Forever in the Bible
Sheepfold2 Saved from Hades – Believing After Seeing – Is this Hope available after His Advent?
To quote:
“… One righteous man, then, differs not, as righteous, from another righteous man, whether he be of the Law or a Greek. For God is not only Lord of the Jews, but of all men, and more nearly the Father of those who know Him. For if to live well and according to the law is to live, also to live rationally according to the law is to live; and those who lived rightly before the Law were classed under faith, and judged to be righteous, — it is evident that those, too, who were outside of the Law, having lived rightly, in consequence of the peculiar’ nature of the voice, though they are in Hades and in ward, on hearing the voice of the Lord, whether that of His own person or that acting through His apostles, with all speed turned and believed. For we remember that the Lord is “the power of God,” and power can never be weak.” – St. Clement of Alexandria (c.150 AD – c. 215 AD, Stromata, Book 6, Chapter VI)
Translation Source:
Believing after Seeing? Verse in Image (John 6:40, literally).
Believing after seeing or hearing in Hades?
Please note these phrases ‘carefully’ from the above:
- Sheepfold2 had some Moral Compass which agreed with God’s Moral Law
“it is evident that those, too, who were outside of the Law, having lived rightly,” – St. Clement of Alexandria
- Sheepfold2 hears the Preaching of the Gospel in Hades not being Saved before that
” in consequence of the peculiar’ nature of the voice, though they are in Hades and in ward,” – St. Clement of Alexandria
iii. Sheepfold2 hears the Preaching of the Gospel by the Lord (1 Peter 3:18 – 19) or through His Apostles or Teachers (1 Peter 4:6) in Hades
“though they are in Hades and in ward, on hearing the voice of the Lord, whether that of His own person or that acting with all speed turned and believed.” – St. Clement of Alexandria
- Sheepfold2 hears the Gospel in Hades and believes after seeing there (John 6:40)
“though they are in Hades and in ward, on hearing the voice of the Lord, whether that of His own person or that acting through His apostles, with all speed turned and believed.” – St. Clement of Alexandria
Note: The Preaching of the Gospel in Hades is not a one time event by Christ only because it happened even after the apostles died as the Shepherd of Hermas Writing quoted by St. Clement of Alexandria proves too (as discussed in a recent previous post).
Conclusion – Is this Hope of Salvation from Hades available now or only for those before His Advent?
To quote (from that same translation source), please consider further:
“So I think it is demonstrated that the God being good, and the Lord powerful, they save with a righteousness and equality which extend to all that turn to Him, whether here or elsewhere. For it is not here alone that the active power of God is beforehand, but it is everywhere and is always at work. Accordingly, in the Preaching of Peter, the Lord says to the disciples after the resurrection, “I have chosen you twelve disciples, judging you worthy of me,” whom the Lord wished to be apostles, having judged them faithful, sending them into the world to the men on the earth, that they may know that there is one God, showing clearly what would take place by the faith of Christ; that they who heard and believed should be saved; and that those who believed not, after having heard, should bear witness, not having the excuse to allege, We have not heard.
What then? Did not the same dispensation obtain in Hades, so that even there, all the souls, on hearing the proclamation, might either exhibit repentance, or confess that their punishment was just, because they believed not? And it were the exercise of no ordinary arbitrariness, for those who had departed before the advent of the Lord (not having the Gospel preached to them, and having afforded no ground from themselves, in consequence of believing or not) to obtain either salvation or punishment. For it is not right that these should be condemned without trial, and that those alone who lived after the advent should have the advantage of the divine righteousness. But to all rational souls it was said from above, “Whatever one of you has done in ignorance, without clearly knowing God, if, on becoming conscious, he repent, all his sins will be forgiven him.” “For, behold,” it is said, “I have set before your face death and life, that ye may choose life.” “God says that He set, not that He made both, in order to the comparison of choice. And in another Scripture He says, “If ye hear Me, and be willing, ye shall eat the good of the land. But if ye hear Me not, and are not willing, the sword shall devour you: for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken these things.” – St. Clement of Alexandria (c.150 AD – c. 215 AD, Stromata, Book 6, Chapter VI)
Translation Source:
Can you see it?
Please consider ‘carefully again’ in St. Clement’s own words:
- Hope in Hades to believe after seeing there for those BEFORE His Advent
“What then? Did not the same dispensation obtain in Hades, so that even there, all the souls, on hearing the proclamation, might either exhibit repentance, or confess that their punishment was just, because they believed not? And it were the exercise of no ordinary arbitrariness, for those who had departed before the advent of the Lord (not having the Gospel preached to them, and having afforded no ground from themselves, in consequence of believing or not) to obtain either salvation or punishment. ” – St. Clement of Alexandria
- Hope in Hades to believe after seeing there for those AFTER His Advent
“What then? Did not the same dispensation obtain in HADES, so that even there, ALL THE SOULS, on hearing the proclamation, might either exhibit repentance, or confess that their punishment was just, because they believed not? And it were the exercise of no ordinary arbitrariness, for those who had departed BEFORE the ADVENT of the Lord (not having the Gospel preached to them, and having afforded no ground from themselves, in consequence of believing or not) to obtain either salvation or punishment. For it is not right that these should be condemned without trial, and that those alone who lived AFTER the ADVENT should have the ADVANTAGE of the divine righteousness. But to ALL RATIONAL SOULS it was said from above, “Whatever one of you has done in ignorance, without clearly knowing God, if, on becoming conscious, he repent, all his sins will be forgiven him.” ” – St. Clement of Alexandria
Please note that the Context of St. Clement is obvious in that —-> to “ALL THE SOULS” —> “in HADES” —> “on hearing the proclamation, might either exhibit repentance, or confess that their punishment was just, because they believed not?” —> inclusive of both —> “those who had departed BEFORE the ADVENT of the Lord” —> and ” that those alone who lived AFTER the ADVENT should have the ADVANTAGE of the divine righteousness” —> that is, “to ALL RATIONAL SOULS it was said from above [Context: Gospel Preached in Hades or elsewhere]” —> “Whatever one of you has done in ignorance, without clearly knowing God, if, on becoming conscious, he repent, all his sins will be forgiven him.”
iii. No Time-Space Limit nor other Limits of Christ Saving from Hades or from elsewhere
“it is evident that those, too, who were outside of the Law, having lived rightly, in consequence of the peculiar’ nature of the voice, though they are in Hades and in ward, on hearing the voice of the Lord, whether that of His own person or that acting through His apostles, with all speed turned and believed. For we remember that the Lord is “the power of God,” and power can never be weak. So I think it is demonstrated that the God being good, and the Lord powerful, they save with a righteousness and equality which extend to all that turn to Him, whether here or elsewhere. For it is not here alone that the active power of God is beforehand, but it is everywhere and is always at work.” – St. Clement of Alexandria (c.150 AD – c. 215 AD, Stromata, Book 6, Chapter VI)
Translation Source:
To Quote from the above ‘carefully’ in the ‘Context of Salvation from Hades at ANY TIME with NO LIMIT’
Phrases: ” though they are in Hades and in ward” —> “all that turn to Him, whether here or elsewhere” —> “on hearing the voice of the Lord, whether that of His own person or that acting through His apostles,” —> “with all speed turned and believed ” —–> and “the active power of God is beforehand, but it is everywhere and is always at work”.
- No Time Limit for Salvation from Hades
Focus Phrase from the above: “always at work”
- No Physical nor any other limit for Christ Saving from Hades
Focus Phrase from the above: “everywhere and is always at work”.
“The LORD knoweth the thoughts of man, that they are vanity.” (Psalm 94:11, KJV)
“There is no wisdom nor understanding nor counsel against the LORD.” (Proverbs 21:30, KJV)
P/S: Resurrection of Sheepfold1 (Christians) vs Sheepfold2 (non – Christian righteous)
Sheepfold1 = believers of faith, without seeing in this Temporal life itself (Hebrews 11, John 10:14) = Christian righteous
Sheepfold2 = those who believe post their death after seeing in Hades (1 Peter 3:18 – 19, 1 Peter 4:6, John 6:40, John 10:16) = non-Christian righteous
Last Day refers to the Resurrection Time Period (Context, Definition), to quote:
“Martha saith unto Him, I know that he shall rise again in the Resurrection at the Last Day.” (John 11:24, KJV)
The Two Resurrections to life during the ‘hour now is’ and ‘hour is coming’ on this ‘Last Day’ are separated by 1000 years.
To quote from a previous post for edification regarding this, please consider:
How does the ‘Word Christ Spoke Judge a Person on the Last Day’ (John 12:48)?
It determines which Resurrection a person participates on:
- i) ‘Hour now is’ on the Last Day of this AEON1 – First Resurrection to life (Sheepfold1 – “few”)
“Truly, truly, I say to you, an hour … now is, when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God, and those who hear will live.” – Lord Jesus Christ (John 5:25, NASB)
Yes, only ‘few’ make it to become Sheepfold1 (Matthew 7:14) and partake of the ‘First Resurrection’ (1 Thessalonians 4:13 – 18):
“Then I saw thrones, and they sat on them, and judgment was given to them. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony of Jesus and because of the word of God, and those who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and had not received the mark on their forehead and on their hand; and they came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years. The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were completed. This is the first resurrection. Blessed and holy is the one who has a part in the first resurrection; over these the second death has no power, but they will be priests of God and of Christ and will reign with Him for a thousand years.” – apostle John (Revelation 20:4 – 6, NASB)
“‘Verily, verily, I say to you — He who is hearing my word, and is believing Him who sent me, hath life age-during, and to judgment he doth not come, but hath passed out of the death to the life.” – Lord Jesus Christ (John 5:24, YLT)
- ii) ‘Hour is coming’ on the Last Day of this AEON1 to life – Second Resurrection (Sheepfold2 – “some”)
“Truly, truly, I say to you, an hour is coming …, when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God, and those who hear will live.” – Lord Jesus Christ (John 5:25, NASB)
“Do not marvel at this; for an hour is coming, in which all who are in the tombs will hear His voice, and will come forth; those who did the good deeds to a resurrection of life, …” – Lord Jesus Christ (John 5:28 – 29, NASB)
“And the multitude of those sleeping in the dust of the ground do awake, some to life age-during, …” (Daniel 12:2, YLT)
iii) ‘Hour is coming’ on the Last Day of this AEON1 to judgment first – Second Resurrection (Wicked – “some”)
“Do not marvel at this; for an hour is coming, in which all who are in the tombs will hear His voice, and will come forth; … those who committed the evil deeds to a resurrection of judgment.” – Lord Jesus Christ (John 5:28 – 29, NASB)
“And the multitude of those sleeping in the dust of the ground do awake, … and some to reproaches — to abhorrence age-during” (Daniel 12:2, YLT)
- iv) Sheepfold1 (“few”) + Sheepfold2 (“some”) = “Many”
“Many will be purged, purified and refined, but the wicked will act wickedly; and none of the wicked will understand, but those who have insight will understand.” (Daniel 12:10, NASB)
- v) Wicked
Only the Wicked remain judged in Hades now (Hebrews 9:27) and rise of ‘resurrection of Judgment’ in the Lake of Fire later (John 5:28 – 29).
The Wicked being finally showed Mercy by God and saved from the Lake of Fire is already discussed in previous posts such as in link below:
Peace to you
Lake of Fire – Universal Restoration in the Book of Enoch – Wicked Finally Saved
A Bible Verse which Speak of His Mercy which Triumphs over Judgment (James 2:13) toward “All” eventually (Romans 11:32, 1 Timothy 2:6) in the Context of the Final Lake of Fire Judgment:
Reconciliation from the Lake of Fire toward the “thirsty” or wicked ones freely (Revelation 22:17). Yes, toward “All Created things” too (Colossians 1:16, 20).
