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Mystery of Entering Heaven via First Christianity and Jewish Christianity

Last Updated: 23 February 2022


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Latest Update: 5 Dec 2022


























Page of Contents for this #BibleandChurchFathersQuoteBook













Latest Update: 19 February 2022


This book is written to look at how some Christian Doctrines are Ignored by some modern Christians as not so important.  Therefore we try our  best not to repeat the usual Doctrines which are already well Revealed and accepted across mainstream Christianity such as the Doctrine of Trinity to the Doctrine of Holiness and rather choose to Speak about the other New Testament Bible Verses which pertain to some of these Ignored Doctrines and Possibilities so that a Christian may decide his walk of faith better and not be discouraged by empty words against it sometimes (by those who preach a simplified saved by Grace Doctrine ignoring the fruits of Salvation or in some cases ignoring the Rewards Doctrine for Works as Revealed for this New Testament).


The free pdf may be found in link below:




Thank you





Latest Update: 31 Oct 2022


This book is written to explain some key Christian Doctrine position we take to be Safe Scripturally highlighting the Risks with Bible Verses for those who do otherwise. This is important to as a Christian because we do not want Christ Questioning us one day regarding ‘Why we didn’t warn others?’ based on Verses below:


“… When I say to the wicked, ‘O wicked man, you shall surely die!’ and YOU DO NOT SPEAK TO WARN THE WICKED FROM HIS WAY, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity; BUT HIS BLOOD I WILL REQUIRE AT YOUR HAND. Nevertheless IF YOU WARN the WICKED to TURN FROM HIS WAY, and he does not turn from his way, he shall die in his iniquity; but YOU HAVE DELIVERED YOUR SOUL. …” (Ezekiel 33:8 – 9, NKJV)


This does not necessarily mean that the opposite positions to what we propose as the Safe Route Scripturally in this Book must we wrong but rather in some cases it could be so if God permitted it. However the risk of the opposite positions is still there because we prove our position with Bible Verses and the opposite positions usually pertain to New Modern Ways which some Christians have claimed that God told them do so especially based on the Progressive Revelation Movement which we do not support.


Since only God Knows whether their claims are true or not, we do not judge those Christians letting God Judge them alone. However, we also point out to them to have respect for these First Ways of the Church especially which are Written in Bible Verses because the Doctrinal Position we demonstrate is already Plainly Written in Holy Scripture and so it is already 100% Approved by New Testament Scripture and the First Churches which obeyed it are already Saved by Practicing it and that’s why we seek to Imitate Scripture likewise.  Big number of Christians following a Doctrine or believing in something is not necessarily a sign of Truth which is easy to prove for any Protestants since no matter what blessing or evangelism they claim, the Roman Catholics beat them in financial blessings to number of souls and so by that logic, does it justify Praying to Virgin Mary? So claiming such proofs is not Biblical but rather we point to Bible Verses only for each claim.



The free pdf may be found in link below:




Thank you







“Prosperity Testimony” – Questions to Ponder


A General Scenario: Imagine your country has majority of religion A and race B but a person of religion C and race D becomes its king by Democracy. So if that “king” comes and gives a testimony of his life, would you leave your religion and convert to that instead?


This is a reason “why” I do “not” believe in any “Prosperity” as a

“sign of truth”.


The “king” may be from subrace D1 while the others from his native country may be from subrace D2, D3, … where even among them they won’t support those of another subrace easily or if any from their subrace is not of the same religion of C, can you see it?


In fact, they won’t even allow subrace D2, D3, etc. to marry those of subrace D1 or some selected subrace only to do so. But despite such racism hidden within their own hearts even, they can be among the “richest” people in the world too. God Will Reveal everything One Day.


While people from race D or others wish to be “king” in the land of majority religion A and race B, in their own “native land/motherland” NO ONE from race B or others who do not believe in religion C will ever be a “king” there (in their “motherland”) by “democracy”, an irony isn’t it?


The only “Genuine Truth” here I see is that the people of majority religion A and race B have been able to PRACTICE JUSTICE beyond their own religion A and race B which itself puts them at a MORAL LEVEL that is UNSURPASSED by their other counterparts. The day the others can do similarly in not just “appointing a king” but also in “other matters of business and life” then they get closer to “God’s Truth”. Till then, it’s just a “prosperity game” which is an “illusion” which destroys one in the “spirit world”.


A similar thing can be seen in regards to “Prosperity Churches” vs “Poorer Churches” likewise in analogy.


That’s why Christ put the Command of PERFECTION not as “prosperity” but the CHARITY DOCTRINE:


“… 21JESUS said to him, “IF you want to be PERFECT, go, SELL what YOU HAVE and GIVE to the POOR, and YOU WILL HAVE TREASURE IN HEAVEN; and come, FOLLOW ME.” 22But when the young man heard that saying, he went away SORROWFUL, for he had GREAT POSSESSIONS. 23Then JESUS said to His disciples, “Assuredly, I say to you that it is HARD for a RICH MAN TO ENTER THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN. 24And AGAIN I say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. …” (Matthew 19:21 – 24, NKJV)


That’s why in CHRIST’s OWN WORDS here we see that the GREATEST NUMBER is “ZERO” for those who can do “ZERO PROSPERITY” of “… SELL what YOU HAVE and GIVE to the POOR, and YOU WILL HAVE TREASURE IN HEAVEN; and come, FOLLOW ME. …” which I CANNOT DO (so even a scrap of heaven or at the final new earth would suffice for me) but the Greatest Fathers of the Church the world has even known (as I have quoted say in the #SafeRouteScripturallyBook) have done it remarkably. Please note that letting go of wealth and living like a hermit does NOT count much if the “wealth was left to the family” earlier as that person by relative measure did NOT give anything to the poor. I mean the best is to give some to family and according to one’s ability give to the poor as well.


An Edifying Comment: Can the country of origin of such persons allow those NOT of same race NOR of same religion to hold such portfolio likewise? (or will they never vote for such even if the candidate is good? NOT just in POLITICS but any field too like for example in Education even they grab the “paying teaching opportunities to themselves instead of the candidate of best qualification among them even” as that’s their “moral level even toward same race but different religion” is only at that level of “prejudice” even. So, Let all Answer God One Day).




You see it is People who send themselves to “Hell” (even if “Eternal so be it”) due to “their own injustice and unholiness within them” as these few points in comparison itself shows.


Peace to you












































Especially those which affect the “future in the Spirit World and beyond” after we die toward the “Resurrection”.




































St. Ambrose of Milan seems to be very CONFIDENT of SUCH NON ELECT SALVATION from the LAKE of FIRE CONTEXT as his quotes next seem to point, right?









Source: https://www.sacred-texts.com/cla/sib/sib04.htm


Page 1867 of the #SafeRouteScripturallyBook .

Page 1908 of the #SafeRouteScripturallyBook





Please find the Latest Draft of a New Book Titled  “Mystery of the Kingdom of Heaven in First Christianity” (Completed 31 January 2022) in pdf (free download/viewing) in link below:









Short Description of Book


This Book explores the Mystery of the Kingdom of Heaven beginning with Christ’s Most Blessed Words Found in Holy Scripture and explores related Bible Verses and other First Christianity Quotes especially from the Church Fathers who were direct disciples of the Apostles themselves or their disciples to understand this better and explore related topics by giving Church History examples too where relevant.


Thank you



Free E-Books are Available in link below including the latest one titled:




Here’s another Draft of a new book too



Here’s another Draft of a new book too




This Book explores mostly the Bible Verses related to the Charity Doctrine aspect apart from looking at some other related topics regarding Christian Perfection. Its contents are not well listed out but for a keen reader it will be more of a treasure hunt for Bible Verses on such Topics together with First Christianity quotes in support of it where possible. A 100 year old or 500 year old Christianity cannot fully Reveal 2000 year old Christianity’s Mysteries and Secrets.


The free pdf may be found in link below:





Thank you




Please find the Latest Draft of a New Book Titled


“Eternal Hell Annihilation and Universalism in Christianity – Can all three be true A Look with the Apostolic Fathers” (Completed 24 December 2021) in pdf (free download/viewing) in link below:




Short Description of Book


This Book explores the Bible Verses to see whether Eternal Hell Annihilation and Universalism in Christianity can be true simultaneously in some way especially from writings of the Church Fathers who were direct disciples of the Apostles themselves or their disciples to understand this better via those writings called the Apostolic Fathers. We only quote the Apostolic Fathers Writings as modern Scholarship calls it such since these are the earliest Christian Writings known and which were accepted in First Christianity. The later fathers and Christians even if 1 million of them believe in it can err since they may be repeating what one particular church father has said or interpreted. In light of this fact, it may be best to look at these earliest and best ones known to Christianity outside the Bible.


Thank You








“… 19Whoever therefore BREAKS one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called LEAST in the KINGDOM of HEAVEN; but whoever DOES and TEACHES them, he shall be called GREAT in the kingdom of heaven. …” – KING of the Heavens and the Most Blessed One, LORD of lords, Jesus Christ (Matthew 5:19, NKJV)


His Commands” here =  (not the abolished Torah parts but ‘what He Commanded and re-enforced for the New Testament’).






Sermon on the Mount Mystery (Matthew 5 to Matthew 7) – CHRIST’S Most Important Sermon


Source Post:



As per quote in image, this Sermon on the Mount is FULL of CHARITY DOCTRINE VERSES of SHARING and GIVING toward ENEMIES even to HOLINESS Commands (including PRAYER and FASTING) as well with other COMMANDS for JUDGMENT.


So we should PREACH ALL of THESE AS IT IS WRITTEN in order to PREACH like CHRIST. Not one Verse in this ‘Sermon of Mount’ is about ‘End time Prophecies’ (proving that these are all secondary) or ‘how to receive earthly blessings to enjoy prosperity’ (which does NOT exist under the New Covenant, only “Contentment” regardless what is Given asking only for “Needs” & “Sharing, anything more”).


A Converting “MANY” Lawless Christianity is DENIED at the END of this SERMON of the MOUNT as follows for the REASON of “LAWLESSNESS” (NOT doing “His Commands’ type of “CONVERSIONS”):


“… 21“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22MANY will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ 23And then I will declare to them, ‘I NEVER KNEW YOU; depart from Me, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS!’ 24“Therefore WHOEVER HEARS THESE SAYINGS OF MINE, and DOES THEM, I will liken him to a WISE MAN WHO BUILT HIS HOUSE ON THE ROCK: …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ  (Matthew 7:21 – 24, NKJV)


“… But why do you call Me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and NOT DO THE THINGS WHICH I SAY? …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 6:46, NKJV)





Which Commands?


“… 19Whoever therefore BREAKS one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called LEAST in the KINGDOM of HEAVEN; but whoever DOES and TEACHES them, he shall be called GREAT in the kingdom of heaven. …” – KING of the Heavens and the Most Blessed One, LORD of lords, Jesus Christ (Matthew 5:19, NKJV)


His Commands” here =  (not the abolished Torah parts but ‘what He Commanded and re-enforced for the New Testament’).



Peace to you


Salvation Cannot be Earned – Highlight from CHRIST’S WORDS ONLY


FEW Chosen” (Matthew 22:14) = “… 24“Therefore WHOEVER HEARS THESE SAYINGS OF MINE, and DOES THEM, I will liken him to a WISE MAN WHO BUILT HIS HOUSE ON THE ROCK: …” (Matthew 7:24, NKJV) above.


“His Commands” here =  (not the abolished Torah parts but ‘what He Commanded and re-enforced for the New Testament’).


In short, “if Chosen”, one will be able to do “His Commands” by ‘Relative Measure’ and Vice Versa.





Mystery of Many Called Few Chosen – who are the “FEW” Chosen?


Source Post:



His “Grace” will exhibit the “Work” of Salvation in the “Few” Chosen, indeed it cannot be earned:


Comment: In Matthew 22 itself the Context of “… 14“For MANY are CALLED, but FEW are CHOSEN.” …” for those “… there who DID NOT HAVE on a WEDDING GARMENT. …” points to those “WHOSE WORKS” are described “Parabolically” as ‘… went to his own farm, another to his business …’ (Matthew 22:5) and who consisted of both ‘… good and bad …’ (Matthew 22:10). So, the invited Christians here seem to have some type of Faith in Christ as they responded and made it as “guests” at “His Wedding” but some are classified as “GOOD” while others as “BAD” based on “THEIR WORKS” as these Verses point ‘parabolically’ too. The “FEW” represents those with “GOOD WORKS” if viewed like this. Only God Knows but it’s entirely “possible” as other Verses agree. So to be ‘Safe Scripturally’, we should Preach to encourage “Good Works” (fulfilling any Commands of Christ from Holiness to Charity Doctrine) for Christians to fulfil by “Relative Measure”.




White Garments is NOT FAITH but GOOD WORKS as described in this ‘same Book of Revelation’:


“White Garment” = “Good Works in Action” (“Overcomers”, not holiness only) = “Righteous Acts of the Saints” (human Good Works letting God Work it through us, His Will), Verse:


“… 7Let us be glad and rejoice and give Him glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready.” 8And to her it was granted to be ARRAYED IN FINE LINEN, CLEAN AND BRIGHT, for the FINE LINEN is the RIGHTEOUS ACTS OF THE SAINTS. 9Then he said to me, “Write: ‘Blessed are those who are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb!’ ” And he said to me, “These are the true sayings of God.” . …” (Revelation 19:7 – 9, NKJV)


Those with “Lawless Works” Will be the “Many” Denied despite “converting MANY based on ‘spiritual gifts such as Prophesying, Casting out Demons & Miracles claims instead of His Commands” (please notice the word “MANY” carefully):


“… 21“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22MANY will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ 23And then I will declare to them, ‘I NEVER KNEW YOU; depart from Me, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS!’ 24“Therefore WHOEVER HEARS THESE SAYINGS OF MINE, and DOES THEM, I will liken him to a WISE MAN WHO BUILT HIS HOUSE ON THE ROCK: …” (Matthew 7:21 – 24, NKJV)


FEW Chosen” (Matthew 22:14) = “… 24“Therefore WHOEVER HEARS THESE SAYINGS OF MINE, and DOES THEM, I will liken him to a WISE MAN WHO BUILT HIS HOUSE ON THE ROCK: …” (Matthew 7:24, NKJV) above.


Perhaps some of these could be “least” and be saved in the Second Resurrection 1000 years later, Revelation 20:5 (“possible” but let God Decide):


“… 19Whoever therefore BREAKS one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called LEAST in the KINGDOM of HEAVEN; but whoever DOES and TEACHES them, he shall be called GREAT in the kingdom of heaven. …” – KING of the Heavens and the Most Blessed One, LORD of lords, Jesus Christ (Matthew 5:19, NKJV)

“His Commands” here =  (not the abolished Torah parts but ‘what He Commanded and re-enforced for the New Testament’).


In short, “if Chosen”, one will be able to do “His Commands” by ‘Relative Measure’ and Vice Versa.



Church Finance Politics  and New Testament Traditions Issues


Source Post:




1) New Testament Traditions and how it is Scripture  has been discussed in post in link below





Thus following this Way of Scripture and Church History for the first 1900 years of Christianity which had “no” other way apart from “obeying all these New Testament Traditions” (as many churches still do today), is 100% Approved Way as OBEYING THE WORD OF GOD as these Verses confirm beautifully and thus has “no” condemnation.


“… ALL SCRIPTURE is given by INSPIRATION of GOD, and is profitable for DOCTRINE, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, …” (2 Timothy 3:16, NKJV)


Since all SCRIPTURE is by the MOST BLESSED HOLY SPIRIT of GOD and can be USED FOR DOCTRINE (as 2 Timothy 3:16 above clearly Reveals) so we can FOLLOW THIS NEW TESTAMENT TRADITIONS as IT IS WRITTEN.  So our DOCTRINE here for this is 100% Approved of God. Can you see it please?


Also, Teaching or Speaking against HIS COMMANDS or TRADITIONS here which ARE SCRIPTURE has the RISK OF THE UNFORGIVABLE BLASPHEMY of THE HOLY SPIRIT (we cannot say for sure because ONLY GOD CAN DECIDE that) but we WARN of the DANGER and LEAVE it to your decision).



If it turns out to be the unforgivable Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit (Matthew 12:30 – 32) or you caused some to do that by following and speaking AGAINST these NEW TESTAMENT TRADITIONS, are you going to be saved?



If you turn out be to be right in thy “new ways” and “God Really Spoke and told you can”, even so WE WILL NOT BE CONDEMNED for UPHOLDING THIS NEW TESTAMENT TRADITION SCRIPTURE WAY (as it was upholded by 1900 years of Christianity till today) and BEST STILL is THE WAY OF SCRIPTURE.




Also, every racist Tom, Dick and Harry would want to evangelize their own race or the rich and so decide Church Money to be spent on “saving souls excuse” but neglect the “poor financially souls”.


If not true, please do some “free ministry programs for the poor such as free Math classes or something paying the teacher only” (if none are willing in your denomination/church, I will do this for you).


If not, the claim is true as your Tadika ministry to Homeschool can only afforded by the rich and targets such income group people only with CHURCH MONEY for SUCH MINISTRIES or SALARIES for SUCH (even if they pay for the FEES this is NOT what THE CHURCH PREMISES ought to do UNLESS an EQUAL RELATIVE MEASURE of that CHURCH MONEY or PROFIT is SPENT ON THE POOR, “percentage count”, do the Math as God Will, example Luke 21:1 – 4).


Knowing and NOT knowing God’s WILL IN THIS as many Bible Verses Testify (you can see from the free recent pdf Books too) DOES NOT EXEMPT YOU or YOUR CHURCH as INNOCENT but ONLY whether it MERITS MORE or LESS PUNISHMENTS accordingly, Verses:


“…, 46the master of that servant will come on a day when he is not looking for him, and at an hour when he is not aware, and will cut him in two and appoint him his portion with the unbelievers. 47And that SERVANT WHO KNEW HIS MASTER’s WILL,  and DID NOT PREPARE himself or do according to his will, SHALL BE EATEN WITH MANY STRIPES. 48But HE WHO DID NOT KNOW YET COMMITTED THINGS DESERVING OF STRIPES, SHALL BE BEATEN WITH FEW. For EVERYONE TO WHOM MUCH IS GIVEN, FROM HIM MUCH IS REQUIRED; and TO WHOM MUCH IS COMMITTED, of HIM THEY WILL ASK THE MORE. …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 12:46 – 48, NKJV)




  1. The Verse above speaks of the Context of believers (“servant”) as if he does the same as how the unbelievers likewise show partiality in politics to favor their race with Government Money or equivalent, they end up likewise, phrase here “… appoint him his portion with the unbelievers …”.



  1. Many Beatings for Christians who knew GOD’s WILL (example in this Church Finance area)

“… 7And that SERVANT WHO KNEW HIS MASTER’s WILL,  and DID NOT PREPARE himself or do according to his will, SHALL BE EATEN WITH MANY STRIPES.  …”


  1. Few Beatings for Christians who DID NOT KNOW GOD’s WILL (example in this Church Finance area)



  1. Relative Measure



This same Judgment does “not” apply just to “your Church” but “ours too” and gathering of believers if they Collect Money in God’s Name or individually too (so it is fair to all) and by relative measure (% count as per Luke 21:1 – 4).


If these elements of Doctrine were True, why God did NOT correct me or you earlier?


Please remember, that even FOR 70 YEARS they PRAYED and FASTED but WERE WRONG God ONLY REVEALED THIS CHARITY DOCTRINE ASPECT AFTER THAT (letting them to be WRONG for such a LONG TIME with regards to this CHARITY DOCTRINE CONTEXT), Verses:




Please notice carefully that God Only Asked about this AFTER SEVENTY YEARS they have practicing such “religious observation faithfully” and NEVER CORRECTED THEM EARLIER ALLOWING THEM TO BE IN ERROR FOR SUCH A LONG TIME.




“… 4Then THE WORD OF THE LORD of hosts came to me, saying, 5“Say to ALL THE PEOPLE OF THE LAND, and TO THE PRIESTS: ‘WHEN YOU FASTED AND MOURNED in the fifth and seventh months DURING THOSE SEVENTY YEARS, DID YOU REALLY FAST FOR ME—FOR ME? 6When YOU EAT AND WHEN YOU DRINK, DO YOU NOT EAT AND DRINK FOR YOURSELVES? 7Should you not have OBEYED THE WORDS WHICH THE LORD proclaimed through the FORMER PROPHETS when Jerusalem and the cities around it were inhabited and prosperous, and the [f]South and the Lowland were inhabited?’ ”


Let none of you plan evil in his heart Against his brother.’ 11“But they refused to heed, shrugged[h] their shoulders, and stopped[i] their ears so that they could not hear. 12Yes, they made their hearts like flint, REFUSING TO HEAR THE LAW and THE WORDS WHICH THE LORD OF HOSTS had sent by HIS SPIRIT THROUGH THE FORMER PROPHETS. Thus GREAT WRATH came from the Lord of hosts.  …” (Zechariah 7:4 – 12, NKJV)

Comment: OPRESSING the POOR or WIDOW or FATHERLESS is “not” just when one does direct harm but also WHEN ONE DOES NOT GIVE GOD’s MONEY or CHURCH MONEY to them as CHRIST HAS WARNED LIKEWISE in Luke 11:39 – 42 as I have discussed at the end of this Book in detail too.

Peace to you






Safe Route Scripturally  – What is the Wedding Garment?


Source Post:



Wedding of the Lamb = First Resurrection = Few Saved.


Other support quotes from earlier books:



1) #MysteryoftheKingdomofHeavenBook (Page 82)


When Christ Spoke ‘of Many are called but Few Chosen’, He was not talking about earthly Prosperity or Equivalent in Verses below, but rather the context of the “few Chosen” is they that would have the “Wedding Garment” (so what’s the ‘Wedding Garment Definition’? Let’s see with “Bible Verses” next & not the deceptive opinions of men):


White Garment = Wedding Garment = Holiness + Good Works in Action (e.g. Charity Doctrine Lifestyle) = Mystery of “For MANY are CALLED, but FEW are CHOSEN.”


“… 11“But when the king came in to see the guests, he saw a man there who DID NOT HAVE on a WEDDING GARMENT. 12So he said to him, ‘Friend, how did you come in here without a wedding garment?’ And he was speechless. 13Then the king said to the servants, ‘Bind him hand and foot, [b]take him away, and cast him into outer darkness; there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’ 14“For MANY are CALLED, but FEW are CHOSEN.” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 22:11 – 14, NKJV)







2) #saferoutescripturallybook   (Pages 126 and 127)


  1. i) Please notice carefully that the LAODICEAN CHURCH did NOT HAVE “WHITE GARMENTS” even though they were FINANCIALLY PROPEROUS and had MANY CONVERTS and were HEALTH-WISE PROSPEROUS on EARTH and to “Correct” them Christ DID NOT Point to THEIR FAITH but “THEIR WORKS” which was Wrong (yes please notice the phrase “YOUR WORKS” carefully in Verses below):


“… 15“I KNOW YOUR WORKS, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. 16So then, because YOU ARE LUKEWARM, and neither [k]cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth. 17Because you say, ‘I AM RICH, HAVE BECOME WEALTHY, and HAVE NEED OF NOTHING’—and do not know that YOU ARE WRETCHED, MISERABLE, POOR, BLIND, AND NAKED— 18I counsel you to BUY FROM ME GOLD REFINED IN THE FIRE, that YOU MAY BE RICH; and WHITE GARMENTS that you may be clothed, that the shame of your nakedness may not be revealed; and anoint your eyes with eye salve, that you may see. …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Revelation 3:15 – 18, NKJV)


Note: I repeat, the ONLY SIN of the Laodicean Church was “Prosperity” (nothing else is Written as Christ points to other Church to have ‘sexually immoral or Doctrine of Nicolaitans or Balak etc.’). They had some type of “FAITH in Christ with PROSPERITY focus” BUT did NOT HAVE the CHARITY DOCTRINE as First Christianity quote below reveals this Context too likewise (example from Page 182 from the #AlmsgivingandAtonementMysteryBook ):


“… “Just as lukewarm water causes people who receive it to vomit,” he says, “hence I too, through a word of my mouth will vomit you like DETESTED FOOD INTO ETERNAL PUNISHMENT, for you MINGLED THE THORNS OF RICHES with the seed of the divine word216 in your own poverty by spiritual ignorance, and the blindness of your intelligible217 eyes AND THE NAKEDNESS OF GOOD DEEDS.”218 Rev. 3:18 I advise you to buy from me gold refined by fire, so that you will become rich, and that you MAY PUT ON WHITE GARMENTS, that the shame of your nakedness may not be revealed, and salve to anoint your eyes, that you may see. “If you would be rich,” he says, “to acquire a burning résolve and a willing heart take refined gold from me, the Enricher, the instructive Word illumined by the fire of 9 1 0 trials, through which you will hâve the inviolable treasure in the heart and be clothed in the most BRILLIANT GARMENT [44] OF VIRTUES through which the NAKEDNESS ATTACHED TO YOU FROM SIN 990 WILL BE COVERED.” EYE SALVE (IS) ALSO LACK OF POSSESSIONS. …” – Blessed St. Andreas/Andrew, Bishop of Caesarea, Earliest* Greek Patristic commentary on the Apocalypse (c. 563 AD – c. 637 AD)

Source [ Point 43 – 44 , Pages 51 – 52, Chapter 9 ] :



  1. ii) Why is this Important? Only those with “WHITE GARMENTS” have their names “Written” in the “BOOK of LIFE” to escape the “Lake of Fire”, Verses:


“… He who OVERCOMES shall be clothed in WHITE GARMENTS, and I will not blot out his name from the BOOK OF LIFE; but I will confess his name before My Father and before His angels. …” (Revelation 3:5, NKJV)


iii) White Garments is NOT FAITH but GOOD WORKS as described in this ‘same Book of Revelation’:


“White Garment” = “Good Works in Action” (“Overcomers”, not holiness only) = “Righteous Acts of the Saints” (human Good Works letting God Work it through us, His Will), Verse:


“… 7Let us be glad and rejoice and give Him glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready.” 8And to her it was granted to be ARRAYED IN FINE LINEN, CLEAN AND BRIGHT, for the FINE LINEN is the RIGHTEOUS ACTS OF THE SAINTS. 9Then he said to me, “Write: ‘Blessed are those who are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb!’ ” And he said to me, “These are the true sayings of God.” . …” (Revelation 19:7 – 9, NKJV)


Better to be Safe Scripturally and “Prepare”  for it likewise for which there is “no” condemnation (May God Help us to be Wise).


Peace to you




Decide for yourselves.


I have decided to follow Scripture as it is Written way and with Actual Church History (first 1900 years) as the “Safe Route Scripturally”.


1) Bible because it is the Word of God (so must be Taught)


2) The Bible Speaks of “Cloud of Witnesses” (Hebrews 12:1 – 3) whose Faith we are to Imitate


  1. i) Imitate their Faith in New Testament “Traditions” is called IMITATING CHRIST (so we don’t need cultural imitation or anything else – the Bible already PRAISE this WAY 100% Approved)


“… 1IMITATE ME, just as I also IMITATE CHRIST. 2Now I PRAISE you, brethren, that you remember me in all things and KEEP the TRADITIONS just as I delivered them to you. …” (1 Corinthians 11:1 – 2, NKJV)


  1. ii) Imitate their Faith in other aspects


“… Brethren, join in following my example, and NOTE THOSE WHO ALSO WALK, as you have us for A PATTERN. …” (Philippians 3:17, NKJV0


So we take quotes from Church History to prove similar doctrines or “possibilities” on things which we are “not” sure 100%.



Peace to you





(any of it according to the Measure of Grace Given, From Matthew 5 to Matthew 7 to 1 Corinthians 11 to 14, 2 Peter 3:2 etc.)

Source Post:



Please notice the words “Obey His Commands” in Verse in image which is what the HOLY SPIRIT of God HELPS us to OBEY, Verses:


“… 15“If YOU LOVE ME, [d]KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS. 16And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another [e]HELPER, that He may ABIDE WITH YOUR FOREVER— 17the SPIRIT of TRUTH, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you.  …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (John 14:15 – 17, NKJV)


Comment: Please notice how Christ Describes the “Spirit of Truth” to be a “Helper” in the Context of HELPING US OBET HIS COMMANDMENTS. Gifts are an option not Command, example Verses:


“… 27Now you are the body of Christ, and members individually. 28And God has appointed these in the church: first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, administrations, varieties of tongues. 29Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Are ALL WORKERS OF MIRACLES? 30DO ALL HAVE GIFTS OF HEALINGS? DO ALL SPEAK WITH TONGUES? Do all interpret? 31But earnestly desire the [i]best gifts. And YET I SHOW YOU A MORE EXCELLENT WAY [of Agape/Love]. …” (1 Corinthians 12:27 – 30, NKJV)


That is why we don’t “RISKanyone’s FAITH to GO AGAINST NEW TESTAMENT COMMANDS.


“… 13HOLD FAST The PATTERN OF SOUND WORDS which you have heard from me, in faith and love which are in Christ Jesus. 14That good thing which was committed to you, KEEP BY THE HOLY SPIRIT who dwells in us. …” (2 Timothy 1:13 – 14, NKJV)


Example Question

Where’s the revival now and how to harvest them. Never simply quote bible to condemn ministers and ministries established by God. You are not telling me what is right, I won’t be offended by you. But you are “Educating God” using His own words bible to condemn what God is doing.



That argument works both ways. Why not study the “Bible Verses” and Preach that only? Why try to “Educate God” with “Human Culture?”


Did you know that all the missionary work before the 20th century was done with ZERO WOMEN PASTORS and also ZERO CHARISMATIC GIFTS even WITHIN PROTESTANT CHRITSIANITY itself for 1900 years of Christian History.


They already evangelized and proved it as “Work of God”. Why twist it to do “new ways”? Even if you have new ways, why “not” acknowledge  and allow those wo wish to do it that approved way say of obeying New Testament Traditions in your church itself if you really respect ‘all work of God’? if you don’t allow it in your church, we don’t allow your ways either in our lives.



Peace to you





The “Classical We saved Souls argument” to justify anything that they did against New Testament Scripture. The danger is described in image with actual “Verse quotes”.


Please allow me to repeat:


Even if Saved (only God Saves souls not you nor I) teaching them to NOT OBSERVE NEW TESTAMENT TRADITIONS and Commands even which are from the Lord (1 Corinthians 14:37) and not the major New Testament Commands only risks this:


“… 19Whoever therefore BREAKS one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called LEAST in the KINGDOM of HEAVEN; but whoever DOES and TEACHES them, he shall be called GREAT in the kingdom of heaven. …” – KING of the Heavens and the Most Blessed One, LORD of lords, Jesus Christ (Matthew 5:19, NKJV)




Peace to you









Ministry Works and Beyond – Example from Scripture: Are we really Fasting and Praying for God?


Source Post:



Here’s a Mysterious Question God Asked and we will see God’s Shocking Reply next (which I have discussed in the previous books too)




Please notice carefully that God Only Asked about this AFTER SEVENTY YEARS they have practicing such “religious observation faithfully” and NEVER CORRECTED THEM EARLIER ALLOWING THEM TO BE IN ERROR FOR SUCH A LONG TIME.




Please consider these “verses in full“:


“… 4Then THE WORD OF THE LORD of hosts came to me, saying, 5“Say to ALL THE PEOPLE OF THE LAND, and TO THE PRIESTS: ‘WHEN YOU FASTED AND MOURNED in the fifth and seventh months DURING THOSE SEVENTY YEARS, DID YOU REALLY FAST FOR ME—FOR ME? 6When YOU EAT AND WHEN YOU DRINK, DO YOU NOT EAT AND DRINK FOR YOURSELVES? 7Should you not have OBEYED THE WORDS WHICH THE LORD proclaimed through the FORMER PROPHETS when Jerusalem and the cities around it were inhabited and prosperous, and the [f]South and the Lowland were inhabited?’ ”

8Then THE WORD OF THE LORD CAME TO ZECHARIAH, saying, 9“Thus says the Lord of hosts:



Everyone to his brother.



Let none of you plan evil in his heart

Against his brother.’

11“But they refused to heed, shrugged[h] their shoulders, and stopped[i] their ears so that they could not hear. 12Yes, they made their hearts like flint, REFUSING TO HEAR THE LAW and THE WORDS WHICH THE LORD OF HOSTS had sent by HIS SPIRIT THROUGH THE FORMER PROPHETS. Thus GREAT WRATH came from the Lord of hosts.  …” (Zechariah 7:4 – 12, NKJV)






1) God Asked like that because when they fasted or prayed, it’s just for “self prosperity” or in analogy God Says that it’s to “fill self”





2) God Wants to see how much we are willing to obey “His Commands” instead of doing things of prayer requests for self benefits


“… 7Should you not have OBEYED THE WORDS WHICH THE LORD proclaimed through the FORMER PROPHETS …”





3) The ONLY Work God Was Interested for them to do as Repentance here (nothing else mentioned so that their prayer+fasting here is to be accepted) was “not” the fake justice of ‘rich man pleasing ministries’ (but never spending a cent on the real poor) and clearly points to the CHARITY DOCTRINE LIFESTYLE which GOD CLAIMS TO HAVE SPOKEN BY HIS SPIRIT to HIS FORMER PROPHETS THIS SAME MESSAGE as “True Justice’




Everyone to his brother.



Let none of you plan evil in his heart

Against his brother.’ …  12Yes, they made their hearts like flint, REFUSING TO HEAR THE LAW and THE WORDS WHICH THE LORD OF HOSTS had sent by HIS SPIRIT THROUGH THE FORMER PROPHETS. Thus GREAT WRATH came from the Lord of hosts. …”




This is what fake ministries and pride looks like namely not focusing on the poor with Money collected in God’s Name (perhaps giving tit bits in proportion) while “swallowing the camel of tithes” because it “benefits them financially” but the “Justice and Love of God” of GIVING ALMS do “not” take a BIG BUDGET OF THEIR MONEY COLLECTIONS (not even talking about personal income yet) as CHRIST HAS WARNED THIS SAME CONTEXT TOO, Verses:


“… 23“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For YOU PAY TITHE of mint and anise and cummin, and have NEGLECTED THE WEIGHTIER MATTERS of the LAW: JUSTICE AND MERCY and FAITH. These you OUGHT TO HAVE DONE, WITHOUT LEAVING THE OTHERS UNDONE. 24BLIND GUIDES, who STRAIN OUT A GNAT AND SWALLOW A CAMEL! 25“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you CLEANSE THE OUTSIDE OF THE CUP and dish, but INSIDE THEY ARE FULL OF EXTORTION and [l]SELF-INDULGENCE. 26Blind Pharisee, first cleanse the inside of the cup and dish, that the outside of them may be clean also. 27“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like WHITEWASHED TOMBS which indeed appear BEAUTIFUL OUTWARDLY, but inside are full of dead men’s bones and all uncleanness. 28Even so you also OUTWARDLY APPEAR RIGHTEOUS TO MEN, but INSIDE YOU ARE FULL OF HYPOCRISY AND LAWLESSNESS. …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 23:23 – 28, NKJV)

“… 39Then the Lord said to him, “Now you Pharisees make the OUTSIDE OF THE CUP and DISH CLEAN, but YOUR INWARD PART is full of [k]GREED and WICKEDNESS. 40FOOLISH ones! Did not He who made the outside make the inside also? 41But rather GIVE ALMS of [l]SUCH THINGS AS YOU HAVE; then indeed ALL THINGS ARE CLEAN TO YOU. 42“But woe to you Pharisees! For YOU TITHE mint and rue and all manner of herbs, and pass by JUSTICE and the LOVE of GOD These you ought to have done, without leaving the others undone. 43Woe to you Pharisees! For you love the [m]best seats in the synagogues and greetings in the marketplaces. 44Woe to you, [n]scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like graves which are not seen, and the men who walk over them are not aware of them.” …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 11:39 – 45, NKJV)

Note: The ONLY Religious Act Mentioned as a “Cure” for all this in Verses above BY CHRIST HIMSELF is the CHARITY DOCTRINE as per these Phrases “… 41But rather GIVE ALMS of [l]SUCH THINGS AS YOU HAVE; then indeed ALL THINGS ARE CLEAN TO YOU. …” (Luke 11:41, NKJV) where ‘ALMS = CHARITY = Giving and Sharing things for FREE to those in need according to our capacity (i.e. by relative Measure, e.g. Luke 12:46 – 48, Luke 21:1 – 3)’.


Humility is Preaching God’s Word while Pride is skipping  all these but focusing on “Prayer Request for self” as GOD HIMSELF ASKS, in these scary Verses (I repeat):



but focusing on “Prayer Request for self” as GOD HIMSELF ASKS, part:



Everything is by Relative Measure so who takes God’s Money or has access to it has to do it and the rest based on “what they have” (Luke 21:1 – 3, Luke 12:46 – 48). Also Vanity is focusing on things which “benefit self” as God Clearly Implies here where in contrast the Charity Doctrine is what God Points as “Real” to Him, as He Calls it here “True” in “True Justice” (Zechariah 7:8 earlier).



If God Asked this and Replied it in Scripture, we should learn it lest we Irritate Him in the same way the past ones did.



Peace to you





Biblical Answer to which is more Important – “PRAYER” or “GOD’S LAW/COMMANDS”?


Source Post:







This Verse is 100% preserved as even the “Septuagint (LXX) reads exactly the “same”:


“… 9He that TURNS AWAY HIS EAR from HEARING THE LAW, even he HAS MADE HIS PRAYER ABOMINABLE. …” (Proverbs 28:9, Septuagint, LXX, Brenton Septuagint Translation)


Source: https://biblehub.com/sep/proverbs/28.htm




1) “God’s Law” = “His Commands” are more important than any prayer especially more important than “prayers from those who SPEAK AGAINST HIS COMMANDMENTS” which is an “ABOMINATION“.


2) In principle of this same Verse (as God’s Principles do “not” change), do you think that one who turns his ear away FROM CHRIST’S DIRECT NEW TESTAMENT COMMANDS OR TRADITIONS is going to have “his PRAYER HEARD OR AN ABOMINATION?”


3) This is another clear Proof that “IGNORING GOD’S NEW TESTAMENT COMMANDS” (such as the CHARITY DOCTRINE which is the “most” in number of Commands and importance too second only to loving God, Mark 12:29 – 31) but DOING PRAYERS may indicate SUCH PRAYERS AS AN ABOMINATION (Let God Decide).


4) Also “Lawless” Christianity Practices of mixing “cultural things especially those with roots with other DEITIES OR EQUIVALENT” could also be considered TURNING AWAY FROM THE LAW OF GOD and as such may MAKE ONE’S PRAYER AN ABOMINATION if they’re not careful (We Warn of the possibilities but let God Alone Decide for He Alone knows All hearts).




That’s why in earlier post below we showed clearly by CHRIST’S OWN DIRECT WORDS that we ought to only bear FRUITS which are BASED ON OBEDIENCE TO HIS COMMANDS by HIS MEASURE OF GRACE.


Whatever that is “not” Based on “His Commands” or especially THOSE THINGS AGAINST HIS COMMANDS EVEN NEW TESTAMENT TRADITIONS (1 Corinthians 14:37) let us “NOT” participate in it lest we are trapped knowingly or unknowingly which causes our PRAYERS to be ABOMINATIONS instead by PRINCIPLE OF THIS VERSE due to “not” Obeying/Hearing HIS NEW TESTAMENT LAWS/COMMANDS likewise, link:





Peace to you





True Christianity should never differ from What is Written as Obedience is better than Sacrifice


Source Post:



Example Question


– Is wrong when you don’t want to find out what is XXX doing and what the teachers teaching

– put in your own interpretation and over spiritualise thing and condemn people > mixing pagan with gospel > sin > not winning soul

– never simply quote bible especially when you are already in the wrong understanding on the project

– learn to celebrate XXXXX and other festival with other races, don’t build self-ego in faith, and most importantly don’t “evil’kan” everything and also mixing up culture+pagan+religion

I hope if there’s other with you supporting to voice up this, send my msg to them also

Register yourself into Bible school 👍🏻 have a good day. Seriously, next time don’t respond through phone msg when there is important issue/misunderstanding and text into group to create tension. A very wrong move. Next, consult bible scholar and bible school when you find this topic so much “issue” “conflict” and “important” to be issued – not only in XXX, but for the whole XXX or Malaysia churches




1) A Bible School should only teach the Bible and Christian History


2) A soul is won when it Believes the Gospel “only”. No additional things of culture especially of that based on ‘other religions’ has any effect on faith. Faith has nothing to do with any human culture or those rooted in racism and demonic origins.


3) If a person is going to believe Christ, the Father will draw him. To say that the Father will only draw him (John 6:44) if the ‘cultural similarity stories are preached’ (especially those “deity ones” which are from the “Devils”) insults God’s Word


4) To preach anything more than that in the Bible School say Culture during evangelism & claiming that only with that the soul was saved type of testimonies is the same as claiming the Bible Verses alone were insufficient for conversion.


5) Worse still, may risk some type of “idolatry” (of mixing God’s Pure Word with “Demonic” rooted sources as satan himself transforms into an angel of light creating such stories in those cultures).


6) If any Bible School or Pastors insist testimonies such that only with such cultural techniques the souls were saved, it is same as telling that if they preached “Bible Verses only” such souls would not have been saved which also means that the Bible is insufficient for their Converts to believe (which is unbiblical and shows that such faith may not even be real and is “conditional upon things not Written in the Bible).


7) If someone would only believe if such man-made culture or demonically rooted Cultural practices are infused into Christianity, then their faith is “not’ based on the “Word of God only”. It’s your choice but I don’t need such faith or “men pleasing methods nor doctrines”. It’s better to please God by only using the “Words/, Culture” which came directly from GOD ONLY as Written in New Testament Verses.


8.) If you follow Human Cultural Preaching Method it is called SELF-IMPOSED RELIGION and FALSE HUMILITY which has NO VALUE according to these Verses


“… 20[m]Therefore, if YOU DIED WITH CHRIST from THE BASIC PRINCIPLES OF THE WORLD, why, as though living in the world, DO YOU SUBJECT YOURSELVES TO REGULATIONS— 21“DO NOT TOUCH, DO NOT TASTE, DO NOT HANDLE,” 22which all concern things which perish with the using—ACCORDING TO THE COMMANDMENTS and DOCTRINES OF MEN? 23THESE THINGS INDEED HAVE an APPEARANCE OF WISDOM in SELF-IMPOSED RELIGION, FALSE HUMILITY, and [n]neglect of the body, but are of NO VALUE AGAINST THE INDULGENCE of the flesh. …” (Colossians 2:20 – 23, NKJV)


If your Bible School is really interested in doing something which matters, why “not” PREACH and PRACTICE NEW TESTAMENT TRADITIONS (1 Corinthians 11 to 14 Which has already accepted by God) instead?


