Jonathan Academic and Work CV
I don’t want to write a new book so sorry but please see
#MyCV15Oct2023 for latest theological update (hopefully last) free PDF
Thank you
Highlight: Please view the theological explanations from the last chapter listed on the Page on contents in image to understand “Why” I link my Christian Beliefs to my Work methods and how it links to both the Protestant Founders and Earliest Church Fathers in some way.
New Book Titled Last Book – Possibilities and Dangers of Doctrine as of 26 Oct 2023 Free PDF download link:
#LastBook or #PODBook or #PossibilitiesandDangersofDoctrineBook
(If someone says he is not interested in heavenly crowns and is doing it selflessly for nothing, HE IS A LIAR because he makes himself equal to GOD ALONE WHO does FOR NO REWARD and also MOCKS GOD’s REWARD because he says he does NOT want it, i.e. such ones are looking down on God’s Rewards which automatically implies such a person does not deserve it, right?) Please see [Pages 455, 467 to 469 onward of the #MyCV15Oct2023] for more details.
#Why is this #important? #Daniel12 #Verse 2 to 3 #Prophesied that those who are #Wise (#Accuracy in #Doctrine) #Shine like #Heavens in #Final #Resurrection #Body which is #Way #Greater than #Shining like #Stars for those #Converting #many. #Peace2u .
[Text] Does Book of Revelation support Pre, Mid or Post-Trib Rapture?
[From Page 439 onward of the #MyCV15Oct2023]
Notice that in CONSECUTIVE Verses below, Revelation 19:7 – 11 even, the MARRIAGE of the LAMB has NOT happened even till the SECOND COMING of CHRIST meaning both PRE-TRIB & MID-TRIB RAPTURE position are most likely WRONG because they claim the MARRIAGE of the LAMB has STARTED to HAPPEN either 7 years earlier or 3.5 years earlier respectively. ONLY the POST TRIBULATION Rapture POSITION agrees with these BIBLE VERSES below literally and more related details via CHILIASM FATHERS of the CHURCH for this part is listed in [Page 480 onward of the #MyCV15Oct2023]with references to other pages.
This is important because CHRISTIANS can be SAVED with PROPHECY error if they admit they could be wrong but they CANNOT be PROPHETS because the MOST BLESSED HOLY SPIRIT of GOD makes ZERO PROPHECY ERRORS. So imagine the “many” FALSE PROPHETS in the world today just if POST TRIBULATION RAPTURE is true. Can you see the “real danger”? Peace to you
#Why is this #important? #Daniel12 #Verse 2 to 3 #Prophesied that those who are #Wise (#Accuracy in #Doctrine) #Shine like #Heavens in #Final #Resurrection #Body which is #Way #Greater than #Shining like #Stars for those #Converting #many. Comment for image: #Irenaeus #Earliest known #Interpretation of #Rapture #PreTrib #MidTrib or #PostTrib #Doctrine #Prophecy #HolySpirit makes #Zero #Prophecy #Errors #FalseProphets #Danger , #Peace2U .
[Text] Imagine Preaching the Gospel but “NOT” knowing how CHRIST RETURNS?
I have discussed this in [Page 180 onward of the #DoctrineBook]
Doctrinal Discussion 7: Rapture (Pre-Tribulation, Mid-Tribulation or Post-Tribulation?)
Here’s a list of “Protestant Founders” Level POST TRIBULATION RAPTURE believers where they “differ” means same reason that they can be “Teachers” onward but “NOT Prophet” when compared say to St. Ireneaous of Lyons etc. as listed in [Page 480 onward of the #MyCV15Oct2023] unless of course your local prophet turns out right in all details and even St. Ireneaous of Lyons and St. Justin of Rome was wrong. What are the “odds”?
“… How old is the rapture theory?
Historically, the belief in the secret rapture is relatively new. Many of the notable Christian leaders of the faith understood from the Bible that Christ’s coming would be a literal, audible, glorious event for God’s persecuted people who would be raptured after they endured the great tribulation brought about by the antichrist including:
John Bunyan, John Calvin, Adam Clarke, Jonathan Edwards, Charles Finney, Matthew Henry, John Huss, John Knox, Hugh Latimer, C.S. Lewis, Martin Luther, D.L. Moody, George Mueller, Sir Isaac Newton, John Newton, Charles Spurgeon, William Tyndale, Isaac Watts, Charles Wesley, John Wesley, George Whitefield, William Wilberforce, John Wycliffe, Ulrich Zwingli, and many others.
Of course, the truth of a teaching is not dependent upon who believes it, but whether or not it is in line with all of the Scriptures.
#Why is this #important? #Daniel12 #Verse 2 to 3 #Prophesied that those who are #Wise (#Accuracy in #Doctrine) #Shine like #Heavens in #Final #Resurrection #Body which is #Way #Greater than #Shining like #Stars for those #Converting #many. #Peace2u .
#Why is this #important? #Daniel12 #Verse 2 to 3 #Prophesied that those who are #Wise (#Accuracy in #Doctrine) #Shine like #Heavens in #Final #Resurrection #Body which is #Way #Greater than #Shining like #Stars for those #Converting #many.
Comment for image: #Irenaeus #Earliest known #Interpretation of #Antichrist #Prophecy even based on #Luke18 , #Peace2U .
CHILIASM Church Father Example Quote by Blessed Archbishop St. Ambrose of Milan, First Great Latin Doctor of the Church
[From Page 425 onward of the free pdf #MyCV15Oct2023 , more details there]
Since even St. Ambrose of Milan taught “Non-Elect Salvation” I must consider it at least as a “possibility” to be “honest” regardless if it’s right or not which let God Decide and this gives “evidence” that those before him must have taught the same (for St. Augustine of Hippo his “student” only starts to “differ”).
#FalseProphet vs #HumanError only if no #Claims of #GodToldmeSo #Wrongly because #MostBlessed #HolySpirit of #God has #ZERO #Prophecy #Errors and those with #ProphecyError #Cannot be #Prophets of the #NewTestament #Please #DoNotbeDeceived as since #NoProphecyofScriptureisofAnyPrivateInterpretation #Chiliasm vs #nonChiliasm here as #possibility .
[Text] Example Textual Manuscript Variant which makes “no” difference to CHRIST’s MEANING.
Why this is important? Imagine getting it “Wrong” on many’s favourite topic which is “money” itself. Oh, the “irony”!
1) Problem (from source of image rephrased)
At Matthew 5:44 —> The shorter reading found in many translations says “But I say to you, love your enemy and pray for those who persecute you,” while the longer reading inserts the phrase, “bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who mistreat you.”
2) Solution
Worst case scenario is the “Original” does “not” have the additional blue phrase.
So does DOCTRINE change? NO. Why? Simple Reason: use LUKE 6:35 which does NOT seem to have ANY TEXTUAL VARIANTS and in fact is STRONGER in LOVE YOUR ENEMIES’ ACTS including LEND MONEY (GIVE MONEY) too etc. Can you “see” it?
Comment: Did you know that a similar problem occurs with Matthew 6:33 and Luke 12:30 – 35? “Prosperity Gospel” error misquotes Matthew 6:33 to mean “Prosperity” while with Luke 12:30 – 35 (“same” phrase) we see that it’s a COMMAND to DO CHARITY DOCTRINE with the “things added” and NOT for PROSPERITY as false teachers err in order for GOD to REWARD “Treasure in Heaven”. So lesser the Charity Doctrine by “Relative Measure” (e.g. Luke 21:1 – 3), lesser “Heavenly Treasure Reward” (Eternal Loss for sake of ‘perishing earthly prosperity’)
I did “not” make up strange explanation but WHAT CHRIST SAID only, Compare below (please “read” for yourself #WhatHeSaid here in FULL):
Why? Luke 12:34 Says CHARITY DOCTRINE (Luke 12:33) REVEALS CHRIST’s “HEART” (notice the word “HEART” carefully in these Verses here)
i) Matthew 6:33
“…But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. …” (Matthew 6:33, NKJV)
ii) Luke 12:30 – 35
“… 31“But SEEK HIS KINGDOM, and THESE THINGS will be ADDED TO YOU. 32“Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has chosen gladly to give you the kingdom. 33“SELL YOUR POSSESSIONS and GIVE TO CHARITY; make yourselves money belts which do not wear out, an unfailing treasure in heaven, where no thief comes near nor moth destroys. 34“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. 35“Be dressed in readiness, and KEEP YOUR LAMPS LIT. …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 12:31 – 35, NASB)
Peace to you
#ProsperityGospel is #False #Matthew633 #ScriptureInterpretScripture #WhatHeSaid #CharityDoctrine with #WhatYouHave and #Not #ChurchMoney #Nor #DonationMoney only for #TreasureinHeaven to have #ChristsHeart and #LampsLit .
I don’t want to write a new book so sorry but please see #MyCV9OCT2023 for latest theological update (hopefully last) free PDF
Thank you
[Text] NT Textual Analysis – An Example why Church Father’s Quotes are important [with CHILIASM CHURCH FATHERS St. Ireneaous of Lyons & St. Justin of Rome]
1) Technique (logic): In regard to “which manuscript” did St. Ireneaous of Lyons & St. Justin of Rome use when quoting say Matthew 5:44, sometimes quotes are “word for word” but sometimes quotes are “paraphrased” in meaning. We find:
i) St. Ireneaous of Lyons contradicts the “shorter” manuscript by using the word “hate” that is NOT found in the “shorter” manuscript which seems to be a “paraphrase” of the “longer” manuscript for Matthew 5:44.
ii) As usual St. Justin of Rome (also known as St. Justin Martyr) implies the “exact” same meaning in his quote below of Matthew 5:44 likewise that the “Original Scripture” seems to be the “longer” Version because for example his quote of Matthew 5:44 clearly includes this phrase “… bless them that curse you …” which is “only” found in the “longer” NT Manuscript for this Verse (can you “see” it?) :
“…He taught thus: If you love them that love you, what new thing are you doing? For even fornicators do this. But I say unto you, Pray for your enemies, and love them that hate you, and bless them that curse you, and pray for them that despitefully use you. Matthew 5:46, 44; Luke 6:28 And that we should communicate to the needy, and do nothing for glory, He said, Give to him that asks, and from him that would borrow turn not away; for if you lend to them of whom you hope to receive, what new thing are you doing? Even the publicans do this. …” – Blessed St. Justin Martyr or Blessed St. Justin of Rome or Justin of Neapolis, a Great Early Christian Apologist who is a Foremost Exponent of the Divine Word, who Influenced Virtually all of subsequent Christian philosophy and Catholic theology, Martyr for Christ, Approved Church Father in the First Lutheran Father’s Book of Concord, Venerated in the Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox Church, Oriental Orthodoxy, Anglican Communion, Lutheran Church (c. 100AD – c. 160 AD, First Apology, Chapter 15. What Christ himself taught)
Roman Catholic Source:
Peace to you
#ProsperityGospel is #False #Matthew633 #ScriptureInterpretScripture with #JustinofRome #JustinMartyr #Ireneus #Chiliasm #ChurchFathers quoting #WhatHeSaid #CharityDoctrine with #WhatYouHave and #Not #ChurchMoney #Nor #DonationMoney only for #TreasureinHeaven to have #ChristsHeart and #LampsLit .
