Can a woman be a pastor or preach in church etc (have such authority from God)?
No. Not from the God of the Bible (literally).
Why? How come?
I’m a literalist such as the rival theological school at Antioch (with such theologians such as Theodore of Mopsuestia):
“Your women in the assemblies (churches) let them be silent, for it hath not been permitted to them to speak, but to be subject, as also the law saith;” (1 Corinthians 14:34)
I believe women can assist in ministry by “providing the needs” (food & water) for missionaries, for example as recorded in the Bible:
“and Joanna wife of Chuza, steward of Herod, and Susanna, and many others, who were ministering to him from their substance.” (Luke 8:3)
Different gender usually accounts to different roles in the Bible; one not necessarily greater than the other with respect to obedience.
No verse (literally) proves the existence of a woman pastor or evangelist (literally).
That’s the difference between interpretive theology (like yours) & literal theology (like ours).
No offense. Just speaking literally. That’s all.
For that matter, even a verse which states an example of a woman preaching in Church is non-existent in the Bible but the opposite does exist as I stated prior, 1 Corinthians 14:34.
Bear in mind that it’s a Command to even hold into the New Testament (mandate of God through apostle Paul confirms this).
To go against the Word but perform acts of sacrifice (woman pastors etc) does not count much since obedience is better.
God is never impressed by anything done without obedience even in His Right Name. For example, the Pharisees (as highlighted in Matthew 23) also travelled land & sea to convert to the Right God’s Name (for they too believed in YHWH) but Christ wasn’t impressed…
It was not for the Corinthian church only – this general rule – reiterated according to the true faith which was passed to Timothy, the evangelist:
“I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man (andros); she must be quiet.” (1 Timothy 2:12)
Just like it’s translated correctly as “woman” (not wife) in the verse above, so is “man” (andros = transliterated Greek) also literally mean, “man” for which “husband” is a subset.
Again, it’s all New Testament here.
“No women” were ever pastors or elders “back at the start”;that’s all – with respect to even the “modern definitions” of these terms.
An “elder in faith” (a woman) – John mentions in his letter.
In fact, in 2 John 1:1, when translated literally, we find that apostle John is described as the Elder while the lady of faith as Kyria (“choice Kryia” means the “chosen or elected one Kyria”, literally):
“The Elder to the choice Kyria…” (2 John 1:1)
“and now I beseech thee, Kyria,” (2 John 1:5)
Plus, “no verse” (literally)…. Supports the “opposite”.
Choice kyria = Chosen Lady = Elected Lady
(Called out for faith like the rest of us, chosen ones or the elect for believing first).
It was a letter from the Elder (apostle John – most likely or from an Elder who was with apostle John) addressed to a believer or elect (a lady in this case) exhorting her to keep the faith (not giving her any mandate of authority of any sort).
How about Junia?
Not in the Bible… if even it was a “she”, — she is “not” mentioned as an apostle but rather “well noted among the apostles” (having a good repute even amongst the apostles – literal interpretation).
However, “she” was commended for her servitude in being fellow “prisoners” for the sake of the Gospel with Paul (whether literally imprisoned with Paul or not).
Probably deviated from truth in the early times as well (literally) – In interpreting it.
Literal Translation:
“salute Andronicus and Junias, my kindred, and my fellow-captives, who are of note among the apostles, who also have been in Christ before me.” (Romans 16:7)
Yes, it doesn’t say that they’re apostles nor that they’re authorities but to be “saluted” for their good faith & acts (implied literally – for no other reason is possible).
But doesn’t that mean ” they were notable among the apostles, worthy of greeting in Scripture, and imprisoned for leading the church…….”?
There’s no phrase “leading the church” found in the verse above (Romans 16:7 — adding to the Word, literally).
But doesn’t the Bible say that there is no more “male/female” in Christ?
Yes. But it says it like this (literally):
“26for ye are all sons of God through the faith in Christ Jesus, 27for as many as to Christ were baptized did put on Christ; 28there is not here Jew or Greek, there is not here servant nor freeman, there is not here male and female, for all ye are one in Christ Jesus; 29and if ye [are] of Christ then of Abraham ye are seed, and according to promise — heirs.” (Galatians 3:26 – 29)
The verses above literally mean that anyone who believe are all “sons of God” (regardless of whether they’re Jew/Greek, Servant/Free and Male/Female) and thus are “heirs according to this promise to Abraham”. These are rewards or promises which are “salvation-related” which are not with respect to female/male etc.
The order in the church (assembly-gatherings) are where women are not permitted to speak (1 Corinthians 14:34) nor generally allowed to have authority/nor teach a man (1 Timothy 2:12).
