.’ 21And if you say in your heart, ‘How shall we know the word which the Lord has not spoken?’— 22when a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the thing does not happen or come to pass, that is the thing which the Lord has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously; you shall not be afraid of him. …” (Deuteronomy 18:19 – 22, NKJV)

One of the biggest “Prophecy” question in Christian theology is who are the MANY (not few)  REJECTED by CHRIST from ENTERING HEAVEN SALVATION CONTEXT in the GREAT DENIAL of MATTHEW 7:13 – 24  based on LAWLESSNESS? (the scariest words “… I never knew you …” Matthew 7:23 which links Luke 6:46 below and Matthew 7:21 as same context as even Matthew 7:24 – 27 & Luke 6:46 – 49 are somewhat identical). Since “… no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation, …” (2 Peter 1:20, NKJV), this is about the earliest quote I know for this Verses and it seems to point to unbelief (compare that he is a CHILIASM Prophecy believer), others due to “not enough works of righteousness” (Charity Doctrine etc. as his other quotes prove too) and some Prosperity Gospel type of Christians (word “LUXURY” below) all of whom CANNOT receive the HOLY SPIRIT as St. Irenaeus himself (not me) reveals this, isn’t it? (Note: the ‘opposite of luxury’ is ‘Charity Doctrine’ when converted to “action aspect”, right?)

[From Page 493 onward of the #ChiliasmBook]

“… In like manner, too, those are unclean which have the double hoof but do not ruminate: this is plainly an indication of all heretics, and of those who do not meditate on the words of God, neither are adorned with works of righteousness; to whom also the Lord says, Why do you call Me Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say to you? Luke 6:46 For men of this stamp do indeed say that they believe in the Father and the Son, but they never meditate as they should upon the things of God, neither are they adorned with works of righteousness; but, as I have already observed, they have adopted the lives of swine and of dogs, giving themselves over to filthiness, to gluttony, and recklessness of all sorts. Justly, therefore, did the apostle call all such carnal and animal, — [all those, namely], who through their own UNBELIEF and LUXURY DO NOT RECEIVE the DIVINE SPIRIT, and in their various phases cast out from themselves the life-giving Word, and walk stupidly after their own lusts: …” – Blessed St. Irenaeous of Lyons, a Hearer of Blessed St. Polycarp who is an Apostolic Father being the Disciple of Blessed St. John who wrote the Book of Revelation, Approved Church Father in the First Lutheran Father’s Book of Concord, Venerated in the Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox Church, Oriental Orthodoxy, Anglican Communion, Lutheran Church, First Doctor of the Church in order of time, Father of Catholic Theology,  Chiliasm Church Father  (c. 130 AD – c. 202 AD,  ‘Against Heresies’, (Book 5(V), Chapter 8), Point 4)

Roman Catholic Source:

Say if this was a FALSE writing, and I got TRICKED. At least I can show the LORD all these EVIDENCE and then Ask for MERCY, right? If your denomination was wrong, what evidence/reason you are going to give? Can you see it? That’s what responsible preaching means. About number of converts, if you believe all Catholics & Orthodox can be wrong or damned despite all the converting many works etc. what’s so special about other protestant or Pentecostal for their errors either? So let God decide but we need to “choose wisely” or “PREACH with EVIDENCE to be HONEST and SAFE”, fair, right?

P/S: Sample Slide from Powerpoints

Slide 13 in Interesting Bible Stuff (IBS) Powerpoint – APOSTLES & PROPHETS have ZERO Prophecy error (Deuteronomy 18:22) and ‘claiming God told directly and WRONG has ETERNAL Shame/rejection (Jeremiah 23:37 – 40) while claiming OWN ORACLE/PROPHECY attempt is OKAY if WRONG (Jeremiah 23:36). Doctrinal Aspect (each page number stated is from free pdf #DoctrineBook e.g. R (180) is page 180 from

*Chiliasm Prophecy aspects (e.g. now is not 1000 years Millennial Reign of Christ, 1000 years resurrection in human body during first resurrection when Christ Returns & to be repaid before change into angelic at end of 1000 years with no more flesh and blood during Second Resurrection timelime as His Bride (Revelation 21:9) which could have non-elect salvation as nations saved but not enter final new heaven (Revelation 21:24 – 27) whom even the “Bride” (Church/Elect) calls to drink of “Water of Life” freely to those in human form on final new earth at that time (Revelation 21:6, Revelation 22:17, Isaiah 49:9 – 10) as Bride (Church) did during when it was “human form” earlier (e.g. Revelation 7:14 – 17) as no one can drink “water of life” unless in final “resurrected” human Form where “angelic or no more flesh and blood form” (1 Corinthians 15:52) and does NOT need water of life anymore since ONE FLESH WITH CHRIST GREAT MYSTERY (Ephesians 5:31 – 32) as “gods” (Psalm 82). None of reformers write this and some sketches in other fathers but ONLY EARLIEST CHILIASM CHURCH FATHERS DIRECT SPIRITUAL LINEAGE FROM APOSTLES OR ALMOST SCRIPTURE WRITINGS FROM THAT ERA SUCH AS SHEPHERD OF HERMAS OR BOOK OF 1ENOCH seem to echo some or all the above in their writings as I have shown in FREE PDFS & 3 Powerpoints with additional quotes not found in pdfs too Titled “REDEMPTION PPT”, “FOUNDERS PPT” and “IBS PPT”. Whether I am quoting “Chiliasm” Church Fathers rightly can be debated or discussed. Isn’t this how HONESTY is to be presented with PROOF? Shalom

Slide 20 in #MiscellaneousPPT – Are you really speaking in tongues the Acts 2 way? Via Founder of Pentecostalism: PARHAM

To quote:

“Charles Parham

The first to identify speaking in tongues as the initial biblical evidence of being baptized with the Spirit was American evangelist Charles Parham (1873-1929). This is incredible in itself: in 1900 years of Christianity no one had made this explicit connection. Parham’s student William J. Seymour (1870-1922) took this unique teaching to Los Angeles, where Seymour became the leader of the Asuza Street Revival (1906-1915), which was characterized by intense spiritual experiences.

Surprisingly, when Parham visited the Mission in October 1906, he reacted with disgust at “animal noises, trances, shaking, jabbering,” and so forth. In fact, Seymour himself disowned some of these phenomena, preferring to emphasize the fruit of love. Tragically, there began a series of power struggles and splits, which marred claims to the unity of the Spirit among Pentecostals from the earliest days of the movement. Parham founded a rival community only five blocks away from Seymour . . . (185)

Parham also denounced Seymour’s meetings because the ecstatic speech he heard was not human languages. According to Parham, speaking in tongues should correspond to what happened in Acts 2—believers miraculously speaking known human languages for the purpose of evangelization. (For an historical account of these events, see this book.)”


i) 185 – Anthony Thiselton’s scholarly book The Holy Spirit — In Biblical Teaching, through the Centuries, and Today was published to wide acclaim in 2013 and received a 2014 Christianity Today Book Award. This shorter volume makes Thiselton’s vast biblical-theological knowledge and brilliant insight more accessible to more readers.

ii) Book – William J. Seymour and the Origins of Global Pentecostalism: A Biography and Documentary History Paperback – August 11, 2014 by Gastón Espinosa (Author)

Note: Assemblies of God (AOG) to all other Pentecostal churches “speaking in tongues” came from this same “Seymour” via this same “Azusa Street Revival”.

My personal stance: Since even Pentecostal Founder Parham denounced any non-human language speaking in tongues as “human error or demonic”, how does it sound convincing? I am NOT taking this risk (NEVER will) and even if it turns out to be true (chances seem low since why would the HOLY SPIRIT use this man Parham and then use this same Parham to condemn non-human language speaking in tongues later?) I did NOT commit any blasphemy against His Spirit by ABSTAINING from things which cannot be verified. What if those claiming it as Holy Spirit but one day He says was NOT Him? Will He forgive?

Slide 21 in #MiscellaneousPPT – Non Elect Salvation Possibility vs Pentecostal non-human language speaking in tongues – Which is more RISKY?

[This part of text is available in free pdf below for text part details, thank you for reading]:

1) Some Pentecostals boycott me and say I’m a wolf or possessed or something all because of one reason: I reveal the PUBLISHED TRUTH about the HISTORY of MODERN PENTECOSTAL Speaking in TONGUES. I will come to your church to your biggest prophet and let’s see if he can cast out any demon out of me instead of speaking in the back, where I’m not there, fair?

2) LOGIC: If the FIRST SPEAKING In TONGUES in CHINESE claim incident by MS AGNES OZMAN via LAYING hands of CHARLES PARHAM is NOT TRUE, then NO “speaking in tongues” in entire MODERN PENTECOSTAL History (1900 onward) is true, right? Because how can the first one is wrong and then the rest GOD gave the true way since the “gift” is imparted by touch or prayer from person to person. Another problem: Parham (your own father of Pentecostalism through whom this first gift operated if true, not me) called NON-HUMAN LANGUAGE SPEAKING in TONGUES as HUMAN ERROR or DEMONIC (Slide 20 in #MiscellaneousPPT).

Since this happened in modern times, it’s well documented in newspapers etc. printed when PARHAM was alive, in fact this HANDWRITING EVIDENCE was GIVEN by MS AGNES OZMAN herself with PARHAM to be PUBLISHED in NEWSPAPERS including CHRISTIAN “Holiness” MOVEMENT ones which commented as follows (meaning they themselves claimed all this are true while these are printed while they were alive for many years and NEVER DENIED any of these “evidences”) so it’s NOT SLANDER but SCRUTINY DONE by US. Parham & Agnes confirmed it as per No. 1 Pentecostal history website too:

(reprinting old words by them).

3) Even if one speaking in tongues turned out to be true, our ABSTINENCE from it is BIBLICAL as NOT all speak in tongues (1 Corinthians 12:30 allows) and the MODERN one is RISKY. GOD Will understand our RESPECT for HIM by NOT participating in RISKY things and if our PENTECOSTAL FRIENDS’ claims of speaking in tongues turned out WRONG, WILL GOD FORGIVE especially since they QUOTED the HOLY SPIRIT all the time and BLASPHEMY or WORD against the HOLY SPIRIT is stated to be UNFORGIVEN (Matthew 12:30 – 32)? See the REAL DANGER?

4) So what if women pastors converted many in Pentecostal churches but still total protestants (including those who don’t agree with women pastors like Calvinism) is only about 40% while 60% is still praying to Virgin Mary type Catholic and Orthodox whose “non-pastor nuns” together with “their male priests only” did more conversion numbers and even higher when counted backward in history meaning that doesn’t prove it right.

5) The First Speaking in tongues was accompanied by this handwriting claiming to be CHINESE WRITTEN with INSPIRATION of HOLY SPIRIT by Ms AGNES OZMAN herself? (Image with Holiness type Christian Newspaper comment at that time) You decide for yourselves the RISK while NON ELECT SALVATION is a “POSSIBILITY” with NO quoting of UNFORGIVABLE Blasphemy against HOLY SPIRIT and is NOT DOCTRINE.

In short, you dare say this was the WRITING INSPIRED by HOLY SPIRIT in CHINESE when you stand in front of HIM One Day?

I Repeat: In short, you dare say this was the WRITING INSPIRED by HOLY SPIRIT in CHINESE when you stand in front of HIM One Day?

Slide 22 in #MiscellaneousPPT – What if a Person drops out of Bible School for Doctrinal Differences or is not a Pastor?

Please allow me to share the case of Sadhu Sundar Singh

1) India’s No. 1 Pentecostal leader of all time Dr. DGS Dhinakaran called Sundar Singh as “Great and acclaimed Saint of India” and claimed to see Sundar Singh in heaven (Non Elect Salvation Possibility [PDF], Page 38).

2) Sadhu Sundar Singh clearly believed in Non Elect Salvation Possibility as many top Eternal Hell believing theologians originally honestly reported his quotes who were “big names” at that time (Non Elect Salvation Possibility [PDF], Page 36 – 39).

3) Sundar Singh remained celibate and never married. Also one chief reason Sundar Singh dropped out of an Anglican Bible School is because they forbade “preaching without permission”. Something like “license” to preach under the “title pastor” and “what topics you can speak or not” (Proof shown in Wikipedia Image here since I didn’t include this part in pdfs earlier).

My #Biography. (What if the “Non Elect Salvation Possibility” writing does NOT get published in any journal? No problem and here’s a detailed explanation WHY (including my work explanations too) to understand WHY I do things this way).

Hi, I worked in multiple fields especially in Math Olympiad (other fields include engineering and management) but love preaching the Gospel most and also did some music compositions* by myself (I know I sound terrible, lol) as well as worked in some social work in paid and free capacities where I can. These days (sine 2016), I am just freelancing teaching Math Olympiad or any School Maths too.

For example: Personally I have represented Malaysia to the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO 2002) and failed there miserably with 1 mark (but both of the other 1 mark achievers in Malaysian Team who did not represent the country again either & did not have national top 3 ranking even but applied to the real University of Cambridge & got admitted (they worked hard later and excelled, kudos!) but I didn’t even know I could apply back then) after winning Second Place with “Full Marks” (equal to 1st place score but was judged that the first place winner wrote his subjective solutions in a better way for a 4 question 2 or 2.5 hours paper back then) in the Highest ‘Sulong’ Individual Category for the Malaysian National Math Olympiad (OMK, Olimpiad Matematik Kebangsaan) in 2002. Just a note: I think I would have dropped out of Cambridge if I would have gotten admitted for Math back then since I did not discover any new possibilities in it (looking back in retrospect).

I also got a Gold Medal and World Ranking No. 8 out of 1415 contestants in Sony’s Global Math Challenge in 2015. I have also gotten Bronze Achievement in the Malaysian National Physics Competition (in year 2000) and a Distinction in the Australian National Chemistry Quiz (Senior Division back in 2001).

Academically I have a Bsc. Actuarial Science (Hons) from UKM (2006), in SPM I scored 8 As & 2B’s (2000) and was a Bank Negara Malaysia’s Scholarship recipient to study at UKM (2003 to 2006). I have an Exam P (Probability) completed for the SOA (Society of Actuaries) paper (2005).

I am one of the official Math Olympiad Coaches for the Malaysian national Team and have also Coached Malaysia to a few Private Olympiads too apart from students into various Math Olympiads.

I also teach informal Guitar playing occasionally and study theology as well as go lake fishing if I find the time!

*My music compositions with link (as of 13 August 2024) can be found in the ending pages of this “Non Elect Salvation Possibility” pdf below:

Thank you so much for reading this!

P/S: I am not saying I must be right since only God can reveal after we die which “prophecy” interpretation is true. Even right now, varied interpretations exist so some churches are going to be right versus other churches but all seem to do PHDs that one day if wrong, has no value in heaven, worst still could have mislead many while taking big salaries? I am not accusing anyone (since we don’t know which is right yet) but am pointing to serious responsibility where in my case** I already present it with not just the earliest Chiliasm father’s quotes but also point that others could be right (meaning those who claim they’re 100% right or God told them only are viable for Judgment of taking His Name in Vain but those who claim “own oracle/prophecy” can be spared according to Jeremiah 23:36 – 40).

This paper studies an entirely new concept which is non elect salvation. I invented the academic term “Non Elect Salvation” to denote this possibility. The idea is that there is a salvation outside of the Christian Salvation (which is the well known Elect Salvation) and it differs in the time which it occurs (second resurrection), the final abode (final new earth), the judgment it endures (saved by fire, purified, sanctified) and even the type of bodily resurrection (terrestrial) which entails it. The recipients of this salvation could include both fallen Christians as well as non-Christians. A structure of proof is presented based on the fundamental notion of “no prophecy is of any private interpretation” (2 Peter 1:20) where the Chiliasm Church Fathers St. Justin of Rome (Justin Martyr) and St. Irenaeus of Lyons are primarily consulted followed by Tertullian, St. Methodius of Olympus and St. Victorinus of Pettau too. Where there is difference in their writings, I prefer to stick to St. Justin and St. Irenaeus for accuracy because they are earlier and boast of a closer relationship to the lineage of the Blessed apostles themselves. A key point to note is the challenge to the popular modern view that 1 Corinthians 15:50 – 52 refers to rapture but these Chiliasm fathers seem to point to 1000 years in human body first before a change into no more flesh and blood (or angelic) at the end of the Millennial Reign and other aspects are presented to match it.

Slightly Modified Paper for “Non Elect Salvation Possibility” (17 August 2024) free pdf Link:


We know that Apostles and Prophets have zero prophecy error according to say Deuteronomy 18:20 – 22 and that Jeremiah 23:36 allows prophecy error if one claimed it’s one’s own attempt (example in an academic PHD) but if one claims Prophecy from the LORD directly, an error merits some type of eternal condemnation/judgment as contrasted in Jeremiah 23:37 – 40.

1.0 Questions to Ponder

Most modern Christians today assume that both 1 Thessalonians 4:17 (“Rapture Verse”) and 1 Corinthians 15:52 (“Twinkling of an eye change”) refer to the same prophecy event. In this paper, I attempt to show that the earliest Church Fathers namely the Chiliasm Church Fathers seem to point to two different events separated by 1000 years.

The general idea is that after the final antichrist, Christ’s Second Coming occurs in all majesty during which time those Christians who are alive undergo post-tribulation rapture to be resurrected without actually dying the usual way which is the 1 Thessalonians 4:17 prophecy context to celebrate the Millennial Reign of Christ (for 1000 years) as His Bride where at the end of this 1000 years, the Church (Bride, Christians) are changed to become no more flesh and blood to inherit the final new heavens which is the 1 Corinthians 15:52 prophecy context.

Please read first the other aspects discussed in the previous Non Elect Salvation Possibility (8th August 2024 or its 2 revisions on 13th and 17th August) to understand that Christians are raised in bodily resurrection to be repaid in sinless human form with non-sinful delights in the renewed old earth and old heavens getting the water of life too but at the end of 1000 years the purpose of the Marriage of the Lamb is consummated and they become no more flesh and blood as per the “Great Mystery” regarding Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ only becoming One Flesh with His Bride.

I will present the evidence from first Christianity’s finest Church Fathers since “no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation” [1] and so this part of their quotes could be preserving what they heard and learnt from the spiritual leaders and bishops of the Church before them.

We are not liars since it’s true academically when presented with evidence like this but if these quotes turned out tampered in history unknown to us, it’s beyond our ability to know so it cannot be charged as any falsehood upon us who already admit this as a possibility only. The probability that these quotes are tampered with seems low since the very Roman Catholics and Orthodox who preserved it themselves seem to be non-Chiliasm.

This is original research and I have not seen any other scholar viewing 1 Thessalonians 4:17 and 1 Corinthians 15:52 as two different prophecies as I learnt it from these quotes. Peace.

[1] 2 Peter 1:20, “knowing this first, that no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation,” (NKJV)

Slide 5 in #MysteriousPPT – Can unlearned men be ordained for ministry as Pastors, Bishops, Deacons etc.?

The Bible records that both Apostles St. Peter and St. John were “uneducated and untrained” men but yet it’s their names which will be honoured by God in His final “City on its Walls” even:

“… Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated and untrained men, they marveled. And they realized that they had been with Jesus. …” (Acts 4:13, NKJV)

“… Now the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and on them were the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.  …” (Revelation 21:14, NKJV)

Where’s the balance?

On one end, we find Bible schools with graduates of “high level” literacy and scrutiny while on the other hand, we find “pastors” with “diploma, bachelor’s degree, masters or even a PHD” who cannot even get an “A1 or A+” for English at SPM level (instead of speaking in ‘heavenly tongues’ (as some claim), why not the God give them ability to speak in actual multiple human languages so at least can preach Gospel in better grammar even if not perfect? Holy Spirit doesn’t make “grammar errors”, right? By claiming otherwise, are they bringing glory to God (how?) or making a mockery of His Blessed Spirit so that they can “make a living”?).

Some Christians mock the ‘government university as low level’ but praise some local Bible schools whose academic level is even “lower”, right? Proof? Ask your pastor or PDH theologian from your “denomination/church” this: ‘If you stand in front of Christ today, are you able to say that you did all your assignments by yourself without any external help from others, no plagiarism and no artificial intelligence usage (AI)?’

Also, for those who say “yes” to the above, in light of the evidences I have presented from Chiliasm Church Fathers, what’s the point of the PHD if it was “wrong” on “prophecy” or on these “theological parts” on Judgment Day? I could be wrong too and that’s why I don’t judge based on these criteria alone but solely on “originality of work and who is quoted (e.g. Chiliasm Fathers)” to be safer and the ones most right (“educated or uneducated” or with “pHD or not”) will be honoured greater as the LORD did to Peter and John. That’s how I see the “fairness” of God in this.

#Illiterate or #Literate #educated or #uneducated #honesty or #cheated to become #Pastor #Doctor #Reverend #HighSchool #Dropout or is #Government low #Standard #PHD or #not #AI #Artificial #Intelligence or #Original #Work #SPM #Degree #Masters #Academics or #Bible #School #Theology or #Prophecy #Accuracy or #HardWork which does #God #Approve and #Fair .

Appendix: An Important Note on Methodology

If you notice, for these Chiliasm books, I did not say that these are done by God’s Grace because I am not sure how accurate they are. Suppose my interpolations presented here became wrong on Judgment Day, then how does it bring glory to God? Hence, I rather leave it as my attempt at prophecy which is allowed as discussed in earlier writings based on Jeremiah 23: 36 – 40 [1].

If I turned out right on Judgment Day, then on that Day I will give all glory to God for His Mercy of revealing all these to me. My point is, I do not want to prematurely claim the truth of a prophecy which can neither be proven nor disproven conclusively before it comes to pass. All I am concerned is to present it rigorously with Chiliasm Church Father quotes so that I am honest even with the ambiguity which arises from such writings based on preserved Christian history. Hence, I rest my case.

P/S: all these aspects can be compared against the Bible Verses claims made in the pages of both the Chiliasm Prophecy and Non Elect Salvation Possibility book. Both these books (Non Elect Salvation Possibility and Chiliasm Prophecy) which I am referring to, refers to their latest update (version) on 21 September 2024 whose pdf download links are given in the “Sources” section.

These Non Elect Salvation quotes from the Shepherd of Hermas which is said to be Scripture Level by St. Irenaeus of Lyons and Tertullian, both Chiliasm Church Fathers, are intriguing. Interestingly, for example, in the Non Elect Salvation submission pages 27 – 28, Tertullian himself had trouble with the Non Elect Salvation quotes of the Shepherd of Hermas (which proves this part is preserved authentically according to even Tertullian himself who is disagreeing or having trouble with its meaning) but yet please observe carefully Tertullian’s wise and scholarly reply (no wonder Tertullian is the Father of Latin Christianity and Founder of Western Theological Scholarship) since he writes as follows, [2]

“But I would yield my ground to you, if the scripture of the Shepherd, which is the only one which favours adulterers, had deserved to find a place in the Divine canon; if it had not been habitually judged by every council of Churches (even of your own) among apocryphal and false (writings); … I, however, imbibe the Scriptures of that Shepherd who cannot be broken.” [3]

Basically, Tertullian in his discussion here (with Bishop of Rome, Pope Callixtus I at that time) is saying he has problem because the Shepherd of Hermas since it gives some type of Non Elect Salvation to “adulterers” (implied) and that’s a reason for his hesitance that it has been included in the Divine Canon (e.g. Muratorian/Roman Canon which are first oldest known Bible Canon, etc.) but yet he says that he will “imbibe” (absorb) it since it is “Scripture which cannot be broken”.

