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The Last Stance of True Christianity


Earliest Christianity Before Catholicism (500AD)

Catholicism (from Rome) took control of the church around 500AD; if you study a little of church history, you’ll find the truth regarding the Blessed Gospel of Lord Jesus Christ in its remaining rare gems of theology.

I agree with the earliest Eastern Orthodox Fathers of the Earliest Church who were Universalists where Hell is there but it is NOT eternal, to the ‘age’ for men and ‘ages’ for the rest where its aim is “pruning” (kolasin) and correction via destruction of evil in His Fire (true to the “original” language of the New Testament, Greek, as even the earliest Greek fathers of the church understood it as thus in their ‘mother tongue’ per say).

One of the best Christian theologian in modern times, George MacDonald.

To quote:

“In this theology of divine punishment, MacDonald stands in opposition to Augustine of Hippo, and in agreement with the Greek Church Fathers Clement of Alexandria, Origen, and St. Gregory of Nyssa, although it is unknown whether MacDonald had a working familiarity with Patristics or Eastern Orthodox Christianity. At least an indirect influence is likely, because F. D. Maurice, who influenced MacDonald, knew the Greek Fathers, especially Clement, very well. MacDonald states his theological views most distinctly in the sermon Justice found in the third volume of Unspoken Sermons.”

For more, please visit:


Catholics ‘simply’ claimed all these fathers earlier than 500AD and “out of Rome” to belong to them, which is a “lie”.

‘Those who do NOT know the Love of God do NOT know God, for He does all things with Love or for Love (His Purpose, His Secret of His Will)’:

he who is not loving did not know God, because God is love.” (1 John 4:8)

Glory to the Blessed Saviour of the World, both now and into the ages which are coming, even beyond!


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