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Book of Doctrine 20 July 2023

#BookofDoctrine or #DoctrineBook
Latest Update (Free PDF Release): 20 July 2023
Please find the New Book titled “Book of Doctrine – 20 July 2023” which can be found in free pdf download link below:

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Mr. Charles Fox Parham was the “First” person through whom God Gave this Gift back into Modern Christianity (if true) and so when I said the “Second” Person to Speak in Tongues I mean in terms of “names” mentioned he is “Second” as per “their own words” from “their own testimonies” and “First” because it was through him (if God Chose him) as follows:

[From Page 848/849 onward of the #ChiliasmBook]

b) ii) Mr. Charles Parham’s Testimony of Receiving this Gift of Speaking in Tongues only on the “later” date 3 January 1901 (Founder of Pentecostalism and Charismatic Gift of Speaking in Tongues)

“… On the night of January 3rd, I preached at the Free Methodist Church in the City of Topeka, telling them what had already happened, and that I expected upon returning the entire school to be baptized in the Holy Spirit. On returning to the school with one of the students, we ascended to the second floor, and passing down along the corridor in the upper room, heard most wonderful sounds. The door was slightly ajar, the room was lit with only coal oil lamps. As I pushed open the door I found the room was filled with a sheen of white light above the brightness of the lamps … After praising God for some time, I asked Him for the same blessing. He distinctly made it clear to me that He raised me up and trained me to declare this mighty truth to the world, and if i was willing to stand for it, with all the persecutions, heardships, trials, slander, scandal that it would entail, He would give me the blessing. And I said, “Lord I will, if You will just give me this blessing.” Right then there came a slight twist in my throat, a glory fell over me and I began to worship Gos in the Swedish tongue, which later changed to other languages and continued so until the morning. …” – Mr. Charles Parham, Founder of Pentecostalism and Gift of Speaking in Tongues in Modern Charismatic Christianity (“The Latter Rain”, As Told By The Late Charles F. Parham, Re-printed in The Apostolic Faith – April 1951)


i) Ms. Agnes’ Testimony that she got the Baptism of the Holy Spirit First on 1 January 1901

“… On watch night we had a blessed service, praying that God’s blessing might rest upon us as the New Year came in. During the first day of 1901 the presence of the Lord was with us in a marked way stilling our hearts to wait upon Him for greater things. The spirit of prayer was upon us in the evening. It was nearly seven o’clock on this first of January that it came into my heart to ask Brother Parham to lay his hands upon me that I might receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. It was as his hands were laid upon my head that the Holy Spirit fell upon me and I began to speak in tongues, glorifying God. I talked several languages, and ir was clearly manifest when a new dialect was spoken. I had the added joy and glory my heart longed for and a depth of the presence of the Lord within that I had never known before. it was as if rivers of living waters were preceeding from my innermost being. …” – Ms. Agnes Ozman [ Personal Testimony of being the first person to Receive the Holy Ghost at “Stones Folly” in Topeka, Kansas. (January 1, 1901) Printed in the Apostolic Faith April – 1951 ]


Peace to you












Personal Healing Story from Voices and impossible situations generally due to wrong relationships in the past. My link part in above:













Thank you for reading and may God Bless you with His Salvation!


P/S: Text for the above parts from the #BookofDoctrine or #DoctrineBook


Book of Doctrine




Jonathan Ramachandran




CONTENT                                                                                                  PAGE NUMBER


Doctrinal Discussion 1: Does doctrine or number of converts determine the highest rewards of faith in regard to the final resurrection body glory? 5
Doctrinal Discussion 2: Charity Doctrine & Matthew 25:1 – 13’s Wise Virgin Context – can these greats of Christianity get its meaning wrong? 19
Doctrinal Discussion 3: Tithes 42
Doctrinal Discussion 4: Speaking in Tongues 117
Doctrinal Discussion 5: Women Pastors 142
Doctrinal Discussion 6: Keep 9 out of 10 Commandments 170
Doctrinal Discussion 7: Rapture (Pre-Tribulation, Mid-Tribulation or Post-Tribulation?) 180
Doctrinal Discussion 8: I will make you the head and not tail timeline context? 230
Doctrinal Discussion 9: The curious case of Blessed Watchman Nee the Father of Protestant/Pentecostal Christianity in China 316
Doctrinal Discussion 10: Monastic Christianity – Ample of Evidence in Church Fathers (was it all fabricated by Roman Catholics/Orthodox or just plain truth of New Testament contest of faith?) 382
Doctrinal Discussion 11: Parable of the 5 Wise and 5 Foolish Virgins for Elect Salvation – the meaning of KEEP YOUR LAMPS LIT with Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ and Church Fathers – a SUMMARY 395
Doctrinal Discussion 12: Baptism & followed by Images Summary 414


Essential Doctrinal Summary: To be a Christian (Christ’s Bride, Elect Salvation), one needs to believe in Lord Jesus Christ Who died for our sins according to Scripture, Rose on the Third Day and is coming back to Judge the living and the dead. To keep the faith alive one needs to keep the “Holiness Doctrine” (which lists 9 out of 10 commandments excluding the Sabbath) and “Charity Doctrine” (without which there is no love in action with material and spiritual goods shared for free with others together with justice dealing with others to be free from money-sins, racism, nepotism and the like and not falsely calling it as blessings, 1 John 3:16 – 18). Also one needs to avoid any possible Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit (Matthew 12:30 – 32) for example where as God Himself Warned an Eternal Condemnation in Jeremiah 23:31 – 34, 36 – 40. Basically in these Verses God Clearly Says that if you say your “own opinion as oracle (prophecy context) & are wrong it’s okay because you did NOT say it’s the Holy Spirit” (Jeremiah 23:36; but of course you must admit you could be wrong so NOT to mislead any of your hearers) but if you claim the “Holy Spirit told me so about Prophecy context you must be 100% right or if not, EVERLASTING REJECTION awaits (Jeremiah 23:33 – 34, 39 – 40)”. This is “Why” I do NOT risk myself with “Prosperity Gospel prophecies” or “Progressive Christianity prophecies” from ‘having women pastors to disregarding New Testament Traditions because they quote that the Holy Spirit told them directly that can now which has NOT been in the Church before the 20th Century’ where I don’t judge them but keep away to avoid these risks but the only way they can be not condemned is if the Holy Spirit really told them and vice versa. Let God Decide. Peace to you


2) John Calvin (Founder of Calvinism and the Reformed Churches)

John Calvin clearly believed that “speaking in tongues” referred to actual human languages and the “speaking in an unknown tongue” type was clearly a “punishment”; furthermore John Calvin asserts that if God Gave the Gift of Tongues which he means “actual human languages”, then He Will also give “interpretation” of it too, to quote:


“…  11. I shall be to him that speaketh a barbarian [822] The tongue ought to be an index of the mind — not merely in the sense of the proverb, but in the sense that is explained by Aristotle in the commencement of his book — “On Interpretation.” [823] How foolish then it is and preposterous in a man, to utter in an assembly a voice of which the hearer understands nothing — in which he perceives no token from which he may learn what the person means! It is not without good reason, therefore, that Paul views it as the height of absurdity, that a man should be a barbarian to the hearers, by chattering in an unknown tongue, and at the same time he elegantly treats with derision the foolish ambition of the Corinthians, who were eager to obtain praise and fame by this means. “This reward,” says he, “you will earn — that you will be a barbarian.” For the term barbarian, whether it be an artificial one, (as Strabo thinks, [824] ) or derived from some other origin, is taken in a bad sense. Hence the Greeks, who looked upon themselves as the only persons who were good speakers, and had a polished language, gave to all others the name of barbarians, from their rude and rustic dialect. No language, however, is so cultivated as not to be reckoned barbarous, when it is not understood. “He that heareth,” says Paul, “will be unto me a barbarian, and I will be so to him in return.” By these words he intimates, that to speak in an unknown tongue, is not to hold fellowship with the Church, but rather to keep aloof from it, and that he who will act this part, will be deservedly despised by others, because he first despises them. … 13. Wherefore let him that speaketh in another tongue This is an anticipation, by way of reply to a question which might very readily be proposed to him. “If any one, therefore, is able to speak a foreign language, will the gift be useless? Why should that be kept back, which might be brought out to light, to the glory of God?” He shows the remedy. “Let him,” says he, “ask from God the gift of interpretation also. If he is without this, let him abstain in the meantime from ostentation.” [826] … 20. Brethren, be not children in understanding He proceeds a step farther; for he shows that the Corinthians are so infatuated, that they, of their own accord. draw down upon themselves, and eagerly desire, as though it were a singular benefit, what the Lord threatens that he will send, when he designs to inflict upon his people the severest punishment. What dreadful madness is this — to pursue eagerly with their whole desire, what, in the sight of God, is regarded as a curse! That we may, however, understand more accurately Paul’s meaning, we must, observe, that this statement is grounded on the testimony of Isaiah, which he immediately afterwards subjoins. (Isaiah 28:11, 12.) And as interpreters have been misled, from not observing the connection to be of this nature, to prevent all mistake, we shall first explain the passage in Isaiah, and then we shall come to Paul’s words. In that chapter the Prophet, inveighs with severity against the ten tribes, which had abandoned themselves to every kind of wickedness. The only consolation is, that God had still a people uncorrupted in the tribe of Judah; but straightway he deplores the corruption of that tribe also; and he does so the more sharply, because there was no hope of amendment. For thus he speaks in the name of God — Whom shall I teach knowledge? those that are weaned from their mother? those that are drawn from the breasts By this he means, that they are no more capable of instruction than little children but lately weaned. It is added — Precept upon precept, instruction upon instruction, charge upon charge, direction upon direction, here a little, and there a little In these words he expresses, in the style of a mimic, [843] the slowness and carelessness by which they were kept back. “In teaching them, I lose my labor, for they make no progress, because they are beyond measure uncultivated, and what they had been taught by means of long-continued labor, they in a single moment forget.”  It is added still farther — He that speaketh to that people is like one that maketh use of stammering lips, and a foreign language This is the passage that Paul quotes. Now the meaning is, [844] that the people have been visited with such blindness and madness, that they no more understand God when speaking to them, than they would some barbarian or foreigner, stammering in an unknown tonguewhich is a dreadful curse. He has not, however, quoted the Prophet’s words with exactness, because he reckoned it enough to make a pointed reference to the passage, that the Corinthians, on being admonished, might attentively consider it. As to his saying that it was written in the law, [845] this is not at variance with common usage; for the Prophets had not a ministry distinct from the law, but were the interpreters of the law, and their doctrine is, as it were, a sort of appendage to it; hence the law included the whole body of Scripture, up to the advent of Christ. Now Paul from this infers as follows — “Brethren, it is necessary to guard against that childishness, which is so severely reproved by the Prophet — that the word of God sounds in your ears without any fruit. Now, when you reject prophecy, which is placed within your reach, and prefer to stand amazed at empty sound, is not this voluntarily to incur the curse of God? [846]  … 27. If any one speak in another tongue He now describes the order and limits the measure. “If you have a mind to speak with other tongues, let only two speak, or, at most, not more than three, and let there be at the same time an interpreter sitting by Without an interpreter, tongues are of no advantage: let them, therefore be dispensed with.” It is to be observed, however, that he does not command, but merely permits; for the Church can, without any inconvenience, dispense with tongues, except in so far as they are helps to prophecy, as the Hebrew and Greek languages are at this day. Paul, however, makes this concession, that he may not seem to deprive the assembly of believers of any gift of the Spirit. At the same time, it might seem as if even this were not agreeable to reason, inasmuch as he said before, (1 Corinthians 14:22,) that tongues, in so far as they are for a sign, are suited to unbelievers. I answer, that, while a miracle may be performed more particularly with a view to unbelievers, it, nevertheless, does not follow, that it may not be of some advantage to believers also. If you understand, that an unknown tongue is a sign to unbelievers in the sense that Isaiah’s words [857] bear, the method of procedure, which Paul here prescribes, is different. For he allows of other tongues in such a way that, interpretation being joined with them, nothing is left obscure. He observes, therefore, a most admirable medium in correcting the fault of the Corinthians. On the one hand, he does not at all set aside any gift of God whatever, [858] in order that all his benefits may be seen among believers. On the other hand he makes a limitation — that ambition do not usurp the place that is due to the glory of God, and that no gift of inferior importance stand in the way of those that are of chief moment; and he adds the sauce [859] — that there be no mere ostentation, devoid of advantage.  28. Let him speak to himself and to God “Let him enjoy,” says he, “his gift in his own conscience, and let him give thanks to God.” For in this way I explain the expression to speak to himself and to God, as meaning — to recognize in his own mind with thanksgiving the favor conferred upon him, [860] and to enjoy it as his own, when there is not an opportunity for bringing it forward in a public manner. For he draws a contrast between this secret way of speaking, and speaking publicly in the Church — which he forbids. [861] …” – Blessed John Calvin, Protestant Reformer Theologian, Founder of the Reformed Churches and Calvinism (Creator of the Five Point Calvinism or Tulips Doctrine for Protestantism, Commentary on 1 Corinthians 14)



Comment: Some Charismatics claim that John Calvin spoke in tongues based on the following biography discovery:

“…Jeff Doles, makes the reader aware of a student publication of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary known as The Paper. On page 6 of the March 24, 1975, issue, there is a short piece by Quent Warford and it is entitled, “Calvin Speaks Unknown Tongue.”


