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The Sister Analogy

The Sister Analogy
(almost always works)

I’ve repeatedly used such “sister-analogy” to point out many seemingly “nothing wrong what -type of responses” (they often forget that there’s “nothing right either” with their behavior) which hopefully, have caused many to “re-think their ways”.

The Sister Analogy takes this form or its equivalents:

“would you agree if this *behaviour/act* which you endorse or defend right now happens to your sister instead?”


To maintain double standards, ‘one rule for your sister’ and another for others is just plain hypocrisy.

A famous example, is when once a “believer” was defending that “some pastors/christians hugging grown up girls” in the church to greet each other is not wrong but fatherly/brotherly. He further went on to claim that “my eye was evil to see it in such manner”.

I objected with the New Testament verse such as “it is good for a man NOT to touch a woman” (1 Corinthians 7:1) but it fell on deaf ears.

Finally, I just remarked by analogy, “if that was your sister being hugged by many Christian brothers to greet her, would you agree?” His silence and an erupted table of laughter of others sealed his fate on that matter.

P/S 2:

It’s like some girls today wearing revealing clothes and then blame men for “looking at them perversely” after “provoking their lust by their sensual dressings”.

And another common instance is women wearing cleavage revealing dresses and then they cover the visible cleavage with their hands when some guy is caught looking at it from a distance.

Such contradictory behavior reveals both perverts of the male type (who intently look for such sensual views) & female kind (who intently dress provokingly like that) and are “alike”.

P/S 3:

I don’t have any sisters —> only cousin sisters.

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