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Art – Science – Theology


Comparison between art, science & theology.

Science also proves that “god doesn’t exist” and that “the bible is a fairy tale”. Wanna believe science?. Science has no “proof” of anything, literally.

Science only has “theories” (guesses which work under controlled conditions – not absolute) instead of “theorems” (absolutely true with respect to initial start axioms but across all tweaking of conditions).

Math has “theorems” only and no “theories” at all.

Psychology is the worst, it’s no science at all. Full of unfounded “guesses” and puts labels on people instead of solving the problem. Worst still, it forgets to “remove” that label (unforgiven).

God is not mocked. Since psychology does “not forgive”, neither will the psychologists be forgiven, since our Blessed Lord Saviour said, ‘If you do not forgive the sins of any, neither will you be ‘forgiven’. You may be given “pills” to suppress your resistance in hell until you “repent”.

I forgive you.

That’s why psychology cannot “heal”.

I’ll stick to math (in the field of science) and music (from the field of art). The best in each field, aforementioned. Also, the best field is of course Theology, which is neither science nor art.

What is it, then? I guess it’s “beyond science & art”. Thus, let’s call it “meta-art-science”, because “meta” means “beyond”.

Theology of the right God (His Word) can “heal” disproving all else.

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