Please note that the Reason these Wicked ones (both the Devils and evil human kings) will be VISITED (accurate translation) in Verse below which Describes ‘Judgment Day in the Lake of Fire Punishment Context’ is because to see their repentance and change permanently as the Book of Enoch reveals further (discussed next):
“21And it shall come to pass in that [Judgment] Day, that the LORD shall punish the host of the high ones that are on high, and the kings of the earth upon the earth. 22And they shall be gathered together, as prisoners are gathered in the pit, and shall be shut up in the prison, and after many days shall they be VISITED.” (Isaiah 24:21 – 22, KJV)
This is both the First Christianity and First Jewish Understanding of Holy Scripture, to quote from the infamous Book of Enoch:
1) Fallen Angels – Lake of Fire for Healing Later too
“And through its valleys proceed streams of fire, where these angels are punished who had led astray those who dwell upon the earth. 8 But those waters shall in those days serve for the kings and the mighty and the exalted, and those who dwell on the earth, for the healing of the body, but for the punishment of the spirit; now their spirit is full of lust, that they may be punished in their body, for they have denied the Lord of Spirits 9 and see their punishment daily, and yet believe not in His name. And in proportion as the burning of their bodies becomes severe, a corresponding change shall take place in their spirit for ever and ever; 10 for before the Lord of Spirits none shall utter an idle word. For the judgement shall come upon them, 11 because they believe in the lust of their body and deny the Spirit of the Lord. And those same waters will undergo a change in those days; for when those angels are punished in these waters, these water-springs shall change their temperature, and when the angels ascend, this water of the 12 springs shall change and become cold. And I heard Michael answering and saying: ‘ This judgement wherewith the angels are judged is a testimony for the kings and the mighty who possess the 13 earth.’ Because these waters of judgement minister to the healing of the body of the kings and the lust of their body; therefore they will not see and will not believe that those waters will change and become a fire which burns for ever.” (Book of Enoch, Chapter 67)
Translation Source:
Please note that the last word translated as “for ever” is more accurately “age-during or to the age”. However, even if (for arguments’ sake) this means forever, we know that God can ‘Cancel’ this ‘forever sentence’ by His Mercy which Triumphs over and Ends any afterlife Judgment Sentence as James 2:13-NASB Reveals Majestically.
Is this proper Exegesis?
Yes, please consider these quotes from the Book of Enoch above ‘carefully’
- Lake of Fire or Gehenna Context in the Final Judgment
“And through its valleys proceed streams of fire, where these angels are punished who had led astray those who dwell upon the earth”
- Judgment – Retributive and Restorative Fire
“But those waters shall in those days serve for the kings and the mighty and the exalted, and those who dwell on the earth, for the healing of the body, but for the punishment of the spirit; now their spirit is full of lust, that they may be punished in their body, for they have denied the Lord of Spirits 9 and see their punishment daily, and yet believe not in His name.”
iii. Saved in spirit Context – Change will occur from Evil turned to Good (in Principle relating to 1 Corinthians 5:5, 1 Peter 4:6 too)
“And in proportion as the burning of their bodies becomes severe, a corresponding change shall take place in their spirit for ever and ever; 10 for before the Lord of Spirits none shall utter an idle word.”
- Lake of Fire – Both Retributive and Purifies
Retributive part: “for when those angels are punished in these waters, these water-springs shall change their temperature, and when the angels ascend, this water of the 12 springs shall change and become cold.”
Purifying part: “And I heard Michael answering and saying: ‘ This judgement wherewith the angels are judged is a testimony for the kings and the mighty who possess the 13 earth.’ Because these waters of judgement minister to the healing of the body of the kings and the lust of their body;”
- Retributive Judgment vs Purification or Purgatorial Hell Universalism in the Lake of Fire is conditional to Repentance in the Lake of Fire itself
“therefore they will not see and will not believe that those waters will change and become a fire which burns for ever [age/aeon/olam]”
Can you see it even toward the Context of both ‘fallen angels & wicked men’ as Described above?
2) Wicked Men – Lake of Fire for Healing Later
“1 And in those days a change shall take place for the holy and elect, And the light of days shall abide upon them, And glory and honour shall turn to the holy,
2 On the day of affliction on which evil shall have been treasured up against the sinners.
And the righteous shall be victorious in the name of the Lord of Spirits:
And He will cause the others to witness (this) That they may repent And forgo the works of their hands. 3 They shall have no honour through the name of the Lord of Spirits, Yet through His name shall they be saved, And the Lord of Spirits will have compassion on them, For His compassion is great.
4 And He is righteous also in His judgement, And in the presence of His glory unrighteousness also shall not maintain itself: At His judgement the unrepentant shall perish before Him. 5 And from henceforth I will have no mercy on them, saith the Lord of Spirits.” (Book of Enoch, Chapter 50)
Translation Source:
As Verse 5 above goes, God will not have Mercy anymore from the time of this Lake of Fire onward “if the wicked don’t repent during this final Judgment in the Lake of Fire” (Context of quote above – Conditional).
We know that ‘all the wicked men will eventually repent’ in the Lake of Fire from this First Orthodox teaching below and hence with the Book of Enoch quote above it’s certain that, all the wicked will finally be saved from this Lake of Fire as stated above.
“By Ezekiel the prophet it was said: “Joint shall be joined to joint, and bone to bone, and flesh shall grow again; and every knee shall bow to the Lord, and every tongue shall confess Him.” And in what kind of sensation and punishment the wicked are to be, hear from what was said in like manner with reference to this; it is as follows: “Their worm shall not rest, and their fire shall not be quenched;” and then shall they repent, when it profits them not.” (Justin Martyr, CHAPTER LII — CERTAIN FULFILMENT OF PROPHECY, First Apology)
Translation Source:
Yes, please consider carefully:
- St. Justin Martyr assures that all the wicked will eventually repent in the Lake of Fire, his highlighted quote from above:
“… Their worm shall not rest, and their fire shall not be quenched;” and then shall they [the Wicked in the Lake of Fire] repent, when it profits them not.” – St. Justin Martyr
- What does St. Justin Martyr mean when he says this ‘repentance will not profit the wicked’?
It means that though these “others” (Context: ‘non-righteous’) repent in the Lake of Fire, they will be “saved” (1 Timothy 2:4, 4:10) but have “no honour” (i. e. ‘no inheritance in His Kingdom’, 1 Corinthians 6:9 – 10), toward these Law Breakers (Matthew 5:19) in the Context of ‘All Law (Torah) and Prophets’ (Matthew 5:17 – 18), to quote this highlight from the above:
“And He will cause the others [Wicked, Evil ones] to witness (this reward & glorification of the righteous on Judgment Day) That they may repent And forgo the works of their hands. They [the “others” or wicked in the Lake of Fire] shall have no honour through the name of the Lord of Spirits, Yet through His name shall they be saved, And the Lord of Spirits will have compassion on them, For His compassion is great.” – Book of Enoch
“For by Him AL THINGS were CREATED, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities– all things have been created through Him and for Him. and through Him to RECONCILE ALL [created] THINGS to Himself, having made peace through the blood of His cross; through Him, I say, whether things on earth or things in heaven.” – apostle Paul (Colossians 1:16, 20, NASB)
[Emphasis Mine throughout in Brackets]
“We have seen and testify that the Father has sent the Son to be the Savior of the world.” – apostle John (1 John 4:14, NASB)
Is the Book of Enoch Reliable?
To quote:
“Various Aramaic fragments found in the Dead Sea Scrolls, as well as Koine Greek and Latin fragments was proof that The Book of Enoch was known by early Jews and Christians. This book was also quoted by some 1st and 2nd century authors as in the Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs. Authors of the New Testament were also familiar with some content of the story.[5] A short section of 1 Enoch (1:9) is cited in the New Testament, Epistle of Jude, Jude 1:14–15, and is attributed there to “Enoch the Seventh from Adam” (1 En 60:8), although this section of 1 Enoch is a midrash on Deuteronomy 33:2. Several copies of the earlier sections of 1 Enoch were preserved among the Dead Sea Scrolls.[3]
It is not part of the biblical canon used by Jews, apart from Beta Israel (Ethiopian Jews). Most Christian denominations and traditions may accept the Books of Enoch as having some historical or theological interest and while the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church and Eritrean Orthodox Tewahedo Church consider the Books of Enoch as canonical, other Christian groups are regard them as non-canonical or non-inspired.”
Peace to you
P/S: The Watchers knew “Worthless Secrets’ & Judgment is to the ‘Age’ (Olam/Aeon) Quote
“… the great judgement in which the age shall be 2 consummated, over the Watchers and the godless, yea, shall be wholly consummated.” And now as to the watchers who have sent thee to intercede for them, who had been aforetime in heaven, (say 3 to them): “You have been in heaven, but all the mysteries had not yet been revealed to you, and you knew worthless ones, and these in the hardness of your hearts you have made known to the women, and through these mysteries women and men work much evil on earth.” 4 Say to them therefore: ” You have no peace.”‘ (Book of Enoch, Chapter 16)
Same Source:
Which word in Koine Greek means forever?
1) Endless
To quote:
In his ending of the Book above, Hippolytus adds the word ‘endless’ in front of the popular phrase ‘ages of Ages’ (e.g. as found in Revelation 20:10) proving by usage itself that the phrase ‘ages of Ages’ is NOT ‘forever and ever’ as popularly erred but rather to the ‘ages’ (subset) out of a larger total set of ‘Ages’ (universal set), to quote:
“… He will rejoice with them, glorifying the Father. To Him be the Glory unto the endless ages of the Ages. Amen.” – Hippolytus of Rome (170–235 AD, TREATISE ON CHRIST AND ANTICHRIST, Point 67)
Translation Source:
Link Source:
2) No End
To quote:
God’s Covenants are from age to age, for example the Old Testament Age to the New Testament Age.
Christ’s Throne is mentioned to Reign till the “Ages” (Aeons-plural) —-> but what is achieved in His Reign (which includes all enemies finally submitting willingly to Him too, 1 Corinthians 15:24 – 28 especially verse 25 highlighting the enemy’s submission part) —-> This is ‘eternal’ as the Heavenly Messenger adds, that “His Kingdom” will have “no end” in the Infamous Prophecy below:
“and He will reign over the house of Jacob to the ages. And of His kingdom there will be no end!” – Archangel Gabriel (Berean Literal Bible, BLB, Luke 1:33)
*The Greek Word for both “His Reign” and “His Kingdom” are from the Same Root Word with the first being a “Verb” (His Reign) while the latter being a “Noun” (His Kingdom).
In short, Christ Reigns to the “Ages” (Aeons) to Reconcile back All Created things (Colossians 1:16) back to Himself (Colossians 1:20) which after achieved is called part of “His Kingdom of the Heavens” which has “No End” (Luke 1:33).
**Reigning is only toward His Enemies (1 Corinthians 15:25) and after that, Subjection is in Love in the same way He Subjects to the Father, an analogy Drawn in 1 Corinthians 15:27 – 28.
“then comes the end, when He hands over the kingdom to the God and Father, when He has abolished all rule and all authority and power. For He must reign until He has put all His enemies under His feet.
The last enemy that will be abolished is death.
For HE HAS PUT ALL THINGS IN SUBJECTION UNDER HIS FEET. But when He says, “All things are put in subjection,” it is evident that He is excepted who put all things in subjection to Him.