The Paper reports:


The volume which allegedly contains the account of Calvin’s ecstatic utterances is in the library at the Episcopal Divinity School. It is his biography by his friend and confidant, Theodore Beza, entitled De Vitam Iohannes Cauvin. It is contained in The Vault, the Rare Book Room at E.D.S. Entering The Vault involves a great deal of red tape, and the invocation of the higher powers of the B.T.I. Prof. Hiles’ dining-hall pass also came in handy.


De Vitam Ihohannes Cauvin was published posthumously by Beza. All it contains concerning glossolalia is a small entry, confided to Beza by Calvin, shortly before the latter’s death. On several oc­casions, Calvin, in his devotions, found himself uttering a lingua non nota et cognota mini. That is, the language was not known or understood by him.


Himself a skilled linguist, Calvin set about to discover the orthography of the utterance. Unable to trace it, he confided to Beza that although the language was Hebraic in character, he yet feared that he had spoken a lingua barbarorum. That is, he feared having spoken in an accursed tongue, such as what was spoken by the Canaanites.


The matter was only a minor one to Beza, who allots it only a few sentences in De Vitam Iohannes Cauvin. Calvin’s concern was only a matter of linguistics. Therefore, there is not enough primary source material to build a case one way or the other.   …”



Comments (please read both sides before deciding which is more accurate):

  1. The “Speaking in tongues” part may not have been part of the original biography:

“…  There is an English translation of Beza’s biography of Calvin in the old Eerdmans set, Tracts and Treatises. I scanned through it for a reference to this, but didn’t find anything. It doesn’t sound genuine, especially since Beza’s biography has been available in English for decades. Why would someone have to refer to the Latin? The only reason would be that the translator left it out, but I doubt that. Additional red flag: the title in Latin is wrong. It says, De Vitam Iohannes Cauvin. “Cauvin” is French. Besides, if I’m not mistaken, Beza’s biography was originally written in French.…”  Source:

  1. Suppose the original biography did indeed have that quote. Let’s look at the internal evidence here more closely as follows:
  2. i) It contradicts basically what John Calvin wrote in his own commentary earlier if he was taking this “unknown tongue” speaking as a “blessing rather than a curse/punishment
  3. ii) This phrase quoted above “… he [John Calvin] confided to Beza that although the language was Hebraic in character, he [John Calvin] yet feared that he had spoken a lingua barbarorum. …” clearly means that JOHN CALVIN was NOT attributing “this SPEAKING in TONGUES INCIDENT” to the MOST BLESSED HOLY SPIRIT but as he acknowledges it not to be Hebrew and he is afraid of experiencing it which would be different if he embraced it since would the MOST BLESSED HOLY SPIRIT Give the GIFT OF TONGUES to a PERSON like JOHN CALVIN who then IMMEDIATELY AFTER EXPERIENCING it REJECTS it too here? Notice the other possibility JOHN CALVIN presents here namely that he might have spoken an actual human language namely HEBREW (but perhaps OLD HEBREW and that’s why he couldn’t fully understand it? This possibility in his own option presented above still proves his earlier theological points which he never recanted even after this experience (if true) that SPEAKING in TONGUES is still HUMAN LANGUAGE only.


iii) Beza himself does not leave it as an open question and neither quotes that John Calvin was unsure about the incident but rather continues in the above (as even our dear Charismatics quote earlier) that the reason for this is  “… That is, he [John Calvin] feared having spoken in an accursed tongue, such as what was spoken by the Canaanites.…”. If you read John Calvin’s own Commentary regarding “speaking in tongues” in 1 Corinthians 14 earlier, you can understand his own remark here (as recorded by the same “Beza”) that he [JOHN CALVIN] feared that he is being JUDGED and the SIGN FOR IT IS SPEAKING in AN UNKNOWN TONGUE/ACCURSED TONGUE. Can you really “see” it?


iv) Far from the meaning Charismatics propose by this writing (if authentic even), it actually SEEMS TO PROVE that JOHN CALVIN (NOT me) via this incident itself that THOSE WHO SPEAK in an UNKNOWN TONGUE are CURSED by GOD. I am NOT saying this to be true for all cases (because no one can say for sure 100% whether God really gave such a Gift back to Pentecostalism) but JOHN CALVIN’s OWN WORDS (NOT mine) quoted here points to that and I just PRESENT the EVIDENCE honestly to show the danger and let God Decide. Here’s a more intriguing point to consider: If JOHN CALVIN SPOKE IN UNKNOWN TONGUES by the HOLY SPIRIT here, why would the SAME MOST BLESSED HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD then NOT change JOHN CALVIN’s INTERPRETATION of SPEAKING in UNKNOWN TONGUE FROM BEING A “CURSE” to a “BLESSING”? It does not seem logical for the HOLY SPIRIT to GIVE a GIFT to a PERSON who will CALL IT A CURSE/PUNISHMENT from GOD unless it is such, right? Maybe John Calvin is judged for his errors in theology (if any)? Please note that his own WORDS/FEAR points more to that AFTER THAT EXPERIENCE and NOT any claim of Charistmatics that he was “happy” to experience it as they claim.

Doctrinal Discussion 8: I will make you the head and not tail timeline context?


1) First Protestant Fathers

[From Page 272/310 onward of the #ChiliasmBook]

The First Protestant Fathers condemned any concept of “… I will make you the head not the tail …” prophecy being applied before CHRIST Returns NOT as a SMALL ERROR but one DAMNABLE to ETERNAL HELL below (Why so serious? Because to fulfil it you have to practice NEPOTISM, RACISM, to MAKE YOURSELF THE HEAD say even in JOB-HIRE NOT being fair to others to PROVE that this PROPHECY applies to you to UNJUST OPPRESSION by CONQUERING OTHER COUNTRIES literally with WARS etc. or even via ECONOMIC GAMES/CHEATING MONOPOLY giving business to OWN RACE ONLY etc. which is NOT WHAT LORD JESUS CHRIST WOULD DO as He Commanded to LOVE our ENEMIES etc. where it makes those who do it to BREAK so MANY MOST important COMMANDS of CHRIST relating to LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOUR AS YOURSELF making them LAWLESS actually:

“… 5 They CONDEMN ALSO OTHERS who are now spreading certain JEWISH OPINIONS, that BEFORE THE RESURRECTION OF THE DEAD the GODLY SHALL TAKE POSSESSION OF THE KINGDOM OF THIS WORLD, the ungodly being everywhere suppressed. …”

– Lutheran Book of Concord (Augsburg Confession, Article 17)




2) Blessed St. Irenaeous of Lyons

[From Page 274 onward of the #ChiliasmBook]

“… 3. The blessing of Isaac with which he blessed his younger son Jacob has the same meaning, when he says, Behold, the smell of my son is as the smell of a full field which the Lord has blessed. Genesis 27:27, etc. But the field is the world. Matthew 13:38 And therefore he added, God give to you of the dew of heaven, and of the fatness of the earth, plenty of grain and wine. And let the nations serve you, and kings bow down to you; and be lord over your brother, and your father’s sons shall bow down to you: CURSED SHALL BE HE WHO SHALL CURSE THEE, and BLESSED SHALL BE HE WHO SHALL BLESS THEE .” [Genesis 12:3] If any one, then, DOES NOT ACCEPT THESE THINGS AS REFERRING TO THE APPOINTED KINGDOM, he must fall into much CONTRADICTION and CONTRARIETY, as is the CASE WITH THE JEWS, who are INVOLVED IN ABSOLUTE PERPLEXITY. For not only did not the nations in this life serve this Jacob; but even after he had received the blessing, he himself going forth [from his home], served his uncle Laban the Syrian for twenty years; and not only was he not made lord of his brother, but he did himself bow down before his brother Esau, upon his return from Mesopotamia to his father, and offered many gifts to him. Moreover, in what way did he inherit much corn and wine here, he who emigrated to Egypt because of the famine which possessed the land in which he was dwelling, and became Subject to Pharaoh, who was then ruling over Egypt? The PREDICTED BLESSING, therefore, BELONGS UNQUESTIONABLY TO THE TIMES OF THE KINGDOM, when the righteous shall bear rule UPON THEIR RISING FROM THE DEAD; when also the creation, having been renovated and set free, shall fructify with an abundance of all kinds of food, from the dew of heaven, and from the fertility of the earth: as the ELDERS WHO SAW JOHN, the DISCIPLE OF THE LORD, related that they had heard from him how THE LORD USED TO TEACH in regard to these times, and say…” – Blessed St. Irenaeous of Lyons, a Hearer of Blessed St. Polycarp who is an Apostolic Father being the Disciple of Blessed St. John who wrote the Book of Revelation, Approved Church Father in the First Lutheran Father’s Book of Concord, Venerated in the Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox Church, Oriental Orthodoxy, Anglican Communion, Lutheran Church, First Doctor of the Church in order of time, Father of Catholic Theology, (c. 130 AD – c. 202 AD, ‘Against Heresies’, Book 5, Chapter 33 (XXXIII), Points 3) Roman Catholic Source:

Or another Source:


3) Actual History

Assuming that “modern prosperity Christians” claiming that “their local Church Pastor/Denomination or members are the heads and not tail in the current world thereby fulfilling this prophecy now”, let’s look at ACTUAL STATISTICS to SEE PROOF that YET AGAIN ROMAN CATHOLICS + ORTHODOX are STILL NO. 1 in entire Church History Timeline.

Let’s begin.


  1. i) Hard Question – The Christian Dilemma


Between 500 AD to 1500 AD (roughly 1000 years) before the Protestant Reformation, there was “only” a Christianity which “Prayed to Virgin Mary”.


So, did the “Great Commission” get Fulfilled by the Roman Catholic and Orthodox Church during that time?

If “no” Christian were saved  with the praying to Virgin Mary Practice, then almost “no” one was Saved for 1000 years? If Christians were saved despite Praying to Virgin Mary back then, then some of them  could likewise be saved right now even despite this error, right?


So similarly a majority modern Protestant Christianity which evangelized their part of the world say about 100 years or less doing against New Testament Traditions even may be similar likewise as “not” being accurate in this part, right?


Hence I follow the earliest known Christian Writings only as explained in the #SafeRouteScripturallyBook for Doctrine or possible Doctrines likewise. Let God have Mercy on whomever He Wills.


If Truth is proven by money, number of Converts or number of years in existence or who Fulfilled more of the Great Commission, till today it’s still the Roman Catholics + Orthodox.


Perhaps the opposite is true namely the Most accurate Doctrines have the least Christians.


  1. ii) Which Christianity is HEAD and NOT Tail in Number of Discoveries/Nobel Prize?