CHILIASM POSSIBILITY Example (NOT Doctrine as I am “not” 100% Sure) Please remember that if “Chiliasm” quote below is true, then almost “no” denomination has interpreted this Verse rightly as far as I know because PROPHETS can have ZERO PROPHECY ERROR because the Holy Spirit of God makes ZERO mistake. Also, that’s why I think both St. Justin Martyr and St. Ireneaous of Lyons can be CHILIASM PROPHETS as their quotes agree as both view PSALM 82’s “gods” context as referring to “Christians as the Bride from “Heaven” rendering CHARITY DOCTRINE JUDGMENT to ALL MEN opening up the POSSIBILITY of NON-ELECT SALVATION as ‘sinless humans’ on final new earth most never entering heaven (which Christians were such ‘sinless humans’ too for 1000 years during Millennial Reign before the CHANGE into ANGELIC type at end of 1000 years as CHRIST Shares “His Flesh” and CHRISTIANS ONLY become ONE FLESH with HIM sharing HIS DIVINITY in SOME WAY) as detailed in [From Page 587 to 600 onward of the #ChiliasmBook], too much details please view there. Why this is important? Imagine the amount of “false prophets” (having false prophecy just based on Psalm 82 alone in the world today if they are right), I am “not” accusing anyone but I just present the “evidence” and let GOD have Mercy on whomever He Wills.
#FalseProphet vs #HumanError #GodsWill #HisBride #Church #Ekklesia #Chosen #Psalm82 #youaregodscontext #Ireneus #JustinMartyr #ChurchFathers #Chiliasm #Prophecy #2Peter120 #PossibilityNotDoctrine #NonElectSalvation #CharityDoctrine #BibleMystery #Bible #NewTestament #Prophets .
*Link for free pdf of #ChiliasmBook : vii) #chiliasmbook
Example “Truthful” Research using St. Methodius of Olympus who is a “Chiliasm Church Father” but NEVER taught “Praying/Veneration to Mary”
#Methodius #MethodiusofOlympus #ChiliasmChurchFather #Chiliasm #VirginMary #ChurchFathers .
If you notice the non-Chiliasm position of St. Augustine of Hippo is followed by most Roman Catholics which even they are afraid to call their “official” position simply because compared with the #Chiliasm position of the Greatest Fathers of the Church with NO ONE NON-CHILIASM Big Name as St. Justin Martyr (St. Justin of Rome) has mentioned as an ALLOWED ERROR and NOT that he is VIEWING it as ANY POSSIBILITY (can you SEE it?) the chances are “so low” for Roman Catholics actually to be right in this as you can compare in example links below (image shown as link hard to access at times? – please download image and zoom in):
1) Roman Catholic example of St. Augustine of Hippo to support the non-Chiliasm position
2) #Chiliasm position with Church Fathers such as St. Papias, St. Ireneaous of Lyons, St. Justin of Rome (or St. Justin Martyr), St. Melito of Sardis, St. Victorinus, Tertullian, St. Methodius of Olympus, Blessed Lactantius etc. (please ignore the heretics quoted as “heretics” also believe in Eternal Hell and their own versions of chiliasm but I do NOT believe in those but only from the CHILIASM CHURCH FATHERS listed here – can you SEE it?)
Peace to you
A Nice Read: Basically the Roman Catholic authour himself proves that “#Chiliasm” is held by all the earliest and greatest fathers the Church has ever known and the “first” big name opposing it was “Origen of Alexandria” but he is “no” match for the names quoted to believe in “Chiliasm” but somehow this #Prophecy position was lost in time gradually, link in details:
Note: Example names quoted in the article for #Chiliasm support are St. Papias, St. Ireneaous of Lyons, St. Justin of Rome (or St. Justin Martyr), Tertullian, St. Methodius of Olympus etc.
That’s why I think this #Chiliasm #possibility (since no one can say 100% until it comes to pass) has the highest probability of being true for me). Let God Decide.
Peace to you
[Text] St. Irenaeous of Lyons links the “Washing Feet” incident of Lord Jesus Christ to include “possible” NON Elect Salvation for “… but for all men altogether, … ” toward those who practiced both HOLINESS and CHARITY DOCTRINE only even as He DESCENDED into SHEOL/HADES (“on whose account He also descended into the lower parts of the earth, Ephesians 4:9”) where I did not quote the washing feet part in [Page 57 onward of the #ChiliasmBook] but here I show that it’s part of this context for his writing:
“… 1 Now in the last days, when the fulness of the time of liberty had arrived, the Word Himself did by Himself “wash away the filth of the daughters of Zion,” when He washed the disciples’ feet with His own hands. For this is the end of the human race inheriting God; that as in the beginning, by means of our first [parents], we were all brought into bondage, by being made subject to death; so at last, by means of the New Man, all who from the beginning [were His] disciples, having been cleansed and washed from things pertaining to death, should come to the life of God. For He who washed the feet of the disciples sanctified the entire body, and rendered it clean. … on whose account He also descended into the lower parts of the earth, Ephesians 4:9 to behold with His eyes the state of those who were resting from their labours, in reference to whom He did also declare to the disciples: Many prophets and righteous men have desired to see and hear what you see and hear. Matthew 13:17 2. For it was not merely for those who believed on Him in the time of Tiberius Cæsar that Christ came, nor did the Father exercise His providence for the men only who are now alive, but for all men altogether, who from the beginning, according to their capacity, in their generation have both feared and loved God, and practised justice and piety towards their neighbours, and have earnestly desired to see Christ, and to hear His voice. Wherefore He shall, at His second coming, first rouse from their sleep all persons of this description, and shall raise them up, as well as the rest who shall be judged, and give them a place in His kingdom. …” – Blessed St. Irenaeous of Lyons, a Hearer of Blessed St. Polycarp who is an Apostolic Father being the Disciple of Blessed St. John who wrote the Book of Revelation, Approved Church Father in the First Lutheran Father’s Book of Concord, Venerated in the Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox Church, Oriental Orthodoxy, Anglican Communion, Lutheran Church, First Doctor of the Church in order of time, Father of Catholic Theology, (c. 130 AD – c. 202 AD,, Against Heresies (Book IV, Chapter 22))
Roman Catholic Source:
Peace to you
Ireneous quote explanation. [Text] The question is whether is there elect salvation only (those saved on earth now) or also possible non-Elect Salvation (those saved only after seeing & believing Christ in the Spirit World)? I use the famous “All Israel is not Israel” Verse down the famous “Romans Road chapters” (Romans 9 to 11) to see if at least “some” (if not all) can be saved as “non-Elect”? For this I present Calvinism which says no such thing versus St. Ireneaous of Lyons using this same Verse of “All Israel saved” together with “Christ Saviour of the World verse” (extended to include Gentiles too) in the Context of “Lost Sheep which perished on earth” (unsaved on earth) which according to St. Ireneaous of Lyons Christ Seeks out to Save in the “Spirit World” (things in earth beneath) after they “fulfill their time of punishment for disobedience earlier on earth for not believing there first”. I am “not” 100% sure if St. Ireneaous means this in image but it’s “possible” so I consider it as a “possibility” and not doctrine in cases I am not sure. If this interpretation is true then these non-elect salvation ones could be the “nations who are saved on earth with terrestrial (lower) body salvation” as mentioned in Revelation 21:24 & 1 Corinthians 15:40 after Judgment Day Context who are contrasted against the “Bride” (Church) in this same Chapter (Revelation 21:9) with whom only Christ “Marries” (allegorically) meaning He Shares His Flesh/Divinity in some way (Ephesians 5:31 – 32) making only the Christians or “Bride” as having “Celestial” (Heavenly Bodies) to dwell in the new heavens after judgment day (Revelation 21:1) the lowest heaven of the “Final New Jerusalem City” which connects to that final new earth (Revelation 21:2) but NOT everyone enters even the lowest heaven from nations who are saved which is filtered with the gate (Revelation 22:14) and Christians specifically “dwell in heaven” as mentioned “go out no more from this lowest heaven meaning it’s their permanent dwelling” (Revelation 3:12) strengthening the possibility that “those on final new earth” could be “non-elect salvation” (much lower). I detail these out in #ChiliasmBook as a possibility (not doctrine as I am not sure). The ancient Jewish Book of 1Enoch (possibly quoted by Blessed Apostle St. Jude as Scripture) seems to support this exegesis as detailed in Pages 894 onward or Page 14 in that same #ChiliasmBook . Peace to you
Important Note: Though sometimes I write in a way that may give the feel that “possibility” might just be true and refute the ideas against it, it does NOT necessarily mean I am “right” simply because I am well aware that I can be misinterpreting (but in light of these First Christianity quotes, I also could be right) and that’s why I present all this honestly as a “possibility” only either way and accept whichever God Reveals as Right One Day. Here are links for free pdf download for all these books:
- i) #DialoguesBook—LGorSMv/view?usp=share_link
- ii) #BibleandChurchFathersQuoteBook
iii) #SafeRouteScripturallyBook
- iv) #EternalHellAnnihilationUniversalismBook
- v) #MysteryoftheKingdomofHeavenBook
- vi) #Edu4LifeBook
vii) #ChiliasmBook
viii) #DoctrineBook or #BookofDoctrine
Thank you
Conclusion of Doctrine- Parable of Sower to Fulfill the Great Commission’s Obey all that I commanded you part (Matthew 28:20) – Spirit of Truth (Holy Spirit) vs spirit of error is Revealed in 1 John 3:24 as NEVER making a mistake in context of Obeying His Commands [Note: I cannot quote every verse here in full due to space so please see pages quoted] 1) Parable of Sower’s “Seed” is “Word of God” (Luke 8:11) and NOT “number of converts” which is “good ground” (Luke 8:15) meaning referring to “His Commands” which produces either “thirtyfold, sixtyfold and hundredfold” levels (Luke 8:8). Martin Luther (First Protestant, Lutheran), John Wesley (Methodist), John Calvin (Reformed) agreed on all these DOCTRINE parts as shown with PROOF from their OWN SOURCES with GREAT CHURCH FATHERS too.
Charity Doctrine is His Commandment to have His Love (1 John 3:23) which few Verses earlier defines it as CHARITY DOCTRINE with either EARTHLY or SPIRITUAL THINGS (this WORLD’s GOODS) for FREE for NEEDS CONTEXT only (not prosperity) in 1 John 3:16 – 18. Then we can say “we BELIEVE in HIM” by GOD’s GRACE.
Last Sermon
If I had a Last Sermon this would be it. It matches what is taught by all Protestant Founders and Church Fathers and so we are saved by following likewise and strive to do His Will.
Is there Jew vs Gentile and Male vs Female on earth now? Yes and it’s only removed in AFTER the RESURRECTION and MILENNIAL REIGN CONTEXT onward.
Because two Christians will claim to have the Holy Spirit and yet not follow Christ the same way. I avoid this risk: “… 38But since you say, ‘The [l]oracle of the Lord!’ therefore thus says the Lord: ‘Because you say this word, “The oracle of the Lord!” and I have sent to you, saying, “Do not say, ‘The oracle of the Lord!’ ” 39therefore behold, I, even I, WILL UTTERLY FORGET YOU and FORSAKE YOU, and the city that I gave you and your fathers, and will cast you out of My presence. 40And I WILL BRING AN EVERLASTING REPROACH UPON YOU, AND A PERPETUAL SHAME, WHICH SHALL NOT BE FORGOTTEN.’ ” …” (Jeremiah 23:38 – 40, NKJV) If you don’t believe in the Bible or Church Fathers or Protestant Founders, I have nothing to say. I am not self absorbed to think voices in my head is truth instead when it speaks against Bible Verses confirmed by the writings of the Church Fathers and Protestant Founders with Church History confirming its practice that way.
