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If only you knew Who walked the Earth about 2 thousand years ago…

Angel Gabriel himself described Him thus:

“He will be Great and will be called the Son of the Most High;…” (Luke 1:32)


The Jews denied Him 2000 years ago expecting a savior for the Jews-only claiming that “Salvation is of the Jews”; Today, most of Christianity continues to deny Him claiming that He is Saviour for the Believers-only thinking that “Salvation is of the Christians”.

Ye have greatly erred!

Truth is:

In the past,
Without Scripture handed down directly to them nor being “ordained” authorities in doctrine, the outcast Samaritans testified to the Truth that “Lord Jesus (the Christ) is indeed Saviour of the World”! (John 4:42)

History has repeated itself. With Scripture Testifying to this “literally” and together with the Testimony of the Earliest Christians themselves, Christ is vehemently denied as Saviour of the World even by those called by His Name (1 John 4:14)

With & without Scripture, He is denied by “men” but regardless, the few who are Called to His Truth know by His Spirit (of Truth) that this is indeed the Christ, Saviour of the World! (John 4:42 & 1 John 4:14)

And He Bears them All (in Love)
The Beautiful Saviour indeed!

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