9) If a Christian persists in “human culture practices and not demonic rooted ones even” especially those which teach AGAINST A NEW TESTAMENT VERSE (example 1 Timothy 2:12), the JUDGMENT in HOLY SCRIPTURE is that THEIR WORSHIP BECOMES VAIN (let God Decide but the Risk is there as Christ Himself Taught next where He never Said that it’s a ‘small matter’ as the Pharisees likewise were just making up good intentions based ‘human rules likewise by their human culture’), Verses (example of ‘Corban’ Practice below and that’s what “Hypocrisy” is defined in Scripture as following “human culture” and “not” When one tries to obey New Testament Traditions):


“…  5But you say, ‘Whoever says to his father or mother, “Whatever profit you might have received from me is a gift to God”— 6then he need not honor his father [a]or mother.’ Thus you have made the [b]COMMANDMENT OF GOD OF NO EFFECT by YOUR TRADITION. 7HYPOCRITES! Well did Isaiah prophesy about you, saying: 8‘These people [c]DRAW NEAR TO ME WITH THEIR MOUTH, And HONOR ME WITH THEIR LIPS, BUT THEIR HEART IS FAR FROM ME. 9And IN VAIN THEY WORSHIP ME, TEACHING AS DOCTRINES THE COMMANDMENTS OF MEN.’ ” …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 15:5 – 9, NKJV)


Next, you will ask me to leave the Church if I don’t Agree. That’s an honour to be persecuted for standing up for ACTUAL NEW TESTAMENT TRADITIONS instead of kicking people out by practicing “human culture converts”, Verse:


“… BLESSED are those who are PERSECUTED FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS’ SAKE, For THEIRS IS THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN. …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 5:10, NKJV)


“… THEY WILL PUT YOU OUT OF THE SYNAGOGUES [CHURCHES*]; yes, the time is coming that whoever kills you will think that he offers God service. …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (John 16:2, NKJV)


*[The first Church did gather in synagogues, examples, Acts 9:2, Acts 14:1]


I should obey “your man-made culture rules and opinions” but if choose New Testament Traditions instead, I am “divisive’, is it? Ego is Teaching “against New Testament Traditions and supporting human culture” by chasing away those who don’t agree with these ‘self-imposed religions’.


10) If your Bible schools want to really honour God, let them start accepting the Bible Verses such as 1 Timothy 2:12 instead of kicking out those who Preach such Verses and accepting those who preach against Verses and add on human/demonic culture. In short a pure Bible school should only teach from the Bible for anything more is a “stumbling block” for those who respect the Word of God only as Doctrine or Method of Evangelism and anything more is breaking the Rule of don’t make any “Doctrinal Differences/New Methods of Evangelism” Based on something which is “not Written” as 1 Corinthians 4:6 – 7’s  context has Warned.


“… 6Now these things, brethren, I have figuratively transferred to myself and Apollos for your sakes, that you may learn in us NOT TO THINK BEYOND WHAT IS WRITTEN, that none of you may be [c]PUFFED UP ON BEHALF OF ONE AGAINST THE OTHER. 7For who [d]MAKES YOU DIFFER FROM ANOTHER? And what do you have that you did not receive? Now if you did indeed receive it, why do you boast as if you had not received it? …” (1 Corinthians 4:6 – 7, NKJV)


Note: The Verse above condemns those CHRISTIANS or CHRISTIANITY which DIFFERS FROM ONE ANOTHER based on PRACTICES WHICH ARE NOT WRITTEN such as your “culture” and  those who reject WRITTEN Bible Verses (e.g. 1 Timothy 2:12) Warning that “GOD’S WILL” in such cases is to “STICK TO WHAT’S WRITTEN” only to not Break His Command in this aspect to have UNITY BASED ON AGREEING ON WHAT’S WRITTEN ONLY (a method which has “no” condemnation and I will choose that; may your Bible Schools learn this correctly first to HONOUR GOD instead of HONOURING MAN MADE CULTURE or DEMONICALLY ROOTED THINGS).


Anyway, please do whatever you like in your Bible Schools or convert anyone with any attachments with worldly cultures or demonic roots but I will “not” be part of it and will stick to the FAITH BASED ON WHAT IS WRITTEN ONLY as that’s 100% Approved in New Testament Scripture and OBEDIENCE to NEW TESTAMENT VERSES type of Faith IS BETTER THAN ANY CULTURAL SACRIFICE TO CONVERT or such faith (1 Samuel 15:22).



Peace to you







Mystery of the Fruit – Fruit is the Amount of His Commandments which we Obey


Source Post: https://www.facebook.com/jonathan.ramachandran/posts/10161540252312784




Believing + Lawlessness gets denied (Matthew 7:20 – 24) and “Holiness is a work of the Law too”. So true faith (Cause) produces both the fruit of Holiness + Good Works + Obedience as the Manifestation via “His Commands”. In short the “FRUIT” the CHRIST SPEAKS of is clearly DEFINED as HIS COMMANDMENTS in John 15:8 – 10. So anything “not” based on “His Commandment” may “not” be a “Good Fruit”.




“… 5“I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, BEARS MUCH FRUIT; for without Me you can do nothing. 6If anyone DOES NOT ABIDE IN ME, he is cast out as a branch and is withered; and THEY GATHER THEM AND THROW THEM INTO THE FIRE, AND THEY ARE BURNED.  8By this My Father is glorified, that YOU BEAR MUCH FRUIT; so YOU WILL BE MY DISCIPLES. 9“As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; ABIDE IN MY LOVE. 10If YOU KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS, YOU WILL ABIDE IN MY LOVE, just as I have KEPT MY FATHER’S COMMANDMENTS and ABIDE IN HIS LOVE. …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (John 15:8 – 10, NKJV)


The Greatest Fruit of All is the FRUIT of LOVING ONE ANOTHER COMMAND, Verses:


“… 11“These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full. 12THIS IS MY COMMANDMENT, that YOU LOVE ONE ANOTHER AS I HAVE LOVED YOU. 13GREATER LOVE HAS NO ONE THAN THIS, THAN TO LAY DOWN ONE’S LIFE FOR HIS FRIENDS. 14YOU ARE MY FRIENDS IF YOU DO WHATEVER I COMMAND YOU. 15No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I heard from My Father I have made known to you. 16You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that YOU SHOULD GO AND BEAR FRUIT, and that YOUR FRUIT SHOULD REMAIN, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you. 17These THINGS I COMMAND YOU, THAT YOU LOVE ONE ANOTHER. …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (John 15:11 – 17, NKJV)



  1. Christ’s Greatest Command is for Christians to bear the FRUIT OF LOVING ONE ANOTHER and the FRUITS VIA OBEDIENCE TO HIS COMMANDS






This Greatest Love is Manifested in the Charity Doctrine Lifestyle as the other letter of John elaborates this emulation of CHRIST’S GREATEST LOVE IN CHRISTIANS WHO SHARE/GIVE THEIR WORLDLY GOODS:



“… 12This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. 13GREATER LOVE HAS NO ONE THAN THIS, THAN TO LAY DOWN ONE’S LIFE FOR HIS FRIENDS.  …” (John 15:12 – 13, NKJV) = “… 16By this WE KNOW LOVE, because He laid down His life for us. And we also OUGHT TO LAY DOWN OUR LIVES FOR THE BRETHREN. 17But WHOEVER HAS THIS WORLD’S GOODS, and SEES HIS BROTHER IN NEED, AND SHUTS UP HIS HEART FROM HIM, HOW DOES THE LOVE OF GOD ABIDE IN HIM? 18My little children, let us NOT LOVE IN WORD or IN TONGUE, BUT IN DEED AND IN TRUTH …” (1 John 3:16 – 18, NKJV)



  1. The FRUIT which God Wants us to Bear is the FRUIT OF LOVE ONE ANOTHER (in Action, implied, which is the Charity Doctrine Lifestyle):









FRUIT = “His Commands”




GREATEST FRUIT = “His Command to Love one another” (in Action, implied) as He Calls it as a Friend laying down His Life (John  15:13) which the other letter of John details out as the “Charity Doctrine Lifestyle” of “Giving/Sharing this World’s Goods” (1 John 3:16 – 18).


This is what is clearly Written in these Verses by CHRIST’S OWN DEFINITION. Without these “Fruits“, one is cast into the Fire. That’s why in Verses below, Christ Himself clearly Teaches that the “Bad Fruit” refers to “LAWLESSNESS” which clearly refers to “NOT OBEYING HIS COMMANDMENTS” (when these Verses are understood together) despite them ‘claiming spiritual gifts and converting MANY in an end time Christianity on that Day via Casting out Demons, Prophesying and doing Miracles in His Name’ whom HE DENIES but in comparison approves the Saved Christian who builds HIS HOUSE ON THE ROCK OF CHRIST if and only if he HEARS CHRIST’S SAYINGS (i.e. “anyNew Testament Commands/New Testament Traditions) and DOES THEM to bear these GOOD FRUITS = OBEDIENCE TO HIS VARIOUS COMMANDS, as Verses below Agree and Describe likewise as it is Written:


“… 18A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. 19Every tree that does NOT BEAR GOOD FRUIT IS CUT DOWN and THROWN INTO THE FIRE. 20Therefore BY THEIR FRUITS you will know them. 21“NOT EVERYONE who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall ENTER THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22MANY will say to Me IN THAT DAY, ‘Lord, Lord, HAVE WE NOT PROPHESIED IN YOUR NAME, CAST OUT DEMONS IN YOUR NAME, and DONE MANY WONDERS IN YOUR NAME?’ 23And then I will declare to them, ‘I NEVER KNEW YOU; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS!’ 24“Therefore whoever HEARS THESE SAYINGS OF MINE, and DOES THEM, I will liken him to a WISE MAN WHO BUILT HIS HOUSE ON THE ROCK: …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 7:18 – 24, NKJV)







  1. Good Fruit = “… 24“Therefore whoever HEARS THESE SAYINGS OF MINE, and DOES THEM …”




iii. End time Lawless Christianity = “… 22MANY will say to Me IN THAT DAY …”


  1. Context here about “Entering Heaven


“… 21“NOT EVERYONE who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall ENTER THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven.  …”


The Context above in Matthew 7:18 – 24 is about ENTERING HEAVEN (Matthew 7:21) and God’s Will for ITS FRUIT meant is clearly “not” the abolished ritualistic parts of the Torah (as some Christians err) but ONLY WHATEVER COMMANDS CHRIST RE-ENFORCED or MADE NEW FOR THIS COVENANT in any New Testament Verses as Matthew 7:24 earlier Calls it as “CHRIST’S SAYINGS” agreeing to Verses below too which also Speak likewise that the CONTEXT OF ENTERING HEAVEN IS THE FRUIT OF OBEYING AND TEACHING CHRIST’S DIRECT COMMANDS ONLY (“not” Eschatology of end time Prophecy “nor” knowing hidden Bible mystery or anything like that is referred to in any of HIS OWN MOST BLESSED WORDS WHEN HE SPOKE OF “FRUIT”), Verses:




Note: If you teach men to “break His Commands“, even if you are saved you will be LEAST so it DOESN’T MATTER HOW MANY PEOPLE YOU CONVERT TO BREAK HIS NEW TESTAMENT COMMANDS/TRADITIONS as it’s your heavenly loss to bear according to Matthew 5:19 clearly and vice versa and so, please don’t lose it “eternally”.


Matthew 5:20 means if “your FRUIT/OBEDIENCE TO HIS NEW TESTAMENT COMMANDS” did “not exceed the Pharisees’ Level (human level)’, then YOU WILL NEVER ENTER HEAVEN.


Please don’t be deceived by funny man-made teachings and power play of cunning human words against what is plainly written here for “your loss could be Eternal“.


To bear the “fruit of Obeying His Commands“, you don’t need to be perfect but only obey/bear as much as you are given by measure of your faith by His Grace in His Mercy.


No one can change what is Written. Please read for yourself carefully and see whether it means so in these Verses so clearly even. One Day God may hold us responsible if we don’t preach this Doctrine of Fruit correctly as it’s sensitive to “entering Heaven Context even” as THE FRUIT CHRIST MEANS is clearly REFERRING TO KEEPING HIS VARIOUS COMMANDS according to the Measure of Grace given to us by His Mercy in all these Verses quoted here, so it’s 100% true regardless if we accept it or don’t Preach it.



Peace to you








Mystery of True Christians – Conversions based on OBEYING what CHRIST HAS COMMANDED – Why does it matter?


Source Post:



‘… To Obey Christ’s Word is to Believe in Him causing Eternal Life …’


Verses (in image at the end too):


“… 47WHOEVER BELONGS TO GOD HEARS WHAT GOD SAYS. The REASON YOU DO NOT HEAR is that YOU DO NOT BELONG TO GOD.” 48The Jews answered him, “Aren’t we right in saying that you are a Samaritan and demon-possessed?” 49“I am not possessed by a demon,” said Jesus, “but I HONOR MY FATHER and you dishonor me. 50I am not seeking glory for myself; but there is one who seeks it, and he is the judge. 51Very truly I tell you, WHOEVER OBEYS MY WORD WILL NEVER SEE DEATH.” …” (John 8:47 – 51, NIV)




1) The Reason for “not” being able to “hear or obeyChrist’s Commands is





2) Here’s the “Secret to Immortality” by CHRIST HIMSELF:


“… 51Very truly I tell you, WHOEVER OBEYS MY WORD WILL NEVER SEE DEATH.” …”





3) How to “GLORIFY GOD?”


Christ Clearly Teaches by EXAMPLE that HE GLORIFIES THE FATHER by OBEYING HIS WORD (Commands), in these same Topic/Context in Consecutive Verses:


“… 54Jesus replied, “If I glorify myself, my glory means nothing. My Father, whom you claim as your God, is the one who glorifies me. 55Though you do not know him, I know him. If I said I did not, I would be a liar like you, but I DO KNOW HIM AND OBEY HIS WORD. 56Your father Abraham rejoiced at the thought of seeing my day; he saw it and was glad.” 57“You are not yet fifty years old,” they said to him, “and you have seen Abraham!” 58“Very truly I tell you,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, I am!”  …” (John 8:54 – 58, NIV)


4) Here is John 8:51 in a few translations which all Speak the Same Meaning of OBEYING HIS WORD = OBEYING HIS COMMANDS as God’s Will for IMMORTALITY and to HONOUR HIM


New Living Translation

I tell you the truth, anyone who obeys my teaching will never die!”


English Standard Version

Truly, truly, I say to you, if anyone keeps my word, he will never see death.”


Berean Study Bible

Truly, truly, I tell you, if anyone keeps My word, he will never see death.”


Berean Literal Bible

Truly, truly, I say to you, if anyone keeps My word, he shall never see death, to the age.”


King James Bible

Verily, verily, I say unto you, If a man keep my saying, he shall never see death.



New King James Version

Most assuredly, I say to you, if anyone keeps My word he shall never see death.”


New American Standard Bible

Truly, truly I say to you, if anyone follows My word, he will never see death.”


Source: https://biblehub.com/john/8-51.htm


5) Example of “His Commands” are plenty throughout the New Testament as I have discussed in previous posts (example in link below) especially THE CHARITY DOCTRINE COMMANDS TOO BEING THE MOST IN NUMBER BY CHRIST HIMSELF:




Apart from “Christ’s Commands in the Gospels”, we can also OBEY THE NEW TESTAMENT TRADITIONS given through APOSTLE PAUL because these are “not” called as ‘Cultural Commands’ in the Bible Verse below (as some err) but clearly as COMMANDS WHICH CAME DIRECTLY FROM THE LORD JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF and so it also falls into the Category of John 8:51’s part of ‘if we follow/keep/Obey Christ’s Commands/Word in this too’, it contributes to the FRUIT OF IMMORTALITY which Grows in us by this SOWING OF HIS WORD upon the GOOD GROUND OF OUR HEART IF IT RECEIVES IT, Verses:



“… If anyone thinks himself to be a prophet or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things which I WRITE TO YOU ARE THE COMMANDMENTS OF THE LORD. …” (1 Corinthians 14:37, NKJV)









Let the Verses Answer:


“… JESUS SAID TO THEM, “If you were Abraham’s children, you would do the works of Abraham. 40But now you seek to kill Me, a Man who has told you the truth which I heard from God. Abraham did not do this. 41YOU DO THE DEEDS OF YOUR FATHER.” Then they said to Him, “We were not born of fornication; we have one Father—God.” 42JESUS SAID TO THEM, “If God were your Father, you would love Me, for I proceeded forth and came from God; nor have I come of Myself, but He sent Me. 43Why do you not understand My speech? Because YOU ARE NOT ABLE TO LISTEN TO MY WORD. 44You are OF YOUR FATHER THE DEVIL, AND THE DESIRES OF YOUR FATHER YOU WANT TO DO. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it. …” (John 8:39 – 44, NKJV)




  1. Christ is “not” Talking about some DEEP ESCHASTHALOGY or DEEP WISDOM when He Spoke John 8:51, 55.


  1. Christ was talking about “works” (“deeds”/”action”) and “not” faith only


“… Abraham did not do this. 41YOU DO THE DEEDS OF YOUR FATHER.” …”


  1. Christ Compares that the “Word” HE DESIRES (His COMMANDS) are rejected and the “opposite” to what He Desires which is the “DESIRE OF THE DEVIL” is what they chose to do






TO BELIEVE (or have FAITH) is TO OBEY HIS COMMANDS. Being Human, we can fail but God’s Will remains same for each of us namely, THE MORE WE BELIEVE IN HIM, THE MORE COMMANDS WE OBEY, Implied clearly in Verses below:


“… 45But BECAUSE I TELL THE TRUTH, YOU DO NOT BELIEVE ME. 46Which of you convicts Me of sin? And if I tell the truth, why do you not believe Me? 47He WHO IS OF GOD HEARS GOD’S WORDS; therefore YOU DO NOT HEAR, BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT OF GOD.” 48Then the Jews answered and said to Him, “Do we not say rightly that You are a Samaritan and have a demon?” 49JESUS ANSWERED, “I do not have a demon; but I honor My Father, and you dishonor Me. 50And I do not seek My own glory; there is One who seeks and judges. 51Most assuredly, I say to you, IF ANYONE KEEPS MY WORD HE SHALL NEVER SEE DEATH.” …” (John 8:45 – 51, NKJV)


Yes, only a FAITH WHICH BELIEVES TO OBEY HIS COMMANDS RESULTS IN THE FRUIT OF IMMORTALITY, to highlight these parts only from above:




Truth doesn’t get any clearer than this as the BELIEVING CHRIST REFERS TO IS OBEDIENCE TO HIS COMMANDS = “Keep His Word”.


Here’s another Verse from Christ Himself Confirming this Truth regarding what does it mean to “KEEP HIS WORD”?


It does NOT refer to “Eschatology” or “knowing Bible Mysteries” or anything like that but ONLY OBEYING AND KEEPING HIS DIRECT NEW TESTAMENT COMMANDS and TRADITIONS as CHRIST USES THIS SAME PHRASE in His Own Definition (with “no” other Definition He GIVES in Scripture making it the only definition or the 100% Approved Definition) as follows:


“… 21He WHO HAS MY COMMANDMENTS and KEEPS THEM, it is HE WHO LOVES ME. And he who loves Me will be LOVED BY MY FATHER, and I will LOVE HIM AND [F]MANIFEST MYSELF TO HIM.” 22Judas (not Iscariot) said to Him, “Lord, how is it that You will manifest Yourself to us, and not to the world?” 23JESUS ANSWERED AND SAID TO HIM, “If ANYONE LOVES ME, HE WILL KEEP MY WORD; and My FATHER WILL LOVE HIM, and WE WILL COME TO HIM AND MAKE OUR HOME WITH HIM. 24He who does not love Me does not keep My words; and the word which you hear is not Mine but the Father’s who sent Me. …” (John 14:21 – 24, NKJV)




  1. The “Keep My Word” in John 8:51 or John 8:55 refers to HIS COMMANDMENTS and NOT ESCHASTHALOGY OR BIBLE MYSTERIES




  1. Eternal Life Begins within when this KEEPING OF COMMANDMENTS HAPPENS






“… 3And THIS IS ETERNAL LIFE, THAT THEY may KNOW YOU, THE ONLY TRUE GOD, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent. 4I have glorified You on the earth. I HAVE FINISHED THE WORK which You have given Me to do. 5And now, O Father, glorify Me together [b]with Yourself, with the glory which I had with You before the world was. 6“I have [c]manifested Your name to the men whom You have given Me out of the world. They were Yours, You gave them to Me, AND THEY HAVE KEPT YOUR WORD. …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (John 17:3 – 6, NKJV)


Please notice carefully the “condition” for “who is a True Christian” here carefully namely “… AND THEY HAVE KEPT YOUR WORD. …”  (John 17:6) Which refers to “those who obey only” in light of all these Verses.


iii. In short, the Mystery of “BELIEVING HIM” is OBEYING/KEEPING any of CHRIST’S NEW TESTAMENT COMMANDS and TRADITIONS as our earlier posts has detailed out and GREATER THE OBEDIENCE, GREATER THE FRUIT OF IMMORTALITY WITHIN as these Verses imply:




Let Scripture interpret Scripture and all is clear as “it is Written”. Please don’t be deceived.



Peace to you






Narrow and Difficult Road to Life in the First Resurrection Mystery


Source Post:



“… 5But the rest of the dead did not live again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection. 6Blessed and holy is he who has part in the first resurrection. Over such the second death has no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with Him a thousand years. …” (Revelation 20:5 – 6, NKJV)


Example Question


Whoever believes in Him shall be saved as simple as that! No such a thing first and end time christianity




It’s not as simple as that.


0) Firstly, the “Way to Life” (First Resurrection, Revelation 20:4 – 6) is DIFFICULT and NOT EASY as CHRIST HIMSELF DECLARED:


“… Because narrow is the gate and DIFFICULT is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it. …” (Matthew 7:14, NKJV)


1) Matthew 7:20 – 24’s End Time Christianity did “… Prophesying, Casting Out Demons, Miracles … conversions of MANY …” but Christ Says, “… I NEVER KNEW YOU …” due to LAWLESSNESS. Matthew 5:19 – 20 Christ Says one’s righteousness will need to exceed the Pharisees in obedience to “His Commands” (not the abolished Torah parts but ‘what He Commanded and re-enforced for the New Testament’).


2) The “Five Foolish Virgins” also were “Virgins” and believed in Him but were “Rejected” for “NOT HAVING ENOUGH OIL” which signifies the “Works of Faith” primarily referring to the “Works of Mercy” as First Christianity taught. Examples:


  1. a) In the Original Koine Greek Bible, both these Words “Oil” and “Mercy” are linked by the ‘same root word’, example quote:


“… The word mercy in English is the translation of the Greek word eleos. This word has the same ultimate root as the old Greek word for oil, or more precisely, olive oil; a substance that, was used extensively as a soothing agent for bruises and minor wounds. The oil was poured into the wound and gently massaged in, thus soothing, comforting, and making whole the injured part.  The Hebrew word which is also translated as eleos and mercy is hesed, and means steadfast love. …”


Source: https://orthodoxtimes.com/the-meaning-of-kyrie-eleison/


  1. b) elaion: olive oil




Note: You can see that Matthew 25:3, 4, 8 clearly uses this word in list in link above just as Luke 10:34 does too.


Let’s reference it next as [Greek: elaion-“Oil” 1637] next for simplicity.


  1. c) eleos: mercy, pity, compassion




Let’s reference it next as [Greek: eleos-“Mercy” 1656] next for simplicity.



Note: This same word [Greek: eleos-“Mercy” 1656] is found in a crucial Verse below as God Himself has “Commanded” us to “find out its Meaning diligently”:


“… But if you had known what this means, ‘I DESIRE MERCY [Greek: eleos-“Mercy” 1656] AND NOT SACRIFICE,’ you would not have condemned the guiltless. …” (Matthew 12:7, NKJV)


  1. d) Usage in the Wise vs Foolish Virgins Parable in Matthew 25:1 – 13


“… 1“Then the kingdom of heaven shall be likened to ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. 2Now five of them were wise, and five were foolish. 3Those who were foolish took their lamps and took NO OIL [Greek: elaion-“Oil” 1637]  WITH THEM, …  8And the foolish said to the wise, ‘Give us some of YOUR OIL [Greek: elaion-“Oil” 1637] , for our lamps are going out.’ 9But the wise answered, saying, ‘No, lest there should not be enough for us and you; but go rather to those who sell, and buy for yourselves.’ 10And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the wedding; and the door was shut. 11“Afterward the other virgins came also, saying, ‘Lord, Lord, open to us!’ 12But he answered and said, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, I DO NOT KNOW YOU.’ …” (Matthew 25:1 – 3, 8 – 12, NKJV)


  1. e) Usage in the Answer for “What to do for Eternal Life?” by Christ in Luke 10:25 – 37


“…  25And behold, a certain [h]lawyer stood up and tested Him, saying, “Teacher, WHAT SHALL I DO TO INHERIT ETERNAL LIFE?” … 33But a certain SAMARITAN, as he journeyed, came where he was. And when he saw him, he had compassion. 34So he went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on OIL [Greek: elaion-“Oil” 1637]  and wine; and he set him on his own animal, brought him to an inn, and took care of him.  … 36So which of these three do you think was neighbor to him who fell among the thieves?”  37And he said, “He who showed MERCY [Greek: eleos-“Mercy” 1656]  on him.” Then JESUS said to him, “GO AND DO LIKEWISE.” …” (Luke 10:25, 33 – 34, 36 – 37, NKJV)


Note: Please notice carefully that the “Good Samaritan” used “his own money and possessions (donkey)” to do these “Acts of Mercy” and “not” via ‘Money Collected from others or in the Name of God only’ meaning the value is based on ‘what we are given’ (by Relative Measure’. If this is “not” important for ETERNAL LIFE, Christ Wouldn’t have wasted His Time describing “each details” here like this (which both the theologically more accuratePriest/Levite” missed where a “Samaritan” who did it describes someone with imperfect knowledge of God by Christ’s Own Definition in John 4:22 – 23 too):


“… 31Now by chance a certain PRIEST came down that road. And when he saw him, he PASSED BY ON THE OTHER SIDE. 32Likewise a LEVITE, when he arrived at the place, came and looked, and PASSED BY ON THE OTHER SIDE. 33But a CERTAIN SAMARITAN, as he journeyed, came where he was. And when he saw him, he had COMPASSION. 34So he went to him and BANDAGED HIS WOUNDS, POURING [Olive]OIL [Greek: elaion-“Oil” 1637]  and WINE; and HE SET HIM ON HIS OWN ANIMAL, brought him to an inn, and TOOK CARE OF HIM. 35On the next day, [j]when he departed, HE TOOK OUT TWO DENARII, GAVE THEM TO THE INNKEEPER, and said to him, ‘Take care of him; and WHATEVER MORE YOU SPEND, when I come again, I WILL REPAY YOU.’ 36So which of these three do you think was neighbor to him who fell among the thieves?” …” (Luke 10:31 – 36, NKJV)


  1. f) The “possible” link between these two passages


Both these Greek Words [Greek: elaion-“Oil” 1637] and [Greek: eleos-“Mercy” 1656] occur clearly in this Parable of the Good Samaritan (in Luke 10:25 – 37). Also both these root words are connected linguistically meaning that “the oil” in the “Parable of the 5 Wise and 5 Foolish Virgins” can also mean that “this oil” primarily refers to the “Acts of Mercy” which points to the ‘Charity Doctrine’ as per the Church Fathers’ quotes which “not” only reflects the First Christianity position on it, but even Martin Luther, the First Protestant too, except that he defines the “Oil and Lamp” to mean “Faith and Helping Others type of Good Work (Charity Doctrine)” in ‘reverse definition’ (but ‘overall meaning’ is the ‘same’), to quote:


“… Therefore, let each one see to it that he has these two together: the OIL, which is TRUE FAITH and trust in Christ; and the LAMPS, the VESSEL, which is the OUTWARD SERVICE TOWARD YOUR NEIGHBOR. The WHOLE CHRISTIAN LIFE CONSISTS in THESE TWO THINGS things: BELIEVE GOD. HELP YOUR NEIGHBOR. The WHOLE GOSPEL TEACHES this. PARENTS should TELL IT TO THEIR CHILDREN at HOME and EVERYWHERE. Children, too, should CONSTANTLY FOSTER THIS WORD AMONG THEMSELVES. I should really say something about the sleep of the virgins and about the setting out of the Bridegroom for the wedding. But the hour is late. Another time. May God be gracious to us! Amen. …”- The First Champion of the Protestant Faith, Blessed Martin Luther’s Sermon which was translated in 2013 by the Rev. Paul A. Rydecki, On Faith and Good Works, Preached in Erfurt at St. Michaeliskirche on the Day of the 11,000 Virgins (October 21st), 1522


Source: http://www.godwithuslc.org/luther-sermon-for-trinity-27/


Note: Regardless if Martin Luther (above) quoted the “oil” and “lamp” as “faith” and “good works” respectively, it doesn’t change the meaning in essence that he is emphasizing clearly that the CHARITY DOCTRINE LIFESTYLE as signified in his phrase above as ‘OUTWARD SERVICE TOWARD YOUR NEIGHBOR’ is part of the “5 Wise Virgins” and he exhorts to “Preach it everywhere”, in his words “… BELIEVE GOD. HELP YOUR NEIGHBOR. The WHOLE GOSPEL TEACHES this. PARENTS should TELL IT TO THEIR CHILDREN at HOME and EVERYWHERE. Children, too, should CONSTANTLY FOSTER THIS WORD AMONG THEMSELVES. …”. So we preach likewise and cannot be condemned for it either as we are following Martin Luther in this.


If Martin Luther (the First Protestant) did “not” go to Hell by Preaching this Context as per “First Christianity”, we won’t either by preaching and doing likewise. Also, the fact that Martin Luther agrees to Church Father’s Quotes* (please see at the end for examples) on this proves that this Doctrinal part is most likely correct.


  1. g) Comment: God may “not” know anyone who is “Lawless” or doesn’t do “His Sayings” (Matthew 7:24) as He Declared likewise “I never knew you!” (in Matthew 7:20 – 23) toward a ‘fake Christianity which converted “many” via ‘Prophesying, Casting out Demons, and Miracles’. In comparison, please notice that Christ knew the ‘Surprised Sheep’ on Judgment Day (Matthew 25:31 – 36) even if that sheep may “not” have known Him fully or they may be theologically imperfect as they asked in Reply, “When did we see you Lord… etc.” but they all did the CHARITY DOCTRINE in response to ‘… when I was Hungry, Thirsty, Homeless, Naked, …’ (which is the “common ground” where Christ Declares that ‘He Knows them as His Sheep’ in those Verses clearly).


3) The Clearest Proof comes in the Book of Revelation where for example the “Laodicean Church” Believed in the Christ and had “Prosperity” with NO OTHER SIN MENTIONED BUT WAS REJECTED. Yes “PROSPERITY” SIN alone was enough to be considered LUKEWARM and be Rejected from the “FIRST RESURRECTION”, Verses:


  1. i) I repeat, the ONLY SIN of the Laodicean Church was “Prosperity” (nothing else is Written as Christ points to other Church to have ‘sexually immoral or Doctrine of Nicolaitans or Balak etc.’)


“… 15“I KNOW YOUR WORKS, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. 16So then, because YOU ARE LUKEWARM, and neither [k]cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth. 17Because you say, ‘I AM RICH, HAVE BECOME WEALTHY, and HAVE NEED OF NOTHING’—and do not know that YOU ARE WRETCHED, MISERABLE, POOR, BLIND, AND NAKED— 18I counsel you to BUY FROM ME GOLD REFINED IN THE FIRE, that YOU MAY BE RICH; and WHITE GARMENTS that you may be clothed, that the shame of your nakedness may not be revealed; and anoint your eyes with eye salve, that you may see. …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Revelation 3:15 – 18, NKJV)


  1. ii) Why is this Important? Only those with “WHITE GARMENTS” have their names “Written” in the “BOOK of LIFE” to escape the “Lake of Fire“, Verses:


“… He who OVERCOMES shall be clothed in WHITE GARMENTS, and I will not blot out his name from the BOOK OF LIFE; but I will confess his name before My Father and before His angels. …” (Revelation 3:5, NKJV)


iii) White Garments is NOT FAITH but GOOD WORKS as described in this ‘same Book of Revelation’:


White Garment” = “Good Works in Action” (“Overcomers”, not holiness only) = “Righteous Acts of the Saints” (human Good Works letting God Work it through us, His Will), Verse:


“… 7Let us be glad and rejoice and give Him glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready.” 8And to her it was granted to be ARRAYED IN FINE LINEN, CLEAN AND BRIGHT, for the FINE LINEN is the RIGHTEOUS ACTS OF THE SAINTS. 9Then he said to me, “Write: ‘Blessed are those who are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb!’ ” And he said to me, “These are the true sayings of God.” . …” (Revelation 19:7 – 9, NKJV)


Please don’t be deceived by funny modern Church Teachings that don’t point to all these as “First Christianity” did. Yes, “First Christianity” vs “End Time Christianity” exists because, the Bible uses the phrase “last days” (example 2 Timothy 3:1) distinguishing this Timeline from “First Christianity” clearly where such apostasy and errors in crucial doctrine like this would happen.






4) Church Father’s Quotes that the “lesser Oil” in the “Foolish Virgins” denotes “lack of Good Works of the Charity Doctrine (LOVE TYPE)”:


  1. St. John Chrysostom


“… Hom. lxxviii, In the foregoing parable the Lord set forth the punishment of the man who beat, and was drunk, and wasted [p. 844] his Lord’s goods; in this He declares his punishment who profits not, and does not prepare for himself abundantly the things of which he has need; FOR THE FOOLISGH VIRGINS HAD OIL, BUT NOT ENOUGH. … And He employs the character virgins in this parable to shew, that though virginity be a great thing, yet if it be not accompanied by works of mercy, it shall be cast out with the adulterers. … Or, The “OIL” DENOTES CHARITY, ALMS, and EVERY AID RENDERED TO THE NEEDY; the lamps denote the gifts of virginity; and He calls them “foolish,” because after having gone through the greater toil, they lost all for the sake of a less; for it is greater labour to overcome the desires of the flesh than of money. …  You see then how great merchants the poor are to us; but THE POOR ARE NOT THERE, but here, and THEREFORE WE MUST STORE UP OIL HERE, that we may have it to use there when occasion shall require. … That, “WHILE THEY WENT TO BUY,” shews that even, IF WE SHOULD BECOME MERCIFUL AFTER DEATH, IT WILL AVAIL US NOTHING to escape punishment, as it was no profit to the rich man, that he became merciful and careful about those who belonged to him. …” – Blessed St. John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople, Doctor of the Church, one of the Three Holy Hierarchs (c. 349 AD – c. 407 AD, Commentary on Matthew 25:1 – 13’s Parable of the Five Wise/Foolish Virgins in Catena Aurea)











  1. St. Hilary of Poitiers


“… The “OIL” IS THE FRUIT OF GOOD WORKS, the “vessels” are the human bodies in whose inward parts the treasure of a good conscience is to be laid up. …  At the trumpet signal they go forth to meet the bridegroom alone, for then shall the two be one, that is, the flesh and God, when the lowliness of the flesh shall be transformed into spiritual glory. … Or, the trimming their lamps is the return of their souls into their bodies, and their light is the consciousness of good works that shines forth, which is contained in the vessels of the body. … THEY THAT SELL ARE THE POOR, who, NEEDING THE ALMS OF THE FAITHFUL, made them that recompense which they desire, SELLING in return for the relief afforded to their wants, a consciousness of good works. This is the abundant fuel of an UNDYING LIGHT WHICH MAY BE BOUGHT AND STORED UP for the FRUITS OF MERCY. … “The marriage” is the putting on of immortality, and the joining together corruption and incorruption in a new union. … Yet though the season of repentance is now past, the foolish virgins come and beg that entrance may be granted to them. …” …” –  Blessed St. Hilary of Poictiers, the “Athanasius of the West”, Doctor of the Church, The Champion of Trinity in the West (c. 310 AD – c. 368 AD, Commentary on Matthew 25:1 – 13’s Parable of the Five Wise/Foolish Virgins in Catena Aurea)















  1. St. Augustine of Hippo


“… Lib. 83 Quaest, Q59: Or, “The lamps” which they carry in their hands are their works, of which it was said above, “Let your works shine before men.” [Matt 5:16] … Or, by the five virgins, is denoted a five-fold continence from the allurements of the flesh; for our appetite must be held from gratification of the eyes, ears, smell, taste, and touch. And as this continence may be done before God, to please Him in inward joy of the conscience, or before men only to gain applause of men, five are called wise, and five foolish. Both are virgins, because both these men exercise continence, though from different motives. … Or, The “oil” denotes joy, according to that, “God hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness.” [Ps 45:7] He then whose joy springs not from this that he is inwardly pleasing to God, has no oil with him; for they have no gladness in their continent lives, [p. 846] save in the praises of men. “But the wise TOOK OIL with their lamps,” THAT IS, the GLADNESS OF GOOD WORKS, “in their vessels,” that is, they stored it in their heart and conscience, as the Apostle speaks, “Let every man prove himself, and then shall he have rejoicing in himself, and not in another.” [Gal 6:4] …  … ” – Blessed St. Augustine of Hippo, Doctor of the Church, who influenced virtually all of subsequent Western philosophy and Catholic theology, as well as a significant amount of Protestant theology (c. 354 AD – c. 430 AD,  Commentary on Matthew 25:1 – 13’s Parable of the Five Wise/Foolish Virgins in Catena Aurea)






An Edifying Comment: Surely these Church Fathers quoted here must be saved especially St. Augustine of Hippo (who is the Protestant’s favourite saint too) and hence preaching likewise as them in this cannot cause any Christian to be condemned either.







5) Saved by Fire case for some Christians possibility


“… 14If anyone’s work which he has built on it endures, HE WILL RECEIVE A REWARD. 15If anyone’s WORK IS BURNED, HE WILL SUFFER LOSS; but HE HIMSELF WILL BE SAVED, YET SO AS THROUGH FIRE.  …” (1 Corinthians 3:14 – 15, NKJV)


Some may be “Saved by Fire” only incurring the “Loss of Reward” while “not” all get the “Gold” or “Silver” level Reward either meaning that “not” all inheritance of the Kingdom of Heaven is same for Christians either and so, please don’t be deceived by Teachings which claim ‘you get every treasure in heaven by doing nothing’ or by doing less’. This “Saved by Fire” case can include some of those whom are included in John 3:16’s “whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life” and so it’s “not” as honourable as the Salvation of other Christians who adorn their Faith with Works accordingly to HONOUR GOD in ACTION.


So the John 3:16 you quoted can include such ones too, right?


If not, then this Verse Speaks of a possible “non-Elect Salvation” and Let God Decide one day which is the case.


Either way, there is “loss” despite “being saved” if we end up “saved by fire” where this “Fire” refers to the “Lake of Fire” Context simply because it refers to the “FIRE which is to be REVEALED on THAT DAY (when He Returns or perhaps Judgment Day 1000 years later, no one knows which for sure)”:


“… 13each ONE’S WORK will become clear; FOR THE DAY WILL DECLARE IT, BECAUSE IT WILL BE REVEALED BY FIRE; and THE FIRE WILL TEST EACH ONE’S WORK, of what sort it is. 14If anyone’s work which he has built on it endures, HE WILL RECEIVE A REWARD. 15If anyone’s WORK IS BURNED, HE WILL SUFFER LOSS; but HE HIMSELF WILL BE SAVED, YET SO AS THROUGH FIRE.” (1 Corinthians 3:13 – 15, NKJV)


Comment: Please notice carefully that the REWARD here of GOLD, SILVER, PRECIOUS STONES and SAVED BY FIRE’s LOSS OF REWARD are all based NOT ON FAITH LEVEL but WORK LEVEL (as the Word “faith” doesn’t even exist in this discussion in 1 Corinthians 3:5 – 15; yes the word “faith” doesn’t exist in 1 Corinthians 3 itself but only “WORKS”). So the “Work Quality” is very important to build on “CHRIST” where the Christians are calledGod’s Field” here:


“… 5Who then is Paul, and who is Apollos, but ministers through whom you believed, as the Lord gave to each one? 6I PLANTED, APOLLOS WATERED, but GOD GAVE THE INCREASE. 7So then NEITHER HE WHO PLANTS IS ANYTHING, NOR HE WHO WATERS, BUT GOD WHO GIVES THE INCREASE. 8Now HE WHO PLANTS AND HE WHO WATERS ARE ONE, and EACH ONE WILL RECEIVE HIS OWN REWARD ACCORDING TO HIS OWN LABOR. 9For we are God’s fellow workers; YOU ARE GOD’s FIELD, YOU ARE GOD’s BUILDING. 10According to the grace of God which was given to me, as a wise master builder I have laid the foundation, and another builds on it. But LET EACH ONE TAKE HEED HOW HE BUILDS ON IT.  …” (1 Corinthians 3:5 – 10, NKJV)


The “Building on Christians” is by “Relative Measure” and “Charity Doctrine” as we build on other Christians “benefitting them in some way” (which opens up even the possibility that some non-Christians who Practiced the Charity Doctrine toward Christians could be saved on the Second Resurrection as Judgment Day Verses in Matthew 25:31 – 46 also point to what one did when these least brethren of Christ (Christians) were ‘… hungry, naked, homeless, thirsty, in prison, sick …’ etc. So regardless, this interpretation of “Work” referring to “Works of Mercy of Giving and Sharing toward Christiansfreely is meant as the “Building on God’s Field” which is the “Charity Doctrine Lifestyle” by “Relative Measure” (Luke 12:46 – 48, Luke 21:1 – 4). If it’s “not” a free service but expensive courses sold by one Christian to another (for example), the value may drop from Gold to Silver to even becoming wood/hay which will be burnt by that Fire (Let God Decide).


In Full:


“… 5Who then is Paul, and who is Apollos, but ministers through whom you believed, as the Lord gave to each one? 6I PLANTED, APOLLOS WATERED, but GOD GAVE THE INCREASE. 7So then NEITHER HE WHO PLANTS IS ANYTHING, NOR HE WHO WATERS, BUT GOD WHO GIVES THE INCREASE. 8Now HE WHO PLANTS AND HE WHO WATERS ARE ONE, and EACH ONE WILL RECEIVE HIS OWN REWARD ACCORDING TO HIS OWN LABOR. 9For we are God’s fellow workers; YOU ARE GOD’s FIELD, YOU ARE GOD’s BUILDING. 10According to the grace of God which was given to me, as a wise master builder I have laid the foundation, and another builds on it. But LET EACH ONE TAKE HEED HOW HE BUILDS ON IT.  11For no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ. 12Now if anyone builds on this foundation with GOLD, SILVER, PRECIOUS STONES, wood, hay, straw, 13each one’s work will become clear; for the Day will declare it, because it will be revealed by fire; and the fire will test each one’s work, of what sort it is. 14If anyone’s work which he has built on it endures, HE WILL RECEIVE A REWARD. 15If anyone’s WORK IS BURNED, HE WILL SUFFER LOSS; but HE HIMSELF WILL BE SAVED, YET SO AS THROUGH FIRE.” …” (1 Corinthians 3:5 – 15, NKJV)





This Context being right is affirmed by these Verses too:


“… 6But this I say: HE WHO SOWS SPARINGLY WILL ALSO REAP SPARINGLY,  and HE WHO SOWS BOUNTIFULLY WILL ALSO REAP BOUNTIFULLY. 7So let EACH ONE GIVE as he PURPOSES in HIS HEART, not grudgingly or of [f]necessity; for GOD LOVES A CHEERFUL GIVER. 8And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for EVERY GOOD WORK. 9As it is written: “He has dispersed abroad, He has GIVEN TO THE POOR; His righteousness endures FOREVER.” …” (2 Corinthians 9:6 – 9, NKJV)


Yes, when 2 Corinthians 9:6 was Written, the TOPIC is NOT ‘how many souls they converted’ but rather the CHARITY DOCTRINE of “HOW MUCH EACH ONE GAVE to MINISTER to EACH other’s NEEDS beginning with the CHURCH to CHURCH sharing of money to even outsiders or ALL MEN who are POOR ONLY with what they have”.




