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Spiritual Warfare

What is Spiritual Warfare?
(In a conversational form – Q & A or Question and Answer style)

Q: Do you still go through spiritual warfare in terms of demons or oppressive spirits hindering you in sharing the gospel?

A: “Nope. Not anymore literally.

What I experience is the usual fight against the flesh: To keep away from drunkards, sinful thoughts of lust, pride in the mind due to the achievements obtained, learning to bridle my tongue against unwanted gossips or pointing people’s faults (being judgmental at times), etc.”

Q: So what does this verse mean to you?: For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms (Ephesians 6:12). I’m not saying you’re wrong but I am curious to know how your spiritual battle is now that you’re delivered from demons

Because I know a person who does deliverance ministry but they have oppressive spirits from time to time that the need to pray against

A: “I don’t feel any oppression.

Regarding the verse from Ephesians which you quoted, the answer to what kind of “battle/war” (spiritual) being talked about is explained elsewhere literally (in 2 Corinthians 10).

Firstly, the war is “not” as the world (I.e. We don’t kill anyone or hit any flesh and blood in the name of our Blessed God regardless if they’re the enemies to our faith):

“For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does” (2 Corinthians 10:3)

Next, we see in the verse below that: “The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.” (2 Corinthians 10:4); that is, the weapons we fight are not “carnal” (guns, knives, fists etc).”

Q: Ok not wishing anything upon you dear brother just asking your experience
Because of some people who pray warfare prayers like breaking word curses (known or unknown) against them.

A: “Lastly this verse:

“We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. ” (2 Corinthians 10:5)

This verse highlights my experience in that I fight accordingly to the instruction in this verse to find with our mouth in bringing down “arguments” (false teachings contrary to His Word etc), for example.

Q: So what are we fighting … Spirits? Or human minds that have wrong info?

A: “The other battle to make my thoughts “obedient” to Christ is a constant spiritual battle which I do within myself by prayer, abstentions from worldly lusts or influences etc which can/may lure me to sin etc…

We fight “the thoughts” in our minds which are set against God (originating from our carnal flesh or from demonic influence in the world) and the ones “outside our mind” (arguments from people of the world) against Christ by using His Word (sword of the Spirit) etc…

That’s how I see spiritual warfare as described literally in 2 Corinthians 10:3-5.”

Q: Then why do some take it upon themselves to pray against word curses or oppressive spirits… Such as scalar technology? Or is it possible to hold a spirit such as laziness … I don’t see how all those things could be spirits. But yes as far as we know… What is in the word is what we know.

A:”I don’t know why some do such… You may ask them why.

Being a literalist, I strive to battle /war spiritually according to how it’s described in the Bible (such as the verses above).

If another set of verses exist which describe the another spiritual battle in the way they do it, maybe they’re called to that then.

I agree 100% with you in this statement that “What is in the word is what we know”. That’s why I’m a literalist first.”

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