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Misplaced Zeal

Misplaced Zeal

The way to understand & obey Scripture correctly is laid out in the New Testament.

The manner in which the earliest Gentile church was instructed by God through apostle Paul through his writings mark the way we should follow as well.

The way Paul’s letters interpret the Old Testament Scripture in accordance to Gentile believers with regards to ‘what to do’ (from the Law) and ‘what to let go of’ (from the Law) was what the earliest church followed.

Therefore, let us return to this Truth so that we may have ‘zeal for God’ according to knowledge without which we may end up like follows:

“For I testify about them that they have a zeal for God, but not in accordance with knowledge.” (Romans 10:2)

Remember, obeying includes both ‘doing what we are supposed to do’ as well as ‘not doing what we are not supposed to do’ as described in Scripture for Gentile believers as revealed much in the inspired writings of apostle Paul.

If it can be skipped, New Testament Scripture would not have detailed all these parts especially with regards to the Law (‘what to keep and not as a Gentile believer’). Times change but the the Truth of Scripture remains the same.

That is, if it was done in the Corinthian church, let us strive to do it amongst us as well. If it was not practiced in the Corinthian church, let us not do it either with regards to the things mentioned in Scripture.

I don’t think God has one rule for the Corinthian church and then He formed our new denominations to break that rule & gave new interpretation of Scripture. The voice of God cannot contradict the Word of God.

Thus, I believe that the best is to stick to the New Testament Scripture as it is by following what is written in it, because it assures the right way of “obeying the Blessed One” as the infamous question goes:

“Why do you call Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say?” – Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 6:46)

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