In Image, Jacob (Israel) is often misunderstood to have partaken of some type of partiality and hence quoted by some to justify their nepotism to racism which is utterly wrong. Here I reveal with Bible and First Christianity quote that God Chose Jacob knowing that he will repent and be willing to be cheated even in work context to do the right thing regardless for 14 to 20 years!
i) #chiliasmbook
ii) #DoctrineBook or #bookofdoctrine
Jonathan Academic and Work CV (Latest Update: 10 August 2023) link in free pdf:
Highlight: Please view the theological explanations from the last chapter listed on the Page on contents in image to understand “Why” I link my Christian Beliefs to my Work methods and how it links to both the Protestant Founders and Earliest Church Fathers in some way. Thank you
The Original Protestants do “not” believe in “Women Pastors” till today. So there is “no” condemnation in following this doctrinal point.
Do Christians need to observe Saturday /Sunday as Sabbath?
The True Church has “nothing” to do with “number of conversions”; please remember that even Praying to Virgin Mary Roman Catholics have “more converts” than your local ‘small modern denomination in comparison’ and has brought the Gospel into ‘new lands and hard territories for 2000 years’ meaning either God is Merciful to save more but Reward & Elect vs Non-Elect Salvation is possible or there are really very few indeed saved and also Christians will “convert” into “any type of Christianity which meets their preconceived ideas even if it’s against New Testament Verses affecting gradation (Matthew 5:17- 20’s least vs great in heaven due to breaking His Commands)”. These are the risks and possibilities in a nutshell so may God Help us to be Wise Biblically. Peace to you
[Text] Explanation is [From Page 2145 onward of the #SafeRouteScripturallyBook]. What did St. Justin mean when he says “… who say … their souls, when they die, are taken to heaven; do not imagine that they are Christians,? …” Doesn’t that plainly contradict Luke 16:19 – 31? Not really. What St. Justin Martyr means as heaven is far more complex than ‘what we assume’ to be. Both St. Papias of Hierapolis and St. Irenaeous of Lyons expounded that “heaven” was separated into three distinct layers. He referred to the first as just “heaven”, the second as “paradise”, and the third as “the city”. Papias taught that “there is this distinction between the habitation of those who produce a hundredfold, and that of those who produce sixty-fold, and that of those who produce thirty-fold”.
This means that when we die, as Christians, with ‘our soul we will enter Paradise’ immediately (as per Luke 16:19 – 31) and await the ‘redemption of the body’ (Romans 8:23) to enter ‘heaven’ later when He Returns during the First Resurrection (Revelation 20:4 – 6). Yes, a soul with spirit can live in the afterlife abodes or regions such as ‘Abraham’s Bosom’ or Paradise (Luke 16:19 – 31, Revelation 6:10) or be gathered in the New Jerusalem City for the Wedding (Galatians 4:26, Revelation 21:2, Revelation 19:7 – 9) but to ‘live on earth again or to enter higher into the heavens’, we need to partake of the Resurrection First (Revelation 20:4 – 6, Hebrews 11:39 – 40, Hebrews 12:21 – 24). Please also remember that this same St. Justin Martyr has other possible non-Elect Salvation quotes too as I have shown say [From Pages 72 or 221 or 252 onward of the #ChiliasmBook] which is too much to quote here.
St. Justin Martyr is most likely right because:
1) Today in Paradise Verse
Actually Christ did not Say after you resurrect in His Kingdom but corrected that thief and Said, “Today” (the same day they died) they will be in “Paradise”:
“… And Jesus said to him, “Assuredly, I say to you, TODAY you will be with Me in Paradise.”…” (Luke 23:43, NKJV)
2) We can gather in “spirit” first at “Paradise or New Jerusalem” before the “Resurrection” [From Page 1384 onward of the #SafeRouteScripturallyBook]
“… 22But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, to an innumerable company of angels, 23to the [j]general assembly and church of the firstborn who are registered in heaven, to God the Judge of all, to the spirits of just men made perfect, 24to Jesus the Mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling that speaks better things than that of Abel. …” (Hebrews 12:22 – 24, NKJV)
Note: The “heavenly Jerusalem CITY” (Lowest Heaven) seems to be the “common gathering place of the Church too” of those of the “firstborn” or “First Resurrection”.
3) But only AFTER the Resurrection (with full NEW BODY) we can partake of the TREE of LIFE in this PARADISE [From Page 181 onward of the #ChiliasmBook]
“… He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the CHURCHES. To him who overcomes I WILL GIVE TO EAT from the TREE OF LIFE, which is in the midst of the Paradise of God. …” (Revelation 2:7, NKJV)
“… 12“And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to GIVE TO EVERY ONE ACCORDING TO HIS WORK. 13I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last.” 14BLESSED are those WHO DO HIS COMMANDMENTS, that they may have the RIGHT to THE TREE OF LIFE, and may ENTER through the GATES INTO THE CITY. 15But outside are dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie. 16“I, Jesus, have sent My angel to testify to you these things in the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, the Bright and Morning Star. …” (Revelation 22:12 – 16, NKJV)
Peace to you
Loving Judas is the silliest quote and it means using Church Money for Prosperity blessing as they like and also NO charity Doctrine with that money.
Esau the Example that Prosperity is NOT Proof of God’s Endorsement and even means UNSAVED and HATED by GOD
Jeremiah 29:11 does NOT Teach Prosperity Gospel and 2 Timothy 3:12 Teaches that ALL CHRISTIANS (not some) will be PERSECUTED FINANCIALLY or PHYSICALLY for the GOSPEL which is the TRUE SIGN of FAITH
What if I die terribly and NOT in a Peaceful Sleep type of Death? Does it mean my faith is small and I am a big sinner?
Depths of “Biblical” Thought but it must also be found in Church Fathers and/or Protestant Founders for me where if they differ only there’s possibilities in Doctrine (someone could be in error, let God Decide) but on points which they have all agreed, I don’t argue as I demonstrated in the #DoctrineBook or #BookofDoctrine. Peace to you.
A Summary regarding What I think God’s Will is for ALL Christians
#FollowChrist #newtestamenttraditions #ApostlePaul #christian #christianity #protestant #Protestantism #ChurchFathers #church #johnwesley #methodist #methodistchurch #ProsperityGospel #CharityDoctrine #parableofthesower #Give #ireneus #DoctoroftheChurch .
I don’t think the Church Fathers and Protestant Founders have erred on this part because they are following “what is Written”. Example: Christ Himself NEVER ordained one woman pastor nor sent any women to the preaching excursions he did with males (He never set that example). What is “possible” is the “modern women pastors & those who follow their ways etc.” claims “contradict” each other even more. Can the Holy Spirit of God Say one thing to a woman pastor and another thing to another woman pastor? Wanna try an experiment to prove this, it’s simple. Let’s take 100 pastors from pentecostal churches and ask them to pray and vote for say 3 candidates who God thinks should be president of their Bible own Bible School, and since all of them claim to “hold direct conversation with the Most Blessed Spirit of God”, are you sure all 100 of them will vote for the “same person”? Please remember that Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is Unforgiven which is word spoken against Him (Matthew 12:30 -32). Example in image.
#Womenpastors #MartinLuther #Lutheran #FirstProtestant #ChurchFathers #BibleVerse .
Someone from the “Orthodox” Church said that “Chiliasm is a heresy”.
Simple Answers with Actual Church History does NOT support anyone against #Chiliasm
There is NO error in Chiliasm. The “priest” you quoted is NOT the one appointed in the lineage of the Blessed Apostles because they do NOT believe in CHILIASM anymore. Here are the ones to consider:
“… Millennialism was taught by various earlier writers such as Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Tertullian, Commodian, Lactantius, Methodius, and Apollinaris of Laodicea in a form now called premillennialism.[9] According to religious scholar Rev. Dr. Francis Nigel Lee,[10] “Justin’s ‘Occasional Chiliasm’ sui generis which was strongly anti-pretribulationistic was followed possibly by Pothinus in A.D. 175 and more probably (around 185) by Irenaeus”. … MELITO OF SARDIS is frequently listed as a second century proponent of premillennialism.[12] The support usually given for the supposition is that “Jerome [Comm. on Ezek. 36] and Gennadius [De Dogm. Eccl., Ch. 52] both affirm that he was a decided millenarian.”[13] In the early third century, Hippolytus of Rome … Around 220, there were some similar influences on Tertullian, although only with very important and extremely optimistic (if not perhaps even postmillennial) modifications and implications. On the other hand, “Christian Chiliastic” ideas were indeed advocated in 240 by Commodian; in 250 by the Egyptian Bishop Nepos in his Refutation of Allegorists; in 260 by the almost unknown Coracion; and in 310 by Lactantius. Into the late fourth century, Bishop Ambrose of Milan had millennial leanings (Ambrose of Milan. Book II. On the Belief in the Resurrection, verse 108). Lactantius is the last great literary defender of chiliasm in the early Christian church. …”
By the way before you ask whether can Orthodox Christianity be wrong? Well you guys see Roman Catholics as wrong meaning if they can be wrong so can you and anyone else. My style: Unless you can find Church Fathers “greater” in the lineage of the Blessed Apostles listed above who ALL BELIEVE in CHILIASM (where the details contradict or are misunderstood, we can debate as evidence is there for First Christianity), I am “not” going to follow your school of thought.
Yet again, thank you for sharing your points so anyone can read both sides and decide for themselves which is right.
Peace to you
#newtestamenttraditions #Christian #God #Command #Heaven #Matthew517 #Matthew518 #NewTestament #KingdomofHeaven #Tongues #Teachers #Apostles #Torah #Law #Miracles #Healing #GiftsoftheSpirit #ApostlePaul #LordJesusChrist #biblesecrets #ChurchFathers .
#prosperitygospelisfalse #ProsperityGospel #CharityDoctrine #Charity #FollowChrist #newtestamenttraditions #christian #christianity #protestant #Protestantism #ChurchFathers #church #MyCV10August2023 #MyCV1Sep2023 #Lesson4Life #Heaven #TreasureinHeaven #WhatChristSaid #WhatJesusSaid #WhatHeSaid #Holiness #HolinessandCharityDoctrine .
[Text] Another Bible Verse which proves #ProsperityGospel false because the “righteous” is “perishing” on “earthly life perspective” but the “wicked” is “prospering” in “earthly life perspective” meaning there is NO such promise even for those “obedient to God”. Please remember that the #ProsperityGospel exists on the fact that if you are obedient to God, then “#Health and #Wealth will be proof and given 100% guaranteed. See the FALSE TEACHING here? Please don’t be deceived.