When all things are subjected to Him, then the Son Himself also will be subjected to the One who subjected all things to Him, so that God may be all in all.” – apostle Paul (1 Corinthians 15:24 – 28, NASB)
3) Aidios
To quote:
The word in Greek that is unequivocally accepted to mean eternal is aidios. The derivations in Greek of this word occurs only twice (2 times) in the entire Bible; Once to describe the eternal power of God whilst the other to describe the everlasting chains that holds the apostate angels in reserve. Here are the Scriptures that mean these:
”For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal (aidios – singular) power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse,” (Romans 1:20)
“And the angels who did not keep their proper domain, but left their own abode, He has reserved in everlasting (aidiois – plural) chains under darkness for (till) the judgment of the great day.” (Jude 1:6)
There is no controversy about the verse found in Romans above. All agree that it beautifully describes our omnipotent (all – powerful) God.
The second verse listed above (in Jude 6) however is interesting.
There’s more than what meets the eye.
Some would immediately argue that since the chains are mentioned to be everlasting, thus the apostate angels must therefore be punished eternally. However, we find (as discussed in the chapter of
The end of Satan) that the punishment even for Satan (their leader) is described in the much weaker aion/aionon derivation and not aidiois. This clearly implies that the punishment of the Devil himself is not eternal but only to the ages. Is this a contradiction in the Bible? No! Do allow me to explain a hidden but yet an astounding truth about our true God (The Genius Who wrote the Bible).
Let us now indulge into some background work first. The Bible has all the answers relating to the workings of God (His principles). Atheists (and other enemies of the faith) have often falsely ridiculed our God as ‘relenting’ or ‘repenting’ from doing ‘something’ in Scripture as a contradiction to His Word in James (stated below) which clearly states that God does not change:
“Every good and perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.” (James 1:17)
The error of their interpretation stems from the same error held by many in the eternal hell/annihilation camp who assume that God does not change with respect to ‘anything’ (whether good or bad).
The fact is that God does not change with respect to good only. If you don’t believe, try reading the verse above in James 1:17 again;
Did you notice that when James writes that there is ‘no variation or shadow of turning’ (i.e., God does not change), he (James) mentioned first that it is with respect to ‘every good and perfect gift’?
In other words, God does not change in His goodness and perfection. For example, if a judgment may be changed due to a change in the creature’s will, then God may choose to change the judgment sentence simply because the change accounts to both His goodness and perfection.
It is analogous to the theory of relativity which Einstein coined.
Simply put, the judgment sentence (everlasting chains) is relative to the creature’s will set itself against God. It is not an absolute will of God to do so for He doesn’t desire the death of even the wicked. God’s absolute will is quite the contrary, namely, to save the world.
(the world includes the apostate angels). Thus the converse is also true, namely, when the creature’s will has been subdued (changed) and not contrary to God anymore, the judgment sentence (everlasting chains) need not hold any longer. Does that mean that any creature can trick God? Absolutely no. It is impossible for any creature to outwit or trick God. The everlasting sentence will only be changed when there is no turning back in the part of the creature’s will anymore. This assurance is clear in Scripture for creation will never fall again because it can even be implied from James 1:17. Since salvation is a free-good-perfect gift of God, and James says that all good-perfect gift (thus includes salvation) is from the Father of lights (God) and thus it is not changeable anymore (cannot fall-out) since that is the part that says that God does not change, i.e. with regards to the perfect-good-gift such as salvation. Thus perfect logical thinking (reason) does not lead you away from Christ but rather to Christ because perfect reason is a gift from God.
Is there Scripture to back up the claim that God can change a judgment sentence based on another stronger attribute of Him arising from His goodness and perfection? Yes, and in fact James himself wrote it (talking about absolute context). Consider:
“…Mercy triumphs over judgment.” (James 2:13)
Before you accuse me of taking the verse above out of context, consider the full verse below:
“For judgment is without mercy to the one who has shown no mercy. Mercy triumphs over judgment.” (James 2:13)
Thus even in the context of the verse stated above, mercy is said to triumph (win) over judgment of one (anyone) who has shown no mercy! (someone who has shown no mercy. Who can that be?… sounds also like the apostate angels or the demons themselves?)
That’s what we can literally see and infer.
These are hidden things that come to light only if our blessed Saviour, Lord Jesus Christ (who has all keys) unlocks our hearts and minds to be able to see it.
Some would still argue and say that if that’s the case, then our eternal life may change is it? This is the kind of error that probably even Origen of Alexandria (an avowed universalist Christian) made.
That is why Origen is said to have taught the errorness teaching of transmigration of souls. Basically this wrong teaching states that in the ages to come (Ephesians 2:7), a man that is saved, may fall (apostate himself) and rise again (be saved) again during the course of the ages in repetitive cycles. There is no such thing in Scripture!
Probably also that is why Augustine of Hippo had to conclude that the Greek word αἰώνιον = aionion (transliterated) which literally means age (singular – one age only) which occurs for the life and punishment of men as described in Matthew 25:46 to mean eternal in order to stop such wrong teachings based on the possibility in losing the eternal life that Christ gives which stems from the concept of ages. Just because Origen made his errors in speculating into things that are not written and neither have any basis in Scripture such as the transmigration of souls stated above, does not in any way prove universalism in Christianity to be wrong. The Bible is very clear in the universal salvation implied by Christ’s work on the cross.
The chief error made in both of the claims above (be it ‘can we lose eternal life’ or that ‘can one fall and rise again in the ages to come’)
Is this: There is no change in the good and perfect gift of God and the primary of such a gift is this: Salvation!
Did you get it? As the verse (in James 1:17) testifies, salvation (eternal life) will not change because it is the good and perfect gift of God while judgment (hell sentence – everlasting chains) may change because it is not a good nor a perfect and not even a gift from God at all! This is called literal context.
This is the literal one meaning that agrees with the rest of Scripture:
Though God has passed a sentence (judgment) to the apostate angels to be bound in everlasting chains (Jude1:6), yet He can and will change this eternal bounding in chains to a limited time sentence (aionas ton aionon – ages of the Ages – as stated in Revelation 20:10) on Judgment Day (Jude 1:6) as even the rest of Scriptures agree to this. The one principle that allows this change is reflected in the verse which states, ‘Mercy triumphs over judgment’.
(James 2:13).
This fact may also be inferred to be correct in interpretation since the rest of the Scriptures testifies mysteriously towards this end in which Christ gather’s all things (Ephesians 1:10), reconciles them according to the Will of God which would certainly give God the pleasure or delight (intent & working – 2 Corinthians 5:19, Accomplished & fact – Colossians 1:20), and God finally becomes all in all in the end. (1 Corinthians 15:28). Note that the all things certainly includes even the ‘apostate angels’ literally. Note also that in Colossians 1:20 it is clearly stated literally that Christ Jesus reconciles not only men but also everything (all) on earth or in the heavens (i.e. whatever creature that may be contrary to Him and needs reconciliation – Note that our Loving Lord does not destroy them but rather according to the Will of God has chosen to reconcile them all instead). This is who Lord Jesus is. His Will be done!
4) Unfailing
A Verse:
“LOVE (“Agape”) never fails;…” (1 Corinthians 13:8, NASB)
That Verse in Full:
“Love never fails; but if there are gifts of prophecy, they will be done away; if there are tongues, they will cease; if there is knowledge, it will be done away.” – apostle Paul (1 Corinthians 13:8, NASB)
So, if it “fails”, it was NOT “Love” (in Greek: “Agape”).
Agape = The Love of God (the Highest Form of Love).
Something which “fails” (e. g. ‘so called human love’ in friendship or relationship) only proves that it was never rooted in “Agape” at times.
None of these words have ever been used in the Context of human Judgment-part in the Bible in Factual Statements and hence there is only “age-during or punishment cum purification to the ages” (Aeonian or to the Aeon) only Written in the Bible.
I will stick to Holy Scripture “as it is Written” as it is Revealed by St. Irenaeous of Lyons himself that even the strongest “Aeon phrase” namely the “aeons of the Aeons” refers to the “aeons” only (a , unknown but usually a long time) as he himself affirmed that this is First Christianity’s Orthodox Truth, to quote (in his own words, repeated again here for emphasis – from a previous post):
“Paul also, they affirm, very clearly and frequently names these Aeons, and even goes so far as to preserve their order, when he says, “To all the generations of the Aeons of the Aeon.” Nay, we ourselves, when at the giving of thanks we pronounce the words, “To Aeons of Aeons” do set forth these Aeons. And, in fine, wherever the words Aeon or Aeons occur, they at once refer them to these beings.” – St. Irenaeous of Lyons (‘Against Heresies’, Chapter III, Book I)
Translation Source:
Web link Source for more discussion regarding the quote above itself:
We believe and Declare Likewise.
Peace to you
P/S: Immortal Punishments – Josephus records Koine Greek Usage at that time
Please note that the ‘Christian endorsed’ Jewish historian (almost a contemporary of Christ) records that my claims above are true (as discovered by Dr JW Hanson) in that the ‘Koine Greek’ words or phrases to mean ‘eternal punishment’ can be formed using the quoted words prior & even using the Koine Greek equivalent to ‘Immortal or Deathless’ too.
Guess what?
NONE of these ‘existing – popular’ Koine Greek Words were used by our Blessed Saviour in His Description of Judgment meaning that Christ taught “Aeonian Judgment only” while the ‘Pharisees & some Jewish sects taught eternal punishments in comparison’.
To Quote:
- Josephus quotes in (Flavius Josephus – The Judean (Jewish) Antiquities Book 18, Niese Section 14) regarding the doctrine of the Pharisees who believed that the wicked are held in an ‘everlasting prison‘ (eirgmon aidion).
- Josephus quotes in (Flavius Josephus – The Judean (Jewish) Wars Book 2, Chapter 8, Whiston – Section 14 while Niese section 162 &163) regarding the doctrine of the Pharisees who believed that the wicked will be punished with ‘eternal punishment‘ (aidios timoria).
iii. Josephus quotes in (Flavius Josephus – The Judean (Jewish) Wars Book 2, Chapter 8, Whiston – Section 11 while Niese section 155) regarding the doctrine of the Essenes who believed that the wicked will be punished with ‘never – ceasing punishment‘ (timoria adialeipton).
- Josephus quotes in (Flavius Josephus – The Judean (Jewish) Wars Book 2, Chapter 8, Whiston – Section 11 while Niese section 157 & 158) regarding the doctrine of the Essenes who believed that the wicked will suffer ‘immortal punishment‘ (athanaton timorian) after death.
- Regarding the doctrine of the third mainstream sect of the Jews, (namely the Sadducees), it is clearly seen that they held on to some form of ‘conditional immortality’ or ‘annihilation’ as even Scripture records in the Bible.
The full quote, proof & details of the above may be found in link below too for further edification:
Further, I would suggest reading the excellent write-up on ‘aionion kolasin’ by Rev. Dr John Wesley Hanson (from his book Aion-Aionous) which is quoted a little in link below too for further ‘Jewish-Christian Context’ agreeing to this Exegesis too:
For Example regarding the actual meaning of ‘age-during chastisement’ (Matthew 25:46) as per the Best of Koine Greek Scholars from antiquity itself is this (probably they invented the words itself as some scholars suggest – they, who? Socrates-Plato), to quote from link above:
“That it had this meaning in Greek usage we cite Plato: “For the natural or accidental evils of others, no one gets angry, or admonishes, or teaches or punishes (kolazei) them, but we pity those afflicted with such misfortunes. ** For if, O Socrates, you will consider what is the design of punishing (kolazein) the wicked, this of itself will show you that men think virtue something that may be acquired; for no one punishes (kolazei) the wicked, looking to the past only, simply for the wrong he has done,–that is, no one does this thing who does not actLIKE A WILD BEAST, desiring only revenge, without thought –hence he who seeks to punish (kolazein) with reason, does not punish for the sake of the past wrong deed, ** but for the sake of the future, that neither the man himself who is punished, may do wrong again, nor any other who has seen him chastised. And he who entertains this thought, must believe that virtue may be taught, and he punishes (kolazei) for the purpose of deterring from wickedness.”