Roman Catholic and Orthodox yet again

Let’s take the “Nobel Prize” example which  by ‘religious affiliation breakdown’ is won mostly by Christians, to quote:


“… In an estimate by Baruch Shalev, between 1901-2000 about 65.4% of Nobel prize winners were either Christians or had a Christian background.[1] Here is a non exhaustive list of some of the prize winners who publicly identified themselves as Christians. …”




If my count is correct (based on list in link above), the breakdown among Christians is:


1) Roman Catholic = 54


2) Protestant = 55

[Note I counted “Orthodox = 7” as Protestant here just to contrast with Roman Catholic as shown in next page and you can count manually in link too to see this].

So here are some further breakdowns (some counted above in “Protestant”, overlap):


3) Methodist = 11


4) Lutheran = 10


5) Pentecostal = 2 (and both Africans)


6) Reformed = 2 (John Calvin’s Reformed Churches)


7) Anglican = 7


8.) Christian = 15 (those didn’t want to identify themselves with other denominations but just as ‘Christian’)


9) Born Again Christian = 1 (only Bob Dylan the singer used this phrase to identify himself as such on this list)


10) Orthodox Christians = 7


11) Moravian Church = 1


12) Protestant (Episcopalian) = 5


13) Quakers = 5


14) Protestant Baptist = 4


15) Presbyterian = 6


iii) Which Christianity is HEAD and NOT Tail in Number of Conversions?

Roman Catholic and Orthodox [Even if today say Protestantism exceeds it one day, remember that your local church or denomination is just a smaller part of it and counting total for last 2000 years would still put Roman Catholics and Orthodox as winner, right?]

Numbers don’t lie – Christianity Statistics Test

Image taken from Wikipedia on 17 May 2022


Please remember that “Protestant” in the Picture includes a wide range of denominations who are “not” United with each other even with some “cults” too meaning the “local Church” one attends may be just a ‘fraction’ of it with many other varieties existing.


There are surely errors from one Protestant Denomination to the next when Compared because both claim theological points which “contradict” each other on some doctrinal areas eventually.


So, let God Decide who is right because as all of them have done some of the Great Commission in some way but as for accuracy, only God Knows where some may be more accurate in a theological part whilst another denomination in another area etc. but for me I follow more of the “Church Fathers and Protestant Foundersonly as described in the  #SafeRouteScripturallyBook for many reasons mentioned therein for both #Doctrine and #PossibilityofDoctrine (because we are “not” arrogant enough to claim that we got all our Doctrines right).


We know that the Roman Catholics and Orthodox denominations did a good job in preserving ancient Christian Writings especially those of the “Chiliasm Fathers of the Church” whom I follow most as they are the ‘earliest whose writings survive’ simply because both of these major denominations do “not” believe the same as them in many areas too as I have demonstrated in the #SafeRouteScripturallyBook.


Simple Logic: If someone wants to “change” an ‘early Christian Writing’ back at that time even, then they would have changed it to be ‘similar to what they believe or add in those things which they believe’ which is clearly absent from all Chiliasm Father’s Endorsed Writing such as they have “no” Prayers to Virgin Mary or Equivalent and also have a heavy focus on the #milleniarism or “chiliasm” #eschatology doctrine too.


Peace to you







  1. iv) Which Christianity is HEAD and NOT Tail in Fulfilling the Great Commission?
    Roman Catholic and Orthodox yet again


“… Those with no History, hate History …”


An interesting list in links next.  To quote the “historical facts” first:

Timeline of Christian missions

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

See also: History of Christianity and List of Christian missionaries

This timeline of Christian missions chronicles the global expansion of Christianity through a listing of the most significant missionary outreach events.


Apostolic Age[edit]

Main article: Early history of Christianity § Apostolic Age

See also: Timeline of Christianity § Apostolic AgeApostolic Age, and Acts of the Apostles

See also: Christianity in the 1st century

Earliest dates must all be considered approximate

Early Christianity[edit]

Main article: Ante-Nicene Period

See also: Timeline of Christianity § Ante-Nicene Period

See also: Early history of Christianity § Post-apostolic period

See also: Christianity in the 2nd century

  • 100 – First Christians are reported in Monaco, Algeria; a missionary goes to Arbela, a sacred city of the Assyriansthat the Christian church is katholikos (“universal”)
  • 112 – Pliny the Youngerreports rapid growth of Christianity in Bithynia[7]
  • 140 – Hermas writes: “The Son of God… has been preached to the ends of the earth”[1]
  • 150 – Gospel reaches Portugaland Morocco[1]
  • 166 – Bishop Soterwrites that the number of Christians has surpassed the Jews[8]
  • 174 – First Christians reported in Austria[1]
  • 177 – Churches in Lyonand Vienne (southern France) report being persecuted[9]
  • 190 – Pataenus of Alexandria goes to India in response to an appeal for Christian teachers[10]
  • 196 – In Assuristan(Parthian ruled AssyriaBar Daisan writes of Christians among the AssyriansParthiansBactrians (Kushans), and other peoples in the Persian Empire[11]
  • 197 – Tertullianwrites that Christianity had penetrated all ranks of society in North Africa[12]
  • 200 – First Christians are reported in Switzerland and Belgium[1]
  • 206 – Abgar, the SyriacKing of Edessa, embraces the Christian faith[13]
  • 208 – Tertullianwrites that Christ has followers on the far side of the Roman wall in Britain where Roman legions have not yet penetrated[14]
  • 250 – Denis(or Denys or Dionysius) is sent from Rome along with six other missionaries to establish the church in Paris[15]
  • 270 – Death of Gregory Thaumaturgus, Christian leader in Pontus. It was said that when Gregory became “bishop” there were only 17 Christians in Pontus while at his death thirty years later there were only 17 non-Christians.[16]
  • 280 – First rural churches emerge in northern Italy; Christianity is no longer exclusively in urban areas
  • 287 – Mauricefrom Egypt is killed at Agauno, Switzerland for refusing to sacrifice to pagan divinities[17]
  • 300 – First Christians reported in Greater Khorasan; an estimated 10% of the world’s population is now Christian; parts of the Bibleare available in 10 different languages[18]

See also: Christianity in the 4th century

Era of the seven Ecumenical Councils[edit]

Main articles: Rise of Christianity during the Fall of Rome and First seven Ecumenical Councils

See also: Timeline of Christianity § First Seven Ecumenical Councils

  • 327 – GeorgianKing Mirian III of Iberia converted by Nino[22]
  • 330 – Ethiopian King Ezana of Axummakes Christianity an official religion
  • 332 – Two young Roman Christians, Frumentiusand Aedesius, are the sole survivors of a ship destroyed in the Red Sea due to tensions between Rome and Aksum. They are taken as slaves to the Ethiopian capital of Axum to serve in the royal court.[18]
  • 334 – The first bishop is ordained for MervTransoxiana (area of modern-day Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and southwest Kazakhstan)[23]
  • 337 – Emperor Constantinebaptized shortly before his death[24]
  • 341 – Ulfilasbegins work with the Goths in present-day Romania[25]
  • 343 – The Council of Serdica, or Synod of Serdica[26](also Sardica), was a synod convened in 343 at Serdica in the civil diocese of Dacia, by Roman dominate Emperors Constans Iaugustus in the West, and Constantius II, augustus in the East. It attempted to resolve the Arian controversy, and was attended by about 170 bishops. It was convened by the two augusti at the request of Pope Julius I.
  • 350 – Bible is translated into Saidic, an Egyptian language[27]
  • 354 – Theophilus “the Indian” reports visiting Christians in India;[11]Philostorgius mentions a community of Christians on the Socotra islands, south of Yemen in the Arabian Sea[28]
  • 364 – Conversion of Vandalsto Christianity begins during reign of Emperor Valens[29]
  • 370 – Wulfilatranslates the Bible into Gothic, the first Bible translation done specifically for missionary purposes
  • 378 – Jeromewrites, “From India to Britain, all nations resound with the death and resurrection of Christ”[18]
  • 380 – Roman Emperor Theodosius Imakes Christianity the official state religion[30]
  • 382 – Jeromeis commissioned to translate the Gospels (and subsequently the whole Bible) into Latin.[31]
  • 386 – Augustine of Hippoconverted[32]
  • 397 – Ninianevangelizes the Southern Picts of Scotland; three missionaries sent to the mountaineers in the Trento region of northern Italy are martyred[33]
  • 400 – Hayyan begins proclaiming gospel in Yemenafter having been converted in Hirta on the Persian border; in starting a school for native Gothic evangelists, John Chrysostom writes, “‘Go and make disciples of all nations’ was not said for the Apostles onlyu, but for us also”[18]

See also: Christianity in the 5th century

  • 410 – New Testament translated into Armenian[25]
  • 420 – A Pre-IslamArabian Bedouin tribe under sheikh Peter-Aspebet is converted[34]
  • 425 – The first bishops are ordained for Herat(Afghanistan) and Samarkand (Uzbekistan)
  • 432 – Patrickgoes to Ireland as missionary[35]
  • 450 – First Christians reported in Liechtenstein[18]
  • 496 – Conversion of Clovis I, king of Franksin Gaul, along with 3,000 warriors[36]
  • 499 – Persian king Kavadh I, fleeing his country, meets a group of Christian missionaries going to Central Asia to preach to the Turks
  • 500 – First Christians reported in North Yemen; Nairam becomes Christian center

See also: Christianity in the 6th century

  • 508 – Philoxenus of Mabugbegins translation of the Bible into Syriac[37]
  • 529 – Benedict of Nursiadestroys pagan temple at Monte Cassino (Italy and builds a monastery[38]
  • 535 – The HephthaliteHuns – nomads living in northern China and Central Asia, who were also known as the White Huns – are taught to read and write by Church of the East
  • 542 – Julian (or Julianus) from Constantinoplebegins evangelizing Nubia, accompanied by an Egyptian named Theodore[39]
  • 563 – Columbasails from Ireland to Scotland where he founds an evangelistic training center on Iona[40]
  • 569 – Longinus, church leader in Nobatia, evangelizes Alodia(in what is now Sudan)
  • 578 – Conversion to Christianity of An-numan III, last of Lakhmids (Pre Islam Arab prince)
  • 585 – Irish missionary Columbanusarrives with twelve fellow missionaries in Brittany, France
  • 592 – Death of Celtic/Irish missionary Moluag (Old Irish: Mo-Luóc)[41]
  • 596 – Gregory the Greatsends Augustine and a team of missionaries to (what is now) England to reintroduce the Gospel. The missionaries settle in Canterbury and within a year baptize 10,000 people[42]
  • 600 – First Christian settlers in Andorra(between France and Spain)

See also: Christianity in the 7th century

See also: Christianity in the 8th century

  • 720 – Caliph Umar IIputs heavy pressure on the Christian Berbers to convert to Islam
  • 716 – Bonifacebegins missionary work among Germanic tribes[52]
  • 724 – Boniface fells pagan sacred oak of Thorat Geismar in Hesse (Germany)[53]
  • 732 – Muslim advance from Spain and southern France stopped by Charles Martell at Tours and Poitiers
  • 740 – Irish monks reach Iceland[54]
  • 771 – Charlemagnebecomes king and will decree that sermons be given in the vernacular. He also commissioned Bible translations.[55]
  • 781 – Xi’an Steleerected near Xi’an (China) to commemorate the propagation in China of the Luminous Religion, thus providing a written record of a Christian presence in China[56]
  • 787 – Liudgerbegins missionary work among the pagans near the mouth of the Ems river (in Germany)[57]

Middle Ages[edit]

Main article: Medieval history of Christianity

See also: Timeline of Christianity § Middle Ages, and Middle Ages

See also: Christianity in the 9th century

See also: Christianity in the 10th century

1000 to 1499[edit]

