1 Peter 4 :6 – Past Tense?
A Popular Fallacy in Translation. It’s NOT a “Past Tense” in the Original Koine Greek Scripture but an “Aorist Tense”.
What’s an “Aorist Tense”?
It’s discussed in the Book “Lost Orthodoxy” in the Context of “Mercy to All” eventually as it is Written in Romans 11:32 too (Page 218).
How about the “Context” of “Mercy Triumphs over Judgment” in James 2:13?
It’s discussed in detail in Page 216 onward for edification.
Best is, how did St. Irenaeous of Lyons (authority in both Doctrine and Koine Greek) understand this “Aorist Tense” in Romans 11:32?
Did Irenaeous understand it as a “maybe” or “availability” or that “it will come to pass eventually” in regards to ‘Might have Mercy to All’ in Romans 11:32?
Please read pages 47 – 48 in that book to see Irenaeous’ “own words” to ‘understand’ Romans 11:32 ‘correctly’.
The Aorist Tense argument for 1 Peter 4:6 is likewise ‘similar’.
Accurate Exegesis – “as it is Written”.
Because of the “Aorist Tense” in Greek for the phrase “Gospel was/is/will be Preached to the Dead” in 1 Peter 4:6, the understanding of it might be ‘more complex’ than ‘usually understood’.
“My understanding” of it is ‘three fold’ (past, present and future tense – as the “Aorist Tense” allows for this, please consult your ‘Greek Professor to see if this claim is true generally’) as it is discussed in Pages 403 – 404 regarding this ‘Context’.
Thank you for reading & may the HOPE of the GOSPEL Bless you!
P/S: Book Link?
Lost Orthodoxy – Paternal Light
Heart ♥ of the Gospel via the Writings of St. Justin Martyr and St. Irenaeous of Lyons.
Our Latest E-book (Downloadable PDF for FREE)
Peace to you
Example of a Definition:
Isn’t St. Irenaeous of Lyons or St. Justin Martyr – Outdated?
Their writings have been used for centuries and are still used in ‘core exegesis’.
So, when people preach the Gospel, many of their exegesis is used (though many don’t realize it).
Example: Who came up first with the idea of ‘Sons of the Devil’ still being ‘His sons naturally’ – the Idea of Paternal Love in the Context of Universalism?
St. Irenaeous of Lyons and NOT ‘our modern scholars’ (Pages 83 – 84 in Book in link below discusses this). John Calvin’s meaning of ‘sons of the devil’ is COMPLETELY AGAINST ‘what Irenaeous wrote beautifully’ with Justice.
P/S: Book Link