Ah, that’s how we are supposed to do proper academic reporting and commenting honestly based on evidence like this regardless if we agree to the Shepherd of Hermas or not like how Tertullian did and that’s exactly the methodology I followed.

Also, here is a set of Bible verses showing “sharp and no small debate” clearly between “Christian versus Christian” (both “believers with the Holy Spirit”) but yet one of them can be wrong meaning God allows free will in doctrine and will reward those more accurate later and so we can likewise present both sides like this which is Biblical:

“1And certain men came down from Judea and taught the brethren, “Unless you are circumcised according to the custom of Moses, you cannot be saved.” 2Therefore, when Paul and Barnabas had no small dissension and dispute with them, they determined that Paul and Barnabas and certain others of them should go up to Jerusalem, to the apostles and elders, about this question. … 5But some of the sect of the Pharisees who believed rose up, saying, “It is necessary to circumcise them, and to command them to keep the law of Moses.” [4]

Remember, what’s so “academic” if our beliefs turn out wrong not just on this topic of Non Elect but also all other theological topics too as I demonstrated evidences of quotes from Chiliasm Church Fathers in this writing? Please don’t misunderstand me as I am very aware that my interpretations and interpolations regarding Non Elect Salvation could be wrong too and that’s why I conclude this topic as a possibility only and not doctrine so that I don’t accidentally mislead anyone.

Any reader can see that I have already revealed this side of the Non Elect Salvation Possibility and hence it is their personal duty to check for arguments against it from other sides and either choose their belief or be neutral about it to be safe.

Also, using internet sources or hardcopies of books makes no difference here since these are all well known writings that are translated scholarly. I believe that the translations in English of the writings I used are universally accepted as accurate and since I cannot read the original language, this is the best I can do. Also, I doubt that by reading it in the original language would change any meaning of the translation in English unless someone from your side can show it. So, it’s just whether we interpret the translation/original (just like the Bible) available for St. Irenaeus of Lyons or other Chiliasm Church Fathers is accurate or not of which I sought to give my views (which could be wrong) but neither is your orthodox views on it is necessarily right either (but could be) and so, for that final word, we leave it to God.

For example, your orthodox view that St. Irenaeus of Lyons (or even St. Justin of Rome, Tertullian, St. Methodius of Olympus [no dubious writings which didn’t exist during his lifetime period] or even St. Victorinus, i.e. all “Chiliasm” Church Fathers whom I quoted) which claims that all of them prayed to Virgin Mary has “not” even one quote in their “own writings” but I guess it’s ‘scholarly assumed with no proof in certain journals, and among their editors and others‘.

Difference is, I did no such assumptions here and only interpolate based on some actual existing quotes. No personal insult meant but just stating that sometimes an academic journal claims “high level publication” just because they use the original languages or original manuscripts which are just as ambiguous with no proof of such quotes but are just “assumed” by certain journal readers and editors, sadly. This is what I mean as rigour, i.e. all claims and interpolations must be accompanied with some type of quotes or if not, just left it as it is for true academic scholarship, accuracy and honesty.

In another example, a Calvinism journal wrote:

Thanks for your submission. I’ll take a look at this submission and give you initial feedback by the end of October.”

I responded in advance as follows (for constructive academia):

“I welcome your feedback. I may give mine too in response of yours should you rebut it so both sides can be well represented.”  

Regarding university supremacy, here are my comments: Actually,  it’s not about Harvard [5]or any other universities but as I mentioned before, it’s about number of new significant discoveries where the most important discoveries are theological since only these affect eternity which should be presented fairly and let God Decide which is right that day and reward with higher heavens level glory as Daniel 12:3 prophesies (so, there is no need to boycott or play racial games or religion games or even denominational games or even gender games or other nepotism since the real God doesn’t play all these games, right? Shalom).

However, it would be sad if “Non Elect Salvation” possibility turns out to be not true on Judgment Day and so it is my sincere prayer and hope that as many readers of this book believe in Christ regardless of whether “Non Elect Salvation” is true or not so that our faith is not conditional upon things which we are not sure. I mean we can hope for it but we cannot fixate upon it lest it becomes an idol (if wrong) but at the same time I am glad I revealed all these in detailed points so God can see that it is responsibly interpolated even if wrong and so He can have Mercy since it’s so difficult to know for sure in light of all these evidences!

I believe that a Christian will believe in Christ regardless of whether Non Elect Salvation possibility is true or not and so only the reward level for this part can be affected and not our Salvation itself if viewed responsibly like this (being neutral). Last but not least, I do not see it as wrong even if I sell this writing as a book commercially since I see it as getting paid for the research work of presenting all these historical quotes and for my interpolation part, I consider giving it free of charge  theoretically since I cannot be certain whether I am right or not.

Remember, if other authours can make money by selling “fiction or storybooks”, then what is wrong even in selling some personal research on prophecy like this discussing possibilities by quoting early Christian and Jewish writings?

Yes, a prophecy book must quote many others so that it’s not a “private interpretation” where even if wrong, at least God can see the honesty with evidence where I believe that God won’t charge us for the wrong evidence since it’s beyond our reach and we just made speculations or interpolations based on those writings. Maranatha! even so come Lord Jesus. Amen.

Thank you for reading this!

[1] Ramachandran, Jonathan. Non Elect Salvation Possibility, Page 48 and Chiliasm Prophecy, Pages 4, 98.

[2] A Catholic encyclopedia writes, “St. Irenaeus and Tertullian (in his Catholic days) cite the “Shepherd” as Scripture. Tertullian, when a Montanist, implies that Pope St. Callistus had quoted it as an authority (though evidently not as Scripture),” in his reply here.

[3] Tertullian (c. 155 AD – c. 240 AD), On Modesty (“De pudicitia”), Chapter 10, (4 August 2024).

[4] Acts 15:1 – 2, 5 (NKJV).

[5] Newspaper. Times of India. Indian applicants likely to be excluded from Harvard’s application process. 1 October 2024.

Some claim that the “government exam levels are low” but they themselves never scored “A1/A+” say in just ‘school level SPM’ exams for the subjects which they claim to be ‘good at’. Are they lower than that? Still not too late: Can sit as private candidate for ‘any age’ I think. I mean even with a PHD, can you get an A for your subject matter say when you sit for STPM exams today? If yes, then “good”.

#Exam #SPM #STPM #A1 #A #PHD #high or #Low #Level #Real #Value or just #administrative #Tricks #Games #does #your #God #approve #such #ways?

Slide 6 in #MysteriousPPT – What does the Bible Say about “speaking in heavenly tongues” versus “speaking in actual human languages”?

Sometimes same pastors who speak in tongues run Bible School programs with pastors not even doing their own assignments honestly (let’s see if I lied or God reveals it true) on Judgment Day; would the Holy Spirit approve?).

I wrote this in Slide 5 earlier:

(instead of speaking in ‘heavenly tongues’ (as some claim), why not the God give them ability to speak in actual multiple human languages so at least can preach Gospel in better grammar even if not perfect? Holy Spirit doesn’t make “grammar errors”, right? By claiming otherwise, are they bringing glory to God (how?) or making a mockery of His Blessed Spirit so that they can “make a living”?

Here are Bible verses to match its meaning:

1) Getting it right in “Prophecy” (e.g. “Chiliasm” Quotes) is more important than “tongues”

5I wish you all spoke with tongues, but even more that you prophesied; [a]for he who prophesies is greater than he who speaks with tongues, unless indeed he interprets, that the church may receive edification.” (1 Corinthians 14:5, NKJV)

Comment: These verses are speaking about the “real” speaking in tongues. For the modern Pentecostal claim, I remain neutral since I cannot see the ‘spirit realm’ to determine it. I won’t participate in it since it’s too risky. For those confident, please ponder this haunting question seriously: “If you stand in front of the Most Blessed Holy Spirit of God, can you say He made those ‘strange sounds’ through you which was Heavenly language? And if true, blessed are you but if not, what do you think He may Judge you with? Are you that confident? Let God decide but I put this forth to show how much we should respect God.”

2) Speaking in tongues benefits no one unless it is interpreted

6But now, brethren, if I come to you speaking with tongues, what shall I profit you unless I speak to you either by revelation, by knowledge, by prophesying, or by teaching?” … 13Therefore let him who speaks in a tongue pray that he may interpret.“ (1 Corinthians 14:6, 13, NKJV)

Comment: Reducing grammar errors or even improving oneself in language (no need to be perfect but an effort) is good since you’re making others to “understand you”. So, if a person is really having the gift of tongues at a “high” level as some modern ones claim, wouldn’t their “language” skills be magnificent too since this verse says that they (‘same person’) should be equally good in “interpreting” it, right?

3) This Bible verse by the No. 1 speaking in tongues person (Apostle St. Paul) who says that yet it’s better to speak 5 words of usual language which everyone understands than “10, 000 words in unknown tongue” if “others don’t understand” it

18I thank my God I speak with tongues more than you all; 19yet in the church I would rather speak five words with my understanding, that I may teach others also, than ten thousand words in a tongue.” (1 Corinthians 14:18 – 19, NKJV)


#Tongues even #real type had #Bible #rules and caused #understanding with #interpretation but #prophecy and #accuracy is more #important be #neutral #skip #risky #modern #pentecostal ways #careful .

Slide 7 in #MysteriousPPT – LIARS never say they won’t do where even if it’s done in the future, in the time period in between, they will still be JUDGED as LIARS. Past sins don’t matter when repented but today, are we still in sin?

Here is a set of Bible verses requiring it for HEAVEN SALVATION CONTEXT and so, if we are such we won’t make it:

“… 1Lord, who may [a]abide in Your tabernacle? Who may dwell in Your holy hill? … He who swears to his own hurt and does not change; …” (Psalm 15:1, 4, NKJV)

Notice carefully that even a person who “gives his word” (‘swear’) in the above which Christ Said don’t swear anymore must do what he said and if not, they cannot abide in His Tabernacle (“Heaven” Context). If they do it in the “future” and if it’s before their death, it may be forgiven them then or vice versa, right?

Example: If God shuts heaven out for those who just don’t keep “their word” (‘swear’ context here), how much more for those who “cheat” in “business” context where say “take payment” but “never do the work” which is “worse”, right? Let each man decide his fate. Three of the 10 Commandments are broken here which is don’t steal and the other is don’t bear false witness (or don’t lie) and yet another is don’t covet (take what is not yours) where all these come under that context (Exodus 20:15, 16, 17 i.e. commandments 8, 9, 10).

Think deeper: If you got into an accident today or died, do you think all these people who cheated or used you are going to care? If no, then why do you worry about their friendship instead of God?

#Money #Sins #Danger where without #Financial #Holiness there is no #Enter #Heaven #Context #Bible #God Says as #ItisWritten #repent and be #saved no #Partiality nor #Liars .

Slide 8 in #MysteriousPPT – Financial Sins – What Would [Lord] Jesus Do? (WWJD) – New Testament Context

Regarding “Financial Holiness”, note that it breaks three of the 10 Commandments when undone which are don’t steal and the other is don’t bear false witness (or don’t lie) and yet another is don’t covet (take what is not yours) where all these come under that context (Exodus 20:15, 16, 17 i.e. commandments 8, 9, 10).

Example “Financial Unholiness” deeds: Are we able to stand in front of Christ today and say,

i) “We have never taken a salary/job which is more/favoured because we are of a certain race/religion/denomination?”

ii) “We have never gotten a qualification be it diploma or PHD as a Pastor even (not secular only) by not doing our assignments by ourselves or simply grade a ‘closed-university paper’ by giving pass/high mark unfairly while failing/giving low mark unfairly to others?” This is finance context since it affects job/salary for that person while discriminating those treated unfairly.

iii) “We have never given our word in finance context and never fulfilled it?” (Psalm 15:1, 4) etc.

In the New Testament, Zacchaeus was one such a “fraud” and Lord Jesus Christ only declared his “salvation” not due to a simple “sorry” (in words) but when Zacchaeus promised to “restore 4 times more to the one he wronged” which means FINANCE Old Testament LAWS may apply as part of “Eternal Life” requirement for “love neighbour as yourself” context (Matthew 19:16 – 30); so, if anyone is forgiven without restoring “fourfold” back but just by secretly saying sorry to the Lord, I think the “wronged” person will be given back the restoration/reward for it in future resurrection context (God doesn’t have dirty ways).

A particular interesting Torah (Law) Bible  verse is Leviticus 6:2 – 6 which speaks of even a wrong “deposit” for work or what a person has “sworn falsely” in regard to work but did not do must return back 1.2 TIMES to the “WRONGED” as an OFFERING to the LORD but can be up to 5 times when seen with other verses for type of cheating.

“ 2“If a person sins and commits a trespass against the Lord by lying[a] to his neighbor about what was delivered to him for safekeeping, or about [b]a pledge, or about a robbery, or if he has extorted from his neighbor, 3or if he has found what was lost and lies concerning it, and swears falsely—in any one of these things that a man may do in which he sins: 4then it shall be, because he has sinned and is guilty, that he shall [c]restore what he has stolen, or the thing which he has extorted, or what was delivered to him for safekeeping, or the lost thing which he found, 5or all that about which he has sworn falsely. He shall restore its full value, add one-fifth more to it, and give it to whomever it belongs, on the day of his trespass offering. 6And he shall bring his trespass offering to the Lord,” (Leviticus 6:2 – 6, NKJV)

“Then Zacchaeus stood and said to the Lord, “Look, Lord, I give half of my goods to the poor; and if I have taken anything from anyone by false accusation, I restore fourfold.” (Luke 19:8, NKJV)

“If a man steals an ox or a sheep, and slaughters it or sells it, he shall restore five oxen for an ox and four sheep for a sheep.” (Exodus 22:1, NKJV)

#Financial #Holiness #Torah #Law #Lord #Jesus #Christ #New #Testament #Zacchaeus case #Fraud #Restore #Fourfold #Discussion.

e 9 in #MysteriousPPT – There is no True Religion nor Perfection without Charity Doctrine by Relative Measure

  1. Bible Verse for no True Religion without Charity Doctrine (help orphans and widows, even the poor) + Holiness (the keep “unspotted” from the World part):

Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.” (James 1:27, NKJV)

  • Bible Verse for no Perfection without Charity Doctrine (i.e. Give from ‘what you have’ and not from donation money only “to the poor” and not use Charity to gain love offerings, contacts and better lives for yourselves and your families via “favours”, implied for ‘Christlike’ (follow Him)’):

Jesus said to him, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me.” (Matthew 19:21, NKJV)

  • Nothing else is stated as “God’s Will for Money by Christ apart from CHARITY DOCTRINE”. Indeed, one serves either “God or Money” (Luke 16:13) and fulfilling these verses is proof:

“ 9Here’s the lesson: Use your worldly resources to benefit others and make friends. Then, when your possessions are gone, they will welcome you to an eternal home. … 13“No one can serve two masters. For you will hate one and love the other; you will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and be enslaved to money.” (Luke 16:9, 13, NLT)

Someone said: “But none of them are gonna try to fulfill Matthew 19:21


Neither is any Christian including ourselves fulfilling Matthew 19:21 right? We just do what we can based on our ability and let God Judge which can be considered equivalent fulfillment since even the Apostles had a good safety net of income support from believers even if they didn’t carry money.

So, if you don’t have such financial support from Church Money, relative measure can influence it where you can hoard for your living and later give it via a will at end of life which I think can count for it in some measure as common hoarded money was present in Acts 2 and 4 like that among those who renounced.

#CharityDoctrine #Spending on #Alms rather than #Prosperity #Gospel to follow #WillofGod when #Plenty . In short, #Give #Money to a person and #what they #spend on and #whom will tell you #all the #truth about them and #who they #love don’t be #deceived .

Slide 10 in #MysteriousPPT – What did Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ Teach about Entering Heaven? Do His Commands listed in Matthew 5 to Matthew 7 primarily and New Testament Traditions not written there adds further to rewards.

Question: “But is this a command from GOD? Matthew 5:48 | King James Version 48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.”

Reply: It’s an ending exhortation in Matthew 5 to 7’s Sermon on the Mount where as we fulfill more and more of those commands we are moving towards God Who alone Perfectly fulfills it (emulating Him). He knows none will be perfect to fulfill it but that doesn’t change the fact that the commands is to do as much as possible where only those who exceed the “Pharisees’ level of righteousness” (human level so possible) by doing these New Testament Commands will enter heaven, verses:

For I say to you, that unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. … Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. … For if you love those who love you, what reward have you? Do not even the tax collectors do the same?” (Matthew 5:20, 7:21, 5:46, NKJV)

Notice that all these verses are from “Same Sermon on the Mount” so “same” context and 5:20 gives “rule for entering heaven” while 7:21 reveals those who fall short of it “never enter heaven” and 5:46 reveals that loving only your “own race, own family, own father/mother, own brother/sister, own son/daughter, own Church, own denomination, own religion, own wife/husband, own girlfriend/boyfriend” etc. only and all that risk NOT ENTERING HEAVEN since they LOVE only THOSE WHO LOVE THEM. Any Christian (including me and you) must demonstrate it in actual action and not words/debates only. Let God Decide as these Verses Reveal.

Example: Some must have so much “pride” if they can even take a title of “pastor” without even doing their “own assignments” and how much more those who endorse them or give high marks?  Also, it takes so much “pride” to “take another person’s money for business” but ”never do the task”; should “never use the money” until “work is done”, right? Feeding even their ‘families etc.’ with it and claiming to be ‘providers in eyes of those who don’t know’? Worst is, they never admit their sins publicly (Let God decide if He Approves all this or if whose sins are more).

#Perfect #God Alone #exceed #Pharisees #Human #level #Righteousness so #can to #enter #heaven by doing #Sermon on #Mount #Lord #Jesus #Christ #Commands.

Slide 11 in #MysteriousPPT – My point is this: If you Preach like John Wesley on these Topics today, they kick you out of Church Ministry or don’t work with you and then ask “why are you not attending the Church (Methodist or otherwise)?”

John Wesley – Main Founder of Methodist Churches Beliefs Example. He didn’t condemn Peter Bohler who was a Christian Universalist to Hell and Praised him even to have “fruits of living faith” but he condemned “Rich Christians” to “Hell-Fire” if they accumulated wealth “beyond needs” (unless say extras given to Charity via Will)

“… Monday, April 6.—I had a long conversation with Peter Bohler. I marvel how I refrain from joining these men. I scarcely ever see any of them but my heart burns within me. I long to be with them, and yet I am kept from them.  Thursday, May 7.—I reminded the United Society that many of our brethren and sisters had not needful food; many were destitute of convenient clothing; many were out of business, and that without their own fault; and many sick and ready to perish:  that I had done what in me lay to feed the hungry, to clothe the naked, to employ the poor, and to visit the sick; but was not, alone, sufficient for these things; and therefore desired all whose hearts were as my heart: …” [The Journal of John Wesley. Pages 52, 55, 83. The Tyndale Series of Great Biographies.. By Hugh Price Hughes, Augustine Birrell, K. C. and edited by Percy Livingstone Parker. Published by Moody Press (Chicago, 1951). Available online: ]

Please take note how even such a highly anointed level in the Holy Spirit preacher (by God’s Grace), John Wesley, writes in his own words above (in his journal) regarding the “unkind attitude of Whitefield”, how he “longs” to be with “Bohler type Moravian Christian Universalists” despite the fact that he knows about it and is supposed to keep away? And how Wesley’s thought next revolved around “Charity Doctrine” which was highly emphasized by the Moravians too. So even the great faith of John Wesley had all these traits and best is, this is not an interpretation but his own words in his own journal. So if we emulate Wesley’s faith likewise and keep the weaker non elect salvation as a possibility, it seems similar, isn’t it? Mysterious indeed.

 Journal of Moravian History. Peter Boehler’s Universalist Letter by Jared S. Burkholder. Volume 23, Issue 2, October 2023. 129–142. The Abstract reads, “Although the belief in universalism has been attributed to Peter Boehler since the eighteenth century, the matter has not been clearly documented. However, a letter, written by Boehler and preserved in the Moravian Archives, provides greater clarity as it contains a defense of a future “restitution of all things.” Possibly sent to George Whitefield, the letter detailed in this article not only provides evidence of Boehler’s restorationist beliefs, but also points to the role that universalism may have played in the Moravians’ 1740 schism with Whitefield”. Available online:

Hebrews 13:7 reads, “7Remember those who rule over you, who have spoken the word of God to you, whose faith follow, considering the outcome of their conduct” (NKJV).

“… 13 You have thrown away the treasure in heaven: God and Christ are lost! You have gained riches, and hell-fire! … 14. O “how hardly shall they that have riches enter into the kingdom of God!”… 22. Thirdly, seek not to increase in goods. Lay not up for thyself “treasures upon earth.” This is a flat, positive command; full as clear as “Thou shalt not commit adultery.” How then is it possible for a rich man to grow richer without denying the Lord that bought him? Yea, how can any man who has already the necessaries of life gain or aim at more, and be guiltless? …” (Sermon on the Mount, 8 by John Wesley, Sermon 28, Points 13, 14, 22, Text from the 1872 edition – Thomas Jackson, editor)


#Preach like #John #Wesley #Methodist  on #Financial #Holiness and #mingle even with #Christian #Universalists if they #live according to such levels of #Money #Purity since it will #not #affect #Salvation even if #wrong .

Slide 12 in #MysteriousPPT – My point is this: If you Preach like Martin Luther on these Topics today, they kick you out of Church Ministry or don’t work with you and then ask “why are you not attending the Church (Lutheran or otherwise)?”

Martin Luther clearly teaches that “riches” without “sufficient Charity Doctrine” leads to “Hell”. Also, Luther teaches that Universalism is false but does not condemn Non  Elect Salvation Possibility after death but says none can prove it.

So, in regard to my “Non Elect Salvation” possibility writings/book, let God Decide if it’s true or not but it’s not heresy to attempt it as a “possibility” as Luther’s own quote here rings.

  1. Luther’s quote for “had not charity enough” leads to “hell”

“Therefore also Christ at the last day will adduce this unmercifulness as the worst injury done against himself, even all that we have done out of uncharitableness, and will himself utter the curse: “I was hungry and thirsty and ye gave me no meat, ye gave me no drink, etc. Depart ye, therefore, ye cursed, into everlasting, hellish fire,” etc. He warns and exhorts us faithfully from pure grace and mercy. Whoever will not accept this, let him choose the worse and eternal damnation. Consider the rich man, Lk. xvi. 19 seq., who, although he saw poor Lazarus daily lying at his gate full of sores, had not charity enough to give him a bundle of straw or allow him the crumbs from under his table. But see how fearfully he was requited, that in hell he would gladly have given a hundred thousand ducats if he could only boast of having given him a thread.” (Commentary on the Sermon on the Mount, THE FIFTH CHAPTER OF ST. MATTHEW, Verse 7, Page 29, TRANSLATED BY CHARLES A, HAY, D. D. PHILADELPHIA: LUTHERAN PUBLICATION SOCIETY. 1892. By Martin Luther, First Protestant and Founder of Lutheran Churches).


