His Cross
A quote:
“If we make the Cross the appeasement of God’s anger instead of the revelation of God’s Love, we will end up with a distorted Christianity” – Brian Zahnd
A Deep Truth is revealed here:
(i) The Cross symbolizes God’s Wrath (False)
(ii) The Cross symbolizes God’s Love simply because it shows “how much” He Will endure (even to Death & His Descend into Hell/Hades) just to ‘Save the World’ (Truth).
Know this, and you’ll understand the “Gospel” better.
It “pleased” God to ‘allow’ Himself to be Hurt on the Cross to bear the ‘pain due to the full sin of the world’ so that by the shedding of His Sinless Blood, Peace is achieved, and all creation may be Reconciled back to Him in time, making “all (created) things new” eventually.
But guess what?
Even Death couldn’t kill Him and Hades couldn’t hold Him —> These became ‘mortal’ too in that they shall ‘cease’ because they ‘touched Him’.
‘Blessed Saviour of the World’