1) The Verse is “not” talking about number of conversions made by a Church or individual but only “GIVING literal earthly goods + money” for “needs” to the “poor”.


2) God doesn’t reward ‘no of converts’ because that’s by ‘relative measure’ as a big number will usually be for ‘easier levels of faith’ or lesser levels such as the thirty-fold as opposed to Christ Commanding the “Hundredfold Perfection” (in Matthew 19:21 – 24, Matthew 19:27 – 30) as Christ Himself only had “Twelve Apostles” at the Highest Levels.


3) If the number of converts is meant as ‘sow and reap sparingly’, then how come the 144000 purely “Jewish Virgin Men” are the “Firstfruit” of salvation itself as mentioned in Revelation 7:1 – 10, Revelation 14:1 – 5 as in comparison of history, how many ‘preachers which big church/big conversions’ (in history) are purely “… unmarried Jewish Virgin Men …”? so the greatness in the Kingdom is “not” based on ‘number of converts’ but the ‘Level of Obedience to His New Testament Commands’ (as Matthew 5:19 – 20 Reveals).



God is Fair to each Christian in this way as it’s based on ‘Relative Measure’ only His Principle as elaborated in the Poor Widow’s giving example in Luke 21:1 – 4. Two people, one with 1000 converts while another with 2 converts can be equal if they work as hard for the Kingdom and keep His Commands Equally well in ‘Relative Measure’ (Let God Judge those measurements for He Alone is without Bias and will be Fair to all).


4) In short, nothing “Written” in 2 Corinthians 9 refers to ‘sow or reap sparingly’ as referring to Number of Converts. The only thing in Topic here in this entire chapter is the ‘Charity Doctrine Lifestyle’ of sharing/giving with each other’s needs (not luxury/wants/prosperity giving to the rich). Example: Please notice the word “poor” in a Verse in this same chapter below:


5) If you keep giving to the rich (be it pastors or churches or individuals) for their ‘prosperity beyond needs and luxuries’, your giving is wasted and may “not” merit any reward in heaven (as that’s the punishment for those who disobey when they see their money wasted on such people as you chose to give like that), Verse:


“… And he who gives to the rich, will surely come to poverty. …” (Proverbs 22:16, NKJV)


Note: Some of those who do the above never become poor on earth (e.g. the prosperity of the wicked as Psalm 73:3 – 12 Speaks) and so will be “poor in heaven” (lower level of rewards if not too bad) or “hell” as the case of the ‘Rich Man’ with “no” Charity Doctrine to the “Poor” as Christ Warned in Luke 16:19 – 31.


6) Charity Doctrine increases the “fruits of righteousness”


“… 10Now [g]may He who supplies seed to the sower, and bread for food, [h]supply and multiply the seed you have sown and INCREASE THE FRUITS OF YOUR RIGHTEOUSNESS, 11while you are enriched in everything for ALL LIBERALITY, which causes THANKSGIVING THROUGH US TO GOD. …” (2 Corinthians 9:10 – 11, NKJV)





7) Charity Doctrine is only counted for “needs” (please notice this word carefully in Verse below, all from this ‘same Chapter, Same Topic, Same Context) and ‘not wants/luxury or equivalent’:




8.) Charity Doctrine is the PROOF and OBEDIENCE to both the CONFESSION and GOSPEL of CHRIST as ‘no other righteous act is mentioned in this chapter be it praying, fasting, church attendance, etc.’ but in Verse below this Will of the Father is specifically Revealed as “…for YOUR LIBERAL SHARING WITH THEM and ALL MEN, …” – can you see it?


(this means other religious acts be it ‘praying, fasting, church attendance, etc.’ are only accepted as much as this Charity Doctrine is done in OBEDIENCE first as discussed in Previous posts with other Verses too such as Isaiah 1:10 – 20, Amos 5:10 – 12, 21 – 24, Isaiah 58:3, 7 – 9, James 1:27, Luke 11:39 – 41):




Please notice the last line carefully that this “liberal sharing” is not just toward “them” (referring to ‘other churches’) but also “ALL MEN” (meaning including non-believers too). Can you see it please as ‘it is Written’?


9) Here is  an example related First Christianity Quote for edification (which is “not” necessary as these Verses themselves as sufficient) but it helps us to understand that early Christians were aware of it too:


“… Therefore when He said, Make to yourselves friends, he added, of the mammon of unrighteousness [Luke 16:9], to show, that their friendship will not alone protect us unless good works accompany us, unless we righteously cast away all riches unrighteously amassed. The most skillful then of all arts is that of almsgiving. For it builds not for us houses of mud, but lays up in store an everlasting life. Now in each of the arts one needs the support of another; but when we ought to show mercy, we need nothing else but the will alone. …” – Blessed St. John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople, Doctor of the Church, one of the Three Holy Hierarchs (c. 349 AD – c. 407 AD)


Source: https://sites.google.com/site/aquinasstudybible/home/luke-commentary/catena-aurea-on-luke/chapter-1/chapter-2/chapter-3/chapter-5/chapter-5/chapter-6/chapter-7/chapter-8/chapter-9/chapter-10/chapter-11/chapter-12/chapter-13/chapter-14/chapter-15/chapter-16


10) Christ Taught this Same Truth that one’s Faithfulness to Him is “not” measured by ‘how many hours of fasting, praying, church attendance, worship etc.’ (if someone says otherwise, which Verse did Christ Speak of the word “Faithfulness” (Context) and ‘any of those religious acts?’ It does “not” exist) but ONLY SPOKE of the WORD FAITHFULNESS with this CHARITY DOCTRINE LIFESTYLE, Verses:


In short, CHRIST DECLARES (“not” me) that the FAITHFULNESS of a CHRISTIAN is “not” measured by ‘… how many hours he prays, fasts, attends church, worships etc. …’ (if someone says so, please ask them FOR A BIBLE VERSE where CHRIST SAYS it DIRECTLY and you will find “none”) in comparison to as much as one LIVES and DOES this CHARITY DOCTRINE LIFESTYLE as Christ Clearly Asks in Verse via a simpler English Translation as follows


“… . 11And IF YOU ARE UNTRUSTWORTHY ABOUT WORLDLY WEALTH, who will trust you with the TRUE  RICHES OF HEAVEN? …” (Luke 16:11, NLT) where the JUDGMENT for this is ONLY BASED on “… 9Here’s the lesson: USE YOUR WORLDLY RESOURCES to BENEFIT OTHERS AND MAKE FRIENDS. Then, when your possessions are gone, they will welcome you to an ETERNAL HOME. 10“IF YOU ARE FAITHFUL IN LITTLE THINGS, YOU WILL BE FAITHFUL IN LARGE ONES. …” (Luke 16:9 – 10, NLT) by CHRIST HIMSELF.


Comment: Please notice the words ‘… 10“IF YOU ARE FAITHFUL IN LITTLE THINGS, YOU WILL BE FAITHFUL IN LARGE ONES. …’ which refers to Heavenly Reward given based on how one used the earthly Resources to BENEFIT OTHERS FOR FREE as earlier Verses quotes as “… 9Here’s the lesson: USE YOUR WORLDLY RESOURCES to BENEFIT OTHERS AND MAKE FRIENDS. Then, when your possessions are gone, they will welcome you to an ETERNAL HOME.  …” in the Context of “ETERNAL”(Aionion) Home. The Word “Aeonian” translated as “eternal” here is the same word used to Describe “everlasting (Aeonian) punishment vs everlasting (Aeonian) life” in Matthew 25:46 all by Christ Himself proving its “Eternalconsequences of missing this Doctrine accordingly.


Please don’t be deceived and please be very careful of “expensive Bible courses to Bible books to hoarding God’s Money as blessings or equivalent as these Verses Contradict all that”. Indeed, please follow ‘what is Written’ as ‘sweet words’ can be ‘against #WhatHeSaid and ‘just makes them feel good but it’s NOT a BIBLE VERSE and WORST STILL IT SPEAKS AGAINST THESE DIRECT WORDS of CHRIST “as it is Written“.


Last but not least, please remember that the “Denied” Christians all were claiming ‘spiritual gifts type of focus such as casting out demons or prophesying or miracles in His Name’ but CHRIST DENIES them plainly giving the reason of “LAWLESSNESS” (i.e. “not” obeying “HIS COMMANDS”) and so no one is denied for OBEYING HIS WORDS which HE LIKENS to BUILDING A HOUSE ON THE ROCK in these same set of Verses (hence ‘same context’ in Matthew 7:20 – 24) and so there’s “no” self righteousness or dangerous theology in “obeying His Words”. These Verses:


“… 21“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22MANY will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ 23And then I will declare to them, ‘I NEVER KNEW YOU; depart from Me, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS!’ 24“Therefore WHOEVER HEARS THESE SAYINGS OF MINE, and DOES THEM, I will liken him to a WISE MAN WHO BUILT HIS HOUSE ON THE ROCK: …” (Matthew 7:21 – 24, NKJV)


Please notice carefully that the HOUSE BUILT on the ROCK which is compared against all these spiritual gifts based conversion of an end time Christianity (“On THAT DAY“) of MANY is different in only one point namely, the “saved Christian who built his house on the ROCK (of Christ)” refers to “not just preaching or glorifying Christ in Words” which is Hypocrisy UNLESS it is FOLLOWED by PREACHING and DOING HIS NEW TESTAMENT COMMANDS as PROOF OF FAITH IN ACTUAL WORKS (the other type of conversions which are NOT based on HIS NEW TESTAMENT COMMANDS are called LAWLESS and REJECTED here and where is the Threshold? God Alone Decides as He has Mercy on Whomever He Wills) but this is what “God’s Will” is, Verse:


“… 19Whoever therefore BREAKS one of the least of THESE COMMANDMENTS, and teaches men so, shall be called LEAST in the KINGDOM OF HEAVEN; but whoever DOES AND TEACHES THEM, he shall be called GREAT in the KINGDOM OF HEAVEN. 20For I say to you, that unless YOUR RIGHTEOUSNESS EXCEEDS THE RIGHTEOUSNESS of the scribes and Pharisees, you will by NO MEANS ENTER THE KINGDOM of HEAVEN. …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 5:19 – 21, NKJV)




Only a self righteous person would have no desire to do God’s Will Revealed in these Verses as the Pharisees believed in YHWH but ignored all these Commandments as Christ was Firing them in ‘that Context’ likewise where these latter were only good in collecting “tithes” (because it benefitted them financially directly and ‘were holy from major sins’ Luke 18:9 – 12) but IGNORED GOD’S WILL for JUSTICE and LOVE of GOD which is the CHARITY DOCTRINE LIFESTYLE, Verses:



To quote:


“… 25“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you CLEANSE THE OUTSIDE OF THE CUP and dish, but INSIDE THEY ARE FULL OF EXTORTION and [l]SELF-INDULGENCE. 26Blind Pharisee, first cleanse the inside of the cup and dish, that the outside of them may be clean also. 27“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like WHITEWASHED TOMBS which indeed appear BEAUTIFUL OUTWARDLY, but inside are full of dead men’s bones and all uncleanness. 28Even so you also OUTWARDLY APPEAR RIGHTEOUS TO MEN, but INSIDE YOU ARE FULL OF HYPOCRISY AND LAWLESSNESS. …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 23:25 – 28, NKJV)


“… 39Then the Lord said to him, “Now you Pharisees make the OUTSIDE OF THE CUP and DISH CLEAN, but YOUR INWARD PART is full of [k]GREED and WICKEDNESS. 40FOOLISH ones! Did not He who made the outside make the inside also? 41But rather GIVE ALMS of [l]SUCH THINGS AS YOU HAVE; then indeed ALL THINGS ARE CLEAN TO YOU. 42“But woe to you Pharisees! For YOU TITHE mint and rue and all manner of herbs, and pass by JUSTICE and the LOVE of GOD These you OUGHT TO HAVE DONE, WITHOUT LEAVING THE OTHERS UNDONE. 43Woe to you Pharisees! For you love the [m]best seats in the synagogues and greetings in the marketplaces. 44Woe to you, [n]scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like graves which are not seen, and the men who walk over them are not aware of them.” …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 11:39 – 45, NKJV)


Comment: That should reveal to us that MONEY SINS are the “Worst there is” and it is also clear in the “lives of the Pharisees likewise” (whom Christ attacked vehemently) where CHRIST DOES NOT point once that the Pharisees committed “adultery, murder, witchcraft, idolatry,” BUT HE POINTED their “PROSPERITY SINS” (Christ’s Phrase “Self Indulgence” in Matthew 23:25) with “Tithe collecting” (for self survival) but NOT CARING for the ALMSGIVING (CHARITY DOCTRINE) and especially “not” with their money as even Luke 11:39 – 42 has clearly Described this Context in Christ’s Most Blessed Words as it is Written calling them “whitewashed tombs” (because ‘outwardly they were religious in praying, fasting and Church Attendance with NO adultery, NO Murder, NO Witchcraft, NO idolatry etc’).


The Phrase “…. These you OUGHT TO HAVE DONE, WITHOUT LEAVING THE OTHERS UNDONE.  …” is inclusive of the ONLY RELIGIOUS ACT CHRIST MENTIONS HERE (Context as ‘it is Written) referring to “… 41But rather GIVE ALMS of [l]SUCH THINGS AS YOU HAVE; then indeed ALL THINGS ARE CLEAN TO YOU. …” which is the CHARITY DOCTRINE LIFESTYLE which is a MUST for any TRUE CHRISTIAN (according to ‘Relative Measure‘, implied) as CHRIST DIDN’T SAY it is an “option” but a “requirement” as His Phrase here is:




and from “WHAT YOU HAVE” (meaning NOT money collected in the Name of God only and Neither are the Priests/Pastors exempt from it as the ‘Pharisees were such’).


In short,  ‘believing in Christ’ and ‘continuing living like that’ wouldn’t HAVE SAVED the PHARISEES either as “True believing in Christ would do these ALMSGIVING or CHARITY DOCTRINE as CHRIST WARNS here as the LOVE OF GOD and JUSTICE He Refers to” instead of “Prosperity” (Self-Indulgence) as these Pharisees did.





Peace to you






The “Truth” they were hindering was the “Charity Doctrine” aspect of “Faith Working through Love” teaching some type of ‘ritualistic return to the Law such as circumcision doctrine’, Verses:


“…  6For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision avails anything, but FAITH WORKING THROUGH LOVE. 7YOU RAN WELL. Who hindered you from OBEYING THE TRUTH? 8This persuasion DOES NOT come FROM HIM who calls you. 9A little leaven leavens the whole lump.THROUGH LOVE SERVE ONE ANOTHER. 14For ALL THE LAW IS FULFILLED in one word, even in this: “YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOUR AS YOURSELF.” … AGAINST SUCH THERE IS NO LAW …” (Galatians 5:6 – 9, 13 – 14, 22, highlighted, NKJV)





The “Leaven” which was SPOILING CHRISTIANITY was ANY RITUALISTIC TORAH (LAW) OBSERVANCES which did NOT COME under the DEFINITION of LOVE such as the “Charity Doctrine” aspect of “Faith Working through Love” where this teaching of some type of ‘ritualistic return to the Law such as circumcision doctrine’ is WRONG, Verses:


“…  6For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision avails anything, but FAITH WORKING THROUGH LOVE. 7YOU RAN WELL. Who hindered you from OBEYING THE TRUTH? 8This persuasion DOES NOT come FROM HIM who calls you. 9A little leaven leavens the whole lump.THROUGH LOVE SERVE ONE ANOTHER. 14For ALL THE LAW IS FULFILLED in one word, even in this: “YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOUR AS YOURSELF.” … AGAINST SUCH THERE IS NO LAW …” (Galatians 5:6 – 9, 13 – 14, 22, highlighted, NKJV)


So, any Doctrine which TEACHES AGAINST the CHARITY DOCTRINE is clearly a LEAVEN which SPOILS CHRISTIANITY as this FIRST CONTEXT of these Verses itself imply when it was FIRST WRITTEN.



Peace to you







The Greatest Commandments by Christ Himself


Source Post:



“… 29JESUS answered him, “The [k]first of all the commandments is: ‘Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. 30And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ [l]This is the first commandment. 31And the second, like it, is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is NO OTHER COMMANDMENT GREATER THAN THESE.” …” (Mark 12:29 – 31, NKJV)


Without a “Doctrine of Love in Action (not words only)”, such “Faith” contradicts these Verses:


“…  6For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision avails anything, but FAITH WORKING THROUGH LOVE. 7YOU RAN WELL. Who hindered you from OBEYING THE TRUTH? 8This persuasion DOES NOT come FROM HIM who calls you. 9A little leaven leavens the whole lump. … THROUGH LOVE SERVE ONE ANOTHER. 14For ALL THE LAW IS FULFILLED in one word, even in this: “YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOUR AS YOURSELF.”AGAINST SUCH THERE IS NO LAW ...” (Galatians 5:6 – 9, 13 – 14, 22, highlighted, NKJV)


Note: the “as yourself” part is the hardest.


1) How much we “Love others” (2nd Greatest Commandment) is the proof of the first, “Love God” (1st Greatest Commandment), Verses:


“… 20If someone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen, [d]how can he love God whom he has not seen? 21And this commandment we have from Him: that he who loves God must love his brother also. …” (1 John 4:20 – 21, NKJV)


2) The “Love your neighbor” here is the CHARITY DOCTRINE as CHRIST HIMSELF gave this context as discussed in earlier post in link below:


3) Other Details (I have discussed in various pages of previous books for edification), examples:


  1. i) Jewish Perspective

[From Pages 302 to 303 of the #MysteryoftheKingdomofHeavenBook ]


“… Accordingly, King Nebuchadnezzar is told by Daniel: “Break off thy sins by righteousness [ẓedaḳah—almsgiving] and thine iniquities by showing mercy to the poor” (Dan. iv. 27), and both Daniel and the king become models of charity (Midr. Zuṭṭa, Cant., ed. Buber, p. 21). (See Altar.) The entire story of Tobit is a lesson on almsgiving and its redeeming powers (Tobit, i. 3, 16; ii. 14; iv. 7-11; xii. 8, 9). “Alms deliver from death and purge away all sin” (compare Prov. xi. 4); whence the custom of giving Alms at funerals (see Ẓedaḳah Box). “Every one who occupies himself with charity shall behold the face of God,” as it is written (Ps. xvii. 15, Heb.): “I behold Thy face by almsgiving” (ẓedeḳ; see Midr. Teh. l.c., B. B. 10a). Almsgiving, prayer, and fasting constituted the three cardinal disciplines which the synagogue transmitted to both the Christian church and the Mohammedan mosque (see Tobit, xii. 8; and compare Matt. vi. 1-18; and the Koran, where almsgiving, called zakat (Aramaic zakuta), or sadaḳa (ẓedaḳah), is always mentioned in connection with prayer (sura ii. 40, 104; ix. 54). The Mandæans, too, made almsgiving (zidka) and fasting the means of obtaining eternal life and bliss (see Brand, “Mandäische Schriften,” pp. 28 et seq.). According to Rab Assi of the third century, “almsgiving is equal in value to all other commandments” (B. B. 9a; compare Luke, xv.): “It saves man from sudden, unnatural death and the soul from doom” (R. Johanan, B. B. 10a, after Prov. x. 2): “Almsgiving is more than any sacrifice, though personal charity is superior even to almsgiving” (R. Eleazar, Suk. 49b). R. Eleazar states also that it should precede prayer, taking Ps. xvii. 15 also to mean, “After almsgiving I shall behold Thy face,” B.B. 10a. Likewise each fast-day was virtually an occasion for almsgiving, as the day’s offerings were handed over to the poor (Ber. 6b). Compare Midr. Zuṭṭa, Cant., ed. Buber, p. 21: “The Israelites fast and give their food and that of their children to the poor”—quoted by Origen, “Homilies to Leviticus,” x. (see also Aristides, xv. 9). …” Jewish Encyclopedia


Source: https://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/1295-alms






  1. ii) Apocrypha Books Perspective from among which were called “good” by Blessed Martin Luther (the First Protestant) and was found in the “First 1611 KJV King James Bible


“…  6 Then he said to them SECRETLY: Bless ye the God of heaven, give glory to him in the sight of all that live, because he hath shewn his mercy to you. 7 For it is good to hide the secret of a king: but honourable to reveal and confess the works of God. 8 PRAYER IS GOOD WITH FASTING AND ALMS MORE THAN to lay up treasures of gold: 9 For ALMS DELIVERETH from DEATH, and the same is that which PURGETH AWAY SINS, and maketh to FIND MERCY AND LIFE EVERLASTING. … 15 For I am the angel RAPHAEL, one of the seven who stand before the Lord. …” (Bible Scripture.Net Translation, Tobit 12:6 – 9, 15)


Source: https://biblescripture.net/Tobias.html


“… 7 GIVE GENEROUSLY to anyone who faithfully obeys God. If you are stingy in giving to the poor, God will be stingy in giving to you. 8 Give according to what you have. THE MORE YOU HAVE, THE MORE YOU SHOULD GIVE. Even if you have only a little, be sure to give something. 9 This is as good as money saved. You will have your reward in a time of trouble. 10-11 TAKING CARE OF THE POOR is the kind of offering that PLEASES GOD IN HEAVEN. DO THIS, and YOU WILL BE KEPT SAFE FROM THE DARK WORLD OF THE DEAD. …” (Good News Translation, Tobit 4:7 – 11)


Source:  https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Tobit+4&version=GNT


“Water will quench a blazing fire, and by almsdeeds sins are purged away.” (Ecclesiasticus 3:30)


Note: “Sirach” = “Ecclesiasticus “.


“My child, do not mock the life of the poor; do not keep needy eyes waiting. Do not grieve the hungry, nor anger the needy. Do not aggravate a heart already angry, nor delay giving to the needy. A beggar’s request do not reject; do not turn your face away from the poor. From the needy do not turn your eyes.” (Ecclesiasticus 4:1-5)


“Alms atone for sins. He who does a kindness is remembered afterward; when he falls, he finds a support.” (Ecclesiasticus 3:29b-30)


“Help the poor because of the commandment: and send him not away empty- handed because of his poverty. Lose thy money for thy brother and thy friend, and hide it not under a stone to be lost. Place thy treasures in the commandments of the Most High, and it shall bring thee more profit than gold. Shut up alms in the heart of the poor, and it shall obtain help for thee against all evil. Better than the shield of the mighty, and better than the spear; it shall fight for thee against thy enemy.” Ecclesiasticus 29: 12-17


“Stretch out your hand to the poor, that your expiation and your blessing may be perfected.” (Ecclesiasticus 7:36)


“A man’s goodness God cherishes like a signet ring, a man’s virtue, like the apple of his eye.” (Ecclesiasticus 17:18.)


iii) First Jewish Christianity Perspective (Apostolic Fathers)

[From Pages 26, 34 and 59 from the #EternalHellAnnihilationUniversalismBook ]


“… 2Clem 16:1 Therefore, brethren, since we have found no small opportunity for repentance, seeing that we have time, let us turn again unto God that called us, while we have still One that receiveth us.2Clem 16:2 For if we bid farewell to these enjoyments and conquer our soul in refusing to fulfill its evil lusts, we shall be partakers of the mercy of Jesus. 2Clem 16:3 But ye know that the DAY OF JUDGMENT cometh even now as a BURNING OVEN, and the powers of the heavens shall melt, and all the earth as lead melting on the fire, and then shall appear the secret and open works of men. 2Clem 16:4 ALMSGIVING therefore is a good thing, EVEN AS REPENTANCE FROM SIN> FASTING IS BETTER THAN PRAYER, but ALMSGIVING BETTER THAN BOTH. And LOVE COVERETH A MULTITUDE OF SINS [1 Peter 4:8], but PRAYER out of a good conscience DELIVERETH FROM DEATH. BLESSED IS EVERY MAN that is FOUND FULL OF THESE. For ALMSGIVING LIFTETH OFF THE BURDEN OF SIN. 2Clem 17:1 Let us therefore repent with our whole heart, lest any of us perish by the way. For if we have received commands, that we should make this our business, to tear men away from idols and to instruct them, how much more is it wrong that a soul which knoweth God already should perish! …” (2 Clement, Attributed to Blessed St. Clement of Rome, a direct Disciple of the Blessed Apostle St. Peter, c.35 AD – c. 99 AD)


Source:  http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/text/2clement-lightfoot.html


“… Be not a stretcher forth of the hands to receive and a drawer of them back to give. If you have anything, THROUGH YOUR HANDS YOU SHALL GIVE RANSOM FOR YOUR SINS. Do not hesitate to give, nor complain when you give; for you shall know who is the good repayer of the hire. Do not turn away from him who is in want; rather, share all things with your brother, and do not say that they are your own. …” – The Didache  or the Teaching of the Twelve Apostles to the Nations (Chapter 4)


Source: http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/text/didache-roberts.html


“… STAND FAST, therefore, in these things, and FOLLOW THE EXAMPLE OF THE LORD, being firm and UNCHANGEABLE IN THE FAITH, loving the brotherhood, and being attached to one another, joined together in the truth, exhibiting the meekness of the Lord in your intercourse with one another, and despising no one. When YOU CAN DO GOOD, DEFER IT NOT, because “ALMS DELIVERS FROM DEATH.” [Tobit 12:9]” Be all of you subject one to another? having your conduct blameless among the Gentiles,” that YE MAY BOTH RECEIVE PRAISE FOR YOUR GOOD WORKS, and the Lord may not be blasphemed through you. But WOE TO HIM by whom the name of the Lord is blasphemed! Teach, therefore, sobriety to all, and manifest it also in your own conduct. …” – Blessed St. Polycarp, Bishop of Smryna, an Apostolic Father being the Disciple of the Blessed St. John the Apostle who wrote the Book of Revelation (c. 69 AD – c. 155 AD, CHAPTER X.–EXHORTATION TO THE PRACTICE OF VIRTUE, THE EPISTLE OF POLYCARP TO THE PHILIPPIANS)


Source: http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/text/polycarp-roberts.html


  1. iv) First Christianity Vision of the “Shepherd of Hermas”

[From Pages 30 and 31 from the #IgnoredChristianDoctrineBook ]


“… 9[17]:1 “Hear me, my children. I brought you up in much simplicity and guilelessness and reverence, through the mercy of the Lord, Who instilled righteousness into you, that YE MIGHT BE JUSTIFIED AND SANCTIFIED from all wickedness and all crookedness. But ye will not to cease from your wickedness. 9[17]:2 Now then hear me and be at peace among yourselves, and have regard one to another, and assist one another, and DO NOT PARTAKE OF THE CREATURES OF GOD ALONE IN ABUNDANCE, BUT SHARE THEM ALSO WITH THOSE THAT ARE IN WANT.  9[17]:3 For some men through their much eating bring weakness on the flesh, and injure their flesh: whereas the flesh of those who have nought to eat is injured by their not having sufficient nourishment, and their body is ruined.  9[17]:4 THIS EXCLUSIVENESS THEREFORE IS HURTFUL TO YOU THAT HAVE AND DO NOT SHARE WITH THEM THAT AR IN WANT.  9[17]:5 LOOK YE TO THE JUDGMENT THAT COMETH. YE THEN THAT HAVE MORE THAN ENOUGH, SEEK OUT THEM THAT ARE HUNGRY, WHILE THE TOWER IS STILL UNFINISHED; FOR AFTER THE TOWER IS FINISHED, YE WILL DESIRE TO DO GOOD, AND WILL FIND NO PLACE FOR IT.  9[17]:6 Look ye therefore, ye that exult in YOUR WEALTH, LEST THEY THAT ARE IN WANT SHALL MOAN, and their moaning shall go up unto the Lord, and YE WITH YOUR [ABUNDANCE OF GOOD THINGS BE SHUT OUTSIDE OF THE DOOR OF THE TOWER. …” – Shepherd of Hermas (Vision 3)


Source: http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/text/shepherd-lightfoot.html




“… 4[114]:2 Charge all men who are able to do right, that THEY CEASE NOT TO PRACTICE GOOD WORKS; for it is useful for them. I say moreover that every man ought to be RESCUED FROM MISFORTUNE; for he that hath need, and SUFFERETH MISFORTUNE IN HIS DAILY LIFE, IS IN GREAT TORMENT AND WANT. 4[114]:3 WHOSOEVER THEREFORE RESCUETH  FROM PENURY A LIFE OF THIS KIND, winneth great joy for himself. For he who is harassed by misfortune of this sort is afflicted and tortured with equal torment as one who is in chains. For many men on account of calamities of this kind, because they can bear them no longer, lay violent hands on themselves. HE THEN WHO KNOWS THE CALAMITY OF A MAN OF THIS KIND AND RESCUETH HIM NOT, COMMITTETH GREAT SIN, and BECOMETH GUILTY OF THE MAN’s BLOOD.  4[114]:4 DO THEREFORE GOOD WORKS, WHOEVER OF YOU HAVE RECEIVED (BENEFITS) FROM THE LORD, LEST, WHILE YE DELAY TO DO THEM THE BUILDING OF THE TOWER BE COMPLETED. For it is on your account that the work of the building has been interrupted. Unless then ye hasten to do right, the tower will be completed, and YE SHUT OUT.” 4[114]:5 When then he had finished speaking with me, he rose from the couch and departed, TAKING WITH HIM THE SHEPHERD AND THE VIRGINS. He said however unto me, that he would send the shepherd and the virgins back again to my house. . .” – Shepherd of Hermas (Parable 10, Last Lines of this entire Writing)









  1. v) Other Church Fathers examples

[From Pages 633, 108 and 475 of the #MysteryoftheKingdomofHeavenBook ]


“… But I wonder that some are so obstinate as to think that repentance is not to be granted to the lapsed, or to suppose that pardon is to be denied to the penitent, when it is written, “REMEMBER WHENCE YOU ARE FALLEN, REPENT, and DO THE FIRST WORKS,” (Rev. 2:5) which certainly is said to him who evidently has fallen, and whom the Lord exhorts to rise up again by his works, because it is written, “ALMS DO DELIVER FROM DEATH,” and not, assuredly, from that death which once the blood of Christ extinguished, and from which the saving grace of baptism and of our Redeemer has delivered us, but from that which subsequently creeps in through sins. …” – Blessed St. Cyprian, Bishop of Carthage, a pre-eminent Latin writer of Western Christianity until Jerome and Augustine, Martyr for Christ (c. 200 AD – c. 258 AD,  [Cyprian of Carthage, Ep. 51.22 ANF v.5])


Source (Section Commentary on this Tobit/Tobias Verse [4:10 Because that alms do deliver from death, and suffer not to come into darkness. 11 For alms is a good gift unto all that give it in the sight of the most High.]):





“… Let no one therefore, dearly beloved, flatter himself on any merits of a good life, if works of charity be wanting in him, and let him not trust in the purity of his body, if he be not cleansed by the purification of almsgiving. For “almsgiving wipes out sin,” kills death, and extinguishes the punishment of perpetual fire. (Tobit) …” – Blessed St. Leo the Great,  also known as Pope Leo I, Bishop of Rome, Listed in the Ancient Lutheran’s Book of Concord as an accepted Church Father by Protestants & Pope Benedict XVI said that Leo’s papacy “was undoubtedly one of the most important in the Church’s history, Doctor of the Church,  a Roman aristocrat, and was the first pope to have been called “the Great”. (c. 400 – 461 AD)






“… Hear ye therefore the parable of the sower, ( Matthew 13:18 ) says He; and He speaks what we before mentioned, of carelessness and attention, of cowardice and fortitude, of wealth and VOLUNTARY POVERTY; pointing out the hurt from the one, and the benefit from the other. Then of virtue also He brings forward different forms. For being full of love to man, He marked out not one only way, nor did He say, unless one bring forth an hundred, he is an outcast; but he that brings forth sixty is saved also, and not he only, but also the producer of thirty. And this He said, making out salvation to be easy. 3. And thou then, are you unable to practise VIRGINITY? Be chaste in marriage. ARE YOU UNABLE TO STRIP YOURSELF OF YOUR POSSESSIONS? GIVE OF YOUR SUBSTANCE. CAN YOU not bear that burden? SHARE YOUR GOODS WITH CHRIST. Are you UNWILLING TO YIELD HIM UP ALL? GIVE HIM BUT THE HALF, BUT THE THIRD PART. He is your brother, and joint-heir, make Him joint-heir with you here too. WHATSOEVER YOU GIVE HIM, YOU WILL GIVE TO YOURSELF…” – Blessed St. John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople, Doctor of the Church, one of the Three Holy Hierarchs (c. 349 AD – c. 407 AD, ‘St. John Chrysostom on Matthew‎’, Point 2)






Even Martin Luther approved it and John Wesley Warned of Practicing it as Essential Doctrine (so are all of them wrong or unsaved for PREACHING the CHARITY DOCTRINE?) to quote [from pages 16 and 15 from the #ParableoftheWiseandFoolishVirginsBook ]:


“… Therefore, let each one see to it that he has these two together: the OIL, which is TRUE FAITH and trust in Christ; and the LAMPS, the VESSEL, which is the OUTWARD SERVICE TOWARD YOUR NEIGHBOR. The WHOLE CHRISTIAN LIFE CONSISTS in THESE TWO THINGS things: BELIEVE GOD. HELP YOUR NEIGHBOR. The WHOLE GOSPEL TEACHES this. PARENTS should TELL IT TO THEIR CHILDREN at HOME and EVERYWHERE. Children, too, should CONSTANTLY FOSTER THIS WORD AMONG THEMSELVES. I should really say something about the sleep of the virgins and about the setting out of the Bridegroom for the wedding. But the hour is late. Another time. May God be gracious to us! Amen. …”- The First Champion of the Protestant Faith, Blessed Martin Luther’s Sermon which was translated in 2013 by the Rev. Paul A. Rydecki, On Faith and Good Works, Preached in Erfurt at St. Michaeliskirche on the Day of the 11,000 Virgins (October 21st), 1522)

Source: http://www.godwithuslc.org/luther-sermon-for-trinity-27/


“… How then is it possible that Methodism, that is, the religion of the heart, though it flourishes now as a green bay tree, should continue in this state? For the Methodists in every place grow diligent and frugal; consequently they increase in goods. Hence, they proportionably increase in pride, in the desire of the flesh, the desire of the eyes, and the pride of life. So, although the FORM OF RELIGION REMAINS, THE SPIRIT IS SWIFTLY VANISHING AWAY (2 Timothy 3:5). Is there no way to prevent this? this continual declension of pure in effect, to grow rich! What way then, I ask again, can we take that OUR MONEY may NOT SINK US to the NETHERMOST HELL? There is one way, and there is no other under heaven. If those who gain all they can, and save all they can, will likewise GIVE ALL THEY CAN, then the more they gain, the more they will GROW IN GRACE , and the more treasure they will lay up in heaven,”. …”  – Blessed John Wesley, Founder of Methodism





Other Related Bible Verses from the 66 Books, examples:


“… Wherefore, O king, let my counsel be acceptable unto thee, and BREAK OFF THY SINS BY RIGHTEOUSNESS, and THINE INIQUITIES BY SHEWING MERCY TO THE POOR; if it may be a lengthening of thy tranquillity. …” – Blessed and Holy Prophet Daniel (Daniel 4:27, KJV based on the Masoretic Text)


Source: https://biblehub.com/daniel/4-27.htm




” … 27Therefore, O king, let my counsel please thee, and ATONE FOR THY SINS BY ALMS, and THINE INIQUITIES BY COMPASSION ON THE POOR: it may be God will be long-suffering to thy trespasses.” … – Blessed and Holy Prophet Daniel (Daniel 4:27, Brenton Septuagint Translation, based on the Septuagint or LXX)


Source: https://biblehub.com/sep/daniel/4.htm


“… ‘Why have WE FASTED,’ they say, ‘and YOU HAVE NOT SEEN? Why have WE AFFLICTED OUR SOULS, and YOU TAKE NO NOTICE?’ …” (Isaiah 58:3, NKJV)


Part of the Answer (God’s Reply):


“… 7Is it not to SHARE YOUR BREAD with the HUNGRY,

And that you bring to your house THE POOR who are cast out;

When you see THE NAKED, that you cover him,

And not hide yourself from YOUR OWN FLESH?

8Then YOUR LIGHT shall break forth like the MORNING,

YOUR HEALING shall spring forth speedily,

And your righteousness shall go before you;

The glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard.

9Then you shall call, and the Lord will answer;

You shall cry, and He will say, ‘Here I am.’ …” (Isaiah 58:7 – 9, NKJV)


“… 9As it is written: “He has dispersed abroad,He has GIVEN TO THE POOR; His RIGHTEOUSNESS endures FOREVER.” 10Now [g]may He who supplies seed to the sower, and bread for food, [h]supply and multiply the seed you have sown and INCREASE THE FRUITS OF YOUR RIGHTEOUSNESS, 11while you are enriched in everything for ALL LIBERALITY, which causes THANKSGIVING THROUGH US TO GOD. 12For the ADMINISTRATION OF THIS SERVICE not only SUPPLIES THE NEEDS OF THE SAINTS, but also is ABOUNDING THROUGH MANY THANKSGIVINGS TO GOD, 13while, through the PROOF OF THIS MINISTRY, THEY GLORIFY GOD for the OBEDIENCE OF YOUR CONFESSION to the GOSPEL OF CHRIST, and for YOUR LIBERAL SHARING WITH THEM and ALL MEN, …” (2 Corinthians 9:9 – 13, NKJV)


“… 31“But SEEK HIS KINGDOM, and THESE THINGS will be ADDED TO YOU. 32“Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has chosen gladly to give you the kingdom. 33“SELL YOUR POSSESSIONS and GIVE TO CHARITY; make yourselves money belts which do not wear out, an UNFAILING TREASURE IN HEAVEN, where no thief comes near nor moth destroys. 34“For where your treasure is, there YOUR HEART WILL BE ALSO. 35“Be dressed in readiness, and KEEP YOUR LAMPS LIT. …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 12:31 – 35, NASB)


“… [ 39Then the Lord said to him, ] “Now you Pharisees make the OUTSIDE OF THE CUP and DISH CLEAN, but YOUR INWARD PART is full of [k]GREED and WICKEDNESS. 40FOOLISH ones! Did not He who made the outside make the inside also? 41But rather GIVE ALMS of [l]SUCH THINGS AS YOU HAVE; then indeed ALL THINGS ARE CLEAN TO YOU.  …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 11:39 – 41, NKJV)


“… I have shown you in every way, by laboring like this, that you must support the weak. And remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He said, ‘It is MORE BLESSED to GIVE THAN TO RECEIVE.’ ” …” (Acts 20:35, NKJV)


“… 10In this the CHILDREN OF GOD and THE CHILDREN OF THE DEVIL are manifest: Whoever DOES NOT PRACTICE RIGHTEOUSNESS is not of God, NOR IS HE WHO DOES NOT LOVE HIS BROTHER. 11For this is the message that you heard from the beginning, that we should love one another, 12not as Cain who was of the wicked one and murdered his brother. And why did he murder him? BECAUSE HIS WORKS WERE EVIL AND HIS BROTHER’S RIGHTEOUS. … 16By this WE KNOW LOVE, because He laid down His life for us. And we also OUGHT TO LAY DOWN OUR LIVES FOR THE BRETHREN. 17But WHOEVER HAS THIS WORLD’S GOODS, and SEES HIS BROTHER IN NEED, AND SHUTS UP HIS HEART FROM HIM, HOW DOES THE LOVE OF GOD ABIDE IN HIM? 18My little children, let us NOT LOVE IN WORD or IN TONGUE, BUT IN DEED AND IN TRUTH …” (1 John 3: 10 – 12, 16 – 18, NKJV)


“… 8If you really FULFILL the ROYAL LAW according to the Scripture, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself,” you do well; … For judgment is without mercy to the one who has shown no mercy. Mercy triumphs over judgment. 14What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him? 15If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, 16and one of you says to them, “Depart in peace, be warmed and filled,” but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit? 17Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead. 18But someone will say, “You have faith, and I have works.” Show me your faith without [f]your works, and I will show you my faith by [g]my works. …” (James 2:8, 13 – 18, NKJV)


“… 32“But IF YOU LOVE THOSE WHO LOVE YOU, WHAT CREDIT IS THAT TO YOU? …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 6:32, NKJV)


“… WHAT DO YOU DO MORE THAN OTHERS? …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 5:47, NKJV)


“… 33And IF YOU DO GOOD TO THOSE WHO DO GOOD TO YOU, WHAT CREDIT IS THAT TO YOU?  …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 6:33, NKJV)


Note: If we are “not” interested in the ” Heavenly Reward” for doing this “TANGIBLE GIVING of this WORLD’S GOODS toward ENEMIES even” which CHRIST HIMSELF calls as “GREAT” (Matthew 5:46 or Luke 6:35), then we cannot complain that we didn’t get it one day if we look down on God’s Direct Words, right?


Yes, this GIVING which CHRIST TAUGHT DIRECTLY also INVOLVES GIVING MONEY as well to THE ENEMIES (in the Context of ‘those unthankful and EVIL too’) as per the phrase “… and LEND …” in Verses below by CHRIST HIMSELF:


“… 34And if YOU LEND to those from whom you HOPE TO RECEIVE BACK, what credit is that to you? For even sinners lend to sinners to receive as much back. 35But LOVE YOUR ENEMIES, DO GOOD, AND LEND, [h]HOPING FOR NOTHING IN RETURN; and YOUR REWARD WILL BE GREAT, and YOU WILL BE SONS OF THE MOST HIGH. For He is KIND to the UNTHANKFUL AND EVIL. 36Therefore be merciful, just as your Father also is merciful. …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 6:27 – 36, NKJV)


Note: If God Himself calls this “Reward” for Doing so as “Great”, isn’t it most valuable? God doesn’t simply call anything as “Great” and this “Reward” is called likewise and conditional to “Loving our enemies”. May He Help us to attain to some of it.


No one can keep (obey) these HARDEST Commands unless the Holy Spirit Enables them:


“… 13HOLD FAST The PATTERN OF SOUND WORDS which you have heard from me, in faith and love which are in Christ Jesus. 14That good thing which was committed to you, KEEP BY THE HOLY SPIRIT who dwells in us. …” (2 Timothy 1:13 – 14, NKJV)


“… 20The young man said to Him, “All these things I have kept [g]from my youth. WHAT DO I STILL LACK?” 21JESUS said to him, “If you want to be PERFECT, GIVE to the POOR, and YOU WILL HAVE TREASURE IN HEAVEN; and come, FOLLOW ME.” 22But when the young man heard that saying, he went away SORROWFUL, for he had GREAT POSSESSIONS. 23Then JESUS said to His disciples, “Assuredly, I say to you that it is HARD for a RICH MAN TO ENTER THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN. 24And AGAIN I say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. …” (Matthew 19:20 – 24, NKJV)

In light of Christ’s Quotes we understand that the “Charity Doctrine” removes the “Judgment of Sins”  but it cannot give new life nor give Resurrection.


Only the Blood of Christ Can Remove Sin itself and bring us to the Resurrection Life beginning within us on earth itself.  So only Christ’s Atonement and Work Gives us Life.


The Almsgiving stops the ‘Judgment of Sins’, nothing more as that’s the Context meant in Tobit or elsewhere in Verses quoted here (even in Christ’s Parable of the Rich Man and Beggar Lazarus too which Speaks of this absence of Charity Doctrine leads straight to Hell in Luke 16:19 – 31) by which even Lazarus can be ‘spared of that Judgment’ too.





