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Remember, His Name means Saviour. Thus one interpretation of His 2 titles may be as follows:
He is called ‘Son of Man’ because He will save all men and ‘Son of God’ because He will save the rest of the world. (verb description)

He is called ‘Son of Man’ because He is the Saviour of all men (1 Timothy 4:10) and ‘Son of God’ because He is the Saviour of the World (1 John 4:14). (noun description)

An interesting note in 1 John chapter 4 and 1 Timothy 4 (mentioned above):

Apostle John first warns of antichrists and spirit of error while apostle Paul also does somewhat similar and warns of fables and lies before mentioning the two conclusions above as Truth.

In other words, both Paul and John warned about ‘heresies’ but they didn’t mention clearly which heresies they were but rather the Holy Spirit of God did something more astounding:
He inspired them to mention the Truth instead so that that will help them keep away from errors, lies, destructive doctrines and heresies, namely: The Truth that Christ will save all men (1 Tim 4:10) and also the whole world (1 John 4:14).

This is the Genius of God. Shocked? So was I when He revealed this Truth to me. No wonder the Bible seems mysterious to them since God hasn’t unlocked their minds through His Holy Spirit. Indeed, the veil is only taken away in Christ.

No wonder Isaiah prophesied about them, ‘seeing they will not see and hearing they will not understand’ and Lord Jesus Himself said, ‘leave them alone, for they are the blind leaders of the blind. Both will fall into the ditch (not the bottomless pit- even Satan when put in the bottomless pit was taken out of it after a thousand years-can you see how Merciful God really is?)

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