“… There is a vanity which occurs on earth, that THERE ARE JUST MEN TO WHOM IT HAPPENS ACCORDING TO THE WORK OF THE WICKED; again, THERE ARE WICKED MEN TO WHOM IT HAPPENS ACCORDING TO THE WORK OF THE RIGHTEOUS. I said that this also is vanity. …” (Ecclesiastes 8:14, NKJV)
[From Page 367 onward of the #SafeRouteScripturallyBook]
Yes, Strangely, these Bible Verses also describe that the “WICKED” have “NO PANGS in their DEATH” meaning they “die peacefully” and “have healthy bodies prior too”, Verses:
“… 3For I was envious of the boastful, When I saw the PROSPERITY OF THE WICKED. 4For there are NO [A]PANGS IN THEIR DEATH, But their strength is firm. 5They are not in trouble as other men, Nor are they plagued like other men. 6Therefore pride serves as their necklace; Violence covers them like a garment. 7Their [b]eyes bulge with abundance; THEY HAVE MORE THAN HEART COULD WISH. …” (Psalm 73:3 – 7, NKJV)
Then what is the LAW in which GOD GOVERNS HEALTH and WEALTH? “TIME and CHANCE” meaning CONTENTMENT DOCTRINE no matter what happens and keep doing HIS WILL of FAITH and GOOD WORKS especially CHARITY DOCTRINE by RELATIVE MEASURE as even this SAME BOOK of ECCLESIASTES CONCLUDES likewise, example Verses [From Page 234 onward of the #DoctrineBook]:
“… 11I returned and saw under the sun that— The race is not to the swift, Nor the battle to the strong, Nor bread to the wise, NOR RICHES to MEN OF UNDERSTANDING, Nor favor to men of skill; But TIME AND CHANCE HAPPEN to THEM ALL. …” (Ecclesiastes 9:11, NKJV)
“… 9What profit has the worker from that in which he labors? 10I have seen the GOD-GIVEN TASK with which the SONS OF MEN are to be OCCUPIED. 11He has MADE EVERYTHING BEAUTIFUL IN ITS TIME. Also HE HAS PUT ETERNITY [Olam/Aeon] IN THEIR HEARTS, except that NO ONE CAN FIND OUT THE WORK THAT GOD DOES FROM BEGINNING TO END. 12I know that NOTHING IS BETTER for them than to REJOICE, and TO DO GOOD IN THEIR LIVES, 13and also that every man should eat and drink and enjoy the good of all his labor—it is the gift of God. …” (Ecclesiastes 3:9 – 13, NKJV)
Which type of DO GOOD? Obeying CHRIST’s COMMANDMENTS especially CHARITY DOCTRINE being the CROWN of PERFECTION: [From Page 1311 onward of the #SafeRouteScripturallyBook]
“… 16Now behold, one came and said to Him, “Good[d] Teacher, what GOOD THING SHALL I DO that I may have ETERNAL LIFE?” 17So He said to him, [e]“Why do you call Me good? [f]No one is good but One, that is, God. But if you want to ENTER INTO LIFE, KEEP THE COMMANDMENTS.” 18He said to Him, “WHICH ONES?” JESUS SAID, “‘You shall not murder,’ ‘You shall not commit adultery,’ ‘You shall not steal,’ ‘You shall not bear false witness,’ 19‘Honor your father and your mother,’ and, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ ” 20The young man said to Him, “All these things I have kept [g]from my youth. WHAT DO I STILL LACK?” 21JESUS SAID to him, “IF you want to be PERFECT, go, SELL what YOU HAVE and GIVE to the POOR, and YOU WILL HAVE TREASURE IN HEAVEN; and come, FOLLOW ME.” 22But when the young man heard that saying, he went away SORROWFUL, for he had GREAT POSSESSIONS. …” (Matthew 19:16 – 22, NKJV)
No Wisdom is above what CHRIST TAUGHT here FOR LIFE. Peace to you
#assemblingtogether #hebrews1024 #meaningofChurch #Church #ChurchGathering #Matthew1820 #CharityDoctrine .
Link for Video
#ProsperityGospelisFalse #Ireneus #AgainstHeresies #JesseDuplantis #ProsperityGospel #SeenJesus #ChurchFathers #Reformed #Heresies .
WHY I do NOT and NEVER will PRAY to VIRGIN MARY NOR the Saints Practice. Simple: 1 Corinthians 4:6 Says to NOT to go beyond “What is Written” and even Dr. Taylor Marshall the famous “Roman” Catholic defender admits that he “cannot” find Prayers to Virgin Mary in the BIBLE, and so the only SCRIPTURAL CONCLUSION here is DO NOT DO IT. End of Argument. Peace to you
#Prayer #PrayerstoVirginMary #VirginMary #PrayertoSaints #DoNotGoBeyondWhatisWritten #1Corinthians46 #Ireneus #AgainstHeresies #ProtestantFounders #Protestant #romanCatholic #Orthodox #Christian #Chiliasm #ChurchFathers #ChurchHistory #Bible #Scripture .
Unwritten women pastors to Prayers to Virgin Mary – 1 Corinthians 4:6 Says to NOT to go beyond “What is Written” in CONTEXT of New Testament Traditions (especially those enforced with Old Testament too such as NO Women Pastors as per 1 Timothy 2:12 with Isaiah 3:12 or 1 Corinthians 14:33 etc.)
#Unwritten #DoNotGoBeyondWhatisWritten #1Corinthians46 #Isaiah311 #Isaiah312 #WomenPastors #PrayerstoVirginMary #NewTestamentTraditions #ChiliasmBook .
[From Page 878 onward of the #ChiliasmBook]
“… Where, then, was the first man placed? In paradise certainly, as the Scripture declares And God planted a garden [paradisum] eastward in Eden, and there He placed the man whom He had formed. Genesis 2:8 And then afterwards when [man] proved disobedient, he was cast out thence into this world. Wherefore also the elders who were disciples of the apostles tell us that those who were translated were transferred to that place (for paradise has been prepared for righteous men, such as have the Spirit; in which place also Paul the apostle, when he was caught up, heard words which are unspeakable as regards us in our present condition 2 Corinthians 12:4), and that there shall they who have been translated remain until the consummation [of all things], as a prelude to immortality.…” – Blessed St. Irenaeous of Lyons, a Hearer of Blessed St. Polycarp who is an Apostolic Father being the Disciple of Blessed St. John who wrote the Book of Revelation, Approved Church Father in the First Lutheran Father’s Book of Concord, Venerated in the Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox Church, Oriental Orthodoxy, Anglican Communion, Lutheran Church, First Doctor of the Church in order of time, Father of Catholic Theology, (c. 130 AD – c. 202 AD, Against Heresies (Book 5(V), Chapter 5, Points 1, 2-partial)) Roman Catholic Source:
[From Page 153 onward of the #MyCV1Sep2023]
This means that when we die, as Christians, with ‘our soul we will enter Paradise’ immediately (as per Luke 16:19 – 31) and await the ‘redemption of the body’ (Romans 8:23) to enter ‘heaven’ later when He Returns during the First Resurrection (Revelation 20:4 – 6). Yes, a soul with spirit can live in the afterlife abodes or regions such as ‘Abraham’s Bosom’ or Paradise (Luke 16:19 – 31, Revelation 6:10) or be gathered in the New Jerusalem City for the Wedding (Galatians 4:26, Revelation 21:2, Revelation 19:7 – 9) but to ‘live on earth again or to enter higher into the heavens’, we need to partake of the Resurrection First (Revelation 20:4 – 6, Hebrews 11:39 – 40, Hebrews 12:21 – 24). Some portions of Paradise such as the tree of life is only accessible after bodily resurrection (Revelation 22:14) but yet this “heavenly Jerusalem” can be the “gathering of all the Church (Elect) in their spirit-state” as Hebrews 12:22 – 24 reveals. Compare below:
“… 12“And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to GIVE TO EVERY ONE ACCORDING TO HIS WORK. 13I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last.” 14BLESSED are those WHO DO HIS COMMANDMENTS, that they may have the RIGHT to THE TREE OF LIFE, and may ENTER through the GATES INTO THE CITY. 15But outside are dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie. 16“I, Jesus, have sent My angel to testify to you these things in the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, the Bright and Morning Star. …” (Revelation 22:12 – 16, NKJV)
“… 22But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, to an innumerable company of angels, 23to the [j]general assembly and church of the firstborn who are registered in heaven, to God the Judge of all, to the spirits of just men made perfect, 24to Jesus the Mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling that speaks better things than that of Abel. …” (Hebrews 12:22 – 24, NKJV)
Note: The “heavenly Jerusalem CITY” (Lowest Heaven) seems to be the “common gathering place of the Church too” of those of the “firstborn” or “First Resurrection”. Peace to you
Lord Jesus Christ’s Religion is “Holiness and Charity Doctrine” (both).
#GodReligion #ReligionofGod #Holiness #CharityDoctrine #James127 #Luke1412 #Luke1414 #LordJesusChrist #WhatHeSaid #Religion #ChiliasmBook .
#LogicofChristianity #RomanCatholic #Protestant #Jews #Christians #LordJesusChrist #CanonofScripture #WhichistherealChristianity #Chiliasm #ChurchFathers #ProtestantFounders #GodsSovereignty #ContestsofFaith #Doctrine #AccuracyofDoctrine #EvidenceforChristianity #evidencebasedpractice #Evidence #logicalreasoning #Logic #Faith #FaithinChrist #ChurchHistory #Church .
Which Christianity do I follow?
How to Know God? God Says Do Charity Doctrine
Love is Obeying His “New Testament” Commandments. Explanation in Image.
#WWJD #LoveGod #Agape #TrueLove #Love #WhatHeSaid #LordJesusChrist #CommandsofChrist #John1415 #John1423 #ChurchFathers #ProtestantFounders #NoSchism #FirstChristianity #NewTestamentTraditions #Gospel #9thCommandment #DoNOTbearaFALSEWitness #TenCommandments #10Commandments #EternalHell #EternalHellRisk #Doctrine #POSSIBILITIESofDoctrine #BookofDoctrine #DoctrineBook #AnonymousChristian .
[Text] Indeed that’s why I follow Protestant Founders and Church Fathers on the points which they agreed as Doctrine because they cannot be “false teachers” and for the doctrinal points where they have “differed”, someone is wrong and so I keep it as “possibilities” of doctrine instead. Those not Church fathers nor protestant founders could be the “counterfeits” and so I keep away from those parts and only do say “Charity Doctrine” since that we must work together with all and do to them regardless of race, doctrinal differences, different denominations, different gender or even different religion even. Peace to you
New Testament Verse by Christ Directly:
“… Likewise He also took the cup after supper, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in My blood, which is shed for you. …” (Luke 22:20, NKJV)
[From Pages 305/438/1082 onward of the #SafeRouteScripturallyBook]
The New Covenant is all about “Doing Good Works” for keeping (obeying) “our part of the Covenant”, Verse:
“… 20Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our LORD JESUS, that great shepherd of the sheep, through the BLOOD of the EVERLASTING COVENANT 21MAKE YOU PERFECT in EVERY GOOD WORK to DO HIS WILL, working in you that which is WELL PLEASING in his sight, through Jesus Christ; to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. …” (Hebrews 13:20 – 21, KJV)
Peace to you
Loving oneself and others Biblically. Self Examination: Are we LOVING BIBLICALLY as CHRIST COMMANDED with OUR MONEY (Finance Context)? Please read carefully as there is NO Christian (“Sons of Most High”) without this DOCTRINE.
#LordJesusChristCommand #CharityDoctrine #Loveyourenemies #GiveMoneytoenemies #GiveKnowledgetoEnemies #SonsofMostHigh #Christian #CharityDoctrineforAll #Bible #BibleFinance #ChurchMoney #GodsWill #LoveGod #Loveothers #LoveOthersasYourself #HopeNothinginReturnonEarth #HeavenlyReward #ProsperityGospel #ProsperityGospelisFalse #Luke169 .
[Text] The “them” (plural) is Hebrews 13:7 is Church Leaders (so Protestant Founders and Church Fathers) “whose faith we are to follow” and the reason is given in Verse 8 as because Jesus Christ is Same FOREVER meaning in this CONTEXT you CANNOT have a “different faith” than what LORD JESUS CHRIST gave the Protestant Founders and Church Fathers. Can you see the ‘real meaning’? So how is “your personal modern Christianity” obeying this Verse? Let each examine themselves. Peace to you
#LordJesusChrist #ProsperityGospelisFalse #ChurchFathers #ProtestantFounders #ImitateFaith #ProsperityGospel #FollowChrist #BibleCommand #BibleVerse #ObeyFoundersofChristianity #Christian #ObedienceisbetterthanSacrifice #Bible #Hebrews137 #Hebrews138 .
