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Fight for my family


Can’t I fight “violently” to defend my family (if I’m a Christian)?

Firstly, the verses such as “Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed” are to be carried out under the New Testament’s Covenant via “words” only as “Christ Himself demonstrated it in His life”…

Under the Old Testament Covenant in the previous age, “enforcement through violence” was “allowed” by the “Law”. But not any more.

The degree of which one follows Christ’s commands to “turn the other cheek” (literally) is the measure of “love” one has for Christ “obeying” Him as the verse below states (literally too):

If you love Me (Lord Jesus), keep My commands.” (John 14:15)

Remember God doesn’t require you to do something which He has not practiced first. The common “excuse” that “how can I not protect my family by violence” does not stand because… God watched His own Son being cruelly tortured & murdered on the cross having done “no sin” at all and yet did NOT “avenge with violence to stop it”.

That Single Act on the Cross by the Son of God and the “no resistance” by God the Father proved once and for all the Beautiful Truth that,… “God is Love”.


A “secret”: Instead of using His Wrath, Judgment & Chastisements in the age to come against all the wicked as means of “selfish gratification”, God actually has/is/and will be using it to “destroy the evil/sin” in them… No one enters heaven in their “former state” (unbelieving, murderer etc..) but as a “New Creation in Christ”!~


1. The reason men would “smite/kill” their enemies for the preservation and protection of their families is because they “love their families only”.

2. However, the reason God doesn’t just “smite/kill” the murderers of your family (for example) is because He loves both “your family” (which is killed) and also the “family of the murderer” and both “you” and the “murderer” himself.

The nearest analogy to understand this like think of the “murderer” who “killed your family” is “your brother”. This is “literally” true because God sees both of you as “siblings” (being descended from one blood through Adam) but you “hate each other” because you are “blind” to this Truth:

He made also of one blood every nation of men, to dwell upon all the face of the earth — having ordained times before appointed, and the bounds of their dwellings –” (Acts 17:26)

If you know now that your family’s murderer is actually “your brother”, can you actually “execute judgment violently towards your own blood-brother who turned bad and say killed your mom?”

I think you get the “wisdom” behind “why” God’s ways are “Higher” because they are done “in Love” (all the time – He being more Merciful):

““For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the Lord.
“As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts
(Isaiah 55: 8 – 9)

Feel like saying “What Christ did on the cross was sacrifice, sacrifice that both He and the Father deem necessary to save mankind. Whatever that is happening in the middle east now is not sacrifice, its genocide. We all know the famous question, what would Jesus do? What would Jesus have done if the soldiers hurt His mother instead of Himself. If He were to not fight for His own mother, its gonna be impossible for me to trust Him to defend me when i need Him to”

Here’s a response:

It was not sacrifice… It was “obedience“.

And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death– even death on a cross!” (Philippians 2:8)

The part where “you fight violently to defend your family”… that is “sacrifice” and “not obedience” for such a thing was never commanded nor provided for in the New Testament Covenant.

Obedience is following what is “written in the Bible especially in Light of the New Testament” while “sacrifice” is like “fighting for your family”.

Which is better?

obedience is better than sacrifice“(1 Samuel 15:22)

If you can’t trust him, that’s your opinion.
In fact, I trust Him more like this since if He can “endure His own mother’s death” and even “plan to save the enemy in the end”, I can trust Him to be The Saviour of the World (including me, all doubt removed). If He tried to save His mother and destroy His enemy eternally, He didn’t solve the problem of sin and I can’t trust Him…




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