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Secrets – Example of what?

A powerful verse:

“The things hidden are to Jehovah our God, and the things revealed are to us and to our sons — to the age, to do all the words of this law.” (Deuteronomy 29:29)

Two points:

(1) Secret or hidden things belong to God

(2) “All” the words of the “Law” (from circumcision, sacrificing bulls for sins to tithes) was only to be observed to the “age” (Old Testament) time period and “not forever”.

Also, to “our sons” (the Jews only) to which these ritualistic laws was to be observed.

But “some” parts of the “Law” (the knowledge of what is ‘sin’ – definitions, non-ritualistic type) is maintained and is also mentioned to be observed under the current New Testament “Gospel age” (e.g. Sins such as idolatry, sexual immorality of all types – adultery, fornication, gays, lesbians or any other perversions are to be kept away from).

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