Biblically this explanation above is true in that the ‘age-during kolasin (chastisement, Matthew 25:46)’ is till the ‘last penny’ only (Luke 12:59, Matthew 5:26) as Christ’s Words Agree & Affirm the ancient scholars’ usage above in all sanity too (the end purpose of punishment is restoration/rehabilitation, the final effect – Universal Reconciliation).
Peace to you
P/S 2: St. Justin Martyr and St. Irenaeous of Lyons
- The “Tree of Life” Olam/Aion duration Context in both St. Irenaeous & St. Justin’s writing clearly affirm that in this example/context, God Willed it to mean 1000 years.
To Quote:
“For according to the days of the tree of life shall be the days of my people; the works of their toil shall abound. Mine elect shall not toil fruitlessly, or beget children to be cursed; for they shall be a seed righteous and blessed by the Lord, and their offspring with them. And it shall come to pass, that before they call I will hear; while they are still speaking, I shall say, What is it? Then shall the wolves and the lambs feed together, and the lion shall eat straw like the ox; but the serpent[shall eat] earth as bread. They shall not hurt or maltreat each other on the holy mountain, i saith the Lord.’ Now we have understood that the expression used among these words, ‘According to the days of the tree[of life] shall be the days of my people; the works of their toil shall abound’ obscurely predicts a thousand years. For as Adam was told that in the nay fie ate of the tree he would die, we know that he did not complete a thousand years. We have perceived, moreover, that the expression, ‘The day of the Lord is as a thousand years,’ is connected with this subject. And further, there was a certain man with us, whose name was John, one of the apostles of Christ, who prophesied, by a revelation that was made to him, that those who believed in our Christ would dwell a thousand years in Jerusalem; and that thereafter the general, and, in short, the eternal [age-during] resurrection and judgment of all men would likewise take place. Just as our Lord also said, ‘They shall neither marry nor be given in marriage, but shall be equal to the angels, the children of the God of the resurrection.” – St. Justin Martyr (‘Dialogue with Trypho’)
Translation Source:
“Olam” (for the Tree of Life Context, Genesis 3:22) = “age-during for 1000 years” by St. Justin Martyr’s quote above.
Does it mean that after the 1000 years, they die?
No, they obtain “Immortality” (an entirely different word in New Testament Greek) but only after that 1000 years part as part of the ‘Glorification Process’, to quote (this fine detail explanation from First Christianity):
Yes, it’s during the 1000 years Millennial Reign of Christ (Revelation 20:4 – 6) alongside ‘sinful’ mortals too though the ‘First Resurrection ones’ (Sheepfold1, Christians) never sin again nor marry (Luke 20:35 – 36), to quote:
” Also there shall not be there any immature [one], nor an old man who does not fulfil his time: for the youth shall be of a hundred years; and the sinner shall die a hundred years old, yet shall be accursed. And they shall build houses, and inhabit them themselves; and shall plant vineyards, and eat the fruit of them themselves, and shall drink wine. And they shall not build, and others inhabit; neither shall they prepare the vineyard, and others eat. For as the days of the tree of life shall be the days of the people in thee; for the works of their hands shall endure.” – St. Irenaeous of Lyons (‘Against Heresies’, Book 5)
Please note this phrase carefully from the above which proves that the ‘fruit of the Tree of Life’ gives ‘age-during (Aeonian life)’ for ‘a thousand years and NOT forever’:
“For as the days of the tree of life shall be the days of the people in thee;” – St. Irenaeous
Please note that the phrase ‘immortality is conferred also’ in the quote below proofs that these ones do not die after the ‘age-during length of days due to the Tree of Life’:
“As we at once perceive that the Creator (Demiurgo) is in this passage represented as vivifying our dead bodies, and promising resurrection to them, and resuscitation from their sepulchres and tombs, conferring upon them immortality also (He says, “For as the tree of life, so shall their days be” ), He is shown to be the only God who accomplishes these things, and as Himself the good Father, benevolently conferring life upon those who have not life from themselves.” – St. Irenaeous of Lyons (‘Against Heresies’, Book 5)
Translation source for St. Irenaeous’ quotes above:
- Highlight – Olam in Genesis 3:22 for the Tree of Life is exactly 1000 years and NOT ‘for ever’
Direct Proof from St. Justin Martyr’s quote from point prior, in case you missed it:
“According to the days of the tree[of life] shall be the days of my people; the works of their toil shall abound’ obscurely predicts a thousand years.” – St. Justin Martyr (Dialogue with Trypho the Jew)
That is,
“the days of the tree[of life” = “obscurely predicts a thousand years.”
And NOT forever in St. Justin Martyr’s own words.
- Age-during life first before Immortality is Given
“To the same purpose did the Lord also declare, “Heaven and earth shall pass away.” When these things, therefore, pass away above the earth, John, the Lord’s disciple, says that the new Jerusalem above shall [then] descend, as a bride adorned for her husband; and that this is the tabernacle of God, in which God will dwell with men. Of this Jerusalem the former one is an image-that Jerusalem of the former earth in which the righteous are disciplined beforehand for incorruption and prepared for salvation.” – St. Irenaeous of Lyons (‘Against Heresies’, Book 5)
The highlight quote in focus which proves that “age-during life” (or “Aeonian life” or “Olam life” for 1000 years) is not the end (as St. Augustine of Hippo erred greatly in his exegesis regarding this same word which occurs in Matthew 25:46) but is the ‘pre-requisite’ before ‘full immortality or incorruption’ is conferred upon ‘Sheepfold1′ (Christians), to quote as St. Irenaeous explained above, in particular:
“in which the righteous are disciplined beforehand for incorruption and prepared for salvation” = refers to the 1000 years Millennial Reign of Christ in St. Irenaeous’ Context.
Please note that the ‘age-during life in Matthew 25:46’ refers to ‘Sheepfold2’ which speaks of the next or Coming age where Sheepfold1 has already attained full immortality by then being the Bride of Christ as explained in detail in previous posts.
The point is that the same word ‘age-during life’ (English) or ‘Aeonian life’ (Greek) in Matthew 25:46 occurs regarding the Tree of Life’s Context of ‘living Olam’ (Hebrew in Genesis 3:22) where the latter is NOT forever as demonstrated above to refer to 1000 years only proving irrefutably that ‘age-during is NOT forever’ but ‘a long and limited time, sometimes unknown’.
The punishment of the wicked’s age-during period (in Matthew 25:46) is ‘longer than 1000 years in the Lake of Fire’ but not forever as St. Justin Martyr explains, to quote (Page 17 – 18 of the Lost Orthodoxy Book):
“… we say that the same thing will be done, but at the hand of Christ, and upon the wicked in the same bodies united again to their spirits which are now to undergo everlasting
punishment; and not only, as Plato said, for a period of a thousand years. And if any one say that this is incredible or impossible, this error of ours is one which concerns ourselves only, and no other person, so long as you cannot convict us of doing any harm.” (Justin Martyr, First Apology, CHAPTER VIII — CHRISTIANS CONFESS THEIR FAITH IN GOD).
Translation Source:
Web Source for the above:
Just like God of Abraham does NOT limit Him to being God for Abraham only, similarly the ‘age-during Glory of God’ or ‘age-during life’ Highlights the Glory/Life/Correction-in-Judgment of that ‘particular age’ in which His Purposes are Realized.
ages of Ages – Truth – aeons of Aeons
ages of Ages (English) = aeons of Aeons (Greek-Transliterated)
1) What is the image quoting?
Part of This Section:
“Paul also, they affirm, very clearly and frequently names these Aeons, and even goes so far as to preserve their order, when he says, “To all the generations of the Aeons of the Aeon.” Nay, we ourselves, when at the giving of thanks we pronounce the words, “To Aeons of Aeons” (for ever and ever), do set forth these Aeons. And, in fine, wherever the words Aeon or Aeons occur, they at once refer them to these beings.” – St. Irenaeous of Lyons (‘Against Heresies’, Book I, Chapter 3, Point 1)
Link (Chapter 3, Book 1, Point 1, Greek-Latin Scan image 24 – 25):
2) What is the image highlighting?
A scan of the ‘Original Koine Greek copy of St. Irenaeous’ quote of the section underlined in red’:
- Lie
“To Aeons of Aeons” (for ever and ever), do set forth these Aeons.”
- Truth
“To Aeons of Aeons” , do set forth these Aeons.”
Can you see it?
St. Irenaeous of Lyons did NOT write ‘(for ever and ever)’ the-bracket-part at all which is added by the translator.
St. Irenaeous’ clearly sets forth the Truth that First Christianity utters the phrase “To Aeons of Aeons” (hence it’s not a blasphemy to use this Biblical phrase, as it occurs say in Revelation 20:10 and Galatians 1:5) —–> and “sets forth these Aeons” into the future.
Aeon = Age = Singular, ‘a long, unknown limited time period’.
Aeons (Koine Greek – Transliterated) = Ages (English) = Plural, at least two future ages indicated (AEON2, AEON3, …).
We believe literally likewise as explained in detail in previous posts.
Peace to you
AEON1 = Current Age for simplicity.
Image Source:
Afterlife Evangelism for some as God Wills even now (1 Peter 4:6)
Even into the afterlife too, to quote:
“15[92]:5 “Wherefore, Sir,” say I, “did the forty stones also come up with them from the deep, though they had already received the seal?” “Because,” saith he, “these, the apostles and the teachers who preached the name of the Son of God, after they had fallen asleep in the power and faith of the Son of God, preached also to them that had fallen asleep before them, and themselves gave unto them the seal of the preaching.
15[92]:6 Therefore they went down with them into the water, and came up again. But these went down alive [and again came up alive]; whereas the others that had fallen asleep before them went down dead and came up alive.” – Shepherd of Hermas
‘Shepherd of Hermas is Scripture’ – St. Irenaeous of Lyons, Pope Pius I, St. Clement of Alexandria, Tertullian, First Christianity
“They also told me that the Saints help in the work of saving souls in Hell, because there can be no idleness in Heaven. Those in Hell will ultimately be brought to Heaven like the prodigal son, but with regard to the ultimate fate of a certain number you must not ask.” – Sadhu Sundar Singh
Web link :
Or Mobile friendly:
Hope Always Remains in Lord Jesus Christ, our Most Blessed Savior of the World
Universal Reconciliation – Love of God with No Judgment – Do we really Love Truly?
Firstly, why God Judges?
Same Reason as per Image, Verse:
“For the Son of Man is going to come in the glory of His Father with His angels, and WILL THEN REPAY EVERY MAN ACCORDING TO HIS DEEDS.” – Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 16:27, NASB)
Conclusion – Love Unconditionally, Love Truly
Someone said, ‘that person doesn’t love you but is using you to get things done; you are being used & you don’t realize it’.
Reply, ‘I don’t believe your claim. But for argument’s sake, even if that person is using me, Biblically it’s the highest advantage still if I truly Love regardless to help in any little way’.
Reply Continued, ‘Your mother’s love is conditional because she does it to you on the condition that you share her flesh and blood. Would she do the same for me or toward a person who hurts her children?’
