All Men – Hope for All Mankind in Christ Alone
How do you understand the fate of all men especially in regards to the first and second resurrection hinted in Holy Scripture?
I see it as follows sir:
First Resurrection (Revelation 20:4 – 6) = only for ‘believers in Christ’, Sheepfold1.
Second Resurrection (1000 years later, Revelation 20:5) = Has ‘another badge of righteous, Sheepfold2’s together with ‘the wicked raised for judgment in their old bodies’ (John 5:28 – 29, Daniel 12:2), SIMULTANEOUSLY in Irenaeous or ‘Millinearism Doctrine of Justin, Papias etc. , it’s called the General Resurrection’.
Sheepfold2 (John 10:16) = Mentioned as receiving the Gospel in the afterlife say via the preaching of the 40 ‘apostles + teachers in the spirit world’ (as the ‘Shepherd of Hermas’ Writing Reveals) or ‘the believing after seeing case’ (John 6:40, as even the epistle of Barnabas hints on this Mystery likewise by quoting John 3:14 – 15 as described in the ‘Lost Orthodoxy’ Book – please see at the end of this write up) = Non-Christian without faith in Christ but have Good Works only (John 5:29, Matthew 25:35 – 46, Revelation 20:12) before His Great White Throne.
Wicked = Raised in the flesh for Judgment in the Lake of Fire where both the ‘body and soul’ would be destroyed (i. e. Sin destroyed with what contained it, as the Potter Breaks the Pot as even Eusebius Mentions), at Gehenna (styled as the Lake of Fire by Irenaeous) as described in Matthew 10:28 where the “spirit will be saved” post this final Judgment (1 Corinthians 5:5). Yes, beyond enduring the judgment as they will “live to God” in spirit first (1 Peter 4:6). This Salvation of the Wicked post Lake of Fire Judgment is clearly revealed in the ‘Sibyline Oracles’ or the ‘Apocalypse of Peter’ & ‘Apocalypse of Elias (Elijah)’ too as endorsed by the ‘First Muratorian Cannon’.
It’s possible to classify all mankind before His Great White Throne as follows:
Sheepfold1 = believers in Christ = “the Great” before His Throne in Revelation 20:12.
Sheepfold2 = non-Christian with Good Works = “the small” before His Throne in Revelation 20:12.
Wicked = “the dead” before His Throne in Revelation 20:12.
*the Wicked are still called “the dead” because though raised in their ‘old identical bodies for Judgment as Justin Marytr writes’, it’s considered a body ‘dead in sin’. Their “new flesh” post this Judgment as a “new flesh is promised to the whole human race as Irenaeous writes” must then be post this final Judgment as John 17:2 Reveals agreeing to the Sibyline Oracles too as Lord Jesus Christ Himself Prophesied all mankind’s end toward this in John 17:4.
Indeed, God in Spirit and His Church (‘the Bride’) calls out toward those ‘thirsty ones from the Lake of Fire’ to be Saved post Lake of Fire Judgment as Prophesied in Revelation 22:17 itself.
More details and quotes from Church History including the empirical evidence of the spirit world visions of both Swedenborg and Sadhu Sundar Singh agreeing to this exegesis (above) is presented in the Lost Orthodoxy Book which may be downloaded for free (in pdf) from link below:
Thank you for reading.
“Who will have ALL MEN to be SAVED, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.” (1 Timothy 2:4, KJV)
‘All Men’ vs ‘Believers’ (a special subset of Christians) are clearly distinguished in 1 Timothy (“Context”) in Verse below:
“For therefore we both labour and suffer reproach, because we trust in the Living God, Who is the SAVIOUR of ALL MEN, SPECIALLY of THOSE that BELIEVE .” (1 Timothy 4:10, KJV)
That’s why, as ‘His Priests’, we “believers” (or Christians) must ‘give thanks to God’ on behalf of this Prophesied Salvation of “All Men” in Holy Scripture:
“I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and GIVING of THANKS, be made for ALL MEN.” (1 Timothy 2:1, KJV)
Yes, it will be Fulfilled in its “own DIVINE-KAIROIS TIMES (plural)” for ‘each of the ALL’ as the Verse below Clearly Mentions (each Verse from 1 Timothy, ‘Context’ – Linking these):
“Who did give Himself a RANSOM for ALL — the testimony in its own times –” (1 Timothy 2:6, YLT)
*testimony in its own times = His Ransom will be applied causing Salvation to come to pass/be fulfilled as a Testimony for ‘each of the All’ in its ‘own times’.
