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Darkness will cease to exist

Darkness will eventually cease to exist in Him

Darkness (evil, sin, Hell etc…) will eventually cease to exist in Him

Hence there is no “eternal hell” (darkness) hidden “in Him” Who alone is the “True Light” when He “fills all things” eventually.

“He (Lord Jesus) was the true Light, which doth enlighten every man, coming to the world;” (John 1:9)

Hell and darkness exist “temporarily” because He hasn’t filled “all things” yet… Why? He doesn’t “force” it upon you. He waits, longsuffering or patient till Salvation is produced when each one returns to Him; some return only after tasting the “pains of Hell itself” (they reaped what they sowed).

Here are two verses which indicate that God Will fill “all things” eventually:

“He (Lord Jesus) Who went down (even to Hell itself) is the same also Who went up far above all the heavens, that He may fill all things –” (Ephesians 4:10)

“which is His (Christ’s) Body, the fullness of Him who is filling the all in all,” (Ephesians 1:23)

So that God Will be “all in all” (The World Saved – all of it – The Perfect Immutable Will of God achieved). Consider this verse for the “end” (the word “end” is in verse 24 of this same chapter):

“and when the all things may be subjected to Him, then the Son also Himself shall be subject to Him, who did subject to Him the all things, that God may be the all in all.” (1 Corinthians 15:28)

In conclusion, darkness (which has no place in Him) will cease to exist when He has filled “all things”… One Day.

All taken “literally”.


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