  • Notice carefully how Dr. Luther differentiates between “Universalism” (no possibility) from Non Elect Salvation (“possible”, but no one can prove it).

““There are those among us, since the times of Origen and his followers, who have considered it too hard, too severe, and contrary to God’s goodness that he should cast people away and create them for eternal torment. … It would be a completely different question to ask whether God could grant faith to a few at the moment of their death or after death and thereby save them through faith. Who would doubt that he could do this? But no one can prove that he does do this … St. Paul speaks the truth: it is God’s will that everyone be made well – for without his will it does not happen. But it does not follow from this that all people are saved.” (Martin Luther. Letter from Martin Luther to Hans von Rechenberg. Issued from Wittenberg on the Monday after the assumption of Mary [August 18], 1522. Translated by Rev. William Wangelin of Hudsonville, MI. .)

For #Protestants #Preach like #Martin #Luther on this topic of #Charity #Doctrine and consider #NonElectSalvation as a #Possibility while #reject #full #Universalism.

Slide 13 in #MysteriousPPT – What is the Worst sin of all and who commits it? In the Bible, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ taught that the worst sin is in “words” referring to anything spoken against the Most Blessed “Holy Spirit” of God.

In short, I believe that a person making this sin indicates great “pride” within because they try to “represent the Holy Spirit” which is like trying to “elevate themselves to be prophets” of which they can only be justified if every single time they quote the “Holy Spirit told me or is speaking” must be 100% correct since He does not make mistakes.

I believe that God can save from every denomination of Christianity but the most dangerous part is making any error while “claiming God told me so or Holy Spirit spoke to me” which breaks 3rd Greatest Commandment (i.e. don’t take God’s Name in Vain) unless you’re 100% right that “God/His Blessed Spirit Spoke to you”.

All other type of error can be forgiven for blasphemy even as Christ Said in Matthew 12:31 – 32 except the Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. So, quoting an argument but not quoting “the Holy Spirit told me” can be forgiven if wrong (which is what I do when I state “academic possibilities”).

31“Therefore I say to you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven men. 32Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man, it will be forgiven him; but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven him, either in this age or in the age to come.” (Matthew 12:31 – 32, NKJV)

In Chiliasm considerations, the “age to come” is the 1000 Millennial Reign of Christ and so these cannot be Elect Salvation. Whether is there hope of beyond that, let God decide but please don’t try it. Here’s Christ’s Own Words describing the “age to come” to refer to “First Resurrection in Chiliasm Timeline” as like the verses above, it’s compared against “this age”:

34Jesus answered and said to them, “The sons of this age marry and are given in marriage. 35But those who are counted worthy to attain that age, and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry nor are given in marriage; 36nor can they die anymore, for they are equal to the angels and are sons of God, being sons of the resurrection. ” (Luke 20:34 – 36, NKJV)

#Worst #Sin is to #Quote the #Holy #Spirit #Speaks to #me or is giving a #message but He did #not which is a #symptom which only the #heretics with #most #pride #fall into possibly #eternal #damnation.

Slide 14 in #MysteriousPPT – What is Pride? Christ the Humblest one debated religious leaders for Doctrinal corrections and so doing that is not pride. Pride is linked to heart and Christ taught that Charity Doctrine reveals “heart” vs prosperity gospel as ‘earthly’. So, sin of pride and money link is this: how highly you think of yourself, that’s how much you will spend on yourself vs how much you refrain to give to Charity in relative measure as Christ Taught in Luke 12:30 – 35.

You don’t need to be a Christian to see this easy fact that ‘prideful’ people don’t speak up against wrongdoings or even preach Judgment/Hell because they don’t want their source of income or contacts to be affected. Another type of ‘pride’ is doing Charity as even a ‘head’ (but they don’t put their own money as donation) and choose say their ‘pastor friend’ ministry only as its main recipient instead of fairly giving to ‘any Christian’ to other unbelievers too to fulfill Christ’s “love your enemies etc.”. Why? So when they visit these ‘pastor friends’, they can go for ‘nice holiday’ and call it ‘missions’ even ‘eating off the poor who spend on them thinking they’re doing it for men of God and may reap prosperity’. Is this “Christlike”?

Example: St. Augustine clearly sees “prosperity gospel” Christians going to “Hell/purgatory” according to ‘how much they loved earthly money/wealth’ which proves ‘salvation after spirit world judgment is possible’ where I don’t think these become “Christ’s Bride” but could be “Non Elect Salvation”.

“And it is not impossible that something of the same kind may take place even after this life. It is a matter that may be inquired into, and either ascertained or left doubtful, whether some believers shall pass through a kind of purgatorial fire, and in proportion as they have loved with more or less devotion the goods that perish, be less or more quickly delivered from it.” (St. Augustine of Hippo. The Enchiridion on Faith, Hope and Love. Chapters 69 and 70.

St. Augustine of Hippo who is considered as having a high level of spiritual anointing by many Christians (including Catholic, Orthodox and Protestants alike) does not see even universalism believing type of Christians as possessed by the devil or unsaved while our Non Elect Salvation position is much better than universalism (from St. Augustine’s view, implied) and it’s only a possibility and not doctrine, hence risking no one’s faith in such discussions.

“But temporary punishments are suffered by some in this life only, by others after death, by others both now and then; but all of them before that last and strictest judgment. But of those who suffer temporary punishments after death, all are not doomed to those everlasting pains which are to follow that judgment; for to some, as we have already said, what is not remitted in this world is remitted in the next, that is, they are not punished with the eternal punishment of the world to come.” (St. Augustine of Hippo. The City of God. Book 21. Chapter 13.

#Pride #Drama in #Charity #Doctrine to #Ministry or #Missions even #Nepotism or using the #poor with false #Prosperity #Promises instead of teaching #Heavenly #Treasure but just do your part let #God #Judge whether say #Augustine of #Hippo was right in #Purgatory and #NonElectSalvation believers are not #heretics based on this alone.

33 Sell what you have and give alms; provide yourselves money bags which do not grow old, a treasure in the heavens that does not fail, where no thief approaches nor moth destroys. 34 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

Slide 15 in #MysteriousPPT – Which acts are Charity Doctrine and does your Church’s theology level reach Hell-Fire verse of James 5:3?

Judge without Partiality since God has no favoritism.

“… 1Come now, you rich, weep and howl for your miseries that are coming upon you! 2Your riches [a]are corrupted, and your garments are moth-eaten. 3Your gold and silver are corroded, and their corrosion will be a witness against you and will eat your flesh like fire. …” (James 5:3, NKJV)

1. Just like all Church Fathers and other Protestant Founders quote insufficient Charity Doctrine can lead to Hell, even John Calvin taught the same using James 5:3 here (God made sure all of them taught right on this meaning it’s important and so you can’t manipulate their words to say they taught differently either since those “financially unholy” in this merit “hell-fire” since “no sanctification” in these areas as meaning of “covetousness” too in 1 Corinthians 6:9 – 10 who do not inherit God’s Kingdom, don’t be deceived!):

“… 3A witness against you. He confirms the explanation I have already given. For God has not appointed gold for rust, nor garments for moths; but, on the contrary, be has designed them as aids and helps to human life. Therefore, even spending without benefit is a witness of inhumanity. The rusting of gold and silver will be, as it were, the occasion of inflaming the wrath of God, so that it will, like fire, consume them. …” (John Calvin, Founder of the Reformed Churches and TULIP-Calvinism, Calvin’s Commentary on the Bible, James 5, Verse 3) Source:

Note: The commentator adds that this verse is not about “unbelieving Jews” but “rich Christians” in point (136) as follows ‘Besides, it was not unusual, in addresses to Christians, to address unbelievers. Indeed, Paul expressly says, “What have I to do to judge them that are without?” that there were rich men professing the gospel at that time, is evident from James 1:10.’

For anyone who thinks that such Judgment is harsh, please say give a big portion of your money (more than what you have kept for yourself or used for yourself or even given to your own family) say to do some free Gospel work. Imagine the recipient uses it but does not produce either the full music work alone minus any bombastic music video additions even after 10 years. Will you still forgive and be friends? Imagine if someone I know has done that. What right of anger of being exposed do the wrongdoers have in this case? Also, if your support the wrongdoer, please bank in back “your money with 10 years interest to the wronged person” and then “still be friends with the wronged person” because he did “no” wrong in this case, right? If you cannot be friends with the “wronged person” but can accept the “person who is wrong”, isn’t that plain “hypocrisy”? So, how to trust such “friendship” if worse still, all these are by “Christians”? The wronged person’s perspective is simple: forgive but that doesn’t excuse the rebuke given and whether or not the “wrong persons” do back the work in “another 10 years time or not”, he didn’t break any of the 10 Commandments in this (while the wrongdoer may keep breaking the last 3 Commandments as long as these stands, right? What is so Christlike about the person who did the wrong and not repent yet here?). Shouldn’t use money until work is done (men who keep their word). Don’t talk about forgiveness if you have never practiced it at this level since people will forgive anything except money (where even if the wrong person doesn’t do, the wronged person I know will still be friends for real, try it). Remember, buying food for workers is not Charity Doctrine if you use them for jobs and don’t pay fair salary and manipulate other work aspects. How many can stand in front of Christ (not some ‘fake god’) and say they treated and paid their workers right before they did Charity Doctrine and that it’s not to manipulate and get some other work or favours done? Are we “real” to women/family only?

If Non Elect Salvation is true, then Matthew 25:31 – 46 may be revealing the “Surprised Sheep of the nations” who did “Charity Doctrine to Christians” and so, at least try it if you’re a non-Christian since you ain’t going to believe even if Hell is eternal, right? So, I did not manipulate your choice here as both is stated. At least, I tried finding if there’s another interpretation.

#Real #Friendship rooted in #God the #Bible #Commands and #Christian #NonChristian treat #Fair from #Money to everything else and not #loyal to #women and #family only.

Slide 16 in #MysteriousPPT – What is the Conclusion?

 1. Firstly, nothing wrong in parabolically or in story-telling reveal a situation where serious transgression have occurred especially in regard to “money” because Christ did the same (e.g. Luke 7:40 – 43). So, who wants to be “Christlike”? You have to do this:

40And Jesus answered and said to him, “Simon, I have something to say to you.” So he said, Teacher, say it.” 41“There was a certain creditor who had two debtors. One owed five hundred denarii, and the other fifty. 42And when they had nothing with which to repay, he freely forgave them both. Tell Me, therefore, which of them will love him more?” 43Simon answered and said, “I suppose the one whom he forgave more.” And He said to him, “You have rightly judged.” 44Then He turned to the woman and said to Simon, “Do you see this woman? I entered your house; you gave Me no water for My feet, but she has washed My feet with her tears and wiped them with the hair of her head. 45You gave Me no kiss, but this woman has not ceased to kiss My feet since the time I came in. 46You did not anoint My head with oil, but this woman has anointed My feet with fragrant oil. 47Therefore I say to you, her sins, which are many, are forgiven, for she loved much. But to whom little is forgiven, the same loves little.” (Luke 7:40 – 47, NKJV)

2. Why? Because we don’t know even how bad our sins are until we face people sinning against us. Also, we understand how “Great” Christ’s forgiveness for our sins is and then we emulate it to forgive whoever repents from their sins toward us likewise.

3. “Giving clean money” earned via proper ways is like “giving your life” since it took that to earn it and that’s why Christ taught that “Charity Doctrine cleans all” for sanctification.

But rather give alms of such things as ye have; and, behold, all things are clean unto you.” (Luke 11:41, KJV)

4. God only described a “friend’s love” to be these:

A friend loves at all times, … Faithful are the wounds of a friend, But the kisses of an enemy are deceitful. … Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.” (Proverbs 17:17, 27:6, 15:13, NKJV)


#Christlike is to #Forgive especially #money #sins to other types easily which is #GodsWill especially toward those who do it #unintentionally #unknowing that their #irresponsible or #immature behaviour causes #damage. #Charity #Doctrine is #Sanctification which #cleans #All.

Slide 17 in #MysteriousPPT – Can you be saved without attending a physical building called Church?

The oldest known “building” called “Church” was this. Remember, the finest Chiliasm Church Fathers (e.g. St. Justin of Rome (Justin Martyr), St. Irenaeus of Lyons, Tertullian, St. Victorinus of Pettau and St. Methodius of Olympus all existed in a Christianity which did “not” have this “Church Building” meaning it’s a “choice”. Claiming that without attending the building you’re unsaved is false. The Christians are the Church and Christianity will continue to thrive with and without the building as some of the finest martyrs and preachers the Church has ever known were from that period as we have some writings which survived.

“The oldest known purpose-built Christian church in the world is in Aqaba, Jordan. Built between 293 and 303, the building pre-dates the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem, Israel, and the Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem, West Bank, both of which were constructed in the late 320s. [ First purpose-built church | Guinness World Records]


St. Clement of Rome (the actual direct disciple of Apostle St. Peter) and not some “others” wrote clearly that “you can be saved without attending any Church especially if it’s some doctrinal difference based on which the majority discriminates you” where whoever is right (the “majority” vs “you”) will be “honoured greater by the Lord for this” (we will know after we die):

“Who then among you is noble-minded? Who compassionate? Who full of love? Let him declare, If on my account sedition and disagreement and schisms have arisen, I will depart, I will go away wherever ye desire, and I will do whatever the majority commands; only let the flock of Christ live on terms of peace with the presbyters set over it. He that acts thus shall procure to himself great glory in the Lord; and every place will welcome him. For the earth is the Lord’s, and the fullness thereof. These things they who live a godly life that is never to be repented of, both have done and always will do.”(St. Clement of Rome (died c. 99/100AD).1 Clement, Chapter 54.

“They will put you out of the synagogues [Churches]; yes, the time is coming that whoever kills you will think that he offers God service.” (Lord Jesus Christ, John 16:2, NKJV)

#Can be #saved without #attending #Church says #Clement of #Rome agreeing with #Christ who Said they will put you out of #Synagogue meaning #Church at that time.

Slide 18 in #MysteriousPPT – A Simple Empirical Proof against Prosperity Gospel with Matthew 5:45  and St. Irenaeus of Lyons

1) For New Testament timeline, Lord Jesus never taught “prosperity” promises of “Old Testament” verses to apply in a special way to believers (not one such verse is quoted by Christ – if you say otherwise, please show where?) but rather taught in this dispensation of grace, God gives to both good and evil but will judge based on what’s given (more vs less merits beating likewise if wrong):

for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. …  47And that servant who knew his master’s will, and did not prepare himself or do according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes. 48But he who did not know, yet committed things deserving of stripes, shall be beaten with few. For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required; and to whom much has been committed, of him they will ask the more. (Matthew 5:45, Luke 12:47 – 48, NKJV)

2) Example: More is given in “prosperity”, more “Charity Doctrine” is required (‘hoarding treasure in New Testament’s last days’ is sin and other verses of James highlight other rich’s sins independent of this; where’s the threshold? Only God knows but do what you can):

Your gold and silver are corroded, and their corrosion will be a witness against you and will eat your flesh like fire. You have heaped up treasure in the last days.” (James 5:3, NKJV)

3) St. Irenaeus of Lyons clearly quotes the context of Matthew 5:45 generally as “sinners” will be “richer” than “righteous” in New Testament time and be “condemned” for not using it rightly and doing “luxury etc.” instead:

the day of retribution has not yet come; but He still makes His sun to rise upon the good and upon the evil, and sends rain upon the just and unjustMatthew 5:45 And the righteous suffer persecution, are afflicted, and are slain, while sinners are possessed of abundance, and drink with the sound of the harp and psaltery, but do not regard the works of the Lord. Isaiah 5:12 … 4. The God, therefore, who does benevolently cause His sun to rise upon all, Matthew 5:45 and sends rain upon the just and unjust, shall judge those who, enjoying His equally distributed kindness, have led lives not corresponding to the dignity of His bounty; but who have spent their days in wantonness and luxury, in opposition to His benevolence, and have, moreover, even blasphemed Him who has conferred so great benefits upon them.” (St. Irenaeus of Lyons, Against Heresies, Book 2, Chapter 22, Point 2 and Book 3, Chapter 25, Point 4)

Sources: and

4) Simple Empirical evidence which you can observe daily.

i) Take the No.1’s of Prosperity Gospel and imagine them living in a non-Christian country. If they did not have “Church income or Church job”, can they even land a “secular job”, how much so “prosperity” income?

ii) If ‘some’ or you can, look around you in your work industry: aren’t unbelievers, those of different religion also equally as rich as you or even richer? Even some are drunkards, womanizers etc., right? So, your ‘holiness’ gave you ‘less prosperity’ than even your unbelieving womanizing boss (example)?

iii) Healing and all that type are experienced even by non-Pentecostals (e.g. reformed, catholics etc.) meaning it’s not unique to any Christian denomination as God has Mercy on some even if He knows we are wrong. But not all will be saved like this. God Decides.

31But seek [f]the kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added to you. …  33Sell what you have and give alms [Charity]; provide yourselves money bags which do not grow old, a treasure in the heavens that does not fail, where no thief approaches nor moth destroys. 34For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Luke 12:31, 33 – 34, NKJV)

Therefore put to death your members which are on the earth: … covetousness, which is idolatry.” (Colossians 3:5, NKJV)

#Prosperity #Gospel creates #Idolatry for #Covetousness which breaks 1st and 2nd of 10 Commandments since you cannot ask #God for #Riches for your #Holiness #Praying daily unless you #love #Money and #prosperity while #True #Christians seek #Treasure in #heaven by converting earthly wealth into #Heavenly treasure as you cannot have both because one is exchanged for the other as Christ Taught too.

Slide 19 in #MysteriousPPT – Is your mother good or better than you and I? Let’s talk Bible verses with basic needs context

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A Quote from the world reads:

 ‘A bad system will beat a good person every time’ – W. Edwards Deming

Yes no one is good in the absolute sense including your “mother”, your “pastor” or even “you” or “I”. So in that, all are equal. This post is about “merit”, “justice”, “fairness” and “relative goodness”.

Example: your “mother” will cook for you even if you’re worst sinner that uses others financially or even fail your exams or even if you don’t go to work etc. But how many times has she cooked for say a poor orphanage nearby or for poor students who do well in their exams? or equivalently, if she is working, give money to “Charity” which is equal to fulfilling these where if the bosses of Charity don’t do it, they go to hell for misuse, right? Fair, indeed.

Does Christ live in such “mothers” or even “fathers” (it applies to both genders) or even “sons or daughters” or everyone else (including “you and I”) who must have enough intelligence to know these basic facts, right? Let each man prove himself to God in private first in all this before claiming any “religion or moral stance”. Let God show on that Day who is doing it and must be with “your own money” (not donation money only) as Christ emphasized repeatedly this aspect too in Luke 11:41 and Luke 12:30 – 35.

31But seek [f]the kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added to you. …  33Sell what you have and give alms [Charity]; provide yourselves money bags which do not grow old, a treasure in the heavens that does not fail, where no thief approaches nor moth destroys. 34For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Luke 12:31, 33 – 34, NKJV)

But rather give alms [Charity] of such things as you have; then indeed all things are clean to you.” (Luke 11:41, NKJV)

#None #Good in #Absolute #sense so #all are #equal in this. #Bible teaches #Relative #Goodness which #man can attain to by doing #Gods #Commands by their own #freewill #choice .

Slide 20 in #MysteriousPPT – Honour your parents “in the Lord” and not in “idol worship” ways lest family becomes “your god”

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Firstly, all verses quoted here are from NKJV. Are our parents good? Are you as a parent good? The Bible only calls those parents who provide house and inheritance (money) to their children’s children level as good (“A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children” Proverbs 13:22 – so, if their marriage was God’s Will, wouldn’t they provide to this level? New testament (NT) reveals marriage as a “freewill” choice “he who gives her in marriage does well, but he who does not give her in marriage does better” in 1 Corinthians 7:38 [implied say in Matthew 19:12 with Isaiah 56:5 promise of “Eternal place/name” in heaven reward so not earthly in “Even to them [Eunuchs/Unmarried] I will give in My house And within My walls a place and a name Better than that of sons and daughters; I will give them an everlasting name That shall not be cut off.” and ‘God’s Will for marriage is only for specific Old Testament cases to bring about lineage of Messiah or certain prophets etc.’). Nowhere in NT, Old Testament “be fruitful and multiply” type of verses are quoted. Can you see it? So, marriage is good if only it fulfills God’s Will revealed in these “New Testament (NT)” verses quoted here.

Jews use the parents’ inheritance money to take care of them starting with “rich Abraham” who gave Isaac his wealth and Isaac takes care of Abraham in old age with “that money” etc. Funny thing is “some” modern parents don’t provide for old age or breed like rabbits to save themselves and then blame children for not taking care which doesn’t seem to fit the Biblical hypothesis fully. Blessed are children who have given “free will” money like Christ taught Corban (Mark 7:9 – 13) when they need not give in the first place (2 Corinthians 12:14 reads, “For the children ought not to lay up [money] for the parents, but the parents for the children”). Example: I know a man who sold a house and gave all that money which came as profit into his bank account to his parents (when he need not) beyond what even the parents helped for repayment part while he didn’t get back his repayment amount (which is almost equal) to “honour Christ’s Corban” verse earlier. That man is ridiculed by parents since he also gave big amounts to friends and also his relationship fall with some women (this part is sin) but he has repented thence but notice that the parents shouldn’t be greedy for all that money since Bible talks also about giving to others and “not family only” as Christ Taught to give money even to “enemies” (like the love scam part becomes that unknowingly at first) in “Love your enemies, … 30Give to everyone who asks of you. And from him who takes away your goods do not ask them back … 32“But if you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? … 34And if you lend to those from whom you hope to receive back, what credit is that to you? … 35But love your enemies, do good, and lend, [h]hoping for nothing in return; and your reward will be great [in heaven], ” (Luke 6:27, 30, 32, 34, 35) .

obey your parents in the Lord” (Ephesians 6:1). Meaning obeying ‘whatever’ they said is not honoring God but only what is right. Example: If your mother is Pentecostal but you are not or if you believe in sharing your house with others as Christ and the first Church of Acts 2:44 – 45 or Acts 4:32 did with families even, stand strong in what you believe even if they don’t want to live with you because of such doctrinal differences. Yes, Lord Jesus Christ came to bring division in family if it’s for “doctrinal differences” even, “34“Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword. 35For I have come to ‘set[j] a man against his father,” (Matthew 10:34 – 35). Whoever is right, let God “judge or reward”, fair indeed, Shalom.