Yes, elsewhere this is also Prophesied as follows:
“For as in Adam ALL die, so also in Christ ALL will be made alive.” (1 Corinthians 15:22, NASB)
It’s simple (as it is Written): the “SAME ALL who die in Adam” is Prophesied in Verse above to be the “SAME ALL who will also be made ALIVE” by Christ.
It’s Irrefutable because its Fulfillment only depends on Lord Jesus Christ Who knows no Failure:
“And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw ALL MEN to Myself.” – Lord Jesus Christ (John 12:32, NASB)
All Glory to Lord Jesus Christ, our Most Blessed Savior of the World!
AEONIAN Life – Age during Life
The Quote in Image is Beautifully Put.
Verses agreeing to this in the Greatest Giving of Life for Gospel Reasons:
“For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake and the Gospel’s will save it. For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world, and forfeit his soul?” – Lord Jesus Christ (Mark 8:35 – 36, NASB)
“… ‘Verily I say to you, that there is not one who left house, or parents, or brothers, or wife, or children, for the sake of the reign of God, who may not receive back manifold more in this time, and in the COMING AGE, LIFE AGE-DURING.” – Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 18:29 – 30, YLT)
Please note the following carefully from the ‘same root Greek Word Aion/Eon meaning Age’ as whether it’s a noun or adjective from Verse above:
That is:
in the COMING AGE (Singular) = AEON2
Please note that the current ‘Age or Aeon’ is labelled AEON1 in the Lost Orthodoxy Book (example Verse speaking of this Current Age, AEON1 is Matthew 28:20).
Another Verse proving that there is at least AEON2, AEON3, … to come (PLURAL-AEON/Ages) is Revealed in Ephesians 2:7.
P/S: Did First Christianity understand it as thus regarding AEONIAN Life being life in successive ages as defined Biblically in Verses above too?
Yes, to quote from St. Irenaeous of Lyons himself (from page 141 of the Lost Orthodoxy Book):
I repeat with EMPHASIS:
“… know NOT how to read [apostle] Paul. … And he [apostle Paul] says, “the unbelievers of THIS AGE, [AEON, AGE1],” because they shall NOT INHERIT the FUTURE AGE [AEON, AGE2] of Incorruption … So therefore, in such passages, the hyperbaton must be exhibited by the reading, and the apostle’s meaning following on, preserved; and thus we do NOT read in that passage, “the god of THIS AGE, [AEON, AGE1],” but, “God,” whom we do truly call God; and we hear [it declared of] the UNBELIEVING and the BLINDED of THIS AGE, [AEON, AGE1], that they shall NOT INHERIT the AGE [AEON, AGE2] of life which is TO COME [next AGE, next AEON, Future – AGE2].” (Irenaeous, ‘Against Heresies’, Book 3, Chapter VII, Point 1 & Point 2)
Please note that Irenaeos basically ‘repeats himself twice’ in the above that the ‘unbelieving’ of THIS CURRENT AGE, AEON1 —> shall NOT inherit ‘life’ & ‘incorruption’ in the NEXT AGE, AEON2 and that there is also at least AEON3 (based on Ephesians 2:7) proving that the next AEON2 is NOT eternal as explained by Irenaeous’ own writing too (in the previous post below – under the Topics, ‘Aeons of the Aeons – ages of Ages – St. Irenaeous of Lyons on the Eternal Age Heresy’ and ‘All Things – Aeons – Salvation of All – Secrets from St. Irenaeous of Lyons’ – for example):