You cannot take another verse which is talking about something else and apply it elsewhere (literal context – unless they’re somewhat talking about the same big picture – which is “not” the case here).
Sorry, but I don’t use books out of the Bible as it is today (literally). Why? The truth can be preached non-contradictorily using this alone.
Why are there hundreds (if not thousands) of denominations across Christianity?
Literal logic in Scripture versus opinions of men.
An example: Consider the following verse,
“salute Andronicus and Junias, my kindred, and my fellow-captives, who are of note among the apostles, who also have been in Christ before me.” (Romans 16:7)
A query:
“”There’s no phrase “leading the church” found in the verse above” So, she & the other church leaders are in prison for…….?”
An answer:
“Fact is (literally speaking), they are in prison for the sake of the gospel. That’s all.
Remember apostle Paul? He persecuted the church of God and is believed to have thrown many into prison. Just because a person is thrown into prison for the sake of the Gospel, that does “not” make them a “leader of the church” here on earth.
Now we can clearly see why there are literally hundreds (if not thousands) of denominations across Christianity, today!; each adding his/her own thought either with “no verse” or with a verse which is talking about “something else” just added to make to “no effect” the “literal” meaning/context of a “given verse”.
Remember that if a woman could actually speak in church gatherings (against what is plainly written in 1 Corinthians 14:34), then no point in that verse being written in the first place. It could be a good example of when the teachings and doctrines of men have made the Word of God to “no effect” (nullifying its meaning itself).
You know something is a teaching/doctrine of men when “no verse” supports it “literally”.
The secondary meanings to Scripture may be there but are dangerous and one may be just be led by error if you can’t accept the first literal meaning of Holy Scripture to begin with.
P/S 2:
Translation points.
Note that when the Greek says “literally”, “man” or “woman”, the following translations may hold:
1. Greek says “a man”, the translation should be “a man”.
2. Greek says “a woman”, the translation should be “a woman”.
3. But if the Greek says “her man”, the translation can be either “her man” or “husband” as long as the interchange between these two words do “not” change the meaning of the verse.
4. Similarly, if the Greek says “his woman”, the translation can be either “his woman” or “wife” as long as the interchange between these two words do “not” change the meaning of the verse.
Here’s a verse:
“I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet.” (1 Timothy 2:12)
As for 1 Timothy 2:12, just take note that “even if” (though it’s literally not the case here) it means that a “wife cannot assume authority nor teach her husband” (which is also true – a subset to the literal meaning above), it does “not” disqualify the intended meaning that “a woman is not permitted to teach nor assume authority over a man”.
Simple: “If the Bible forbids you in 1 Timothy 2:12 to teach or have authority over your own husband, then how can it permit you to teach another woman’s husband or an unmarried man?”
The meaning remains the “same” (literally) – with no twisting nor adding/removing to the Word.
I rest my case.”
But, how about “Deborah” in Judges 4 and 5?
Simple: That was Old Testament “judges” which has nothing to do with the New Testament’s order in the church and authority amongst the believers.
To not divide the cases as well as providence for such relative to the “different” Covenants is more akin to be carnally minded and not dividing the Word of Truth, rightly.
If you read carefully (Judges 4 & 5), you’ll find that being a “judge” is a “secular position” and it differs from a religious ordination for a “pastor-ly” position (e.g. as a pastor who preaches in churches or as a religious authority in doctrine).
Also, being a “prophetess” is a “gift” of the “Spirit” and is not discriminated between genders in the Bible.
A “religious authority in doctrine” may be a prophet but a prophet is not necessarily a “religious authority in doctrine”.
The problem with being a religious authority in doctrine is this: “Are you preaching Truth or lies & half-truths”?
1. “Judges” is a secular position (not a religious one) which was soon replaced by “Kings” (Saul being the first in Israel).
2. “Pastor” is more akin or similar to a “religious ordination” (not a secular one) as such a “priest” would be under the Old Testament.
The New Testament verses (1 Corinthians 14:34 & 1 Timothy 2:12) refer to “religious positions” for God is not speaking through His Word here regarding “worldly positions”.
Hence, at most, Judges 4 & 5 may literally allow women to hold “secular positions” in the world, Biblically (but not “positions of faith”, literally whilst on “earth only”).
The no more male/female when we’re declared as “sons of God” will come to pass in the “spiritual realm” but not so soon in the “earthly” realm as Scripture testifies to this literally again (I know it’s difficult to both understand and accept it – hence, the natural/carnal mind opposes these earthly/spiritual laws as presented).