#Honour #Parents #Money #Context #Bible to #everything else but only in the #Lord .

Slide 21 in #MysteriousPPT – Earthly “discovery” non-money success of Jews and Christians example

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Jews do this well generally but Christians better.

That’s why even if their population is small, say they are so successful not just monetarily and it’s not by being “majority” race and manipulating the economic system always (like some races are fond of doing, just look around you), where for example “Jews make up 0.2% of the worlds’ population, yet they have won over 20% of the Nobel prizes“ [Source: ].

Money success can be manipulated by human freewill (e.g. I can hire and make a teacher of my own race or gender as head of Math in private or government but discriminate actual Math Olympians from getting those position or give more salary or play business monopoly tricks to make my race to survive or become more prosperous etc.) but only God can give knowledge type of achievements (like Nobel Prize has about 65.4% Christians but strangely no Pentecostals have won any technical ones and only 2 won peace prize in 2018 and 2019, source: ).

Daniel 12:3, “And those who have insight will shine like the glow of the expanse of heaven, and those who lead the many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever” (NASB).

St. Irenaeus of Lyons writes, “preaching by anticipation the inheritance of the holy Jerusalem, and proclaiming beforehand that the man who loves God shall arrive at such excellency as even to see God, and hear His word, and from the hearing of His discourse be glorified to such an extent, that others cannot behold the glory of his countenance, as was said by Daniel: Those who do understand, shall shine as the brightness of the firmament, and many of the righteous as the stars for ever and ever. Daniel 12:3 Thus, then, I have shown it to be, if any one read the Scriptures.” (Against Heresies, Book 4, Chapter 26, Point 1),

#Money #Success influenced by #Human #FreeWill but #GodsWill solely determines #Knowledge type #success especially #Bible #Insights even #Prophecy if right shines with #Higher #heavens #Glory in #Final #Resurrection than even #converting #many with #lower #stars level if lesser accuracy as #Daniel #Prophesies so #Plagiarism or #Boycott etc. does not work since #God knows to whom He Reveals such like some #ChurchFathers for me #Chiliasm .

Slide 22 in #MysteriousPPT – Pharisees did not fornicate but went to Hell while repented Prostitutes  exceeded their righteousness and went to heaven

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1) Bible verses reveal one of the key thing is that Pharisees were outwardly holy (e.g. never fornicated) but were full of uncleanness inside due to not having charity doctrine where doing tithes did not clean it either since that’s an economic command for priest’s survival and not a humanity/love of God with justice command (Christ Said; all bible verses here from NKJV):

For I say to you, that unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. … Which of the two did the will of his father?” They said to Him, “The first.” Jesus said to them, “Assuredly, I say to you that tax collectors and harlots enter the kingdom of God before you. … 39Then the Lord said to him, “Now you Pharisees make the outside of the cup and dish clean, but your inward part is full of [k]greed and wickedness40Foolish ones! Did not He who made the outside make the inside also? 41But rather give alms [charity] of [l]such things as you have; then indeed all things are clean to you. 42“But woe to you Pharisees! For you tithe mint and rue and all manner of herbs, and pass by justice and the love of God. These you ought to have done, without leaving the others undone.” (Matthew 5:20, 21:31, Luke 11:39 – 42)

2) Example: Parents who give a house to their children have fulfilled a great Biblical duty (e.g. “Houses and riches are an inheritance from fathers,” [Proverbs 19:14] but if it is only for enough for 2 children, maybe should have had only 2 children. How to know earlier? Praying daily and holy and virgin and all that but seem to not know any of these nor became millionaire? right? So don’t spoil your own holiness by failing in finance context and don’t think being “richer” is “safer” since “not doing the good we can” which is more when one is richer is sin, so not sanctified in these areas:

Therefore, to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin. … Your gold and silver are corroded, and their corrosion will be a witness against you and will eat your flesh like fire. You have heaped up treasure in the last days.” (James 4:17, 5:3)

God alone knows the threshold so just do what you can showing effort.

3) Entering Heaven meaning with Chiliasm Church Fathers is to do any of Christ’s New Testament (NT) Commands for “fruit” and NT Traditions to increase reward too. God knows how to measure and make those righteous to fulfill it by relative measure. Not enough space here but you can read i) St. Justin of Rome [Dialogue with Trypho, Chapter 105] ii) St. Irenaeus of Lyons [Against Heresies, Book 4, Chapter 13] and iii) Tertullian [Apologetic. On Idolatry. Chapter II] all quoting Matthew 5:20 in this context.

#Enter #Heaven #Produce #Fruit of #Gods #Commands to Exceed #Holy #Pharisees even in #Finance #Context who failed to even #Repented #Prostitutes .

Slide 23 in #MysteriousPPT –What if some details were misunderstood? Children and Parenting Example regarding how Charity Doctrine can help settle all Finance/Inheritance dispute in Life

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Don’t do charity doctrine with a family house if all not consenting but do it in a house which you paid for or in a house where your parents may use you as an investment option to gain financial profit, allow it.

If you get an inheritance (say house) and it’s a fair transaction uttered by your parent in exchange for financial profit, nothing unfair in it.  Now, if Bank evaluation and profit projection for that “sale” was beyond the “the value you got”, it proves who wants “more money” and also “if that plan failed & house sold for lower value”, it’s not the fault of the person who agreed to “lesser profit”.

Also, best children “get scholarships for their university studies” with “good results” and “don’t burden their parents financially” while children who accept full financing by their parents for their studies should pay back in finance in other ways, right?

If say, a son is not contributing at all or is unstable mentally or depressed, perhaps should belong to mental asylum (Why God didn’t heal them as opposed to other sons who may have fallen, be punished and came back normal?) or if his brothers want to take care later, it’s a choice.

If a house or inheritance is say willed or given to Charity, if any children or parent has a ‘finance right’ to it, then God Will give them the fair “treasure in heaven”. My point is this: If you love your family (living or deceased), why not do Charity Doctrine with the “inheritance (house or money) that you got even via say a will at end of life if you’re not able to give now since need to survive” so that they get “treasure in heaven” instead of living recklessly with earthly luxury or enjoying holidays with it. Also, do not humiliate your mother/father by “cheating others financially” by “not doing the work for which it was paid for” even feeding or financing them with it.

Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.” (Matthew 7:14, NKJV)

23Then Jesus said to His disciples, “Assuredly, I say to you that it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 19:23, NKJV)

We need to avoid lawlessness in finance context to enter heaven by obeying all these Bible verses (Matthew 7:20 – 23) as it is Written.

Christ repeatedly told to do “Charity Doctrine” with “own possessions” (not donation money only) e.g. Luke 12:30 – 35 (where “Prosperity Gospel” teaches the “all these things added to you part” in verse 31 but ignores the “sell what you have and give to charity part” in verse 33 for treasure in heaven).

31But seek [f]the kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added to you. 33Sell what you have and give alms [Charity] ; provide yourselves …  a treasure in the heavens” (Luke 12:31, 33, NKJV)

Also, Apostle St. Paul clearly taught without “Charity Doctrine Command (not option)” done by the “Rich” (relative measure of what you have, Verses 17 – 19 below) there is “no eternal life” because there is “no love of God” part (see Slide 22 earlier) and compare that with the “fight the good fight of faith” (verse 12) part for “God’s Will in finance” too next and notice that not one word written for “tithe” in any of his letters to Gentiles (can you see it?):

12Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life17Command those who are rich in this present age not to be haughty, nor to trust in uncertain riches but in the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy. 18Let them do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to give, willing to share19storing up for themselves a good foundation for the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life.” (1 Timothy 6:12, 17 – 19, NKJV)

#Love #Family #prove it in #Finance not by using #wealth #money for #holidays #luxury #self #enjoyment but rather use it for #Charity #Doctrine more so can #benefit even #parents #Children to get #treasure in #heaven since sometimes #people may not be #wise enough to do it on their own due to #false #prosperity #gospel #influence .

Slide 24 in #MysteriousPPT – Writing a Will for Possessions Given to Charity at end of Life type of Renunciation done by St. Cyprian, Bishop of Carthage who is a famous top martyr and Christian for Protestants, Catholic and Orthodox alike

1) Anyone with even a basic touch of early Christianity will know St. Cyprian of Carthage. A Catholic Encyclopaedia writes,

“ St. Cyprian was the first great Latin writer among the Christians, for Tertullian fell into heresy, and his style was harsh and unintelligible. Until the days of Jerome and Augustine, Cyprian’s writings had no rivals in the West. Their praise is sung by Prudentius, who joins with Pacian, Jerome, Augustine, and many others in attesting their extraordinary popularity.” (VIII. WRITINGS, Cyprian of Carthage, Saint Bishop and martyr; of the date of the saint’s birth and of his early life nothing is known, source:

Note: I disagree with Tertullian being ‘lower’. If any Catholic scholar wants to debate, I will share ‘why’. Tertullian had his Montanism error but his writing has a ‘class of its own’ which St. Cyprian’s does not have either such as ‘magnificent insights into Chiliasm Prophecy details’.

3)  I agree and admire the Grace of God in St. Cyprian’s holy lifestyle which included especially the “renunciation for Christ” which even Tertullian and other Chiliasm or non-Chiliasm fathers did too:

So likewise, whoever of you does not forsake all that he has cannot be My disciple.” (Luke 14:33, NKJV)

So then, none of you can be My disciple who does not give up all his own possessions.” (Luke 14:33, NASB)

4) A point of interest is that some Church Fathers such as St. Cyprian were rich (in modern terms say at least having a fully paid house + car with no debts), able to marry (not impotent and if possible have at least a woman willing to marry you), physically healthy and yet chose not to marry for fulfilling Christ’s Charity Doctrine lifestyle for greater heavenly rewards. A unique style for St. Cyprian was that he gave some money away when he was alive but kept some possessions to keep himself alive and kind of willed it to his successor for Charity Doctrine (so this practice is not my invention but is from “First Christianity” too), to quote:

Cyprian to the presbyters and deacons, his beloved brethren, greeting. …  I request that you will diligently take care of the widows, and of the sick, and of all the poor. Moreover, you may supply the expenses for strangers, if any should be indigent, from my own portion, which I have left with Rogatianus, our fellow presbyter; which portion, lest it should be all appropriated, I have supplemented by sending to the same by Naricus the acolyte another share, so that the sufferers may be more largely and promptly dealt with.” (St. Cyprian of Carthage, c.200 AD – c. 258 AD, Epistle 35, To the Clergy, Concerning the Care of the Poor and Strangers) Source:

Note: This is an entirely different “Christlike” faith from getting rich with Church Money while being a Bishop/Priest and “some with safety net of Church money support”. Your choice.

 #Cyprian #Bishop #First #Christianity #Charity #Doctrine via #Will given at #End of #Life since kept #some #Money #Possessions #Land to keep himself alive. If the will did not get fulfilled or others stole the money, St. Cyprian still gets full heavenly treasure since God doesn’t judge for deeds beyond his control.

Slides 25 to 27 in #MysteriousPPT –  Doctrinal Differences Example on Tithe Topic: Which is True or who is going to Hell if wrong? (Choo Thomas vs Martin Luther, John Calvin and John Wesley)

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1) Pentecostal Christianity type usually claims that tithing is a must but Charity Doctrine is not  compulsory. Note that in slides 22 and 23 earlier, I have showed that Christ and other New Testament Bible verses show that only Charity Doctrine applies to Gentile believers and not tithes. Some Pentecostals, such  as the Assemblies of God (AOG) approved Prophetess Choo Thomas from Korea whose book was translated by the biggest Church’s pastor Dr. David Yonggi Cho claimed many times that she went to heaven and the Holy Spirit spoke to her/was with her [Page 4, 6, 98, 125] and she saw even people who did not tithe in Hell (she also ‘spoke in tongues the modern Pentecostal way’ which is approved by AOG Church [Pages 8, 11, 98, 104] & did some special dance [Pages 89, 105, 107, 108], she claimed the Lord asked her to do?):

“… Many Christians are poor and have many problems in their lives because their hearts are not right with Me and they don‟t tithe. Any Christian who doesn‟t tithe will not be blessed because they love money more than My Word. Those who love money more than My Word will never see My kingdom. You already know where they will be at the end. … Every word in this book is true. The words of Jesus have been transcribed exactly as He said them to me …” – Choo Thomas (Page 74, 88) Source:

Questions to ponder: So, is every “tithe paying AOG Christian rich?” or if they’re not rich, doesn’t Choo Thomas’ quote above mean that something is spiritually wrong with them? So, only rich AOG Christians are saved is it? Also, Choo Thomas also claimed the Lord/Holy Spirit is the one who told her to write her book (Page 2, 109) and God made her rich because of tithing (Page 79). She said she saw a vision of a “pre-tribulation rapture” too which happens to her “young granddaughter” (Page 80, 81, 135).

2) All Protestant Founders did not teach nor practice tithing – so if Choo Thomas is right, are they in Hell? If she is wrong, could she (and Pentecostal types that support her) be doing unforgivable Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit? Proof Quotes:

“… TITHING: But the other commandments of Moses, which are not [implanted in all men] by nature, the Gentiles do not hold. Nor do these pertain to the Gentiles, such as the TITHE  … SABBATH: Again one can prove it from the third commandment that Moses does not pertain to Gentiles and Christians. For Paul [Col. 2:16] and the New Testament [Matt. 12:1-12; John 5:16; 7:22-23; 9:14-16] abolish the Sabbath, to show us that the Sabbath was given to the Jews alone, for whom it is a stern commandment. …” – Martin Luther, First Protestant, Founder of Lutheran Churches  (LUTHER, MARTIN; August 27, 1525, HOW CHRISTIANS SHOULD REGARD MOSES) Example Sources (same content no matter which is quoted): or [Page 147] or

Note: This is an important comparison since Choo Thomas said that “Lord Jesus” told her that those who do “not tithe” go to Hell and Martin Luther did “not tithe” personally and taught “no need to tithe”. So, is he in Hell? If not, who did Choo Thomas meet or if her vision is not true, then what about her speaking in tongues which is approved by even No. 1 AOG Dr. David Yonggi Cho? Scary, right? So, I am neutral but I can show Lord Jesus Christ these “evidences” and tell him “why” I did not “oath myself to AOG beliefs and quit that Church in year 2010” where even if AOG turns out to be the ‘real truth’ (for argument’s sake), God can clearly understand my hesitance and being safe since he surely saved Martin Luther likewise from a protestant point of view, right? Also, Luther believed in post-tribulation rapture instead of pre-tribulation rapture.

#Charity #Doctrine is #Focus of #Tithe by #First #Protestant #Reformers #Martin #Luther  #Founder of #Lutheran #Churches but different in #AOG or #modern #doctrine of #Prosperity #Gospel .

Slide 26 in #MysteriousPPT –  Doctrinal Differences Example on Tithe Topic: Which is True or who is going to Hell if wrong? (Choo Thomas vs John Calvin)

“… However, after giving the reason God complained about being defrauded of the tithes in Malachi 3,

“But we know that other sacrifices are now prescribed to us; and after prayer and praises, he bids us to relieve the poor and needy. God then, no doubt, is deprived by us of his right, when we are unkind to the poor, and refuse them aid in their necessity.”[1].– John Calvin, Founder of Reformed Churches, Founder of TULIP Calvinism (Calvin, Commentaries on the Twelve Minor Prophets, 5:586.)

So, according to Calvin, God is robbed by Christians not when they fail to tithe, but when they fail to give aid to the poor and needy. …” Source (Prof. David A. Croteau):


“… reproved by God in the scribes, who, while they were very diligent and careful in paying tithes, cared little about the principal points of the Law. … And yet the question is not fully answered; for tithes, which Christ places inferior to judgment and mercy, were a part of divine worship, and some part of them was usually bestowed on the poor, so that tithes contained a double sacrifice. I:reply: Tithes are not simply compared to alms, and faith, and judgment, but the pretended holiness of the scribes is compared with the sincere and pure feeling of charity …” – John Calvin, Founder of Reformed Churches, Founder of TULIP Calvinism (Commentary on Matthew 23)


Note: This is an important comparison since Choo Thomas said that “Lord Jesus” told her that those who do “not tithe” go to Hell and John Calvin did “not tithe” personally and taught “no need to tithe” since he calls it “not part of principal part of the Law” but says must do “Charity Doctrine” (with or without tithe). So, is he in Hell? If not, who did Choo Thomas meet or if her vision is not true, then what about her speaking in tongues which is approved by even No. 1 AOG Dr. David Yonggi Cho? Scary, right? So, I am neutral but I can show Lord Jesus Christ these “evidences” and tell him “why” I did not “oath myself to AOG beliefs and quit that Church in year 2010” where even if AOG turns out to be the ‘real truth’ (for argument’s sake), God can clearly understand my hesitance and being safe since he surely saved John Calvin likewise from a protestant point of view, right? Also, Calvin believed in post-tribulation rapture instead of pre-tribulation rapture.

#Charity #Doctrine is #Focus of #Tithe by #First #Protestant #Reformers #John #Calvin #Founder of #Reformed who influenced #Baptist #Presbyterian too but different in #AOG or #modern #doctrine of #Prosperity #Gospel .

Slide 26 in #MysteriousPPT –  Doctrinal Differences Example on Tithe Topic: Which is True or who is going to Hell if wrong? (Choo Thomas vs John Wesley)

John Wesley basically taught to give “more or lessthan 10% also can (notice the “less” part) according to your financial condition but important thing here also is the “tithe” (tenth) money is used for “Charity Doctrine” toward “priest, normal Christian and non-Christian too” (while most tithing churches use it for pastor’s salary only – a world of a difference):

Do not stint yourself, like a Jew rather than a Christian, to this or that proportion. “Render unto God,” not a tenth, not a third, not half, but all that is God’s, be it more or less; by employing all on yourself, your household, the household of faith, and all mankind, in such a manner, that you may give a good account of your stewardship when ye can be no longer stewards; … I do not say, “Be a good Jew, giving a tenth of all you possess.” I do not say, “Be a good Pharisee, giving a fifth of all your substance.” I dare not advise you to give half of what you have; no, nor three quarters; but all! … 1. Provide things needful for yourself; food to eat, raiment to put on; whatever nature moderately requires, for preserving you both in health and strength. 2. Provide these for your wife, your children, your servants, or any others who pertain to your household. If, when this is done, there be an overplus left, then do good to “them that are of the household of faith.” If there be an overplus still, “as you have opportunity, do good unto all men.” – John Wesley, Main Founder of Methodist Churches (The Use of Money, Part III, Point 6, Page 24 and Part II, Point 8, Page 48)


Note: This is an important comparison since Choo Thomas said that “Lord Jesus” told her that those who do “not tithe” go to Hell and John Wesley did “not tithe” personally and taught “no need to tithe” since he calls it “can be less than the tenth/10%/tithe” but says must do “Charity Doctrine” with that money not just toward “pastors” but that Church Money is used also for “other Christian’s need and even non-Christians” (with more or less than 10% income according to financial ability). So, is he in Hell? If not, who did Choo Thomas meet or if her vision is not true, then what about her speaking in tongues which is approved by even No. 1 AOG Dr. David Yonggi Cho? Scary, right? So, I am neutral but I can show Lord Jesus Christ these “evidences” and tell him “why” I did not “oath myself to AOG beliefs and quit that Church in year 2010” where even if AOG turns out to be the ‘real truth’ (for argument’s sake), God can clearly understand my hesitance and being safe since he surely saved John Wesley likewise from a protestant point of view, right? Also, Wesley believed in post-tribulation rapture instead of pre-tribulation rapture.

#Charity #Doctrine is #Focus of #Tithe by #First #Protestant #Reformers #John #Wesley #Founder of #Methodist #Churches but different in #AOG or #modern #doctrine of #Prosperity #Gospel .

Slide 28 in #MysteriousPPT –  Abide in Christ and bear thirtyfold, sixtyfold or hundredfold fruits (reward levels of Salvation) vs saved by fire for “some”?

Link for #MysteriousPPT:

1) Lord Jesus Christ Taught this:

5“I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing. 6If anyone does not abide in Me, he is cast out as a branch and is withered; and they gather them and throw them into the fire, and they are burned.” (John 15:5 – 6, NKJV)

2) Example: Roman Catholics and Orthodox can easily claim they abide in Christ and that’s why they are able to continuously exist for 2000 years (even if the earliest Church Fathers writings especially Chiliasm ones does not contain some of the extrabiblical practices which they do). If the evangelism and great numbers of the Catholics and Orthodox who pray to Virgin Mary (about 60% of Christianity today and much more in past history*) counts lesser in value and more risky than protestant conversions (about 40% of Christianity to date), then similarly within Protestantism, those more accurate doctrinally may be lesser in numbers likewise.

*Source: Todd M. Johnson and Gina A. Zurlo, eds. World Christian Database (Leiden/Boston: Brill), or

3) Bearing “fruit” part above refers to three levels of “Elect Salvation” according to “accuracy”:

But these are the ones sown on good ground, those who hear the word, accept it, and bear fruit: some thirtyfold, some sixty, and some a hundred.” (Mark 4:20, NKJV)

Note: Verses such as Matthew 19:29 correlates with it mentioning only the “hundredfold” reward level which is stated differently from “Eternal Life” by Christ Himself [“And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands, for My name’s sake, shall receive a hundredfold, and inherit eternal life” (Matthew 19:29, NKJV)]. Salvation with reward seems to be this verse too,

If anyone’s work which he has built on it endures, he will receive a reward” (1 Corinthians 3:14, NKJV).”

4)  The phrase “throw them into the fire, and they are burned” earlier could imply “Non Elect Salvation” for “some” (not all) if this interpretation next is true (notice the word “burned” in both John 15:6 and 1 Corinthians 3:15):

 “If anyone’s work is burned, he will suffer loss; but he himself will be saved, yet so as through fire.” (1 Corinthians 3:15, NKJV)

Note: The lowest reward thirtyfold level seems to match 1 Corinthians 3:14’s “reward” case of being honoured rather than the “saved by fire” with “no reward” possibility of 1 Corinthians 3:15. If viewed like this, then 1 Corinthians 3:15’s “saved by fire” case could be Non Elect Salvation.

#Elect vs #Non Elect #Salvation #Possibility not #Doctrine .

Slide 2 – Christian #HistoryPPT – Have we really lived by Faith? Church Practice Example regarding mere Attendance vs Charity Doctrine type

1) Many modern Christians like to quote Hebrews 10:25 to justify ‘Sunday Church Attendance’ but fail to see that it was written with Context of Hebrews 10:24 which is to do “good works” (including ‘Charity Doctrine’ together).

“ 24And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works25not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.” (Hebrews 10:24 – 25, NKJV)

2) Notice that the equivalent linguistic command to “not forsake” Charity Doctrine is also there but ‘not preached’ with the ‘same level of intensity & practice generally’ (example: does your Church or we as a Christian do it at least once a week? Also, leadership is by example where the pastor/priest does it with his own money/possessions/things first as Christ taught in Luke 11:41 and those who do sometimes are rejected for hire since they outshine those who do not who discriminate such just like ‘worldly politics’ shaming the ‘purity of the faith’; remember, the Church Fathers lived for Christ like that as I have shown).