[Text] No such thing. Just some empty claims with no proofs. All them quoted the Bible and also we can match it to earliest Church Fathers writings which contradicts the Roman Catholic position too which means they are preserved as it is but not believed as I have demonstrated in the #ChiliasmBook and #BookofDoctrine. By the way, who do you believe? Yourself is it? If that’s true how come the Most Blessed Holy Spirit of God led all the Protestant Founders and even all the earliest Church Fathers into error (not to mention the billions of Christians in 2000 years) except yourself to truth? And I am supposed to believe this? If you can match your beliefs to Protestant Founders and Church Fathers, then you end up doing the same responsible preaching as I am doing too. Peace to you
[Text] Prosperity Gospel is the only Gospel that teaches to give so we get EARTHLY MONEY BLESSINGS in RETURN. TRUE GOSPEL teaches that GOD REWARDS with HEAVENLY REWARD as CHRIST clearly Revealed both in Luke 6 with phrases “hoping nothing in return” (earthly context, Luke 6:35) but getting “Heavenly” Reward (in the phrase being “SONS of the MOST HIGH” First Resurrection Context, Luke 6:35 with say Luke 20:34 – 36). If a someone says he does NOT want earthly NOR Heavenly Reward, that’s NOT a Christian and may his own words be done to him in that such ones WILL NEVER ENTER HEAVEN because THEY SAID they DID NOT WANT IT, RIGHT? No lies, just honest truth is needed. Peace to you
#LordJesusChrist #GoldenRule #Context #CharityDoctrine #ProsperityGospel #ProsperityGospelisFalse #Idolatry #Coveteousness #HeavenlyReward #SonsoftheMostHigh #Christian .
[Text] The Woman in the Well went and told the people to come and see Lord Jesus (same thing only was done by the women who saw Lord Jesus First at the Resurrection). Giving an “invite” does NOT make one a “Pastor” or “Doctrinal Authority” to do “Priestly Duties”. In fact, you can see in those Verses that Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ did NOT ever SEND HER NOR any other WOMEN (including His Mother, Virgin Mary the “Most Blessed” of all women too) to “PREACH the GOSPEL” excursions which He ONLY sent males even before the Resurrection and After. Can you SEE it? Women can share the gospel (am not against that) and can give invites to come to a “MALE PREACHER” but she CANNOT teach with AUTHORITY DOCTRINE NOR DO PRIESTLY/PASTOR Duties as CHRIST Revealed through Blessed Apostle St. Paul in these Verses (and neither did GOD ALLOW WOMEN PRIESTS in the OLD TESTAMENT either and He never used the argument of “more helps better” and also NO MAINSTREAM CHRISTIANITY before the 20th century had WOMEN PASTORS proving EVANGELISM WAS FINE WITHOUT them DOING THAT ROLE – can you REALLY see it? Yep NO Protestant Founder NOR Church Fathers endorsed “women pastors” either except chief heretics such as “Marcion” whom Blessed St. Polycarp the Disciple of Blessed Apostle St. John called as “Firstborn of Satan” for “many reasons”):
Part of WOMEN to be SAVED DOCTRINE in 1 Timothy lists this CONDITION of NOT HAVING WOMEN PASTORS as part of GODLINESS DOCTRINE as follows (Bible Verses not opinions):
“… 9in like manner also, that the women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with propriety and [e]moderation, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or costly clothing, 10but, which is proper for WOMEN PROFESSING GODLINESS, WITH GOOD WORKS. 11Let a woman learn in silence with all submission. 12And I DO NOT PERMIT A WOMAN to TEACH OR TO HAVE AUTHORITY OVER A MAN, but TO BE IN SILENCE. 13For Adam was formed first, then Eve. 14And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression. 15Nevertheless SHE WILL BE SAVED IN CHILDBEARING if they continue in FAITH, LOVE, AND HOLINESS, WITH SELF-CONTROL. …” (1 Timothy 2:9 – 15, NKJV)
Comment: If God does not permit a woman to be a pastor to her “own husband”, that same God cannot allow a women to be a pastor to “another man’s husband either, can you see it?”
You are “not” under a “spiritual leadership” which pleases God but under an oppression when this happens (i.e. with “women spiritual leaders”):
“… As FOR MY PEOPLE, children are their oppressors, And WOMEN RULE OVER THEM. O My people! Those WHO LEAD YOU CAUSE YOU TO ERR, And DESTROY THE WAY OF YOUR PATHS.” …” (Isaiah 3:12, NKJV)
Peace to you
[Text] Please read the explanation in full where the point is this:
Can you SEE it? Women can share the gospel (am not against that) and can give invites to come to a “MALE PREACHER” but she CANNOT teach with AUTHORITY DOCTRINE NOR DO PRIESTLY/PASTOR Duties.
Christ never made any women pastors nor priests nor sent any woman to preach the Gospel even when He Sent males, so why not follow Christ?
Also Christ Appointed Apostle St. Paul as the “Apostle to the Gentiles” meaning we must obey it because Apostle Paul already declared that these are “commands of the Lord” when “Written” (1 Corinthians 14:37) and only when it is “not” God’s Command, Apostle St. Paul says he is presenting an opinion etc. So either way, the conclusion of doctrine remains same and as a bonus all Church Fathers and Protestant Founders and even mainstream Christianity before the 20th century never had “women pastors” which proves that the Most Blessed Holy Spirit of God led them this way only. So for the claim that the Holy Spirit of God suddenly decided to change this part (unless it was say found in Protestant Founders and Church Fathers but not followed such as #Chiliasm) it DOES NOT MAKE SENSE, right? Following the path of “no” women pastors has “no” condemnation because Church Fathers and Protestant Founders are not in Hell. Peace to you
#WhatHeSaid #LordJesusChrist #WomenPastors #WomanattheWell #Theology .
[Text] Women Pastors in Church History only over Women and never in authority over men
#WomenPastors #ChurchHistory #ClementofAlexandria #EphiphaniusofSalamis #ChurchFathers #WomenDeacons #Context #Bible #Doctrine .
Here are those example Church Father Quotes including Clement of Alexandria which states clearly that “women deacons” only “dealt with women” and NOT as a pastor to men as some websites quote halfway and deceive, example below:
1) Half quote to show as though Clement of Alexandria supported women priests over men
2) Full Quotes to show that women deacons serve a more feminine reason only
“… DEACONESSES are also appointed — ONLY to ASSIST WOMEN for modesty’s sake, if there is a need because of baptism or an inspection of their bodies. (11) Then, after these, come exorcists and translators < from > one language to another, either in readings or in sermons. But finally there are undertakers, who enshroud the bodies of those who fall asleep; and doorkeepers, and the whole good order [of the laity]…” – Blessed St. Epiphanius of Salamis (c. 310 AD – c. 403 AD, ‘De Fide’, “Panarion”, Point 21.10, Page 679)
“… “Have we not a right to take about with us a wife that is a sister like the other apostles?” [1 Corinthians 9:5] But the latter, in accordance with their particular ministry, devoted themselves to preaching without any distraction, and took their wives with them not as women with whom they had marriage relations, but as sisters, that they might be their FELLOW-MINISTERS in DEALING with HOUSEWIVES . It was THROUGH THEM that the LORD’S TEACHING penetrated also the WOMEN’S QUARTERS without any scandal being aroused. We also know the directions about WOMEN DEACONS which are given by the noble Paul in his second letter to Timothy…” – Blessed St. Clement of Alexandria (c. 150 AD – c. 215 AD, Stromata Book 3, Chapter VI, Point 53)
Same quote no matter which source quoted unless someone can prove otherwise. Peace to you
[Text] The more important question is: how do you know God approved Jennifer’s pastor? Just because of conversion numbers and good feelings is it? That’s exactly how say orthodox and and Roman Catholics also “feel” when they think they are right as well. Martin Luther (first Protestant) and neither John Calvin (Founder of the Reformed Churches) nor even John Wesley (Founder of the Methodist) churches would have approved Jennifer’s pastor as I pointed to their quotes in the #DoctrineBook . Also neither would any Church Father approve Jennifer’s women-pastor and all of them for 1900 years must be wrong for Jennifer’s Pastor to be ordained based on “God Spoke to her”? This ambiguity part is how she is ordained and if you take say a 100 women pastors and ask them to vote for say a president from 3 candidates among them, I’m pretty sure they would NOT all vote for the “same person” but “all claiming” God Spoke to them directly the candidate of their choice is to be chosen (so someone is wrong) and upon this type of “claims” is how “women pastors”
are formed and not on Bible Verses. So it’s too risky for me and I will stick with the ones GOD has CHOSEN such as Protestant Founders and Church Fathers with BIBLE VERSES all disapproving it. Peace to you
[Text] No need to mute anyone. A lot of posts in this group itself has different Christian perspectives. At least mine has Church History, Protestant Founders and Church Fathers. So it is equivalent to muting them all and listening to your women pastor and their supporters and that’s okay with you? It’s that “unfair”.
I already said earlier women can share the gospel but cannot take “authority in position” and you are confusing that two aspects (for example any man also can share the gospel but not all men are pastors or deacons or bishops – can you see it?). But you LIED that the 70 included women because CHURCH HISTORY SAYS it’s ALL MEN even in the BIBLE never mentions women s Luke 10:1 only uses masculine pronouns and agrees with even CHURCH HISTORY by NAME, example links:
Peace to you
[Text] I am not stuck anywhere. You are just following “someone’s assumption” while I am following “Bible Verses”, actual Church History, Church Fathers and Protestant Founders. You are already judgmental when you approve women pastors against Scripture (judging Scripture to be false even) and then claiming we are judging you when we quote Scripture. See the contradiction?
God’s Church, God’s Rules. It’s like asking, how come none of the 12 Apostles are women? Wouldn’t it be fair if God Gave a chance for a women to be one of the 12 Apostles of the Lamb (Revelation 21:14)? Or arguing that a woman can do the apostle job better than a man and God should have given it? Can you REALLY SEE the type of argument which you are supporting? God did NOT chose any of the 12 Apostles as women itself shows His Gender based Command and not to forget the 144000 Firstfruits of Salvation (kind of like tithes of Salvation, the holiest lot) itself consists only of “unmarried, Jewish Virgin Men” (Revelation 14:4). –>(meaning is God unfair not to include “married” or is He a racist to “not” include Gentiles in it or unfair to “Gender” by not including “women”? Of course not. He knows who can do it best etc. by HIS WILL – His Foreknowledge and all this is New Testament and Final Salvation and Reward Context). Peace to you
Golden Rule: Is it about endorsing Women Pastors?
#LordJesusChrist #GoldenRule #Context #CharityDoctrine .
[Text] Is the Christianity I follow Biblical?
