My past demonic experience and its end
Here is my explanation of my experience in a “conversational manner”:
Are demons real?
My answer:
But whether they’re the “same” as the fallen sons of God or angels, or entirely different creatures, honestly… I don’t know for the Bible does not clearly distinguish nor equalize these “names”.
but are demons the same thing as evil spirits?
My answer:
That’s what I don’t know..could be…
oh ok. what thing about the tormentor demons did bother u.. u said voices? did u see any figures? i mean, just a question.
My answer:
I didn’t see them… But I could hear them distinctly – even converse with them..
They often identified themselves with the different deities (or gods) of this age… I mean the gods of the various Eastern religions…
None, however said its was Jesus (during my experience).. A couple of them also identified themselves as “dead people” (e.g. One voice which was eerily crying said that it was Betrand Russell – the atheist mathematican — and said he was suffering in hell — etc)…
The voices were loud and many spoke at the “same” time in “different but yet human.voices” (both in English & Malay – local languages) causing considering confusion or madness in me for people could see me talking to myself…
It was 24, hours.. On going with no break for months (their speaking & lies tormented me)… They will tell me to do things (go to certain place, mostly take prostitutes — even ask me to jump off buildings saying that I can fly etc…).
I only did not hear them when I slept (out of tiredness).. If I awoke a little, I could hear them “always”… Something like the phrase “no rest day or night”.
They often identified themselves with the different deities (or gods) of this age… I mean the gods of the various Eastern religions…
None, however said its was Jesus (during my experience).. A couple of them also identified themselves as “dead people” (e.g. One voice which was eerily crying said that it was Betrand Russell – the atheist mathematican — and said he was suffering in hell — etc)…
The voices were loud and many spoke at the “same” time in “different but yet human.voices” (both in English & Malay – local languages) causing considering confusion or madness in me for people could see me talking to myself…
It was 24, hours.. On going with no break for months (their speaking & lies tormented me)… They will tell me to do things (go to certain place, mostly take prostitutes — even ask me to jump off buildings saying that I can fly etc…).
I only did not hear them when I slept (out of tiredness).. If I awoke a little, I could hear them “always”… Something like the phrase “no rest day or night”.
ah i see. so what about ur idea of hell then? people are there now? or that ‘spirit’ was lying
thank u for sharing by the way. it helps me understand
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well….so u believe that there’s a hell going on right now..? any hard evidence on that? i kinda feel that is sadistic.. acutually it;s not very biblical since the verses about death are very obvious about people being dead ..literally dead in thought etc
altho punishment is also very unhappy as well. so it seems you see hell as a purgatory?
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but where does it say that anyone ‘sells’ their soul to the devil ? any verse reference?
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so basically you’ve been really bothered by spirits that you kept submitting to. so then ..what saved you again? i forgot the occurrence of Jesus that you mentioned
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thanks for sharing
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i see i see. so what’s wrong with fasting and prayer then? isn’t it mentioned in the bible?
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without faith we cannot please God right
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ok so question again, hope u don’t mind: so do u feel and know that you are living life to the fullest?
are you at all focused on your spiritual gifts? or do you think those have ceased
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ok but didn’t paul encourage to seek prophecy
My answer:
oh makes sense
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so you are still out there searching?
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