God Will as St. Justin Martyr explained this Rarely known Truth Beautifully in a Parabolic Way in the Context of the Final Salvation of All Men toward their “Destroyed Souls” being “Repaired or Renewed” by the God Who Makes “All (Created) things New” (Revelation 21:5) as discussed in Previous Posts, To Quote:
xiii. God does Saves His Enemies too (the Wicked, those ‘not begotten of him’, in Justin’s word below ‘also those that are without’) in this Context of ‘Body + Soul’ being Saved eventually
“Wherefore the Saviour also taught us to love our enemies, since, says He, what thank have ye? So that He has shown us that it is a good work not only to love those that are begotten of Him, but also those that are without. And what He enjoins upon us, He Himself first of all does.” – – St. Justin Martyr
So, it is obvious hat St. Justin Martyr fully Described the Salvation of Body + Soul to apply to ‘All Flesh’ (all human being eventually) as Described in his quotes above where some is only post afterlife Judgment in Gehenna or the Lake of Fire where these ‘bodies + souls’ are ‘destroyed’ first (his analogies of ‘decay’, ‘neglect’, ‘destroy’ in the above means – Matthew 10:28) agreeing Perfectly to Christ’s Prophesied Completion of His Work (John 17:4) Accordingly in the Majestic Verse in (John 17:2).
Please remember to help others regardless if they are ‘worthy or not’ because by doing so ‘unconditionally without the intent of self’ (selfless love), we may reap great rewards during His Judgment, as Verse below Hints Beautifully:
“If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners love those who love them.” – Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 6:32, NASB)
I repeat a highlighted part for emphasis:
“If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? ….” – Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 6:32, NASB)
Love Always Wins & Judgment Day Will Declare & Reward especially “those loving beyond those who love you only”.
No human can love perfectly like that & so we try our best but Christ Does Love Unconditionally like that.
I repeat, Christ Does Love Unconditionally like that. Amen.
Judgment – How about Judgment?
“At night my soul longs for You, Indeed, my spirit within me seeks You diligently; For when the earth experiences Your judgments The inhabitants of the world learn righteousness.” (Isaiah 26:9, NASB)
Does God really Judge ‘no one’?
“You judge according to the flesh; I am not judging anyone.” – Lord Jesus Christ (John 8:15, NASB)
“If anyone hears My sayings and does not keep them, I do not judge him; for I did not come to judge the world, but to save the world. “He who rejects Me and does not receive My sayings, has one who judges him; the word I spoke is what will judge him at the last day. ” – Lord Jesus Christ (John 12:47 – 48, NASB)
“But Jesus was saying, “Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing.” …” (Luke 23:34, NASB)
Should we study regarding Judgment accurately?
“Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment.” – Lord Jesus Christ (John 7:24, NASB)
How does the ‘Word Christ Spoke Judge a Person on the Last Day’ (John 12:48)?
It determines which Resurrection a person participates on:
- i) ‘Hour now is’ on the Last Day of this AEON1 – First Resurrection to life (Sheepfold1 – “few”)
“Truly, truly, I say to you, an hour … now is, when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God, and those who hear will live.” – Lord Jesus Christ (John 5:25, NASB)
Yes, only ‘few’ make it to become Sheepfold1 (Matthew 7:14) and partake of the ‘First Resurrection’ (1 Thessalonians 4:13 – 18):
“Then I saw thrones, and they sat on them, and judgment was given to them. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony of Jesus and because of the word of God, and those who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and had not received the mark on their forehead and on their hand; and they came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years. The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were completed. This is the first resurrection. Blessed and holy is the one who has a part in the first resurrection; over these the second death has no power, but they will be priests of God and of Christ and will reign with Him for a thousand years.” – apostle John (Revelation 20:4 – 6, NASB)
“‘Verily, verily, I say to you — He who is hearing my word, and is believing Him who sent me, hath life age-during, and to judgment he doth not come, but hath passed out of the death to the life.” – Lord Jesus Christ (John 5:24, YLT)
- ii) ‘Hour is coming’ on the Last Day of this AEON1 to life – Second Resurrection (Sheepfold2 – “some”)
“Truly, truly, I say to you, an hour is coming …, when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God, and those who hear will live.” – Lord Jesus Christ (John 5:25, NASB)
“Do not marvel at this; for an hour is coming, in which all who are in the tombs will hear His voice, and will come forth; those who did the good deeds to a resurrection of life, …” – Lord Jesus Christ (John 5:28 – 29, NASB)
“And the multitude of those sleeping in the dust of the ground do awake, some to life age-during, …” (Daniel 12:2, YLT)
iii) ‘Hour is coming’ on the Last Day of this AEON1 to judgment first – Second Resurrection (Wicked – “some”)
“Do not marvel at this; for an hour is coming, in which all who are in the tombs will hear His voice, and will come forth; … those who committed the evil deeds to a resurrection of judgment.” – Lord Jesus Christ (John 5:28 – 29, NASB)
“And the multitude of those sleeping in the dust of the ground do awake, … and some to reproaches — to abhorrence age-during” (Daniel 12:2, YLT)
- iv) Sheepfold1 (“few”) + Sheepfold2 (“some”) = “Many”
“Many will be purged, purified and refined, but the wicked will act wickedly; and none of the wicked will understand, but those who have insight will understand.” (Daniel 12:10, NASB)
Conclusion 2 – Final Judgment Secrets
Christ Doesn’t Determine the Judgment Sentence for any wrong done to Him as verses prior describe Him as ‘Judging no one’ in the absolute sense, but ‘executes’ the ‘Judgment-part Sentences’ according to ‘what the wronged party demands’, Verses:
“and He gave Him authority to execute judgment, because He is the Son of Man.” – Lord Jesus Christ (John 5:27, NASB)
Please remember that Christ follows the Father and Decides not to Judge anyone, and exhorts Christians to do the same (Leadership by His Perfect Example) but doesn’t force it on us:
“For not even the Father judges anyone, but He has given all judgment to the Son,” – Lord Jesus Christ (John 5:22, NASB)
Hell exists both now (in Hades/Sheol) and some till Gehenna (Lake of Fire) later because of wrongly treating other human beings in so many ways which results in the victims demanding for it, Verses:
- Saints
“Or do you not know that the saints will judge the world? If the world is judged by you, are you not competent to constitute the smallest law courts?” – apostle Paul (1 Corinthians 6:2, NASB)
- Your Prophets and Spiritual Leaders
“Do not think that I will accuse you before the Father; the one who accuses you is Moses, in whom you have set your hope.” – Lord Jesus Christ (John 5:45, NASB)
iii. Angels
“For if the word spoken through angels proved unalterable, and every transgression and disobedience received a just penalty,” – Anonymous (Hebrews 2:2, NASB)
*Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit must thus we decided by spiritual authorities to be judged for exactly two ages too (the current AEON1 and next one, AEON2):
“Therefore I say to you, any sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven people, but blasphemy against the Spirit shall not be forgiven. Whoever speaks a word against the Son of Man, it shall be forgiven him; but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it shall not be forgiven him, either in this age or in the age to come.” – Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 12:31 – 32, NASB)
- Sheepfold1
“If you forgive the sins of any, their sins have been forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they have been retained.” – Lord Jesus Christ (John 20:23, NASB)
“For after all it is only just for God to repay with affliction those who afflict you,” – apostle Paul (2 Thessalonians 1:6, NASB)
- Victims
“for I was hungry, and you gave Me nothing to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me nothing to drink; I was a stranger, and you did not invite Me in; naked, and you did not clothe Me; sick, and in prison, and you did not visit Me.’ “Then they themselves also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry, or thirsty, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not take care of You?’ “Then He will answer them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me.’ ” – Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 25:42 – 45, NASB)
- Yourself.
Yes, ‘how cruelly we Judge others by putting strict standards & punishing them directly vs indirectly or via physical, emotional or other means, determines our level of strictness in Judgment too’:
“For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you.” – Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 7:2, NASB)
“But if you do not forgive others, then your Father will not forgive your transgressions.” – Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 6:15, NASB)
vii. Gehenna or Lake of Fire (Final Judgment Hell) till the last penny = ‘age-during’ as demanded by these, NOT God
“Therefore if you are presenting your offering at the altar, and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your offering there before the altar and go; first be reconciled to your brother, and then come and present your offering. “Make friends quickly with your opponent at law while you are with him on the way, so that your opponent may not hand you over to the judge, and the judge to the officer, and you be thrown into prison. “Truly I say to you, you will not come out of there until you have paid up the last cent.” – Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 5:23 – 26, NASB)
God passes the ‘age-during’ Sentence (Matthew 25:46) accordingly as He ‘executes’ this Judgment-part for the sake of the ‘victim parties who demand it’ (Verses above & below with John 5:22, John 5:27, John 12:47 – 48):
“And why do you not even on your own initiative judge what is right? “For while you are going with your opponent to appear before the magistrate, on your way there make an effort to settle with him, so that he may not drag you before the judge, and the judge turn you over to the officer, and the officer throw you into prison. “I say to you, you will not get out of there until you have paid the very last cent.” – Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 12:57 – 59, NASB)
Why is there Judgment if Christ is Ransom for all (1 Timothy 2:6)?
Everyone is Judged where believers in faith (Sheepfold1) are Judged in this life itself (Hebrews 12:4 – 9) while the rest (Sheepfold2 + Wicked) in the afterlife (Hebrews 9:27).
No Afterlife Judgment (Hebrews 9:27) is a reward for believing in Him (John 5:24).
Christ’s Ransom applies to ‘All’ eventually (1 Timothy 2:6) in the Context of ‘All Men’ to ‘make them alive’ post Resurrection (“vivify Man” includes ‘healing what is Destroyed in body + soul during purification in Gehenna as Matthew 10:28 mentions as revealed in the Context of Justin Martyr’s Parabolic quote earlier too’ – 1 Corinthians 15:20 – 22) where each in his own ‘time order’ (1 Corinthians 15:23, 1 Timothy 2:6).
Can you really see it?
“That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, saying, I will open my mouth in parables; I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world.” (Matthew 13:35, NASB)
God Alone is Perfect.
Maranatha, Even come so Lord Jesus.
Judgment – But God is Love
God is Love plus nothing, yes.
As the Verses in Image describes ‘afterlife Judgment’, God (the Master) does not torture you for the debt of sin owed (parabolic).
God hands you over to the “torturers” (punishment angels – of some sort) till the last debt of ‘cruelty’ is paid back or ‘experienced back’ by the perpetrator (Galatians 6:7).
This is echoed even In Matthew 5:26 and Luke 12:59 till the last penny too.
The same way a God Who is Love allows ‘evil to take place in the world’ (but doesn’t approve it, NOT His Will), similarly God Will allow the ‘same’ Judgment back toward those who ‘sin or do evil according to the level of cruelty vs mercy’ which they have shown till ‘their last cent’.
The choice or sentencing of this Judgment-part is not demanded by God Who is ever Ready to Forgive without Punishment but is requested by the victims as Verses prior describe in full (Matthew 5:23 – 26, Luke 12:57 – 59).
We (Christians, Sheepfold1) can affect the Judgment Sentence of those who wronged us by demanding revenge (Retribution, Romans 12:19, Revelation 6:10, Hebrews 2:2, John 20:23) or forgiving unconditionally (Acts 7:60) as both cases are allowed in the New Testament Context of Judgment.
I think that our position in heaven will be affected by whether Christians choose to Judge or not as Loving Unconditionally like Christ to Forgive Unconditionally is part of His Commandments (Luke 23:34, Matthew 5:19).
If God is Love meant no Judgment of Retribution included before Restoration, then no evil would have been permitted to exist in this life either which doesn’t agree to reality and thus is a simple contradiction.
P/S: A Popular Fallacy Addressed
Why is there Judgment if Christ is Ransom for all (1 Timothy 2:6)?
