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Body Soul Spirit

Literal apologetics for body, soul & spirit.
Is “body + spirit (breath) = soul?”
Is the definition given above true?
Consider the points below:
No verse proves this addition formula.
Living soul = A spirit alive with will & attachments (or abilities to it) living in a body made out of earth (where the body was not alive until the soul = spirit + attachments or abilities to it, came to life via God’s Breath which created this soul in such a manner).
Also note that when the Lord mentioned He is able to destroy “body and soul” in Gehenna, these two things “body” and “soul” are mentioned ‘distinctly’ mean that one is “not” contained in the other but are separate things.
For if the “body” is part of the “soul” by definition, then Christ just needed to mention that God is able to destroy the “soul” in Gehenna only since here, the “body would be included in the definition of soul itself”.
This is not the case and therefore since Christ mentions “body” and “soul” distinctly, they must be non-overlapping and distinct indeed.
Note that I haven’t found a verse which mentions “soul” and “spirit” distinctly in the sense of “non-overlapping-ness” in the same sentence allowing the inference for these two to “overlap” in their definitions.
Similarly, another verse in Ecclesiastes 12:7 clearly distinguishes “body” and “spirit” which means this two are distinct with no overlapping either.
Lastly, apostle Peter mentions that Christ went and preached to the “spirits” in “prison” (believed to be Hades; Hell) which allows for an overlapping definition between “soul” and “spirit” given above.
Finally, consider the singular verse below which mentions “body, soul and spirit” distinctly meaning that the absolute definitions of “any two” cannot be the “same” “nor one contained in another” but at most, “may overlap or share a common ground in their respective definitions”:
“and the God of the peace Himself sanctify you wholly, and may your whole spirit, and soul, and body, be preserved unblameably in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ;” (1 Thessalonians 5:23)

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