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Mother’s love

The truth. Brace yourself.

A true mother’s love is “great”.
A true wife’s/husband’s love is “greater”.
God’s Love (being always True) is “Greatest”.



Children used to “ask” me whether God’s love is “greater” or a mother’s love? or are they the “same”?

I answered back that child with a “question” too (who was severely indoctrinated by female chauvinists to worship a mother’s love):

“Why do think/say that your mother’s love is the greatest?”

The child answered:

“because only my mother will even die for me”.

I remarked:

“you got the part which says that a love which is willing to ‘die’ for you is the ‘greatest’, right!”

“However, I can prove to you that there are “loves” greater than your mother’s love”.

The child inquisitively asked:

“tell me, tell me, how?”

(Editor’s note; From this point onwards, let all the chauvinistic female readers “stop reading”. The males who do “mother worship” too may “stop here”. What you read next will “destroy” the “idol” of “mother worship”).

The Proof (as we say mathematically).

I asked the child again:

“You say that your mother’s love is greatest because she would even “die” for “you”. Fair enough, relative to “you”, her willingness to “die” for “you” proves her love is the greatest with respect to that possible act of “dying” for “you”.”

I continued:

“Would your mother die for me or your dad who has ‘left’ her?”

Almost immediately the child answered:


I explained this Empirical truth:

“You see, my child, your mother’s love is as ‘great’ as her willingness to die for her “own flesh”, which is “you”, her child”.

“Your mother would certainly not “die” for “me”, a “friend”, because she has no “blood or flesh” attachment to me”.

“Finally, your mother would not “die” for your “father” who has “left”. Both their “loves” expired on the day they separated.”

“That’s why your mother’s love is ‘great’ only. It has its ‘limits’ being ‘relative’ to it being demonstrated to her “own flesh & blood” only.”

“A wife/husband may also “die” for you in the future if she/he “truly” loves you too! I consider this ‘love’ greater because a wife/husband is willing to “die” for someone who is “not” even related to you by “blood or flesh!” That’s why I said that a wife/husband’s “true love” is “greater”.”

“It doesn’t end there, The Greatest Love is God’s Love in that He not only “died” for you, but also for your “mother”, your “runaway dad”, me, the rest of your “friends” and even for the “devils” themselves. That’s why God’s Love is “truly” the “Greatest”. The end.”

Here are some verses which “prove” that literally:

By prophet Isaiah:

“Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you!” (Isaiah 49:15)

From the greatest king amongst men, king David himself:

“Though my father and mother forsake me, the LORD will receive me.” (Psalm 27:10)

My posts are not good for “business”, I mean mother’s day “business”.

Anyway, happy mother’s day! … Hehehe.

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