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Committing Suicide?

Recently, two people asked me regarding this topic in detail. So, here are my brief explanations below:

Just a sharing here:

Can a person committing suicide enter Heaven?

The easiest way to see this is as follows: “where do people who commit suicide go? Only two options: Heaven or hell.”

Now, we ask, is it possible for such a person to go to Heaven? No! (as Judas example proves one such case).

If they can go to Heaven after suicide, then it contradicts our Lord’s fact in Matthew 7 that only those who “Do the will of the Father enter into His Kingdom” and clearly “suicide is NOT His Will”.

Lastly, ask the opposite question, do there exist any example or principle in the Bible which implies or shows that a person committed suicide entered Heaven? No!

Hence, we have proven above that a person committing suicide cannot enter Heaven for the reasons aforementioned above.

Thus the only remaining possibility is that they go to “Hell” (solved).

Samson did “not” commit suicide. He died together with the Philistines as his last “punishment”.

A question arises, is “Judas committing suicide the will of God” as some false teachers assert?


The Will of God is for Judas to betray Him only. Not committing suicide. Thus if Judas followed the Will of God, he should have “not” committed suicide as Christ’s last words to Judas directly was that He called Judas “friend” (during betrayal in John).

Hence Judas would have been forgiven and received as an example instead. But sadly Judas went against the Will of God to commit suicide.

Bear in mind that prophecy sometimes states “What will happen not necessarily the Will of God” (so it is in Judas’ case).

For example, a prophet may prophesy that in the last days many will “hate God and be immoral” (which will come to pass due to men’s loving of darkness) But those acts are certainly “not” the Will of God.


Hell is certain for those who did “not” do the “Will of God” but how long will they be there?
Maximum till the “next age” (age-during punishment for their permanent betterment, “kolasin”).

Minimum: Lord Jesus Christ can “Save anytime before that, no one knows who are those lucky ones as God decides that if He wants to.”

*Lord Jesus did “not” commit suicide but rather allowed Himself to be killed (“laying down His Life for the Salvation of the World”).

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