Main article: Christianity in the 11th century

See also: Medieval history of Christianity § East-West Schism

See also: Timeline of Christianity § Middle Ages

  • 1000 – Christianity accepted by common consent in Iceland by parliament (Alþingi). Leif the Luckyintroduces the Gospel to Greenland, possibly Vinland (Newfoundland)[72]
  • 1003 – The Hungarian king sends evangelists to Transylvania[73]
  • 1008 – Sigfrid (or Sigurd), English missionary, baptizes King Olof of Sweden
  • 1009 – Bruno of Querfurtis beheaded in Prussia where he had gone as a missionary[71]
  • 1015 – Russia is said to have been “comprehensively” converted to the Orthodox faith;[74]Olaf II Haroldsson becomes the first king of the whole of Norway. Over the next 15 years he would organize Norway’s final conversion and its integration into Christian Europe.[75]
  • 1017 – Günther tries to convert the inhabitants of Vorpommern; the mission is not successful.[76]

See also: Christianity in the 12th century

See also: Christianity in the 13th century

See also: Christianity in the 14th century and Timeline of Christianity § Renaissance

See also: Christianity in the 15th century

  • 1408 – Spanish Dominican Vincent Ferrer begins a ministry in Italy in which it is said that thousands of Jews and Muslims were won to faith in Christ[96]
  • 1410 – Bible is translated into Hungarian[65]
  • 1420 – Franciscan missionaries accompany Portuguese expedition to Madeira[97]
  • 1431 – Franciscan missionaries accompany Portuguese expedition to the Azores[97]
  • 1435 – Forced conversion of Jewsin Palma de Mallorca, Spain[98]
  • 1445 – First Christians reported in Guinea Bissau[65]
  • 1448 – First Christians reported in Mauritania
  • 1450 – Franciscan missionaries accompany Portuguese expedition to the Cape Verde Islands[97]
  • 1453 – Constantinoplefalls to the Muslim Ottoman Turks who make it their capital. An Islamic service of thanksgiving is held in the church of Saint Sophia[99]
  • 1455 – With the bullRomanus Pontifex the patronage of missions in new countries behind Cape Bojador is given to the Portuguese (see “Padroado“).
  • 1462 – Johannes Gutenbergbegins printing the Bible with his movable-type printing process; Pope Pius II assigns the evangelization of the Portuguese Guinea Coast of Africa to the Franciscans led by Alfonso de Bolano[100]
  • 1485 – After having come into contact with the Portuguese, the King of Beninrequests that a church be planted in his kingdom[100]
  • 1486 – Dominicansbecome active in West Africa, notably among the Wolof people in Senegambia.
  • 1489 – Baptismof Wolof king Behemoi in Senegal[101]
  • 1491 – The Congosees its first group of missionaries arrive.[102] Under the ministry of these Franciscan and Dominican priests, the king would soon be baptized and a church built at the royal capital.
  • 1492 – Birth of the churchin Angola
  • 1493 – Pope Alexander VIallows Spain to colonize the New World with Catholic missions; Christopher Columbus takes Christian priests with him on his second journey to the New World
  • 1494 – First missionaries arrive in Dominican Republic
  • 1495 – The head of a convent in Seville, SpainMercedarianJorge, makes a trip to the West Indies.
  • 1496 – First Christian baptismsin the New World take place when Guaticaba along with other members of his household are baptized on the island of Hispaniola[103]
  • 1497 – Forced conversion of Jews in Portugal[104]
  • 1498 – First Christians are reported in Kenya
  • 1499 – Portuguese Augustinianmissionaries arrive at Zanzibar. Their mission will end in 1698 due to the Oman-Arab conquest.

1500 to 1600[edit]

Main article: Christianity in the 16th century

See also: Timeline of Christianity § Reformation

See also: Protestant ReformationCounter-Reformation, and Catholic Church and the Age of Discovery

  • 1500 – Franciscans enter Brazilwith Cabral[97]
  • 1501 – Portuguese explorer João da Novabuilds a chapel at Mossel Bay, the first one in South Africa
  • 1501 – Pope Alexander VIgrants to the crown of Spain all the newly discovered countries in the Americas, on condition that provision be made for the religious instruction of the native populations
  • 1502 – Bartolomé de las Casas, who will later become an ardent defender of the indigenous peoples of the Americas, goes to Cuba. For his military services there he will be given an encomienda, an estate that included the services of the Indigenous peoples of the Americasliving on it.
  • 1503 – Mar Elijah, Patriarch of the East Syrian church, sends three missionaries “to the islands of the sea which are inside Javaand to China.”[105]
  • 1506 – Mission work begun in Mozambique[104]
  • 1508 – Franciscans begin evangelizing in Venezuela[106]
  • 1509 – First church building constructed on Puerto Rico[104]
  • 1510 – Dominicansbegin work in Haiti[52]
  • 1511 – Martin de Valenciacame to believe that Psalm 58 prophesied the conversion of all unbelievers. While reflecting on the Scripture passage, he asked, “When will this be? When will this prophecy be filled . . . we are already in the afternoon, at the end of our days, and the world’s final era.” Later that same week, while reading aloud from the prophet Isaiah, he reportedly saw a vision of vast multitudes being converted and baptised. He began to pray to be chosen to preach and convert all heathen. He would die 20 years later as a missionary to Mexico.[107]
  • 1512 – Dominican missionaryAntonio de Montesino returns to Spain to try to convince King Ferdinand that all is not as it should be in the new western colonies. He reported that on the islands of Hispaniola (now Dominican Republic and Haiti) and Cuba, the indigenous peoples were rapidly dying out under the system of slavery used by the colonists.
  • 1513 – In CubaBartolomé de las Casasis ordained (possibly the first ordination in the New World). Soon thereafter, Las Casas will renounce all claims to his Indian serfs
  • 1515 – Portuguese missionary Francisco Álvaresis sent on a diplomatic mission to Dawit II, the Negus or Emperor of Abyssinia (an old name for Ethiopia)
  • 1515 – Portuguese missionaries begin work in Benin, Nigeria[108]
  • 1517 – The Mughal Rulersof Delhi opened the door of Bengal to Christian missionaries[109]
  • 1518 – Don Henrique, son of the king of the Congo, is consecrated by Pope Leo Xas the first indigenous bishop from sub-Saharan Black Africa[110]
  • 1519 – Two Franciscans accompany Hernán Cortésin his expedition to Mexico[111]
  • 1520 – German missionary Maximilian Uhland, also known as Bernardino de San José, goes to Hispaniolawith the newly appointed Bishop Alessandro Geraldini.
  • 1521 – Pope Leo Xgrants Franciscan Francis Quiñones permission and faculties to go as a missionary to the New World together with Juan Clapión
  • 1522 – Portuguese missionaries establish presence on coast of Sri Lankaand begin moving inland in the wake of Portuguese military units
  • 1523 – Martin Lutherwrites a missionary hymn based on Psalm 67Es woll uns Gott genädig sein. It has been called “the first missionary hymn of Protestantism.”[112]
  • 1524 – Martin de Valencia goes to New Spainwith 12 Franciscan friars
  • 1525 – Italian Franciscan missionary Giulio Zarco is sent to Michoacánon the western coast of Mexico where he will become very proficient in some of the indigenous languages
  • 1526 – Franciscans enter Florida;[113]Twelve Dominican friars arrive in the Mexican capital
  • 1527 – Martyrs’ Synod— organized by Anabaptists, it is the first Protestant missionary conference
  • 1528 – Franciscan missionary Juan de Padillaarrives in Mexico. He will accompany Coronado‘s expedition searching for the Seven Cities and eventually settle among the Quivira (now called the Wichita)[114]
  • 1529 – Franciscan Peter of Ghent writes from Latin America that he and a colleague had baptized 14,000 people on one day[115]
  • 1531 – Franciscan Juan de Padillabegins a series of missionary tours among Indian tribes southeast of Mexico City[12]
  • 1532 – Evangelization of Perubegins when missionaries arrive with Francisco Pizarro‘s military expedition[104]
  • 1533 – The Pechenga Monasteryis founded in the Extreme North of Russia to preach Gospel to the Sami peopleAugustinian order arrives in Mexico; First Christian missionaries arrive in Tonkin, what is now Vietnam[116]
  • 1534 – The entire caste of Paravason the Coromandel Coast are baptized—perhaps 20,000 people in all[117]
  • 1536 – Northern Italian Anabaptist missionary Hans Oberecker is burned at the stake in Vienna.[118]
  • 1537 – Pope Paul IIIorders that the Indigenous peoples of the Americas of the New World be brought to Christ “by the preaching of the divine word, and with the example of the good life.”[97]
  • 1538 – Franciscans enter Paraguay[111]
  • 1539 – The Pueblosof what is now the U.S. Southwest are encountered by Spanish Franciscan missionary Marcos de Niza[119]
  • 1539 – Together with two friends Ignatius of Loyolaforms the Society of Jesus which is approved by Pope Paul III one year later.
  • 1540 – Franciscans arrive in Trinidad and are killed by cannibals
  • 1541 – Franciscans begin establishing missions in California
  • 1542 – Francis Xaviergoes to Portuguese colony of Goa in West India;[120]
  • 1543 – AnabaptistMenno Simons leaves the Netherlands and begins planting churches in Germany[121]
  • 1544 – Franciscan Andrés de Olmos, leads group of Indian converts to Tamaulipas
  • 1545 – Testifying to the power that letters back home from missionaries have had, Antonio Araoz writes about Francis Xavier: “No less fruit has been obtained in Spain and Portugal through his letters than has been obtained in the Indies through his teaching.”[122]
  • 1546 – Xavier travels to the Indonesian islands of MorotaiAmbon, and Ternate
  • 1547 – Wealthy Spaniard Juan Fernándezbecomes a Jesuit. He will go to Japan as a missionary.
  • 1548 – Xavier founds the College of the Holy Name of God in Baçaimon the northwest coast of India
  • 1549 – DominicanLuis Cancer, who had worked among the Mayans of Guatemala and Mexico, lands at Tampa Bay (Florida) with two companions. They are immediately killed by the Calusa.[123]
  • 1549 Jesuit missionaries led by Xavier arrive in Japan and built a base in Kyushu.[124]Their activity was most successful in Kyushu, with about 100,000 to 200,000 converts, including many daimyōs.[125]
  • 1550 – Printed Scriptures are available in 28 languages[104]
  • 1551 – Dominican Jerome de Loaysa founds the National University of San Marcosin Lima (Peru) as well as a hospital for indigenous peoples
  • 1553 – Portuguese missionaries build a church in Malacca TownMalaysia
  • 1554 – 1,500 converts to Christianity are reported in Siam (now called Thailand)[104]
  • 1555 – John Calvinsends Huguenots to Brazil[126]
  • 1555 – The first, failed, attempt to set up a Christian mission in Cambodia, by Dominican Gaspar da Cruz.[127]
  • 1556 – Gaspar da Cruzspends a month preaching in Guangzhou, China.[128][129]
  • 1557 – Jesuit bishop André de Oviedoarrives in Ethiopia with five priests to convert the local Ethiopian Christians to Catholicism.[130]
  • 1558 – The Kabardianduke Saltan Idarov converts to Orthodox Christianity
  • 1559 – Missionary Vilela settles in Kyoto, Japan
  • 1560 – Gonçalo da Silveira, a Portuguese Jesuit missionary, visited the Munhumutapa Empire, where he rapidly made converts
  • 1562 – Diego de Landaburns the libraries of the Maya civilization[131]
  • 1563 – Jesuit missionary Luis Frois, who will later write a history of Jesuit activity in Japan, arrives in that country; Ōmura Sumitadabecomes the first daimyō (feudal landholder) to convert to Christianity
  • 1564 – Legazpibegins Augustinian work in Philippine Islands[132][133]
  • 1565 – Jesuits arrive in Macau.
  • 1566 – The first Jesuit to enter what is now the United States, Pedro Martinez, is clubbed to death by fearful Indianson the sands of Fort George Island, Florida
  • 1567 – Missionaries Jeronimo da Cruz and Sebastiao da Canto, both Dominicans, arrive at AyutthayaThailand
  • 1568 – In the Philippines, Diego de Herrera baptizes Chieftain Tupas of Cebuand his son
  • 1569 – Jeronimo da Cruzis murdered along with two newly arrived missionaries
  • 1570 – Ignacio Azevedoand 39 other Jesuit missionaries are killed by pirates near Palma, one of the Canary Islands, while on their way to Brazil
  • 1571 – Capuchin friarsof the ‘Strict Observance’ arrive on the island of Trinidad with conquistador Don Juan Ponce of Seville.
  • 1572 – Jesuits arrive in Mexico
  • 1573 – Large-scale evangelization of the FloridaIndian nations and tribes begins with the arrival of Franciscan friars; Augustinian order enters Ecuador
  • 1574 – AugustinianGuillermo de Santa Maria writes a treatise on the illegitimacy of the war the Spanish government was waging against the Chichimeca in the Mexican state of Michoacán
  • 1575 – Church building constructed in Kyoto. Built in Japanese architectural style, it was popularly called the “temple of the South Barbarians”
  • 1575 – Spanish Augustinians Martín de Radaand Geronimo Martín spend four months in Fujian, China, trying to arrange for long-term missionary work there. The attempt ends in failure due to unrelated events in the Philippines.
  • 1577 – Dominicansenter Mozambique and penetrate inland, burning Muslim mosques as they go[134]
  • 1578 – King of Spain orders the bishop of Lima not to confer Holy Orderson mestizos
  • 1579 – Jesuit Alessandro Valignanoarrives in Japan where, as “Visitor of Missions”, he formulates a basic strategy for Catholic proselytism in that country. Valignano’s adaptationism attempted to avoid cultural frictions by covering the gap between certain Japanese customs and Roman Catholic values.[135]
  • 1580 – Japanese daimyō(feudal landholder) Arima Harunobu becomes Christian and takes the name Protasio
  • 1582 – Jesuits, with Michele Ruggieriand Matteo Ricci as the pioneers, begin mission work in mainland China; introduce Western science, mathematics, astronomy[136]
  • 1583 – Five Jesuit missionaries are murdered near Goa(India)
  • 1584 – Matteo Ricciand a Chinese scholar translate a catechism into Chinese under the title Tian Zhu Shi Lu(天主實録) (A True Account of God)
  • 1585 – Carmeliteleader Jerome Gracian meets with Martin Ignatius de Loyola, a Franciscan missionary from China. The two sign a vinculo de hermandad misionera—a bond of missionary brotherhood—by which the two orders would collaborate in missionary work in Ethiopia, China, the Philippines, and the East and West Indies.
  • 1586 – Portuguese missionary João dos Santosreports that locals kill elephants to protect their crops in Sofala, Mozambique.
  • 1587 – All foreigners ordered out of Japan when the shōgunfears they are as divisive and might present the Europeans with an opportunity to disrupt Japan. They stay but persecution escalates.
  • 1587 – Manteo becomes the first American Indianto be baptized by the Church of England
  • 1590 – A book by Belgian pastor Hadrian à Saraviahas a chapter arguing that the Great Commission is still binding on the church today because the Apostles did not fulfill it completely[137]
  • 1591 – First Catholic church built in Trinidad; First Chinese admitted as members of the Jesuit order
  • 1593 – The Franciscans arrive in Japan and establish St. Anna’s hospital in Kyoto; they dispute with the Jesuits.
  • 1594 – First Jesuit missionaries arrive in what is today Pakistan
  • 1595 – Dutch East India Companychaplains expand their ministry beyond the European expatriates[138]
  • 1596 – Jesuit missionaries travel across the island of Samarin the Philippines to establish mission centers on the eastern side
  • 1597 – Twenty-six Japanese Christians are crucified for their faith by General Toyotomi Hideyoshiin Nagasaki, Japan.[139] Full-scale persecution destroys the Christian community by the 1620s. Converts who did not reject Christianity were killed. Many Christians went underground, but their communities died out. Christianity left no permanent imprint on Japanese society.[140]
  • 1598 – Spanish missionaries push north from Mexico into what is now the state of New Mexico.
  • 1599 – Jesuit Francisco Fernandez goes to what is now the Jessore Districtof Bangladesh and builds a church there