Do not neglect hospitality to strangers, for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it.” (Hebrews 13:8, NASB)

 Note: Remember, it’s nothing about being “rich” and calling that as ‘blessing of God’ since even the ‘politician you hate from a different religion or local gangster or even womanizing businessman to others etc. can have more money/wealth & health’ than you here on earth. Also, have you really “lived by faith”? I mean with no fixed monthly income, no epf, no insurance, no Church support, no love offering, no tithes, fully fund all your ministry work and time with no pay and work for wage (example preaching/writing/Charity), no nepotism (no family nor race) type of special favours and be discriminated for some doctrinal difference for Christ which you stand by? Then you have “lived by faith” to some extent. 

#Do #not #neglect #command is applied to #Church #assembly for #good #works and #love in #action which is #Charity #Doctrine even #hospitality as #Church #Fathers fulfilled #Christ #Word and #Leadership is by #Example not via #donation but #own #money included too to have #real #Faith .

Slide 3 –  Christian #HistoryPPT – Am I twisting the “Just shall live by Faith” meaning to include “Charity Doctrine” and “enduring plundering of your goods (money/wealth/possessions) by those who cheat you be it in work or say via discrimination of plagiarism or promotion/salary or not giving you job/title due to race/religion/denomination etc.” to be converted to “treasure in heaven” context?

Hebrews 10:32 – 37 quotes it “primarily” to include these “earthly” sign that the “just who live by faith” will endure from “plundering of their goods to all sorts of unfair treatment” but yet they will do “charity doctrine” and be “fair” to others to do “God’s Will in Finance” to get “Heavenly treasure”.

32But recall the former days in which, after you were [h]illuminated, you endured a great struggle with sufferings33partly while you were made a spectacle both by reproaches and tribulations, and partly while you became companions of those who were so treated34for you had compassion on [i]me in my chains, and joyfully accepted the plundering of your [j]goods, knowing that you have a better and an enduring possession for yourselves [k]in heaven35Therefore do not cast away your confidence, which has great reward. 36For you have need of endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise: 37“For yet a little while, And He[l] who is coming will come and will not [m]tarry. 38Now the[n] just shall live by faith; But if anyone draws back, My soul has no pleasure in him.” (Hebrews 10:32 – 37, NKJV)

Notice carefully how the “Bible verses” when quoting the phrase “the just shall live by faith” does not say that they can then “claim prosperity” or ‘change their suffering etc.’ which is the chief error of the “prosperity gospel. The Bible assures that those who “suffer” all these “unfair treatment on earth with faith” are the “just” who will get “possessions in heaven” for it. Remember the poor widow who gave 2 coins which hardly fed any compared to the rich but yet Christ Said she gave more (Luke 21:1 – 3)? That’s how “God measures Fairly”. No adding nor removing verses is done (just quoted).

#Just #Righteous shall #live by #Faith #Prophecy is described #Primarily as #GodsWill for #Finance in #CharityDoctrine and enduring #Unfair #Discriminations to get #Heavenly #Possessions . So being #cheated in #life for #job or #finance #Context due to #race #religion #denomination #plagiarism etc. means #treasure in #heaven is still #guaranteed so #good #always #wins .

Slide 4 –  Christian #HistoryPPT –  I have seen …

Link for #MysteriousPPT (27 October 2024):

1) I have seen what? (Examples)

– If Protestantism is right, then no Sola Scriptura existed at least between 500 AD to 1500 AD (since no Guttenberg press printed Bibles even) meaning didn’t God bother about those Christian souls at those times all prayed to Virgin Mary, do indulgence etc. type only? If they’re saved, won’t other Catholics too be saved today? If they went to Hell, so even your small modern denomination (part of only 40% of total protestant including many types within) could go to Hell likewise, right? Let God Decide.

– Chiliasm Church Father St. Justin of Rome wasn’t bishop nor was non-Chiliasm leader Origen but they influenced the Church in theology areas beyond their local bishops. So accuracy is more important and God decides in the end.

– I heard some Pastors to Church Leaders use contacts to get their children to get key jobs from sports to top companies to ministry positions instead of normal hire application.

– I had a Pastor confess to me that he couldn’t finish his school form 6 education right but went on to get a PHD in Fuller Theological Seminary (like Cambridge for Theology in some people’s eyes) but if another person whose academic is better applies, they reject & no one gives scholarship.

– Many homeschools etc. are run charging high fees to students for some simple IGCSE Math “A” which is gotten by so many others but no say Math Olympiad achievements neither by their teachers nor students.

– Even Christian ministry ones don’t want to work or hire say actual Math Olympians who offer themselves for lower fee or free tuition initiatives via local Church to impact local community to share gospel like how they do with “sports ministry” proving “bias”. They say you’re not from their denomination but worship Messi and Ronaldo who both are “Catholics” so best in soccer is not from their denomination even?.

2) If you preach and believe in more accurately say when compared to John Wesley and Martin Luther, the Founders of Methodist and Lutheran Churches, respectively, they “reject” you. If anyone disputes this, don’t bear false witness, come live on a Zoom and debate with me as Holy Spirit taught not to pre-meditate (Matthew 10:18 – 20) and we will go “doctrine by doctrine” how which of us preaches the same as them. If God led you to disobey them, maybe now He is teaching that they were right on those points.

In all this I learnt that faith and reward is individual and not affected by “general” Church outside where anyone can excel in spiritual matters by doing His Commands by “relative measure” just like the poor widow’s 2 coins which hardly fed any was “most” compared to rich’s giving which fed many (Luke 21:1 – 3) as Christ Taught.

God taught “parabolically” (too many Church Fathers to quote but little space) for Luke 16:9 that a man lives to be “loyal to God or money” not via some “empty word belief” but “proving it with his own money or possessions (be it earthly or spiritual goods) & not via donation money only” by sharing it for “free” benefitting “others” since others cannot blame such Christians since they already share “the Gospel & their life” for “free” like that to show the “Love in Action” which must include “enemies too” (not same Church/Family/race only), Verses:

“ 9Here’s the lesson: Use your worldly resources to benefit others and make friends. Then, when your possessions are gone, they will welcome you to an eternal home.c 10“If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities. 11And if you are untrustworthy about worldly wealth, who will trust you with the true riches of heaven12And if you are not faithful with other people’s things, why should you be trusted with things of your own? 13“No one can serve two masters. For you will hate one and love the other; you will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and be enslaved to money. … 32“But if you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? 35But love your enemies, do good, and lend, [h]hoping for nothing in return;” (Luke 16:9 – 13, 6:32, 35, NLT) Note: “lend” in Luke 6:35 to “enemies” means “give money” as Christ taught.

#Summary #Nepotism to #Worldly #Achievement #illusion and how to #counter it with #Wisdom for #CharityDoctrine as #GodsWill for #Life for #All to prove #faithfulness to #Him .

Slide 5 –  Christian #HistoryPPT –  Regarding the Best of Women Praised by God and not men

1) Do you know that the famous Bible’s Proverbs 31 Wife which is the rarest-greatest type “begins” with the character of being a “working woman willingly”? (“willingly” [Prov. 31:13] implies not out of compulsion nor circumstance but that she does it to provide for husband & family though it’s “not” her duty and she also does “charity doctrine” with that money [Prov. 31:20] & not giving to ‘family only’. Only such a woman is called as “more God-Fearing” [Prov. 31:30] and the only thing mentioned about “her husband” is he is “renown for wisdom” Prov. 31:23]. Being ‘famous’ is not the point if their wives don’t fulfil at least ‘some’ of these traits or if either are famous for promoting ‘sexual stuff’, vices like drunkenness, racism, gangsterism, dirty dancing, earning unclean-manipulated money etc. Though nothing specific is written for men, I think men must demonstrate such ‘willingness’ too being ‘leaders’ to do these in principle):

10Who[c] can find a [d]virtuous wife?
For her worth is far above rubies.
11The heart of her husband safely trusts her;
So he will have no lack of gain.
12She does him good and not evil
All the days of her life.
13She seeks wool and flax,
And willingly works with her hands.
14She is like the merchant ships,
She brings her food from afar.
15She also rises while it is yet night,
And provides food for her household,
And a portion for her maidservants.
16She considers a field and buys it;
From [e]her profits she plants a vineyard.
17She girds herself with strength,
And strengthens her arms.
18She perceives that her merchandise is good,
And her lamp does not go out by night.
19She stretches out her hands to the distaff,
And her hand holds the spindle.
20She extends her hand to the poor,
Yes, she reaches out her hands to the needy.

23Her husband is known in the gates,
When he sits among the elders of the land.

30Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing,
But a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised.” (Proverbs 31:10 – 20, 23, 30, NKJV)

2) New testament (NT) reveals marriage as a “freewill” choice:
he who gives her in marriage does well, but he who does not give her in marriage does better” (1 Corinthians 7:38, NKJV)

[implied say in Matthew 19:12 with Isaiah 56:5 promise of “Eternal place/name” in heaven reward so not earthly in

Even to them [Eunuchs/Unmarried] I will give in My house And within My walls a place and a name Better than that of sons and daughters; I will give them an everlasting name That shall not be cut off.” (Isaiah 56:5, NKJV)

and ‘God’s Will for marriage is only for specific Old Testament cases to bring about lineage of Messiah or certain prophets etc.’). Nowhere in NT, Old Testament “be fruitful and multiply” type of verses are quoted. Can you see it? So, marriage is good if only it fulfills God’s Will revealed in “New Testament (NT)” verses.  #Virtuous #Wife what does the #Bible say about #Godly #Women almost everything is based on #money and #economic #character to be considered as #God #Fearing #Listen to #God and #not #men .

Slide 6 –  Christian #HistoryPPT –  Preaching Christ and Preaching Charity Doctrine Link Example for New Testament (NT)

1) Basically, God rebuked Israel via Prophet Zechariah for some type of “Prosperity Gospel people and priests” attitude of ‘enjoying wealth with eating and drinking’ and He even mocks their ‘fasting (and prayer)’ asking isn’t your “prayer requests” for “your health-wealth prosperity”? What God wanted was ‘true Israelites (Christians)’ to ‘share’ that ‘prosperity with the poor, don’t oppress (e.g. lower salary or job discrimination just because of race etc.) and take care of widows and orphans’.

5“Say to all the people of the land, and to the priests: ‘When you fasted and mourned in the fifth and seventh months during those seventy years, did you really fast for Me—for Me? 6When you eat and when you drink, do you not eat and drink for yourselves? 7Should you not have obeyed the words which the Lord proclaimed through the former prophets when Jerusalem and the cities around it were inhabited and prosperous, and the [f]South and the Lowland were inhabited?’” 8Then the word of the Lord came to Zechariah, saying, 9“Thus says the Lord of hosts: ‘Execute true justice, Show [g]mercy and compassion Everyone to his  brother. 10Do not oppress the widow or the fatherless, The alien or the poor. Let none of you plan evil in his heart against his brother.’” (Zechariah 7:5 – 10, NKJV)

These New Testament verses below confirm this is what still applies even now for a “Widow” (how much more for “real men” to do these “Charity Doctrine good works” like “lodged strangers, relieved the afflicted etc.” and with “Church Money”? Also, priority is to help with Church Money/Charity those who did Charity Doctrine as widow case here proves too and not those who live in prosperity with Church Money for whom best is to give it via a will back to Charity/Church at end of life – Preaching Charity Doctrine is a Preaching Christ too since He Commanded all these):

9Do not let a widow under sixty years old be taken into the number, and not unless she has been the wife of one man, 10well reported for good works: if she has brought up children, if she has lodged strangers, if she has washed the saints’ feet, if she has relieved the afflicted, if she has diligently followed every good work.” (1 Timothy 5:9 – 10, NKJV)

2) Conclusion : All ‘human drama’ (including religious ones) have been done before and rebuked by God through prophets of the Bible. If we are ‘not doing the drama’, then we must ‘preach and live likewise’ (do both since some do but never preach especially publicly, scared that others may be offended) to be great in heaven in Matthew 5:19 – 20 which let God alone Judge who does it or not.

Remember that the poor widow gave 2 coins which hardly fed any but Christ Said she gave most in Luke 21:1 – 3 so outward result or no. of conversions does not matter for ranking as Daniel 12:3 also agrees that “wisdom (insight)” referring to “accuracy of doctrine” shines in higher “heavens level” as compared to ‘converting many to less accurate righteousness’ which is called ‘stars level’.

Similarly, Roman Catholic & Orthodox domination without any printed Bibles at least from 500 AD to 1500 AD did the ‘Great Commission’ during those times, right? (while praying to Virgin Mary to doing indulgences etc.) meaning from a protestant perspective, even if ‘they were wrong’, God never interfered, right? So, even any other modern protestant position can have serious errors likewise despite ‘converting many’ too).

#Preach #Christ include #Preach His #Commands to avoid #Lawlessness especially #Charity #Doctrine #Command as #Gods #Will for #Money.

Slide 7 –  Christian #HistoryPPT –  Were Women Pastors/Priests in the early Church?

0) A Page wrote:

Yes, women were ordained in the early Christian church, and there is evidence that they held roles of leadership and service:

Biblical evidence

The letters of St. Paul name several women as leaders of house churches, including Phoebe, Priscilla, Junia, and Prisca. Luke also relied on the testimony of women in writing his books.

Extra-biblical evidence

Archaeological evidence and historical research show that women served as priests, bishops, and deacons in the early church. For example, frescoes, mosaics, and tombs from 100 to 820 A.D. depict women in these roles.

Early Christian writers

Origen, John Chrysostom, and Pelagius all wrote about women being ordained in the early church.

Reply 1) All these seeming evidence is not true (as far as I have researched). These are standard “fallacies” presented. Please allow me to explain as it’s not the first “pHD” claiming research I have read with similar content and rebutted as well.

2) Women preaching the gospel (be it say like those arriving first in the tomb of Christ does not make them clergy). Analogy: men who preach the gospel do not all become clergy either. Women can preach the gospel but they cannot become clergy.

3) No Bible verses ordain any women clergy. The Junia verse etc. means “deacon and servant” which is well represented with early Church quote too that they served toward women only. This is important since all so called women “leader” fresco, art and in the tombs evidence does not prove that they presided over a congregation but rather were leaders over other women only.

4) Church Fathers testify to what I wrote above. Some of these pages wrongly claim that Origen or Chrysostom taught the ordination of women priests where in fact they did not. Examples:

Men should not sit and listen to a woman … ‘For it is improper for a woman to speak in an assembly,’ no matter what she says, even if she says admirable things, or even saintly things, that is of little consequence, since they come from the mouth of a woman.
Fragments on 1 Corinthians 14

The woman taught once, and ruined all. On this account therefore he says, let her not teach. But what is it to other women, that she suffered this? It certainly concerns them; for the sex is weak and fickle, and he is speaking of the sex collectively.”
Homily 9 on First Timothy

5) Pelagius was a heretic according to many mainstream Christians including St. Augustine of Hippo who did not even condemn universalism type of Christians. Some of the so called “proofs” of ‘writing’ and and ‘tombs’ were belonging to such “heretics” but modern some pHD’s in modern Christianity use that in support of “women clergy” claim.

Yes, heretics like “Marcion”(the No. 1 arch-heretic who is called “firstborn of Satan” according to St. Polycarp disciple of Apostle St. John when both met as recorded by St. Irenaeus of Lyons in Against Heresies Book 3, Chapter 3, Point 4) may have had women pastors according to some source (e.g. “They [Marcionites] admitted women to the priesthood and bishopric.” Source: ) .

Whether this is the same “Marcion” or “another by the name Marcus” is debatable (e.g. but the point that ‘women priests ordination were done only by heretics seems clear’ as St. Irenaeus writes in [Against Heresies Book 1, Chapter 13, Point 2]. More in Source:   

6) Here is an example where a so called ‘women pastor supporting website’ quoting the ‘right history’ with ‘wrong interpretation’ namely the truth is they “miss” the main point which is “women deacon/leader etc.” were ordained “only for women” (meaning nothing to do with leading the church over “men” – can you see it? Please read the ‘original quotes’ carefully and not their interpolations here) to quote:

Of the ministry of women, Clement of Alexandria wrote: “But the apostles in conformity with their ministry concentrated on undistracted preaching, and took their wives around as Christian sisters rather than spouses, to be their fellow-ministers [“fellow deacons”] in relation to housewives, through whom the Lord’s teaching penetrated into the women’s quarters without scandal.”8

The Didascalia Apostolorum [Teaching of the Apostles], undoubtedly from the eastern part of the empire and composed in the third century, gives specific instructions about the role of men and women church workers: “Therefore, O bishop, appoint yourself workers of righteousness, helpers who cooperate with you unto life. Those that please you out of all the people you shall choose and appoint as deacons: on the one hand, a man for the administration of the many things that are required, on the other hand a woman for the ministry of women.”9



Epiphanius of Salamis

It is true that in the Church there is an order of deaconesses, but not for being a priestess, nor for any kind of work of administration, but for the sake of the dignity of the female sex, either at the time of baptism or of examining the sick or suffering, so that the naked body of a female may not be seen by men administering sacred rites, but by the deaconess” (Against Heresies 78:13 [A.D. 377]).


Note: Another example is same way the Roman Catholics or Orthodox find a fresco or picture or painting of Virgin Mary in the tombs and claim that early Christians prayed to her and likewise women pastors claim such exist but by such quotes we see the meaning is just respect and the function is different.

In light of all these evidences, I don’t think I see any “women pastor” in “mainstream early Church Christianity nor the New Testament Bible either”. Peace to you.

Slide 8 –  Christian #HistoryPPT –  Financial Holiness in a Nutshell

1) Why is this important?

Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord:” (Hebrews 12:14, NKJV)

Note: Other outward “Holiness” are well preached by many denominations so I don’t need to repeat it but few preach ‘holiness in money aspect’ so I focus on that with Church fathers.

2) “Perfect” Financial Holiness involves giving “all” (not some) of “own possessions” to the “poor” (not given to Temple/Church/Pastor/family etc.) as CHRIST Taught to FOLLOW HIM:

Then Jesus, looking at him, loved him, and said to him, “One thing you lack: Go your way, sell whatever you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, take up the cross, and follow Me.” (Mark 10:21, NKJV)

Comment: Neither you nor I can ‘give all like that’ and those who did usually lived with a ‘safety net of Church support’ (e.g. Acts 2:44 – 46, Acts 4:32) and so it’s okay to give via a will at end of life at least ‘what you can’ while giving some to family or if not enough, give while living as you work (God counts by relative measure as poor widow’s 2 coins was more than rich’s which fed many as context is giving in Luke 21:1 – 3, so God is Fair).

3) Any earthly job (not ‘ministry or pastor work only’) can get equal ‘reward of inheritance’ as verses next for ‘slave job (discriminated, not given opportunity, low pay, high quality output)’ reveals (where if ‘race based salary, bribery, lower work output or other type of injustice exist’, value is lower to none), let God Judge:

22Bondservants, obey in all things your masters according to the flesh, not with eyeservice, as men-pleasers, but in sincerity of heart, fearing God. 23And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, 24knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for[a] you serve the Lord Christ.” (Colossians 3:22 – 24, NKJV)

4) Not taking care of the poor by relative measure is sin especially when “prosperity is greater” (notice God never intervened making those wrong poor) but Judges at end of life as case of Sodom reveals:

Look, this was the iniquity of your sister Sodom: She and her daughter had pride, fullness of food, and abundance of idleness; neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy.” (Ezekiel 16:49, NKJV)

5) Regardless of Elect or Non Elect Salvation, ”Judgment Day” Verses reveal that if without Charity Doctrine, God sends to eternal hell unless one is the ‘recipient’ (who couldn’t do):

41“Then He will also say to those on the left hand, ‘Depart from Me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels: 42for I was hungry and you gave Me no food; I was thirsty and you gave Me no drink43I was a stranger and you did not take Me in, naked and you did not clothe Me, sick and in prison and you did not visit Me.’” (Matthew 25:41 – 43, NKJV)

6) Christ already Said “Charity Doctrine is more important than Tithes” since only “Alms (Charity)” from what “you have” (own possessions or skills or money and not from donation only) causes “financial sanctification and more (all)” which tithes cannot do:

41But rather give alms of [l]such things as you have; then indeed all things are clean to you. 42“But woe to you Pharisees! For you tithe mint and rue and all manner of herbs, and pass by justice and the love of God. These you ought to have done, without leaving the others undone.” (Luke 11:41 – 42, NKJV)

Note: I already quoted First Protestant Martin Luther, John Calvin, John Wesley (e.g. Slides 25 – 27 in #MysteriousPPT) and Chiliasm Church Fathers that tithes does not apply to “Gentile” Christians. Are they in Hell? Example, St. Irenaeus of Lyons quotes Charity Doctrine Christ’s Verses as greater than tithes and must apply to “enemies” too without worrying about ‘what if they use it against us (Christians)?’ which is ‘Christ’s no agenda, pure love’ (ask: what have we or our church given to “enemies” from “our skill / possessions / money” etc.?):

instead of the law enjoining the giving of tithes, [He told us] to share Matthew 19:21 all our possessions with the poor; and not to love our neighbours only, but even our enemies;not regarding their evil intentions, but performing your kind offices, assimilating yourself to the Father, who makes His sun to rise upon the evil and the good, and sends rain upon the just and unjust. Matthew 5:45” (St. Irenaeus of Lyons, c. 130 AD – c. 202 AD, Bishop of Lyons and hearer of St. Polycarp. Against Heresies. Book 4. Chapter 13. Point 3. )

Note: If you or your Church have been doing any of these, good, but you have to teach others too as Matthew 5:19 commands both doing and teaching.