Church Fathers and Protestant Founders as we can be like that as the example of Martin Luther the Protestant also shows. In fact, in the almost Scripture (because many early Church considered 1 Clement to be Scripture but later councils did not on the sole reason Blessed St. Clement of Rome was not an apostle but a direct disciple of Blessed Apostle St. Peter), we find the following CHRISTIANITY PERFECTLY PROPHESIED which I FOLLOW:
[From Page 179 onward of the #DoctrineBook]
“… Who then among you is NOBLE-MINDED? who compassionate? who FULL OF LOVE? Let him declare, “IF ON MY ACCOUNT SEDITION and DISAGREEMENT AND SCHISMS HAVE ARISEN, I WILL DEPART, I WILL GO AWAY whithersoever you desire, and I WILL DO WHATEVER THE MAJORITY COMMANDS; only let the flock of Christ live on terms of peace with the presbyters set over it.” HE THAT ACTS THUS SHALL PROCURE TO HIMSELF GREAT GLORY IN THE LORD; and EVERY PLACE WILL WELCOME HIM. For “the earth is the Lord’s, and the fulness thereof.” These things they WHO LIVE A GODLY LIFE, that is NEVER TO BE REPENTED OF, BOTH HAVE DONE AND ALWAYS WILL DO. … ” – Blessed St. Clement of Rome, an Apostolic Father being a direct Disciple of the Blessed Apostle St. Peter (c.35 AD – c. 99 AD, 1 Clement Chapter 54)
Roman Catholic Source:
Notice that the “PERSON who LEAVES CHURCH” is NOT said to NEED to CHANGE his ways (if he FOLLOWS say St. Irenaeous or other greats) as it is NEVER to be repented of and in fact is PROMISED “GREAT GLORY” in the LORD (whatever GREAT REWARD that means). Please notice that if the Roman Catholics wished to “change” this writing, I think they would have forced that person to agree with their church and must stay as they & other schisms (denominations) all preach likewise, right? So this is clear internal evidence that this quote must have been preserved as it is and it’s so mature and professional & notice also that GREAT REWARD can be GOTTEN WITHOUT BEING INVOLVED in CHURCH. Can you see it?
secular positions woman can hold such as “Judges” who were replaced by “kings” meaning woman can be CEO to anything else. A prophetess is not a priest and can prophesy, the Bible doesn’t prohibit that (but she must make sure her prophecy is from God). However a male prophet can double as a priest too. Yes, Priesthood YHWH only gave to the “Sons” of Levi and neither extended it to woman via Christ in the New Testament Who also only gave it to men beginning with the “apostles” (the highest position among the priesthood).
#FollowChrist #newtestamenttraditions #ApostlePaul #christian #christianity #protestant #Protestantism #ChurchFathers #church .
[Text] A prophetess does not rank above any New Testament Tradition command even and cannot teach against it meaning all those gender commands apply and here’s the Bible Verse for that (please notice the word “prophet” in it)
“… 16But if ANYONE SEEMS TO BE CONTENTIOUS, WE HAVE NO SUCH CUSTOM, NOR DO THE CHURCHES OF GOD … 32And the SPIRITS OF THE PROPHETS are SUBJECT TO THE PROPHETS. 33For GOD IS NOT THE AUTHOR OF [I]CONFUSION but of PEACE, as in ALL THE CHURCHES OF THE SAINTS. 34Let [j]YOUR WOMEN KEEP SILENT IN THE CHURCHES, for they are NOT PERMITTED TO SPEAK; but they are to be submissive, as the law also says. 35And if they want to learn something, let them ask their own husbands at home; for it is SHAMEFUL FOR WOMEN TO SPEAK IN CHURCH. 36Or did the word of God come originally from you? Or was it you only that it reached? 37If ANYONE THINKS HIMSELF TO BE a PROPHET or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things WHICH I WRITE to you are the COMMANDMENTS OF THE LORD. …” (1 Corinthians 11:16, 14:16, 32 – 37, NKJV)
A Logic regarding God’s Sovereignty: God only allows the leaders we deserve (that’s why Roman Catholics can be wrong for 2000 years even) and if we respect God to say St. Irenaeous of Lyons’ levels, we get that type of leader etc.
#FollowChrist #newtestamenttraditions #ApostlePaul #christian #christianity #protestant #Protestantism #ChurchFathers #church .
Example Chiliasm Prophet St. Melito of Sardis in First Christianity who followed after St. Ireneaous of Lyons and that’s why I said St. Irenaeous of Lyons can be a Prophet level too as Chiliasm is a Prophecy position via St. Jerome of the Vulgate and Tertullian’s testimony.
St. Jerome of the Vulgate writes in (De Viris Illustribus On Illustrious Men, Chapter 24 and 45 mentions St. Melito of Sardis), Roman Catholic Source:
#Chiliasm #Ireneus #Melito #Prophet #ProphetinChristianity #Jerome #Vulgate .
Why CHILIASM Church Fathers can be the “Prophets” of New Testament?
“… After them, now the churches are strengthened by faith, having been given the comfort of interpreting the writings of the prophets; which interpreters he called prophets. For the Apostle says: And He also placed in the Church first apostles, second prophets, third teachers and the rest. And in another place he says: Two or three prophets speak, and let others evaluate, and he says: Every woman praying or prophesying without a veiled head defiles her head…”– Blessed St. Victorinus, Bishop of Pettau, the First and Oldest Christian Commentary on the Apocalypse of John or Book of Revelation, Martyr for Christ (c. 303 AD)Source [‘Commentary on the Apocalypse’, circa 3rd Century, Chapter 10, Page 12]:
#Chiliasm #Ireneus #ChurchFathers #ChiliasmChurchFathers #Victorinus #Tertullian #JustinMartyr #NoProphecyofScriptureisofAnyPrivateInterpretation #ProphetsinChristianity #ChristianProphet #Prophet .
If I am MAD for WRITING in BIG LETTERS, then would you say FAIRLY the SAME that Mr. DONALD TRUMP, ex-AMERICAN PRESIDENT is ALSO MAD because he USES the SAME WRITING STYLE (except for possibly coloured fonts “power reading”?) Here’s Proof from a news on 27 Sep 2023, link:
#Psychology #BIGLETTERS #CAPITALLETTERS #Psychologist #Trump #DonalTrump #AmericanPresident #Billionaire #Rich #Poor #Mad #Gila #Symptoms #WritingStyle .
[Text] NO Division and “in everything” do unto others what you want them to do to you CONTEXT DISCUSSION
Oh that’s a common fallacy as you are quoting that Verse wrongly because other Verses such as 1 Corinthians 1:10 clearly states that let there be “no divisions among you” meaning to cause division is “sin” we have to accept all mainstream Churches regardless if we think they are right (for me it means, Catholic, Orthodox and conservative Protestants such as Martin Luther, John Wesley, John Calvin types and NOT cults like JW, Mormon etc.). Regarding Pentecostal churches, I do NOT need to participate say in their “speaking in tongues” and “God told me so claims” but on the things they are following Scripture such as say if they do “Charity Doctrine”, I am willing to join them too in that. So as long as we avail ourself while explaining our position where we disagree with them, that’s “no” division way and “love your neighbour as yourself” or “do unto others what you want others to do to you part” without CONTRADICTING New Testament Traditions NOR God’s Commands meaning we keep them. Some silly Christianity thinks in “everything” means even AGAINST say New Testament Traditions they are fulfilling do unto others which is WRONG because in analogy then THEY HAVE TO APPROVE EVEN A PEDOPHILE or a RAPIST or MURDERER since it’s in “everything” they say. Such silliness is obvious. By the way, the Verse you quoted that CHRIST brings a SWORD and NOT PEACE does NOT mean what you say in CHRISTIAN COLONISATION CONTEXT justified but this [From Page 243 onward of the #SafeRouteScripturallyBook]:
“… 34“Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword. ’35For I HAVE COME TO SET A MAN AGAINST HIS FATHER’, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law’; 36and ‘a man’s enemies will be those of his own household.’ 37He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me. …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 10:34 – 37, NKJV)
Comment: The only “sword” Christ came to Bring “against Peace” is NOT EARTHLY WARS of Killing each other (as some Christians err) but ONLY WITHIN FAMILY where YOU CAN BE AGAINST YOUR FATHER EVEN if he is AGAINST CHRIST’S WORDS (Commands). Peace to you
#LordJesusChrist #WhatHeSaid #Sword #NotPeace #EarthlyWars #FamilyDivision #Christian #NonChristian #Division #NoDivision #NewTestamentTraditions #Context #GodsCommands #Matthew712 #1Corinthians110 #DoUntoOtherswhatYouWantOtherstodotoYou .
The ERROR of not having CHARITY DOCTRINE but PRAYING and FASTING for 70 years!
Did you know?
[From Page 1170 & 1171 onward of the #SafeRouteScripturallyBook]
- Please remember, that even FOR 70 YEARS Israel PRAYED and FASTED but WERE WRONG God ONLY REVEALED THIS CHARITY DOCTRINE ASPECT AFTER THAT (letting them to be WRONG for such a LONG TIME with regards to this CHARITY DOCTRINE CONTEXT), Verses:
Please notice carefully that God Only Asked about this AFTER SEVENTY YEARS they have practicing such “religious observation faithfully” and NEVER CORRECTED THEM EARLIER ALLOWING THEM TO BE IN ERROR FOR SUCH A LONG TIME.
“… 4Then THE WORD OF THE LORD of hosts came to me, saying, 5“Say to ALL THE PEOPLE OF THE LAND, and TO THE PRIESTS: ‘WHEN YOU FASTED AND MOURNED in the fifth and seventh months DURING THOSE SEVENTY YEARS, DID YOU REALLY FAST FOR ME—FOR ME? 6When YOU EAT AND WHEN YOU DRINK, DO YOU NOT EAT AND DRINK FOR YOURSELVES? 7Should you not have OBEYED THE WORDS WHICH THE LORD proclaimed through the FORMER PROPHETS when Jerusalem and the cities around it were inhabited and prosperous, and the [f]South and the Lowland were inhabited?’ ”
Let none of you plan evil in his heart Against his brother.’ 11“But they refused to heed, shrugged[h] their shoulders, and stopped[i] their ears so that they could not hear. 12Yes, they made their hearts like flint, REFUSING TO HEAR THE LAW and THE WORDS WHICH THE LORD OF HOSTS had sent by HIS SPIRIT THROUGH THE FORMER PROPHETS. Thus GREAT WRATH came from the Lord of hosts. …” (Zechariah 7:4 – 12, NKJV)
Comment: OPRESSING the POOR or WIDOW or FATHERLESS is “not” just when one does direct harm but also WHEN ONE DOES NOT GIVE GOD’s MONEY or CHURCH MONEY to them as CHRIST HAS WARNED LIKEWISE in Luke 11:39 – 42 as I have discussed at the end of this Book in detail too. Peace to you
#LordJesusChrist #WhatHeSaid #Love #Sins #JudgmentofSins #LoveCoversAllSins #CharityDoctrine #Fast #Pray #Doctrine #Forgiven #Healing #NewTestament #NewTestamentTraditions #Context #GodsCommands #Luke747 #Proverbs1012 #Isaiah58 #1Peter48 #Zechariah747 #DoUntoOtherswhatYouWantOtherstodotoYou .
[Text] Secret of “Healing” via “Prayer and Fasting” according to God includes primarily the “Charity Doctrine”
[From Page 1168 onward of the #SafeRouteScripturallyBook]
- Fasting and Prayer without the Charity Doctrine is rejected according to God Himself:
“… ‘Why have WE FASTED,’ they say, ‘and YOU HAVE NOT SEEN? Why have WE AFFLICTED OUR SOULS, and YOU TAKE NO NOTICE?’ …” (Isaiah 58:3, NKJV)
Part of the Answer (God’s Reply):
“… 7Is it not to SHARE YOUR BREAD with the HUNGRY, And that you bring to your house THE POOR who are cast out; When you see THE NAKED, that you cover him, And not hide yourself from YOUR OWN FLESH? 8Then YOUR LIGHT shall break forth like the MORNING,
YOUR HEALING shall spring forth speedily, .’ …” (Isaiah 58:7 – 8, NKJV)
[From Page 2443 onward of the #SafeRouteScripturallyBook]
Blessed are the Churches and Christians who live the #CharityDoctrineLifestyle . Even your sins are covered from Judgment if you love like this (again, CHRIST HIMSELF TAUGHT THIS DIRECTLY as follows)
“… And above all things have fervent love for one another, for “LOVE will COVER a MULTITUDE OF SINS.” …”(1 Peter 4:8, NKJV)
“… Therefore I say to you, HER SINS, which are MANY, ARE FORGIVEN, for SHE LOVED MUCH. But to whom little is forgiven, the same loves little. …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 7:47, NKJV)
“… But LOVE COVERS ALL SINS. …” (Proverbs 10:12, NKJV)
In light of Christ’s Quotes we understand that the “Charity Doctrine” removes the “Judgment of Sins“* but it cannot give new life nor give Resurrection.