1600 to 1699[edit]

See also: Christianity in the 17th century and Timeline of Christianity § 17th century

See also: Modern history of Christianity § Age of Enlightenment (1640–1740)

1700 to 1799[edit]

Main article: Christianity in the 18th century

See also: Timeline of Christianity § 18th century

See also: Modern history of Christianity § Revivalism (1720–1906)

  • 1700 – After a Swedish missionary’s sermon in Pennsylvania, one Native American posed such searching questions that the episode was reported in a 1731 historyof the Swedish church in America. The interchange is noted in Benjamin Franklin‘s Remarks Concerning the Savages of North America (1784).[167]
  • 1701 – Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Partsofficially organized[153]
  • 1702 – George Keith, returns to America as a missionary of the newly organized Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts
  • 1703 – The Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Partsexpands to the West Indies[168]
  • 1704 – French missionary priests arrive to evangelize the Chitimachaliving along the Mississippi River in what is now the state of Louisiana
  • 1706 – Bartholomäus Ziegenbalg, German missionary, arrives in Tranquebar
  • 1706 – Irish-born Francis Makemie, who has been an itinerant Presbyterian missionary among the colonists of America since 1683, is finally able to organize the first American presbytery
  • 1707 – Italian Capuchinmissionaries reach Kathmandu in NepalMaillard de Tournon makes public, in Nanjing, the Vatican decisions on rites, including the stipulations against the veneration of ancestors and of Confucius.
  • 1708- Jesuit missionary Giovanni Battista Sidottiis arrested in Japan. He is taken to Edo (now called Tokyo) to be interrogated by Arai Hakuseki
  • 1709 – Experience Mayhew, missionary to the Martha’s VineyardIndians, translates the Psalms and the Gospel of John into the Massachusett It will be a work considered second only to John Eliot’s Indian Bible in terms of significant Indian-language translations in colonial New England
  • 1710 – First modern Bible Society founded in Germany by Count Canstein[169]
  • 1711 – Jesuit Eusebio Kino, missionary explorer in southern Arizonaand northern Sonora, dies suddenly in northern Mexico. Kino, who has been called “the cowboy missionary”, had fought against the exploitation of Indians in Mexican silver mines.
  • 1712 – Using a press sent by The Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, the Tranquebar Missionin India begins printing books in the Portuguese language
  • 1713 – Jesuit Ippolito Desiderigoes to Tibet as a missionary
  • 1714 – New Testament translated into Tamil(India);[170] the Royal Danish College of Missions is organized in Copenhagen
  • 1715 – Eastern Orthodox Churchmissionary outreach is renewed in Manchuria and Northern China[64]
  • 1718 – The establishment of the Alamo Mission in San Antoniois authorized by the viceroy of Mexico. The mission was to be an educational center for Native Americans who converted to Christianity.
  • 1717 – Chen Mao writes to the Chinese Emperor about his concerns over Catholicmissionaries and Western traders. He urgently requested an all-out prohibition of Catholic missionaries in the Qing provinces.
  • 1718 – Bartholomäus Ziegenbalgconstructs a church building in India that is still in use today
  • 1719 – Isaac Wattswrites missionary hymn “Jesus Shall Reign Where’er the Sun”[171]
  • 1720 – Missionary Johann Ernst Gruendler dies in India. He had arrived there in 1709 with the sponsorship of the Danish Mission Society
  • 1721 – Mission San Juan Bautista Malibat in Baja Californiais abandoned due to the hostility of the Cochimi Indians, as well as to the decimation of the local population by epidemics and a water shortage. Chinese Kangxi Emperor bans Christian missionaries as a result of the Chinese Rites controversyHans Egede goes to Greenland under the dual auspices of the Royal Mission College and the Bergen Company.
  • 1723 – Robert Millar publishes A History of the Propagation of Christianity and the Overthrow of Paganismadvocating prayer as the primary means of converting non-Christians[171]
  • 1724 – Yongzheng Emperorbans missionary activities outside the Beijing area
  • 1725 – Knud Leemarrives as a missionary to the Sami people of Finnmark (Norwegian Arctic)
  • 1726 – John Wright, a Quakermissionary to the Native Americans, settles in southeastern Pennsylvania
  • 1728 – Institutum Judaicum founded in Halle as first Protestantmission center for Jewish evangelism[172]
  • 1729 – Roman Catholicmissionary Du Poisson becomes the first victim in the Natchez revolt. On his way to New Orleans, he had been asked to stop and say Mass at the Natchez He was killed in front of the altar.
  • 1730 – Lombard, French missionary, founds a Christian village with over 600 Indians at the mouth of Kuru river in French Guiana. A Jesuit, Lombard has been called the most successful of all missionaries in converting the Indians of French Guiana
  • 1731 – A missionary movement is born when Count Nicolaus Ludwig Zinzendorfattends the coronation of King Christian VI of Denmark and witnesses two of Egede’s Inuit Over the next two years, his Moravian Church at Herrnhut will begin its missionary outreach with work among the slaves in the Caribbean and the Inuit in Greenland.[173]
  • 1732 – Alphonsus Liguorifounds the Roman Catholic religious institute known as the Redemptorist Fathers with the purpose of doing missionary work among rural people[174]
  • 1733 – Moravians establish their first mission in Greenland[175]
  • 1734 – A missionary convinces a Groton, Connecticutchurch to lend its building to the Mashantucket Pequot Tribe for Christian worship services.
  • 1735 – John Wesleygoes to Indians in Georgia as missionary with the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts[176]
  • 1736 – Anti-Christian edicts in China; Moravian missionaries at work among Nenets peopleof Arkhangelsk
  • 1737 – Rev. Pugh, a missionary in Pennsylvania with The Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Partsbegins ministering to blacks. He noted that the masters of the slaves were prejudiced against them becoming Christian.
  • 1738 – Moravian missionary George Schmidt settles in Baviaan Kloof (Valley of the Baboons) in the Riviersonderend valley of South Africa. He begins working with the Khoikhoipeople, who were practically on the threshold of extinction.
  • 1739 – The first missionary to the Mahican(Mohegan) Indians, John Sergeant, builds a home in Stockbridge, Massachusetts that is today a museum.
  • 1740 – Moravian David Zeisbergerstarts work among Creek people of Georgia[177]
  • 1740 – Johann Phillip Fabricius, missionary, arrives in South India
  • 1741 – Dutch missionaries start building Christ Church building in Malacca TownMalaysia. It will take 12 years to complete.
  • 1742 – Moravian Leader Count Zinzendorfvisits Shekomeko, New York and baptizes six Indians
  • 1743 – David Brainerdstarts ministry to North American Indians[52]
  • 1744 – Thomas Thompson resigns his position as dean at the University of Cambridgeto become a missionary. He was sent by the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts to New Jersey. Taking a special interest in the slave population there, he would later request to begin mission work in Africa. In 1751, Thompson would become the first S.P.G. missionary to the Gold Coast (modern-day Ghana)
  • 1745 – David Brainerd, after preaching to Native Americans in December, wrote about the response: “They soon came in, one after another; with tears in their eyes, to know, what they should do to be saved. . . . It was an amazing season of power among them, and seemed as if God had bowed the heavens and come down … and that God was about to convert the whole world.”
  • 1746 – From Boston a call is issued to the Christians of the New Worldto enter into a seven-year “Concert of Prayer” for missionary work[178]
  • 1747 – Jonathan Edwardsappeals for prayer for world missions
  • 1748 – Roman Catholic Pedro Sanzand four other missionaries are executed, together with 14 Chinese Christians. Prior to his death, Sanz reportedly converted some of his prison guards to Christianity.
  • 1749 – Spanish Franciscan priest Junípero Serra(1713-1784 arrives in Mexico as a missionary. In 1767 he would go north to what is now California, zealously building missions and converting Native Americans.
  • 1750 – Jonathan Edwards, preacher of the First Great Awakening, having been banished from his church at Northampton, Massachusettsgoes as a missionary to the nearby Housatonic[179] Christian Frederic Schwartz goes to India with Danish-Halle Mission[180]
