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My past demonic experience and its end

Here is my explanation of my experience in a “conversational manner”:


Are demons real?

My answer:

Demons are real.

But whether they’re the “same” as the fallen sons of God or angels, or entirely different creatures, honestly… I don’t know for the Bible does not clearly distinguish nor equalize these “names”.
but are demons the same thing as evil spirits?
My answer:
That’s what I don’t know..could be…
oh ok. what thing about the tormentor demons did bother u.. u said voices? did u see any figures? i mean, just a question.
My answer:
I didn’t see them… But I could hear them distinctly – even converse with them..

They often identified themselves with the different deities (or gods) of this age… I mean the gods of the various Eastern religions…

None, however said its was Jesus (during my experience).. A couple of them also identified themselves as “dead people” (e.g. One voice which was eerily crying said that it was Betrand Russell – the atheist mathematican — and said he was suffering in hell — etc)…

The voices were loud and many spoke at the “same” time in “different but yet human.voices” (both in English & Malay – local languages) causing considering confusion or madness in me for people could see me talking to myself…

It was 24, hours.. On going with no break for months (their speaking & lies tormented me)… They will tell me to do things (go to certain place, mostly take prostitutes — even ask me to jump off buildings saying that I can fly etc…).

I only did not hear them when I slept (out of tiredness).. If I awoke a little, I could hear them “always”… Something like the phrase “no rest day or night”.
ah i see. so what about ur idea of hell then? people are there now? or that ‘spirit’ was lying
thank u for sharing by the way. it helps me understand
My answer:
i believe the spirits or more accurately, the souls of the people are there now in hell …

it’s probably something like due to the dominion given prior to these “sons of God” (or gods of this age), those who heed to their lies (whilst living on earth) return to hell and are tormented by them until an appointed time…

The best lie these demons feed to their captives is that “hell is forever” and that “no one can save you”…
The fact is that Lord Jesus can Save “at anytime” according to the “truthful” repentance though its doesn’t happen that easily…

Even the late Sadhu Sundar Singh testified to this “hidden Truth”..

You can’t trick God. He only knows True Repentance versus just screaming to escape out of hell.
well….so u believe that there’s a hell going on right now..? any hard evidence on that? i kinda feel that is sadistic.. acutually it;s not very biblical since the verses about death are very obvious about people being dead ..literally dead in thought etc
altho punishment is also very unhappy as well. so it seems you see hell as a purgatory?
My answer:
sadistic is true — but not tortured by Christ… by their own gods whom they followed during their earthly lives (that’s how these demons earn the right to torture them)–

God’s punishment is the last one– lake of fire — which is not sadistic at all (sentences read at the end of this age) — here He destroys the evil & sin in the Creature-

Something like earth. A child can be raped and even brutally murdered somewhere on earth by some “evil men” who hold the “dominion” . It’s such with “freewill”. It’s not fair to that child (that’s why it’s evil — but to those who go to hell, their actions on earth determine that)… the “evil men” are analogous to the “gods” and “demons” of the spirit realm.
hell (punished by the “gods” or demons sadistically) — not as purgatory.. (we reap what we sow)- learning the hard way

Lake of fire (strictly punished by God medicinally)– yes, as purgatory — God correcting with righteous Judgment

but where does it say that anyone ‘sells’ their soul to the devil ? any verse reference?
My answer:
I’ve never encountered a “verse” which says you can sell your soul to the devil.. lol.. but only a “saying” in the world teaches that (I don’t believe that such a thing is possible) — you can always repent of it.
so basically you’ve been really bothered by spirits that you kept submitting to. so then ..what saved you again? i forgot the occurrence of Jesus that you mentioned
My answer:
a different voice (I don’t know “who” till today) – I dare not simply guess that it was God or otherwise..

The voice itself came from a different “direction” .. if I remember correctly, from the “heart”-like direction (central part of the chest)

It told me something like “get on your knees and declare that Jesus is God”…

When I did that, it was like someone “lowering the volume” of the demonic voices which were already present.. till it “stopped”, briefly… then those voices were present at a lower volume.. it was repeated a couple of times probably (I can’t remember clearly)

But I understood its message: I was also “preaching” to these voices of demons that Christ can Save them too…so, the instruction was to “repent” truthfully (or at least make a step towards it) evidenced by the “truthful confession” of “Jesus is God or Lord” by submitting to Him “can stop the voices”.

Which Jesus? Definitely the One Who Saves All because at that time, I only believed in the “Saving All Lord Jesus” — as I am today..

As time passed on, and I began to more boldly believe and declare the Truth that Christ saves the World, the voices went down till one day, they were no more. The unexplainable bodily pains (which were present prior) also healed tremendously but took a slower time of four years (probably due to a slower pace of truthful repentance on my part — cleaning of thoughts , words etc)…

A little of what remains (physical pains) may either be “completely healed” soon or “a thorn in the flesh” to stop me from “Falling again”… Only time will tell.
thanks for sharing
My answer:
lastly, one important point which you should know regarding this “bad” mystical experience:
I remember repeating a prayer of mine plenty of times during when I heard demons… “Lord Jesus, please only Heal me fully if I’m believing the Right Truth about You”.

I meant by that prayer “literally” a request to only be Healed when I believe in the Right Lord Jesus (whether He is the Saviour of all; Eternal Tormentor or Annihilator).

That’s why I was “not healed” at all when placed at Christian “mental centers” due to submitting falsely. (fasting & praying to the eternal hell Jesus)…

Long story short, Healing accelerated Greatly “from reduction of those voices” (over the months) to the “reducing of these bodily pains” (over the years) when I began to more boldly believe and preach the True Gospel of Lord Jesus Christ, Saviour of the World (literally).
i see i see. so what’s wrong with fasting and prayer then? isn’t it mentioned in the bible?
My answer:
even the Pharisees fasted and prayed but to almost “no effect” or “little effect” by the “faithless disciples at the beginning” to the more “powerful demons”…

Probably due to not believing the Truth in “full” implying a “weaker faith” (affecting a fasting & prayer which is not built upon Truth or rather is built upon half-Truths)

i see.. i see. very much important
without faith we cannot please God right
My answer:
Yup Yup.. right
ok so question again, hope u don’t mind: so do u feel and know that you are living life to the fullest?

to the greatest extent than you had lived before anyways
My answer:
I rather put it as an insatiable thirst for God has arisen… not a passion for the things of this world..literally
are you at all focused on your spiritual gifts? or do you think those have ceased
My answer:
Gifts are an option… gift of knowledge & wisdom (I sought)…

I rather explain it as Sadhu Sundar Singh, the Christian Universalist of the East put it (regarding my desire for the gifts): “Seek the Giver of the Gifts” (not merely the gifts itself)
ok but didn’t paul encourage to seek prophecy
My answer:
it’s still an option… those who desire it can go for it.. not my cup of tea
oh makes sense
My answer:
I seeked “knowledge & wisdom” simply because I “wanted to know” the Truth
explanations, details etc as much as possible
the answers which lead me to The Answer =Lord Jesus Christ alone
so you are still out there searching? 
My answer:
I’m not searching for Truth anymore since I found Him (Lord Jesus) already.. but the other “answers” for theological questions etc.. it’s an ongoing learning process…

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