Charity Doctrine Mystery by Christ – How important is the CHARITY DOCTRINE?


Source Post:





“… For ALL THE LAW IS FULFILLED in one word, even in this: “YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF.” …” (Galatians 5:14, NKJV)




How do I know that the Context of “… LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF.” …” refers to the Charity Doctrine Lifestyle? Because CHRIST HIMSELF gave this definition as follows:


“… 25And behold, a certain lawyer stood up and tested Him, saying, “Teacher, what shall I DO TO INHERIT ETERNAL LIFE?” 26He said to him, “What is WRITTEN IN THE LAW? What is YOUR READING OF IT?” 27So he answered and said, “ ‘You shall LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind,’ and ‘YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF.’ ” 28And He said to him, “You have answered rightly; DO THIS AND YOU WILL LIVE.” 29But he, wanting to justify himself, said to Jesus, “And WHO IS MY NEIGHBOR?” 30Then JESUS ANSWERED and said: “A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among thieves, who stripped him of his clothing, wounded him, and departed, leaving him half dead. 31Now by chance a certain priest came down that road. And when he saw him, he passed by on the other side. 32Likewise a Levite, when he arrived at the place, came and looked, and passed by on the other side. 33But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was. And when he saw him, he had COMPASSION. 34So he went to him and BANDAGED HIS WOUNDS, pouring on oil and wine; and he set him on his own animal, brought him to an inn, and TOOK CARE OF HIM. 35On the next day, when he departed, he took out two denarii, gave them to the innkeeper, and said to him, ‘TAKE CARE OF HIM; and WHATEVER MORE YOU SPEND, when I come again, I WILL REPAY YOU.’ 36So which of these three do you think was NEIGHBOR to him who fell among the thieves? 37And he said, “He who SHOWED MERCY on him.” Then JESUS SAID to him, “GO AND DO LIKEWISE.”…” (Luke 10:25 – 37, NKJV)




1) If “Loving your neighbor” referring to this “CHARITY DOCTRINE LIFESTYLE” Fulfills ALL LAW, then “not” doing it could be equal to “BREAKING ALL LAW (TORAH), right?”


2) No other religious act be it “Praying, Fasting, Church Attendance, Worship or anything else” has been WRITTEN IN HOLY SCRIPTURE AS EQUAL TO FULFILLING ALL LAW (All the “Torah’s 613 Commandments“) EXCEPT THIS “… LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR …” which CHRIST HIMSELF Describes as the CHARITY DOCTRINE LIFESTYLE in His Famous “Parable of the Good Samaritan” in Verses above clearly “as it is Written“. So, how can a True Church of Christ “not” Teach it as Doctrine?


3) Regardless, Preaching these Verses is “not” my personal opinion or human wisdom but exactly what’s WRITTEN IN ACTUAL BIBLE VERSES and BEST IS, BY LORD JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF and HE COMMANDS US TO DO IT, in His Own Most Blessed Words above as “… [Love] YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF.’ ” 28And He said to him, “You have answered rightly; DO THIS AND YOU WILL LIVE.”  …” (Luke 10:27 – 28, NKJV) and “… 36So which of these three do you think was NEIGHBOR to him who fell among the thieves? 37And he said, “He who SHOWED MERCY on him.” Then JESUS SAID to him, “GO AND DO LIKEWISE.”…” (Luke 10:36 – 37, NKJV) for which there IS NO CONDEMNATION TO PREACH CHRIST’S COMMAND HERE AS IT IS WRITTEN AS DOCTRINE.


4)  Even in “Judgment Day” Verses, Christ only Asks about what one did to the “… Hungry, Thirsty, Naked, Homeless etc. …” which are Çharity Doctrine Acts without which any idealogy/conversions doesn’t work or don’t matter in Matthew 25:31 – 46 clearly. Christ also clearly defines “His Sheep” to possess these Çharity Doctrine Act Qualities clearly.


Here’s a little deeper mystery for you to ponder: Some of the “Righteous (sheep)” did NOT EVEN KNOW the Lord much and that’s why they ask back as follows (but yet THE LORD KNOWS ALL THESE CHARITY DOCTRINE SHEEP as opposed to the “… Converting MANY based on Prophesying, Casting out Demons, Miracles in His Name ones whom HE DENIES as I NEVER KNEW YOU due to LAWLESSNESS …” in Matthew 7:20 – 24), Surprised Sheep Verses:




5) Even your sins are covered from Judgment if you love like this (again, CHRIST HIMSELF TAUGHT THIS DIRECTLY as follows)


“… And above all things have fervent love for one another, for “LOVE will COVER a MULTITUDE OF SINS.” …”(1 Peter 4:8, NKJV)


“… Therefore I say to you, HER SINS, which are MANY, ARE FORGIVEN, for SHE LOVED MUCH. But to whom little is forgiven, the same loves little. …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 7:47, NKJV)



Peace to you



The fall of Judas the first church treasurer


Source Post:



Please note carefully that ‘Judas used to take from it as he wills’.


“…Judas did not say this because he cared about the poor, but because he was a thief. As keeper of the money bag, he used to take from what was put into it. …” (John 12:6, BSB)


(and that’s the Biblical Definition of “Thief” as this Verse calls him that and gives this “only reason” here and thieves will not inherit the Kingdom of God in 1 Corinthians 6:10 – so with ‘money collected in the Name of God, based on this Verse alone, will we be considered “thieves” if we ‘do as we will with it’ [e.g. “Prosperity”] instead of ‘Giving to the Poor’ (Charity Doctrine) as implied in this Verse so clearly ‘as it is Written’?).

Comments (Details):


1) “… Judas did not say this because he cared about the poor …” = Judas did NOT have the CHARITY DOCTRINE LIFESTYLE


2) “… because he was a thief. As keeper of the money bag, he used to take from what was put into it. …” = Judas fulfilled this Biblical Definition of a “THIEF” which is taking “CHURCH MONEY/Money Collected in the Name of God” as “he wills” (for “Prosperity” or “Self-Indulgence”) instead of GIVING it to the POOR (as the Context here warrants).


3) If earthly thieves will “not” inherit the Kingdom of God, how will those who “steal Church Money or Money collect in the Name of God” via “wilful spending and Prosperity” instead of “Giving to the Poor” as John 12:6 clearly Reveals here in depth?

“… NOR THIEVES, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners WILL INHERIT THE KINGDOM OF GOD. …” (1 Corinthians 6:10, NKJV)

Note: the “Covetous” is mentioned differently from “Thieves” in this Verse itself were the “Covetous” itself reveals itself inProsperity” too and neither inherit the Kingdom of God.


His Commands include Faith + Holiness + Charity Doctrine + Personal Order + Church Order


Example Posts for Details:


1) Faith + Holiness + Charity Doctrine



2) Personal Order + Church Order



Peace to you





Mystery of Whitewashed Tombs Doctrine – Holiness without the Charity Doctrine and with Prosperity instead


Source Post: https://www.facebook.com/jonathan.ramachandran/posts/10161531232042784


The Bible does “not” record “Judas” doing “any other sin” be it “adultery, murder, witchcraft, idolatry, extortion or anything else” EXCEPT BETRAYING CHRIST for MONEY (Matthew 26:15) and THIS ROBBING of “MONEY COLLECTED in the NAME OF GOD for his SELF PROSPERITY as HE WILLED instead of GIVING it to THE POOR” (implied on John 12:6) which made him about the ‘worst sinner of all time’.


That should reveal to us that MONEY SINS are the “Worst there is” and it is also clear in the “lives of the Pharisees likewise” (whom Christ attacked vehemently) where CHRIST DOES NOT point once that the Pharisees committed “adultery, murder, witchcraft, idolatry,” BUT HE POINTED their “PROSPERITY SINS” (Christ’s Phrase “Self Indulgence” in Matthew 23:25) with “Tithe collecting” (for self survival) but NOT CARING for the ALMSGIVING (CHARITY DOCTRINE) and especially “not” with their money as even Luke 11:39 – 42 has clearly Described this Context in Christ’s Most Blessed Words as it is Written calling them “whitewashed tombs” (because ‘outwardly they were religious in praying, fasting and Church Attendance with NO adultery, NO Murder, NO Witchcraft, NO idolatry etc’). To quote:


“… 25“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you CLEANSE THE OUTSIDE OF THE CUP and dish, but INSIDE THEY ARE FULL OF EXTORTION and [l]SELF-INDULGENCE. 26Blind Pharisee, first cleanse the inside of the cup and dish, that the outside of them may be clean also. 27“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like WHITEWASHED TOMBS which indeed appear BEAUTIFUL OUTWARDLY, but inside are full of dead men’s bones and all uncleanness. 28Even so you also OUTWARDLY APPEAR RIGHTEOUS TO MEN, but INSIDE YOU ARE FULL OF HYPOCRISY AND LAWLESSNESS. …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 23:25 – 28, NKJV)


“… 39Then the Lord said to him, “Now you Pharisees make the OUTSIDE OF THE CUP and DISH CLEAN, but YOUR INWARD PART is full of [k]GREED and WICKEDNESS. 40FOOLISH ones! Did not He who made the outside make the inside also? 41But rather GIVE ALMS of [l]SUCH THINGS AS YOU HAVE; then indeed ALL THINGS ARE CLEAN TO YOU. 42“But woe to you Pharisees! For YOU TITHE mint and rue and all manner of herbs, and pass by JUSTICE and the LOVE of GOD These you OUGHT TO HAVE DONE, WITHOUT LEAVING THE OTHERS UNDONE. 43Woe to you Pharisees! For you love the [m]best seats in the synagogues and greetings in the marketplaces. 44Woe to you, [n]scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like graves which are not seen, and the men who walk over them are not aware of them.” …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 11:39 – 45, NKJV)


The Phrase “…. These you OUGHT TO HAVE DONE, WITHOUT LEAVING THE OTHERS UNDONE.  …” is inclusive of the ONLY RELIGIOUS ACT CHRIST MENTIONS HERE (Context as ‘it is Written) referring to “… 41But rather GIVE ALMS of [l]SUCH THINGS AS YOU HAVE; then indeed ALL THINGS ARE CLEAN TO YOU. …” which is the CHARITY DOCTRINE LIFESTYLE which is a MUST for any TRUE CHRISTIAN (according to ‘Relative Measure’, implied) as CHRIST DIDN’T SAY it is an “option” but a “requirement” as His Phrase here is:




and from “WHAT YOU HAVE” (meaning NOT money collected in the Name of God only and Neither are the Priests/Pastors exempt from it as the ‘Pharisees were such’).


In short,  ‘believing in Christ’ and ‘continuing living like that’ wouldn’t HAVE SAVED the PHARISEES either as “True believing in Christ would do these ALMSGIVING or CHARITY DOCTRINE as CHRIST WARNS here as the LOVE OF GOD and JUSTICE He Refers to” instead of “Prosperity” (Self-Indulgence) as these Pharisees did.



Peace to you



All Major False Teachings stem from “Prosperity” and “Earthly” Desire Doctrines


Source Post:




Example: The Quote in image is “non-Biblical”. Here’s the proof (please consider both and decide for yourselves which is Written for “New Testament times”):


The earliest New Testament Christian Church till before the conversion of Emperor Constantine had SUFFERING, POVERTY, DANGER, NO RIGHTS TO PRACTICE THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION (BEING PERSECUTED), NO EARTHLY GLORY and INNER PEACE with not necessarily worldly happiness which is OPPOSITE to each claim made in image here, proved “Sola Scriptura” and with Actual “First Christianity” which had the “Most Accurate Doctrine”.


SUFFERING —> Opposite is EARTHLY PEACE (“No” Cross to Carry Daily)


DANGER —> Opposite is SAFETY



—> Opposite is CIVIL LIBERTY



—> Opposite is EARTHLY GLORY Context here


and INNER PEACE with not necessarily worldly happiness



This is NOT the “PRESENCE OF GOD” as Verses next by CHRIST HIMSELF will Prove clearly.


Example Verses:


1) If a Christian lives “Godly”, “all” of them will face some type of “persecution”  (be it “financially” or “physically” or “economically” etc.), Verse:




Note: Please notice the word “ALL” in the Verse above in this General Verse for “PERSECUTION” (“not” Prosperity) which is the “True Price” to pay for “GODLINESS IN CHRIST JESUS”.


2) Christ Himself Affirms this as the only two things which is common to “ALL CHRISTIANS” is:


  1. i) TRIBULATION (trouble)
  2. ii) PEACE (Inner Peace in the Trouble)



“… These things I have spoken to you, that in Me YOU MAY HAVE PEACE. In the WORLD YOU WILL HAVE TRIBULATION; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (John 16:33, NKJV)


Please don’t be deceived as there will “not” be a different way than what is Written for these “New Testament times”  where the “Old Testament prosperity” ways do “not” apply as “only what Christ Has Re-enforced for this New Testament” holds, Verse:


“… Truly, these TIMES OF IGNORANCE GOD OVERLOOKED, but now commands all men everywhere to repent, …” (Acts 17:30, NKJV)


Comment: The same way Old Testament times they were allowed to have “more than one wife” or “own slaves” but “not” allowed now, similarly the Old Testament ones were allowed to be “prosperous” likewise with “worldly things” but NOT NOW IN THE NEW TESTAMENT TIMES as CHRIST HIMSELF has COMMANDED AGAINST IT in many New Testament Verses, examples: Yes, CHRIST links “treasure” to the CONDITION OF THE HEART (and so there’s “no” earthly prosperity Christian with a perfect heart according to God’s Will)


“… 19“DO NOT LAY UP FOR YOURSELVES TREASURES ON EARTH, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; 20but LAY UP FOR YOURSELVES TREASURES IN HEAVEN, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21For WHERE YOUR TREASURE IS, THERE YOUR HEART WILL BE ALSO. …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 6:19 – 20, NKJV)


Matthew doesn’t record the details but on this same Topic, Luke records that the CHARITY DOCTRINE is the RIGHT HEART GOD INTENDS IN HIS WILL in regards to EARTHLY WEALTH to attain to HEAVENLY TREASURE, Verses:


“…  31“But SEEK HIS KINGDOM, and THESE THINGS will be ADDED TO YOU. 32“Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has chosen gladly to give you the kingdom. 33“SELL YOUR POSSESSIONS and GIVE TO CHARITY; make yourselves money belts which do not wear out, an UNFAILING TREASURE IN HEAVEN, where no thief comes near nor moth destroys. 34“For WHERE YOUR TREASURE IS, THERE YOUR HEART WILL BE ALSO. 35“Be dressed in readiness, and KEEP YOUR LAMPS LIT. …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 12:31 – 35, NASB)

“… 15But He said to them, “Beware, and be on your guard against every form of greed; for NOT EVEN when ONE IS AFFLUENT does his life CONSIST OF HIS POSSESSIONS.”  … 21 So is he who LAYS UP TREASURE FOR HIMSELF, and is NOT RICH TOWARD GOD …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 12:15, 21, NKJV)


No one can do a “New Way” against “What Christ Said”. Same Rule for each Christian “as it is Written”.



Peace to you

Are we “Ashamed” of “Some Words of Christ?”


Source Post:



Firstly, Preaching to Save sinners from Hell is “not” the most glorious type of conversion if you understand these “SAVED BY FIRE BUT WITH LOSS VERSES“:


“… 14If anyone’s work which he has built on it endures, HE WILL RECEIVE A REWARD. 15If anyone’s WORK IS BURNED, HE WILL SUFFER LOSS; but HE HIMSELF WILL BE SAVED, YET SO AS THROUGH FIRE.  …” (1 Corinthians 3:14 – 15, NKJV)



Comment: This “Saved by Fire” case can include some of those whom are included in John 3:16’s “whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life” and so it’s “not” as honourable as the Salvation of other Christians who adorn their Faith with Works accordingly to HONOUR GOD in ACTION as the other part of these Verses Describe as “Gold, Silver and Precious Stones” type of Reward (1 Corinthians 3:11 – 13).



Indeed, the Preaching about Christ is incomplete if we do “not” Preach “His New Testament Commands”.



Yes, preaching the Gospel is “not” just Preaching about Hell only or about Holiness only but also about the Charity Doctrine and Other Words by Christ Himself regarding Sanctification to personal order to Church Order or the words through His Apostles too as it is Written in New Testament Verses.






Verses (in image too):


“… 23Then He said to them all, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him DENY HIMSELF, and TAKE UP HIS CROSS [B]DAILY, and follow Me. 24For whoever DESIRES TO SAVE HIS LIFE WILL LOSE IT, but whoever LOSES HIS LIFE FOR MY SAKE WILL SAVE IT. 25For what profit is it to a man if he GAINS THE WHOLE WORLD, and is HIMSELF DESTROYED OR LOST? 26For whoever is ASHAMED OF ME AND MY WORDS, of him THE SON OF MAN WILL BE ASHAMED when HE COMES IN HIS OWN GLORY, and in His Father’s, and of the holy angels …” (Luke 9:23 – 26, NKJV)


More details in example post in link below (with links and explanations of CHRIST’S WORDS in comments there too):






Please notice carefully that Christ Emphasizes clearly to the Pharisees (who did ALMS/CHARITY with MONEY COLLECTED in GOD’S NAME who thought that they are exempt from this CHARITY DOCTRINE) to GIVE ALMS from “WHAT THEY HAVE” instead (meaning from their “own money or possessions” to be included and “not” Church Money or People’s Giving only) in Luke 11:41 to FULFILL THE LOVE OF GOD and JUSTICE part of “God’s Will” (as Luke 11:42 clearly points) clearly as “it is Written” as part of “… These you OUGHT TO HAVE DONE, WITHOUT LEAVING THE OTHERS UNDONE. …” Verses:


“…. 41But rather GIVE ALMS of [l]SUCH THINGS AS YOU HAVE; then indeed ALL THINGS ARE CLEAN TO YOU. 42“But woe to you Pharisees! For YOU TITHE mint and rue and all manner of herbs, and pass by JUSTICE and the LOVE of GOD These you OUGHT TO HAVE DONE, WITHOUT LEAVING THE OTHERS UNDONE. …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 11:41 – 42, NKJV)


Please don’t be deceived as only those who do “God’s Will” Enter Heaven (and this is clearly God’s Will as Christ Reveals the Charity Doctrine above lest we hear “I never knew you” despite converting “many” via “… Casting out demons, Prophesying and  Miracles …”  due to “LAWLESSNESS” as Matthew 7:20 – 24 has WARNED as these aspects of LAW CHRIST has AFFIRMED for the New Testament clearly too here (inclusive).





Example of a New Testament Doctrine – The Charity Doctrine of using Your Own Money to Benefit Others in some way


Source Post:



Note: “Your own money” is meant clearly here (and “not” only other people’s money “nor” only money collected at Church or by Donations) in this Image which discusses this aspect by CHRIST HIMSELF on Page 423 in the #MysteryoftheKingdomofHeavenBook

Doctrine is especially anything which Christ Commanded for this New Covenant and even especially those things that affect something “ETERNALLY”.


For example:  The Original Koine Greek Word “Aionion” translated as ‘Eternal here (same Word)’ in “EVERLASTING HOME” (Luke 16:9, NKJV) is used in “Eternal Punishment” vs “Everlasting  Life” in Matthew 25:46 as well. So the consequences of missing in this Doctrine are “Eternal”. Are we risking people’s life likewise by not teaching this “Charity Doctrine” by  Christ Himself?

In short, CHRIST DECLARES (“not” me) in image that the FAITHFULNESS of a CHRISTIAN is “not” measured by ‘… how many hours he prays, fasts, attends church, worships etc. …’ (if someone says so, please ask them FOR A BIBLE VERSE where CHRIST SAYS it DIRECTLY and you will find “none”) in comparison to as much as one LIVES and DOES this CHARITY DOCTRINE LIFESTYLE as Christ Clearly Asks in Verse in image via a simpler English Translation as follows


“… . 11And IF YOU ARE UNTRUSTWORTHY ABOUT WORLDLY WEALTH, who will trust you with the TRUE  RICHES OF HEAVEN? …” (Luke 16:11, NLT) where the JUDGMENT for this is ONLY BASED on “… 9Here’s the lesson: USE YOUR WORLDLY RESOURCES to BENEFIT OTHERS AND MAKE FRIENDS. Then, when your possessions are gone, they will welcome you to an ETERNAL HOME. 10“If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. …” (Luke 16:9 – 10, NLT) by CHRIST HIMSELF.


Please don’t be deceived and please be very careful of “expensive Bible courses to Bible books to hoarding God’s Money as blessings or equivalent as these Verses Contradict all that”.


Indeed, please follow ‘what is Written’ as ‘sweet words’ can be ‘against #WhatHeSaid and ‘just makes them feel good but it’s NOT a BIBLE VERSE and WORST STILL IT SPEAKS AGAINST THESE DIRECT WORDS of CHRIST “as it is Written”.


Last but not least, please remember that the “Denied” Christians all were claiming ‘spiritual gifts type of focus such as casting out demons or prophesying or miracles in His Name’ but CHRIST DENIES them plainly giving the reason of “LAWLESSNESS” (i.e. “not” obeying “HIS COMMANDS”) and so no one is denied for OBEYING HIS WORDS which HE LIKENS to BUILDING A HOUSE ON THE ROCK in these same set of Verses (hence ‘same context’ in Matthew 7:20 – 24) and so there’s “no” self righteousness or dangerous theology in “obeying His Words”. These Verses:


“… “… 21“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22MANY will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ 23And then I will declare to them, ‘I NEVER KNEW YOU; depart from Me, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS!’ 24“Therefore WHOEVER HEARS THESE SAYINGS OF MINE, and DOES THEM, I will liken him to a WISE MAN WHO BUILT HIS HOUSE ON THE ROCK: …” (Matthew 7:21 – 24, NKJV


“… 46“But WHY DO YOU CALL ME ‘LORD, LORD,’ and NOT DO THE THINGS WHICH I SAY? 47Whoever comes to Me, and hears My sayings and does them, I will show you whom he is like: 48He is like a man building a house, who dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 6:46 – 48, NKJV)


Note: To “avoid LAWLESSNESS”, The “LAW” part Christ Refers to is “not the abolished Torah Observances as some Christian err” but ONLY THE THINGS WHICH CHRIST SAID (either those He Re-enforced from the TORAH or NEW TESTAMENT COMMANDS such as the CHARITY DOCTRINE LIFESTYLE here). Can you see it please ‘as it is Written’?


Peace to you






Purpose Driven Life – Knowing Heavenly Inheritance Reward for Daily Life Secular Work or Gospel Work or any type of Good Works


Source Post:




“… to open their eyes, in order to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, THAT THEY MAY RECEIVE THE FORGIVENESS OF SINS AND AN INHERITANCE AMONG THOSE WHO ARE SANCTIFIED BY FAITH IN ME …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 26:18, NKJV)


‘… Whatever you do …’ —> can be for the LORD as the First Context here was toward ‘Slaves/Servant Secular Job literally’. —> and the “REWARD of the INHERITANCE of His Kingdom accordingly is Promised”.


Those Verses here:


“… 17And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him. … 22BONDSERVANTS, obey in all things your masters according to the flesh, not with eyeservice, as men-pleasers, but in sincerity of heart, fearing God. 23And WHATEVER YOU DO, do it heartily, AS TO THE LORD and not to men, 24KNOWING THAT FROM THE LORD YOU WILL RECEIVE THE REWARD OF THE INHERITANCE; for[a] you serve the Lord Christ. 25But he who does wrong will be repaid for what he has done, and there is no partiality. …” (Colossians 3:17, 22 – 25, NKJV)




  1. If someone says that they are “not” interested in the Heavenly Inheritance God Promises, then if they never get it (‘their own word will condemn them’ because ‘they looked down on God’s Word and so they will reap the same ignoring they did toward God’s Promise inheriting less or nothing’), Verses:


“… “So now, brethren, I commend you to God and to the word of His grace, which is able to build you up and GIVE YOU AN INHERITANCE AMONG ALL THOSE WHO ARE SANCTIFIED. …” (Acts 20:32, NKJV)


“… For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.” …” (Matthew 12:37, NKJV)


  1. The INHERITANCE Spoken of in these Verses is HEAVENLY INHERITANCE


“… to an INHERITANCE incorruptible and undefiled and that does not fade away, RESERVED IN HEAVEN FOR YOU, …” (1 Peter 1:4, NKJV)


  1. Treasure in Heaven = part of the INHERITANCE in Heaven is clearly via the CHARITY DOCTRINE LIFESTYLE as the First Meaning of “Seeking His Kingdom” as Christ Himself Teaches below (with “no” other religious acts mentioned)


“… 31“But SEEK HIS KINGDOM, and THESE THINGS will be ADDED TO YOU. 32“Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has chosen gladly to give you the kingdom. 33“SELL YOUR POSSESSIONS and GIVE TO CHARITY; make yourselves money belts which do not wear out, an UNFAILING TREASURE IN HEAVEN, where no thief comes near nor moth destroys. 34“For WHERE YOUR TREASURE IS, THERE YOUR HEART WILL BE ALSO. 35“Be dressed in readiness, and KEEP YOUR LAMPS LIT. …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 12:31 – 35, NASB)


  1. All REWARD is “not” the same among believers even as there is “GOLD vs SILVER vs PRECIOUS STONES” and it is ACCORDING to ONE’s OWN LABOR (by ‘Relative Measure’):


“… 8Now HE WHO PLANTS AND HE WHO WATERS ARE ONE, and EACH ONE WILL RECEIVE HIS OWN REWARD ACCORDING TO HIS OWN LABOR. 9For we are God’s fellow workers; you are God’s field, you are God’s building. 10According to the grace of God which was given to me, as a wise master builder I HAVE LAID THE FOUNDATION, and ANOTHER BUILDS ON IT. But let each one take heed HOW HE BUILDS ON IT.  11For no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ. 12Now if anyone builds on this foundation with GOLD, SILVER, PRECIOUS STONES, wood, hay, straw, 13each one’s work will become clear; FOR THE DAY WILL DECLARE IT, because IT WILL BE REVEALED BY FIRE; and the fire will test each one’s work, of what sort it is. 14If anyone’s work which he has built on it endures, HE WILL RECEIVE A REWARD. 15If anyone’s work is burned, he will suffer loss; but HE HIMSELF WILL BE SAVED, YET SO AS THROUGH FIRE. …” (1 Corinthians 3:8 – 15, NKJV)


Comment: Please notice carefully, there’s also “saved by fire” without any rewards in Verses above and a Reward is only Promised if one’s work endures and that there are at least three levels of a work that endures namely, “gold, silver or precious stones” and so the myth of ‘equal rewards for all Christians even is clearly refuted here’. Please don’t be deceived and this itself should be a motivation for each Christian to Work on each other’s Reward whilst helping each other to better themselves in Good Works accordingly.


  1. Relative Measure:


“… 1And He looked up and saw the rich putting their gifts into the treasury, 2and He saw also a certain poor widow putting in two mites.[a] 3So He said, “TRULY I say to you that this POOR widow has put in MORE THAN ALL; 4for all these out of their abundance have put in offerings [b]for God, but she OUT OF HER POVERTY PUT IN ALL THE LIVELIHOOD THAT SHE HAD.” …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 21:1 – 4, NKJV)


More on Relative Measure was discussed in brief post in link below:





“… 9[17]:1 “Hear me, my children. I brought you up in much simplicity and guilelessness and reverence, through the mercy of the Lord, Who instilled righteousness into you, that YE MIGHT BE JUSTIFIED AND SANCTIFIED from all wickedness and all crookedness. But ye will not to cease from your wickedness. 9[17]:2 Now then hear me and be at peace among yourselves, and have regard one to another, and assist one another, and DO NOT PARTAKE OF THE CREATURES OF GOD ALONE IN ABUNDANCE, BUT SHARE THEM ALSO WITH THOSE THAT ARE IN WANT.  9[17]:3 For some men through their much eating bring weakness on the flesh, and injure their flesh: whereas the flesh of those who have nought to eat is injured by their not having sufficient nourishment, and their body is ruined.  9[17]:4 THIS EXCLUSIVENESS THEREFORE IS HURTFUL TO YOU THAT HAVE AND DO NOT SHARE WITH THEM THAT AR IN WANT.  9[17]:5 LOOK YE TO THE JUDGMENT THAT COMETH. YE THEN THAT HAVE MORE THAN ENOUGH, SEEK OUT THEM THAT ARE HUNGRY, WHILE THE TOWER IS STILL UNFINISHED; FOR AFTER THE TOWER IS FINISHED, YE WILL DESIRE TO DO GOOD, AND WILL FIND NO PLACE FOR IT.  9[17]:6 Look ye therefore, ye that exult in YOUR WEALTH, LEST THEY THAT ARE IN WANT SHALL MOAN, and their moaning shall go up unto the Lord, and YE WITH YOUR [ABUNDANCE OF GOOD THINGS BE SHUT OUTSIDE OF THE DOOR OF THE TOWER. …” – Shepherd of Hermas (Vision 3)








“… 4[114]:2 Charge all men who are able to do right, that THEY CEASE NOT TO PRACTICE GOOD WORKS; for it is useful for them. I say moreover that every man ought to be RESCUED FROM MISFORTUNE; for he that hath need, and SUFFERETH MISFORTUNE IN HIS DAILY LIFE, IS IN GREAT TORMENT AND WANT. 4[114]:3 WHOSOEVER THEREFORE RESCUETH  FROM PENURY A LIFE OF THIS KIND, winneth great joy for himself. For he who is harassed by misfortune of this sort is afflicted and tortured with equal torment as one who is in chains. For many men on account of calamities of this kind, because they can bear them no longer, lay violent hands on themselves. HE THEN WHO KNOWS THE CALAMITY OF A MAN OF THIS KIND AND RESCUETH HIM NOT, COMMITTETH GREAT SIN, and BECOMETH GUILTY OF THE MAN’s BLOOD.  4[114]:4 DO THEREFORE GOOD WORKS, WHOEVER OF YOU HAVE RECEIVED (BENEFITS) FROM THE LORD, LEST, WHILE YE DELAY TO DO THEM THE BUILDING OF THE TOWER BE COMPLETED. For it is on your account that the work of the building has been interrupted. Unless then ye hasten to do right, the tower will be completed, and YE SHUT OUT.” 4[114]:5 When then he had finished speaking with me, he rose from the couch and departed, TAKING WITH HIM THE SHEPHERD AND THE VIRGINS. He said however unto me, that he would send the shepherd and the virgins back again to my house. . .” – Shepherd of Hermas (Parable 10, Last Lines of this entire Writing)











Any Complete Gospel Preaching shouldn’t just Preach the “Forgiveness of Sins part” but also the “Inheritance of the Kingdom aspect” as both pertain to “FAITH and  SANCTIFIFICATION Works accordingly” and this Doctrine was Taught by CHRIST HIMSELF in Verses below Majestically (where only those ‘blinded by Satan’ cannot see the Magnificence of this Promise’), in full:


“… to open their eyes, in order to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, THAT THEY MAY RECEIVE THE FORGIVENESS OF SINS AND AN INHERITANCE AMONG THOSE WHO ARE SANCTIFIED BY FAITH IN ME. 19“Therefore, King Agrippa, I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision, 20but declared first to those in Damascus and in Jerusalem, and throughout all the region of Judea, and then to the Gentiles, THAT THEY SHOULD REPENT, turn to God, and DO WORKS BEFITING REPENTANCE ….”  (Acts 26:18 – 20, NKJV)




  1. “… THAT THEY SHOULD REPENT, turn to God, …” = Repentance alone (toward faith + holiness) is NOT enough


  1. “…and DO WORKS BEFITING REPENTANCE ….” = which Includes the CHARITY DOCTRINE LIFESTYLE as many New Testament Verses Testify.


Can you see it please ‘as it is Written’?









  1. I have discussed the Verses Quoted here on many occasions in the recent books, for example:


  1. i) Pages 470 to 475 discusses the Context of “SOW SPARINGLY, REAP SPARINGLY” as referring to the CHARITY DOCTRINE LIFESTYLE LIVED in the free pdf #MysteryoftheKingdomofHeavenBook in link below:




  1. ii) Pages 87 to 96 or Pages 97 to 119 or Pages 443 to 446 or Pages 599 to 601 or Pages 730 to 734 discusses the “SAVED BY FIRE but WITHOUT REWARD POSSIBILITIES” in the free pdf #CharityDoctrineBook in link below:




iii) Pages 91 to 92 or Pages 135 to 149

discusses the “SAVED BY FIRE but WITHOUT REWARD POSSIBILITIES” in the free pdf  #EternalhellAnnihilationandUniversalismBook in link below:




  1. Mystery of the THIRSTY ONES as referring to some Fallen Christian together with some non-Christian with Charity Doctrine to be Saved during the Second Resurrection “Possibility”


This further Mysterious “Possibility” of the “MYSTERY OF THE THIRSTY ONES GIVEN THE WATER OF LIFE FREELY” is discussed in the same Books above in examples below:


  1. In Pages 352 to 373 or Pages 417 to 419 or Pages 565 to 571 or Pages 676 to 679 or Pages 574 to 579 in the free pdf #MysteryoftheKingdomofHeavenBook  in link above.


  1. In Pages 57 to 59 or Page 116 or Pages 126 to 137 or Pages 179 to 185 in the free pdf #EternalhellAnnihilationandUniversalismBook in link above.



Peace to you



Relative Measure in Charity Doctrine – If Believing + Holiness alone Saves us these Verses have “no” meaning (in image too)


Source Post:



“… 45But IF THAT SERVANT SAYS in his heart, ‘My master is delaying his coming,’ and begins to beat the male and female servants, and to eat and drink and be drunk, 46the master of that servant will come on a day when he is not looking for him, and at an hour when he is not aware, and WILL CUT HIM IN TWO AND APPOINT HIM HIS PORTION WITH THE UNBELIEVERS. 47And that servant who knew his master’s will, and did not prepare himself or do according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes. 48But he who did not know, yet committed things deserving of stripes, shall be beaten with few. For everyone TO WHOM MUCH IS GIVEN, FROM HIM MUCH WILL BE REQUIRED; and TO WHOM MUCH HAS BEEN COMMITTED, OF HIM THEY WILL ASK THE MORE.  …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 12:45 – 48, NKJV)




  1. “… 45But IF THAT SERVANT SAYS … and WILL CUT HIM IN TWO AND APPOINT HIM HIS PORTION WITH THE UNBELIEVERS …” = That “Servant” is a “Christian” and that’s why he is said to be judged with the “Unbelievers” here. Can you see it as it is Written please?


  1. “… For everyone TO WHOM MUCH IS GIVEN, FROM HIM MUCH WILL BE REQUIRED; and TO WHOM MUCH HAS BEEN COMMITTED, OF HIM THEY WILL ASK THE MORE. …” = Refers to Doing God’s Will which is NOT just HOLINESS but also RELATIVE MEASURE in what we are GIVEN first including OUR MONEY or EARTHLY THINGS and thus we are REQUIRED to USE IT TO FULFILL GOD’S WILL which PRIMARILY IS THE CHARITY DOCTRINE LIFESTYLE OF GIVING and SHARING with earthly things. Can you see it please ‘as it is Written’?


  1. The Context is also Holiness as required (as this servant was described getting drunk too, Verse 45) but “not” only that but also EVERYTHING ELSE which INCLUDES THE CHARITY DOCTRINE LIFESTYLE too based on SHARING/GIVING what we are GIVEN FIRST as “… Much is Given, much will be required …”.


  1. Also please be careful of a Christianity which sells even God’s Word at “high prices” as that can merit the Judgment likewise and best is Christianity which shares even Biblical Knowledge or Gifts freely as possible.


Peace to you




Mystery of a Possible Fatal Error in Doctrine for Christians to be Denied from the First Resurrection as the Foolish Virgins with Blessed Martin Luther as the Comparison Example


Source Post:





Firstly, “Blessed Martin Luther” quoted here throughout refers to the “First Champion of the Protestant Faith” whom ‘all Protestants agree that he must be saved’. Let’s Begin:


1) Recently I was talking with a Christian who was very confident that he must be one of the 5 Wise Virgins based on the following usual claims:


  1. i) The “Oil” in the Wise Virgins refers to ‘Church Attendance’. Blessed Martin Luther never Taught this meaning in any of his writings.


  1. ii) The “Oil” in the Wise Virgins refers to ‘the Holy Spirit’. Blessed Martin Luther never Taught this meaning in any of his writings.


However, even if such a meaning is true, then is Blessed Martin Luther Saved because he didn’t preach it? Also, Blessed Martin Luther surely is filled with the Most Blessed Holy Spirit of God (as all Protestants agree) and yet he COULD NOT SEE the MEANING of OIL AS REFERRING to the HOLY SPIRIT if the ‘modern protestants of monergism or other types are correct’ BUT YET HE IS SAVED, RIGHT?


In other words, it’s certainly possible to PREACH THE SAME as BLESSED MARTIN LUTHER and BE SAVED LIKEWISE in REGARDS to this MEANING for THIS PARABLE.


iii) The “Oil” in the Wise Virgins refers to ‘Speaking in Tongues’. Blessed Martin Luther never Taught this meaning in any of his writings and neither did the reformers spoke in tongues either until the early 20th century.


  1. iv) The “Oil” in the Wise Virgins refers to ‘those who believe in Pre-Tribulation Rapture’. Blessed Martin Luther never Taught this meaning in any of his writings. Protestant reformers such as Martin Luther, John Calvin, Charles Spurgeon, William Tyndale, John Wesley and others all taught “post-tribulation rapture only” and so by this standard are all unsaved foolish virgins. Absurd, right?


2) Unseen Danger in the Popular Protestant claim that the “Oil” refers to the “Most Blessed Holy Spirit of God”


The Real Danger is this: If you are going to quote that the “Oil” is the Most Blessed Holy Spirit of God, you better be 100% correct because it is Written that ‘any Word Spoken against Him is Unforgiven’, Verse:


“… 31“Therefore I say to you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven men. 32Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man, it will be forgiven him; but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven him, either in this age or in the age to come. …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 12:31 – 32, NKJV)


In contrast, without Quoting the Most Blessed Holy Spirit of God but stating it as our own opinion/oracle is “not” damnable as God Himself showed Mercy by His Unchanging Principle as discussed in post in link below:



Now, please consider the Actual Bible Verses below which describe that the “Oil” is to be obtained by “some earthly transaction”:


“… 7Then all those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps. 8And the foolish said to the wise, ‘GIVE US SOME OF YOUR OIL, for our lamps are going out.’ 9But THE WISE ANSWERED, saying, ‘No, lest there should not be enough for us and you; but GO RATHER TO THOSE WHO SELL, and BUY FOR YOURSELVES.’ 10And WHILE THEY WENT TO BUY, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the wedding; and the door was shut. 11“Afterward the other virgins came also, saying, ‘Lord, Lord, open to us!’ 12But he answered and said, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, I DO NOT KNOW YOU.’ …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 25:7 – 12, NKJV)




  1. “… 8And the foolish said to the wise, ‘GIVE US SOME OF YOUR OIL, for our lamps are going out. …GO RATHER TO THOSE WHO SELL, and BUY FOR YOURSELVES.’ …” = The “Oil” is a obtained via THOSE WHO SELL (who are on the earth even at that time), as the FOOLISH understood it as an earthly transaction and went to buy


  1. If the “Oil” was the “Most Blessed Holy Spirit of God”, then the dialogue would have been entirely different, right? I mean “no” earthly buying and selling can buy the Holy Spirit of God! It sounds like a Blasphemy to claim so (risky).


  1. If the “OIL” cannot be obtained via an earthly transaction or it’s done for, then the WISE VIRGINS would have answered differently, right? That is, they would have said it cannot be obtained. So the fact that the foolish virgins returned later (obtaining the oil) refers to they tried or did perform some earthly transaction but the time was too late.


  1. The “OIL” cannot refer to a Church Gathering simply because the “Wise” are already going away at that time and a gathering of the foolish or with ‘those who sell’ that remain on earth doesn’t seem logical.


  1. The “OIL” cannot refer to “Pre-Trib Rapture belief” because the “foolish ones were not left behind” but woke up also (i.e. Resurrected) meaning they were part of it & even spoke to the “Wise ones” (i.e. Pre-Trib raptured ones by assumption) but yet were “not saved”.


  1. “… 10And WHILE THEY WENT TO BUY, …” = The meaning is clear that an earthly transaction is implied and FIRST CHRISTIANITY TAUGHT WIDELY that this REFERS to the CHARITY DOCTRINE LIFESTYLE by RELATIVE MEASURE.










Blessed Martin Luther Himself Taught that the “OIL” refers to “TRUE FAITH” where his definition of True Faith included the “LAMP” as the CHARITY DOCTRINE LIFESTYLE to HELP ONE’s NEIGHBOUR as discussed in detail in link below:




Or as shown in image from the #ParableoftheWiseandFoolishVirginsBook in free pdf in link below for more First Christianity Quotes in support of this similar claim too:




So even if the Church Fathers quoted in ‘reverse’ that the “OIL” refers to the CHARITY DOCTRINE LIFESTYLE of HELPING ONE ANOTHER by RELATIVE MEASURE or the LAMP as a whole with it, the MEANING IN ESSENCE is the SAME (and that’s all that matters).




Last but not least, please notice that the popular claim of ‘Believe in Christ and be holy is enough for Salvation’ is refuted by the FOOLISH VIRGINS case because they too were HOLY = VIRGINS (where VIRGINITY most likely denotes holiness or faith or both) while the “OIL” being an EXTERNAL ACTION required toward THOSE WHO SELL whom FIRST CHRISTIANITY quotes point to THE POOR and thus the CHARITY DOCTRINE ACTS of GIVING/SHARING is most likely true.


No one knows for sure but the Safe Route Scripturally (or “WISE WAY”) would be to better prepare for it based on various interpretations and so we may “not” be Denied when He Returns by His Mercy having been found ready by Doing His Will. We are “not” saved by Good Works but GOD IS THE ONE DOING IT THORUGH US, (the “Jesus in You” Principle) as Revealed in example Verse below:


“… for it is GOD WHO WORKS IN YOU BOTH TO WILL AND TO DO for His good pleasure. …” (Philippians 2:13, NKJV)


So the “opposite” must be true namely, to “not” do Good Works is TO NOT DO GOD’s WILL. Can you see it ‘as it is Written’? Maybe the Devil knows this and that’s why always persuades by saying ‘no need to do anything or that you are so special deceiving in words and leading one away from doing Good Works making them UNFRUITFUL’ as this Verse Warned too:


“… And let our people also learn to MAINTAIN GOOD WORKS, TO MEET URGENT NEEDS, that they may NOT BE UNFRUITFUL. …” (Titus 3:14, NKJV)


So the absence of “GOOD WORKS” is certainly being UNFRUITFUL and the GOOD WORKS referred to is SPECIFIC as the CHARITY DOCTRINE WORKS of GIVING/SHARING to MEET URGENT NEEDS as the DEFINITION OF FRUIT too without which a TREE is CHOPPED DOWN and THROWN into FIRE (yes with actual worldly goods, please see 1 John 3:16 – 18 too).


