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Listening to His Voice

A question : about the voice of the Holy Spirit. Is that something that we can audibly hear as a ‘still soft voice’ and how to discern the difference between the Holy Spirit and other voices in our head?

An answer:

That’s not as easy as anyone thinks. If there was a sure way of determining that, no one would be in error.

Also, do take note that even if two people believe regarding the doctrines almost equally, live equivalent “holy lives” etc, yet in some “opposite” doctrinal points, they “disagree”. Of course, only one of them is “right” since two “opposites” (contradictory answers) cannot be both “correct” at the “same time” with respect to the exact “same question” for God is “not” the author of “confusion”.

What I am trying to say is that it’s indeterminable in the sense of “a formula” but the “best” way is to check whether there are “verses” (not opinions of men) which relate “as closely as possible” to the voice.

The above is based on the Truthful premise that “The Voice of God never contradicts the Word of God”. Yes, the “times” have “changed” excuse is “wrong” due to God doesn’t change anything that He has set to be followed in each “age-during” (1 age Covenants) till they are “all fulfilled”. After which, the shadowy things which have served their purposes may be done away by “God alone”.

In other words, I judge the voice/thought in my head to be true or not based on “God’s Word” (the Bible) – literally.

So, if something contradicts the Bible verses, I know it’s not of God and just the ways of men.

Similarly, if something agrees with the Word (Bible), I follow it literally regardless if men find it logical in their own opinions.

If something is not so clear having no direct Bible verses on it (nor any verse closely relate to it), I avoid it completely to be on the safe side instead of “think” that I’m led by God. Why? There’s a risk: If you’re right, you’ll be justified but if you’re wrong, you’ll be condemned.

So why risk it? I take the easier and safer path on this. Besides, some things are not written in the Bible means we should not “add/remove” to the Word to do them regardless of intentions.

The very intent to do something in “His Name” against His Word (having verses against it) or with no verses to support it (may be adding/removing – if we claim it’s by the Holy Spirit – and one day we find that God testifies that He didn’t say that).

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