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Reading True Behaviour

I always note this “beyond the waiter” (toward us or others too) during the “first impression” itself all the time (when a person unknown to you is at his/her’s least guard –> true behaviour revealed).

In fact, I have personally worked as a “waiter” for a ‘catering service’ during my *holiday/break time* whilst working for Schlumberger (Oil and Gas contractor) as a Seismic Engineer.
I’ve personally experienced it among my several human-behaviour experiments which I conducted by myself in the past to learn about such matters empirically.
I’ve learned.
My good friend who brought me into that catering job as a waiter was very reluctant for he often mentioned that he ‘can’t bear me being treated that way’. I replied that, ‘we’re the same in God’s eyes and you need not worry about their treatment for it’s NOT your sin. The one who treats another human being with contempt is the one who sins for each bears his own sins’.
Well, the treatment often turned “diametrically opposite” during times when my friend introduced me to ‘his guests’ as an engineer who earned at least USD 4000 (on average) per month back at that time…
Well, I left such a high paying job too due to stress and many other reasons. I learnt that “money should not be my main motive”. The relationships (including a pretty ex-girlfriend from Thailand who was an ex-escort too and certain friends) which were all money based “ended” likewise with me ‘quitting that high paying employment’ (especially in view of Malaysia’s exchange rate – big money for a “desk job” indeed).
I’ve seen *many things* which “money can buy…” (pleasures of the world)… For every pretty girl that is ‘good’ (chaste), you can find an equivalent one, physically speaking (comparable in beauty) among the “escorts for sale” (fact).
I spent “all” my money on those pleasures especially ‘beautiful women’ (escorts of many races and types – both locally & overseas; all my pleasure-relationships were with escorts only).. but it did NOT bring “peace” which I only found back at the point of repentance returning to Him, the Saviour of the World by His Grace.
I left that ‘life of sin’ somewhere around middle of 2010. Since then, by God’s Grace —> I’ve never touched another woman in such manner. 🙂

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