A haunting quote in the ‘LAST LINES’ from the ‘#ShepherdofHermas’ Apostolic Father’s Writing seem to point to this meaning too as follows:


“… 4[114]:2 Charge all men who are able to do right, that THEY CEASE NOT TO PRACTICE GOOD WORKS; for it is useful for them. I say moreover that every man ought to be RESCUED FROM MISFORTUNE; for he that hath need, and SUFFERETH MISFORTUNE IN HIS DAILY LIFE, IS IN GREAT TORMENT AND WANT. 4[114]:3 WHOSOEVER THEREFORE RESCUETH  FROM PENURY A LIFE OF THIS KIND, winneth great joy for himself. For he who is harassed by misfortune of this sort is afflicted and tortured with equal torment as one who is in chains. For many men on account of calamities of this kind, because they can bear them no longer, lay violent hands on themselves. HE THEN WHO KNOWS THE CALAMITY OF A MAN OF THIS KIND AND RESCUETH HIM NOT, COMMITTETH GREAT SIN, and BECOMETH GUILTY OF THE MAN’s BLOOD.  4[114]:4 DO THEREFORE GOOD WORKS, WHOEVER OF YOU HAVE RECEIVED (BENEFITS) FROM THE LORD, LEST, WHILE YE DELAY TO DO THEM THE BUILDING OF THE TOWER BE COMPLETED. For it is on your account that the work of the building has been interrupted. Unless then ye hasten to do right, the tower will be completed, and YE SHUT OUT.” 4[114]:5 When then he had finished speaking with me, he rose from the couch and departed, TAKING WITH HIM THE SHEPHERD AND THE VIRGINS. He said however unto me, that he would send the shepherd and the virgins back again to my house. . .” – Shepherd of Hermas (Parable 10, Last Lines of this entire Writing)


Source: http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/text/shepherd-lightfoot.html



Peace to you







Basic Teachings regarding Christ toward Perfection Doctrines regarding Christ


Source Post:




1) Bible Verses below clearly Describe what is meant as “Basic (Elementary) Doctrine (i.e. “not” Deep Biblical Wisdom)”, Verses:




Can you see it?


Contrary to Popular Christian Assumption, these “Doctrines” below are considered the “Elementary (Basic)” Doctrines regarding “Christ” according to Verses above:












Is there anything more than this regarding the “Doctrine of Christ”? Yes, as this same Verse above mentions “Perfection” in this phrase: ‘… 1Therefore, LEAVING THE DISCUSSION OF THE ELEMENTARY PRINCIPLES OF CHRIST, let us GO ON TO [a]PERFECTION …’.


This means that a Christian Denomination/Church which only Teaches or focuses on one of the above listed Doctrines is doing some type of basic ‘baby’ Christianity with “not’ much “maturity” nor any significant steps toward “Perfection” as these “Bible Verses” (‘not’ my opinion) clearly Reveal “as it is Written”. How is it even logical to says so because isn’t Speaking about Christ” is all there is? There’s more because Christ’s Own Most Blessed Words below may Reveal the “Why” part:


“… But why do you call Me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and NOT DO THE THINGS WHICH I SAY? …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 6:46, NKJV)


Example: Indeed, Preaching Christ includes not just about Him but also What He Commanded such as the Charity Doctrine Lifestyle of “Almsgiving” to clean the “Lawlessness Inside” (Matthew 23:25 – 28 and Luke 11:39 – 45).


2) Context


Now, what is this “Doctrine of Perfection” beyond those elementary (basic) Topics which is referred to in this same Chapter in Hebrews 6 itself?


Surprising to most, the “onlyDoctrine Toward “Perfection” mentioned immediately next (after Warning of some backsliding Christians who will “not” even pass this Basic/Elementary Doctrines in Hebrews 6:4 – 8, not quoted here to focus on this core part) which turns out to be … (you guessed it) … chiefly of the CHARITY DOCTRINE LIFESTYLE, Verses:


“… 9But, beloved, we are confident of BETTER THINGS  CONCERNING YOU, YES, THINGS THAT ACCOMPANY SALVATION, though we speak in this manner. 10For God is not unjust to forget YOUR WORK and [d]LABOR OF LOVE which you have shown toward His name, IN THAT YOU HAVE MNISTERED TO THE SAINTS, and DO MINISTER. 11And WE DESIRE THAT EACH ONE OF YOU SHOW THE SAME DILLIGENCE TO THE FULL ASSURANCE OF HOPE UNTIL THE END, 12that you do not become [e]sluggish, but imitate those who through faith and patience INHERIT the promises. …” (Hebrews 6:9 – 12, NKJV)

Can you see it ‘as it is Written’ please?


In other words, in this same chapter, same topic, same context, after exhorting Christians to move toward “Perfection” (Hebrews 6:1 – 3) and warning of those who fall away (Hebrews 6:4 – 8), the Bible Verses clearly Point to this “Doctrine of Perfection” to refer chiefly to the “Inheritance of the Kingdom” based on “one’s labor of Love” in the aspect of “ministering to the needs of one another” which is nothing else than the CHARITY DOCTRINE in Hebrews 6:9 – 12.


Note: You can  check and see in this Hebrews Chapter 6 itself to see that ‘no other religious action is mentioned’ (if you find one, please let me know in case I missed it).


4) Details of the Charity Doctrine Part in Hebrews 6 as the Doctrine of “Perfection” referred to here beyond the Basic (Elementary) Christianity


  1. i) It is called the “Better Things” and that it “AFFECTS SALVATION” in the Context of “LEVEL of INHERITANCE” in His Kingdom


“… BETTER THINGS  CONCERNING YOU, YES, THINGS THAT ACCOMPANY SALVATION … 12that you do not become [e]sluggish, but imitate those who through faith and patience INHERIT the promises. …” …”(Hebrews 6:9, 12, NKJV)


  1. ii) It is Called “Working for God” when one does “Love in Action” or “Labor of Love”


“… 10For God is not unjust to forget YOUR WORK and [d]LABOR OF LOVE which you have shown toward His name, …” (Hebrews 6:10, NKJV)


iii) This definition of “Working for God/Labor of Love” is “not” arbitrary here but clearly refers to the ‘CHARITY DOCTRINE LIFESTYLE only‘ to minister to each other’s “needs” (tangible giving/sharing of worldly goods clearly)




  1. iv) This is what a “Perfect” Church/Christianity would be doing to the “END” knowing that this labor in the CHARITY DOCTRINE affects our ‘inheritance in the Kingdom’ as these Verses clearly imply when taken together here




5) Saved by Fire


“…  11For no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ. 12Now if anyone builds on this foundation with GOLD, SILVER, PRECIOUS STONES, wood, hay, straw, 13each one’s work will become clear; for the Day will declare it, because it will be revealed by fire; and the fire will test each one’s work, of what sort it is. 14If anyone’s work which he has built on it endures, HE WILL RECEIVE A REWARD. 15If anyone’s WORK IS BURNED, HE WILL SUFFER LOSS; but HE HIMSELF WILL BE SAVED, YET SO AS THROUGH FIRE.  …” (1 Corinthians 3:11 – 15, NKJV)


Some may be “Saved by Fire” only incurring the “Loss of Reward” while “not” all get the “Gold” or “Silver” level Reward either meaning that “not” all inheritance of the Kingdom of Heaven is same for Christians either and so, please don’t be deceived by Teachings which claim ‘you get every treasure in heaven by doing nothing’ or by doing less. Knowing these Bible Verses should encourage each Christian to live out the “CHARITY DOCTRINE LIFESTYLE” to attain to these “TREASURES in HEAVEN” in the Context of “SEEK HIS KINGDOM’s INHERITANCE” (implied) as CHRIST HIMSELF CLEARLY TAUGHT (listed next).


6) Treasure in Heavens = Inheritance Level in His Kingdom


This could be the “Treasure in Heavens” that are to be obtained via the Charity Doctrine Lifestyle Transaction by Relative Measure which Christ Himself Taught in these Verses Directly


“… 31“But SEEK HIS KINGDOM, and THESE THINGS will be ADDED TO YOU. 32“Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has chosen gladly to give you the kingdom. 33“SELL YOUR POSSESSIONS and GIVE TO CHARITY; make yourselves money belts which do not wear out, an UNFAILING TREASURE IN HEAVEN, where no thief comes near nor moth destroys. 34“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. 35“Be dressed in readiness, and KEEP YOUR LAMPS LIT. …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 12:31 – 35, NASB)


It’s in this Context Christ Revealed the “…But MANY who are FIRST will be LAST, and the LAST FIRST. …” , Verses:


“… 20The young man said to Him, “All these things I have kept [g]from my youth. What do I still lack?”21JESUS said to him, “If you want to be PERFECT, GIVE to the POOR, and YOU WILL HAVE TREASURE in HEAVEN; and come, FOLLOW ME.” 22But when the young man heard that saying, he went away SORROWFUL, for he had GREAT POSSESSIONS.23Then Jesus said to His disciples, “Assuredly, I say to you that it is HARD for a RICH MAN TO ENTER THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN. 24And AGAIN I say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. … 27Then Peter answered and said to Him, “See, we have LEFT ALL and FOLLOWED YOU. Therefore what shall we have?” … 28So Jesus said to them, “Assuredly I say to you, that in the REGENERATION, when the Son of Man sits on the throne of His glory, you who have followed Me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. 29And EVERYONE who has LEFT HOUSES or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or LANDS, for MY NAME’S SAKE, shall RECEIVE a HUNDREDFOLD, and INHERIT ETERNAL LIFE. 30But MANY who are FIRST will be LAST, and the LAST FIRST. …” (Matthew 19:20 – 24, 27 – 30, NKJV)



Yes, “Whatever you do” = “any act” which “benefits others” or of “holiness” can merit a reward of inheritance in His Kingdom and “not” just Church activities even if you work as a “servant” as these Verses Reveal Clearly below in Context:


“… 22Bondservants, obey in all things your masters according to the flesh, not with eyeservice, as men-pleasers, but in sincerity of heart, fearing God. 23And WHATEVER YOU DO, DO IT HEARTILY, AS TO THE LORD AND NOT TO MEN, 24knowing that FROM THE LORD YOU WILL RECEIVE THE REWARD OF THE INHERITANCE; for[a] YOU SERVE THE LORD CHRIST. 25But he who does wrong will be repaid for what he has done, and there is NO PARTIALITY. …” (Colossians 3:22 – 25, NKJV)



I have discussed these aspects in the #MysteryoftheKingdomofHeavenBook in pages 142 – 145 or on pages 612 to 615 and even on pages 470 to 475 with more related details as well if keen in free pdf in link below:




In the #CharityDoctrineBook , I have discussed the Hebrews 6 Verses too on Pages 270 to 273 or Page 324 & Page 360 too in free pdf in link below if keen:






Peace to you






The Danger of following Prophets who claim “God told me” or equivalent


Source Post:



Bible Verses:


“… 31Behold, I am AGAINST THE PROPHETS,” says the Lord, “WHO USE THEIR TONGUES AND SAY, ‘HE SAYS.’ 32Behold, I am against those who prophesy false dreams,” says the Lord, “and tell them, and cause MY PEOPLE to ERR BY THEIR LIES AND BY THEIR RECKLESSNESS. Yet I did not send them or command them; therefore they shall not profit this people at all,” says the Lord. 33“So when these people or the prophet or the priest ask you, saying, ‘What is the [h]oracle of the Lord?’ you shall then say to them, [i]‘What oracle?’ I WILL EVEN FORSAKE YOU,” says the Lord. 34“And AS FOR THE PROPHET and THE PRIEST and the people who say, ‘The [j]oracle of the Lord!’ I WILL EVEN PUNISH THAT MAN AND HIS HOUSE. …” (Jeremiah 23:31 – 34, NKJV)




  1. If a Prophet which claimed ‘… God told me …’ really heard from God, you and he are safe.


  1. However if a Prophet which claimed ‘… God told me …’ actually did “not” hear from God, you and he are may be in Danger of “… I WILL EVEN FORSAKE YOU …” and “… I WILL EVEN PUNISH THAT MAN AND HIS HOUSE. …” respectively as the Verses above Reveal.


  1. This is why I take the middle ground in this as anyone can err (even Blessed Martin Luther himself has beliefs which your local church may “not” agree to) and so to be Safe Scripturally, I rather just point to a Bible Verse rather than such claims.


  1. Example of Blessed Martin Luther’s beliefs which your church may “not” agree could be from “soul sleep” to “cessation doctrines“, example link with details:






  1. If a man say ‘his own opinion as oracle’ (implied can be wrong too), these Bible Verses continue and Reveal that he may “not” be punished because ‘his own word is his oracle’ meaning God’s Name was “not” taken in Vain but just Human error where the opposite of taking His Name Vain in this is ‘not’ a temporary shame but a “PERPETUAL / EVERLASTING REPROACH / SHAME” (so is it really worth the risk?) as these Same Verses in Jeremiah earlier, continue consecutively next regarding this same Topic, same Context as follows:


“… 36And the [k]ORACLE OF THE LORD YOU SHALL MENTION NO MORE. For EVERY MAN’S WORD WILL BE HIS ORACLE, for you have perverted the words of the living God, the Lord of hosts, our God. 37Thus you shall say to the prophet, ‘What has the Lord answered you?’ and, ‘What has the Lord spoken?’ 38But since you say, ‘The [l]oracle of the Lord!’ therefore thus says the Lord: ‘Because you say this word, “The oracle of the Lord!” and I have sent to you, saying, “Do not say, ‘The oracle of the Lord!’ ” 39therefore behold, I, even I, WILL UTTERLY FORGET YOU and FORSAKE YOU, and the city that I gave you and your fathers, and will cast you out of My presence. 40And I WILL BRING AN EVERLASTING REPROACH UPON YOU, AND A PERPETUAL SHAME, WHICH SHALL NOT BE FORGOTTEN.’ ” …” (Jeremiah 23:36 – 40, NKJV)


I have discussed this aspect in some detail in Pages 740 to 745 in the free downloadable pdf #charitydoctrinebook if keen in link below:





Peace to you

Proper Spirit-Filled Protestant Christian Doctrine from the Charity Doctrine to Eschatology and beyond in a Nutshell

The “Original Protestants”, a.k.a. the “Reformed Group” also agrees on these Two Points which we emphasize heavily namely:


1) “Doctrine of Giving” or the “Charity Doctrine” is a “Primary Doctrine” (Red part of the Chart under the ‘Practice Section’) which Directly affects Salvation in the “Fruits of Salvation Context”.


2) “End Times” Doctrine (Eschatology e.g. Eternal Hell vs Annihilation vs Universalism) is a “Secondary Doctrine” (Doesn’t affect Salvation at all but only possibly rewards) as demonstrated in image (Yellow part of the chart under the “Worldview-Shaping” Section).


Source for Post for image (Thanks to “Reformed Sage”):


Peace to you

Is converting Souls more important or Teaching Accurate Doctrine?


Source Post:





NOTE: Remember our JOB is to win souls to Christ, not religious arguments.




Not really accurate as we are called to do both, please consider this “Bible Verse”:


“… Those who are WISE shall shine Like the BRIGHTNESS OF THE FIRMAMENT, And THOSE WHO TURN MANY to RIGHTEOUSNESS Like the STARS forever and ever. …” (Daniel 12:3, NKJV)




  1. Convert Many (“Win souls“)


‘… Shine like the STARS …’ Levels


  1. Those who are WISE (Theologically more accurate)


‘… Shine like the FIRMAMENTS (HEAVENS*) …’


Note: The Word “Firmament” refers to the “HEAVENS or FOUNDATION OF HEAVENS” which is WAY BRIGHTER than the STARSGlory where all these are in the Context of “Celestial (Heavenly) Glory referring to the Final Resurrection Body of Christians‘ as Revealed in 1 Corinthians 15:39 – 42 clearly as ‘it is Written‘.


First Christianity Taught likewise as discussed in Source post in link below (with more details too):



Example: Christ Himself had only “12 Apostles” at the highest levels or the “Firstfruit” of Salvation refers to purely “unmarried Jewish Virgin Men only” (Revelation 7:1 – 10, Revelation 14:1 – 5) as the “Firstfruits” indicates the holiest lot which has nothing to do with number of converts as ‘how many unmarried Jewish Virgin Men from history even are known to have big number of converts or pastor mega churches’?


Peace to you





Needs not Prosperity nor luxuries nor wants and the Charity Doctrine Lifestyle if we have more


Source Post:



Verse in image (Philippians 4:19) clearly Says every “need”, not “wants, luxuries, prosperity”.


Yes, even in all “HIS RICHES”,  God only ProvidesNEEDS” as Verse below Reveals (in analogy, Responsible Parenting as providing luxuries to children is not more love but creates pride filled spoiled brats who are selfish and do not care for others much):


“… And MY GOD SHALL SUPPLY ALL YOUR NEED ACCORDING TO HIS RICHES in glory by Christ Jesus.  …” (Philippians 4:19, NKJV)


The Bible Definition of “need” turns out to be only “food and clothing“. Anything more is just a bonus  and best if shared. That definition Verse below:


“… 5[b]useless wranglings of men of CORRUPT MINDS and DESTITUTE OF THE TRUTH, who suppose that GODLINESS IS A MEANS OF GAIN. [c]FROM SUCH WITHDRAW YOURSELF. 6Now GODLINESS WITH CONTENTMENT IS GREAT GAIN. 7For we brought nothing into this world, [d]and it is certain we can carry nothing out. 8And HAVING FOOD AND CLOTHING, WITH THESE WE SHALL BE CONTENT. …” (1 Timothy 6:5 – 8, NKJV)


Why is this important? As Verse 5 above Speaks, without such level of “Contentment” one’s “Godliness” (faith + holiness) does “NOT” Work to Great Gain (in the Heavens, Colossians 3:23 – 24, Luke 12:31 – 34) and in worse cases “plunge men into destruction and have their faith shipwrecked” as next Verses in 1 Timothy 6:9 – 11 Speak (not quoted here to focus on this part only).





Last but not least, please notice that 1 Timothy 6:5 above clearly Warns that only those “DESTITUTE OF TRUTH/CORRUPT MINDS” will Preach that “GODLINESS IS A MEANS OF GAIN” (which is the ‘Prosperity Gospel’ thought where people like this often say that if you live holy & believe God, He is going to make you “rich”/have gains or blessings or equivalent). What to do if you find such Christians? The Verse above continues “… [c]FROM SUCH WITHDRAW YOURSELF. …” (1 Timothy 6:5).


What if some Christians are “rich”?


In this ‘same Topic/same Chapter’ (the Bible Verses didn’t end as above and neither should our preaching on this topic) which COMMANDS the following (hence it’s “not” an option for the “rich Christians“, please notice that this is not Commanded to the “poor Christian” hence God is Fair and Sees by Relative Measure), Verses for the CHARITY DOCTRINE LIFESTYLE to be PRACTICED in the CONTEXT OF ETERNAL LIFE by the Original Sola Fide Preacher, Blessed Apostle St. Paul himself (without doing which possibly “Many” could be Denied for “Lawlessness” in this aspect as well because the Context here is for ‘Eternal Life’ as Matthew 7:20 – 24’s LAWLESSNESS Context especially referring to “LAWLESSNESS WITHIN” whose CURE IS ALMSGIVING AS CHRIST HIMSELF TAUGHT agrees in Luke 11:39 – 45 because not doing it is NOT PRACTICING JUSTICE and LOVE OF GOD where even paying tithes did NOT count as fulfilling God’s Will in this, so better to be ‘Safe Scripturally’), to quote (please read the Bible Verses below carefully as it is Written, it’s NOT the opinion of mere men):


“… 17COMMAND THOSE WHO ARE RICH in this present age not to be haughty, nor to trust in uncertain riches but in the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy. 18Let THEM DO GOOD, that they be RICH IN GOOD WORKS, READY TO GIVE, WILLING TO SHARE, 19storing up for themselves a good foundation for the time to come, that THEY MAY LAY HOLD ON ETERNAL LIFE. …” (1 Timothy 6:17 – 19, NKJV)


“… 39Then the Lord said to him, “Now you Pharisees make the OUTSIDE OF THE CUP and DISH CLEAN, but YOUR INWARD PART is full of [k]GREED and WICKEDNESS. 40FOOLISH ones! Did not He who made the outside make the inside also? 41But rather GIVE ALMS of [l]SUCH THINGS AS YOU HAVE; then indeed ALL THINGS ARE CLEAN TO YOU. 42“But woe to you Pharisees! For YOU TITHE mint and rue and all manner of herbs, and pass by JUSTICE and the LOVE of GOD THESE YOU OUGHT TO HAVE DONE, WITHOUT LEAVING THE OTHERS UNDONE. …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 11:39 – 45, NKJV)



Note: Christ Did “NOT” say that this CHARITY DOCTRINE part in the above “… GIVE ALMS of [l]SUCH THINGS AS YOU HAVE; then indeed ALL THINGS ARE CLEAN TO YOU. …” can be LEFT NOT DONE or is OPTIONAL for any TRUE CHURCH OF CHRIST as He Himself Says in the last lines above that “… THESE YOU OUGHT TO HAVE DONE, WITHOUT LEAVING THE OTHERS UNDONE. …” (it’s inclusive and it’s Written).


Please don’t be deceived.


Peace to you



Biblical LOVE Link – Who are the children of God Vs those of the Devil?


Source Post:



“… 10In this the CHILDREN OF GOD and THE CHILDREN OF THE DEVIL are manifest: Whoever DOES NOT PRACTICE RIGHTEOUSNESS is not of God, NOR IS HE WHO DOES NOT LOVE HIS BROTHER. 11For this is the message that you heard from the beginning, that we should love one another, 12not as Cain who was of the wicked one and murdered his brother. And why did he murder him? BECAUSE HIS WORKS WERE EVIL AND HIS BROTHER’S RIGHTEOUS. … 16By this WE KNOW LOVE, because He laid down His life for us. And we also OUGHT TO LAY DOWN OUR LIVES FOR THE BRETHREN. 17But WHOEVER HAS THIS WORLD’S GOODS, and SEES HIS BROTHER IN NEED, AND SHUTS UP HIS HEART FROM HIM, HOW DOES THE LOVE OF GOD ABIDE IN HIM? 18My little children, let us NOT LOVE IN WORD or IN TONGUE, BUT IN DEED AND IN TRUTH …” (1 John 3: 10 – 12, 16 – 18, NKJV)




1) Children of the Devil ‘miss’ one or both of these two in their lives


  1. i) Focus phrase from above: “… DOES NOT PRACTICE RIGHTEOUSNESS …” (Holiness aspect, most likely “Virginity” in the Parable of the 5 Wise and 5 Foolish Virgins; please notice that the “foolish unsaved Virgins” had “holiness” because they are called “virgins”)


  1. ii) Focus phrase from above: “… NOR IS HE WHO DOES NOT LOVE HIS BROTHER …” (Charity Doctrine aspect, most likely “the Oil” in the Parable of the 5 Wise and 5 Foolish Virgins)


2) Children of God Vs Children of the Devil are differentiated by their works





3) Which “Love” (Agape in Original Koine Greek = Love of God) is Spoken of in these Verses (in image too)?


NOT an abstract ‘feeling’ as the same letter, same topic, same context is expounded just 4 Verses later as quoted above to refer particularly to the “Charity Doctrine Lifestyle = Love in Action” with “this world’s goods” (i.e., freely giving and sharing based on relative measure of what we are given first in life):




This is what the Bible Writes as the Definition of “Knowing God” and “Love” as “it is Written” (as nothing else is mentioned in these Verses in 1 John itself).


A thought to ponder: Based on these Verses where it’s mandatory to “Know God” based on “Holiness” + this “Charity Doctrine Lifestyle”  to be “Children of God”,  how can a True Church of Christ ‘skip’ especially the Charity Doctrine Lifestyle part as “not” so important?


4) Charity Doctrine Lifestyle is what affects your “ETERNAL HOME” as CHRIST HIMSELF TAUGHT THIS  as “…USE YOUR WORLDLY RESOURCES to BENEFIT OTHERS AND MAKE FRIENDS …” (Luke 16:9, NLT) as proof of ‘… how much we SERVE GOD and NOT Money …’ (Context in same consecutive Verses in same conversation in same topic, Luke 16:13), which was discussed in post in link below:



Which is also found in pages 418 to 433 and also in  pages 467 to 472 as well in the free pdf book titled “Mystery of the Kingdom of Heaven” in link below:






5) Relative Measure


Please don’t forget relative measure either (as some people will only support something if something good done by their “own race” only even among so called “Christians” or if someone is from “their own denomination or network only”) but here’s a secret: the greater the unfairness faced, the greater the relative measure for reward and that’s how Biblical Good can never be defeated.


Indeed, Christ Himself Taught this as per the Poor Widow’s two coins which couldn’t feed any or fed few but yet was greater than the rich’s much offering (out of their ‘abundance’ so lower value) as Christ Himself Taught in Principle of Luke 21:1 – 4 making this “Eternal Home” Reward part (Luke 16:9) fair for all Christians according to their own labor.


In fact, “any act” which “benefits others” or of “holiness” can merit a reward of inheritance in His Kingdom (which God Commanded us to seek with this ‘Charity Doctrine Lifestyle’ of “Sell what you have and Give to Charity”) as Verses below clearly Reveal as it is Written (if someone says that they do “not” desire these heavenly rewards, then in His Kingdom if they get less or no reward, they cannot complain as it’s their own words that said that they’re not interested in it, right? Can you see it?):


  1. Yes, “Whatever you do” = “any act” which “benefits others” or of “holiness” can merit a reward of inheritance in His Kingdom and “not” just Church activities even if you work as a “servant” as these Verses Reveal Clearly below in Context:


“… 22Bondservants, obey in all things your masters according to the flesh, not with eyeservice, as men-pleasers, but in sincerity of heart, fearing God. 23And WHATEVER YOU DO, DO IT HEARTILY, AS TO THE LORD AND NOT TO MEN, 24knowing that FROM THE LORD YOU WILL RECEIVE THE REWARD OF THE INHERITANCE; for[a] YOU SERVE THE LORD CHRIST. 25But he who does wrong will be repaid for what he has done, and there is NO PARTIALITY. …” (Colossians 3:22 – 25, NKJV)


Comment: so you are “not” at any disadvantage if you work a “secular job” (as even Blessed Apostle St. Paul who wrote the Verse above did) instead of ‘full time ministry even’ as God has “… NO PARTIALITY. …”  (please notice this phrase in last line above) even in this context of “… YOU WILL RECEIVE THE REWARD OF THE INHERITANCE …” even if you work the secular job as a servant/slave as these Verses Describe clearly in “Context” proving that Biblical Good can never be defeated (from “Heaven’s Perspective” as it only increases your heavenly inheritance whenever the more discriminated or harder in relative measure you have to do that work/”… whatever you do …”).


So “Serving God” is “not” demonstrated by ‘how much songs or nice words of prayer we say to Godunless it is accompanied by that EQUAL LEVEL OF ACTION in BENEFITTING OTHERS LITERALLY with THIS WORLD’s GOODS or other ACTIONS (like taking care of others be it “housework” to “sweeping the floor even“) as Christ has Implied in Verses Below:


  1. Mark records Lord Jesus Christ First Teaches that to be “greatest” is to be like a “child”


“…  34But they kept silent, for on the road they had disputed among themselves WHO WOULD BE THE GREATEST. 35And He sat down, called the twelve, and said to them, “If anyone desires to be FIRST, HE SHALL BE LAST OF ALL AND SERVANT OF ALL .” 36Then He took a little child and set him in the midst of them. And when He had taken him in His arms, He said to them, 37“Whoever receives one of these little children in My name receives Me; and whoever receives Me, receives not Me but Him who sent Me.” …” (Mark 9:34 – 37, NKJV)


  1. But Christ kept the meaning ‘hidden’ in the above incident where Mark Records the LORD JESUS CHRIST REAVEALING the meaning of “child” to be “greatest” very clearly below as the “ACTS of SERVANTHOOD” which literally refers to “ACTS which BENEFIT others especially VOLUNTARILY and FREELY” as both these set of Verses are related by the Context question here “… WHO WOULD BE THE GREATEST …” (Mark 9:34, Mark 10:37) as the same answer as “… If anyone desires to be FIRST, HE SHALL BE LAST OF ALL AND SERVANT OF ALL …” (Mark 9:35, Mark10:43 – 44), Verses:


“… 36And He said to them, “What do you want Me to do for you?”

37They said to Him, “GRANT US THAT WE MAY SIT, ONE ON YOUR RIGHT AND THE OTHER ON YOUR LEFT, IN YOUR GLORY.” 38But Jesus said to them, “You do not know what you ask. Are you able to drink the cup that I drink, and be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with?” 39They said to Him, “We are able.” So Jesus said to them, “You will indeed drink the cup that I drink, and with the baptism I am baptized with you will be baptized; 40but to sit on My right hand and on My left is not Mine to give, but it is for those for whom it is prepared.” 41And when the ten heard it, they began to be greatly displeased with James and John. 42But Jesus called them to Himself and said to them, “You know that those who are considered rulers over the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them. 43Yet it shall not be so among you; but WHOEVER DESIRES TO BECOME GREAT AMONG YOU SHALL BE YOUR SERVANT. 44And WHOEVER OF YOU DESIRES TO BE FIRST SHALL BE SLAVE OF ALL. 45For EVEN THE SON OF MAN DID NOT COME TO BE SERVED, but TO SERVE, and TO GIVE HIS LIFE AS A RANSOM FOR MANY” …” (Mark 10:36 – 45, NKJV)




  1. The “unfailing Treasures in Heaven” is only via the “Charity Doctrine Lifestyle” as Christ Himself Teaches below and not the same for everyone who is saved


“… 31“But SEEK HIS KINGDOM, and THESE THINGS will be ADDED TO YOU. 32“Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has chosen gladly to give you the kingdom. 33“SELL YOUR POSSESSIONS and GIVE TO CHARITY; make yourselves money belts which do not wear out, an UNFAILING TREASURE IN HEAVEN, where no thief comes near nor moth destroys. 34“For WHERE YOUR TREASURE IS, THERE YOUR HEART WILL BE ALSO. 35“Be dressed in readiness, and KEEP YOUR LAMPS LIT. …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 12:31 – 35, NASB)


Peace to you

How about the Apostles’ Ranking in Heaven?


Source Post:



Example Question


Were the Apostles Virgins?




The Apostles (lived like virgins) after they “left wife” as Apostle Peter himself said he “LEFT ALL” in Matthew 19:27 (and hence could “not” be in marriage relations anymore) as Christ Affirmed the LEFT WIFE part clearly in Matthew 19:29 (amongst even leaving LANDS, HOUSES, PARENTS, CHILDREN for GOSPEL WORK in some way) and are even higher than these 144000 as they get the “Twelve Thrones” (Matthew 19:28) and their names Written in the very Foundation of Heaven itself by GOD HIMSELF (Revelation 21:14). These Verses:


“…27Then PETER ANSWERED  and said to Him, “See, we have LEFT ALL and followed You. Therefore what shall we have?” 28So JESUS SAID to them, “Assuredly I say to you, that in the regeneration, when the Son of Man sits on the throne of His glory, you who have followed Me will also sit on TWELVE THRONES, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. 29And everyone who has LEFT HOUSES or BROTHERS or SISTERS or FATHER or MOTHER [h]or WIFE or CHILDREN or [i]lANDS, for My name’s sake, shall receive a HUNDREFOLD, and inherit eternal life. 30But many who are first will be last, and the LAST FIRST. …” (Matthew 19:27 – 30, NKJV)


Please notice carefully the word “HUNDREDFOLD” (in Matthew 19:29) above (in comparison to thirty of sixty fold which must be lesser leaving of these things as per Matthew 13:8) and in Matthew 19:30 above CHRIST Reveals the MYSTERY that this is how the FIRST (on earth) will be LAST (in ranking in heaven) while the LAST (on earth) may become FIRST (in ranking in Heaven) as the Context is Gradation (the word “Hundredfold“) with respect to the Context of “RENUNCIATION for the Gospel in some way only” (as CHRIST Didn’t Speak of any other acts in these Verses clearly) ‘as it is Written’.


“…Now the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and on them were the NAMES of the TWELVE APOSTLES OF THE LAMB. …” (Revelation 21:14, NKJV)


Peace to you

Charity Doctrine and Mercy link on Judgment Day


Source Post:



In Verses below please notice carefully that Blessed Apostle St. Paul clearly speaks of “God’s Mercy” to be Granted on “that Day” referring to “Judgment Day Context” toward Blessed Onesiphorus for the sole reason that Blessed Onesiphorus Practiced the ‘CHARITY DOCTRINE LIFESTYLE’ toward Apostle St. Paul himself by providing for his needs as evidenced clearly by these phrases “…FOR HE OFTEN REFRESHED ME,…” and “…and YOU KNOW VERY WELL HOW MANY WAYS HE MINISTERED [d]TO ME at Ephesus  …” below ‘as it is Written’:






1) The phrase “… IN THAT DAY …” = ‘Judgment Day’


2) The phrase “… HE MAY FIND MERCY FROM THE LORD IN THAT DAY …” = Obtaining Mercy on ‘Judgment Day’


3) The phrase “… and YOU KNOW VERY WELL HOW MANY WAYS HE MINISTERED [d]TO ME …” = Charity Doctrine Lifestyle lived by Blessed Onesiphorus toward Blessed Apostle St. Paul


4) The phrase “… 16The LORD GRANT MERCY to the HOUSEHOLD OF ONESIPHORUS …” = This Mercy on “that Day” Context (Judgment Day) may not just be limited to Blessed Onesiphorus but also toward “his household/family” simply because his contributions are from family income too who supported him and thus were considered giving to Blessed Apostle St. Paul.


5) The phrase “… FOR HE OFTEN REFRESHED ME, and was not ashamed of my chain …” = Blessed Onesiphorus provided for Blessed Apostle St. Paul by refreshing him via Providence of needs which is the CHARITY DOCTRINE as the REASON FOR MERCY TO BE GRANTED ON JUDGMENT DAY or “in that Day” CONTEXT as so clearly Written here.


6) If Blessed Onesiphorus was saved without the need of doing any Charity Doctrine (as most likely Blessed Onesiphorus was dead when this happened and that’s why Blessed Apostle St. Paul is Speaking of “Mercy to Blessed Onesiphorus may be Granted by God on THAT DAY referring to JUDGMENT DAY Context only” here as many scholars have noted too), then why is Blessed Apostle St. Paul clearly refering to “Mercy” to be “only shown for the sole reason” (as no other reason or religious acts of Blessed Onesiphorus is mentioned in Scripture here either be it praying/fasting or Church gathering etc. as these are accepted only in proportion of the ‘Charity Doctrine Lifestyle Lived’ only first) as these Verses themselves clearly only “repeat twice” that the “reason for Mercy” to be Granted is ONLY THE CHARITY DOCTRINE LIFESTYLE, to repeat this in highlight below:


  1. i) First mention of the Charity Doctrine as the Reason for God’s Mercy to be Shown on “Judgment Day” (“in that Day” Context)


The phrase: “… FOR HE OFTEN REFRESHED ME …” (2 Timothy 1:16, NKJV)


  1. ii) Second mention of the Charity Doctrine as the Reason for God’s Mercy to be Shown on “Judgment Day” (“in that Day” Context)


The phrase: “… and YOU KNOW VERY WELL HOW MANY WAYS HE MINISTERED [d]TO ME at Ephesus….” (2 Timothy 1:18, NKJV)


Note: you can check that all Bible translations read the ‘same meaning’ for these set of Verses in “Judgment Day” (“in that Day”) Context to be “shown Mercy” based on this “CHARITY DOCTRINE LIFESTYLE first” in link below:





Since Blessed Onesiphorus must be one of the 5 Wise Virgins with “oil” in Matthew 25:1 – 13, it’s most likely the Charity Doctrine Lifestyle as explained in an earlier Post in link below as First Christianity including Blessed Martin Luther the First Protestant has agreed too as the meaning of this Parable:




7) If Blessed Onesiphorus was saved without the “fruit” (not cause) of the “Charity Doctrine Lifestyle”, why does Blessed Apostle St. Paul (the Real Inspired Author of Grace Alone) emphasising “only” that point repeatedly here in the context of “Mercy” shown on “Judgment Day” (“in that Day”) with nothing else mentioned regarding Blessed Onesiphorus as to whether his Eschatological understandings were perfect or whether he tithed, he prayed or fasted much, or spoke in tongues or cast out demons or prophesied or did miracles or attended church etc.?


Also, the Actual Judgment Day Description by Christ in Matthew 25:31 – 46 —> I have repeated many times in the Book and so I am “not” repeating it here but it clearly depicts the ‘Charity Doctrine only’ yet again agreeing in context perfectly. Indeed, the Judgment Day Verses (in Matthew 25:31 – 46) mentioning only “‘Charity Doctrine aspect of Almsgiving only”‘ (no prayer/fasting mentioned) as our Response to ‘… When I was Hungry, Thirsty, Naked, Homeless …’ may finally be Understood as ”Éxceeding the Righteousness of the Pharisees to Enter Heaven'” as these Verses collectively Reveal ”as it is Written”.


Why deny all these Bible Verses?













So ‘Charity Doctrine clearly affects “God’s Mercy” in the “Judgment Day Context” and since the Bible Verses must agree, the “Mercy which Triumphs over Judgment” (and ends it on ‘Judgment Day Context’ for if Judgment still remains then Mercy has ‘not’ Triumphed over it) must thus be toward those who have Practiced the ‘CHARITY DOCTRINE LIFESTYLE’ , Verses:


“… 13For JUDGMENT IS WITHOUT MERCY to the ONE WHO HAS SHOWN NO MERCY. MERCY TRIUMPHS OVER JUDGMENT. 14What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? CAN FAITH SAVE HIM? 15If a BROTHER OR SISTER IS NAKED AND DESTITUTE OF DAILY FOOD, 16and one of you says to them, “Depart in peace, be warmed and filled,” but you do NOT GIVE THEM THE THINGS WHICH ARE NEEDED FOR THE BODY, WHAT DOES IT PROFIT? 17Thus also faith by itself, if it does NOT HAVE WORKS, IS DEAD. …” (James 2:13 – 17, NKJV)




1) Did you notice that MERCY ends JUDGMENT in Verses above is in the Context of Mercy referring to “Mercy which one has shown in life prior first based on the CHARITY DOCTRINE LIFESTYLE LIVED ONLY FIRST“?


2) The “only” Works of Faith which can end Judgment Day condemnation here are described as the CHARITY DOCTRINE LIFESTYLE ONLY as these phrases mean “… CAN FAITH SAVE HIM? 15If a BROTHER OR SISTER IS NAKED AND DESTITUTE OF DAILY FOOD, 16and one of you says to them, “Depart in peace, be warmed and filled,” but you do NOT GIVE THEM THE THINGS WHICH ARE NEEDED FOR THE BODY, WHAT DOES IT PROFIT? …”.


3) Other Works of faith are possible be it praying, fasting, church attendance etc. but NOT WRITTEN here because until the CHARITY DOCTRINE LIFESTYLE IS PRACTICED FIRST, nothing else matters as Judgment is only Triumphed by “the Level of Mercy one lived in life prior first” as these Bible Verses (not my opinion clearly Teach here “as it is Written”).





4) This is “not” Salvation by Works but rather the “Fruit” of Salvation which will be evidenced in any person’s life whom “God Saves” and thus “Common Ground” toward all who are Saved by Mercy on Judgment Day via this Charity Doctrine Fruit also implies that this must be “the oil” the Wise Virgins had as First Christianity Taught likewise.


5) Apostle St. Paul won’t be asking for “Mercy” to be shown to Blessed Onesiphorus due to the latter’s “Charity Doctrine Lifestyle” unless it is “possible” based on this on “Judgment Day” and that’s why we consider the “possibility” that even Possibly some non-Christians may be shown this same Mercy if they were kind to Christians likewise by practicing the Charity Doctrine Lifestyle toward Christians too. So we can ask but let God Alone Decide in the end which makes no one a heretic here.


I didn’t hide any details which May point to another context when quoting 2 Timothy 1:16, 18 earlier as you can see in full in “Consecutive Verses” below too:


“…  13HOLD FAST THE PATTERN OF SOUND WORDS which you have heard from me, in faith and love which are in Christ Jesus. 14That GOOD THING WHICH WAS COMMITTED TO YOU, KEEP BY THE HOLY SPIRIT who dwells in us. 15This you know, that all those in Asia have turned away from me, among whom are Phygellus and Hermogenes. 16The LORD GRANT MERCY to the HOUSEHOLD OF ONESIPHORUS, FOR HE OFTEN REFRESHED ME, and was not ashamed of my chain; 17but when he arrived in Rome, he sought me out very zealously and found me. 18The LORD GRANT TO HIM THAT HE MAY FIND MERCY FROM THE LORD IN THAT DAY—and YOU KNOW VERY WELL HOW MANY WAYS HE MINISTERED [d]TO ME AT EPHESUS. …” (2 Timothy 1:13 – 18, NKJV)




Verse 13 above Speaks clearly that the Sign of the Most Blessed HOLY SPIRIT of God is clearly to KEEP THESE SOUND WORDS which Includes (but not limited to) Verses 16  and 18 here which clearly Teach the CHARITY DOCTRINE LIFESTYLE as the FRUIT OF SALVATION for MERCY to be SHOWN ON JUDGEMENT DAY ( “in that Day”).





So any True Church of Christ which is led by the Most Blessed Holy Spirit of God should likewise “Keep by the Holy Spirit” these “Pattern of Sound Words” which in the First and Foremost Context they were Written here refers to this CHARITY DOCTRINE LIFESTYLE for MERCY on JUDGMENT DAY instead of Verse 15 type of Judas-Christians who in comparison abandoned Apostle St. Paul by “not” doing this Charity Doctrine Lifestyle to him as Blessed Onesiphorus clearly did as the Bible is so clear on these meanings as “no” difficulties of translation or anything like that appears in these Verses “as it is Written”.


Hence, Charity Doctrine is Truly a Doctrine for the Church of Christ in the Context of Finding MERCY on JUDGMENT DAY as the FRUIT OF SALVATION.


Peace to you

How do I measure people’s claims or my own thoughts with Bible Verses?


If a Verse is Preached, we must pay attention but if it’s a claim with “no” verse or worst still “opposite” to a “Verse”, we must reject it. And if a claim doesn’t contradict a “Verse”, we may keep it as a “possibility” but Let God Alone Decide in the end “no” matter how much our flesh or our own mind persuades us that we are right because we still could be wrong.


Peace to you

Charity Doctrine Mystery – God vs Mammon – What did Christ Mean when He Said we cannot serve both God and Money?


Bible Verses:


“… “No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. YOU CANNOT SERVE GOD AND MAMMON. …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 6:24, NKJV)


1) The Problem


Human being will either serve God or Mammon as implied by Christ clearly in Matthew 6:24 above. Please notice that Christ never Said that you will serve either God or “Satan” but rather “Mammon” where “Mammon means RICHES in ARAMAIC [the Original Language Christ Spoke here]”.


Any proper Christian Teaching ought to identify this ‘enemy of God’ called “Mammon” correctly and have a “Doctrine” to counter it for if not, their spiritual warfare or spiritual walk may be defeated. So, what’s the definition of “Mammon” as per Christ’s Usage at that time? to quote:


“… Mammon /ˈmæmən/ in the New Testament of the Bible is commonly thought to mean money, material wealth, or any entity that promises wealth, and is associated with the greedy pursuit of gain. The Gospel of Matthew and the Gospel of Luke both quote Jesus using the word in a phrase often rendered in English as “You cannot serve both God and mammon.”  In the Middle Ages it was often personified and sometimes included in the seven princes of Hell. Mammon in Hebrew (ממון) means “money”. The word was adopted to modern Hebrew to mean wealth. …”


Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mammon


So the Biblical Definition of “Mammon” is crisp clear namely, “money, material wealth, or any entity that promises wealth”.


You cannot fight ‘spiritually’ against an enemy of God whom you ‘don’t know’ or ‘don’t understand’. That’s why knowing this definition first is important.