Everyone is Judged where believers in faith (Sheepfold1) are Judged in this life itself (Hebrews 12:4 – 9) while the rest (Sheepfold2 + Wicked) in the afterlife (Hebrews 9:27).
No Afterlife Judgment (Hebrews 9:27) is a reward for believing in Him (John 5:24).
Christ’s Ransom applies to ‘All’ eventually (1 Timothy 2:6) in the Context of ‘All Men’ to ‘make them alive’ post Resurrection (“vivify Man” includes ‘healing what is Destroyed in body + soul during purification in Gehenna as Matthew 10:28 mentions as revealed in the Context of Justin Martyr’s Parabolic quote earlier too’ – 1 Corinthians 15:20 – 22) where each in his own ‘time order’ (1 Corinthians 15:23, 1 Timothy 2:6).
Peace to you
Universal Reconciliation – Sibyline Oracles Orthodoxy – Word of Mouth
The Verse in Image speaks well of those who keep up to the “Verbal Commands (word of mouth)” taught by the apostles & our Blessed Lord in First Christianity.
“So then, brethren, stand firm and hold to the traditions which you were taught, whether by WORD OF MOUTH or by letter from us.” – apostle Paul (2 Thessalonians 2:15, NASB)
Focus Phrase in Verse above: WORD OF MOUTH
Here are some Facts as to how this is Manipulated “wrongly” by both the Eastern Orthodox & Roman Catholic Churches to claim certain traditions which was NOT written NOR done by the apostles till St. Justin Martyr & St. Irenaeous of Lyons:
- Man Made Traditions
The Picture itself shows some of the man made traditions (e. g. Idols of Christ & Mary etc. by wrongly quoting Old Testament Verses in a way ‘no one’ from the apostles till 2nd Century Christians wrote or did).
- Veneration of Mary
There is no evidence of Veneration of Mary nor any prayer to Mary in First Christianity (from the apostles till St. Irenaeous’ either by word of mouth or by their letters), as discussed in link below:
Please go and compare (read) the Official Roman Catholic answers too (I have read it) and realize firstly that both St. Justin Martyr & St. Irenaeous never taught nor practiced any of these man made traditions.
It’s normal when you actually start ‘reading their writings’ by yourself.
- Sibyline Oracles – apostle Paul
What is actually “a tradition by word of mouth which apostle Paul himself taught was to read the Sibyline Oracles”, to quote:
St. Clement of Alexandria Reveals that Apostle Paul himself commanded a Christian to read the sibyl too ‘verbally’
To quote:
“Take also the Hellenic books, read the SIBYL, how it is shown that God is one, and how the future is indicated. And taking Hystaspes, read, and you will find much more luminously and distinctly the Son of God described, and how many kings shall draw up their forces against Christ, hating Him and those that bear His name, and His faithful ones, and His patience, and His coming.” – Apostle Paul’s Verbal Command (as reiterated by St. Clement of Alexandria)
(Stromata, VI.5; 43, 1 (p. 453, 3 Stählin), quotation of Paul the Apostle, but otherwise unknown)
The Sibyline Oracles proves that Revelation 22:17 must refer to the ‘thirsty ones from the Lake of Fire’ to be Saved eventually in Book II, to quote:
Salvation (Reconciliation) from the Lake of Fire Context for Revelation 22:17 toward ‘anyone thirsty from the Lake of Fire too’:
“… And to the pious will the almighty God
405 Imperishable grant another thing,
When they shall ask the imperishable God:
That he will suffer men from raging fire
And endless gnawing anguish to be saved;
And this will he do. For hereafter he 410 Will pluck them from the restless flame, elsewhere. Remove them, and for his own people’s sakeSend them to other and eternal life With the immortals, in Elysian field, …”
Translation Source:
- Sibyline Oracles – Read & Preach it by St. Justin Martyr
St. Justin Martyr Commanded to not only read it but preach it
To quote:
“But by the agency of the devils death has been decreed against those who read the books of Hystaspes, or of the SIBYL, or of the prophets, that through fear they may prevent men who read them from receiving the knowledge of the good, and may retain them in slavery to themselves; which, however, they could not always effect. For not only do we fearlessly read them, but, as you see, bring them for your inspection, knowing that their contents will be pleasing to all. And if we persuade even a few, our gain will be very great; for, as good husbandmen, we shall receive the reward from the Master.” – St. Justin Martyr (First Apology)
Translation Source:
Please note that St. Justin Martyr says that only the Devil blocks people from reading the SIBYL or Sibyline Oracles (Jewish – Christian Prophecies, Context).
- Sibyline Oracles Writing is Authentic – Lactantius
Lactantius, Epitome, 73:
“Wherefore, since all these things are true and certain, in harmony with the predicted announcement of the prophets, since Trismegistus and Hystaspes and the SIBYLS have foretold the same things, it cannot be doubted that all hope of life and salvation is placed in the religion of God alone.”
- Sibyline Oracles is True – First Christianity
“The sibyls themselves, and the so-called Sibylline oracles, were often referred to by other early Church fathers; Theophilus, Bishop of Antioch (ca. 180), Clement of Alexandria (ca. 200), Lactantius (ca. 305), and Augustine (ca. 400), all knew various versions of the pseudo-Sibylline collections, quoted them or referred to them in paraphrase, and were unreluctant to Christianize them.”
- Sibyline Oracles – Is Book II authentic and reliable?
Book II
How about Book II which speaks of the Reconciliation from the Lake of Fire Interpretation for possibly Revelation 22:17’s Context?
To quote:
“… Books I and II are regarded as a Christian revision of a Jewish original … Books I, II, XI, XII, XIII, and XIV received their present form from a Christian…”
- Sibyline Oracles – Why don’t they believe it then?
Sibyline oracles has more credence than following church leaders private interpretation and it was accepted in First Christianity (1st to 3rd century) before man made teachings interpreted the Lake of Fire Revelation 22:17 differently.
It’s authoritative as even the eternal Hell commentator on it in the early century acknowledges that passage & denies its content by condemning Origen of Alexandria explicitly to teach it.
So, in the own commentator as preserved by the eternal hell camp thereafter, clearly endorses both the Sibyline Oracle and that passage as authentic but just denies the plain meaning.
Please read carefully next.
Later councils only endorsed things worthy to be in the Bible but that does not mean that they denied other Christian writings such as the Shepherd of Hermas and Sibyline oracles are ‘certainly endorsed’ (never been denied by any church council).
They just believe their own interpretations instead of what’s plainly written.
Why majority of Christians after the First Christianity period (1st to 3rd Century) cease to believe it?
Please note that this is a commentary added and NOT part of the original Oracle as quoted prior
404-416.–This passage, which savors of a final restoration from future punishment, has been thought to be contrary to orthodox teaching; and we find appended to some manuscripts the following lines, headed, “Contradiction of the ‘To the pious will the Almighty,’” and professedly a disproof of the doctrine of Origen on this subject:
False manifestly; for the penal fire
Shall never cease from those who are condemned.
For also I might pray to have it thus,
Branded with greatest scars of trespasses,
Which need more kindness. But let Origen
Of his presumptuous babble be ashamed,
Saying there shall be end of punishments.
Elysian field.–In Homer (Od., iv, 563) the Elysian fields are represented as situated on the western border of the earth by the ocean stream. Hesiod (Works and Days, 169) speaks of “the Isles of the blessed, beside {footnote p. 52} deep-eddying ocean.” But later, and with the Roman poets, Elysium was in the lower world, the blessed part of Hades, and is here conceived as bordering on the Acheronian lake.]
Conclusion – Truth
You are choosing to believe the commentator who though against that passage but endorses it as First Christianity’s Truth while we believe it as it is Written .
Well, the infamous passages from St. Augustine himself reveals that Universalism was the majority doctrine in his own place before eternal hell became dominant over sweeping down the carpet the authority of First Christianity passages such as above, to quote
Augustine (354-430 A.D.), ‘one of the four great Latin Church Fathers (Augustine, Ambrose, Jerome and Gregory the Great), wrote:
“There are very many in our day, who though not denying the Holy Scriptures, do not believe in endless torments.” – St. Augustine (paraphrased from link below):
Source for these quotes:
Tip: Please do a “Control + F” (Find Function) and key in keywords found here to locate the section which is quoted here for a more detailed discussion or list in links given.
Conclusion – Tradition
What is an actual tradition quoted by say ‘apostle Paul’s word of mouth they don’t follow or believe but quote the Verse to refer to things which First Christianity till St. Irenaeous never wrote nor meant nor spoke about’.
Please be Wise and not be easily deceived.
If they claim anything, please ask their own proof from their own Church History & Check it. Here’s a useful question to ask before believing any doctrine:
‘Who is the First Christian in Church History to Believe, Write and Teach what you claim?’
I rest my case.
Peace to you
Unconditional Love – Unconditional Obedience to Good causes Universal Reconciliation Instantly
Unloving through Disobedience causing Judgment. How?
We are as unloving as our disobedience too because ‘obeying is a proof of Love’ (John 14:15).
What’s the Biblical Logic?
God never destroys the Righteous with the Wicked in the Judgment He Allows
“Abraham came near and said, “Will You indeed sweep away the righteous with the wicked? Suppose there are fifty righteous within the city; will You indeed sweep it away and not spare the place for the sake of the fifty righteous who are in it? … Then he said, “Oh may the Lord not be angry, and I shall speak only this once; suppose ten are found there?” And He said, “I will not destroy it on account of the ten.”.” (Genesis 18:23 – 24, 32, NASB)
Who causes the Destruction of Judgment?
“For if the word spoken through angels proved unalterable, and every transgression and disobedience received a just penalty,” (Hebrews 2:2, NASB)
So, a person who is righteous and keeps God’s Law for the sake of his city to not be under the Laws of Judgment is “selfless” while the person who ‘desires to sin, seeks his own interest’ (“selfish”, not a trait of Agape according to 1 Corinthians 13:5) while also inviting Judgment upon his city as the example of Sodom & Gomorrah proved (Jude 1:7).
That is how we know Biblically that disobedience is a sign of “selfishness” & “lack of Love” as the Verse below links this aspect of “Lawlessness” to “Love growing cold” (link):
“Because lawlessness is increased, most people’s love will grow cold.” – Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 24:12, NASB)
In short, only selfish people seek to do their own desires while selfless people seek to do God’s Will for the betterment of all around them, proving a Trait of “Agape” (Perfect Love of God) below:
“… it [Love – ‘Agape’] does not seek its own [will, interest],…” – apostle Paul (1 Corinthians 13:5, NASB)
The Verse in Image makes sense and thus it is not legalism to obey but only Love (John 14:15, John 15:14).
It’s only legalism if we Judge others who don’t obey in a wrong manner (Matthew 7:1) as St. Irenaeous explains toward Universal Restoration [please see “P/S” at the end].
People ask, ‘How come God never make a way for our problems to be solved by ourselves’?
Reply, ‘He did and it is by His Laws. The True Purpose of His Law/Rules is so that when we obey it, we bring healing and restoration toward ourselves, our neighbors, our city, etc.’ (e. g. 2 Chronicles 7:14).
Reply continued, ‘But when we disobey, God doesn’t keep a record of our wrongs (1 Corinthians 13:5) but the spiritual angelic authorities (Hebrews 2:2) and others do (e. g. Revelation 6:10)’
Why does God allow ‘Evil to be returned back in Retributive Judgment’ (Amos 3:6, Isaiah 45:7) before ‘Overcoming evil in Judgment too by His Love’ (Romans 12:21) when His Mercy Triumphs over it (James 2:17) toward “all” eventually (Romans 11:32)?