  • 1751 – Samuel Cooke arrives in New Jersey as a missionary for the SPGFP
  • 1752 – Thomas Thompson, first Anglican missionary to Africa, arrives in the Gold Coast (now Ghana)[181]
  • 1753 – The disappearance of Erhardt and six companions leads to temporary abandonment of Moravian missionary initiatives in Labrador.
  • 1754 – Moravian John Ettwein arrives in America from Germany as a missionary. Preaching to Native Americans and establishing missions, Ettwein will travel as far south as Georgia.
  • 1755 – The MahicanIndian settlement at Gnadenhutten, Pa. is attacked and destroyed. Moravian missionary Johann Jacob Schmick remains with the Mahicans through exile and captivity despite almost constant threats from white neighbors. Schmick will join his Indian congregation as they seek refuge in Bethlehem, follow them as captives to Philadelphia, and remain with them after they settle in Wyalusing, Pennsylvania.
  • 1756 – Civil unrest forces Gideon Halleyaway from his missionary work among the Six Nations on the Susquehanna River where he has been working for four years under the supervision of Jonathan Edwards with an appointment from the Society for Propagating the Gospel among the Indians.
  • 1757 – Lutherans begin ministering to Blacks in the Caribbean[182]
  • 1758 – John Wesleybaptizes two slaves, thus breaking the skin color barrier for Methodist societies[183]
  • 1759 – Native American Samson Occom, direct descendant of the great Mahicanchief Uncas, is ordained by the Presbyterians. Occom became the first American Indian to publish works in English. These included sermons, hymns and a short autobiography.[184]
  • 1760 – Adam Voelker and Christian Butler arrive in Tranquebaras the first Moravian missionaries to India
  • 1760 – Methodists first reach the West Indies.[185]
  • 1761 – The first Moravian missionary in Ohio, Frederick Post, settles on the north side of the Muskingum.[186]
  • 1762 – Moravian Missionary John Heckewelderconfers with Koquethagacton (“White Eyes”) at the mouth of the Beaver River (Pennsylvania)
  • 1763 – The Presbyterian Synod of New York orders that a collection for missions be taken. In 1767 the Synod asks that this collection be done annually.
  • 1764 – The Moravians make a decision to expand and begin publicizing their missionary activity, particularly in the British colonies; Moravian Jens Haven makes the first of three exploratory missionary journeys to Greenland[187]
  • 1765 – SurinameGovernor General Crommelin convinces three Moravian missionaries to work near the head waters of the Gran Rio. They settle among the Saramaka near the Senthea Creek in Granman Abini’s village where they are received with mixed feelings.
  • 1766 – Philip Quaque, a Fetu youth from the Cape Coast area of Ghanawho spent twelve years studying in England, returns to Africa. Supported as a missionary by the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, Quaque is first non-European ordained priest in the Church of England
  • 1767 – Spain expels the Jesuits from Spanish colonies in the New World
  • 1768 – Five United Brethren missionaries from Germany, invited by the Danish Guinea Company, arrive in the Gold Coast (now Ghana), to teach in the Cape Coast Castle schools
  • 1769 – Junípero Serrafounds Mission San Diego de Alcalá, first of the 21 Alta California missions[188]
  • 1770 – John Marrant, a free black from New York City, begins ministering cross-culturally, preaching to the American Indians. By 1775 he had carried the gospel to the Cherokeeand Creek Indians as well as to groups he called the Catawar and Housaw peoples.[189]
  • 1771 – Methodist Francis Asburyarrives in America; David Avery is ordained as missionary to the Oneida tribe[190]
  • 1772 – After visiting Scilly Cove in Newfoundland, Canada, missionary James Balfour describes it as a “most Barbarous Lawless Place”[191]
  • 1773 – Pope Clement XIVdissolves the Jesuit Order;[192] two Dominican order missionaries beheaded in Vietnam
  • 1775 – John Crook is sent by Liverpool Methodists to the Isle of Man
  • 1776 – Cyril Vasilyevich Suchanov builds first church among Evenksof Transbaikal (or Dauria) in (Siberia); The first baptism of an Eskimo by a Lutheran pastor takes place in Labrador.
  • 1777 – Portuguese missionaries build a church at Hashnabad, Bangladesh
  • 1778 – Theodore Sladich is martyred while doing missionary work to counter Islamic influence in the western Balkans
  • 1780 – August Gottlieb Spangenberg writes An Account of the Manner in Which the Protestant Church of the Unitas Fratrum, or United Brethren, Preach the Gospel, and Carry On Their Missions Among the Heathen. Originally written in German, the book will be translated into English in 1788.
  • 1781 – In the midst of the American Revolutionary War, the British so feared Moravian missionary David Zeisbergerand his influence among the Lenape (also called Delaware) and other Native Americans that they arrested him and his assistant, John Heckewelder, charging them with treason
  • 1782 – Freed slave George Lislegoes to Jamaica as missionary[193]
  • 1783 – Moses Baker and George Gibbions, both former slaves, leave the U.S. to become missionaries in the West Indies
  • 1784 – First Christians reported in KoreaYi Seung-hunback home in Korea after being baptized in China
  • 1784 – Thomas Coke (Methodist)submits his Plan for the Society for the Establishment of Missions Among the Heathen. Methodist missions among the “heathen” will begin in 1786 when Coke, destined for Nova Scotia, is driven off course by a storm and lands at Antigua in the British West Indies.[194]
  • 1785 – Joseph White’s sermon titled “On the Duty of Attempting the Propagation of the Gospel among our Mahometanand Gentoo Subjects in India” is published in the second edition of his book Sermons Containing a View of Christianity and Mahometanism, in their History, their Evidence, and their Effects. The sermon was first preached at the University of Oxford.
  • 1786 – John Marrant, a free black from New York City, writes in his journal that he preached to “a great number of Indians and white people” at Green’s Harbor, Newfoundland.[195]Marrant’s cross-cultural ministry led him to take the Gospel to the CherokeeCreekCatawba (he called them the Catawar, and Housaw
  • 1787 – William Careyis ordained in England by the Particular Baptists and soon begins to urge that worldwide missions be undertaken.
  • 1788 – Dutch missionaries begin preaching the Gospel among fishermen in Bangladesh
  • 1789 – The Jesuits establish Georgetown Universityas the first US Catholic college[196]
  • 1790 – Prince Williams, a freed slave from South Carolina, goes to Nassau, Bahamas, where he will start Bethel Meeting House[189]
  • 1791 – One hundred and twenty Korean Christians are tortured and killed for their faith. It began when Paul Yun Ji-Chung, a noble who had become a Christian, decided not to bury his mother according to traditional Confucian custom.
  • 1792 – William Careywrites An Enquiry into the Obligations of Christians to use means for the conversion of the heathen and forms the Baptist Missionary Society to support him in establishing missionary work in India[197]
  • 1793 – Stephen Badinordained in U.S. Although much of Badin’s ministry was pastoral work among his own countrymen, he did some outreach among the Potawatomi Indians[198]
  • 1794 – Eight Russian Orthodoxmissionaries arrive on Kodiak Island in Alaska. Within a few months several thousand people have been baptized[199]
  • 1794 – Roman Catholic missionary Zhou Wenmo enters Korea
  • 1795 – Roman Catholic missionary Zhou Wenmo celebrates the first mass in Korea at Easter
  • 1795 – The London Missionary Societyis formed to send missionaries to Tahiti[200]
  • 1796 – Scottish and Glasgow Missionary Societies established;[200]In India, Johann Philipp Fabricius’ translation of the Bible into Tamil is revised and published[201]
  • 1797 – Netherlands Missionary Society formed;[200][202]The Duff, carrying 36 lay and pastoral missionaries, sails to three islands of the South Pacific;[203] The first Christian missionary (from the London Missionary Society) visits Hiva on the Pacific island of Tahuata; he is not well received.
  • 1798 – The Missionary Society of Connecticut is organized by the Congregationalists to take the gospel to the “heathen lands” of Vermont and Ohio. Its missionaries evangelized both European settlers and Native Americans.[204]
  • 1799 – The Church Missionary Societyisformed by the Clapham Sect in South London, England;[200] John Vanderkemp, Dutch physician goes to Cape Colony, Africa[205]

1800 to 1849[edit]

Main article: Christianity in the 19th century

See also: Timeline of Christianity § 19th century

1850 to 1899[edit]