2) Context: How can we know what ‘Christ Meant’ when He Said ‘You either Serve God or Money?’


Context argument: We need to find in the Bible first whether Christ Spoke that ‘exact same phrase’ in any ‘other Gospels’ and explained further. Fortunately, He did in Verse below:


“… 13“No servant can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. YOU CANNOT SERVE GOD AND MAMMON.” …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 16:13, NKJV)


The next question which naturally arises is: Did Christ Explain What He Meant in Luke 16:13 specifically as to “how to serve God and not Money?” or did He leave it ambiguous?


Christ actually had a ‘Specific Definition’ regarding “how to serve God and not Money” whilst Teaching in Luke 16:13 as we shall see next.









3) Doctrine: How to Serve God and “not” Money?


Blessed Matthew does “not” record Christ Explaining the “how” part in Matthew 6 but fortunately Blessed Luke Records CHRIST CLEARLY TEACHING the “HOW TO SERVE GOD and NOT MONEY” in Verses below as the “CHARITY DOCTRINE LIFESTYLE ONLY“, Verses:


“…  9“And I say to you, MAKE FRIENDS FOR YOURSELVES by UNRIGHTEOUS [D]MAMMON, that when [e]you fail, they may receive you into an EVERLASTING HOME. 10He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much; and he who is unjust in what is least is unjust also in much. 11Therefore IF YOU HAVE NOT BEEN FAITHFUL IN THE UNRIGHTEOUS MAMMON, WHO WILL COMMIT TO YOUR TRUST THE TRUE RICHES? 12And if you have not been faithful in what is another man’s, who will give you what is your own? 13“No servant can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. YOU CANNOT SERVE GOD AND MAMMON.” …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 16:9 – 13, NKJV)


Can you see it please ‘as it is Written’?




Let’s also look at an ‘easier to understand’ English translation for these ‘same Verses’ as follows:


“… 9Here’s the lesson: USE YOUR WORLDLY RESOURCES to BENEFIT OTHERS AND MAKE FRIENDS. Then, when your possessions are gone, they will welcome you to an ETERNAL HOME. 10“If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities. 11And IF YOU ARE UNTRUSTWORTHY ABOUT WORLDLY WEALTH, who will trust you with the TRUE RICHES OF HEAVEN? 12And if you are not faithful with other people’s things, why should you be trusted with things of your own? “No one can serve two masters. For you will hate one and love the other; you will be devoted to one and despise the other. YOU CANNOT SERVE GOD AND BE ENSLAVED TO MONEY.” …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 16:9 – 13, NLT)

How to Serve God and not money?


  1. i) One liner answer:




  1. ii) In the easier English Translation to make this meaning clearer from the Original language style of Writing:




  1. ii) Example of other Translations for Luke 16:9 to understand this meaning more clearly


New International Version

I tell you, use worldly wealth to gain friends for yourselves, so that when it is gone, you will be welcomed into eternal dwellings.


New Living Translation

Here’s the lesson: Use your worldly resources to benefit others and make friends. Then, when your possessions are gone, they will welcome you to an eternal home.


English Standard Version

And I tell you, make friends for yourselves by means of unrighteous wealth, so that when it fails they may receive you into the eternal dwellings.



Berean Study Bible

I tell you, use worldly wealth to make friends for yourselves, so that when it is gone, they will welcome you into eternal dwellings.


Berean Literal Bible

And I say to you, make friends for yourselves by the mammon of unrighteousness, that when it fails, they might receive you into the eternal dwellings.


King James Bible

And I say unto you, Make to yourselves friends of the mammon of unrighteousness; that, when ye fail, they may receive you into everlasting habitations.


New King James Version

“And I say to you, make friends for yourselves by unrighteous mammon, that when you fail, they may receive you into an everlasting home.


New American Standard Bible

And I say to you, make friends for yourselves by means of the wealth of unrighteousness, so that when it is all gone, they will receive you into the eternal dwellings.


Source: https://biblehub.com/luke/16-9.htm


Note: The Original Koine Greek  Word “Aionion” translated as ‘Eternal here (same Word)’ in “EVERLASTING HOME” (Luke 16:9, NKJV) is used in “Eternal Punishment” vs “Everlasting Life” in Matthew 25:46 as well. So the consequences of missing in this Doctrine are “Eternal“. Are we risking people’s life likewise by not teaching this “Charity Doctrine” by Christ Himself?



iii) Charity Doctrine is a must for any True Church of Christ which Serves God and not Money


The Bible is clear here in that CHIRIST’S OWN ONLY DEFINITION for “serve God and not money”  = CHARITY DOCTRINE LIFESTYLE  = “… 9Here’s the lesson: USE YOUR WORLDLY RESOURCES to BENEFIT OTHERS AND MAKE FRIENDS …” (Luke 16:9, NLT)


The rest are details. Can you see it please as ‘it is Written’?


So the ‘Charity Doctrine’ is ‘how one Serves God and not Money’ in their ‘Daily Lives’ Carrying the Cross for this aspect:


“… Then He said to them all, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up HIS CROSS DAILY, and follow Me. …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 9:23, NKJV)


Please notice carefully of ‘modern Prosperity Gospel errors’ which Teach AGAINST these Verses and Teach you to hoard riches for pleasure/luxury and earthly enjoyments instead of spending it on the ‘Charity Doctrine’ of “benefitting others with your money/wealth”.


  1. iv) Dangers for Disobedience


Since in Luke 16:9 itself Christ clearly Says this ‘Charity Doctrine’  of “… USE YOUR WORLDLY RESOURCES to BENEFIT OTHERS AND MAKE FRIENDS …” (Luke 16:9, NLT) affects either your eternal Resurrection Body/Eternal Home in the Heavens as Christ Says as follows with this as “… Then, when your possessions are gone, they will welcome you to an ETERNAL HOME. …” (Luke 16:9, NLT)





In full:


“… 9Here’s the lesson: USE YOUR WORLDLY RESOURCES to BENEFIT OTHERS AND MAKE FRIENDS. Then, when your possessions are gone, they will welcome you to an ETERNAL HOME. …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 16:9, NLT)


Since the consequences of this ‘Charity Doctrine Lifestyle’ of “… USE YOUR WORLDLY RESOURCES to BENEFIT OTHERS AND MAKE FRIENDS …” are “ETERNAL (Aeonian)“, so it MUST BE A DOCTRINE of ANY TRUE CHURCH OF CHRIST.


Logic: How can something which is Promised to be of “ETERNALconsequences by CHRIST HIMSELF “not” be a “DOCTRINE” in “His Church”? (if that particular “Church” truly belongs to Him?)


  1. v) Relative Measure


“… 1And He looked up and saw the rich putting their gifts into the treasury, 2and He saw also a certain poor widow putting in two mites.[a] 3So He said, “TRULY I say to you that this POOR widow has put in MORE THAN ALL; 4for all these out of their abundance have put in offerings [b]for God, but she OUT OF HER POVERTY PUT IN ALL THE LIVELIHOOD THAT SHE HAD.” …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 21:1 – 4, NKJV)


Comment: Some Christians ‘give tit-bits’ in ‘relative measure’ of ‘what they have’ or ‘what they collect from the Church Money in God’s Name’ toward ‘Charity’. So likewise, we may only inherit a small proportion of the “ETERNAL Home” likewise as per the differences in the “thirty, sixty, hundredfold” (Matthew 13:8) or the “Perfection of Sell all and Give to the Poor” (Highest Level of this Charity Doctrine) as Christ Taught in Comparison in Matthew 19:21 – 24 to “Enter the Kingdom of Heaven Context (to inherit it)” to become “least vs greatest” (Matthew 5:20) based on how much we both “do and teach others” especially CHRIST’S DIRECT WORDS as Quoted here ‘as it is Written’ (Matthew 5:19).



Please remember that if there are ‘least vs greatest’ (Matthew 5:19) in His Kingdom and this “… ETERNAL HOME …” (Luke 16:9, NLT) either referring to the Glory of our Final Heavenly Resurrection Body or our Inheritance in Heaven (or both) is affected by this “Charity Doctrine” of “how much we “…USE YOUR WORLDLY RESOURCES to BENEFIT OTHERS AND MAKE FRIENDS …” (Luke 16:9, NLT) as proof of ‘… how much we SERVE GOD and NOT Money …’ (Context in same consecutive Verses in same conversation in same topic, Luke 16:13), we ought to have a ‘Serious Doctrine on this’.


Please consider Christ’s Words Quoted here carefully (“not” my words) because the consequences are “Eternal”.


Please also notice carefully that Christ didn’t Say that to “Serve God” (in Luke 16:13 or Matthew 6:24) that we should ‘pray more or fast more or sing more songs or attend church more or do more church functions or make more money etc.’ but ONLY this CHARITY DOCTRINE of “… USE YOUR WORLDLY RESOURCES to BENEFIT OTHERS AND MAKE FRIENDS …” (Luke 16:9, NLT) as the ‘only explicit Action/Work of Faith’ Written in these Verses clearly to “Serve God”.


Can you see it?




I have explained earlier in pages 300 to 305 in this same book that all other actions of ‘… pray more or fast more or sing more songs or attend church more or do more church functions …’ or equivalent is only accepted by God in proportion of ‘… how much of the Charity Doctrine one does in life first…’ (e.g. Amos 5:10 – 12, 21 – 24, Isaiah 58:3, 7 – 9, James 1:27, Luke 11:39 – 41) or in the Charity Doctrine Book on page 44 onward too (e.g. Isaiah 1:10 – 20) as even the Church Fathers (even Apostolic Fathers* have clearly Testified). He is the ‘same God’ and so His Principles does “not” Change with Respect to His Commands on this.




  1. vi) Did any Apostolic Fathers of the Church Teach the same?


Yes and I will give three examples (as the ‘direct disciples of the Apostles themselves are very unlikely to make a mistake in Doctrine’):


  1. a) St. Polycarp of Smyrna


He Taught that “Alms deliver from Death” where Alms = Charity Doctrine Lifestyle of Giving/Sharing for “free” only:


“… STAND FAST, therefore, in these things, and FOLLOW THE EXAMPLE OF THE LORD, being firm and UNCHANGEABLE IN THE FAITH, loving the brotherhood, and being attached to one another, joined together in the truth, exhibiting the meekness of the Lord in your intercourse with one another, and despising no one. When YOU CAN DO GOOD, DEFER IT NOT, becauseALMS DELIVERS FROM DEATH.” [Tobit 12:9]” Be all of you subject one to another? having your conduct blameless among the Gentiles,” that YE MAY BOTH RECEIVE PRAISE FOR YOUR GOOD WORKS, and the Lord may not be blasphemed through you. But WOE TO HIM by whom the name of the Lord is blasphemed! Teach, therefore, sobriety to all, and manifest it also in your own conduct. …” – Blessed St. Polycarp, Bishop of Smryna, an Apostolic Father being the Disciple of the Blessed St. John the Apostle who wrote the Book of Revelation (c. 69 AD – c. 155 AD, CHAPTER X.–EXHORTATION TO THE PRACTICE OF VIRTUE, THE EPISTLE OF POLYCARP TO THE PHILIPPIANS)


Source: http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/text/polycarp-roberts.html


I have discussed the ‘Alms Deliver from Death’ Context in detail in Appendix III on Page 93 onward in the Book Titled “Eternal Hell Annihilation and Universalism in Christianity – Can all three be true A Look with the Apostolic Fathers”  in pdf (free download/viewing) in link below:



  1. b) St. Clement of Rome


Please notice that St. Clement quotes Isaiah 1:16 – 20 below as ‘Commands for Repentance’ which includes clearly the ‘Charity Doctrine Lifestyle’ as a “Condition” for “… He declares, “THOUGH YOUR SINS BE LIKE CRIMSON, I WILL MAKE THEM WHITE AS SNOW; …” below:


“… if you TURN to Me with YOUR WHOLE HEART, and say, Father! I will listen to you, as to a holy people.” And in another place He says: “WASH, and BECOME CLEAN; put away the wickedness of your souls from before my eyes; CEASE FROM YOUR EVIL WAYS, and LEARN TO DO WELL; seek out judgment, deliver the oppressed, JUDGE THE FATHERLESS, and SEE THAT JUSTICE IS DONE TO THE WIDOW; and come, and let us reason together. He declares, “THOUGH YOUR SINS BE LIKE CRIMSON, I WILL MAKE THEM WHITE AS SNOW; THOUGH THEY BE LIKE SCARLET, I WILL WHITEN THEM LIKE WOOL. And IF YOU ARE WILLING AND OBEY ME, you shall eat the good of the land; but if you refuse, and will not listen to Me, the sword shall devour you, for the mouth of the Lord has spoken these things.” [Isaiah 1:16 – 20] Desiring, therefore, that all His beloved should be PARTAKERS OF REPENTANCE, He has, by His ALMIGHTY WILL, ESTABLISHED [THESE DECLARATIONS]. …” – Blessed St. Clement of Rome, an Apostolic Father being a direct Disciple of the Blessed Apostle St. Peter (c.35 AD – c. 99 AD, 1 Clement Chapter 8.)


Source: http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/text/1clement-roberts.html



The Original Context for Isaiah 1:16 – 20 “Commands for Repentance” above includes the “Charity Doctrine Lifestyle Specified here as”: ‘… and was God’s Response to Verses prior (quoted below) regarding “WHY” God WAS NOT interested in their SYNAGOGUE (in analogy Church) SINGING/WORSHIP, PRAYERS, ASSEMBLIES, SABBATHS, SACRIFICES etc. (please read it for yourself below ‘as it is Written’ as these are “not” my words so please don’t be angry with me as ‘you may be angry with God’ if you dislike ‘His Own Words’):


“… 10Hear the WORD OF THE LORD,





Says the Lord.

“I have had enough of burnt offerings of rams

And the fat of fed cattle.

I do not delight in the blood of bulls,

Or of lambs or goats.

12“When you come to appear before Me,

Who has required this from your hand,

To trample My courts?

13Bring no more futile[f] sacrifices;

Incense is an abomination to Me.



14Your New Moons and your appointed feasts


They are a trouble to Me,

I am weary of bearing them.

15When you [g]spread out your hands,

I will hide My eyes from you;




16“Wash yourselves, make yourselves clean;

Put away the evil of your doings from before My eyes.

Cease to do evil,


Seek justice,



PLEAD FOR THE WIDOW. …” (Isaiah 1:10 – 17, NKJV)


Note: There are “no” difficulties in translation here in as you may read it in your own ‘favourite Bible Translation’ and find the ‘same meaning’.


  1. c) Attributed to St. Clement of Rome


“… 2Clem 16:1 Therefore, brethren, since we have found no small opportunity for repentance, seeing that we have time, let us turn again unto God that called us, while we have still One that receiveth us.2Clem 16:2 For if we bid farewell to these enjoyments and conquer our soul in refusing to fulfill its evil lusts, we shall be partakers of the mercy of Jesus. 2Clem 16:3 But ye know that the DAY OF JUDGMENT cometh even now as a BURNING OVEN, and the powers of the heavens shall melt, and all the earth as lead melting on the fire, and then shall appear the secret and open works of men. 2Clem 16:4 ALMSGIVING therefore is a good thing, EVEN AS REPENTANCE FROM SIN> FASTING IS BETTER THAN PRAYER, but ALMSGIVING BETTER THAN BOTH. And LOVE COVERETH A MULTITUDE OF SINS [1 Peter 4:8], but PRAYER out of a good conscience DELIVERETH FROM DEATH. BLESSED IS EVERY MAN that is FOUND FULL OF THESE. For ALMSGIVING LIFTETH OFF THE BURDEN OF SIN. 2Clem 17:1 Let us therefore repent with our whole heart, lest any of us perish by the way. For if we have received commands, that we should make this our business, to tear men away from idols and to instruct them, how much more is it wrong that a soul which knoweth God already should perish! …” (2 Clement, Attributed to Blessed St. Clement of Rome, a direct Disciple of the Blessed Apostle St. Peter, c.35 AD – c. 99 AD)


Source: http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/text/2clement-lightfoot.html


Note: Almsgiving is mentioned to be better than both Prayer and Fasting in ‘First Jewish Christianity’ quote above.



vii) Foolish Virgins of Matthew 25


“…  8And the foolish said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.’ 9But the wise answered, saying, ‘No, lest there should not be enough for us and you; but go rather to those who sell, and buy for yourselves.’ 10And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the wedding; and the door was shut. …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 25:8 – 10, NKJV)


Please remember that the “foolish Virgins” had “Virginity” (most likely ‘Holiness’) but didn’t have enough “oil” (most likely this ‘Charity Doctrine Lifestyle’) because the “oil” is to be obtained via an earthly transaction to ‘those who sell’ which most likely refers to the poor as First Christianity Taught as I discussed in an earlier post in link below:




Here are three useful comments regarding this “Oil” meant by Christ:


  1. a) If it’s just a metaphor and such a transaction cannot be made, Christ wouldn’t have implied a transaction as per the ‘Wise Virgins Spoke’ above, right? I mean it doesn’t seem logical that the ‘Wise Virgins’ would point to an earthly transaction of “… but go rather to those who sell, and buy for yourselves.’…” unless they themselves did it prior in their lifetime first and are revealing what they did.


  1. b) How about the ‘Prayer, Fasting and Alms/Charity Doctrine’ (as Matthew 6 specified earlier)? Prayer and Fasting is quite common to each but the problem is Matthew 25:9 – 10’s phrase “… but go rather to those who sell, and buy for yourselves.’ 10And while they went to buy, …” seem to indicate that this “oil” (Matthew 25:8) which “others sell” is most likely “not” a personal act like ‘Prayer & Fasting’ which doesn’t require ‘others to sell’ even parabolically.


  1. c) And they went to “buy” toward the ‘poor’ left in the world (earthly direction) also means that this “oil” cannot refer to “church or believers gathering” as all the “5 wise virgins” went away with the bridegroom during this time itself.



  1. Christians who are ‘selfish/racist’ internally “not” sharing their earthly resources to benefit others some even turning Churches into ‘business platforms’ claiming ‘saving rich souls’ (as only the rich can afford such services they offer) while NOT doing any FREE GIVING in these SAME CHURCHES as did the Great Missionaries of the past who SET UP SCHOOLS, HOSPITALS, DAILY FOOD DISTRIBUTIONS to the POOR ETC. FOR FREE may fit as failing to ‘serve God’ and end up ‘serving Money’ lacking this “Oil” and thus may be ‘unsaved’ together with those whom they convert who also behave likewise as Christ’s Own Words in Luke 16:9 – 13 earlier may explain this part clearly with regards to the meaning of “Oil” which the foolish virgins lacked as per Matthew 25:1 – 13 as His Words Match Perfectly here in Context of ‘Serve God’.


  1. If the Wise Virgins did their part by ‘relative measure’ but yet the others didn’t convert or not, it doesn’t matter as that’s individual choice (and let God Judge) but you did your part as per the Poor Widow’s two coins which couldn’t feed any or fed few but yet was greater than the rich’s much offering (out of their ‘abundance’ so lower value) as Christ Himself Taught in Principle of Luke 21:1 – 4 making this “Eternal Home” Reward part (Luke 16:9) fair for all Christians according to their own labor.


  1. Churches with a lot of numbers (big support) in number of persons and finance collection (money wise) come under the responsibility to do more to match the ‘relative measure’ aspect to prove ‘serving God’ or if not by default are serving money as Christ Defined this based on the Charity Doctrine Lifestyle of benefitting others for “free” only in Luke 16:9 – 13 meaning the ‘selling of sermons or books or others’ makes them even further ‘at risk’.


So, please don’t be deceived into thinking that ‘there no Charity Doctrine Taught by Christ’ because He Clearly Did Teach it as per the Bible Verses alone in Luke 16:9 – 13 clearly Reveals. The other First Christianity quotes just explains further and proves that this is “not” my opinion but was First Christianity’s “Doctrine” all along.


Peace to you


Since we are quoting Christ’s Direct Words only to explain whether one “Serves God or Money” (Luke 16:13) as referring to the ‘Charity Doctrine Lifestyle’ of “benefitting others freely based on the worldly resources given to us” (Luke 16:9), we can be assured that “His Words doesn’t pass away”:

Keeping the Sabbath Mystery with St. Methodius of Olympus and difficulties to understand beyond with St. Irenaeous of Lyons to Ambrosiaster


St. Methodius understands that the “Few” Saved refers to the “First Resurrection Sabbath Rest of 1000 Years” – Chiliasm Timeline.


St. Methodius understands that the “Sabbath Rest” refers to the Chiliasm Timeline of the First Resurrection 1000 Years Millennial Reign of Christ where after this 1000 years the bodies of the Christians will change to another Glory. So to “keep the Sabbath” is to “believe in this Rest and to Prepare for it with Good Works + Holiness as its fruit”, to quote:


“…  For I also, taking my journey, and going forth from the Egypt of this life, CAME FIRST TO THE RESURRECTION, which is the true Feast of the Tabernacles, and there having set up my tabernacle, ADORNED WITH THE FRUITS OF VIRTUE, ON THE FIRST DAY OF THE RESURRECTION, which is the DAY OF JUDGMENT, CELEBRATE WITH CHRIST THE MILLENNIUM OF REST, WHICH IS CALLED THE SEVENTH DAY, EVEN THE TRUE SABBATH. Then again from thence I, a follower of Jesus, who has entered into the heavens, Hebrews 4:14 as they also, after the rest of the Feast of Tabernacles, came into the laud of promise, come into the heavens, not continuing to remain in tabernacles — that is, my body not remaining as it was before, but, AFTER THE SPACE OF A THOUSAND YEARS, CHANGED FROM A HUMAN AND CORRUPIBLE FORM INTO ANGELIC SIZE AND BEAUTY, where at last we virgins, when the FESTIVAL OF THE RESURRECTION IS CONSUMMATED, shall pass from the wonderful place of the tabernacle to greater and better things, ascending into the very house of God above the heavens, as, says the Psalmist, in the voice of praise and thanksgiving, among such as keep holy day.  …” – Blessed St. Methodius of Olympus, bishop in Lycia. Little is known of his life. He was apparently put to death in the Diocletianic persecution. Only a small part of his extensive writing survives. The ‘Symposium [Banquet], or On Chastity’, also known as the ‘Banquet of the Ten Virgins’, extols virginity. In a treatise on the Resurrection, he took issue with Origen and upheld the identity of the resurrection body with that worn in this life. His work on Free Will is a defence of human liberty against the fatalism of the Gnostics (died c. 311 AD, Banquet of the Ten Virgins, Discourse 9, Chapter 5)


Source: https://www.newadvent.org/fathers/062309.htm


Bible Verses for comparison:



0) Few Saved


The Rest = Seventh Day = The First Resurrection, The Wedding of the Lamb followed by the 1000 Years Millennial Reign of Christ which only the “few saved” attain


“… 13“Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. 14[c]Because narrow is the gate and [d]DIFFICULT  is the way which leads to life, and there are FEW WHO FIND IT. …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 7:13 – 14, NKJV)


“… 6And I heard, as it were, the voice of a great multitude, as the sound of many waters and as the sound of mighty thunderings, saying, “Alleluia! For the[d] Lord God Omnipotent reigns! 7Let us be glad and rejoice and give Him glory, for the MARRIAGE OF THE LAMB HAS COME, and HIS WIFE HAS MADE HERSELF READY.” 8And to her it was granted to be arrayed in fine linen, clean and bright, for the FINE LINEN IS THE RIGHTEOUS ACTS OF THE SAINTS. 9Then he said to me, “Write: ‘Blessed are those who are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb!’ ” And he said to me, “These are the true sayings of God.” …” (Revelation 19:6 – 9, NKJV)


“… 4And I saw thrones, and they sat on them, and judgment was committed to them. Then I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their witness to Jesus and for the word of God, who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and had not received his mark on their foreheads or on their hands. And they lived and reigned with Christ for [a]a thousand years. 5But the REST OF THE DEAD did not live again until the thousand years were finished.  Blessed and holy is he who has part in the FIRST RESURRECTION. OVER SUCH THE SECOND DEATH has NO POWER, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with Him a THOUSAND YEARS. ….” (Revelation 20:4 – 7, NKJV)



“… 13But I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen [b]asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no hope. 14For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who [c]sleep in Jesus. 15For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the COMING OF THE LORD will by no means precede those who are [d]asleep. 16For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And THE DEAD IN CHRIST WILL RISE FIRST. 17Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord. 18Therefore comfort one another with these words. …” (1 Thessalonians 4:13 – 18, NKJV)


Note: ‘the rest of the dead’ do “not” have this Hope (Context for 1 Thessalonians 4:13) of Participating in the “First Resurrection” as indicated by the phrase “… the dead in Christ will rise first. 17Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. …” (1 Thessalonians 4:16 – 17) which is the ‘Elect Salvation for Christians only’.



The “Narrow Gate to Life” Context clearly seems to refer to this “Context” of attaining to the First Resurrection (being His Bride) and Participating in the Millennial Reign of Christ for 1000 years (as Verses below agree calling it as ‘ENTERING the KINGDOM OF GOD’ when all these Verses are understood collectively):


“… 22And He went through the cities and villages, teaching, and journeying toward Jerusalem. 23Then one said to Him, “Lord, are there FEW WHO ARE SAVED?” And He said to them, 24“Strive to enter through the NARROW GATE, for many, I say to you, WILL SEEK TO ENTER AND WILL NOT BE ABLE. 25When once the Master of the house has risen up and shut the door, and you begin to stand outside and knock at the door, saying, ‘Lord, Lord, open for us,’ and He will answer and say to you, ‘I do not know you, where you are from,’ 26then you will begin to say, ‘We ate and drank in Your presence, and You taught in our streets.’ 27But He will say, ‘I tell you I do not know you, where you are from. Depart from Me, all you workers of iniquity.’ 28There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth, when you see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets in the KINGDOM OF GOD, and YOURSELVES THRUST OUT. 29They will come from the east and the west, from the north and the south, and SIT DOWN IN THE KINGDOM OF GOD. 30And indeed there are last who will be first, and there are first who will be last.” …” (Luke 13:22 – 30, NKJV)

1) No unbelievers Enter this Rest


Only those who “believe” (the “few” saved) can “enter into that Sabbath Rest to be part of the First Resurrection and 1000 years Millennial Reign of Christ”:


“… 3For we who have believed do enter that rest, as He has said: “So I swore in My wrath, ‘They shall not enter My rest,’ ” although the works were finished from the foundation of the world. 4For He has spoken in a certain place of the seventh day in this way: “And God rested on the seventh day from all His works”; 5and again in this place: “They shall not enter My rest.” …” (Hebrews 4:3 – 5, NKJV)


2) No one disobedient enters this rest


“… 6Since therefore it remains that some must enter it, and those to whom it was first preached did not enter because of disobedience, 7again He designates a certain day, saying in David, “Today,” after such a long time, as it has been said: “Today, if you will hear His voice, Do not harden your hearts.” 8For if [b]Joshua had given them rest, then He would not afterward have spoken of another day. 9There remains therefore a rest for the people of God. 10For he who has entered His rest has himself also ceased from his works as God did from His. 11Let us therefore be diligent to enter that rest, lest anyone fall according to the same example of DISOBEDIENCE.  …” (Hebrews 4:6 – 10, NKJV)


4) Mystery part – “the one who thirsts”


After this 1000 years are over, Judgment Day happens (Revelation 20:7 – 11) and some are hinted to be ‘saved on Judgment Day’ only (e.g. Matthew 25:31 – 46, Revelation 21:6) who are called as “the one who thirsts” who are mentioned differently from “the Bride*” (Christians) are also calling out to them at that time clearly in Revelation 22:17 as I have discussed  this “possibility” on page 178 onward in the free pdf Book titled “Eternal Hell Annihilation and Universalism in Christianity – Can all three be true A Look with the Apostolic Fathers – 24 Dec 2021” in link below:


*The Bride = Christians = Only 1 Gathering of the Elect is mentioned in 1 Thessalonians 4:13 – 18 during Christ’s Second Coming (as St. Justin Martyr’s quote also reveals**) and so it seems impossible for Christians to be saved in two badges as the “mystery of the one who thirsts” who seem to be ‘only saved on Judgment Day’ (Revelation 21:8, Revelation 22:17) from those “nations” (Matthew 25:31 – 46) “who are saved” but “visit the city” thereafter (Revelation 21:24 – 27) where “the Bride/Christians are in the City” indicates (Revelation 21:9 – 10) indicates.


**Only one Gathering of the Elect:


“… And further, there was a certain man with us, whose name was John, one of the apostles of Christ, who prophesied, by a revelation that was made to him, THAT THOSE WHO BELIEVED IN OUR CHRIST [1 Thessalonians 4:13 – 18] would dwell a THOUSAND YEARS in Jerusalem [Revelation 20:4 – 10]; and that thereafter the general, and, in short, the eternal resurrection and judgment of all men would likewise take place [Revelation 20:11 – 15]. Just as our Lord also said, ‘They shall neither marry nor be given in marriage, but shall be equal to the angels, the children of the God of the resurrection. [Luke 20:35 – 36] …” –  Blessed St. Justin Martyr, a Great Early Christian Apologist who is a Foremost Exponent of the Divine Word, who Influenced Virtually all of subsequent Christian philosophy and Catholic theology, Martyr for Christ (c. 100AD – c. 160 AD, Dialogue with Trypho the Jew, CHAPTER LXXXI)


Source: http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/text/justinmartyr-dialoguetrypho.html


Comment: St. Justin Martyr doesn’t seem to say that those of the “Second Resurrection” are all tossed into the Lake of Fire as many Christians today also claim. He only says in the above “… and that thereafter the general, and, in short, the eternal resurrection and judgment of all men would likewise take place  …”.


Since St. Justin doesn’t seem to have a quote to describe this ‘General Resurrection & Judgment’ further, we look at St. Irenaeous of Lyons’ whose quotes below seem to indicate this “Second Resurrection” distinctly to have a “second badge of righteous” saved (which cannot be Christians at all as we have discussed above) especially since all Christians are “the Bride” which is Raised 1000 years earlier in 1 Gathering of the Elect (as 1 Thessalonians 4:13 – 18 seems to indicate):


“… And in the Apocalypse John saw this new [Jerusalem] descending upon the new earth. For AFTER the TIMES of the KINGDOM, he says, “I saw a Great White Throne, and Him who sat upon it, from whose face the earth fled away, and the heavens; and there was no more place for them.”  [Revelation 20:11] And he sets forth, too, the things connected with the GENERAL RESURRECTION and the JUDGMENT, mentioning “the dead, great and small.” “The sea,” he says, “gave up the dead which it had in it, and death and hell [Hades] delivered up the dead that they contained; and the books were opened. Moreover,” he says, “the book of life was opened, and the dead were judged out of those things that were written in the books, ACCORDING to THEIR WORKS; and Death and hell [Hades] were sent into the LAKE of FIRE, the SECOND DEATH.” [Revelation 20:11 – 15] Now this is what is called GEHENNA [Matthew 10:28], which the Lord styled eternal fire [Matthew 25:31 – 46]. “And if any one,” it is said, “was not found written in the book of life, he was sent into the LAKE of FIRE. [Revelation 20:15, Revelation 21:8] … ” – Blessed St. Irenaeous of Lyons, a Hearer of Blessed St. Polycarp who is an Apostolic Father being the Disciple of Blessed St. John who wrote the Book of Revelation (c. 140 – c. 202 AD, Against Heresies, Book 5, Chapter 35:2)

Source:  http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/text/irenaeus-book5.html


“… Again, He called Lazarus “with a loud voice, saying, Lazarus, come forth; and HE that WAS DEAD came forth bound with bandages, feet and hands.” This was SYMBOLICAL of that MAN who had been BOUND in SINS. And therefore the Lord said, “Loose him, and let him depart.” As, therefore, THOSE who were HEALED were MADE WHOLE in THOSE MEMBERS which had in TIMES PAST been AFFLICTED; and the DEAD ROSE in the IDENTICAL BODIES, their limbs and bodies receiving health, and that life which was granted by the Lord, who prefigures eternal [age-during] things by temporal, and shows that it is He who is Himself able to extend BOTH HEALING and LIFE to HIS HANDIWORK, that His words concerning its [future] RESURRECTION may also be believed; so also at the END, when the Lord utters His voice “by the LAST TRUMPET,” [1 Corinthians 15:52] the dead shall be raised, as He Himself declares: “The HOUR SHALL COME, in which ALL THE DEAD which are in the TOMBS shall hear the voice of the Son of man, and shall come forth; those that have DONE GOOD to the RESURRECTION of LIFE, and those that have DONE EVIL to the RESURRECTION of JUDGMENT.” [John 5:28 – 29] …”  – Blessed St. Irenaeous of Lyons, a Hearer of Blessed St. Polycarp who is an Apostolic Father being the Disciple of Blessed St. John who wrote the Book of Revelation (‘Against Heresies’, Book 5, Chapter XIII, Point 1)

Source: http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/text/irenaeus-book5.html



  1. Firstly, please notice that “unbelief” causes one to “not enter the Rest” (Hebrews 4:1 – 3 earlier) as referring clearly to the 1000 years Millennial Reign Timeline of the First Resurrection (Hebrews 4:5 – 9, Revelation 20:4 – 6, Revelation 19:6 – 9) as the “Context for few Saved to Enter His Kingdom” (Luke 13:22 – 30).


  1. St. Irenaeous clearly calls the “1000 years Millennial Reign timeline” as the “Times of the Kingdom” (in his book) but as for the “Judgment Day” time which is 1000 years after that, he clearly uses a different term namely “… AFTER THE TIMES OF THE KINGDOM …”.


iii. Why is this important? Can you see it? Here is this ‘possibility’: The “Times of the Kingdom” refers to 1000 years Millennial Reign of Christ and so Luke 13:22 – 30’s “few saved into His Kingdom” signifies this timeline only. Thereafter the “… AFTER THE TIMES OF THE KINGDOM …” timeline which refers to the Judgment Day Context, may have a ‘second badge of righteous among non-Christians to be shown Mercy by God to be Saved’ as St. Irenaeous of Lyons’ quote above seems to indicate as all Christians are saved “as the few” 1000 years earlier in 1 Gathering of the Elect (1 Thessalonians 4:13 – 18). Here’s St. Irenaeous’ quote using the phrase “times of the kingdom” to distinctly refer to this 1000 years Millennial Reign of Christ as the “SABBATH, Seventh Day of Rest”, Wedding of the Lamb and one Gathering of the Elect too (implied) in his quotes below:


  1. a) TIMES of the KINGDOM = SABBATH, Seventh Day of Rest as St. Irenaeous applies the Context of Luke 13:22 – 30 as referring to this Millennial Reign Timeline as he quotes Luke 13:29 below (please notice this ‘carefully’):


“… But when this Antichrist shall have devastated all things in this world, he will reign for three years and six months, and sit in the temple at Jerusalem; and then the Lord will come from heaven in the clouds, in the glory of the Father, sending this man and those who follow him into the lake of fire; but bringing in for the righteous the TIMES OF THE KINGDOM, that is, THE REST, the HALLOWED SEVENTH DAY; and restoring to Abraham the promised inheritance, in which kingdom the Lord declared, that “many coming from the east and from the west should sit down with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.”[Luke 13:29] …” – Blessed St. Irenaeous of Lyons, a Hearer of Blessed St. Polycarp who is an Apostolic Father being the Disciple of Blessed St. John who wrote the Book of Revelation (c. 130 AD – c. 202 AD, Against Heresies, V. 30.4) Source: http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/text/irenaeus-book5.html

  1. b) TIMES OF THE KINGDOM = [First] Resurrection of the Just = True Sabbath of the Righteous, the Seventh Day


“… 2. And for this reason the Lord declared, “When thou makest a dinner or a supper, do not call thy friends, nor thy neighbours, nor thy kinsfolk, lest they ask thee in return, and so repay thee. But call the lame, the blind, and the poor, and thou shall be blessed, since they cannot recompense thee, but a recompense shall be made thee at the RESURRECTION of the JUST.” And again He says, “Whosoever shall have left lands, or houses, or parents, or brethren, or children because of Me, he shall receive in this world an hundred-fold, and in that to come he shall inherit eternal life.” For what are the hundred-fold [rewards] in this word, the entertainments given to the poor, and the suppers for which a return is made? These are [to take place] IN THE TIMES OF THE KINGDOM, that is, upon the SEVENTH DAY, which has been sanctified, in which GOD RESTED from all the works which He created, which is the TRUE SABBATH of the righteous, which they shall not be engaged in any earthly occupation; but shall have a table at hand prepared for them by God, supplying them with all sorts of dishes. …” – Blessed St. Irenaeous of Lyons, a Hearer of Blessed St. Polycarp who is an Apostolic Father being the Disciple of Blessed St. John who wrote the Book of Revelation (c. 130 AD – c. 202 AD, ‘Against Heresies’, Book 5, Chapter XXXIII, Point 2)


Source: http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/text/irenaeus-book5.html


  1. c) TIMES OF THE KINGDOM = First Resurrection = Millennial Reign Jewish Prophecies are to be Fulfilled for that 1000 years


“… The predicted blessing, therefore, BELONGS UNQUESTIONABLY TO THE TIMES OF THE KINGDOM, when the righteous shall bear rule upon THEIR RISING FROM THE DEAD; when also the creation, having been renovated and set free, shall fructify with an abundance of all kinds of food, from the dew of heaven, and from the fertility of the earth: as the elders who saw John, the disciple of the Lord, related that they had heard from him how the Lord used to teach in regard to these times, and say: The days will come, in which vines shall grow, each having ten thousand branches, and in each branch ten thousand twigs, and in each true twig ten thousand shoots, and in each one of the shoots ten thousand dusters, and on every one of the clusters ten thousand grapes, and every grape when pressed will give five and twenty metretes of wine. And when any one of the saints shall lay hold of a cluster, another shall cry out, “I am a better cluster, take me; bless the Lord through me.” In like manner [the Lord declared] that a grain of wheat would produce ten thousand ears, and that every ear should have ten thousand grains, and every grain would yield ten pounds (quinque bilibres) of clear, pure, fine flour; and that all other fruit-bearing trees, and seeds and grass, would produce in similar proportions (secundum congruentiam iis consequentem); and that all animals feeding [only] on the productions of the earth, should [in those days] become peaceful and harmonious among each other, and be in perfect subjection to man.


  1. And these things are bone witness to in writing by Papias, the hearer of John, and a companion of Polycarp, in his fourth book; for there were five books compiled (suntetagme/na) by him. And he says in addition, “NOW THESE THINGS ARE CREDIBLE TO BELIEVERS.” And he says that, “when the traitor Judas did not give credit to them, and put the question, `How then can things about to bring forth so abundantly be wrought by the Lord? ‘the Lord declared, `They who shall come to these [times] shall see.'” When prophesying of these times, therefore, Esaias says: “The wolf also shall feed with the lamb, and the leopard shall take his rest with the kid; the calf also, and the bull, and the lion shall eat together; and a little boy shall lead them. The ox and the bear shall feed together, and their young ones shall agree together; and the lion shall eat straw as well as the ox. And the infant boy shall thrust his hand into the asp’s den, into the nest also of the adder’s brood; and they shall do no harm, nor have power to hurt anything in my holy mountain.” And again he says, in recapitulation, “Wolves and lambs shall then browse together, and the lion shall eat straw like the ox, and the serpent earth as if it were bread; and they shall neither hurt nor annoy anything in my holy mountain, saith the Lord.” I am quite aware that some persons endeavour to refer these words to the case of savage men, both of different nations and various habits, who come to believe, and when they have believed, act in harmony with the righteous. But although this is [true] now with regard to some men coming from various nations to the harmony of the faith, nevertheless in the RESURRECTION OF THE JUST [the words shall also apply] to those animals mentioned. For God is non in all things. And it is right that when the creation is restored, all the animals should obey and be in subjection to man, and revert to the food originally given by God (for they had been originally subjected in obedience to Adam), that is, the productions of the earth. But some other occasion, and not the present, is [to be sought] for showing that the lion shall [then] feed on straw. And this indicates the large size and rich quality of the fruits. For if that animal, the lion, feeds upon straw [at that period], of what a quality must the wheat itself be whose straw shall serve as suitable food for lions? …” – Blessed St. Irenaeous of Lyons, a Hearer of Blessed St. Polycarp who is an Apostolic Father being the Disciple of Blessed St. John who wrote the Book of Revelation (c. 130 AD – c. 202 AD, ‘Against Heresies’, Book 5, Chapter XXXIII, Points 3 – 4)

Source: http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/text/irenaeus-book5.html




“… But in the TIMES OF THE KINGDOM, the earth has been called again by Christ [to its pristine condition], and Jerusalem rebuilt after the pattern of the Jerusalem above, of which the prophet Isaiah says, “Behold, I have depicted thy walls upon my hands, and thou art always in my sight,” And the apostle, too, writing to the Galatians, says in like manner, “But the Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all.” He does not say this with any thought of an erratic Aeon, or of any other power which departed from the Pleroma, or of Prunicus, but of the Jerusalem which has been delineated on [God’s] hands. And in the Apocalypse John saw this new [Jerusalem] descending upon the new earth. …” – Blessed St. Irenaeous of Lyons, a Hearer of Blessed St. Polycarp who is an Apostolic Father being the Disciple of Blessed St. John who wrote the Book of Revelation (c. 130 AD – c. 202 AD, ‘Against Heresies’, Book 5, Chapter XXXV, Point 2)


Source: http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/text/irenaeus-book5.html



5) Differences in the Resurrection Body Possibilities


“… 39ALL FLESH IS NOT THE SAME FLESH, but there is one kind [f]of flesh of men, another flesh of animals, another of fish, and another of birds. 40There are also [g]CELESTIAL BODIES and [h]TERRESTRIAL BODIES; but the GLORY of the CELESTIAL is one, and the GLORY of the TERRESTRIAL is another. 41There is one glory of the sun, another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars; for one star differs from another star in glory. 42So also is the RESURRECTION o f THE DEAD.  …” (1 Corinthians 15:39 – 42, NKJV)


  1. i) CELESTIAL BODIES = relates or belong to “Heavenly bodies” (Christian Resurrection Bodies)


Ii) TERRESTRIAL BODIES = relates to “earthly bodies” (non-Christians who are saved’s resurrection bodies)



iii) Why do I conjecture so?


I don’t think that any Christian would have an earthly (or “terrestrial” lower glory body) but that all Christians would have a “Heavenly spiritual body” as only they will bear the Image of the “Heavenly Man” (where “Heavenly” clearly refers to the “CELESTIAL Body/Glory” only) as per Verse below:


“… . 48As was the [k]man of dust, so also are those who are made of dust; and as is the HEAVENLY MAN, SO ALSO ARE THOSE WHO ARE HEAVENLY. 49And as we have borne the image of the man of dust, WE[l] SHALL ALSO BEAR THE IMAGE of the HEAVENLY MAN. …” (1 Corinthians 15:48 – 49, NKJV)


The difference in Christians will be according to the GLORY of the CELESTIAL  BODIES based on their faith and works respectively.


  1. iv) Why I don’t think Christians may have a “TERRESTRIAL BODY” type in the Resurrection?


It seems too ‘earthly’ and it contradicts 1 Corinthians 15:48 – 49 because the Verse clearly Spells out a “HEAVENLY (CELESTIAL)” Image to be born by each Christians and “not” EARTHLY (TERRESTRIAL ) post-Resurrection.