Slide 9 –  Christian #HistoryPPT –  Reading Early Church History Right Example of Tithes with Didache & Bible

1) Bible

In the Bible, the “priests” who live by “tithe-income” cannot own “lands” (meaning “money or inheritance”). This means each priest and his family lives only by the budget of each month. Do modern tithe-priests & their families live by this rule? If cannot, then why God gave that rule & old testament priests “can”? also, zero examples exist of anyone becoming “rich” by collecting “tithes” as God only blessed the “secular work of Abraham etc. like farming,” (but remember the ‘demonic racist murderous unbelieving Pharoah who enslaves others was richer too’ and God Commanded this “no inheritance rule” to be “forever” wherever ‘tithe is practiced’ (so how is your Church omitted?):

23But the Levites [priests] shall perform the work of the tabernacle of meeting, and they shall bear their iniquity; it shall be a statute forever, throughout your generations, that among the children of Israel they shall have no inheritance24For the tithes of the children of Israel, which they offer up as a heave offering to the Lord, I have given to the Levites [priests] [j]as an inheritance; therefore I have said to them, ‘Among the children of Israel they shall have no inheritance.’” (Numbers 18:23 – 24, NKJV)

2) Didache

Some Christian scholars quote the Didache for claiming tithe-practice taught by early Christians but as usual they quote it in “full” missing two important points namely that the “tithe” can only be collected by a “Prophet” who is living the “Levite [Priest]” style of “no inheritance” described earlier (meaning it cannot be collected by any modern pastor who owns inheritance or prosperity but rather by priests who live in Church money only like Roman Catholic/Orthodox type where money collected goes to Church fund & they take needs only in theory). Secondly, if no prophet of that type exists, then “tithes” goes to the “poor” (Charity Doctrine) be it pastor or normal person which debunks the dehumanizing myth of prosperity Gospel where they think giving to a pastor has higher reward from God and so they give there neglecting the poor etc. In fact, if you give to the rich or your family only or your loves ones only and not to your enemies etc. included, your value is lower as Christ already warned in Luke 6. Didache reads,

But concerning the apostles and prophets, according to the decree of the Gospel, thus do. Let every apostle that comes to you be received as the Lord. But he shall not remain except one day; but if there be need, also the next; but if he remain three days, he is a false prophet. And when the apostle goes away, let him take nothing but bread until he lodges; but if he ask money, he is a false prophet. And every prophet that speaks in the Spirit you shall neither try nor judge; for every sin shall be forgiven, but this sin shall not be forgiven. But not every one that speaks in the Spirit is a prophet; but only if he hold the ways of the Lord. Therefore from their ways shall the false prophet and the prophet be known. And every prophet who orders a meal in the Spirit eats not from it, except indeed he be a false prophet; and every prophet who teaches the truth, if he do not what he teaches, is a false prophet. And every prophetproved true, working unto the mystery of the Church in the world, yet not teaching others to do what he himself does, shall not be judged among you, for with God he has his judgment; for so did also the ancient prophets. But whoever says in the Spirit, Give me money, or something else, you shall not listen to him; but if he says to you to give for others’ sake who are in need, let no one judge him.Every first-fruit, therefore, of the products of wine-press and threshing-floor, of oxen and of sheep, you shall take and give to the prophets, for they are your high priests. But if you have not a prophet, give it to the poor. …  But your prayers and alms and all your deeds so do, as you have it in the Gospel of our Lord.  … For in the last days false prophets and corrupters shall be multiplied (Didache, 2nd Century AD, Chapters 11 and 13, 15, 16, Source: )

Conclusion: You don’t need to follow these ‘eat bread only and nomadic strict rules for prophet’ if you are NOT LIVING with TITHES MONEY but are working & living with YOUR OWN MONEY (see the difference? If Didache is false, so neither is its ‘tithe/first-fruit quote reliable’ but verses in Numbers 18:23 – 24 applies FOREVER to anyone practicing TITHE, right? Also, it reads to do “Alms” (Charity) and not prayer only & that “false prophets” who do against all these will be multiplied in the last days. Peace.

#Tithe #Example #Church #History with #Didache always quote in #Full with #Bible verse to follow #Rule as it was given by #God and if #cannot , don’t practice it rather than doing it #wrongly because #Fear #Judgment of God.

Slide 10 –  Christian #HistoryPPT –  Personal Life International Math Olympiad (IMO) Failure and does it dishonour God?

1) Problem: Some through the years have ridiculed me for “1 mark at IMO via messages” and since some like to link it to “religion” and “race”, I write this brief reply. Fast fact: do you know that “Christians” from “different races” win so many IMO medals from so many countries every year? So my failure doesn’t disprove Christianity in any way.

2) My IMO 2002 fair defence: I was one of the final six who represented Malaysia to the IMO 2002 (‘Wakil Negara’ or Country Representative to the Math equivalent to the Olympics). Three of us got “1 mark” at IMO 2002 and were seniors in the team and represented all three major races in our country (so no racial shaming can be done based on this result by anyone while notice the others did not have national top 3 individual ranking at OMK as far as I know) as shown with evidence in link ( and both of them applied and got into Cambridge University back then and I did not even know I could apply till recently. I may have dropped out or failed at Cambridge but even so, it’s interesting to know.

3) From page 727 onward of #DialoguesBook: I solved APMO 2003 Problem 1 which if asked on my APMO year 2002 could have merited me the Honourable Mention  proving that sometimes the questions which we can do were not asked in our year (but the year after my IMO and am not qualified to participate anymore in APMO either due to my age) but there’s an interesting story behind it. Here’s further proof that this particular APMO 2003 Problem 1 received such global alarm for both Math Olympians at that time including ex-IMO contestants too was very clear via Mr. John Scholes website because he never asks anyone to send in solutions  until he has tried to solve it by himself first and also this takes days (meaning even other ex-IMO and current IMO contestants whether at MIT or globally in touch with this famous website for IMO-Academia at that time, which is plenty) also got to try it since he put up a request for solution after Mr. John Scholes couldn’t solve it.

I emailed him my solution (somehow I did not keep a copy of both my emails to Mr. Suhaimi at MIT nor Mr. John Scholes) but the proof of it is in image below where Mr. John Scholes published my solution for APMO 2003 Problem 1 (which by Relative Measure seems hard because even many MIT Math Students an ex IMO and current IMO contestants at that time could not or did not send in solutions to him) and if Mr. John Scholes solved it, he would have stated that he did but this solution is better (as he does with other problems) which is not the case here. Source:

You won’t understand these things when you can get a nice government or private education school management (leadership) job without IMO at all with good salary & pensionable scheme too  and easy admin work while if I apply, I don’t get it. (If it’s not easy, hire me and I will show you how easy it is; not to brag but to fight injustice. Other Olympians may have gotten something but not me in full time perspective probably due to my vocal Christian beliefs but I thought all are for ‘freedom of speech’ but I only comment on my religion, right?). Ecclesiastes 5:8 says God does not intervene in any job injustice too so don’t think your hiring is “God approved” as that we will see on “Judgment Day”.

#My #IMO #APMO #Story #Math #CoachJonathanRamachandran #Thank #God .

Slide 11 –  Christian #HistoryPPT –  Honesty is the Best Policy

Yuhisern Navaratnam wrote: Jonathan Ramachandran you are already scripture champion , many of us recognise you as the wisest alive , if the world was fair for sure you will also be Math champion , but the world is not fair , we will always see you as the true Math champion

My Reply: Yuhisern Navaratnam, I am not the wisest alive (sounds like blasphemous idolatry) and neither a Math Champion in any fullest sense of discovery but what I point out is actual early Christian quotes which contradicts modern practices in religious system (some of it e.g. “Chiliasm” quotes interpreted in that way could be “new discoveries” since if it’s not new, then which denomination has it as a “statement of belief?” If “none”, then it’s “new”; I mean the quotes are old but no one connected it in the ‘Chiliasm aspect details way I presented but whether it’s right or not only God knows but I tried & honestly showed the quotes so understandable even if wrong as no risky God told me so type approach is done’) to actual real life examples of unfairness or problems even in Math education system where I think I didn’t get a basic normal (not even high ranking job) in government nor private as “education officer” even (an admin job as senior teachers get that where I reject teaching job because I am tired of doing lesson plans, exam papers, marking books etc. or others who try to exploit me to create say Olympiad modules for them for free (e.g. under the disguise of some ‘education charity’) or under “normal monthly low salary pay” so that they can run programs eternally with their math centers – does it sound fair?).

Remember, those ‘education charity’ are run by some vernacular “elementary” school teachers and probably with politician contacts (not sure) where they all have nice pensionable jobs/salary doing simple “math bengkel UPSR-type” with “PHDs” calling that “Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS/KBAT)” which is good but if so, don’t you think it’s not too much to ask for at least a government or private good pay position created with their ‘charity’ to say give “Math Olympiad for Elementary School Children from Tamil Schools”? The entire Indian community and their NGOs or charities cannot fund 1 online center with me even for gifted “elementary/primary” students is it? Or is it they’re afraid I may become “rich”? (what is not fair in it since to date, I’m the only former Math Olympian of Indian race in Malaysia but I cannot earn all this is it?) Maybe if I was not Christian or from Tamil School or better still a “woman”, maybe they will be ‘more keen to support’ (most like “feminism” so, I can claim also that I’m discriminated again – only God knows which). But some NGOs and Charities have plenty of money for “cultural programs” which is basically what you see on TV which is “rap music, dancing etc.” (entertainment).

Lastly, please ask them to explain how being rich by Cinemas stuff such as ‘dirty dance moves, the women presented half naked or body parts sexually hinted/shown (but feminism love all these with no complaint lol) to illicit rap lyrics even sometimes hinting on gangsterism to drunkenness and other vices gives “glory to God” as I see even some so called ‘Christian rappers’ becoming famous & earning money from all these and are even honoured in some Christian circles?’

I repeat, Ecclesiastes 5:8 says God does not intervene in any job injustice too so don’t think any work-success is “God approved” as that we will see on “Judgment Day”.

#Honesty is #Best #Policy #God will #Judge on #Judgment #Day .

Slide 12 –  Christian #HistoryPPT –  which Real Church Leaders I follow since Hebrews 13:7 says imitate their faith?

1) Regarding non-Christian leaders in secular world. I hope the non-Elect Salvation interpretation turns out true for non-Christians who did Charity Doctrine toward Christians which can even mean helping in work etc. as King Cyrus the Great’s Prophecy shows in Isaiah 45:4 as God implied that ‘Cyrus will not know that the real God helped him to help the believers’ and history records him dying as an unbeliever. I often wondered if Samaritans (‘who know not God’, John 4:22) but who did Charity Doctrine toward the “Jew” (Spiritually, Christians in Romans 2:29) as Christ taught in ‘Parable of the Good Samaritan’ in Luke 10:25 – 37 for “Eternal Life Context” where Lord Jesus specifically mentioned the ‘Priest, Levite would neglect (as not important ministry)’ in Luke 10:31 – 32 may be non-Elect Salvation level as even Judgment Day Matthew 25:31 – 46 verses seem to highlight such sheep too who claim to ‘not know Christ’ as they ask ‘when did we see you hungry/naked/thirsty etc.?’ but Christ Says He “knows” them for doing ‘Charity Doctrine’ toward ‘Christians’ (equal to doing to Him). They’re already unbelievers so even if I’m wrong, I didn’t lead them to Hell since they chose to “not believe” while I look for a hope via God’s Mercy through Charity Doctrine Fruit.

2) Example: In your ‘own company’, you can hire anyone you like but if it’s a public owned share listed company, you have to hire fairly. Even Church ministry hire is public type and family or denominational nepotism may be wrong. Some unbelievers discriminate Christians but don’t realize almost all “original” writing in “discovery” for any subject matter is by “Christians” the most & the rest just ‘copy and modify’ in Universities to Schools’ textbooks etc. It’s like training with best materials written by Christians to Math Olympiad but hating poor Christians in real life discriminating them from job etc. Also, Indians like to brag about success (in some Facebook pages etc.) but usually it happens when they work in a Christian company or Christian country (“not India” nor their “home state” can ever produce such companies nor fairness) meaning it’s fair Christian values which allowed them not to be discriminated & their talents and salary be equal compared to similar companies by non-Christians otherwise which will bully them. Example: In Slide 10, I showed how John Scholes fairly acknowledged my APMO 2003 Solution (even though it may not prove me anywhere close to great Math Olympians) but I see his ‘fairness & honesty’ because I think if ‘other race’ more likely they would have put as though they solved it (no one will know anyway).

3) Christian leaders whom I follow are Chiliasm Church Fathers (mainly St. Justin of Rome, St. Irenaeus of Lyons and Tertullian) and I wrote a 400 page plus book for it which I may self-publish soon containing some new insights for old CHILIASM quotes for if it’s not new, some denomination would have it as statement of belief (or possibility), right? but also have sent it to key Christian leadership across variety of denominations (around October 2024) to share how especially ‘non-Elect Salvation’, ‘anti-prosperity gospel’, ‘heavy charity doctrine’ emphasis and other ‘millennial prophecies’ may be more accurately understood.  Also, Chiliasm fathers agree with Protestant Founders such as Luther (Lutheran), Calvin (Reformed) and Wesley (Methodist) on topics like no Sabbath, no tithes and no women pastors over men for Gentile believers as I have shown in earlier slides & more in that 400-page book meaning I quoted actual ‘Church Planters’ and ‘Pastors’ even within Protestantism who are “saved” and “bigger than anyone you can quote” (so safe). So, the book has some content that is ‘not new’ also. If anyone put me in jail for that book (false plagiarism claim or etc.), what an honour to suffer for Christ then.

4) Remember that the poor widow gave 2 coins which hardly fed any but Christ Said she gave most in Luke 21:1 – 3 so outward result or no. of conversions does not matter for ranking as Daniel 12:3 also agrees that “wisdom (insight)” referring to “accuracy of doctrine” shines in higher “heavens level” as compared to ‘converting many to less accurate righteousness’ which is called ‘lower stars level’. Similarly, Roman Catholic & Orthodox domination without any printed Bibles at least from 500 AD to 1500 AD did the ‘Great Commission’ during those times, right? (while praying to Virgin Mary to doing indulgences etc.) meaning from a protestant perspective, even if ‘they were wrong’, God never interfered, right? So, even any other modern protestant position can have serious errors likewise despite ‘converting many’ too).  

#Preach #Christ include #Preach His #Commands to avoid #Lawlessness especially #Charity #Doctrine #Command as #Gods #Will for #Money.

Slide 13 –  Christian #HistoryPPT –  Please don’t preach to me any “god” lower than this level as my God teaches this Perfect Level of Job Justice: Real Application of Theology to Educational field and policy improvement example

1) Problem: No one knows how fair any closed University paper is since a grade is given but you can never see the actual exam paper and has potential for a student discriminated by lecturer to get low grades while high grades given to a student favoured by a lecturer. Remember that this affects a person’s work hire eligibility later. Example: I have heard some good IT skill persons complain that they cannot get good job say in United Nations or Multinational but another without even a degree and terrible high school results in comparison get it based on “alternate education roots + work experience”. How is it fair since work experience wise all these candidates are equal as almost any of them can do that work meaning that doesn’t justify it and so the education part should determine ranking fairly. Malaysian government survey recently complained that 1.95 million Malaysian grads with tertiary education are working in low skill jobs. Link:

2) Solution: No one should be given a first class in Bsc, Masters or PHD say in “Math Education” unless they have a full “A+” in “STPM Math T”.  Similarly,  No one should be given a first class in Bsc, Masters or PHD say in “Medical Degree or Biology Degree” unless they have a full “A+” in “STPM Biology”.  Also, No one should be given a first class in Bsc, Masters or PHD say in “Any Engineering Degree” unless they have a full “A+” in “STPM Physics”. Likewise,  No one should be given a first class in Bsc, Masters or PHD say in “Education (Pedagogy) or Psychology or Social Sciences” unless they have a full “A+” in “STPM General Paper”. Those not getting “A+” in STPM for their ‘subject’ by repeating exam allowed  can get a degree (Bsc., Masters or PHD) but cannot get “first class grading”, can you see it?

3) I choose STPM since it’s one of the hardest exam in the world and it will be fair since public examinations are sat in with candidate number so it’s marked together with other school STPM candidates for that school year together with other private candidates too meaning ambiguity and fairness is more likely maintained. Also, to have a “first class honours” in Bsc., Masters or PHD would be reflected in their STPM “A+” (or those days highest grade A) single core relevant core subject for their course of study truly proving them to be academically good candidates whilst eliminating any unfair discrimination or nepotism practices. I would suggest Math Olympiad Gold level say in IMONST 1 Highest  Senior Level say for any “Math PHD, Bsc. Or Masters level first class” but that may be “too harsh” but it also shows how difficult official government Math Olympiad really is (IMONST & OMK) and why those who do well should be considered for key administration and policy “Education Officer” role (“Pegawai Pendidikan”) in the government or private too as a recognition.

4) Similarly with other subject Olympiads too and notice that most of the public have no clue about such academic details and are easily just wooed by “mere titles” rather than “ability” in those fields. Recently,  an international school CEO told me that her son tried to apply to study Medicine at NUS in Singapore but was rejected despite having full “A+” for all subjects in IGCSE and ‘A Levels’ too solely because they said he did not have “any Math Olympiad achievements”. Yes, they asked for “Math” Olympiad and not even “Biology” Olympiad at this prestigious University and her son ended up becoming a doctor studying at a UK university thereafter. This shows that many Singapore universities boast high standard fairly based on “Math Olympiad” itself. Also for “Math Education”, what’s the point of boasting around with Pedagogy claims unless the very person himself can improve his own Math ability to get “A+” in “STPM” level or better still “Gold in highest senior IMONST 1 level” (not kids level nor private but government high standard Olympiad) to prove his theory in practice? If not, they can graduate but “not with first class” sounds fair to me lest the job field is further infected with unfairness in academia.

5) I choose STPM and Olympiads since it must be “highest quality” but yet “cheapest and available” by infrastructure with government so no new “extra cost” incurred and it’s “fair to all”. Instead of asking “God” any ‘unfair job hire, first-class degrees etc.’, why not ask the “Real God” to only give wisdom to get an “A+” (of full “A” in those days grading) say in Math Olympiad and Math T to be fair? Don’t humiliate God by doing otherwise (You think God is impressed by how silly and wrong a lot of things really are despite high job positions? He Will Judge One Day I believe. Whether people change or not it doesn’t matter but we tried warning them  of Spirit World Judgment say in ‘Rich Man and Beggar Lazarus case’ as Christ Taught in Luke 16:19 – 31 or just like recent “Gladiator movie” too in principle, I loved part 1). Also, here are Bible verses proving those with “Pride of Life” benefit from such “unfairness” in “Job” too accepting these:

I returned and saw under the sun that— The race is not to the swift, Nor the battle to the strong, Nor bread to the wise, Nor riches to men of understanding, Nor favor to men of skill; But time and chance happen to them all.” (Ecclesiastes 9:11, NKJV)

For all that is in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—is not of the Father but is of the world.” (1 John 2:16, NKJV)

#CoachJonathanRamachandran suggestion #Education #Policy #Improvement #Real #fair #Godly #Academics #Math #Olympiad and Equivalent #STPM other #Subjects for #FirstClass #Degree #Masters #PHD .

Slide 14 –  Christian #HistoryPPT –  Are Christians the Richest in the World? So if money is your motivation, why not become Christian based on this evidence then? Also, the Christian never did any of your “religious prayer nor ritual” to “discover more” or be “richer”, right?

Quote: “According to a study from 2015, Christians hold the largest amount of wealth (55% of the total world wealth), followed by Muslims (5.8%), Hindus (3.3%), and Jews (1.1%). According to the same study it was found that adherents under the classification “Irreligion“, or other religions, hold about 34.8% of the total global wealth.[3][4]. A study done by the nonpartisan wealth research firm New World Wealth found that 56.2% of the 13.1 million millionaires in the world were Christians, while 6.5% were Muslims, 3.9% were Hindu, and 1.7% were Jewish; 31.7% were identified as adherents of “other” religions or “not religious“.[5][6]” Source:

5.  Frank, Robert (January 14, 2015). “The religion of millionaires”. CNBC. Retrieved 2022-10-28.

6.^ Pinsker, Alyssa (January 30, 2018). “I’m Not A Rich Jew — And I Hate The Stereotype”. The Forward. Retrieved October 28, 2022.]

On a fair turf or “open markets”, you can never beat Christians because they usually become rich via actual technological and product creation. Also, lots of “non-Christian millionaires” become “millionaires or rich” in “Christian value countries” which give them “fair chance or employment etc.” (see the difference?). Simple example: Christians create car, airplanes and military weapons but others just “copy & make cheaper ones and sell”. That’s the “difference” between a “discoverer” who makes money based on his discovery versus a “businessman” who can “copy” and make a “cheaper low quality version” which some call as “smart” until the ‘products kill them or their own family become poor and becomes victimized for low quality health living or when they get discriminated at work etc.’.

Another example: say a billionaire in telecommunication industry is nothing great if he never discovered ‘anything’. Such a businessman only took other ‘Christian discoveries’ and brought it to a poorer country and built infrastructure work and made billions etc. We should thank those Christian discoverers who never made that kind of money out of their own discoveries in the first place.

Remember, Israel killing children has “nothing” to do with “Lord Jesus Christ” who taught to “Love your enemies” (not ‘kill your enemies’) and that those “Israelites do not believe in Jesus as Messiah” meaning they are “unbelievers” too and are “going to hell” likewise. Also, when you defend your country fairly, remember that your military “guns to weapons” etc. are created by “Christians” from sometimes opposing worlds such as “America vs Russia” (but both “Christian genius nations”).

Best Christians “follow Christ’s Commands” as I have shown such as “Charity Doctrine” with “Wealth” and “not hoarding for self but can if willed to Charity at end of life (modern adaptation where if people manipulate it or it fails, your part is done since you cannot control that just like poor widow with 2 coins gave more than rich who fed many as Christ taught in Luke 21:1 – 3).” Other so called Christians who play “racial games etc.” do not have the “Love of the Father is” as “Prosperity Gospel teaches to love the things of this world too” which contradicts these example verses for ‘God’s Will for Money to avoid Lawlessness’:

Your gold and silver are corroded, and their corrosion will be a witness against you and will eat your flesh like fire. You have heaped up treasure in the last days.” (James 5:3, NKJV)

21“So is he who lays up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God.” 31But seek [f]the kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added to you. …  33Sell what you have and give alms [Charity]; provide yourselves money bags which do not grow old, a treasure in the heavens that does not fail, where no thief approaches nor moth destroys. 34For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Luke 12:21, 31, 33 – 34, NKJV)

Jesus said to him, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me.” (Matthew 19:21, NKJV)

15Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him16For all that is in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—is not of the Father but is of the world17And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever.” (1 John 2:15 – 17, NKJV)

#Charity #Doctrine to reveal #Heart and to do #Gods #Will for #Finance instead of #ProsperityGospel #Love for #things of this #World as #Bible teaches to #Live #Forever .

Slide 3 –  Discoverers vs Business PPT – Prophet Daniel who was an A student in Academics and knowing Secrets of God too

Businessman analogy: Prosperity Gospel preachers claim that if you’re sick, it’s because you’re oppressed by demons. Truth is, some cases of sickness is demonic but some are not and even “faithful & holy” level as “Timothy the Evangelist” can still ‘remain sick without any healing promised’ as Apostle St. Paul wrote to take ‘wine as medicine’ for his “frequent sickness” in 1 Timothy 5:23. Similarly since Bible states that a highly skilled worker is gifted by the Spirit of God in Exodus 31:3 (35:31), so does it mean if you’re not highly skilled at work/academics, then you are “demon possessed” (just like  the same way some say that ‘if you are poor, it’s because a demonic curse is on you’)?