  • 1850 – On the occasion of Karl Gützlaff‘s visit to Europe, the Berlin Ladies Association for China is established in conjunction with the Berlin Missionary Association for China. Work in China will commence in 1851 with the arrival of Hermandine Neumann in Hong Kong.  Thomas Valpy French, came to India in 1850, founded St. John’s College, Agra, and became first Bishop of Lahorein 1877.
  • 1851 – Allen Gardiner and six missionary colleagues die of exposure and starvation at Patagoniaon the southern tip of South America because a re-supply ship from England arrives six months late.[265]
  • 1852 – Zenana (women) and Medical Missionary Fellowship formed in England to send out single women missionaries[266]
  • 1853- The Hermannsburg Missionary Society, founded in 1849 by Louis Harms, has finished training its first group of young missionaries. They are sent to Africa on a ship (the Candace) which had been built using money entirely from donations.[267]
  • 1854 – New York Missionary Conference, guided by Alexander Duff, ponders the question: “To what extent are we authorized by the Word of God to expect the conversion of the world to Christ?”;[268]Henry Venn, secretary of the Church Missionary Society, sets out ideal of self-governing, self-supporting and self-propagating churches; Hudson Taylor arrives in China[269]
  • 1855 – Henry Steinhauer is ordained as a Canadian Methodistmissionary to North American Indians and posted to Lac La Biche, Alberta. Steinhauer’s missionary work had actually begun 15 years earlier in 1840 when he was assigned to Lac La Pluie to assist in translating, teaching and interpreting the Ojibwa and Cree
  • 1856 – Presbyteriansstart work in Colombia with the arrival of Henry Pratt[270]
  • 1856 – Siméon-François Berneuxarrives in Korea
  • 1857 – Bible translated into Tswana language; Board of Foreign Missions of Dutch Reformed Churchset up; four missionary couples killed at the Fatehgarh mission during the Indian Mutiny of 1857;[271] Publication of David Livingstone‘s book Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa
  • 1858 – John G. Paton begins work in New Hebrides;[272]Basel Evangelical Missionary Society begins work in western Sumatra (Indonesia)
  • 1859 – Presbyterian minister Rev. Ashbell Green Simonton arrives in Rio de Janeiro.
  • 1859 – Protestant missionaries arrive in Japan;[273]Revivals in North America and the British Isles generate interest in overseas missions; Albert Benjamin Simpson (founder of Christian and Missionary Alliance) is converted by the revival ministry of Henry Grattan Guinness
  • 1860 – British Syrian Schools Association (forerunner to MECO and SIM) set up by Elizabeth Bowen Thompson[274]
  • 1861 – Protestant Stundism arises in the village of Osnova of modern-day Ukraine; Sarah Doremus founds the Women’s Union Missionary Society; EpiscopalChurch opens work in Haiti;[275] Rhenish Mission goes to Indonesia under Ludwig Nommensen
  • 1862 – Paris Evangelical Missionary Society opens work in Senegal;[276]the first dictionary of the Samoan language published, written by Rev George Pratt of the London Missionary Society.[277]
  • 1863 – Robert Moffat, missionary to Africa with the London Missionary Society, publishes his book Rivers of Water in a Dry Place, Being an Account of the Introduction of Christianity into South Africa, and of Mr. Moffat’s Missionary Labours
  • 1865 – The China Inland Missionis founded by James Hudson Taylor;[266] James Laidlaw Maxwell plants first viable church in TaiwanSalvation Army founded in London by William Booth. Van Dyck Bible (in Arabic) completed.
  • 1865 – Ernst Faber arrives in China.[278]
  • Henry Venn (1796-1873) of the Church Missionary Society called for “three-self” native churches: self-supporting, self-governing, and self-propagating.[279]
  • 1866 – Charles Haddon Spurgeoninvents the Wordless Book, which is widely used in cross-cultural evangelism;[280] Theodore Jonas Meyer (1819–1894), a converted Jew serving as a Presbyterian missionary in Italy, nurses those dying in a cholera epidemic until he himself falls prey to the disease. Barely surviving, he becomes a peacemaker between Catholics and Protestants; Robert Thomas, known as the first Protestant martyr in Korea, is beaten to death by locals after getting involved in kidnapping, shooting & killing locals in Pyongyang, Korea[281]
  • 1867 – Methodists start work in Argentina;[282]Scripture Union established; Lars Olsen Skrefsrud and Hans Peter Børresen begin working among the Santals of India.
  • 1868 – Robert Bruce goes to Iran, Canadian Baptist missionary Americus Timpany begins work among the Telugu peoplein India.
  • 1869 – The first Methodistwomen’s missionary magazine, The Heathen Women’s Friend, begins publication. Riot in Yangzhou, China destroys China Inland Mission house and nearly leads to open war between Britain and China.
  • 1870 – Clara Swain, the very first female missionary medical doctor, arrives at Bareilly, India; Orthodox Missionary Society founded[283]
  • 1871 – William Sloan went to Faeroe Islands commended from a brethren assembly
  • 1871 – Henry Stanleyfinds David Livingstone in central Africa[284]
  • 1872 – First All-India Missionary Conference with 136 participants;[285]George Leslie Mackay plants church in northern Taiwan;[286] Lottie Moon appointed as missionary to China[287]
  • 1873 – Regions Beyond Missionary Union founded in London in connection with the East London Training Institute for Home and Foreign Missions; first Scripture portion (Gospel of Luke) translated into Pangasinan, a language of the Philippines, by Alfonso Lallave[288]
  • 1874 – Gustav Warneckfounded the Allgemeine Missions Zeitschrift in Gütersloh / Germany, the first scientific missionary periodical;[289] Lord Radstock’s first visit to  Petersburg, Russia, and the beginning of an evangelical awakening among the St. Petersburg nobility; Albert Sturges initiates the Interior Micronesia Mission in the Mortlock Islands under the leadership of Micronesian students from Ohwa
  • 1875 – The Foreign Christian Missionary Society organized within the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)and Church of Christ movements; Clah, a Canadian Indian convert, brought Christianity to natives at Ft. Wangel, Alaska. He assumed the name of Philip McKay.
  • 1875 – The Society of the Divine Word, a Roman Catholic missionary community, is founded by Arnold Jannsen in Steyl, Holland.
  • 1876 – In September, a rusty ocean steamer arrives at a port on the Calabar Riverin what is now Nigeria. That part of Africa was then known as the White Man’s Grave. The only woman on board that ship is 29-year-old Mary Slessor, a missionary.[290]
  • 1877 – James Chalmersgoes to New Guinea;[291] Presbyterians Sheldon Jackson and missionary-widow Amanda McFarland arrive at Ft. Wrangel, Alaska where they join Philip McKay (né Clah) to start missionary work. McFarland was the first white woman in Alaska, and renowned as “Alaska’s Courageous Missionary.” China Inland Mission opens up settled mission work in Sichuan.
  • 1878 – Mass movement to Christ begins in Ongole, India[292]
  • 1880 – Woman missionary doctor Fanny Butler goes to India;[293]Missionary periodical The Gospel in All Lands is launched by  B. Simpson;[294] Justus Henry Nelson and Fannie Bishop Capen Nelson begin 45 years of service in BelémParáBrazil, establishing the first Protestant Church in Amazonia in 1883
  • 1880 – Conversion of Xi Shengmo(1836-1896), a brilliant Confucian philosopher who after being freed opium, dedicated his life to preaching the Gospel and creating of rehabilitation centers for thousands of opium addicts in the Chinese province of Shanxi and other cities and towns such as Chao-ch’eng, Teng-ts’uen, Hoh-chau, T’ai-yuan and Ping-yang, along with his wife. In 1906, there were, in all, 45 rehabilitation centers and 300,000 healed.[295][296][297][298]
  • 1881 – Methodist work in Lahore, Pakistan starts in the wake of revivals under Bishop William Taylor; North Africa Mission (now Arab World Ministries) founded on work of Edward Glenny in Algeria[299]
  • 1881 – Home & Foreign Mission Fund (now known as Interlink) was established in Glasgow as a missionary service group for brethren missionaries from Scotland
  • 1882 – James Gilmour, London Missionary Societymissionary to Mongolia, goes home to England for a furlough. During that time he published a book: Among the Mongols. It was so well-written that one critic wrote, “Robinson Crusoe has turned missionary, lived years in Mongolia, and wrote a book about it.” Concerning the author, the critic said, “If ever on earth there lived a man who kept the law of Christ, and could give proof of it, and be absolutely unconscious that he was giving it to them, it is this man whom the Mongols called ‘our Gilmour.'”[300]
  • 1882 – Alice Mary Robertson, granddaughter of missionary Samuel Worcester, founds Nuyaka Missionnear present-day Okmulgee, Oklahoma, primarily ministering to Creek Nation.
  • 1883 – Salvation Armyenters West Pakistan;[301] B. Simpson organizes The Missionary Union for the Evangelization of the World. The first classes of the Missionary Training College are held in New York City. Zaire Christian and Missionary Alliance mission field opens.
  • 1884 – David Torrance is sent by the Jewish Mission of the Free Church of Scotlandas a medical missionary to Palestine
  • 1884 – Alice Hysonis sent by Mrs. F. E. H. Haines, and the Women’s Home Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church, to Taos, New Mexico[302]
  • 1885 – Horace Grant Underwood, Presbyterian missionary, and Henry AppenzellerMethodistmissionary, arrive in Korea;[303] Scottish Ion Keith-Falconer goes to Aden on the Arabian peninsula;[304] “Cambridge Seven” —  T. Studd, M. Beauchamp, W. W. Cassels, D. E. Hoste, S. P. Smith, A. T. Podhill-Turner, C. H. Polhill-Turner—go to China as missionaries with the China Inland Mission[305]
  • 1886 – Student Volunteer Movementlaunched as 100 university and seminary students at Moody’s conference grounds at Mount Hermon, Massachusetts, sign the Princeton Pledge which says: “I purpose, God willing, to become a foreign missionary.”[306]
  • 1886 Johann Flierl, missionary, arrives in New Guinea
  • 1887 –The Hundred missionariesdeployed in one year in China under the China Inland Mission. Dr. William Cassidy, a Toronto medical doctor, was ordained as the Christian and Missionary Alliance‘s first missionary preacher. Unfortunately, en route to China, he died of smallpox. However, Cassidy’s death has been called the “spark that ignited the Alliance missionary blaze.”
  • 1888 – Jonathan Goforthsails to China;[307] Student Volunteer Movement for foreign missions officially organized with John R. Mott as chairman and Robert Wilder as traveling secretary. The movement’s motto, coined by Wilder, was: “The evangelization of the world in this generation.;[308] Scripture Gift Mission (now Lifewords) founded
  • 1889 – Missionary linguist and folklorist Paul Olaf Boddingarrives in India, Santhal Parganas, and continues the work among the Santals started by Skrefsrud and Børresen in 1867; North Africa Mission enters Tripoli as first Protestant mission in Libya[309]
  • 1890 – Presbyterian missionary, Robert M. Loughridge, founded the First Presbyterian Church of Coweta.
  • 1890 – Central American Mission founded by  I. Scofield, editor of the Scofield Reference Bible;[304]Methodist Charles Gabriel writes missionary song “Send the Light”; John Livingston Nevius of China visits Korea to outline his strategy for missions: 1) Each believer should be a productive member of society and active in sharing his faith; 2) The church in Korea should be distinctly Korean and free of foreign control; 3) The leaders of the Korean church will be selected and trained from its members; 4) Church buildings will be built by Koreans with their own resources;[310] Fredrik Franson founds the Scandinavian Alliance Mission in Chicago, later known as The Evangelical Alliance Mission.
  • 1891 – Samuel Zwemergoes to Basra in southern Iraq,[311] having founded the Arabian Mission in 1890;[312] Helen Chapman sails for the Congo (Zaire). She married a Danish missionary, William Rasmussen, whom she met during the voyage.
  • 1892 – Redcliffe College, Centre for Mission Training founded in Chelsea, London[313]
  • 1892 – Open Air Campaignerswas founded in SydneyAustralia as “Coogee Open Air Mission”.
  • 1893 – Eleanor Chestnut goes to China as Presbyterian medical missionary;[314]Sudan Interior Mission (SIM) founded by Rowland Bingham, a graduate of Nyack College[315]
  • 1894 – Soatanana Revival begins among Lutheran and LMS churches in Madagascar, lasting 80 years[268]
  • 1895 – Africa Inland Missionformed by Peter Cameron Scott;[208] Japan Bible Society established; Roland Allen sent as missionary for the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts to its North China Mission.[316] Amy Carmichael arrives in India.
  • 1896 – Ödön Scholtz founds the first Hungarian Lutheran foreign mission periodical Külmisszió[317]
  • 1897 – Presbyterian Church (USA)begins work in Venezuela
  • 1897 – Russian Orthodox Churchdecided to establish a mission in Korea
  • 1898 – Theresa Huntington leaves her New England home for the Middle East. For seven years she will work as an American Board missionary in Elazığ(Kharput) in the Ottoman Empire. Her letters home will be published in a book titled Great Need over the Water; Archibald Reekie of the Canadian Baptist Ministries arrives in Oruro as the first Protestant missionary to Bolivia. The work of Canadian Baptists led to the guarantee of freedom of religion in Bolivia in 1905.
  • 1899 – James Rodgers arrives in Philippineswith the Presbyterian Mission;[318] Central American Mission enters Guatemala[319]

1900 to 1949[edit]

Main article: Christianity in the 20th century

See also: Timeline of Christianity § 20th century

See also: Modern history of Christianity § Late modern history (1848–present)

1950 to 1999[edit]

2000 to present[edit]

Main article: Christianity in the 21st century

See also: Timeline of Christianity § 21st century

  • 2000 – Asia College of Ministry (ACOM), a ministry of Asia Evangelistic Fellowship (AEF),[426]was launched by Jonathan James, to train national missionaries in Asia.
  • 2001 – New TribesMissionaries Martin and Gracia Burnham are kidnapped in the Philippines by Muslim terrorist group; Baptist missionary Roni Bowers and her infant daughter are killed when a Peruvian Air Force jet fires on their small float-plane. Though severely wounded in both legs, missionary pilot Kevin Donaldson landed the burning plane on the Amazon River.
  • 2003 – Publication of Back To Jerusalem: Called to Complete the Great Commission– Three Chinese Church Leaders with Paul Hattaway brings Chinese and Korean mission movement to forefront; Coptic priest Fr. Zakaria Botros begins his television and internet mission to Muslims in North Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia, and western countries, resulting in thousands of conversions.
  • 2004 – Four Southern Baptistmissionaries are killed by gunman in Iraq
  • 2005 – Korean Catholic Bible completed, the first translation of the entire Bible into modern Korean language.
  • 2006 – Abdul Rahman, an Afghan Christian convert, is forced out of Afghanistan by local Muslim leaders and exiled to Italy. Missionary Vijay Kumar is publicly stoned by Hindu extremists for Christian preaching.
  • 2007 – KriolBible completed, the first translation of the entire Bible into an Australian indigenous language[427]
  • 2010 – The Third Lausanne Congress on World Evangelizationheld in Cape TownSouth Africa
  • 2012 – A study by political scientist Robert Woodberry, focusing on Protestant missionaries, found that they have often left a very positive societal impact in the areas where they worked. “In cross-national statistical analysis Protestant missions are significantly and robustly associated with higher levels of printing, education, economic development, organizational civil society, protection of private property, and rule of law and with lower levels of corruption”.[428]
  • 2016 – MECO UK and Ireland merge with SIM.
  • 2019 – Vatican holds synod on the evangelization of the Amazon.






While reading please notice these “Actual Historical” facts:


1) No Women Pastors on the list before the 19th Century (the work of women was not preaching in authority over men during those centuries but the “Charity Doctrine” as other Church Records clearly Testify be it the Protestants, Catholics or Orthodox).