Blessed Apostle St. Paul clearly writes that in the Context of ‘Resurrection of the Dead’ (1 Corinthians 15:42) these differences are going to occur:


  1. a) All flesh is not same flesh (1 Corinthians 15:39)


  1. b) There are some who are resurrected in “Celestial” bodies vs some who are resurrected only in “Terrestrial” bodies (1 Corinthians 15:40)


  1. c) The Glory within each “Celestial” (Heavenly) Bodies is not” same either (1 Corinthians 15:40 – 41)


  1. v) If so, who are going to be resurrected in the much lower “Terrestrial” (earthly) bodies?


I think most likely non-Christians as the “Mystery of the one who thirsts” as mentioned in point 4 earlier may the ones ‘saved with earthly (terrestrial) bodies’ as it matches the Bible Verses below where they are called “NATIONS WHO ARE SAVED who have KINGS OF THE EARTH” (where the word “earth” refers to “Terrestrial” clearly in Revelation 21:24 – 27 below) and they visit the “Bride” (Heavenly/Celestial Christians, Revelation 21:9 – 10) through the Gates of that Heavenly Jerusalem which occurs clearly after Judgment Day (Revelation 20:11 – 15) when the Book of Life is Revealed (Revelation 21:27), where all these occur 1000 years ‘AFTER the TIMES of THE KINGDOM/Millennial Reign’ (Revelation 20:4 – 6, Revelation 20:7), Verses:


“… Come, I will show you the [g]BRIDE, the LAMB’S WIFE.” 10And he carried me away in the Spirit to a great and high mountain, and SHOWED ME THE [H]GREAT CITY, the [I]HOLY JERUSALEM, DESCENDING OUT OF HEAVEN from God,  … 24And the NATIONS [N]OF THOSE WHO ARE SAVED shall walk in its light, and the KINGS OF THE EARTH bring their glory and honor [o]into it. 25Its gates shall not be shut at all by day (there shall be no night there). 26And they shall bring the glory and the honor of the nations into [p]it. 27But there shall by no means enter it anything [q]that defiles, or causes an abomination or a lie, but ONLY THOSE WHO ARE WRITTEN IN THE LAMB’S BOOK OF LIFE. …” (Revelation 21:9 – 10, 24 – 27, NKJV)









6) Past Tense on “the dead” linguistics


Some say the ‘past tense’ on 1 Peter 4:4 – 6 refers to the past event and thus cannot refer to the future Judgment Day timeline context, Verses:


“…   4In regard to these, they think it strange that you do not run with them in the same flood of dissipation, speaking EVIL of you. 5THEY will give an account to Him who is ready to JUDGE the living and THE DEAD. 6For THIS REASON the GOSPEL was PREACHED also to those who are DEAD, that they might be JUDGED according to men in the FLESH, but LIVE according to God in the SPIRIT. …” (1 Peter 4:4 – 6, NKJV)




  1. a) The Judgment toward “the dead” clearly refers to “those who speak evil of you” (1 Peter 4:4) where their Judgment is on Judgment Day (1 Peter 4:5 sets this Context) where the 1 Peter 4:6 indicates that “the dead” in the “end” (translated as “reason” here) have the Gospel Preached to them where for them, post Gehenna/Lake of Fire Judgment most likely, ‘only their spirit may live to God’ as per a more literal rendering below:


Berean Literal Bible

For to this END the GOSPEL was PROCLAIMED even to THE DEAD, so that they might be JUDGED indeed according to men in the FLESH, but they might LIVE in the SPIRIT according to God.    [ Source: https://biblehub.com/1_peter/4-6.htm   ]


  1. b) The Greek in 1 Peter 4:6 is “eis touto” (to ‘this end’) meaning the end when they are Judged which is clearly “Judgment Day only” as the same phrase in 1 Peter 4:5 is echoed below clearly to refer only to the Judgment Day timeline strengthening our conjecture here


“… I charge you therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, who will JUDGE THE LIVING and THE DEAD at HIS APPEARING and HIS KINGDOM: …” (2 Timothy 4:1, NKJV)


  1. c) This same Greek phrase “Eis Touto” (to ‘this end’) is found in 1 Timothy 4:10 as per 1 Peter 4:6 earlier in NKJV is translated as “this reason” (inconsistent translation) but in here they admit it to be the same as ‘this end’ as per the Berean Bible which maintains “to this/ to this end” for both these Verses (more consistent for this):


“… 9This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance. 10For to THIS END[c]we both labor and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Savior of all men, especially of those who believe. 11These things command and teach. …” (1 Timothy 4:9 – 10, NKJV)


The key thing is the similar phrase “Eis Touto” (to ‘this end’)  for both 1 Peter 4:6 and 1 Timothy 4:10 in the Context of God being “Saviour of  ALL MEN” seems to indicate that for the wicked, ‘only their spirit is saved’ and that this must be the ‘Final (End) Judgment Day Context’ Spoken of as strongly suggested by the usage of this phrase and context in these two Verses.


  1. d) The “past tense” argument actually doesn’t indicate anything as even in English as per that Koine Greek, we write it in that way even for the “future” as this Judgment Day Verse below containing the same phrase “the dead” proves (as per 1 Peter 4:6 which is said to ‘live in spirit’ post-Judgment, because the flesh or body + soul must be destroyed hence it’s still called “the dead” whilst “standing” in front of God in the resurrected for Judgment body, John 5:28 – 29 first) in Verses below clearly:


“… And I saw THE DEAD, small and great, standing before God, and books were opened. And another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. And THE DEAD WERE JUDGED according to their works, by the things which were written in the books. …” (Revelation 20:12, NKJV)


Can you see it? Please notice the phrase “… HE DEAD WERE JUDGED according to their works …” which hasn’t occurred yet but will happen on Judgment Day only toward “the dead” but is translated using the ‘past tense’ linguistics here too. In short, ‘past tense’ doesn’t mean it has necessarily occurred but rather an indicator of it being recorded as though it has happened or just a writing style in Scripture as per descriptive writing ‘as though it was occurring as it was Written’.


7) Example First Christianity quote in support of this regarding “MANY SAVED” later even though “FEW SAVED” during the First Resurrection


“… for this is My blood of the covenant, which is being poured out FOR MANY FOR FORGIVENESS OF SINS. …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 26:28, NKJV)


Note: Since this Verse Speaks of the “Blood of Christ”, I do “not” want to accidentally write any Blasphemy and so please treat it as a “possibility” only as “His Blood” for the “Reconciliation of all things” makes such an exegesis possible (Colossians 1:16, 20).


Now, how did First Christianity understand Matthew 26:28’s Ransom for Many and not for all? An example via Ambrosiaster whose commentary was widely accepted and used (proving its dominance) before St. Augustine and St. Jerome who also used it:


“… QUESTION 54. THE APOSTLE TEACHES THAT JESUS CHRIST DIED FOR ALL MEN. “ALL ARE THEREFORE DEAD,” SAID HE, “AND HE DIED FOR ALL.” THE SAVIOR SAYS, ON THE CONTRARY: THE SON OF MAN HAS COME TO GIVE HIS LIFE FOR THE REDEMPTION OF MANY. (MATT 20:28) THERE IS HERE A CONTRADICTION. — The words are different, it is true, but the meaning is the same; at other times, on the other hand, words that seem the same have quite a different meaning, such as these: “All that is not done in good faith (ex fide) is a sin.” (Rom. 14:23) and these others: “The law does not come from faith,” (Gal. 3:12) although the law is not a sin. This GREAT NUMBER OF WHICH THE SAVIOR SPEALS IS ALL THE MEN of whom St. Paul speaks: They are in GREAT NUMBERS, because the GREATER PART OF ALL PEOPLES and ALL NATIONS OUGHT TO BELIEVE IN THE SAVIOUR. It is THIS GREAT NUMBER of those WHO MUST BELIEVE THAT THE APOSTLE CALLS ALL MEN. “He is dead for all,” he says, “that is, FOR THOSE WHO BELIEVE AND MUST BELIEVE.” He died also for those who refused to believe, but by refusing the grace he offers them, they do not want Jesus Christ to be dead for them, and by the same he seems not to have died for those to that his death was much more harmful than useful. On the contrary, he truly died for those who won, and who understand the mystery of the redemption give thanks to God through our Lord Jesus Christ. …” – Blessed Ambrosiaster (literally in Latin: “would-be Ambrose”), Roman Clergy active at Rome during the reign of Pope Damasus (c.366 AD – c. 384 AD)


Ambrosiaster’s quote above of “ALL MEN” referring to “… FOR THOSE WHO BELIEVE AND MUST BELIEVE. …” seems to include the “Believing after Seeing ones too” as per his another quote below:



” … QUESTION 126. FROM THE ONE WHO RECEIVED THE FAITH OF JESUS CHRIST. … In fact, the knowledge of God must inspire the fear of the just judge, in whose court he teaches us that the faithful will receive the reward of their righteousness, and the ungodly, that is to say the unbelievers, the just punishment of their infidelity. It is of all justice, indeed, that the good ones be filled with joy in the future life in which Jesus Christ must reign with his chosen ones. They have been exposed to scorn, outrages in this world where the devil reigns, they will appear surrounded by glory in the kingdom of Jesus Christ for which they have borne the contempt of the worldly. SINNERS, on the contrary, who seemed to shine here below a false brilliance, opposing falsehood to truth, have to wait for tribulation and an imaginary glory to succeed for them a contempt, a humiliation too real. The righteous will rejoice in having believed, when they witness the chastisements of the unbelieving, and THE UNFAITHFUL WILL REPENT of THEIR UNBELIEF ONLY when THEY SEE BOTH THEIR OWN CHASTISEMENT and the glory of those WHOSE FAITH THEY HAD REGARDED as an ACT of MADNESS, which was only worthy of their contempt. …” – Blessed Ambrosiaster (literally in Latin: “would-be Ambrose”), Roman Clergy active at Rome during the reign of Pope Damasus (c.366 AD – c. 384 AD)






Please notice that “repentance” is possible for those in “unbelief” on Judgment Day toward “sinners” (probably those who belong to the category of ‘who must believe’ from his quote prior,  pointing to the ‘believing after seeing’ case as implied in his quote here clearly) as per Ambrosiaster’s own words here.



Yes, Ambrosiaster seems to imply that some “sinners” may be saved after punishments but the “ungodly perish” (where there are three types of men namely, the righteous, the sinners and the ungodly (wicked) in his own definition below):


“… “Blessed is the man who did not stop in the way of sinners.” If he stops there, he stops being blessed to become guilty and worthy of punishment. Yet he still retains some hope of amendment, because he is not impious, but simply sinful. If a man is found who has not entered the council of the wicked and has not stopped in the way of sinners, he is doubly blessed. For he cannot be blessed, if without entering into the counsel of the wicked, he stops in the path of sinners, because if he does not then have a complete ruin, he is nevertheless worthy of punishment. The Psalmist adds: “nor sits in the seat of scoffers.” Happiness, according to him, consists of these three degrees together, and is based on a triple reason, not to enter the counsel of the ungodly, not stopping in the path of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers, but, as we see in the first two degrees only two kinds of people, the ungodly and the sinners to whom this third degree applies: “Nor sits in the seat of scoffers?” Is it to the impious or the sinners? Let us first see what it is to sit in the seat of scoffers, and then we will understand better who this last line applies to. … because if he does not then have a complete ruin, he is nevertheless worthy of punishment. …” – Blessed Ambrosiaster (QUESTION 110. ON THE FIRST PSALM






So the “all men” whom Ambrosiaster understands as St. Paul must have meant as the ‘majority of all people’ whom God Will Save must certainly include even ‘these sinners’ as his own quote above points them to be saved ‘after punishments’, highlighting that part from the above as follows:


“… If he stops there, he stops being blessed to become guilty and worthy of punishment. Yet he still retains some hope of amendment, because he is not impious, but simply sinful. … because if he does not then have a complete ruin, he is nevertheless worthy of punishment. …” – Blessed Ambrosiaster


Note: Ambrosiaster is the name given to the unknown author of a commentary on the epistles of Saint Paul, written some time between 366 and 384 AD and even St. Augustine quoted him, link:



This idea of “Ransom for Many” (in Matthew 26:28) to apply to the ‘Majority of Mankind’ as per Ambrosiaster’s quotes above highlighting some First Christianity understanding of it can also be mysteriously seen by this important recent mystical Indian Christian, Sadhu Sundar Singh himself (whom even the most famous Indian Christian Founder of “Jesus Calls” Ministry, Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran said he saw Sundar Singh in Heaven in his famous book ‘An Insight into Heaven***’, page 100 despite Sundar Singh believing all these), to quote:


“…  AT LEAST, THAT IS THE CASE WITH THE MAJORITY, but there are some few personalities, Satan for instance, in regard to whom I was told, ‘Don’t ask about them.’ And so I didn’t like to ask, but I hoped that for them also there was some hope. ‘ ‘ They also told me that the SAINTS HELP IN THE WORK OF SAVING SOULS IN HELL, because there can be no idleness in Heaven. THOSE IN HELL WILL ULTIMATELY BE BROUGHT TO HEAVEN LIKE THE PRODIGAL SON, BUT WITH REGARD TO THE ULTIMATE FATE OF A CERTAIN NUMBER YOU MUST NOT ASK.” The SADHU IS INCLINED TO THINK THAT PERHAPS THESE FEW WILL BE ANNIHILATED. “Once I said, ‘So MANY PEOPLE WILL BE LOST BECAUSE THEY HAVE NOT HEARD OF CHRIST.’ They said, ‘The CONTRARY WILL BE THE CASE ; VERY FEW WILL BE LOST. ‘ There is a kind of heavenly joke, no, joke is not a good word for it. ‘VERY FEW WILL BE LOST BUT MANY WILL BE SAVED. IT IS SO BUT DON’T TELL,’ they said, as it were, in jest, ‘because it will make men careless, and we want them to enjoy the First Heaven — that is the Heaven on earth — as well.’ ” “If there were no hope for all the non-Christians in the world and all the Christians who die in sin, God would stop creating men. We must do our part here on earth to save sinners, but if they refuse we need not be without hope for them. ‘ ‘ The Sadhu’s “universalism” recalls the famous “Shewing” to Mother Juliana of Norwich*, “All manner of things shall be well,” and her comments thereon — except that her respect for the authority of the Church precludes her making any suggestion how this may be possible. 1 The Sadhu faithfully obeys the injunction, “Don’t tell.” In his popular teachings, as we shall see in the next chapter, he stresses the need of repentance, and the certainty of immediate judgment in the next life, but he never speaks of his hope of ultimate salvation even for the unrepentant. …” (Blessed Sadhu Sundar Singh’s Hope in Christ Centered Universalism and Afterlife Salvation Mystery)

Source [Page 101 – 102, ECSTASY AND VISION, via Reverend Streeter and Bishop Dr. AJ Appasamy]:



***Proofs of Sundar Singh’s quotes by different renown authours are in link below:






Book of 1Enoch’s ‘Salvation with no honour’ with ‘believing after seeing’ possibility to be offered on ‘Judgment Day’ itself agreeing to Ambrosiaster’s quote above too to account for ‘many to be saved in the end though some after Judgments first only’


“… 1 And in those days a change shall take place for the holy and elect, And the light of days shall abide upon them, And glory and honour shall turn to the holy, 2 ON THE DAY OF AFFLICTION on which evil shall have been treasured up against the sinners.And the righteous shall be victorious in the name of the Lord of Spirits: And HE WILL CAUSE THE OTHERS TO WITNESS (this) THAT THEY MAY REPENT And FORGO THE WORKS OF THEIR HANDS. 3 They shall have NO HONOUR through the name of the Lord of Spirits, YET THROUGH HIS NAME SHALL THEY BE SAVED [Joel 2:32, Romans 10:13, Matthew 12:21], And THE LORD OF SPIRITS WILL HAVE COMPASSION ON THEM, For His compassion is great. 4 And He is righteous also in His judgement, And in the presence of His glory unrighteousness also shall not maintain itself: At HIS JUDGEMENT THE UNREPENTANT SHALL PERISH before Him. 5 And FROM HENCEFORTH I will have NO MERCY on them, saith the Lord of Spirits. …” (Book of Enoch, Chapter 50)


Translation Source: http://wesley.nnu.edu/index.php?id=2126





First Resurrection = FEW SAVED. = Celestial/Heavenly Bodies (Christians) only to those “who are born of both Water and Spirit” (John 3:5) who “Enter the Kingdom of the Heavens to Inherit it” (Matthew 5:19 – 20).


Second Resurrection = MANY SAVED. = Terrestrial/Earthly bodies (some non-Christians) = Soul born again into new body (if God Wills by His Mercy) and so may “see” the “Kingdom of God” (John 3:3) as they “visit” the “New Heavenly Jerusalem City” upon being saved on Judgment Day on the “New Earth” (Revelation 21:24 – 27) visiting the Christians/the Bride within (Revelation 21:9 – 10) who calls out to them as ‘the one who thirsts’ to take the ‘water of life freely’ too at that time (Revelation 21:6 with Revelation 22:17).


So in the end, only very few may be unsaved eternally referring to the Wicked (Revelation 21:8) which may only be saved in a ‘spirit state’ (1 Peter 4:6) which “not” born again cannot even see the Kingdom of God (John 3:3) if these interpretations are correct.


I am “not” saying that my view must be correct but only sharing it as a “possibility” only and whatever God Decides on that Day, I accept it either way.



Peace to you




Shepherd of Hermas and the Kingdom of Heaven Mystery



1) Why is this important?


An imperfect doctrine on the Kingdom of Heaven can affect whether one is “least vs greatest” (Matthew 5:19) and also without proper righteousness can cause one “not” to “enter the Kingdom of Heaven” (to ‘inherit it’, Matthew 5:20). A wrong doctrine which encourages sin can cause one to be eternally shut out of the Kingdom of Heaven (1 Corinthians 6:9 – 11, Revelation 21:27).



2) Is Shepherd of Hermas Scripture?


Many (I mean really many) in First Christianity viewed it as Scripture as I don’t think any of them went to Hell for doing so or from believing this as the example of the many includes the Greatest Names First Christianity has ever known (after the time of the Apostles) which include:


Shepherd of Hermas which was considered Scripture-Level in First Christianity by even St. Irenaeous of Lyons (Hearer/Disciple of St. Polycarp an apostolic father being the direct disciple of Apostle St. John who wrote the Book of Revelation) , Tertullian (father of Latin Christianity), Pope Callixtus I (Head of the entire Roman Catholic Church in his time in First Christianity), St. Clement of Alexandria (head of the Cathecatical School of Alexandria) and even the First Bibles of Christianity (the Muratorian or Roman Canon in the West & the Codex Claromontanus Canon in the East) while Eusebius (father of Church History) and St. Athanasius the Great (father of orthodoxy & Champion of Trinity) approved of its use for catechumens.


These approval quotes in detail are given on Page 61 onward in the Book Titled “Eternal Hell Annihilation and Universalism in Christianity – Can all three be true A Look with the Apostolic Fathers”  in pdf (free download/viewing) in link below:




Note: The “Shepherd of Hermas” is considered as one of the ‘Apostolic Fathers Writing’ which has been most well preserved across Christianity. The main reason it may have “not” been included in the “Public Canon” is simply because the “First Oldest  known Bible” of the Church called the “Roman Canon/Muratorian Canon” of which a fragment remains includes this part where it Says that the “Shepherd” (short name for this “Shepherd of Hermas”) is “Scripture” but yet it “should not be read publicly” (possibly because its content is too deep for immature believers), to quote:


“… The text of the list itself is traditionally dated to about 170 because its author refers to Pius I, bishop of Rome (140—155), as recent:


But Hermas wrote The Shepherd “most recently in our time”, in the city of Rome, while bishop Pius, his brother, was occupying the chair of the church of the city of Rome. And therefore it ought indeed to be read; but it cannot be read publicly to the people in church either among the Prophets, whose number is complete, or among the Apostles, for it is after their time. …” – Muratorian Canon quote on the Shepherd of Hermas or the “Shepherd”


Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muratorian_fragment


Note: This book certainly has “not” been tampered/changed by the Roman Catholics/Orthodox simply because for example there is “no” Prayer to Virgin Mary or equivalent in it which also proves that these are “not” First Christianity Doctrine nor essential Doctrine in any way. Also, we are warned to “not go beyond what is Written” (in 1 Corinthians 4:6) and in light of this, we can either consider the ‘Shepherd of Hermas as part of Scripture as the early Christians did’ or ‘use it to understand hidden Bible Mysteries found in the 66 Books’.


As the Bible Warned of ‘new teachings’ in the ‘last days’ (not First Christianity, 2 Timothy 3), are we sure that our ‘modern church’ is going to be approved more than say these early Christians who viewed this Shepherd of Hermas as Scripture?


Now, let’s consider some interesting quotes next from this ‘Shepherd of Hermas’.


3) Sister Wife Mystery


Firstly, many translations do “not” translate this Verse in 1 Corinthians 9:5 literally simply because the Greek term “Sister Wife” was a ‘new term’. The KJV almost got it below:


“… Have we not power to lead about a sister, a wife, as well as other apostles, and as the brethren of the Lord, and Cephas? …” 1 Corinthians 9:5, KJV)


Source: https://biblehub.com/1_corinthians/9-5.htm


The actual Greek here is “Sister Wife” which translators find it difficult and thus they ‘interpret’ it as ‘a sister, a wife’ while most even SKIPP the ACTUAL WORD OF GOD here “SISTER’ and ‘only translate a believing wife’ where the word “believing” does NOT exist in Greek here. Please refer to the “Interlinear” in link above too to see this ‘easily’.


I am not making it up as that’s what is literally Written but since it was a new term by Apostle Paul (because it was a new concept not found in Greek Culture itself but only in Christianity now), Apostle St. Paul actually coined this new term “Sister-Wife” to depict this “Renunciation” as Apostle St. Peter declared that he had left “all” (including wife, house, etc.) to “Follow Christ” in the “Hundredfold” Way in Verses below:


“… 27Then Peter answered and said to Him, “See, we have LEFT ALL and FOLLOWED YOU. Therefore what shall we have?” 28So Jesus said to them, “Assuredly I say to you, that in the REGENERATION, when the Son of Man sits on the throne of His glory, you who have followed Me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. 29And EVERYONE who has LEFT HOUSES or brothers or sisters or father or mother or WIFE or children or LANDS, for MY NAME’S SAKE, shall RECEIVE a HUNDREDFOLD, and INHERIT ETERNAL LIFE. 30But MANY who are FIRST will be LAST, and the LAST FIRST. …” (Matthew 19:27 – 30, NKJV)


Apostle St. Peter already renounce even “his wife” as he “left all” (including “his wife”) as per the literal meaning in Verses above as Christ Declares too for the “Hundredfold” Reward (Matthew 13:8, Matthew 19:29). So, it cannot be that these same apostles are said by Apostle Paul to have ‘wife’ again in 1 Corinthians 9:5.


In fact, the fact that Apostle Paul uses the phrase “Sister Wife” instead of the  the usual term “his woman/ his Wife” ( as per the usual rendering in Koine Greek elsewhere in the Bible too) signifies that this must be a ‘new meaning/term’ implied. To say “his woman/his wife” would mean that only and no need to add the word sister in front. So the alternate view to take it to mean ‘sister or wife’ prevails in modern Christianity but these early Church father quotes show that the intended meaning was entirely different and means the “Wife who after renounced has no more marital relations but only as a Sister to assist in the Gospel” was actually done as CHURCH HISTORY ultimately proves this meaning, to quote:


“… Allow me to provide a fast-moving kaleidoscope of witnesses to the practice of clerical celibacy during the 3rd, 4th and 5th centuries; time does not allow us to analyze the passages at leisure, but the abundance of prominent witnesses should leave no doubt in our minds that clerical celibacy was so firmly and so universally established at the time, that the Church simply took it for granted that this is how it must be.


CLEMENT OF ALEXANDRIA (died ca. 215) believed that Paul was married and took his wife with him during his apostolic ministry. But he believes that Paul must have lived with her as brother and sister, without marital intercourse. Clement says this because he also believed that the other apostles, if they were married, did not have conjugal intercourse with their wives. If the apostles did take a woman with them during their ministry, he states, “women were not treated as wives but as sisters, to serve as interpreters with women whose duties kept them within their homes, and in order that, through these intermediaries, the doctrine of the Lord could penetrate the women’s quarters without the apostles being blamed or unjustly suspected by people of ill will” (GAS 52, 220; Cochini, 80).


AMBROSIASTER (ca. 366-84) reminds us that Christ did not desist from choosing Peter as chief of the apostles just because Peter had a wife and children; in the same manner the Church chooses married men today as priests. But, Ambrosiaster adds, the apostles lived in perfect continence with their wives; following this precedent, he continues, priests today do not have intercourse with their wives (CSEL 50, 414-16; Cochini 82).


  1. AMBROSE (333-397), one of the four “great” doctors of the Church, urged his priests to persevere in perfect chastity: “You who have received the grace of the sacred ministry in an integral body and with an incorruptible purity and who are alien to the conjugal community itself know that the ministry must be immune from offense and stain and must not be subjected to any injuries from possible conjugal relations. …Learn, O priest, O deacon … to present your pure body to the celebration of the mysteries” (PL 16, 104b-5a; Cochini 236).


  1. AUGUSTINE (354-430), another of the great doctors, urged husbands, when separated from their wives by force of circumstances, to live chastely. To encourage them he tells about the members of the clergy who were ordained against their will (inviti), but who kept the rule of chastity thereafter, as imposed on them by ordination. He recalled how Ambrose had been elected suddenly as bishop, and how he himself was made bishop of Hippo. And once ordained the obligation to practice continence followed:


That is why we inspire these men … (and) give them as an example the continence of these clerics who were frequently forced against their wills to carry such a burden. Nevertheless, as soon as they have accepted it, they carry it, faithful to their duty until death. …If a great number of the Lord’s ministers accepted all of a sudden and without warning the yoke imposed on them, in the hope of receiving a more glorious place in Christ’s inheritance, how much more should you avoid adultery and embrace continence, for fear, not of shining less in the Kingdom of God, but of burning in the Gehenna of fire” (CSEL 41, 409; Cochini 289-290).


ISIDORE OF PELUSIUM (died ca. 435) wrote to Deacon Isidore explaining 1 Cor 9:5: If women accompanied the apostles, “it was not in order to procreate children or to lead with them a common life but, in truth, to assist them with their goods, to take care of feeding the heralds of poverty.” If Paul called them sister-women, it is “because by the word ‘sister’ he wanted to show that they were chaste, while describing their nature with the word ‘women'” (PG 78, 865d-68c; Cochini 81). Note here his interpretation of the “sister-woman” passage of 1 Cor 9:5; Paul, says Isidore, used the term to indicate a brother-sister relationship.


I pause here to observe that some contemporary translators use the word wife in this passage. The New Catholic Study Bible, for example, reads like this: “Don’t I have the right to follow the example of the other apostles and the Lord’s brothers and Peter, by taking a Christian wife with me on my trips?” That translation is misleading. Scripture professionals of the early Church beg to differ. Clement of Alexandria (died ca. 215), Tertullian (died ca. 220), Jerome (died ca.420), Isidore of Pelusium (died ca. 435) and others, all state that Paul refers here to a brother-sister relationship (see Cochini 81 ff.).


May I add that if we look at the passage in context, Paul argues here not about conjugal life, but about a right to receive support for his living from the community, by reason of his apostolic work; support which would include meals and other services. He forgoes that right voluntarily, he says, out of a feeling that he wishes to be a burden to no one. The context is not at all about conjugal relations, but about services provided by a “sister-woman,” or if you will, a “sister-wife” (adelphaen gynaika). Today we would call her a housekeeper. A correct translation reveals that Paul refers here to sister-companions or sister-wives of the apostles: if the actual wives of the apostles went with them, they went as sister-women, not as conjugal partners. …”


Source: https://www.catholicculture.org/culture/library/view.cfm?recnum=7052


Comment: For those protestants who do not believe Catholic sources, please remember that the Bible itself was preserved by them. So, how can you be sure that they didn’t modify that either?




Apostle St. Paul used it to mean that some of the apostles took their “wives” as “sisters” now (meaning no more marital relationships) but they are brought for the sake of ministering to women only as First Christianity also testifies in quotes above.


Regardless, Christ Spoke of “leaving Wife” for the “Hundredfold” (in Matthew 19:29) and that’s enough for the Context even and Apostle St. Paul also argues likewise that he refrained from taking even a ‘sister wife’ in 1 Corinthians 9:5 to attain to a Greater “Reward” from the Gospel Work proving this Context True regardless as “it is Written”.


Now, is this concept found in the “Shepherd of Hermas possible Scripture?” Yes as follows:


“… But make known these words to all your children, and TO YOUR WIFE, WHO IS TO BE YOUR SISTER. For she does not restrain her tongue, with which she commits iniquity; but, on hearing these words, she will control herself, and will obtain mercy. …” (Shepherd of Hermas Second Vision, Chapter II translated via Scholar Mr. Roberts-Donaldson)


Source: http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/text/shepherd.html


or in another translation:


“… 2[6]:3 But make these words known to all thy children, and TO THY WIFE WHO SHALL BE AS THY SISTER; for she too refraineth not from using her tongue, wherewith she doeth evil. But, when she hears these words, she will refrain, and will find mercy. …”  (Shepherd of Hermas Second Vision, Chapter II translated via Scholar Mr. J. B. Lightfoot)


Source: http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/text/shepherd-lightfoot.html


It’s clear that the Biblical Concept of “Sister-Wife” mentioned by Apostle St. Paul in 1 Corinthians 9:5 alluding to Christ’s “Left-Wife” for Gospel’s Sake (in Matthew 19:29) as explained by these First Christianity quotes earlier is evidently clearly seen in this Shepherd of Hermas’ Second Vision, Chapter 2 here as “… TO YOUR WIFE, WHO IS TO BE YOUR SISTER. …” or “… TO THY WIFE WHO SHALL BE AS THY SISTER; …”.


We have to be careful as Speaking against Scripture is risking committing the ‘Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit’ and so the Safe Route is to be neutral if we aren’t sure either way. This aspect is discussed further in the “Apostolic Fathers” book (link in point 2 earlier) on Pages 191 to 195.


This is “not” an obscure doctrine but a very common doctrine even among the Roman Catholics and Orthodox which can be seen attested in even the Protestant’s Favourite early saint, St. Augustine of Hippo himself in regards to how it affects the “thirty, sixty or hundredfold reward level of inheritance”, example quotes:


“… Now any one may object to this interpretation, and may give another which harmonizes with the rule of faith. For as the ark was to have rooms not only on the lower, but also on the upper storeys, which were called ” third storeys,” that there might be a habitable space on the third floor from the basement, some one may interpret these to mean the three graces commended by the apostle, — ^faith, hope, and charity. Or even more suitably they may be supposed to represent those three harvests in the gospel, thirtyfold, sixtyfold, an hundredfold, — chaste marriage dwelling in the ground floor, chaste widowhood in the upper, and chaste virginity in the top storey. Or any better interpretation may be given, so long as the reference to this city is maintained…” – Blessed St. Augustine of Hippo, Doctor of the Church, who influenced virtually all of subsequent Western philosophy and Catholic theology, as well as a significant amount of Protestant theology (c. 354 AD – c. 430 AD, Book XV, ‘City of God’, Page 99)








“… For there are two ways in life, as touching these matters. The one the more moderate and ordinary, I mean marriage; the other angelic and unsurpassed, namely virginity. Now if a man choose the way of the world, namely marriage, he is not indeed to blame; yet he will not receive such great gifts as the other. For he will receive, since he too brings forth fruit, namely thirtyfold. But if a man embrace the holy and unearthly way, even though, as compared with the former, it be rugged and hard to accomplish, yet it has the more wonderful gifts: for it grows the perfect fruit, namely an hundredfold…”  – Blessed St. Athanasius the Great, the Father of Orthodoxy, Patriarch of Alexandria and Champion of Trinity, Doctor of the Church and Confessor, Coptic Pope (c. 296 AD – c. 373 AD, Letter XLVIII.—Letter to Amun4583. Written before 354 AD via Philip Schaff, Pages 971 – 972)


Source: http://www.documentacatholicaomnia.eu/03d/1819-1893,_Schaff._Philip,_3_Vol_04_Athanasius,_EN.pdf



“… And again THE LORD SAYS: Let the one who has married not be cast out, and let the one who has not married not marry. He who has confessed that he will not marry according to his decision of eunuchhood, let him remain unmarried….” – Blessed St. Clement of Alexandria, Head of the Cathecathical School At Alexandria (c. 150 AD – c. 215 AD, Miscellanies 3.15)


Source for the “Agrapha ” Quote above (Agrapha Quote refers to ‘not’ in Bible Quote but attributed to Christ especially via Church Fathers):





There are other early Christian quotes on this which are discussed in the “Thirty, Sixty vs Hundredfold Fruit Mystery” Book which can be downloaded for free in link below:




Why does it even matter? It’s discussed on Page 221 onward in this Book where an Apostolic Father by the name of St. Papias (a direct Disciple of Blessed Apostle St. John) revealed it as follows (and it’s very unlikely that a ‘direct disciple of the apostles’ can make an ‘error in doctrine’):


(Hundredfold abodes) = ‘Heavens’ (plural)

(sixty-fold abodes) = Paradise

(thirty-fold abodes) = New Jerusalem City


That quote:


“… As the presbyters say, then those who are deemed worthy of an abode in heaven shall go there, others shall enjoy the delights of Paradise, and others shall possess the splendour of the city; for everywhere the Saviour will be seen, according as they shall be worthy who see Him. But that there is this distinction between the habitation of those who produce an hundredfold, and that of those who produce sixty-fold, and that of those who produce thirty-fold; for the first will be taken up into the heavens, the second class will dwell in Paradise, and the last will inhabit the city; and that on this account the Lord said, “In my Father’s house are many mansions:” …” – Blessed St. Papias, Bishop of Hierapolis, an Apostolic Father being the Disciple of the Blessed St. John the Apostle (c. 60 AD – c. 163 AD)


Source: http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/text/papias.html



Since the “Fruit” is “Conduct” (Holiness + Good Works), so the level we practice them can refer to these levels as per another Apostolic Father below’s quote:


“… “The tree is made manifest by its fruit. So those who profess themselves to be Christians will be recognized by their conduct.” …”   – Blessed St. Ignatius, Bishop of Antioch, an Apostolic Father of the Church being a Direct Disciple of the Blessed St. John the Apostle (c. 35 AD – c. 108 AD, Ante Nicene Fathers, Volume 1, pg.55)


This Apostolic Father may have recognized this ‘Unmarried’ Lifestyle for the Gospel’s Sake as part of the “fruit” he means in his own quote above as follows (and so the argument is within context of his own words too here):


“… If any one can continue in a STATE of PURITY, to the honour of Him who is Lord of the flesh, let him so REMAIN WITHOUT BOASTING. If he begins to BOAST, he is UNDONE; and if he reckon himself GREATER than the BISHOP, he is RUINED. But it becomes both men and women who marry, to form their union with the approval of the bishop, that their marriage may be according to God, and not after their own lust. Let all things be done to the honour of God….” – Blessed St. Ignatius, Bishop of Antioch, an Apostolic Father of the Church being a Direct Disciple of the Blessed St. John the Apostle (c. 35 AD – c. 108 AD)


Source (Chapter 5): https://www.newadvent.org/fathers/0110.htm


Related First Christianity Reference quote on this, example:


“… And brings forth some an hundredfold, &c. “We must observe,” says S. Jerome, “that like as in the bad ground there were three different sorts—namely, by the wayside, the rocky, and the thorny places—so in the good ground there is a threefold diversity. And in the one as well as in the other, it is not the substance which is changed, but the will; and so it is the heart of the unbelieving as well as of the believing which receives the seed.” Moreover, the greatest fruit of God’s Word, as it were the greatest fruit of seed is a hundredfold, as if from a single grain a harvest of a hundred grains were gathered, as was Isaac’s case (Gen. xxvi. 12). The medium fruit is called sixtyfold; the lowest thirtyfold. A definite number is put for an indefinite; otherwise He might have added, brings forth some fortyfold, some twenty fold, and so on. Whence, in opposition to Jovinian and Calvin, the inequality of merit and consequently of the reward, of good works in Heaven is rightly proved. So S. Chrysostom (Hom. 45), S. Augustine (de S. Virgin. c. 46), Nazianzen (Orat. 28), and others. For the Fathers, however Calvin may deride and exclaim, apply these words especially to diverse states. 1. S. Jerome, on this passage (lib. 1, contra Jovin), and S. Athanasius (Epist. ad Ammon.), and others assign the hundredfold fruit to virgins; the sixtyfold to widows; the thirtyfold to those who live in honest and holy wedlock. 2. S. Cyprian (l. de Hab. Virg.) and S. Augustine (l. 1, de quest. Evang. quest. 9, tom 4) assign the hundredfold to martyrs, the sixty to virgins, the thirtyfold to those who are married. Hear what S. Augustine says: “I assert that the hundredfold belongs to martyrs, on account of their holiness of life, or contempt of death; the sixty fold to virgins, on account of interior quiet, because they do not need to fight against fleshly habits—for rest is wont to be granted to soldiers who are past sixty years of age; the thirtyfold to the married, because thirty is the age of warriors—for those have a sharper conflict, that they may not be overcome of lust.”3. Euthymius and Theophylact assign the thirtyfold to beginners, the sixty to those who have made some progress, the hundredfold to the perfect. So also Nazianzen (Orat. 28.) When a man proceeds, saith he, from thirty to sixty, he finishes with a hundred, as Isaac did (Gen. xxvi.) And he sings the Psalms of Degrees, going from strength to strength, and placing the Ascensions in his heart (Ps. 84.)…”  – Cornelius Bible Commentary


Source:  http://www.corneliusbiblecommentary.faithweb.com/13matth.htm


4) Believing after Seeing Possibility


“…”For the Lord has sworn by his glory, in regard to HIS ELECT, that if any one of them sin after a certain day which has been fixed, he will not be saved. For the repentance of the righteous has limits. Filled up are the days of repentance to all the saints. But to the UNBELIEVER, REPENTANCE will be POSSIBLE even to the LAST DAY. … For the Lord has sworn by his Son, that those who denied their Lord have abandoned their life in despair.” …” (Shepherd of Hermas, Ante Nicene Fathers, Volume 2, pg.11)








“… 36But I said to you that YOU HAVE SEEN ME and YET DO NOT BELIEVE … 40And this is the will of Him who sent Me, that EVERYONE WHO SEES THE SON and BELIEVES IN HIM may have EVERLASTING LIFE; and I will RAISE HIM UP at the LAST DAY.” …” (John 6:36, 40, NKJV)


“… And as MOSES LIFTED UP the SERPENT in the wilderness, even so must the SON OF MAN BE LIFTED UP, 15that WHOEVER BELIEVS IN HIM should [c]NOT PERISH but have ETERNAL LIFE. …” (John 3:14 – 15, NKJV)


Comment:  John 3:14 – 15 and John 6:36 – 40 above seem to point strongly to the ‘Believing after Seeing case’ which could be available till the LAST DAY as both John 6:40 and the Shepherd of Hermas quote earlier seem to point for this ‘non-Elect Salvation Possibility’. In the Context of John 3:14, it is Christ Who is quoting the phrase “… which in the past literally referred to those ‘who saw the Serpent on the Bronze stick’ and those who ‘LITERALLY SEE it and BELIEVE’ was HEALED which Christ seems to Hint likewise to Himself as the ‘Believing after Seeing Possibility’ toward those who were ‘bitten by the serpent (indicating Satan metaphorically)’ as per the past incident Christ refers to below:


“… 8Then THE LORD SAID to MOSES “Make a FIERY SERPENT, and set it on a pole; and it shall be that everyone who is bitten, when he LOOKS AT IT, SHALL LIVE.” 9So Moses made a bronze serpent, and put it on a pole; and so it was, if a SERPENT HAD BITTEN ANYONE, when he LOOKED AT THE BRONZE SERPENT, he LIVED. …” (Number 21:8 – 9, NKJV)


The phrase “Lifted Up” in John 3:14 – 15 above can refer to ‘after Christ is Glorified’ as it points to a time after ‘Christ has Died’ and Resurrected ‘from the earth’ (implied clearly in Verse below) which strengthens this claims for ‘Believing after Seeing the RISEN CHRIST Possibility’ as they’re Saved by Christ like that (if God Wills it):


“… 32And I, if I am [e]LIFTED UP FROM THE EARTH, will DRAW ALL PEOPLES to Myself.” …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (John 12:32, NKJV)


Other Comments: The Shepherd of Hermas’ quote above “… But to the UNBELIEVER, REPENTANCE will be POSSIBLE even to the LAST DAY. …” seems to point that up to the “LAST DAY” (referring to the Millennial Reign or before/on Judgment Day, e.g. Hebrews 4:9 – 10), they can repent by ‘believing after seeing’ as these are compared against “the Elect” (or Christian Salvation which is ‘believing before seeing as the definition of faith’, Hebrews 11:1).


Here are these quotes in two translations:


“… For the Lord has sworn by His glory, in regard to HIS ELECT, that if any one of them sin AFTER A CERTAIN DAY which has been fixed, he shall not be saved. For the repentance of the righteous has limits. Filled up are the days of repentance to all the saints; but to the HEATHEN, REPENTANCE will be POSSIBLE even to the LAST DAY.  …”   (Shepherd of Hermas Second Vision, Chapter II translated via Scholar Mr. Roberts-Donaldson)


Source: http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/text/shepherd.html




“… 2[6]:5 For the Master sware by His own glory, as concerning HIS ELECT; that if, now that THIS DAY has been SET AS A LIMIT, sin shall hereafter be committed, they shall not find salvation; for repentance for the righteous hath an end; the days of repentance are accomplished for all the saints; whereas for the GENTILES there is REPENTANCE UNTIL the LAST DAY. …” (Shepherd of Hermas Second Vision, Chapter II translated via Scholar Mr. J. B. Lightfoot)


Source: http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/text/shepherd-lightfoot.html


Comment: This ‘Believing after Seeing’ Possibility (John 6:40) into the “Last Day” (based on John 6:35 – 40) is discussed in detail with other Bible Verses such as Isaiah 45:22 – 24, Revelation 21:6, Matthew 10:40 – 42, Matthew 25:31 – 46, Revelation 21:24 – 27) on Page 178 onward in Appendix VI regarding the “Mystery of the one who thirsts” in the free pdf book Titled “Eternal Hell Annihilation and Universalism in Christianity – Can all three be true A Look with the Apostolic Fathers” earlier in link below:




However please notice carefully how the Shepherd of Hermas distinguishes two types of Salvation in the above namely the “limited Elect Salvation/Christian Salvation/His Bride” (First Resurrection & Millennial Reign Revelation 20:4 – 6) to “inherit all things in some way to become His Sons” (Revelation 21:7) is limited to “TODAY” (the ‘Certain Day’) before one dies itself to attain to this (as ‘Today is the Day of Salvation’, 2 Corinthians 6:2, Isaiah 49:8, Hebrews 3:14 – 15) against the other type of ‘Repentance or Salvation for the Unbelievers / Heathen / Gentiles’ which will be available till the ‘Last Day’.


If we assume this ‘Salvation available to the Last Day’ as referring to the Gentiles becoming Christians (as some claim), then for example the Millennial Reign mortal Jews (Isaiah 65:20, Matthew 25:14 – 30) saved at the end of the thousand years (Revelation 20:4 – 7) on Judgment Day contradicts this position clearly as the number of Elect is Complete with His Second Coming (1 Thessalonians 4:13 – 18, Matthew 24:29 – 31, Mark 13:24 – 27) which occurred 1000 years earlier! (Revelation 20:5, Revelation 20:7).


