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Who is Jesus?

Let’s learn Who He is via The Deepest Mystery of Pain.

I’ve come to learn that the “Lamb slain (in pain) from the Foundation of the World (when sin began) – Revelation 13:8” means literally that “God Felt and Feels All Pain of all His Creatures in the World”.

And the “world never knew it”.

Few have known it to some extent.

It answers every question against God be it whether “a child in Africa who is starving” or “another in the middle east who is butchered” with the Answer = “He Feels the same pain they felt + the pain of the rest of the world too”.

And yet, He doesn’t reveal it literally because “Love is not Proud” (1 Corinthians 13); no, not even once.

When He sentences them to Judgment or allows them to go to Hell, not many know that “He feels the same pain too”.

A Deep Mystery indeed.

Mystery of the Love of Christ is truly beyond knowledge.

I have no words left to describe this…

And that is why I never found God wrong even in “natural disasters” or the other “suffering of people on the earth”, even into the “realm of the dead” because “God Who is Love” has “taken all their pain too beyond the Cross even from the Foundation” as Scripture records in order that, with it, One Day, He Heals them All.

Blessed Saviour and Magnificent Healer indeed.

He was despised and rejected by mankind,

a man of suffering, and familiar with pain…” (Isaiah 53:3)

This is not a fantasy as it is written literally in Scripture:

But He was pierced for our transgressions,

He was crushed for our iniquities;

the Punishment that brought us peace was on Him,

and by His Wounds we are healed.” (Isaiah 53:5)

Lastly, that’s a main reason why I stopped hurting my enemies, because if I do (in word or action), He feels their pain.

As True believers, let’s not add more Agony to His One Selfless Act.

As Scripture states below, “he took our pain” and “bore our suffering” means “he feels them too literally” and not a magical whisking away:

Surely He took up our pain

and bore our suffering,

yet we considered Him punished by God,

stricken by Him, and afflicted.” (Isaiah 53:4)

With this in mind, I often pause and think:

“Who is Jesus?”


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