Note: Women pastors  today are mostly found in the progressive Christian movements today based primarily on the “Prosperity Gospel” message and hence do it for “big money” likewise and some who fail to get big numbers may be poorer but given the “numbers” (women or male pastors) in the  “Prosperity Gospel” movement would not hesitate to take the “big money as blessings for personal financial gain” as opposed to certain denominations which are strict about this and do “not” reward financially any pastor regardless of “big number converts”. Can you “see” it? So no need to judge another but based on these everyday facts today, let each examine and see ‘which describe them best’ and let God Judge or Reward accordingly.

Doctrinal Discussion 12: Baptism & Summary in Images


The Problem: Most modern protestant Christians think that since their “pastor/church” baptized them, how can that Church/Pastor be wrong theologically?

Solution: Every “Protestant” Christian must acknowledge that Blessed Martin Luther, the First Champion of the Protestant Faith & Founder of the Lutheran Church must be “Saved” but few know that he was ONLY BAPTIZED as a ROMAN CATHOLIC as a BABY and NEVER REBAPTIZED AGAIN & gave the reason that even such a BAPTISM IS VALID. I mean if God allowed Martin Luther to be wrong in this Baptism Doctrine (as he was baptized by a ROMAN CATHOLIC PRIEST who PRAYS to VIRGIN MARY etc. before the Reformation), is he saved? So the only logical conclusion here is that just because a Church/Denomination baptizes you, it can be wrong theologically on some/most or all points but yet you are SAVED if you FOLLOW CHRIST’s COMMANDS as Martin Luther’s case proves and best is, for EACH CLAIM MADE, I HAVE SHOWN that if NOT ALL, in MOST DOCTRINES (except NON ELECT SALVATION POSSIBILITY) I follows ALL KEY CHURCH FATHERS and KEY PROTESTANT FOUNDERS proving once and for all that I am NOT a heretic in any way. Regarding NON ELECT SALVATION POSSIBILITY, I present it with the Greatest Church Fathers and Doctors of the Church meaning that it could be true (or not) so let GOD DECIDE. Peace to you


Example Proof for the claim Martin Luther is only baptized as a Roman Catholic baby:

“… Martin Luther was born to Hans Luder (or Ludher, later Luther)[18] and his wife Margarethe (née Lindemann) on 10 November 1483 in EislebenCounty of Mansfeld, in the Holy Roman Empire. Luther was baptized the next morning on the feast day of St. Martin of Tours.  …”



Every Bible Scholar knows this (and you can read more in example links below):





0) The First Speaking in Tongues claim by Ms Agnes Ozman of the Pentecostal Movement

How reliable is the No. 1 Evidence of Speaking in Tongues claim by Pentecostals by Ms Agnes Ozman?
[Eternity is at stake here when speaking of the UNFORGIVABLE SIN of BLASPHEMY AGAINST the HOLY SPIRIT defined as SPEAKING AGAINST HIM in Matthew 12:30 – 32] Example  Source (around 28 minutes 31 seconds in):


A thought worthy of Eternity to Ponder

Reformed Churches and Conservative Protestants reject the modern day Speaking in Tongues claim by Pentecostals pointing especially to Charles Fox Parham’s (Father of Pentecostalism) own claim that the first speaking in tongues incident with Agnes Ozman evidence claim as Chinese doesn’t quite look like Chinese words at all (scribbled) and his sodomy issues where he did not deny (meaning never admitted nor repented) but said he did not know what he did whilst in a sleep state as well as that Parham only recognized tongues as referring to some human language type and denounced the Azusa Street Revival type of speaking in tongues claim of angelic or non-human language by his student Seymour as fleshy or demonic where even the Assemblies of God (AOG) and other Churches (denominations) are born from here where all these published in newspapers at that time even and I have recorded in the #CHILIASMBOOK with evidences listed in those pages in the last chapter. Would God bring back the Gift of Tongues in this way? If it’s not the Holy Spirit it can lead to unforgiven blasphemy against the Holy Spirit (Matthew 12:30 – 32). We don’t need to judge but remain neutral but that’s why  I don’t participate in such risks with “possible” eternal consequences if wrong. But didn’t they evangelize the world in this last century or so? How Can God allow them to be wrong (if wrong)? Similar arguments are used by Roman Catholics & Orthodox to support prayers to Virgin Mary & Saints in that how can they be wrong since only their type of Christianity evangelized the world for at least 1000 years (from 5th century to 16th century) till the Protestant Reformation? I mean if Pentecostals can believe God allowed Roman Catholics and Orthodox to be wrong (and even damned), it means God can allow this too. So Let God Decide but the actual evidence of their history is NOT safe for me.  Peace to you


Some modern claims: ‘… God is not looking for perfect works, just works of faith …’

Biblical Truth: YES. Example Verse next The “ReasonChrist Says they are “DEAD” is because “CHRIST is LOOKING for PERFECTION of WORKS based on BIBLE VERSES as many do works AGAINST NEW TESTAMENT BIBLE VERSES such as HOLINESS COMMANDS, CHARITY DOCTRINE & NEW TESTAMENT TRADITIONS“, Says Who? CHRIST HIMSELF, Verses:

“… 1“And to the [a]angel of the church in Sardis write, ‘These things says He who has the seven Spirits of God and the seven stars: “I know YOUR WORKS, that you have a NAME that you are ALIVE, but YOU ARE DEAD. 2Be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain, that are READY TO DIE, for I have NOT FOUND YOUR WORKS PERFECT before [b]God3Remember therefore how you have received and heard; hold fast and REPENT. …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Revelation 3:1 – 3, NKJV))


The Difficult Elect Salvation [Text]

“… Because narrow is the gate and DIFFICULT is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it. …” (Matthew 7:14, NKJV)

[Compare Details from Pages 1597 and 1599 of the #SafeRouteScripturallyBook ]

Peace to you












Prayers Answered, Good Salary and Job is not Testimony that God has approved their ways AGAINST New Testament Traditions






[Email Text] sent 30 July 2023

Hi Dr. Vincent and Prof. Gopi,

Your HR Staff Nesette tried to WhatsApp me again from another number just now only (image 3 attached). I blocked that number because I do NOT want her to reply. I want Dr. Vincent Chian only to reply if he wants to talk about it. If he does not want to talk about it, then let’s just skip it (human free will). Just to refresh your memory and so everyone else knows too, please see image 4 attached where I blocked the initial contact from your school it was spam and it was Mrs. Cynthia Chian (your mom perhaps) who insisted on me getting on it and I gave you every one of my material in full but no job given. It’s okay as I cannot falsely accuse you of using it in any way (only God Knows).

The reason I only want Dr. Vincent to reply is because
1) The fact that yesterday I put up the post and today Nesette changes her phone number proves something is shady (Image 3)
2) I am a Christian and for me I quote this Verse for your reply (if you do or not doesn’t matter) as it stands in regards to Nesette too:

“… If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.”…” (John 20:23, NKJV)

3) I want to see if Dr. Vincent is willing to risk his reputation & Bible Verse judgment above that “Nesette is telling the truth and not covering up now”. If you think the Bible Verse has no effect, I want God to Prove it in the Spirit World after we “die”.

4) Please remember I already show grace even in allowing your school to download all my material though I cannot say for sure if they’re using it or not and even after all that yesterday’s scam type job offer was repeated by Nesette after April too and such a provocation makes me to judge since this is too much I have borne (who knows you guys may be playing me out from other school’s employment via contacts so I cannot prove it so let God Judge all of this together not now on earth but after we “die”).

Best Regards,
Jonathan Ramachandran (Jon)










Personal Healing Story from Voices and impossible situations generally due to wrong relationships in the past. My link part image:




I think personally St. Augustine of Hippo  is right on this doctrinal point as many other Church Father quotes and First Christianity Quotes agree. Quotes with links (Text):

“… John Wesley, the father of Methodism, demonstrated a break with the Reformers and a decided preference for the Anglican teaching out of which he came. He treated divorce and remarriage in the context of polygamy: “All polygamy is clearly forbidden in these words, wherein our Lord expressly declares, that for any woman who has a husband alive, to marry again is adultery.”[63] The same held true for a man. In contrast to Luther and Calvin, Wesley did not allow divorce on the grounds of cruelty. The only ground was adultery, in which case there was no Scripture forbidding the innocent party from remarrying.[64] …”
[63] Wesley’s Standard Sermons (ed. Edward H. Sugden; London: Epworth Press, 1921) 1:360.
[64] Ibid., 1:360.


The Council of Elvira (c. 300) vigorously opposed remarriage. Women who divorced their husbands, regardless of grounds, were to be excommunicated. If an “innocent” wife (who divorced an adulterous husband) were to remarry, she was to be denied the sacraments until her first husband’s death, after which she might find readmission to the church. Because, however, her crime was not as serious as that of a “guilty” party, if she were to die before her first husband, she might receive the sacrament of extreme unction.[7]

[7] Arendzen, “Ante-Nicene Interpetations,” 238-39


“… Our Lord, therefore, in order to confirm that principle, that a wife should not lightly be put away, made the single exception of fornication; but enjoins that all other annoyances, if any such should happen to spring up, be borne with fortitude for the sake of conjugal fidelity and for the sake of chastity; and he also calls that man an adulterer who should marry her that has been divorced by her husband. And the Apostle Paul shows the limit of this state of affairs, for he says it is to be observed as long as her husband lives; but on the husband’s death he gives permission to marry. …” – Blessed St. Augustine of Hippo, the Third Great Latin Doctor of the Church, who influenced virtually all of subsequent Western philosophy and Catholic theology, as well as a significant amount of Protestant theology, Approved Church Father in the First Lutheran Father’s Book of Concord, Approved Church Father in the First Lutheran Father’s Book of Concord, Venerated in the Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox Church, Oriental Orthodoxy, Anglican Communion, Lutheran Church  (c. 354 AD – c. 430 AD, Augustine, Our Lord’s Sermon on the Mount, Book 1, Chapter 14) Source:


“… Martin Luther deplored divorce and “thought it clear, both from the ordinance of creation and the teaching of Christ, that marriage is meant to last throughout life”.[40] He taught that the innocent party in adultery and the innocent party in desertion were exceptions in which divorce was allowed on Scriptural grounds.[40] With regard to the innocent party in adultery, Luther held that “the guilty party severed the marriage tie so that the innocent one can act as though his spouse has died and he is free to marry again”.[40] Concerning the innocent party in desertion, Luther taught that this was an extension of the Pauline privilege as “any husband or wife who deserted the home proved themselves to be unbelievers in fact, whatever they might be in name, and therefore should be treated as such.”[40] …”- Blessed Martin Luther, The First Champion of the Protestant Faith





For Augustine, “even from the union of the two, the man and woman, marriage bears a certain sacramental character, (which) can no way be dissolved but by the death of one of them.”[11] Such a sacramental bond holds in spite of adultery or divorce. Accordingly, he argued that, while divorce is permissible because of fornication on the part of one spouse (though he candidly admitted that he did not know whether fornication referred to “acts of uncleanness” or to “every transgression of the law on account of unlawful lust,” e.g., idolatry or covetousness), remarriage is out of the question, for, regardless of circumstances or who may be the guilty party, the marriage bond remains.[12] Unless and until the original spouse dies, remarriage is adultery. Source:

Thank you





In Image, Jacob (Israel) is often misunderstood to have partaken of some type of partiality and hence quoted by some to justify their nepotism to racism which is utterly wrong. Here I reveal with Bible and First Christianity quote that God Chose Jacob knowing that he will repent and be willing to be cheated even in work context to do the right thing regardless for 14 to 20 years!

i) #chiliasmbook

ii) #DoctrineBook or #bookofdoctrine

Jonathan Academic and Work CV  (Latest Update: 10 August 2023) link in free pdf:

Highlight: Please view the theological explanations from the last chapter listed on the Page on contents in image to understand “Why” I link my Christian Beliefs to my Work methods and how it links to both the Protestant Founders and Earliest Church Fathers in some way. Thank you

The Original Protestants do “not” believe in “Women Pastors” till today. So there is “no” condemnation in following this doctrinal point.

Do Christians need to observe Saturday /Sunday as Sabbath?




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