Only the Blood of Christ Can Remove Sin itself and bring us to the Resurrection Life beginning within us on earth itself. So only Christ’s Atonement and Work Gives us Life.
#LordJesusChrist #WhatHeSaid #Love #Sins #JudgmentofSins #LoveCoversAllSins #CharityDoctrine #Fast #Pray #Doctrine #Forgiven #Healing #NewTestament #NewTestamentTraditions #Context #GodsCommands #Luke747 #Proverbs1012 #Isaiah58 #1Peter48 #DoUntoOtherswhatYouWantOtherstodotoYou .
[Text] Christ Said Hard Rich Man to Enter Heaven and that’s the Context here as well to be “poor in spirit” to “Enter Kingdom of Heaven”. The Answer lies in Christ in Matthew 19:16 – 30 (entire conversation) where to “Follow Him” (the “Real Belief in Him”) Christ Included the “Charity Doctrine” of “Sell all you have and give to the poor” to be “perfect” level to enter heaven “treasure in heaven” (even in Luke 12:46 – 48) meaning we fall short of it by “Relative Measure” and get either “thirtyfold, sixtyfold and hundredfold” levels since the word “hundredfold” indicating inheritance reward level is mentioned in Matthew 19:29 which is a different word from “Eternal Life” which is free as Saved by Grace means. This can also mean some or “nations who are saved” in the Final New Earth but not entering heaven as Revelation 21:24 describes as different from the “Bride” which is described descending from “Heaven” in Revelation 21:9. Please remember that “not saved by works” is “true” and “works of law includes Holiness Doctrine” but then without Holiness no one will see the Lord or will be saved meaning same way Charity Doctrine is likewise a fruit by relative measure as Christ Taught in both Rich Man and Lazarus Story (Luke 16:19 – 31) and if you don’t believe that literally it’s still true in Christ’s Own Words in “the only Judgment Day” details description in Matthew 25:31 – 46 where Christ never asked if they attended Church or any other religious activity except detailing out Charity Doctrine of what one did when I was hungry, thirsty, naked, homeless and in prison meaning only the suffering ones are exempted as Luke 14 also mentions it in this context that the “lame, maimed (mentally or physically), blind etc.” no need to do it by “relative measure”.
Peace to you
[Text] Why does Lord Jesus Christ want CHARITY DOCTRINE on Judgment Day
(Matthew 25:31 – 46’s “When I was hungry, thirsty, naked, homeless etc.” with NO other religious act mentioned at all – Why? A Possible Explanation)
1) Zechariah 7:4 – 7 Reveals clearly that God allowed even Israel and its priests of the past to “Pray and Fast” wrongly for 70 years (long time) “without charity doctrine” (Zechariah 7:9 – 10) even toward the “alien” (foreigners, not citizen of the land even) and the “poor” and not just toward “widows and orphans”. In Zechariah 7:5 – 6 God explicitly Asks whether we are “praying and fasting for Him, REALLY? because He Gives the analogy of eating and drinking for ourselves” meaning the #ProsperityGospel type of “claiming Prayers for Requests of #Health and #Wealth enjoyment” is not prayer.
2) We know this because “Prayer & Fasting is to build relationship with God” and God (not me) Reveals in Zechariah 7:5 – 6 that “prayer requests for drinking and eating” enjoyments in analogy of “prayer request generally” is NOT “prayer to Him” because they are asking for “themselves to enjoy” and in Zechariah 7:9 – 10 GOD COMMANDS them to do CHARITY DOCTRINE to ORPHANS, WIDOW, FOREIGNER (Non-Citizen even) and the POOR to imply this SAME MEANING that FASTING & PRAYER is ONLY DONE to GOD if #CHARITYDOCTRINE is DONE to OTHERS in Relative Measure NOT with Church Money or Donation money only but with OWN MONEY included which CHRIST Himself Revealed as “ALMS (Charity) from WHAT YOU HAVE (Money, Skills, Possessions)” to be CLEANSED (Sanctification) in Luke 11:41 – 42 which even TITHES CANNOT fulfil and not using Charity to become rich personally as some receive love offerings like that unless at the end of life they GIVE it BACK to CHARITY as HOARDING for SELF is DISALLOWED meaning HOARDING to GIVE to CHARITY at END of LIFE CAN (in Luke 12:21) with Luke 12:33 – 35 same context to DO CHARITY to KEEP LAMPS LIT (only link phrase to Parable of 5 Wise vs 5 Foolish Virgins of Matthew 25:1 – 13 to become HIS BRIDE, BIG MYSTERY!). All CHRIST’s WORDS ONLY quoted.
Please notice that the OIL the FOOLISH VIRGINS required to ENTER HEAVEN to become HIS BRIDE CAN be SHARED but the WISE SAID they WOULD NOT for REASON then THEY WOULD NOT have ENOUGH and “the HOLY SPIRIT CANNOT be shared” (though He is there in Burning Lamps) as Church Fathers & Protestant Founders taught this same meaning as OIL to refer to CHARITY DOCTRINE as the COMMON MEANING INCLUDED among them which I believe GOD made them NOT to err in this important part with all quotes and major sources there (no empty claims) as Prophecy is NOT of Private Interpretation (2 Peter 1:20). Peace to you
[Text] How many Charitable Organisations are doing their “Work” according to what I believe God’s Will for this is?
Yes indeed, by giving say personal money to so any Charity, it’s then the duty of the charitable organization to do both, namely to create real job opportunities or enhance skills or education for the relevant people group it helps and also need to give handouts for daily needs for scenarios we cannot do much due to physical and mental issues which is usually evidenced by addiction.
Charitable organizations which do not strategize along these paths do not solve the root problems and are just pretending to do charity (cheating the people who support it by just taking salary and name/positions) as they do not use “quality” people who can do both (discriminating those like that because they fear their own flaws and incompetency would be clear in the persons they have hired and to keep their jobs) and thus they just keep to the “old useless way” which hasn’t made any much say educational difference levels nor much income generating skill levels in the so called target groups they have been helping for decades (no KPI measurements in place to make them move seriously about it even in “highly” paid charity jobs too – if they say otherwise, please ask any such organization to give a list of “the educational and/or income generating skill” as evidenced in the lives of the people they have claimed to have helped.
Blessed are those who have contributed genuinely. Only those “maimed” (physically or mentally unable to work) may still be helped but not measured for ability because they are “unable”, logical, right?).
Example: You take a high achieving teacher (say with Olympiad achievements in a subject) and give him the “lowest grade students” while another teacher for same subject with “no” Olympiad achievements but give “highest grade students” to her and then do KPI and say she has to be promoted because her students did best, does it sound fair?
Also such people “rob” the “high grade students” of possible learning of Olympiad level for that subject but they don’t care because they cannot do it and it’s not their children and so they ignore it but when it’s politics time to vote, they “scream merit”?
[From Page 112 onward of the #MyCV2Oct2023]
“… but those who have received liberty set aside ALL THEIR POSSESSIONS for the LORD’s PURPOSES, bestowing joyfully and FREELY NOT THE LESS VALUABLE PORTIONS of THEIR PROPERTY, since they have the hope of better things [hereafter]; as that POOR WIDOW acted who cast all her living into the treasury of God [Luke 21:1 – 3]. … “ – Blessed St. Irenaeous of Lyons, a Hearer of Blessed St. Polycarp who is an Apostolic Father being the Disciple of Blessed St. John who wrote the Book of Revelation, Approved Church Father in the First Lutheran Father’s Book of Concord, Venerated in the Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox Church, Oriental Orthodoxy, Anglican Communion, Lutheran Church, First Doctor of the Church in order of time, Father of Catholic Theology, (c. 130 AD – c. 202 AD, Against Heresies (Book 4(IV), Point 6-partial)
Roman Catholic Sources:
Peace to you
[Text] God needs nothing. The money given to others is proof of love and you do what you can. NO Love, NO God. Simple as that. Love without giving does “not” exist, as that’s like I eat a nice burger in front of you while you are homeless and starve. If you agree, may it happen to you and then you will understand “Why” God Commanded the #CharityDoctrine which is to #Love others in action. Sorry to be harsh but hopefully those who hate “Charity Doctrine” end up in “terrible sickness or mishap in life till they cannot even eat and let them starve to death too if possible” because that’s exactly what it means when we oppose it. God Will NOT intervene directly (Generally) from Heaven to solve it and has given mankind the time to do it now but He Will Judge on Judgment Day based on “Charity Doctrine” as Christ Taught in Matthew 25:31 – 46. Peace to you
#CharityDoctrine #LazarusandRichMan #Hell #Luke16 #Matthew25 #JudgmentDay #Why #Love #Agape #TrueLove .
[Text] It’s a simple set of Verses often twisted by Prosperity Gospel but we cannot limit the Verses but read it fully to understand fully, here it is:
1) I can do all things in Christ Context is NOT screaming or claiming Prosperity but accepting “prosperity or financial trouble” which can happen either way as “Contentment”
“… 11Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content: 12I know how to [d]be abased, and I know how to [e]abound. Everywhere and in all things I have learned both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. 13I can do all things through [f]Christ who strengthens me. …” (Philippians 4:11 – 13, NKJV)
2) It does NOT talk about giving to “pastors only” but anyone in “need” (notice the word “need” and NOT prosperity)
“…no church shared with me concerning giving and receiving but you only. 16For even in Thessalonica you sent aid once and again for my NECESSITIES. 17Not that I seek the gift, but I seek the fruit that abounds to your account. … 19And my God shall supply all your NEED according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. …” (Philippians 4:16, 17, 19, NKJV)This proves CHARITY DOCTRINE”… 25Yet I considered it necessary to send to you EPAPHRODITUS, MY BROTHER, FELLOW WORKER, and FELLOW SOLDIER, but your messenger and THE ONE WHO MINISTERED TO MY NEED; 26since he was longing for you all, and was distressed because you had heard that he was sick. 27For INDEED HE WAS SICK ALMOST UNTO DEATH; but God had mercy on him, and not only on him but on me also, lest I should have sorrow upon sorrow. 28Therefore I sent him the more eagerly, that when you see him again you may rejoice, and I may be less sorrowful. 29Receive him therefore in the Lord with all gladness, and HOLD SUCH MEN IN ESTEEM; 30because FOR THE WORK OF CHRIST HE CAME CLOSE TO DEATH, [h]not regarding his life, to SUPPLY WHAT WAS LACKING IN YOUR SERVICE TOWARD ME. …” (Philippians 2:25 – 30, NKJV)
3) We know that these GIVINGS were NOT just for pastors but for ANYONE in CHURCH with NEED, example Verses (though Apostle St. Paul collected it and distributed it), Verses by him:
i) Notice the phrase “MINISTERING to the SAINTS” (giving was distributed to anyone in need at church and NOT pastors only)
“… 1Moreover, brethren, we make known to you the grace of God bestowed on the churches of Macedonia: 2that in a great trial of affliction the abundance of their joy and THEIR DEEP POVERTY ABOUNDED IN THE RICHES OF THEIR LIBERALITY. 3For I bear witness that ACCORDING TO THEIR ABILITY, YES, AND BEYOND THEIR ABILITY, they were freely willing, 4imploring us with much urgency [a]that we would RECEIVE THE GIFT and the fellowship of the MINISTERING TO THE SAINTS. 5And not only as we had hoped, but they first gave themselves to the Lord, and then to us by the will of God. 6So we urged Titus, that as he had begun, so he would also complete this grace in you as well. 7But as YOU ABOUND IN EVERYTHING—in FAITH, IN SPEECH, IN KNOWLEDGE, in all diligence, and in YOUR LOVE FOR US—SEE THAT YOU ABOUND IN THIS GRACE ALSO. …” – Blessed St. Paul the Great Apostle of Christ (2 Corinthians 8:1 – 7, NKJV)
ii) Notice the phrase “COLLECTION for the SAINTS (which means anyone at Church) and NOT pastors only for Sunday collection or love offerings even)
“… 1Now concerning the COLLECTION FOR THE SAINTS, as I have given orders to the churches of Galatia, so you must do also: 2On the first day of the week let each one of you lay something aside, storing up as he may prosper, that there be no collections when I come. 3And when I come, whomever you approve by your letters I WILL SEND TO BEAR YOUR GIFT to Jerusalem. …” – Blessed St. Paul the Great Apostle of Christ (1 Corinthians 16:1 – 3, NKJV)
iii) The focus of NEED and NOT prosperity is even clear for the SAINTS at JERUSALEM with the “POOR” saints mentioned to receive it (please also notice that the SAINTS in JERUSALEM mostly JEWISH themselves could NOT claim any Abrahamic “Prosperity Gospel” claims and make themselves RICH and NEEDED HELP being POOR too despite all the FAITH – Can you see it?)