Discoverer analogy: People believed such gibberish for a long time misinterpreting Old Testament verses too until Christ arrived and taught this economic based comparison as follows: “Blessed are you poor, For yours is the kingdom of God. … 24“But woe to you who are rich, For you have received your consolation.” (Luke 6:20, 24, NKJV). I have not enough space here but the “poor in spirit” term refers to ‘those generous, like to share, charity doctrine type’ as many Church Fathers taught likewise for this parabolic term which agrees with Bible Verses below for “saved rich persons” (can you see the ‘Charity Doctrine level required at “rich” level by relative measure below for “Eternal Life” fruit in Financial holiness to “fight the good fight of faith” context):

12Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life17Command those who are rich in this present age not to be haughty, nor to trust in uncertain riches but in the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy. 18Let them do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to give, willing to share19storing up for themselves a good foundation for the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life.” (1 Timothy 6:12, 17 – 19, NKJV)

Prophet Daniel was an “A” type of Student of even worldly literature etc. (Daniel 1:17) and compared to know secrets of God (Ezekiel 28:3) such as Daniel 12:3 also agrees that “wisdom (insight)” referring to “accuracy of doctrine” shines in higher “heavens level” as compared to ‘converting many to less accurate righteousness’ which is called ‘lower stars level’.

As for these four young men, God gave them knowledge and skill in all literature and wisdom; and Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams. Those who are wise shall shine Like the brightness of the firmament [Heavens], And those who turn many to righteousness Like the stars forever and ever. ” (Daniel 1:17, 12:3, NKJV)

Here’s the most important part: Christ taught that those with His “Holy Spirit” will be able to “answer theology” without ‘preparing for it’ in a “winning debate manner” which “cannot be contradicted nor resisted” and that’s why others will hate & some kill them:

14Therefore settle it in your hearts not to meditate beforehand on what you will [f]answer; 15for I will give you a mouth and wisdom which all your adversaries will not be able to contradict or [g]resist. 16You will be betrayed even by parents and brothers, relatives and friends; and they will put some of you to death17And you will be hated by all for My name’s sake.” (Luke 21:14 – 17, NKJV)

 Last thought: Among Christian debates, I consider say Chiliasm possibilities and others sometimes disagreeing with it and let God decide which was it on that day and have mercy on our errors (being human). Worldly people can be more rich and better A student too but they won’t do both “more charity doctrine” with “believe in more accurate theology in Christ” & God alone knows the denial threshold that’s the “difference” taught in the “Bible Verses” quoted here.

#Discoverers in #theology most important where more #accurate higher final #heavens glory compared to #lower #Convert #many #Stars level compare with #Businessman type errors which aims at prosperity #DiscoverersvsBusinessmanPPT .

Slide 5 –  Discoverers vs Business PPT – Were the British Colonial Powers worse in “Relative Measure” than Natives or other Kings prior?

1) Why am I writing this? To encourage people to convert to Christianity by realizing Christ never commanded any British to conquer, loot and bully any other nations which is all the ‘damned human greed part’. Bible Verse: “But Jesus said to him, “Put your sword in its place, for all who take the sword will perish by the sword.” (Matthew 26:52).

2) Indian kings conquered lands inside and outside India and looted them too. Relative measure means for example a person stealing $9 out of $10 is same as a person stealing $900 out of $1000 since in percentage it’s still 90%. It also means when those kings looted others, that’s all the “weaker native races of those lands had” and so they lost it all likewise. So, such Indian kings are equal as a bully to the British. Can you see it?

3) From Chola to Asoka, the story is same as even Indians know it (example link: ) that such kings looted and waged wars bullying and conquering weaker nations from Nicobar to Sumatra and included the entire Malayan peninsula. Minus the outward conquests, even inside Chola and Asoka, whether Tamils or otherwise, they bullied their own race with “caste system” instead of say promotion by “merit” via “public examinations” for “government or ruling positions etc.” which “Chinese did well to some extent”. Some say caste system or similar practices exists secretly in Indian politics even today globally within them. Regarding religious conversions, India’s military (sword) conquest may not be in the name of religion but the greed/murder/rapes etc. were still the same as any British etc. by “relative measure” meaning both “Christianity and Hinduism” teach against such “evil” generally but still done by both “rulers and kings in both these religions” by ‘their choice’ so cannot blame religion for that.

4) Example of possible “Karma” explanation (I do not believe in “full” Karma but only Spirit World Judgment though some Judgment can happen on earth itself making some cases true):  “Porus (flourished 4th century bce) was an Indian king … Unlike his neighbour, Ambhi, the king of Taxila (Takshashila), Porus resisted Alexander. But with his elephants and slow-moving infantry bunched, he was outmatched by Alexander’s mobile cavalry and mounted archers in the Battle of the Hydaspes. Impressed by his techniques and spirit, Alexander allowed him to retain his kingdom and perhaps even ceded some conquered areas to him.” (Source:

My comments: I am not fan of war and conquest but I’m more impressed by Alexander’s action here since if the positions were reversed, would the same have happened? I mean India’s kings have bullied each other and the poor for centuries including the “caste” system as though “higher caste” “discovered” more in “math, science technology etc.” say than “Western races or far east?” proving their silliness and the destruction of their kings by colonial powers which may be the prayers answered on behalf of all their own poor bullied for thousands of years. How did it feel? Maybe the British aren’t so bad in comparison either, can you see it? One Devil dominates another. Satan against satan. If they’re not Satan, let God decide but by “full Karma” law, “British” are “holier” since their “monarchy and country” is “richer, smarter with discoveries etc.” even allowing “more Indians to succeed in their country fairly today” compared to India which is “poorer even by population ratio” & “its kings wiped out mostly” (is it “their karma”?). Similar thought: no point in praying to God for 10 hours daily and then say discriminate Math Olympians from employment or say in education charity KMC math programs in vernacular schools etc. (see you on the ‘other side’ after death).

#Karma #Indian #Kings vs #British #Colonial #Wars #Relative #Measure analysis of #Human #Wickedness which is #Businessman type errors which aims at prosperity vs #Discoverers who strive for #Virtue in #Religion and #Job #Government #DiscoverersvsBusinessmanPPT .

Slide 6 –  Discoverers vs Business PPT – Earthly Judgment (“Karma”), Religion, Conversion, War, Freedom, Equality and what’s God’s Will?

1) Old Testament (OT): God’s Law allowed the wiping out of some natives because they were “evil”. Example: such natives killed the “babies” of “other weaker races/natives” first and by “karma” (I use this word to signify any ‘earthly judgment’), a stronger nation kills their babies in future, Verse: “8O daughter of Babylon, who are to be destroyed, Happy the one who repays you as you have served us! 9Happy the one who takes and dashes Your little ones against the rock!” (Psalm 137:8 – 9, NKJV). Any mother-drama is easily silenced say if you know the future that a baby in your hands today is going to kill “your daughter/son or other babies of different religion/race” in future, would you not kill it now? (only that “type of babies” are commanded to be killed in Bible verses as Psalm 137:8 – 9 here reveals this “secret”).

2) Moral dilemma: Logic of OT is perfect but if you wrongly assume and kill a person of different religion who say does “not” kill babies (of any religion), believes in “freedom of religion for any individual” and even “does not discriminate others from job & other daily living functions”, that’s “murder”. So, when a “relatively” good person suffers, you cannot call it “karma” because he is experiencing “evil”.

3) How to know someone is ‘relatively good’ or not? Example: Though pitiful that all those children and innocent citizens of any religion get murdered by other religion believers during conquests, you must remember that these same ones may have done the same when they converted to their religion 1st time in their lands “murdering” their “forefathers” and “other minority groups” and some even today, if given a “chance”, would do the “same murder” toward “others” meaning it sounds very “karma” (or more accurately ‘earthly judgment’) if they experience it “today”, right? The rest will be judged in “Spirit World” (Hell) while the only “truly innocent ones” are those of “any race” who “die” but they believe in “freedom of religion for anyone by choice and who never discriminate anyone from say job, treat everyone equally etc.” as Christ taught to “love your neighbour as yourself” and “love your enemies” I pray to find “God’s Mercy”. Can you “see” it?

4) Yes, anyone can claim “ideal” but first you have to quote your “religious beliefs” to have such a perfect ideal first and then only those who “follow it” are justified while the rest are “lawless” and may be “denied”, fair, right? That’s why I’m a Christian and see no error in Christianity in these areas in “theory” ignoring those “wrong Christians”.5) Another example: Race A were originally caveman but they converted to religion P, then Q and today R is their majority. So, the native land of race A is claimed by religion R today but those of them in religion Q today say it should be theirs. The minority within them which is religion Q which existed before religion R whose ‘holy place’ is ‘destroyed’ by same race A and replaced by religion R’s holy place eventually – so would religion R give up their holy place back to construct religion Q’s to be “fair”? How about religion P of same race A which predates both or their caveman ancestors’ claims? So does “majority today” determine it and if so, if other Race B from religion Q or S or Z also can win war to claim it, can they do the “same”? Can you see it?

6) What to do? In New Testament times, keep away from all wars as a Christian and love neighbours to enemies and treat all “fairly” even if we are “unfairly treated” (see Luke 6) as Christ concluded the “narrow road to life” as this,  “Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets. 13“Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. 14[c]Because narrow is the gate and [d]difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.” (Matthew 7:12 – 14, NKJV). On “Judgment Day”, God Will send those wrong to Hell and may have Mercy on others I hope. Example: if religion R claims its justified because they serve the ‘true God’, yes, they will win in the end and also God will applaud them. Personally, I do not think that will happen and by end of time, we will see the truth, “karma-type judgments” and “evil prevail” before finally the “true God” will come and end all this and prove who was “true”.

#War #Religion #Wars for #Land #Logic #Minority #Always suppressed by #Majority even within #same #race #different #religion so let #God decide #evil vs #karma on #Judgment #Day #Spirit #World while we #love #neighbours to #enemies as #Christian as no #bad #games to #play .

Slide 7 –  Discoverers vs Business PPT – God’s Will in His Sovereignty and Human Free Will Bible Verses and Logic – Best Lesson in Life

5“… He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing. 6If anyone does not abide in Me, he is cast out as a branch and is withered; and they gather them and throw them into the fire, and they are burned.” (John 15:5 – 6, NKJV)

But these are the ones sown on good ground, those who hear the word, accept it, and bear fruit: some thirtyfold, some sixty, and some a hundred.” (Mark 4:20, NKJV)

And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands, for My name’s sake, shall receive a hundredfold, and inherit eternal life” (Matthew 19:29, NKJV)

so faith without works is dead also.” (James 2:26, NKJV)

If anyone’s work which he has built on it endures, he will receive a reward. If anyone’s work is burned, he will suffer loss; but he himself will be saved, yet so as through fire.” (1 Corinthians 3:14 – 15, NKJV)

1) In Bible verses above, if those with “fruit” refers to “thirtyfold, sixtyfold or hundredfold” and are “Elect Salvation” with “reward-level” (Christians) so must be 1 Corinthians 3:14, right? So, doesn’t 1 Corinthians 3:15 point to someone whose “work” is “burned” case? (remember “no works of faith” is same as “no faith” right in James 2:26?) but these are still “saved by fire” so could be “non-elect Salvation”? If “saved by fire case” is Elect Salvation, how is it minimum thirtyfold since even if “one rewarded work” exists for a person it must be by “faith only” (right?) meaning that is 1 Corinthians 3:14 (reward case, faith-work, fruits with minimum thirtyfold) and not 1 Corinthians 3:15 (no reward case, no work based on faith, no fruit?, contrasted but “saved by fire”), isn’t it? If the above logic is wrong and someone read what I wrote and decided ‘not to believe in Christ & sin more and died and went to Hell’, what does it tell about that person? Also, a good tree will believe in Christ by doing his holiness and charity commands etc. regardless if non-Elect Salvation possibility is true or not because he is not finding an excuse to live in sin. This consideration is done based on evidences in the Bible like this with First Christianity quotes (so a possibility and not doctrine as it’s hard to conclude either way [honesty]).

2) Christian leaders whom I follow are Chiliasm Church Fathers (mainly St. Justin of Rome, St. Irenaeus of Lyons and Tertullian) and I wrote a 400 page plus book for it which I may self-publish soon containing some new insights for old CHILIASM quotes for if it’s not new, some denomination would have it as statement of belief (or possibility), right? but also have sent it to key Christian leadership across variety of denominations (around October 2024) to share how especially ‘non-Elect Salvation’, ‘anti-prosperity gospel’, ‘heavy charity doctrine’ emphasis and other ‘millennial prophecies’ may be more accurately understood.  Also, Chiliasm fathers agree with Protestant Founders such as Luther (Lutheran), Calvin (Reformed) and Wesley (Methodist) on topics like no Sabbath, no tithes and no women pastors over men for Gentile believers as I have shown in earlier slides & more in that 400-page book meaning I quoted actual ‘Church Planters’ and ‘Pastors’ even within Protestantism who are “saved” and “bigger than anyone you can quote” (so safe). So, the book has some content that is ‘not new’ also. If anyone put me in jail for that book (false plagiarism claim or etc.), what an honour to suffer for Christ then. 4) Remember that the poor widow gave 2 coins which hardly fed any but Christ Said she gave most in Luke 21:1 – 3 so outward result or no. of conversions does not matter for ranking as Daniel 12:3 also agrees that “wisdom (insight)” referring to “accuracy of doctrine” shines in higher “heavens level” as compared to ‘converting many to less accurate righteousness’ which is called ‘lower stars level’. Similarly, Roman Catholic & Orthodox domination without any printed Bibles at least from 500 AD to 1500 AD did the ‘Great Commission’ during those times, right? (while praying to Virgin Mary to doing indulgences etc.) meaning from a protestant perspective, even if ‘they were wrong’, God never interfered, right? So, even any other modern protestant position can have serious errors likewise despite ‘converting many’ too).  3) Revelation 14:1 – 5 with Revelation 7:4 – 8 mentions the 144000 “virgin, Jewish men” in the highest level of salvation “tithes/firstfruit holiest lot” different from “rest of Elect multitude” (Revelation 7:9 – 17) so how many “unmarried, Jewish men missionaries who converted many within Christianity you know? [name one?]” but yet they are “closest” to God because it’s written in Revelation 14:5 that they were “most accurate” in “doctrine & practice” literally since “no deceit nor guile was found in their mouth” (remember that many non-elect salvation quote I show from first Christianity are from “Jewish-Christian” writings so possible but beyond that it’s accuracy in all other topics of doctrine as well). God’s Will is mysterious and is something like He allows free will with conditions and lets Judgment in this life or next or both for each person (except those true believers are exempted from ‘afterlife judgment’ in John 5:24). A person could be suffering ‘earthly judgment fairly’ or ‘evil though he is not wrong’ relatively so that God Will show One Day (don’t judge quickly). Every topic from ‘women pastors’, ‘rapture’ to ‘charity doctrine’ if wrongly done means a person can contribute to overall evil prevailing in the world as God’s judgment and that’s why I show Bible verses and Church Fathers to imitate their faith (Hebrews 13:7) meaning you or your Church could be contributing to judgment as well. Catholic logic that without “wars” Christianity would have not survived is proven false in Roman empire conversion without one war with other monarchs of early Christian missions too and say warlike religion R exists only after Christianity could be God’s Judgment on Christianity and would never have existed if Christians did not start wars etc. in later centuries as God would not have allowed it (can you see it?) as Christ Said those who take the sword will perish by sword (Matthew 26:52). In short, we contribute unknowingly to how much evil allowed in the world by disobeying New Testament Commands (“Lawlessness”). That’s why I’m Christian with First Christianity Quotes.

#Elect vs #Non Elect #Salvation #Possibility not #Doctrine #Preach #Christ include #Preach His #Commands to avoid #Lawlessness especially #Charity #Doctrine #Command as #Gods #Will for #Money.

Slide 8 –  Discoverers vs Business PPT – First Religion Logic and who are the real betrayers of God, family and even natives of a land?

1) My point is simple: If you “hate” any concept of “eternal hell if someone doesn’t convert into their religion”, then you must “equally keep away” from “all such religions/its adherents jobs/benefits such countries etc.” and not only “pick and choose” the “poorer, not economically beneficial to you type of persons from a less-convert religion in that area”, right? can you see it? On the other hand, if you don’t mind such religions, then good for you and coexist and be real loving each other because from their perspective, “you” who did not convert into their religion “contribute” to overall evil in the world” which also “affects them and their family” and so that’s why they don’t mind if “you burn eternally in hell if you didn’t convert”.

2) In addition to this, since Christianity is such a religion, I consider “Non Elect Salvation” as a “possibility” as say “part of nations saved in that final new city on final new earth” (Revelation 21:23 – 24) who seem to be different from Elect Salvation “Bride” (Christians) in that final scene (Revelation 21:9). The only other difference here is some of believers of any religion which teaches eternal hell is that “they don’t tell you directly” but “secretly believe that you are going to eternal hell” whereas “I honestly tell you this part as well as other thoughts of mine with possibilities and even First Christianity quotes with it”. So, nothing I did in this is ‘hypocritical or playing double face games like those who never tell you directly that you’re going to eternal hell based on their religion which they believe’ as long as you can “benefit” them “economically” too in some way, right?. See the “difference”?

3) Example: Ask your “political and economy leaders of your religion”, why are they like “beggars” too (just like me, not native in a land) who live off the “land of others” if they believe in “no converting & stay in some base religion” since if so, why not apply that “same principle beyond religion” to “homeland residence” and go back to “our own native lands”? I mean in ‘citizenship consideration’, any non-native is like  “converting into such lands by betraying their motherland by leaving it” which is equivalent in principle to “converting into other religions by betraying their own base religion”, right? So, that’s okay with them? Also, if the “motherland religion is so good and creates prosperity, harmony with nature etc.”, why not they go back to the “motherland” and produce that “good economy and better life”? I mean, if the “motherland religion” fails to give the majority of “your race” that “prosperity”, so it “failed” in “home base” but “your people of your religion/race” live better “economically” in lands where “natives believe in eternal hell if you don’t convert to their religion”, then the latter seems like doing “more good while you’re betraying their religion”, right? So “best religion” will be based on “which countries in the world are economically best” and so that’s why even in this “human talk logic”, I still choose “Christianity” and I pray for God’s Mercy on “this non-native land whom my poor forefathers were received into for work” for their “kindness” in allowing me to continue to live here (that’s gratitude) hoping non-Elect Salvation to be true for as many among them that “helped Christians like me (minority etc.)”. Can you see it?

4) Problem: If you convert into Christianity, some of your family or race or current base religion adherents may call you a “betrayer” etc., right?

5) Question to ponder: Have you ever helped say one native of this land to prosper for “free” without any “economic agenda” (like salary, use their land to earn money and their people as labourer workers since they’re poor etc.) say via sponsoring a simple tutor/charity toward their education/economic infrastructure like home and “earthly goods” to say “thank you in action”?

6) Remember: Even the so called base Religion B for “your race” had a starting point meaning before that aren’t “all” our forefathers were “caveman” likewise? So that means, that forefathers of yours “betrayed” their “previous cavemen parents” and believed in “Religion B” which itself may be created by “higher subrace” which is “not your subrace” meaning you are “enslaved” to them in that religion forever unless you “convert out” to becoming “caveman” again to be “loyal” to your “first parents”, right? Christians assert this first parent are Christians (Adam and Eve in a “spiritual sense”) meaning from our worldview, we are inviting people to convert back to “true loyalty and first family” likewise. God will prove in say HD or 4k (figure of speech) which religion was “first” for all human being on that Day so make your choice wisely here and don’t think your religion is first or earlier without understanding this “Biblical Secret”. All the best.

 26And He has made from one [j]blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings27so that they should seek the Lord, in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us” (Acts 17:26 – 27, NKJV)

#Honesty #Loyal to #God #First #Religion will be shown on #Judgment #Day together with which #forefathers and #mothers were #real #betrayers and #changed .

Slide 9 –  Discoverers vs Business PPT – With so many belief variants within Christianity itself, what does the Bible define as “Greatest Faith”? Is it most converts or richest in finance or something else?

Link for #DiscoverersvsBusinessmanPPT :

1) When Christ Said not found such a great faith even in Israel, it did not refer to someone who converted many but rather to someone who believed the most implying more accurate doctrines means greater faith too. Can you see it?

8The centurion answered and said, “Lord, I am not worthy that You should come under my roof. But only speak a word, and my servant will be healed. 9For I also am a man under authority, having soldiers under me. And I say to this one, ‘Go,’ and he goes; and to another, ‘Come,’ and he comes; and to my servant, ‘Do this,’ and he does it.” 10When Jesus heard it, He marveled, and said to those who followed, “Assuredly, I say to you, I have not found such great faith, not even in Israel! 11And I say to you that many will come from east and west, and sit down with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven. 12But the sons of the kingdom will be cast out into outer darkness. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” 13Then Jesus said to the centurion, “Go your way; and as you have believed, so let it be done for you.” And his servant was healed that same hour. ” (Matthew 8:8 – 13, NKJV)

In regards to “believing something”, I consider “Non Elect Salvation Possibility” and “other Chiliasm prophecy” quotes from St. Justin of Rome, St. Irenaeus of Lyons and Tertullian primarily meaning even if “Non Elect Salvation Possibility” turns out ‘false’, there are still other fascinating “prophecies” different from ‘mainstream Christianity today’ such as “Thousand Year Gap for Prophecy in 1 Thessalonians 4:17 and 1 Corinthians 15:52” instead of both referring to ‘same event’ or “change from human to angelic at the end of Millennium” etc. So, if we are more accurate on any of these details, it can be considered for “great faith” likewise and if we are wrong, our theological opponents may be getting that reward for “great faith” in pleasing Christ then (fair).

But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” (Hebrews 11:6, NKJV)

2) Is considering “Non Elect Salvation Possibility” with “Chiliasm quotes risky”? Why want to take such risk? There is “no” risk here since it leads no one to hell because if someone read what I wrote and decided ‘not to believe in Christ & sin more and died and went to Hell’, what does it tell about that person? In short, a good tree will believe in Christ by doing his holiness and charity commands etc. regardless if non-Elect Salvation possibility is true or not because he is not finding an excuse to live in sin.

3) The only thing mentioned to be “greater than faith” is “Love” (Agape) and that particular “Love of Christ laying down His Life to save us” (God’s “Free” Charity Doctrine in Principle to those whom He Saves) is “commanded” to be emulated by “true Christians in action” via “Charity Doctrine” only in Bible verses below (a great ‘Secret of God’ revealed where “share earthly goods” here can mean from giving money to family, friends or neighbours to enemies in Luke 6 to even sharing earthly and Bible knowledge for “free” in Facebook or Website accessible to all, skills, time etc. yes, for “free” without “economic agenda political type giving to gain something else”):

16By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. 17But whoever has this world’s goods, and sees his brother in need, and shuts up his heart from him, how does the love of God abide in him? 18My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth.” (1 John 3:16 – 18, NKJV)

#Christian #Faith #Mystery which is #Great let #God #Decide #Evidence for #Chiliasm #Quotes and #Charity #Doctrine .