The same reason He allowed the “judged persons” (say in Hell now) to do ‘their evil acts in the first place’ —–> freedom to do evil comes hand in hand with the freedom to be judged by it to be suffered back by the perpetrator till the last penny (Matthew 5:23 – 26, Luke 12:57 – 59) as it is demanded by the angels, spiritual authorities (Hebrews 2:2) or victims (Revelation 6:10) but it is never demanded by God Who is Love (1 John 4:8) either way or in any way (John 8:15, John 12:47 – 48, John 5:22).
The Father Decided not to Judge anyone (John 5:22) and passed the Judgment to Lord Jesus Christ (John 5:22). Now, Lord Jesus Christ Chose to Judge no one too (Luke 23:34) and exhorts us Christians to do the same (Acts 7:60).
Please note carefully that the exegesis above is true because the phrase “has one who judges him” in John 12:48 (NASB) Points to Christ passing the Judgment Authority toward another “person” as that’s how ‘His Word’ Judges anyone, Verse:
“If anyone hears My sayings and does not keep them, I do not judge him; for I did not come to judge the world, but to save the world. He who rejects Me and does not receive My sayings, has one who judges him; the word I spoke is what will judge him at the last day.” – Lord Jesus Christ (John 12:47 – 48, NASB)
In a crude way, the ‘gods’ you serve (the “torturers”, Psalm 82) may actually be the ones demanding your judgment for the wrongs they deceived you into believing & doing (Revelation 12:10) and even torture you in Hellish Regions (Matthew 18:34).
God allows this in the same way He allows you to choose the ‘gods you follow’ or in that ‘evil to be done on earth by choice without intervening to stop it immediately’ as He Set the Law of Judgment to Deal with it “equally” back to the Perpetrator (Galatians 6:7), e. g. ‘eye for an eye etc.’ till the last penny (Matthew 5:26, Luke 12:59).
So, let us treat other human beings and our enemies too with Love lest we receive such Judgment back as demanded by the spiritual authorities or victims aforementioned. This is a meaning in the Context of Judgment toward the Command, “Do for others just what you want them to do for you.” (Luke 6:31).
God doesn’t Change nor Judge Anyone (John 5:22, Luke 23:43, John 8:15, John 8:47 – 48) and keeps no record of wrongs (1 Corinthians 13:5), and we can only Decide the Cases we are involved in (Revelation 6:10, John 20:23) , while others by spiritual authorities (1 Corinthians 6:2, Hebrews 2:2).
Peace to you
P/S: The Righteous Judgment of God makes All Things well in the End
Yes, Irenaeous hints that the JUST JUDGMENT of God makes ALL THINGS —-> GOOD
(including the WICKED – please note this word ‘carefully’ in the below – in ‘his own words’):
” has the Lord said: “Judge not, that ye be not judged: for with what judgment ye shall
judge, ye shall be judged.” [The meaning is] not certainly that we should not find fault with
sinners, nor that we should consent to those who act wickedly; but that we should not
pronounce an unfair judgment on the dispensations of God, inasmuch as He has Himself made provision that all things shall turn out for good, in a way consistent with justice.” (Irenaeous of Lyons, ‘Against Heresies’, Book 4, Chapter XXX, Point 3)
Translation Source:
I repeat, with EMPHASIS in [brackets] too for clarity:
“… has the Lord said: “Judge not, that ye be not judged: for with what judgment ye shall
judge, ye shall be judged.” [The meaning is] NOT certainly that we should NOT find fault
with SINNERS, nor that we should consent to THOSE who act WICKEDLY; but that we should NOT PRONOUNCE an UNFAIR JUDGMENT on the DISPENSATIONS of God, inasmuch as HE has Himself MADE PROVISION that ALL [Created] THINGS SHALL TURN out for GOOD, in a WAY CONSISTENT with JUSTICE. …” (Irenaeous of Lyons, ‘Against Heresies’, Book 4, Chapter XXX, Point 3)
Isn’t it obvious that Irenaeous is explaining that “Pronouncing” the “Fair Judgment of God” —
—> toward SINNERS and the WICKED —–> includes understanding the “dispensations
(time)” God has Prepared —-> to make ALL CREATED THINGS (including these SINNERS and WICKED aforementioned – Context) to be GOOD again —–> (proving that EVIL will cease to exist eventually) —-> in a way which is CONSISTENT with JUSTICE.
Shouldn’t we preach the SAME about the RIGHTEOUS JUDGMENT of GOD?
Isaiah 24:22 – Visited/Inspected or Punished?
- Inaccurate Translations
Such translations assume that the reason for the visitation or inspection is for further punishments and hence introduce the translational bias “punished” for this Verse.
New International Version
They will be herded together like prisoners bound in a dungeon; they will be shut up in prison and be punished after many days.
New Living Translation
They will be rounded up and put in prison. They will be shut up in prison and will finally be punished.
English Standard Version
They will be gathered together as prisoners in a pit; they will be shut up in a prison, and after many days they will be punished.
Berean Study Bible
They will be gathered together like prisoners in a pit. They will be confined to a dungeon and punished after many days.
New American Standard Bible
They will be gathered together Like prisoners in the dungeon, And will be confined in prison; And after many days they will be punished.
Christian Standard Bible
They will be gathered together like prisoners in a pit. They will be confined to a dungeon; after many days they will be punished.
Contemporary English Version
He will put them in a pit and keep them prisoner. Then later on, he will punish them.
Good News Translation
God will crowd kings together like prisoners in a pit. He will shut them in prison until the time of their punishment comes.
Holman Christian Standard Bible
They will be gathered together like prisoners in a pit. They will be confined to a dungeon; after many days they will be punished.
International Standard Version
They will be herded together into the Pit; they will be shut up in prison, and after many days they will be punished.
NET Bible
They will be imprisoned in a pit, locked up in a prison, and after staying there for a long time, they will be punished.
GOD’S WORD® Translation
They’ll be gathered like prisoners in a jail and locked in prison. After a long time they’ll be punished.
JPS Tanakh 1917
And they shall be gathered together, as prisoners are gathered in the dungeon, And shall be shut up in the prison, And after many days shall they be punished.
New American Standard 1977
And they will be gathered together Like prisoners in the dungeon, And will be confined in prison; And after many days they will be punished.
- Accurate Translations
Such translations keep to the root meaning of the Hebrew word used here (as shown in image) to its accurate rendering of “visited” (e. g. KJV) or “inspected” (e. g. YLT) not introducing the translational bias for this Verse.
Can you see it?
American King James Version
And they shall be gathered together, as prisoners are gathered in the pit, and shall be shut up in the prison, and after many days shall they be visited.
American Standard Version
And they shall be gathered together, as prisoners are gathered in the pit, and shall be shut up in the prison; and after many days shall they be visited.
Brenton Septuagint Translation
And they shall gather the multitude thereof into prisons, and they shall shut them into a strong hold: after many generations they shall be visited.
Douay-Rheims Bible
And they shall be gathered together as in the gathering of one bundle into the pit, and they shall be shut up there in prison: and after many days they shall be visited.
Darby Bible Translation
And they shall be brought together, [as] an assemblage of prisoners for the pit, and shall be shut up in prison, and after many days shall they be visited.
English Revised Version
And they shall be gathered together, as prisoners are gathered in the pit, and shall be shut up in the prison, and after many days shall they be visited.
Webster’s Bible Translation
And they shall be gathered, as prisoners are gathered in the pit, and shall be shut up in the prison, and after many days shall they be visited.
World English Bible
They shall be gathered together, as prisoners are gathered in the pit, and shall be shut up in the prison; and after many days shall they be visited.
New Heart English Bible
And they will be gathered, a gathering in a dungeon, and shall be shut up in the prison; and after many days shall they be visited.
King James Bible
And they shall be gathered together, as prisoners are gathered in the pit, and shall be shut up in the prison, and after many days shall they be visited.
Young’s Literal Translation
And they have been gathered — A gathering of bound ones in a pit, And shut up they have been in a prison, And after a multitude of days are inspected.
All are Judged – All will be Saved
An Ancient Quote (Describing the Day of Judgment – Lake of Fire Judgment, Gehenna):
“… God of the world:
4Who will hereafter tread upon Mount Sinai; appear with his hosts; and be manifested in the strength of his power from heaven.
5All shall be afraid, and the Watchers be terrified.
6Great fear and trembling shall seize them, even to the ends of the earth. The lofty mountains shall be troubled, and the exalted hills depressed, melting like a honeycomb in the flame. The earth shall be immerged, and all things which are in it perish; while judgment shall come upon all, even upon all the righteous:
7But to them shall he give peace: he shall preserve the elect, and towards them exercise clemency.
8Then shall all belong to God; be happy and blessed; and the splendour of the Godhead shall illuminate them.” (Book of Enoch, Chapter 1)
Translation Source:
How does the Verse in Image relate to everyone in relation to ‘fiery Judgment’ causing the ‘salting of everyone’?
- Believers in Faith
Those with Faith of Jesus Christ in this life itself will be judged in this temporal life itself (Hebrews 12:4 – 6) with ‘no afterlife Judgment’ as a reward for believing in Him without seeing itself (John 5:24).
- Others
The rest of human beings will undergo ‘afterlife Judgment first’ (Hebrews 9:27) according to the merit of their sins & be Saved post this afterlife Judgment.
Here are some facts from the Book of Enoch’s opening lines agreeing to this:
- All will be judged in some way (John 5:28 – 29, Daniel 12:2) including the righteous in faith as pointed out in this temporal life (Hebrews 12:4 – 6)
“while judgment shall come upon all, even upon all the righteous:”
- The righteous in faith (“the Elect”) come not into any afterlife Judgment as Christ Pointed out (John 5:24)
“7But to them shall he give peace: he shall preserve the elect, and towards them exercise clemency.”
iii. Judgment of All – Universal Reconciliation
The Result of Judgment is Universal Reconciliation as “All” who are judged belong to God eventually (Colossians 1:16, 20, Ephesians 1:9 – 11, 1 Corinthians 15:24 – 28)
“8Then shall all belong to God; be happy and blessed; and the splendour of the Godhead shall illuminate them”
Please note that the Book of Enoch’s Context of
The “All” which is Reconciled to God —–> “8Then shall all belong to God” ——> refers to —-> the “All” who are Judged (including the righteous) —-> “6 … while judgment shall come upon all, even upon all the righteous:”.
In short, the Purpose of Judgment is Universal Reconciliation eventually:
“while judgment shall come upon all, even upon all the righteous:” (Verse 6) = “8Then shall all belong to God” (Verse 8, Context)
The righteous vs “all” are distinctly contrasted in Verses 6 – 8 above where the Judgment-part & Reconciliation or “Belonging – part” is toward “All” (Verses 6, 8) and not the ‘righteous only’ (highlighted in Verse 7 further for extra blessings).
A Bible Verse agreeing to this:
“because of Him, and through Him, and to Him are the all things; to Him is the glory — to the ages. Amen.” – apostle Paul (Romans 11:36, YLT)
Notice the “All things” or just “All” in Verse above which means the following:
“because of Him, … are the all things” = God is the Creator, “All” or “All things” thus refer to “All (Created) things” [Context Established]
“… and through Him, … are the all things” = God sustains the life & freedom of all things to continue to exist
“… and to Him are the all things” = God Reconciles All Created things (Colossians 1:16, 20) or All Creation (Romans 8:20 – 22, Born Again) back to Himself eventually till He Fills them All with Himself at the ends of the Ages making Him “All” in “all” creation (1 Corinthians 15:24 – 28) in its own Divine-Kairois appointed Times (1 Timothy 2:6, Ephesians 1:9 – 11).
Can you really see it?
