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Reverence for His Word (woman)

Think carefully & correctly (reverence for His Word)

If a NT verse may be interpreted until it loses its meaning, we know that we’re following the teachings of men because if so, no point in the verse being written in the first place.

For example:

1 Corinthians 14:34 & 1 Timothy 2:12 teaches that women are not permitted to speak in the assemblies (gatherings) and that they cannot assume authority nor teach a man (about His Word – Doctrine).

A woman may preach the gospel. That’s all. No trying to “teach His Word” nor “have authority to do such explanations”.

Obedience or keeping God’s Commands is what counts (1 Corinthians 7:19) not sacrifice which are often done against the Word to fulfill one’s fleshy desire to “be great”.

These all relate to the things of God only since the “authority & teachings” do not refer to the “world” at all. Hence a woman having a position in the “world” may not be quite contrary to His Word “literally”. The Bible refers to the matters and positions of faith with respect to these regards.

Whether or not a female can accept it or not (to her own carnal mind/opinions) is not my concern at all. Why? I don’t interpret Scripture with my feelings but rather accept what the Word says “literally”, that’s all (free from all opinions of men – which are worthless).

God has His reasons. The Creator knows best. Each has his/her role and false teachings arise from pride in the flesh when one goes “against” the Word making It to no effect due to following the traditions of men to “please women” (for example).

Let’s seek to please God alone (not men or women) and this can only be done in us understanding, believing and obeying more of His Word only (not the “interpretive” cunning lies of men set “against” what’s written in His Word).

Here is His Word (1 Corinthians 14:34 – 38)

Women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the law says.” (verse 34)

But then, if they have questions?

If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church.” (verse 35)

But that’s for the Corinthian church and is an olden day practice only. We live in the modern time…

Or did the word of God originate with you? Or are you the only people it has reached?” (verse 36)

I disagree. I believe I’m led to believe that women can be pastors and speak in churches etc…

If anyone thinks they are a prophet or otherwise gifted by the Spirit, let them acknowledge that what I am writing to you is the Lord’s command.” (verse 37)

What? I’ve to accept that women can’t speak in the church to be considered having been gifted by the Spirit or a prophet, by the verse above? I’m “led to ignore this verse in context; God won’t ignore me just because I don’t accept this…”

But if anyone ignores this, they will themselves be ignored.” (verse 38)

I repeat, “that was only for the Corinthian church!!”

Nope. Here it is (not in the letter addressed to the Corinthian church) as well:

A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet. ” (1 Timothy 2:12)

Note (simple translation points):
It’s written in Greek “a woman” and not “your woman” where this means —

1. A woman = any woman

2. Your woman = his woman = one’s woman = wife.


Even if (assume for argument’s sake) the woman refers to a wife in relation to her husband, how can the Word sensibly prohibit you to teach your own husband but at the same time permit you (with no verses) to teach another woman’s husband, a divorced man or just an unmarried man? The error in such arguments are “obvious”.

Also, if the earlier verse was meant only for the Corinthian church, being consistent, we must then take all the contents of that letter (such as the gifts of the Spirit) to refer only to the Corinthian church as well (this lame excuse “refuted” in its own “craftiness” – In short, you can’t pick and choose “context” because the Word of God did “not originate” from you nor I).

I’m not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ (literally – 2 Timothy 1:8). Are you?

Keep His Commands and don’t be moved by weak opinions & teachings of men:

This is how we know that we love the children of God: by loving God and carrying out His commands. In fact, this is love for God: to keep His commands. And His commands are not burdensome, ” (1 John 5:2-3)

Don’t worry. When you stand up for this, you’re literally standing up “because of the Son of Man” (since we’re defending to keep/follow the Truth of His Word and not opinions of men), you may thus be rewarded greatly as this verse says “literally” too:

Blessed are you when people hate you, when they exclude you and insult you and reject your name as evil, because of the Son of Man.” (Luke 6:22)

Remember, men calling you evil does not make you evil. Only the approval of God matters in accordance to His Word only (literally — since the Voice of God does not contradict the Word of God — never!).

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