Slide 10  –  Discoverers vs Business PPT – What are the characteristics of the “Greatest Faith” which Christ commended (not men) in New Testament Scripture to be emulated by True Christians? Some manipulate to favour their own Church or denomination only but try great faith

1) In life planning, some are very good with “earthly life” (money, retirement, family etc.). However, they have “no spiritual life visions (goals)” and “just have simple faith” (‘small’ spiritual vision which can be “converting many people too”). Can you see it?

“Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.” (Proverbs 29:18, KJV)

2) In the only case where Christ mentions a “Great Faith not found even in Israel” (and Christ doesn’t simply utter nonsense like us since He is Perfect), we see these intriguing points, verses:

“ 2And a certain centurion’s servant, who was dear to him, was sick and ready to die. 3So when he heard about Jesus, he sent elders of the Jews to Him, pleading with Him to come and heal his servant. 4And when they came to Jesus, they begged Him earnestly, saying that the one for whom He should do this was deserving, 5“for he loves our nation, and has built us a synagogue.6Then Jesus went with them. And when He was already not far from the house, the centurion sent friends to Him, saying to Him, “Lord, do not trouble Yourself, for I am not worthy that You should enter under my roof7Therefore I did not even think myself worthy to come to You. But say the word, and my servant will be healed. 8For I also am a man placed under authority, having soldiers under me. And I say to one, ‘Go,’ and he goes; and to another, ‘Come,’ and he comes; and to my servant, ‘Do this,’ and he does it.” 9When Jesus heard these things, He marveled at him, and turned around and said to the crowd that followed Him, “I say to you, I have not found such great faith, not even in Israel!” 10And those who were sent, returning to the house, found the servant well [a]who had been sick.” (Luke 7:2 – 10, NKJV)

3) Points to ponder:
i)  Christ heard “these things” and only then was ‘moved’ to go toward his house which included the “Charity Doctrine” part of this centurion “5“for he loves our nation, and has built us a synagogue.. This is deep because this centurion (Gentile) was building a “synagogue (church)” for “Jews” (different race) which in analogy can mean “giving money or working to serve a different denomination within Christianity than what you believe fully”. Can you see it?

ii) I mean when Christ Said, “I have not found such great faith, not even in Israel!”it referred to “Jesus heard these things, He marveled at him,” which included that particular aspect (only thing highlighted in Scripture so extremely important) regarding the “Charity Doctrine” the centurion did toward those not of his same race and denomination even since the “synagogue” is mixed at that time with those who “accept Christ and unbelieving Jews”. This “greater faith than Israel” referred to a centurion who “never converted many” too.

iii) This supports any giving of money to a Church for missions even if you are not that denomination (like that synagogue & its priests were mostly wrong about Christ – can you see it?) and likewise can work for them too (if given a Church job). Also, if you work a “secular” job as a “centurion”, the value of “your faith can still be greater” than a “pastor or priest of that synagogue or of the crowd which directly followed Christ” as Christ Himself told here.

iv) So, the “great faith” part is based on whose overall doctrinal accuracy and practice by relative measure (e.g. Luke 21:1 – 3’s  poor widow’s 2 coin giving which hardly fed any compared to rich’s given with lots of visible effects). Indeed, how can someone judge you for not doing Church planting or Charity work on a big scale if they did not give their “church money or salary or love offering to you” for these purposes but gave to “someone else”? In  short, who “receives the money in the name of God” have to do it (“more given, more is required”, Luke 12:48 to attain to same reward level which is relative measure (fair)).

V) Also, if you give from “your own money” (salary) and not “donation money only” for “Church missions or Charity” it’s greater in value as Christ Warned the Pharisees (priests) likewise:

41But rather give alms of [l]such things as you have; then indeed all things are clean to you..” (Luke 11:41, NKJV)

#Secular or #Church #Job give #Money to #Missions or #Charity has higher value for #Great #Faith not even in #Israel if done to #Different #Denominations of #Christianity and from own #Salary #Posssessions #Skill #Time etc. for #earthly #Goods beyond #Donation type only .

Slide 11 –  Discoverers vs Business PPT – Way of Spiritual Christian Kings is less to no drinking of alcohol, no smoking anything and no womanizing in any way and those who teach must practice as Judgment is stricter & enemies of Christianity have martyred some Christians or try to frame other Christians say by putting alcohol, drugs or even women fabrications etc. in order to destroy testimony.

1) My answer is simple: The one who “lies” or fabricates things “goes to Eternal Hell”, fair, right? Also, is your “god” a pedophile or fraud that “he” needs you to try “tarnish the holy name of Christianity by creating such false testimonies of Christians?” Also, even if a Christian falls, that’s his sin and not Christian Doctrine.

2) In some myths or even the fallen angel stories (who got worshipped as “god” during the times of Prophet Enoch), those “gods” were “drunkards to womanizers to murderers, rapists, adulterers, fornicators etc.”. Can you “see” it? I mean if your religion teaches holiness in these areas and you disobey it, I cannot blame your religion but if your “god” or “religion” itself teaches “nonsense” in these areas, how can I blame the “followers more” if they do these “same sins”?

3) Example: Mormon is a “Christian Cult” (not true Christianity) where its founder claimed to be visited by an angel called “Moroni” (even the name says it all) whose founder practiced both “polygamy” and was a “paedophile”. Remember, in Christianity, for the New Testament, God has renounced all those ‘ancient sins of polygamy’ and there is “no paedophilia” taught in Scripture (Bible) as the “Jewish Talmud quotes are not Scripture” (know the difference). Sample quote:

“… The Mormon church has said for the first time that its founder Joseph Smith had up to 40 wives. In an essay published on its website, external quoting “careful estimates”, the church said the wives included a 14-year-old and others who were already married. The Mormon church banned polygamy in 1890 and now excommunicates anyone who practises it. …” Source:

Note: How can the “Mormon Church” cover-up by banning polygamy later when its founder did it with 40 wives and even had a 14 year old wife? It’s like their “god” telling say you can have 1 wife but their prophet himself cannot keep that rule and has more than 1.

4) Christian holiness is perfect because for example we don’t keep away from women or even in celibacy (by choice) so that we can have any eternal marriage or sex in monogamy nor polygamy in heaven later but rather “marriages & sex does not exist” after resurrection.

34Jesus answered and said to them, “The sons of this age marry and are given in marriage. 35But those who are counted worthy to attain that age, and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry nor are given in marriage36nor can they die anymore, for they are equal to the angels and are sons of God, being sons of the resurrection.” (Luke 20:34 – 36, NKJV)

5) For those who eat and drink, do it moderately so that you won’t be a glutton nor a drunkard. The path I prefer to pursue and promote is eat moderately and abstain from alcohol completely, don’t smoke anything and don’t womanize. Just chill with friends and encourage each other hoping they may believe the Gospel.

33For John the Baptist came neither eating bread nor drinking wine, and you say, ‘He has a demon.’ 34The Son of Man has come eating and drinking, and you say, ‘Look, a glutton and a [k]winebibber, a friend of tax collectors and sinners!’ 35But wisdom is justified by all her children.” (Luke 7:33 – 35, NKJV)

6) You can choose to abstain from alcohol by “choice” as Christ did here:

But I say to you, I will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it new with you in My Father’s kingdom.” (Matthew 26:29, NKJV)

7) Why would Christ abstain? To fulfil the Prophecy in these areas too that He is “KING of kings”, Verses for some Christian kings to follow too ‘willingly’:

3Do not give your strength to women, Nor your ways to that which destroys kings. 4It is not for kings, O Lemuel, It is not for kings to drink wine, Nor for princes intoxicating drink.” (Proverbs 31:3 – 4, NKJV)

Don’t be deceived by “drunken rappers” calling themselves “kings” ya.

#Real #Christian and #KINGS #Secret in #Lord #Jesus #Christ and #Scripture #God #Perfect #Holiness .

Slide 12 –  Discoverers vs Business PPT – Chiliasm Zionism Prophecy details that Antichrist will build God’s Temple in the “real God’s Name” deceiving everyone which will be “realized” only after he declares himself as “god” and starts global final tribulation toward Christians

1) Bible Verses:

15“Therefore when you see the ‘abomination of desolation,’ spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place” (whoever reads, let him understand), 16“then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains …  21For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be22And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the [c]elect’s sake those days will be shortened.” (Matthew 24:15 – 16, 21 – 22, NKJV)

Notice that neither mid-tribulation nor pre-tribulation rapture position seems likely here since Christ directly Says that ‘these final worst (nor shall ever be) tribulation days’ will be shortened for the “elect” (implying ‘all elect’), hence “post-tribulation rapture” is more likely.

2) Chiliasm Church Fathers Quotes (Remember: Apostles and Prophets have “zero” prophecy errors)

i) St. Irenaeus of Lyons confirms that the “temple is of God” but it is built not with the help of God but with the help of the Antichrist/Unjust Judge for the Jews (can you “see” it?)

2. Moreover, he (the apostle) has also pointed out this which I have shown in many ways, that the temple in Jerusalem was made by the direction of the true God. For the apostle himself, speaking in his own person, distinctly called it the temple of God. Now I have shown in the third book, that no one is termed God by the apostles when speaking for themselves, except Him who truly is God, the Father of our Lord, by whose directions the temple which is at Jerusalem was constructed for those purposes which I have already mentioned; in which [temple] the enemy shall sit, endeavouring to show himself as Christ, … 4. The Lord also spoke as follows to those who did not believe in Him: I have come in my Father’s name, and you have not received Me: when another shall come in his own name, him you will receive, John 5:43 calling Antichrist the other, because he is alienated from the Lord. This is also the unjust judge, whom the Lord mentioned as one who feared not God, neither regarded manLuke 18:2, etc. to whom the widow fled in her forgetfulness of God — that is, the earthly Jerusalem, — to be avenged of her adversary. Which also he shall do in the time of his kingdom: he shall remove his kingdom into that [city], and shall sit in the temple of God, leading astray those who worship him, as if he were Christ.” (St. Irenaeus of Lyons, c. 130 AD – c. 202 AD, ‘Against Heresies’, Book 5, Chapter 25, Points 2 and 4) Source:

ii) St. Hippolytus of Rome clearly states that it’s the “Antichrist/Lawless one” that “builds the temple of God” and later “deceives” everyone:

And at first, indeed, that deceitful and lawless one, with crafty deceitfulness, will refuse such glory; but the men persisting, and holding by him, will declare him king. And thereafter he will be lifted up in heart, and he who was formerly gentle will become violent, and he who pursued love will become pitiless, and the humble in heart will become haughty and inhuman, and the hater of unrighteousness will persecute the righteous. Then, when he is elevated to his kingdom, he will marshal war; and in his wrath he will smite three mighty kings,—those, namely, of Egypt, Libya, and Ethiopia. And after that he will build the temple in Jerusalem, and will restore it again speedily, and give it over to the Jews. And then he will be lifted up in heart against every man; yea, he will speak blasphemy also against God, thinking in his deceit that he shall be king upon the earth hereafter for ever; not knowing, miserable wretch, that his kingdom is to be quickly brought to nought, and that he will quickly have to meet the fire which is prepared for him, along with all who trust him and serve him.” (St. Hippolytus of Rome, c. 170 AD – c. 235 AD, On the End of the World, Point 25, some say this writing is ‘pseudo’ but others say that it’s ‘true’ which only God knows) Source:

iii) St. Victorinus warns that the “Antichrist” will deceive through the “temple of God”:

He shall cause also that a golden image of Antichrist shall be placed in the temple at Jerusalem, and that the apostate angel should enter, and thence utter voices and oracles. Moreover, he himself shall contrive that his servants and children should receive as a mark on their foreheads, or on their right hands, the number of his name, lest any one should buy or sell them. Daniel had previously predicted his contempt and provocation of God. “And he shall place,” says he, “his temple within Samaria, upon the illustrious and holy mountain that is at Jerusalem, an image such as Nebuchadnezzar had made.”23052305 Dan. xi. 45. Thence here he places, and by and by here he renews, that of which the Lord, admonishing His churches concerning the last times and their dangers,” (St. Victorinus of Pettau, died c. 303 AD, ‘Commentary on the Apocalypse’, from the thirteenth chapter) Source:

#Prophecy #Zionism #Israel cannot be defeated because both #God and #Antichrist support it where God is with #kind #Loving #Christian #Israel while the #Devil is with #hateful #warlike #Bloodthirsty #Jews .

[Text] REAL Life Fight Occurrences – Abuse vs Sport

Recently, I encountered a case from an orphanage home regarding a son of a religious leader who manages it beat up some kids (for some time) but first time got reported to the police with hospital evidence. Of course, the religious leadership is asking to “remove” the case and forgive each other since it’s Christmas. Apparently, he is a big sized “muay thai” fighter* it seems.

Perhaps he should pick someone in his size range in that sport and become either a national champion or world champion instead of beating those physically weaker than him, right? (; analogy: others should try becoming say a “Olympic” representative in the area of “sport or academic” to prove their ability in such “skills” since without “competition”, we don’t know who is “really” good, right?) Example: a person represents a country in Math or Physics or Computing academics or even a Martial Art Olympics level sport to prove their excellence in “their field” sounds “healthy & fair”.

Another important point: Finally, fighting technique put to good use as a sport instead of needless barbaric gangsterism and bullying. Notice that an “Indian” won this “traditional Malay martial arts fight championship” (in link) which proves that “not” everyone is a racist in sports and discriminate based on these points. “Merit” is upheld by “individual” attitude. Source:

*The religious leader wrote this message to one of the family/guardians of the “abused child” (only names hidden to protect privacy and also you can see how such things are handled):

‘Without Prejudice

Dear Bro. ABC, with regard to our discussion about Bro. BBB matter. I have already communicated with our ExCo Council and this is what we have decided with regard to the disciplining of our Children’s Home:-

1. CCTV Cameras have been installed previously at strategic points but its malfunctioning. We have instructed that these must be repaired as soon as possible and cameras must function 24/7.

2. The person in charge of discipline and involved in this matter has been removed immediately.

3. A Council member will be appointed as soon as possible as a Supervisor, who will monitor the children’s well being and report monthly to our Council.

4. We have already contacted the Home and its Board with regard to these arrangements and they have agreed to abide with these conditions. An official letter to this effect will be sent by us to their Board which will be acknowledge by the Home’s Board.

In lieu of our action I pray that your good self will extend a spirit of peace, forgiveness and reconciliation especially during this season of Christmas.

Religious Leader XXX.’

My reply: Bible allows forgiveness but not in any forced manner via any religious leader’s coercion because Bible also allows “sword” judgment now, verse:

3For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil. Do you want to be unafraid of the authority? Do what is good, and you will have praise from the same. 4For he is God’s minister to you for good. But if you do evil, be afraid; for he does not bear the sword in vain; for he is God’s minister, an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil.” (Romans 13:3 – 4, NKJV)

Best is to put the religious leader to be beaten up in public by the offender with police’s permission till the same bleeding and/or rib bone damage, head smashed with cane etc. and immediately after that, ‘ask him to forgive the offender whom he is defending’ to “live up to his claims”. Imagine if it’s your kid, would you forgive that easily in cases of children/teen?  If we get beaten up for defending justice, it’s rewarded in heaven but if we are beaten up for our own bullying/gangsterism, only hell awaits, verse:

For what credit is it if, when you are beaten for your faults, you take it patiently? But when you do good and suffer, if you take it patiently, this is commendable before God.” (1 Peter 2:20, NKJV)

Most won’t even care because it’s not their children. You cannot get say “sexual abuse confession” from those who “don’t confess”, right? (only God knows but I will say this: Evil is usually deeper but usually cannot be proven in this life but God’s Hell never misses & repentance is not that easy; God is not mocked). So, the only one who can decide this is the frightened teen who was beaten up followed by his parent or even the police. It’s not my call. Of course, God still has the final say on Judgment Day.

#Abuse vs #Sport in #Fight to other #Fields even #Academics to #Sport better to go for #Competition and #win at #national or #international levels even #real #Olympic #Representation to #Glorify #God even if we #lose since it #proves we #honour #merit .

Slide 13 –  Discoverers vs Business PPT – Businessman Love is fake like a transaction but Discoverer’s Love is Real as Christ Taught.

One liner: If Christians cannot be non-racist, how can they expect non-Christians to be non-racist?

1) Question to ponder: If a few person of different races were your marriage choices, imagine now that all of them have “same finance level” (equal wealth/salary etc.)  but they differ only in “character” (e.g. Christian values or not such as “love your enemies”, “non-racist” etc.), who would you marry? My point? Human feelings may not all be real and blessed are those who got “real spouse love” in marriage context.

2) Christ Taught and Did:

“ 44[o]But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, 45that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust46For if you love those who love you, what reward have you? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? 47And if you greet your [p]brethren only, what do you do more than others? Do not even the [q]tax collectors do so? 48Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect.” (Matthew 5:44 – 48, NKJV)

3) Work Related Case: #Congratulations #SDAR #IMOCSEA. #Thank #God. Any #Math #Olympiad #achievement is #higher than #school level from #Elementary to #HighSchool and especially when competing with #contestants from #other #countries even #regionally. #Sample of #Good #Character #Experience in #Education work with #Students, #Teachers, #Management and #Parents. #Few #Years, #consistent #Medals in a #Private Math #Olympics, so #Well #done! Link:

#Charity #Doctrine to #All from #Christians to #Friends, #Strangers to #Enemies (#Example #give more than #Value of #Salary in #Work to giving #free #Spiritual #knowledge to #Earthly #goods). If can, #Help and #Celebrate victories of those not of your same #race, #religion or #denomination etc. as #Christ Taught #Real #Love. If #cannot do, maybe it’s because they’re “#not Christian”. Thank #God Always.

Slide 14 –  Discoverers vs Business PPT – While some are limiting our giving to “tithes” 10% level and that money is only for Church Pastors instead of any Christian or even for Charity Doctrine, even a secular man is giving 90% to Charity and taking only 10% for his life matching Christ’s Matthew 19:21

The Hans Wilsdorf Foundation still owns and controls Rolex, and donates much of its income to charity and social causes in Geneva. There is no requirement to disclose financial or charitable donations under law, and the company pays no corporate taxes as a result of being owned by the Foundation.” Source:

Hans Wilsdorf was born in Bavaria (Germany) in 1881 to a successful, middle-class family of iron mongers. At age 12, circumstances made young Hans an orphan. His charge was given to an Aunt and Uncle who promptly placed him in a Boarding School in Coburg, Germany about 25 miles away from his home.” Source:

Question about the “Love your enemies” verse:

 Does this verses include the enemies of GOD , Such as Christians that abuse Christianity for fame , authority and wealth ? Where they hate the LORD’S DOCTRINE to promote their man made doctrines , as it is blasphemy to go against the LORD’S DOCTRINE .


Yes, it includes everyone. Only Law enforcement can take legal action against them (not us) as Romans 13 reveals. Who is right or not in doctrine let God decide but of course, one can preach by against what one thinks is wrong with Bible verses (God will judge that too with the life led by the preacher as well). Christians can support any denomination they like and God will judge that too where for example, if one supports a prosperity pastor or a church with little to no Charity Doctrine nor quality in theology by “relative measure”, their reward level also drops (or their salvation is at stake too as per the “Rich Man and Lazarus” in Luke 16:19 – 31) and so I stick to the Bible with Chiliasm Church Fathers’ quotes to be responsible & safe.

The “hardest” and “most beautiful command of Christ”, Bible verse:

Jesus said to him, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me.”.” (Matthew 19:21, NKJV)

Maybe some of the rich can make a will of their fortune and give some part to Charity willingly fulfilling these and overall percentage of how much they used for themselves in life from income earned can be compared and rewarded by God.

A #notable #secular #business #world #example for #CharityDoctrine is #Rolex.

God is Fair, remember “relative measure” of “poor widow” in Luke 21:1 – 3.

Don’t #believe in man’s definition of “#good” but rather in God’s #definition of “#Good”.

#Ask, “Where are your #Bible verses?”


Christian Founders Ministry Powerpoint” which will be updated with info from time to time (beginning 9 May 2024 onward):

Redemption290 Slides Free Powerpoint Link discussing variety of topics (Done as of April 2024):

Interesting Bible Stuff Powerpoint” (IBS PPT – started 3 June 2024 onward, may be updated from time to time by God’s Grace)

Link for #CharacterPPT:

Link for #MiscellaneousPPT:

Link for #MysteriousPPT:

New Powerpoint to demonstrate some points empirically is in Link for #DiscoverersvsBusinessmanPPT :


Here are links for free pdf download for all these books:

0) New Book Titled Last Book – Possibilities and Dangers of Doctrine Free PDF download clickable link (link for other books in last page of this book):

#LastBook or #PODBook or #PossibilitiesandDangersofDoctrineBook

Source Post:

Non Elect Salvation Possibility (Presented in Academic Styled Writing, Revised 13 August 2024). Link for free PDF:

Moravians to John Wesley Methodist Some Historical Highlights. Link for free PDF:

Christian Missiology – Why Japan was Evangelized so late and so Little – didn’t God Love Japan – Proof of Human Freewill. Link for free PDF:

Christian Asceticism and Charity Doctrine Link. Link for free PDF:

Presidents of the USA – Which type of Christian. Link for free PDF:

Christian Doctrine – Celibacy vs Marriage to Tithes vs Charity Doctrine and 5 Wise Virgins – A Survey. Link for free PDF:

Possibility not Doctrine – Does Christ Words in Matthew 19 point to Elect vs Non Elect Salvation. Link for free PDF:

Keep Sabbath or not for Gentile believers to Non Elect Salvation Possibility Comments by Jonathan. Link for free PDF:

Jewish Believers are not same as Gentile Believers in NT Laws and neither is Male vs Female by Jonathan. Link for free PDF:

Chiliasm Prophecy Context 1 Thessalonians 4-17 and 1 Corinthians 15-52 separated by 1000 years by Jonathan. Link for free PDF:

Updated Version (18 Sep 2024): Chiliasm Prophecy 1 Thes. 4-17 and 1 Cor. 15-52 Separated by 1000 years “.  (Even if it does not get published nor peer reviewed, it’s okay as I’m doing my part to share out what my research is on this topic in detail for edification so I don’t get judged by God for hoarding it even if I’m not sure how accurate it is in God’s Eyes).

*Link for Ms Word download:

*Link for PDF download:


1) Paid Purchase for those who wish to buy the book to support my living (for new book titled “First Christianity: Chiliasm Prophecy Model and Non Elect Salvation Possibility” (CPM and NESP, released 17 December 2024):

2) Free Download

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ii) MS Word

My Secular Songs and Christian Songs I have worked with by God’s Grace is listed in this link:

Example Music involvement samples in image below (much more in link above).

Free pdfs and more in My ORCID link:



More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them but rubbish so that I may gain Christ,” – Apostle Paul to the Ekklesia (called out ones) in Philippi (Philippians 3:8)

The rest have chosen to remain Anonymous as it was in History!

Jonathan Ramachandran IMO Malaysia Kajang High School

The Article above is from Kajang High School – Jonathan Ramachandran represented Malaysia for IMO (International Math Olympiad 2002) for Malaysia

Jonathan Ramachandran on Merdeka The Star Article