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Who is called by God?

Only God confirms or denies that (Matthew 7:23)

Entire contradicting Christendom gives the exact same reply that they’re “called” . Isn’t that a coincidence that this is the only thing (such a conclusion – thinking they’re called) which is the “same” across all of them?

Instead of your preaching (claiming to be led by the spirit with “no verses” to support your points literally), I’ll stick to His infallible Word (The Bible & its verses).

For me, it’s simple:
I don’t preach my opinions but rather only what the “verses” of Scripture state “literally”.

You’re responsible for your own errors.

Conclusion regarding the “led by the spirit” claim, simple: “The Voice of God does NOT contradict the Word of God”.

Sorry, I’ve to correct this part – harshly (in words only).–

Three points:

1. God can speak directly to us or through people to stop/ask us to do somethings.
But the more important question would be who is led and who speaks from the wisdom of this world?
That, only God knows.

2. But as an indicator, Biblical verses (His Word) help clarify that we’re doing the right method in His Eyes if there are verses relevant to our action (though in the eyes of the world, it may be detrimental to say, our financial well-being — not shrewd as they say– but this weakness is already foretold beforehand by our Lord in Luke 16:8 — which accounts to us being more prone to be easily ‘cheated’ with money (less shrewd) if dealt with ‘dishonest’ persons)

3. Apart from that, conscience always plays an important role (if we are truthful to its sensitivity). The Bible even writes that conscience can even be a guide to those who never heard the Gospel (or have known God) at all in Romans 2:15 and also for believers in 1 Timothy 4:2 (to help detect false teachings for example).

Hence, I guess having a little of all three things mentioned above (a dictation of God directly or through men, verses in the Bible & conscience) helps in determining whether we’re walking with the wisdom of God or the wisdom of the world.

I am just highlighting a general principle above which helps me decide my actions, unless I was caught off-guard and fell (that’s arises from my weakness to not abide in any of the above).


Remember even the Spirit-filled apostle Peter was in error when apostle Paul withstood him to his face (on a different issue):

11And when Peter came to Antioch, to the face I stood up against him, because he was blameworthy, … 14But when I saw that they are not walking uprightly to the truth of the good news, I said to Peter before all, ‘If thou, being a Jew, in the manner of the nations dost live, and not in the manner of the Jews, how the nations dost thou compel to Judaize?” (Galatians 2:11,14 – principles highlighted – “not walking uprightly to the truth of the good news or the Gospel).

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