This is the meaning of “Judgment unto Victory” (Verse below) where the Victory is Lord Jesus Christ Achieving Universal Reconciliation and Restoration as the Verses quoted prior Describe Prophetically & Majestically:
“A bruised reed shall He not break, and smoking flax shall He not quench, till He send forth judgment unto victory.” (Matthew 12:20, KJV)
God Wins as God is Good.
Peace to you
Sheepfold2 – Gospel Preached to the Dead Souls in Hades
To quote:
‘Wherefore the Lord preached the Gospel to those in Hades. Accordingly the Scripture says, “Hades says to Destruction, We have not seen His form, but we have heard His voice.” It is not plainly the place, which, the words above say, heard the voice, but those who have been put in Hades, and have abandoned themselves to destruction, as persons who have thrown themselves voluntarily from a ship into the sea. They, then, are those that hear the divine power and voice. For who in his senses can suppose the souls of the righteous and those of sinners in the same condemnation, charging Providence with injustice?
But how? Do not [the Scriptures] show that. the Lord preached the Gospel to those that perished in the flood, or rather had been chained, and to those kept “in ward and guard”? And it has been shown also, in the second book of the Stromata, that the apostles, following the Lord, preached the Gospel to those in Hades. For it was requisite, in my opinion, that as here, so also there, the best of the disciples should be imitators of the Master; so that He should bring to repentance those belonging to the Hebrews, and they the Gentiles; that is, those who had lived in righteousness according to the Law and Philosophy, who had ended life not perfectly, but sinfully. For it was suitable to the divine administration, that those possessed of greater worth in righteousness, and whose life had been pre-eminent, on repenting of their transgressions, though found in another place, yet being confessedly of the number of the people of God Almighty, should be saved, each one according to his individual knowledge.
And, as I think, the Saviour also exerts His might because it is His work to save; which accordingly He also did by drawing to salvation those who became willing, by the preaching [of the Gospel], to believe on Him, wherever they were. If, then, the Lord descended to Hades for no other end but to preach the Gospel, as He did descend; it was either to preach the Gospel to all or to the Hebrews only. If, accordingly, to all, then all who believe shall be saved, although they may be of the Gentiles, on making their profession there; since God’s pun ishments are saving and disciplinary, leading to conversion, and choosing rather the repentance thorn the death of a sinner; and especially since souls, although darkened by passions, when released from their bodies, are able to perceive more clearly, because of their being no longer obstructed by the paltry flesh.
If, then, He preached only to the Jews, who wanted the knowledge and faith of the Saviour, it is plain that, since God is no respecter of persons, the apostles also, as here, so there preached the Gospel to those of the heathen who were ready for conversion. And it is well said by the Shepherd, “They went down with them therefore into the water, and again ascended. But these descended alive, and again ascended alive. But those who had fallen asleep, descended dead, but ascended alive.” Further the Gospel says, “that many bodies of those that slept arose,” — plainly as having been translated to a better state. There took place, then, a universal movement and translation through the economy of the Saviour.’ – St. Clement of Alexandria (c. 150 AD – c. 215 AD, Stromata, Book 6, Chapter VI)
Translation Source:
Can you see it?
The above shows how First Christianity understood the meaning of the following Bible Verses & the Shepherd of Hermas, please consider ‘carefully’
- First Christianity – 1 Peter 3:18 – 20 meaning
“because Christ also sufferedd once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, so that He might bring you to God, having been put to death indeed in the flesh, but having been made alive in the spirit, in which also having gone, He preached to the spirits in prison at one time having disobeyed, when the longsuffering of God was waiting in the days of Noah, of the ark being prepared, in which a few—that is, eight souls—were saved through water,” – apostle Peter (1 Peter 3:18 – 20, BLB)
First Christianity Understanding:
“But how? Do not [the Scriptures] show that. the Lord preached the Gospel to those that perished in the flood, or rather had been chained, and to those kept “in ward and guard”? And it has been shown also, in the second book of the Stromata, that the apostles, following the Lord, preached the Gospel to those in Hades. For it was requisite, in my opinion, that as here, so also there, the best of the disciples should be imitators of the Master; so that He should bring to repentance those belonging to the Hebrews, and they the Gentiles; that is, those who had lived in righteousness according to the Law and Philosophy, who had ended life not perfectly, but sinfully. For it was suitable to the divine administration, that those possessed of greater worth in righteousness, and whose life had been pre-eminent, on repenting of their transgressions, though found in another place, yet being confessedly of the number of the people of God Almighty, should be saved, each one according to his individual knowledge.
And, as I think, the Saviour also exerts His might because it is His work to save; which accordingly He also did by drawing to salvation those who became willing, by the preaching [of the Gospel], to believe on Him, wherever they were. If, then, the Lord descended to Hades for no other end but to preach the Gospel, as He did descend; it was either to preach the Gospel to all or to the Hebrews only. If, accordingly, to all, then all who believe shall be saved, although they may be of the Gentiles, on making their profession there; since God’s pun ishments are saving and disciplinary, leading to conversion, and choosing rather the repentance thorn the death of a sinner; and especially since souls, although darkened by passions, when released from their bodies, are able to perceive more clearly, because of their being no longer obstructed by the paltry flesh.” – St. Clement of Alexandria (from quote prior)
- First Christianity – 1 Peter 4:6 meaning
“For to this end the gospel was proclaimed even to the dead, so that they might be judged indeed according to men in the flesh, but they might live in the spirit according to God.” – apostle Peter (1 Peter 4:6, BLB)
First Christianity Understanding:
“If, then, He preached only to the Jews, who wanted the knowledge and faith of the Saviour, it is plain that, since God is no respecter of persons, the apostles also, as here, so there preached the Gospel to those of the heathen who were ready for conversion.” St. Clement of Alexandria (from quote prior)
iii. Shepherd of Hermas – is the Gospel preached to the dead in Hades/Sheol even now by the 40 apostles + teachers toward Sheepfold2?
“15[92]:5 “Wherefore, Sir,” say I, “did the forty stones also come up with them from the deep, though they had already received the seal?” “Because,” saith he, “these, the apostles and the teachers who preached the name of the Son of God, after they had fallen asleep in the power and faith of the Son of God, preached also to them that had fallen asleep before them, and themselves gave unto them the seal of the preaching.
15[92]:6 Therefore they went down with them into the water, and came up again. But these went down alive [and again came up alive]; whereas the others that had fallen asleep before them went down dead and came up alive.
15[92]:7 So by their means they were quickened into life, and came to the full knowledge of the name of the Son of God. For this cause also they came up with them, and were fitted with them into the building of the tower and were builded with them, without being shaped; for they fell asleep in righteousness and in great purity. Only they had not this seal. Thou hast then the interpretation of these things also.” “I have, Sir,” say I.”.” – Shepherd of Hermas
Translation Source:
First Christianity Understanding:
“And it is well said by the Shepherd [of Hermas], “They went down with them therefore into the water, and again ascended. But these descended alive, and again ascended alive. But those who had fallen asleep, descended dead, but ascended alive.” Further the Gospel says, “that many bodies of those that slept arose,” — plainly as having been translated to a better state. There took place, then, a universal movement and translation through the economy of the Saviour.’ – St. Clement of Alexandria
[Emphasis mine]
Comment for Edification:
The phrase “for they fell asleep in righteousness and in great purity. Only they had not this seal” together with the phrase “came to the full knowledge of the name of the Son of God” with the phrase “others that had fallen asleep before them went down dead and came up alive” ——> with the phrase “to rise up through water, that they might be made alive; for otherwise they could not enter into the kingdom of God, except they had put aside the deadness of their [former] life” —> seem to point 🤔 to “the Sheepfold2” (John 10:16) which refers to the “righteous in good works (e. g. John 5:28 – 29, Daniel 12:2) who died without believing in Christ” but believed in Him ‘after seeing Him, John 6:40 (in the afterlife too, implied in John 3:14 – 15).
I cannot find any ‘earlier’ surviving Christian writings discussing these Verses differently and thus this is First Christianity’s Understanding of these Verses.
Please note that St. Clement of Alexandria has never been declared a heretic in First Christianity & is a true Christian, to quote:
“Titus Flavius Clemens, also known as Clement of Alexandria (Greek: Κλήμης ὁ Ἀλεξανδρεύς; c. 150 – c. 215),[1] was a Christian theologian who taught at the Catechetical School of Alexandria. A convert to Christianity, he was an educated man who was familiar with classical Greek philosophy and literature…
Venerated in
Oriental Orthodox Church
Eastern Catholic Churches
Anglican Communion
Eastern Orthodox Churches
Clement is usually regarded as a Church Father. He is venerated as a saint in Coptic Christianity, Ethiopian Christianity and Anglicanism. He was previously revered in the Roman Catholic Church, but his name was removed from the Roman Martyrology in 1586 by Pope Sixtus V on the advice of Baronius.
Controversy: Regarded as a heretic by Photius.”
Do you believe in Photius, seriously?
Photius’ quotes and so called heresy claims have no basis and it’s similar to claiming something Clement did not mean (but they assume that).
The ‘father of Church History’ himself also endorsed St. Clement of Alexandria, to quote from the same Wikipedia source above:
‘ Eusebius is the first writer to provide an account of Clement’s life and works, in his Ecclesiastical History, 5.11.1-5, 6.6.1[87] Eusebius provides a list of Clement’s works, biographical information, and an extended quotation from the Stromata. ‘
Only Photius in First Christianity was against St. Clement of Alexandria and framed him. Even the Roman Catholic Church didn’t take Photius’ claims seriously till 1586 by Pope Sixtus V on the advice of Baronius. Please let that sink in. It should be obvious to anyone sincerely seeking the Truth of First Christianity without bias.
How Orthodox did Eusebius, Bishop of Caesarea (‘father of church history’) see St. Clement of Alexandria?
St. Clement of Alexandria knows these ‘secrets/mysteries’ because ‘he is said to have been on the apostolic anointing, i.e. been deposited the apostolic seed’. So, please be careful before calling him a heretic lest ye be judged on that Day:
Really, please consider Eusebius’ own words below:
To quote:
“At this time Clement, being trained with him in the divine Scriptures at Alexandria, became well known. He had the same name as the one who anciently was at the head of the Roman church, and who was a disciple of the apostles…
These men, preserving the true tradition of the blessed doctrine, directly from the holy apostles, Peter and James and John and Paul, the son receiving it from the father (but few were like the fathers), have come by God’s will even to us to deposit those ancestral and apostolic seeds.” – Eusebius, Bishop of Caesarea (‘father of church history’)
Focus quote: “preserving the true tradition of the blessed doctrine, directly from the holy apostles, Peter and James and John and Paul, … deposit those ancestral and apostolic seeds”
Translation Source for Eusebius Book V, Chapter XI.—Clement of Alexandria from The Church History of Eusebius’ quote above:
Bonus: How did First Christianity understand 1 John 2:2?
“And He is the propitiation for our sins, and not only for ours, but also for those of the whole world.” – apostle John (1 John 2:2, BLB)
First Christianity Understanding (Universal Reconciliation & Salvation in the End post Afterlife Judgment too):
“Ver. 2. “And not only for our sins,”–that is for those of the faithful,–is the Lord the propitiator, does he say, “but also for the whole world.” He, indeed, saves all; but some [He saves], converting them by punishments; others, however, who follow voluntarily [He saves] with dignity of honour; so “that every knee should bow to Him, of things in heaven, and things on earth, and things under the earth;” that is, angels, men, and souls that before His advent have departed from this temporal life.” – St. Clement of Alexandria (c. 150 AD – c. 215 AD, Fragments)
Translation Source:
Peace to you