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Boss and the Workers

This is a matter of Management Perspective.

Recently, a friend told me about how a ‘manager’ works so hard that even on her off days she calls to check on the education center she’s running even to the extent of doing surprise visits to “spot check” her teachers. He was praising her for such dedication (usual Management Perspective).

I disagreed. My thought is, if you need to do “all that”, we have teachers who are “unethical” & are just “pretending to work” especially when the “boss is around”.

A true honest worker will work when there’s work assigned and not when there’s none (honest – for example, I’ve informed my boss that I play with facebook all day if I have no work assigned or have done my work – there was no new work which I could create to fill the time, he knows & he agreed – till he planned other works to fill my time as it is now).

Also, dedicated teachers work the same when the boss is there or not toward their students.

A suspicious boss who does strange spot checks and all that has trust issues (paranoia of some sort or just an “attitude” of charades, not truthful) . If you need to spot check like that, you’ve probably hired teachers with the “wrong attitude”.

Well, I guess even work ethics boils down to one thing, which is “attitude”. Have the “right attitude” & all these ‘management charades’ are “not” needed for both the “boss & workers”.

*we can’t change people; they need to change for themselves in aiming to be better from within for it to remain permanent.

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