Enemies (What’s so great about Lord Jesus?)
The easiest thing to do is to ignore our enemies and hope the worst for them especially when the enemy has murdered a family member, say a mother or a son…
But that’s what differentiated God from man:
He Loved them back to Save the World despite them killing His only Son, hating Him, rejecting Him for “no reason” literally;
How? Why? Because He Will Save even His enemies too as The Mystery of Christ states to reconcile them all which will be testified in its appropriate times having made peace through His Blood on His Cross (Colossians 1:20).
Remember, we are who we really are by the way we treat our enemies not our friends… Yes, that’s what differentiates Lord Jesus from all (literally).
Blessed Saviour indeed!
That’s why He taught us, “Love your enemies” not to piss them off (as some eternal hell believers falsely teach) but in all sincerity and truth as Christ is. He is only exhorting us to do what He Will or Has Done!
This is Who God is Ultimately in the “end”.
That’s why it’s written. The Greatest of these is Love (1 Corinthians 13).
It’s also written truthfully that “God is Love” (literally).