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Christian workers?
















Here’s a proof that some Christian workers did “not” renounce the world just because they couldn’t achieve in it but rather because they ‘wanted to’ in order to pursue Christ’s command of ‘perfection’ which is “very difficult”.

This command toward ‘perfection’ (note the word “perfect” in the verse below), is as follows (beyond ‘keeping His commandments’ which the rich young man has already testified to ‘keep’):

“Jesus answered, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow Me.” (Matthew 19:21)


We don’t scramble to follow Christ after “our world has crumbled down” (not that you can’t) but it’s better to do so “in your peak” (when you have ‘many things’) and almost ‘no reason to leave’ except to ‘follow Him’.

The fact in the picture is ‘true’ (to learn more, here’s a link):

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