“… 25But now I am going to Jerusalem to [i]MINISTER TO THE SAINTS. 26For it pleased those from Macedonia and Achaia to make a certain CONTRIBUTION FOR THE POOR AMONG THE SAINTS who are in Jerusalem. 27It pleased them indeed, and they are their debtors. For if the Gentiles have been partakers of their spiritual things, THEIR DUTY is also to MINISTER TO THEM IN MATERIAL THINGS. ..” – Blessed St. Paul the Great Apostle of Christ (Romans 15:25 – 27, NKJV)
These are sample pages from say [From Page 621 onward of the #SafeRouteScripturallyBook] and others, more details there
Peace to you
#ProsperityGospel is #False #Contentment #Doctrine #ChurchMoney for #ChurchMembers NOT #Pastors ONLY #GodsWill #Finance #CharityDoctrine .
MyCV9OCT2023 for Theology not CV – sorry From Page 382 onward of #MyCV9Oct2023 below (with Free PDF Link*);
#Loveyourenemies not #Killyourenemies if not both go to #Hell together #CharityDoctrine #TrueLove is to #LoveOthers including #Enemies #WhatWouldJesusDo #WhatHeSaid #BibleVerses not #Opinions of #men as #Nothing #Great in #Loving those who #LoveYou like #Family, #Friends, #SameRace, #SameReligion, #SameLanguage etc.
*I don’t want to write a new book and theology is more important than CV on any day and so I edited this to put it there.
Highlight: Please view the theological explanations from the last chapter listed on the Page on contents in image to understand “Why” I link my Christian Beliefs to my Work methods and how it links to both the Protestant Founders and Earliest Church Fathers in some way.
MyCV9OCT2023 for Theology not CV – sorry From Page 422 onward of #MyCV9Oct2023 below (with Free PDF Link at start);
#Rapture #Bible #Verses #Context #1Thessalonians417 #1Corinthians1552 with #Blessed #Virgin #Martyr for #Christ #Saint #Methodius of #Olympus a #CHILIASM #ChurchFather #FirstChristianity as #NOProphecyofScriptureisofAnyPrivateInterpretation #2Peter120, right? #Possible so let #God #Decide but we speak #Honesty with #Evidence .
CHILIASM Context for 1Thessalonians 4:17’s RAPTURE and 1 Corinthians 15:52’s “CHANGE” in the “TWINKLING of an EYE”
[Text] Example Proof Quote that Blessed St. Ireneaous of Lyons himself may NOT have believed in pre-tribulation rapture NOR of mid-tribulation rapture but ONLY POST TRIBULATION RAPTURE
[link from Page 384 onward of #MyCV9Oct2023 to Page 606 onward of the #ChiliasmBook]
Comment: Please also notice these words from Blessed St. Irenaeous of Lyons where he does NOT see any Pre-Trib NOR mid-trib rapture but that the SAINTS (not left-behind less-worthy believers) will be put to flight during this LAST 3.5 years of that FINAL Great Tribulation or in the “MIDST of THE WEEK” (Can you “see” it?):
“… he shall also ruin many by deceit, and lead many to perdition, bruising them in his hand like eggs.” And then he points out the time that his tyranny shall last, during which the saints shall be put to flight, they who offer a pure sacrifice unto God: “And in the MIDST of THE WEEK,” he says, “the sacrifice and the libation shall be taken away, and the abomination of desolation [shall be brought] into the temple: even unto the consummation of the time shall the desolation be complete.” Now three years and six months constitute the half-week …” – Blessed St. Irenaeous of Lyons, a Hearer of Blessed St. Polycarp who is an Apostolic Father being the Disciple of Blessed St. John who wrote the Book of Revelation, Approved Church Father in the First Lutheran Father’s Book of Concord, Venerated in the Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox Church, Oriental Orthodoxy, Anglican Communion, Lutheran Church, First Doctor of the Church in order of time, Father of Catholic Theology, (c. 130 AD – c. 202 AD, ‘Against Heresies’, (Book 5(V), Chapter 25), Points 4 – highlighted) Roman Catholic Source:
Compare with Blessed St. Irenaeous of Lyons own words below that only a POST TRIBULATION RAPTURE occurs when LORD JESUS CHRIST SUDDENLY RETURNS PUBLICLY to END these MADNESS [please see from Page 106 onward of the #ChiliasmBook].
#Ireneus #Rapture #Antichrist #Chiliasm #Prophecy #FatherofCatholicTheology #First #DoctoroftheChurch #AgainstHeresies #FinalGreatTribulation . TQ
A thought worth Eternity to Ponder: BREAKING the 3rd Commandment of NOT taking God’s Name in Vain (Exodus 20:7 which includes every FALSE “God told me so claims if GOD NEVER told it”) is BREAKING a 10 COMMANDMENT “HIGHER” than “MURDER (6th) or ADULTERY (7th)” – can you SEE it?); Notice also that NO CHARITY DOCTRINE breaks Greatest 1st Commandment to LOVE GOD because NO ONE can LOVE GOD without LOVING OTHERS with CHARITY DOCTRINE (as 1 John 3:16 – 18 DEFINES it as “It is Written”).
#TenCommandments #10Commandments #GodToldmeSo #Risk #CharityDoctrine as fulfillment of #GreatestCommandment #1stCommandment to #LoveGod via #Loveothers #GodsWord in #1John3 #Bible #Verse #AsitisWritten .
Even the Oldest known Patristic Commentary of the Book of Revelation believed in CHILIASM and POST TRIBULATION RAPTURE only, within this same quote below both of these doctrine can be seen by Blessed St. Victorinus showing (in image) ai) This part is “rapture” aii) This part is “change” from “human to angelic type” at the “end” of 1000 years Millennial Reign of Christ during the “Last Trumpet” [Notice that St. Victorinus does NOT connect the “last trumpet” phrase to link it to “rapture” as many Christians do today]
#Victorinus #Chiliasm #ChurchFathers #FirstChristianity #BibleCommentary #Patristic #BookofRevelation #NoProphecyofScriptureisofAnyPrivateInterpretation #Rapture #Doctrine #1Thessalonians417 #PreTrib #MidTrib or #PostTrib further #Mystery of #Change from #Human to #Angelic at #End of #1000Years #MillennialReign of #Christ #1Corinthians1552 in a #TwinklingofanEye .
You will know a person’s true character when faced with someone who believes differently where the good character does NOT discriminate etc.
The BIBLICAL LOGIC here is simple: Example in Christian Difference:
If “Pre-Tribulation rapture & not full Chiliasm is right”, you are going to SHINE brighter but if “Post-Tribulation rapture and Full Chiliasm is right” then those believing that are going to SHINE brighter in their Final Resurrection bodies on Judgment Day. So it’s true for any other doctrinal point as Daniel 12:3 Prophesies that “SHINE like HEAVENS is greater than CONVERTING MANY if NOT so accurate which SHINE like STARS only in comparison in RESURRECTION BODY CONTEXT” as GOD is FAIR and REWARDS this based on ACCURACY.
Example Quote: [From Page 6 & 9 onward of the #DoctrineBook]
1) Martin Luther (First Protestant)
“… commenting on Daniel 12 :3, “Teachers will shine like the glow of the heavens, and they who point to righteousness, like the stars, forever and eternally. … [Luther’s translation]; Luther said that preachers and teachers send forth light into the world as they convert many in the days leading up to the end of the world 4…” – Blessed Martin Luther, The First Champion of the Protestant Faith (1541, commenting on Daniel 12:3)
5) Blessed St. Jerome of the Vulgate
“… MANY PEOPLE OFTEN ASK whether a LEARNED SAINT AND AN ORDINARY SAINT shall both enjoy the SAME REWARD AND ONE AND THE SAME DWELLING-PLACE IN HEAVEN. Well then, the statement is made here, according to Theodotion’s rendering, that THE LEARNED WILL RESEMBLE THE VERY HEAVENS, whereas THE RIGHTEOUS WHO ARE WITHOUT LEARNING are ONLY COMPARED TO THE BRIGHTNESS OF THE STARS. And so the difference between LEARNED GODLINESS and MERE GODLY RUSTICITY SHALL BE THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN HEAVEN AND THE STARS. …” – Blessed St. Jerome of the Vulgate, the Second Great Latin Doctor of the Church who did the First Official Translation of the Bible out of Its Original Languages into Latin, Priest, Confessor, Secretary to Pope Damasus I, Venerated in the Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox Church, Oriental Orthodoxy, Anglican Communion, Lutheran Church (c. 347 AD – c. 420 AD, Commentary of Daniel 12:3)
Roman Catholic Source:
Peace to you
Where do I stand as a “Christian” in regards to “Israel and Zionism”?
#War based #Zionism #Israel is #False no breaking of #Torah #Temple build first by #Antichrist in #deception of both #Christians and #Jews #Chiliasm #ChurchFathers #earliest #interpretation by #Ireneus #hippolytus reveals where #Real #Fulfillment after #SecondComingodChrist #LordJesusChrist taught #Loveyourenemies not #killyourenemies .
Am I a False Prophet if I teach POST TRIBULATION RAPTURE? Then everyone on this list (and more in Church History) is also a FALSE PROPHET for FALSE PROPHECY part on this. Who? List of CHILIASM Church Fathers & Protestant Founders on Rapture
#FalseProphet vs #HumanError only if no #Claims of #GodToldmeSo #Wrongly because #MostBlessed #HolySpirit of #God has #ZERO #Prophecy #Errors and those with #ProphecyError #Cannot be #Prophets of the #NewTestament #Please #DoNotbeDeceived as since #NoProphecyofScriptureisofAnyPrivateInterpretation #Rapture #Doctrine #1Thessalonians417 #PreTrib #MidTrib or #PostTrib #Example here seems to show that #PostTribulationRapture may be #TRUE as #ALL #AGREED .
Thank you