Also, the ‘Surprised Sheep’ which are only Saved on Judgment Day (Matthew 25:31 – 46) cannot be Christians who are Saved 1000 years earlier (Revelation 20:4 – 6). Last but not least, the “Nations who are Saved with kings of the New Earth” (Revelation 21:24 – 27) visit the New Jerusalem City (Revelation 21:1) after Judgment Day (Revelation 20:11 – 15) when the “Book of Life” has been Revealed only (Revelation 21:27) and cannot be Christians who are saved 1000 years earlier (Revelation 20:4 – 6) and thus could be these “Gentiles/Nations” who are Saved on the “Last Day” referring to the “ones who thirst” (Revelation 21:6) due to “not believing fully yet” (John 6:35 – 40, John 7:37 – 39) who are ‘Given the Water of Life Freely!’ by God’s Mercy as even the “Bride” (Church) calls out to them to take “the Water of Life Freely!” as Mysteriously Described in Revelation 22:17 at that time!



5) Elect vs non-Elect Salvation Possibility


A non-Elect Salvation which is ‘Outside the Tower of Repentance’ (where the ‘Tower of Repentance’ solely refers to the Christian-Elect Salvation to becoming His Church/His Bride) seems possible as is clearly echoed in this ‘Shepherd of Hermas’ Writing which I have discussed in detail in the Book titled “Eternal Hell Annihilation and Universalism in Christianity – Can all three be true A Look with the Apostolic Fathers” in pdf (free download/viewing)  on Pages 64 to 68 in link  below:




Here I will just quote these intriguing passage from two translations:


“… “Now the other stones which you saw cast far away from the tower, and falling upon the public road and rolling from it into pathless places, are those who have indeed believed, but through doubt have abandoned the true road. Thinking, then, that they could find a better, they wander and become wretched, and enter upon pathless places. But those which fell into the fire and were burned? are those who have departed for ever from the living God; nor does the thought of repentance ever come into their hearts, on account of their devotion to their lusts and to the crimes which they committed. Do you wish to know who are the others which fell near the waters, but could not be rolled into them? THESE ARE THEY WHO HAVE HEARD THE WORD, and WISH TO BE BAPTIZED in the name of the Lord; but when the chastity demanded by the truth comes into their recollection, they draw back, and AGAIN WALK AFTER THEIR OWN WICKED DESIRES.” She FINISHED her EXPOSITION of the TOWER. But I, shameless as I yet was, asked her, “IS REPENTANCE POSSIBLE FOR ALL THOSE STONES WHICH HAVE BEEN CAST AWAY and DID NOT FIT INTO THE BUILDING of the TOWER, AND WILL THEY YET HAVE A PLACE IN THIS TOWER?” “REPENTANCE,” said she, “IS YET POSSIBLE, BUT IN THIS TOWER [of Repentance*] THEY CANNOT FIND A SUITABLE PLACE. But in another and MUCH INFERIOR PLACE THEY WILL BE LAID, and that, too, ONLY WHEN THEY HAVE BEEN TORTURED AND COMPLETED THE DAYS OF THEIR SINS. And on this account will they be transferred, because they have PARTAKEN of the RIGHTEOUS WORD. And then only will they be removed from their punishments when the THOUGHT of REPENTING of the evil deeds which they have done has come into their hearts. But if it does not come into their hearts, they will not be saved, on account of the hardness of their heart.” …” – Shepherd of Hermas (Chapter VII, Third Vision, Translated by Scholar Mr. Roberts-Donaldson)


Source:  http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/text/shepherd.html




“… 7[15]:1 “But the other stones which thou sawest cast far away from the tower and falling into the way and rolling out of the way into the regions where there is no way, these are they that have believed, but by reason of their double heart they abandon their true way. Thus thinking that they can find a better way, they go astray and are sore distressed, as they walk about in the regions where there is no way.


7[15]:2 But they that fall into the fire and are burned, these are they that finally rebelled from the living God, and it no more entered into their hearts to repent by reason of the lusts of their wantonness and of the wickednesses which they wrought.


7[15]:3 But the others, which are near the waters and yet cannot roll into the water, wouldest thou know who are they? These are they that heard the word, and would be baptized unto the name of the Lord. Then, when they call to their remembrance the purity of the truth, they change their minds, and go back again after their evil desires.”






7[15]:6 Yet THEY SHALL BE FITTED into ANOTHER PLACE MUCH MORE HUMBLE, but NOT UNTIL THEY HAVE UNDERGONE TORMENTS, and have fulfilled the days of their sins. And they shall be changed for this reason, because they PARTICIPATED in the RIGHTEOUS WORD; and then shall it befall them to be RELIEVED FROM THEIR TORMENTS, if the evil deeds, that they have done, COME INTO THEIR HEART; but if these come not into their heart, they are NOT SAVED by REASON of the HARDNESS of THEIR HEARTS.” …”  (Shepherd of Hermas, Chapter VII, Third Vision, translated via Scholar Mr. J. B. Lightfoot)


Source: http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/text/shepherd-lightfoot.html


This ‘Paying for sins by suffering torments’ in some ‘Spirit World Judgment or Final Lake of Fire’ may what be Christ Echoed as the “Judgment till the last penny” which is described in the “Eternal Hell Annihilation and Universalism in Christianity – Can all three be true A Look with the Apostolic Fathers” in link below on Pages 35 to 37:




6) Charity Doctrine and Book of Life link in the Shepherd of Hermas



“…  And the rich man, in like manner, unhesitatingly bestows upon the poor man the riches which he received from the Lord. And this is a great work, and acceptable before God, because he understands the object of his wealth, and has given to the poor of the gifts of the Lord, and rightly discharged his service to Him. Among men, however, the elm appears not to produce fruit, and they do not know nor understand that if a drought come, the elm, which contains water, nourishes the vine l and the vine, having an unfailing supply of water, yields double fruit both for itself and for the elm. So also poor men interceding with the Lord on behalf of the rich, increase their riches; and the rich, again, AIDING the POOR in THEIR NECESSITIES, SATISFY THEIR SOULS. Both, therefore, are partners in the righteous work. He who does these things shall not be deserted by God, but shall be enrolled in the BOOKS of the LIVING. Blessed are they who have riches, and who understand that they are from the Lord. [For they who are of that mind will be able to do some good.]” …” (Shepherd of Hermas Second Similitude,  translated via Scholar Mr. Roberts-Donaldson)


Source: http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/text/shepherd.html




“… 1[51]:5 “How, Sir?” say I; “instruct me.” “Listen,” saith he; the rich man hath much wealth, but in the things of the Lord he is poor, being distracted about his riches, and his confession and intercession with the Lord is very scanty; and even that which he giveth is mall and weak and hath not power above. When then the rich man goeth up to the poor, and assisteth him in his needs, believing that for what he doth to the poor man he shall be able to obtain a reward with God–because the poor man is rich in intercession [and confession], and his intercession hath great power with God–the rich man then supplieth all things to the poor man without wavering.


1[51]:6 But the poor man being supplied by the rich maketh intercession for him, thanking God for him that gave to him. And the other is still more zealous to assist the poor man, that he may be continuous in his life: for he knoweth that the intercession of the poor man is acceptable and rich before God.


1[51]:7 They both then accomplish their work; the poor man maketh intercession, wherein he is rich [which he received of the Lord]; this he rendereth again to the Lord Who supplieth him with it. The RICH MAN too in like manner FURNISHETH to the POOR MAN, nothing doubting, the riches which he received from the Lord. And THIS WORK GREAT and ACCEPTABLE with God, because (the rich man) hath understanding concerning his riches, and worketh for the poor man from the bounties of the Lord, and ACCOMPLISHETH the MINISTRATION OF THE LORD RIGHTLY.


1[51]:8 In the sight of men then the elm seemeth not to bear fruit, and they know not, neither perceive, that if there cometh a drought the elm having water nurtureth the vine, and the vine having a constant supply of water beareth fruit two fold, both for itself and for the elm. So likewise the poor, by interceding with the Lord for the rich, establish their riches, and again the rich, supplying their needs to the poor, establish their souls.


1[51]:9 So then both are made partners in the righteous work. He then that DOETH THESE THINGS SHALL NOT BE ABANDONED BY GOD, but SHALL BE WRITTEN IN THE BOOKS OF THE LIVING.


1[51]:10 Blessed are the rich, who understand also that they are enriched from the Lord. For they that have this mind shall be able to do some good work.” …” (Shepherd of Hermas, Parable 2, translated via Scholar Mr. J. B. Lightfoot)


Source: http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/text/shepherd-lightfoot.html



Comment: “Book of Life” or “Books of the Living” Contains the Names of those who ‘Practice the Charity Doctrine Lifestyle’ as Described above and could explain the non-Christians who responded to Christ’s “least of my brethren” (Matthew 25:40, Matthew 12:50) as the case of the ‘Surprised Sheep’ (Matthew 25:31 – 46) or the “ones who are thirsty on Judgment Day timeline but Given the Water of Life Freely as even the Bride/Church calls out to them” (Revelation 21:6, Revelation 22:17) who could be part of the “Nations who are Saved on Judgment Day and visit the New Jerusalem City” (Revelation 21:24 – 27) where the “Bride/Christians” are (Revelation 21:9 – 10) for a Great Reunion. Even if the Context of this Parable 2 refers to Christians, the principle might be the same as Matthew 25:31 – 46 seem to echo those who did the Charity Doctrine acts in response to when a Christian/Christ’s Brethren was ‘… Hungry, Thirsty, Naked, Homeless …’ and seem to include these “saved nations/Gentiles” (after Judgment Day, Revelation 21:24 – 27) which is most likely not Christians who are inside the City (Revelation 21:9 – 10) whom they’re visiting but “have their names Written in the Books of Life” as per Revelation 21:27.


7) Shepherd of Hermas and the Concept of “Body and Soul” destroyed forever in annihilation


To quote from a ‘Conditional Immortality’ believing Christian page (where you can refer to the translations in link prior to check each as it’s too much to list one by one and so I quote this author for it below):


“… By contrast, in many places, Hermas describes the final destiny of the wicked as “death,” “destruction,” “not live,” “die unto God,” etc. Here are some examples of this usage: “The remembrance of evils works death.” (Visions 2:23) “Be innocent and without disguise; so shall you be like an infant who knows no malice which destroys the life of man.” (Commandments 2:1)


“They who do such things follow the way of death.” (Commandments 4:2)


“The evil way has not a good end, but has many stumbling-blocks; it is rugged and full of thorns, and leads to destruction.” (Commandments 6:4)


“He that cannot keep himself from these things, cannot live unto God.” (Commandments 8:4)


“It is very horrible and wild: and by its wildness consumes men. And especially if a servant of God shall chance to fall into it, except he be very wise, he is ruined by it. For it destroys those who have not the garment of a good desire: and are engaged in the affairs of the present world; and delivers them unto death.” (Commandments 12:2)


“They that are subject unto [evil desires] shall die forever.” (Commandments 12:6)


“Fear the Lord Almighty, who is able to save and to destroy you.” (Commandments 12:33)


“The wicked, like the trees which you saw dry, shall as such be found dry and without fruit in that other world; and like dry wood shall be burnt.” (Similitudes 4:4)


“If you shall defile the Holy Spirit, you shalt not live.” (Similitudes 5:59)


“These kind of men are ordained to death.” (Similitudes 6:13)


“They that are dead, are utterly gone forever.” (Similitudes 6:15)


“Whoever shall continue in them, and shall not repent of what they have done, shall bring death upon themselves.” (Similitudes 6:44)


“All these are dead unto God: and you see that none of them have repented, although they have heard my commands which you have delivered to them. From these men therefore life is far distant.” (Similitudes 8:52)


“They that shall not repent shall lose both [the opportunity for] repentance and life.” (Similitudes 8:54) “For those who repent not, death is prepared.” (Similitudes 8:55)


“They that shall not repent, but shall continue on in their wicked doings, shall die the death.” (Similitudes 8:59)


“If anyone shall again return to his dissension, he shall be shut out from the tower, and shall lose his life.” (Similitudes 8:63)


“By seditions and contempt of the law, they shall purchase death to themselves.” (Similitudes 8:64)


“If they shall not repent, they shall die.” (Similitudes 8:67)


“Many have altogether departed from God. These have utterly lost life.” (Similitudes 8:68)


“If they shall continue in their evil doing they shall die.” (Similitudes 8:69)


“They that repent not, but continue still in their pleasures, are nigh to death.” (Similitudes 8:74)


“They that shall continue to add to their transgressions, and shall still converse with the lusts of the present world, shall condemn themselves to death.” (Similitudes 8:83)


“If they shall live wickedly, they shall be doubly punished, and shall die forever.” (Similitudes 9:173)


“If they shall continue in their evil courses, they shall be delivered to those women that will take away their life.” (Similitudes 9:192)


“These also may live, if they shall presently repent; but if not, they shall be delivered to those women, who shall take away their life.” (Similitudes 9:197)


“If you shall not [repent], you shall be delivered to him unto death.” (Similitudes 9:209) “But he who will repent must hasten on his repentance, before the building of this tower is finished: otherwise he shall be delivered by those women to death.” (Similitudes 9:225)


“The words of such persons infect and destroy men.” (Similitudes 9:227)


“Some of them, having repented, have been saved, and so shall others of the same kind be also saved, if they shall repent; but if not, they shall die.” (Similitudes 9:228)


“Take heed therefore, you who have such thoughts, that this mind continue not in you, and you die unto God.” (Similitudes 9:238)


“If you shall continue in malice, and in the remembrance of injuries, no such sinners shall live unto God.” (Similitudes 9:276)


“But they that shall not keep his commands, flee from their life, and are adversaries to it. And they that follow not his commands, shall deliver themselves to death.” (Similitudes 10:13)


“And whoever shall walk in these commands, shall live, and be happy in his life. But he that shall neglect them, shall not live.” (Similitudes 10:23)


The doctrine of Conditional Immortality has perhaps never been more clearly expressed than in Commandments 7:6, which reads, “They only who fear the Lord and keep His commandments have life with God; but as to those who keep not His commandments, there is no life in them.” “Hermas clearly does not hold to inherent, indefeasible immortality for the wicked.”2 At no point in this book (which is about as long, in verses, as the Gospel According to Matthew) does he mention, or even hint at, the concepts of the soul going to Heaven or Hell at death, the eternal torment of the damned, an “immortal soul,” or an “undying spirit.” Yet, so far from representing a minority position in the Early Church, we know that The Shepherd was quoted as Scripture by Irenaeus of Lyons (AD 130-202); was praised by Tertullian of Carthage (AD 145¬220); was considered divinely inspired by Origen of Alexandria (AD 185-254); was read publicly in the churches in the time of Eusebius of Caesarea (AD 263-339); was cited by Athanasius of Alexandria (AD 296-373); was applauded by Jerome of Bethlehem (AD 345¬420); and was attached to some of the most ancient manuscripts of the New Testament itself!45 I must conclude both that Hermas himself was a Conditionalist and that he wrote The Shepherd at a time in history when Conditionalism was held by the predominant majority of Christians. …”






Comment: The author above himself proves that “no” eternal conscious torment doctrine could be found among the Apostolic Fathers. Also, the phrases like “weeping and gnashing of teeth” (Luke 13:28, Matthew 13:42) are true and are applied to the wicked till their soul and body are destroyed as Isaiah 66:24 is what Christ Himself is referring to when He Quoted the phrases “worms that do not die” and “fire is not quenched” which clearly mentions that eventually only a “carcass/dead bodies” with “no” spirit remains in them proving that the conscious torment part may “not” be forever though a very long time (more than 1000 years as St. Justin Martyr has written).


You can check for yourself and see that ‘all translations’ render this word as ‘carcass/corpse/dead bodies’ with “no” spirit for Isaiah 66:24 and so ‘conscious’ torment ‘eternally’ doesn’t seem to fit as Christ is Quoting this Verse when He Taught it in Mark 9:42 – 49, here it is in a few translations:


New International Version

“And they will go out and look on the DEAD BODIES of those who rebelled against me; the worms that eat them will not die, the fire that burns them will not be quenched, and they will be loathsome to all mankind.”


New Living Translation

And as they go out, they will see the DEAD BODIES of those who have rebelled against me. For the worms that devour them will never die, and the fire that burns them will never go out. All who pass by will view them with utter horror.”


English Standard Version

“And they shall go out and look on the DEAD BODIES of the men who have rebelled against me. For their worm shall not die, their fire shall not be quenched, and they shall be an abhorrence to all flesh.”


Berean Study Bible

“As they go forth, they will see the CORPSES of the men who have rebelled against Me; for their worm will never die, their fire will never be quenched, and they will be a horror to all mankind.”


King James Bible

And they shall go forth, and look upon the CARCASES of the men that have transgressed against me: for their worm shall not die, neither shall their fire be quenched; and they shall be an abhorring unto all flesh.


New King James Version

“And they shall go forth and look Upon the CORPSES of the men Who have transgressed against Me. For their worm does not die, And their fire is not quenched. They shall be an abhorrence to all flesh.”


New American Standard Bible

“Then they will go out and look At the CORPSES of the people Who have rebelled against Me. For their worm will not die And their fire will not be extinguished; And they will be an abhorrence to all mankind.”



Source: https://biblehub.com/isaiah/66-24.htm



There is one thing this well researching authour may have missed namely, in none of these quotes is the “spirit” said to be “destroyed” forever nor even in Bible Verses. So the quotes above can be seen as only the complete annihilation or ceasing to exist of both the “body and soul” as Christ Specifically also limited it to this in Gehenna/Lake of Fire (in Matthew 10:28). The “possibility” that the wicked “spirit” could repent and be “saved” as referenced in 1 Peter 4:6, 1 Corinthians 5:5 as echoed in the Book of Parables’ Section of Book of 1Enoch* (which proves early Christian Jewish view of it in Chapter 66/67) as discussed on Pages 144 to 149 in Book titled “Eternal Hell Annihilation and Universalism in Christianity – Can all three be true A Look with the Apostolic Fathers”  in pdf (free download/viewing) in link below:





*Here is that Book of 1Enoch’s Book of Parables quote regarding the “Possibility” that “the spirit” may be Saved and live to God in the ‘spirit state’ (if God Wills it) as per 1 Peter 4:6


“…  7 beneath that land. And through its valleys proceed STREAMS of FIRE, where these angels are punished who had led astray those who dwell upon the earth. 8 But those WATERS shall in THOSE DAYS serve for the KINGS and the MIGHTY and the EXALTED, and THOSE WHO DWELL ON THE EARTH, for the HEALING of THE BODY, but for the PUNISHMENT of the SPIRIT; now their spirit is full of lust, that they may be punished in their body, for they have denied the Lord of Spirits 9 and SEE THEIR PUNISHMENT DAILY, and YET BELIEVE NOT IN HIS NAME. And in PROPORTION as the BURNING of THEIR BODIES becomes SEVERE, a corresponding CHANGE shall take place in THEIR SPIRIT FOR EVER and EVER; 10 for before the Lord of Spirits NONE SHALL UTTER AN IDLE WORD. For the judgement shall come upon them, 11 because they believe in the lust of their body and deny the Spirit of the Lord. And THOSE SAME WATERS will UNDERGO a CHANGE IN THOSE DAYS; for when those angels are punished in these waters, these water-springs shall change their temperature, and when the angels ascend, this water of the 12 springs shall change and become cold. And I heard MICHAEL answering and saying: ‘ THIS JUDGEMENT wherewith the ANGELS ARE JUDGED IS A TESTIMONY FOR THE KINGS and the MIGHTY who POSSESSS the 13 EARTH.’ Because THESE WATERS of JUDGEMENT minister to the HEALING of THE BODY of the KINGS and the LUST of THEIR BODY; therefore THEY WILL NOT SEE and WILL NOT BELIEVE  that THOSE WATERS WILL CHANGE and BECOME A FIRE which BURNS FOR EVER. …” – Book of 1Enoch (Section II: Book of Parables, Chapter 67 Verses 7 to 13)

Source (via Protestant Historian Mr. Philip Schaff):



“… To deliver such an one unto Satan for the DESTRUCTION of the FLESH, that THE SPIRIT MAY BE SAVED in the DAY of the LORD JESUS .. …” (1 Corinthians 5:5, KJV)


“… I charge you therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, who will JUDGE THE LIVING and THE DEAD at HIS APPEARING and HIS KINGDOM: …” (2 Timothy 4:1, NKJV)


“…   4In regard to these, they think it strange that you do not run with them in the same flood of dissipation, speaking EVIL of you. 5THEY will give an account to Him who is ready to JUDGE the living and THE DEAD. 6For this reason the GOSPEL was PREACHED also to those who are DEAD, that they might be JUDGED according to men in the FLESH, but LIVE according to God in the SPIRIT. …” (1 Peter 4:4 – 6, NKJV)





I am “not” saying that my explanation must be right but “possible” in light of the Bible Verses and the ‘Shepherd of Hermas’ quote which could help us understand it further.


‘… Please think about these quotes and its related Bible Verses carefully because as they say, ‘Eternity is a long time to be Wrong’ which could affect our Salvation and/or our Reward Level in the Heavens …’


Peace to you




1. Believe in Christ
2. Love Others (especially in Action, Charity Doctrine Lifestyle)


Mystery of Entering Heaven via First Christianity and Jewish Christianity


Unsolved Mystery – is Hope for some Non-Christians mentioned in Revelation 21:24 – 27?


Source Post:



Question 1


You’re Really quoting that verse as a reason for people not getting into Heaven???!!!

Jesus speaking right?! What did Jesus think of the ‘righteousness’ of the Pharisees???

The epitome of Filthy Rags! White washed sepulchres!


Reply 1


Please read Matthew 5 to 7 to understand what Righteous Acts Christ Requires for this exceeding the Pharisees.


Question 2


NOPE! We can’t produce righteous acts of any kind so it obviously doesn’t mean what you’re saying!


Reply 2


That’s a fallacy for if we can’t, Christ Wouldn’t have Commanded it in Matthew 5:20. It’s a human measure, the Pharisees so it’s possible.


Question 3


Tell me what Jesus thought of the ‘righteousness of the Pharisees’.


Reply 3


It was very low in righteousness level (though outwardly whitewashed tombs especially without Almsgiving from ‘what they have’, Luke 11:39 – 41, Matthew 25:23 – 28) and that’s why it can be surpassed by others so that one can enter the Kingdom of Heaven


Question 4


It isn’t works or good deeds themselves that grant anyone entrance into heaven. At the risk of over simplifying, Paul informs us in Rom 3:10 that, “None is righteous, no, not one.” If, from God’s perspective, none are righteous, then from where does our righteousness come? The “righteousness” of the Scribes and Pharisees were not of faith and trust in God, but by their own merits or works – that is, they thought their works made them righteous. Such is getting the proverbial cart before the horse.


Reply 4


Firstly, you misunderstood me. I didn’t mean Good Works Save us. It’s the same  idea that even the thirty, sixty or hundredfold do not merit the same ‘level in the heavens as First Christianity Taught’. That Reward Level is what Christ is mentioning (not Salvation) as Matthew 5:19 (one verse before Matthew 5:20 Reveals this ‘Context’ first as referring to ‘least vs greatest’ in the Kingdom of Heaven based on obedience) and so next He Says that one ought to exceed the righteousness of the Pharisees to ENTER HEAVEN to GET AN INHERITANCE THERE or to VISIT it as Revelation 21:24 – 27 records some outside the CITY VISITING it FROM EARTH where the CHRISTIANS (or the BRIDE) are DISTINCTLY MENTIONED (Revelation 21:10, Galatians 4:26) to be not the same even inviting these ‘saved ones’ at that time to take ‘the Water of Life Freely’ (in Revelation 22:17). The NUMBER and GATHERING of ELECT is COMPLETE with the MARRIAGE of the LAMB (1 Thessalonians 4:13 – 18, Revelation 19:7 – 9, Revelation 20:4 – 6)  and FIRST RESURRECTION 1000 years before Judgment Day (Revelation 20:5, Revelation 20:7, Revelation 20:11 – 15) where some are only saved on Judgment Day (Matthew 25:31 – 46’s Surprised Sheep which includes sinners of the Millennial Reign too, Isaiah 65:20, possibly Zephaniah 3:8 – 9 & Isaiah 45:21 – 23 toward ‘some’). I am ‘not’ sure it’s ‘possible’ but Let God Decide. Example:


“… And the Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let him who hears say, “Come!” And let him who thirsts come. Whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely. …” – apostle John (Revelations 22:17, NKJV)


Where possibly:


The Spirit = God


The Bride = Christians


“who thirsts” = some non-Christians who are being Saved on Judgment Day (e.g. Revelation 21:24 – 27, Matthew 25:31 – 46, Zephaniah 3:8 – 9, Isaiah 45:21 – 23).


P/S: Related earlier post in discussion here:


  1. Last Great Mystery of Entering Heaven in Matthew 5:20 from the Jewish Christian Champions of Faith



  1. There Could be a Salvation where one is Saved but not enter Heaven – How?




Peace to you



Edifying Comments:





Last Great Mystery of Entering Heaven in Matthew 5:20 from the Jewish Christian Champions of Faith


Source Post:



1) Firstly, why is this important? Christ Said that “not” everyone “Enters Heaven” but only those who can “do this” referring to “your righteousness” must be greater than the “Pharisees'”


“… For I say unto you, That except YOUR RIGHTEOUSNESS [1343 dikaiosynē] shall EXCEED the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in NO CASE ENTER into the kingdom of HEAVEN. …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 5:20, KJV)


The Greek Word used for “Righteousness” here is “1343 [e] dikaiosynē” which can be verified in Interlinear below too:



2) What is meant by “YOUR RIGHTEOUSNESS [1343 dikaiosynē]” here?


The Protestant Commentary below confesses some truths but is trying to ‘evade the Jewish Context that “YOUR RIGHTEOUSNESS [1343 dikaiosynē]” here means CHARITY DOCTRINE ACTS. Really? to quote:


“… The later Jews often used “righteousness” tsedhaqah as meaning alms, that being in their view the foremost righteousness. (Compare our modern use of “charity” to denote almsgiving.) This use is seen in the Talmud and in the frequent translations of the Hebrew word for “righteousness” (tsedhaqah) by “alms” (eleemosune) in the Septuagint, though nothing warranting this is found in the Hebrew Old Testament, or in the true text of the New Testament. This notion of righteousness as alms being well-nigh universal among Jews in Jesus’ day, and spreading even among Christians, accounts for “alms” in Matthew 6:1, where the true text has “righteousness”: “Take heed that ye do not your righteousness before men, to be seen of them” (the Revised Version (British and American) with Codex Vaticanus, Codex Sinaiticus, Codex Bezae, the Latin versions, etc.). The oriental versions which generally read “alms” may be accounted for on the supposition that “alms” was first written on the margin as explaining the supposed meaning of “righteousness,” and then, as according with this accepted oriental idea, was substituted for it in the text by the copyists. …” – International Standard Bible Encyclopedia


Source: https://biblehub.com/topical/a/alms.htm


If you couldn’t see it, please let me clarify the above for you:


  1. The quote ” … The later Jews often used “righteousness” tsedhaqah as meaning alms, that being in their view the foremost righteousness. …” = refers to the ‘Jews who lived in Christ’s Time’. So this is the Context of meaning in which these Jews themselves understood it.


  1. The quote “… This notion of righteousness as alms being well-nigh universal among Jews in Jesus’ day, and spreading even among Christians, accounts for “alms” in Matthew 6:1, where the true text has “righteousness” … The oriental versions which generally read “alms” may be accounted for on the supposition that “alms” was first written on the margin as explaining the supposed meaning of “righteousness,” and then, as according with this accepted oriental idea, was substituted for it in the text by the copyists. …” . Example:


“… 6 “Be careful not to parade your ACTS of TZEDAKAH in front of people in order to be seen by them! If you do, you have no reward from your Father in heaven. 2 So, when you do tzedakah, don’t announce it with trumpets to win people’s praise, like the hypocrites in the synagogues and on the streets. Yes! I tell you, they have their reward already! 3 But you, when you do tzedakah, don’t even let your left hand know what your right hand is doing. 4 Then your tzedakah will be in secret; and your Father, who sees what you do in secret, will reward you. …” – The KING Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 6:1 – 4, Complete Jewish Bible, CJB)






Note: The Complete Jewish Bible is done & used by the “Messianic Jews” link:




iii. The Problem here is some of the “Oriental” Text which refers to the word “YOUR RIGHTEOUSNESS [1343 dikaiosynē]” here in Matthew 6:1 in Hebrew Versions in reads as “‘ACTS of TZEDAKAH’” as the CJB version here also shows. So this Protestant scholar is vehemently ‘trying’ to say that “‘righteousness'” is the Original Word in Koine Greek and we should not take into account the “Jewish Versions” because these are ‘”çhanged by copyists'” to mean ‘”ACTS of TZEDAKAH“‘ (in Matthew 6:1). Can you see the dilemma here?


  1. Why not the Protestant Scholar just admit that “righteousness” here includes also these “‘ACTS of TZEDAKAH'” as the Jewish Context and History even to the audience Christ Spoke to warrants? They cannot admit it because if they did, then they will have to include a CHARITY DOCTRINE in their Theology which somehow Protestants have ignored or sidelined as ‘not part of the RIGHTEOUSNNESS required to enter HEAVEN’ (as this same Greek Word is found in Matthew 5:20’s Christ’s Requirement for ANYONE ENTERING HEAVEN). Can you see it?


Conclusion – The Biblical Solution


I call it ‘The Biblical Solution’ simply because by using ány ‘Protestant Bibles’ itself and without even knowing the Jewish Context either, with “Sola Scriptura”  approach  itself is easy to Prove the following from CHRIST’S OWN DIRECT WORDS as FOLLOWS:


1) Matthew 5:20’s “YOUR RIGHTEOUSNESS [1343 dikaiosynē]”  refers to the exact same word in Koine Greek in Matthew 6:1 where the FIRST righteousness Christ Refers to is ONLY AMSGIVING or the CHARITY DOCTRINE in Matthew 6:2 – 4 making this Context as strongest.


2) Since Christ didn’t end His Sermon on Matthew 6:4, neither should we. In the next set of Verses, Matthew 5:20’s “YOUR RIGHTEOUSNESS [1343 dikaiosynē]” can include “Prayers” as Matthew 6:5 – 15 Describes next in ‘that order’.


3) Only then Christ’s Sermon touches on “Fasting” which can also be part of Matthew 5:20’s “YOUR RIGHTEOUSNESS [1343 dikaiosynē]” as Matthew 6:16 – 18 talks about.


4) Next, Christ Returns to the Almsgiving Context as He Says “not” to store treasures on earth but in Heaven (so much for the ‘prosperity gospel’) in Matthew 6:19 – 34. Please note that the “treasure in heaven context not on earth for seeing where our heart is” (Matthew 6:19 – 21) whether with “God or Mammon” (Matthew 6:24) with the Jewish Idiom of “Good Eye” referring to a “Generous Person”(Matthew 6:22 – 23, Proverb 22:9 literally reads this Jewish Idiom Christ is Using here as ‘Good Eye’ which translators render its meaning as “Generous” in Bibles).


5) This is an Almsgiving or Charity Doctrine yet again because in Matthew 6:25 – 34 Christ Exhorts to “Seek His Kingdom”, He Says äll these things will be added unto you”(Matthew 6:33) which is Recorded by Luke in this same Context together with the “treasure in heaven & where our heart is” part as nothing else than the Charity Doctrine Lifestyle (as no other transaction/righteous act is mentioned by Christ for this) in Luke 12:30 – 34. Can you see it?


6) In Matthew 5:20 Christ Required “YOUR RIGHTEOUSNESS [1343 dikaiosynē]” to exceed the Righteousness of the Pharisees to enter Heaven where in Matthew 6:1 which is not the ritualistic Torah observances which He doesn’t mention at all in Matthew 5 to Matthew 7 (Sermon on the Mount at all) as some torah-keeping Christians err because they don’t read His Entire Sermon here but simply quote the Old Testament  parts which Christ didn’t quote at all here – out of context.


7) This is important because in Matthew 7:20 – 24 He DENIES MANY so called-CHRISTIANS from Heaven who ‘Prophesied, Cast Out Demons, did Miracles’ in “His Name” and compares it against the ‘House on the Rock’ to refer to those WHO DO THESE SAYINGS (Matthew 7:24) only referring to anything found from Matthew 5 (start of Sermon) to Matthew 7 (end of Sermon) where we are discussing Matthew 6’s aspect which clearly includes ‘”Älmsgiving”/Charity Doctrine mentioned first”‘ (Matthew 6:1 – 4), ‘”Prayer next'” (Matthew 6:5 – 15) followed by ‘”Fasting then” (Matthew  6:16 – 18) and then returns to the ‘”Charity Doctrine part of Treasure in Heavens'” (Matthew 6:19 – 21), the ‘”Charity Doctrine aspect of Generosity with the GOOD EYE Idiom'” as proof of not serving Mammon but God (Matthew 6:22 – 24) and ends this section with ‘”See His Kingdom & Righteousness”‘ (in Matthew 6:25 – 34) which Matthew didn’t record further ‘how?’ but LUKE clearly Recorded it as the CHARITY DOCTRINE LIFESTYLE to get the ‘”Treasures in Heaven and Determine Truly where our heart is” (in Luke 12:30 – 35 which was Spoken by Christ in the Context of SEEK His KINGDOM, as He Did here too, so SAME CONTEXT).




8.) In short, in Matthew 5:20 Christ Required “YOUR RIGHTEOUSNESS [1343 dikaiosynē]” to exceed the Righteousness of the Pharisees to enter Heaven where in Matthew 6:1 Christ Begins by DEFINING which RIGHTEOUSNESS HE REQUIRES in this NEW TESTAMENT as these three major things only namely (in the Order He Mentioned:


  1. Charity Doctrine/Almsgiving (Matthew 6:1 – 4).


  1. Prayer (Matthew 6:5 – 15)


  1. Fasting (Matthew 6:15 – 18)


  1. Return to the Charity Doctrine’s don’t lay your treasure on earth (which the ‘prosperity gospel’ promotes) but in heaven (Matthew 6:19 – 21)


  1. Next, the Charity Doctrine’s “‘Good Eye Idiom'” (Generosity aspect, relative measure in giving is revealed with Love) as proof of Serving God and not Money/Mammon (in Matthew 6:22 – 24)


  1. After that, the Charity Doctrine’s “Seek the Kingdom & His Righteousness” part is revealed instead of worrying so that “these things may be added to you'” is Revealed where Matthew doesn’t Record Christ’s Deeper explanation of how to do this but Luke does as “Sell your possessions and Give to Charity to Seek His Kingdom have unfailing treasure in Heaven with proving where our heart is in Luke 12:30 – 35” with ‘no’ mention of prayer/fasting again in these passages.


  1. If prayer/fasting is the most important aspect of Matthew 5:20 Christ’s Requirement of “YOUR RIGHTEOUSNESS [1343 dikaiosynē]” to exceed that of the Pharisees, then why is it least mentioned (only in (Matthew 6:5 – 18) as opposed to the Charity Doctrine part all over Matthew 6 itself as we just saw here?


  1. Please don’t misunderstand me as I’m not saying that “Prayer and Fasting” is not important but if we are TO PREACH LIKE CHRIST WHEN HE TAUGHT HIS DEFINITION of RIGHTEOUSNESS HERE, may we PREACH LIKEWISE FIRST THE CHARITY DOCTRINE aspects as shown here as well and ‘not prayer only’. If we didn’t, perhaps our righteousness may “not” exceed the Pharisees either in this and we fail to enter Heaven.


  1. The Judgment Day Verses (in Matthew 25:31 – 46) mentioning only “‘Charity Doctrine aspect of Almsgiving only”‘ (no prayer/fasting mentioned) as our Response to ‘… When I was Hungry, Thirsty, Naked, Homeless …’ may finally be Understood as ”Éxceeding the Righteousness of the Pharisees to Enter Heaven'” as these Verses collectively Reveal ”as it is Written”.


  1. If any pastor claims that without prayer & fasting one cannot exceed the righteousness of the Pharisees to enter Heaven (Matthew 5:20), tell them that Christ Mentioned that (in Matthew 6:5 – 18) but also Mentioned ‘first’ the CHARITY DOCTRINE in Matthew 6:1 – 4 and the rest of this ‘Same Sermon’ (‘Same Context’) and hence need to be Preached/Taught too if we wish to “‘énter Heaven”‘”. Can you see it please ”ás it is Written’ especially since when we Preach the Charity Doctrine, we are Preaching ‘Judgment Day’which only Mentions our Response to ‘… When I was Hungry, Thirsty, Naked, Homeless …’ (Matthew 25:31 – 46) which Proves the Çleansed inside part of ”Lawlessness” (Luke 11:39 – 41, Matthew 23:25 – 28). Please notice that each Verses Quoted here is all Çhrist’s Words only and so no one goes to Hell or becomes a false Teacher by preaching Christ’s Words ”as it is Written”.


Links for Bible Verses Quoted:








The possibility that someone could be Saved but not enter Heaven but live on the New Earth is discussed in link below:




Peace to you



There Could be a Salvation where one is Saved but not enter Heaven – How?


Source Post:

https://www.facebook.com/jonathan.ramachandran/posts/101613317105927 84




“…. 24And the NATIONS [n]of THOSE WHO ARE SAVED shall walk in its light, and the KINGS OF THE EARTH bring their glory and honor [o]into it. 25Its gates shall not be shut at all by day (there shall be no night there). 26And they shall bring the glory and the honor of the nations into [p]it. 27But there shall by no means enter it anything [q]that defiles, or causes an abomination or a lie, but only those who are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. …” (Revelation 21: 24 – 27, NKJV)


If you look at this Verse carefully, it seems to Speak of ‘some who are SAVED’ but are on the “‘ëarth”‘”(also they have ‘kings of the earth’ among them) and among these only ‘those who names are in the Lamb’s Book of Life’ are permitted to Enter into the NEW JERUSALEM CITY (Lowest Heaven) to VISIT IT at some point but may not inherit it. These may inherit the new earth only which is outside this City as described.


This could be a non-Elect Salvation because the ‘Lowest Christians” themselves (the Thirty-Fold merit a place in the NEW JERUSALEM CITY or “City”) but the Sixty-Fold merit a Dwelling in the higher Heaven called Paradise while only the Hundredfold ones Inherit the ‘Heavens’ as both St. Irenaeous of Lyons and St. Papias have Taught where St. Irenaeous clearly states that this was Taught by the ‘Presbyters’ referring to those who were DIRECT DISCIPLES of the APOSTLES OF CHRIST only as per the Chiliasm Doctrine, example quote (this exact same quote below is also quoted by St. Irenaeous of Lyons in his book ‘Against Heresies’, Book 5, Chapter Chapter XXXVI, Points 1 – 2, 3):


“… As the presbyters say, then those who are deemed worthy of an abode in heaven shall go there, others shall enjoy the delights of Paradise, and others shall possess the splendour of the city; for everywhere the Saviour will be seen, according as they shall be worthy who see Him. But that there is this distinction between the habitation of those who produce an hundredfold, and that of those who produce sixty-fold, and that of those who produce thirty-fold; for the first will be taken up into the heavens, the second class will dwell in Paradise, and the last will inhabit the city; and that on this account the Lord said, “In my Father’s house are many mansions:” …” – Blessed St. Papias, Bishop of Hierapolis, an Apostolic Father being the Disciple of the Blessed St. John the Apostle (c. 60 AD – c. 163 AD)


Source: http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/text/papias.html


Source Post with more details:




“… 20The young man said to Him, “All these things I have kept [g]from my youth. What do I STILL LACK?” 21JESUS said to him, “IF you want to be PERFECT, go, SELL what YOU HAVE and GIVE to the POOR, and YOU WILL HAVE TREASURE IN HEAVEN; and come, FOLLOW ME.” 22But when the young man heard that saying, he went away SORROWFUL, for he had GREAT POSSESSIONS.23Then JESUS said to His disciples, “Assuredly, I say to you that it is HARD for a RICH MAN TO ENTER THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN. 24And AGAIN I say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.25When His disciples heard it, they were greatly astonished, saying, “Who then can be saved?” 26But Jesus looked at them and said to them, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”  …” (Matthew 19:20 – 26, NKJV)


When Christ Replied that a Rich Man Could be Saved but Hard to Enter Heaven as the Level of ‘Possible’ Miracle needed was for a Camel to go through an eye of a needle (in Matthew 19:20 – 26 above), this could mean that the ‘Rich Man’ could be “‘Saved'” (in a possible non-Elect salvation described in Revelation 21:24 – 27 on earth) but yet not be part of the ‘thirty, sixty nor hundredfold heavens level reward’. This is because the ‘possibility of a ‘non-Elect’ salvation referring of the ‘purgatory form’ or having their names Written in the ”Books of the Living” (i.e. ‘Book of Life’) if ‘they did the Charity Doctrine’  may be Written in the ‘Shepherd of Hermas Scripture” as discussed in detail in link below:




or this:




The Possibility that this could refer to non-Christians is high because the minimum ‘thirty-fold Christian'(Matthew 13:8) would merit a place in this NEW JERUSALEM CITY which refers to the JUDGMENT DAY TIMELINE and not the ‘Millennial reign Timeline’ because the LAMB’S BOOK OF LIFE Judgment (mentioned in Revelation 21:24 – 27) only occurs 1000 years after the Millennial Reign for the ‘rest of the dead’ (Revelation 20:5, Revelation 20:7 and Revelation 20:11 – 15) where some may only be Saved on Judgment Day only as the case of the Surprised Sheep Reveals in Matthew 25:31 – 46 which is discussed further in links below:












As I said before, I cannot teach this as Doctrine because I am not sure and since most Christians view it differently, the majority could be right and my views wrong and hence I just present it as a “possibility” only  and accept God’s Decision any way when Revealed One Day for He Knows Best. A related post regarding how to attain to the ‘Thirty, Sixty of Hundredfold’ entering HEAVEN type of Salvation is discussed in post in link below:




or a shorter version below:




Peace to you




Outward Holiness but Inside Lawlessness Danger


Source Post:




1) The Problem – “Lawlessness” Inside though outwardly Holy


“… 28Even so you also OUTWARDLY APPEAR RIGHTEOUS TO MEN, but INSIDE YOU ARE FULL OF HYPOCRISY AND LAWLESSNESS. …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 23:28, NKJV)


2) The Solution – “Lawlessness” Inside cleansed by “Almsgiving” (Charity Doctrine)


“… “… 39Then the Lord said to him, “Now you Pharisees make the OUTSIDE OF THE CUP and DISH CLEAN, but YOUR INWARD PART is full of [k]GREED and WICKEDNESS. 40FOOLISH ones! Did not He who made the outside make the inside also? 41But rather GIVE ALMS of [l]SUCH THINGS AS YOU HAVE; then indeed ALL THINGS ARE CLEAN TO YOU. …”  – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 11:39 – 41, NKJV)


3) The Rejection due to “Lawlessness” inside also


“… 22MANY will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ 23And then I will declare to them, ‘I NEVER KNEW YOU; depart from Me, you who practice LAWLESSNESS!’ …” (Matthew 7:22 – 23, NKJV)




No one is cleansed from “Lawlessness Inside” unless via “Almsgiving” as Christ Records that alone in Luke 11:39 – 41. Can someone be cleansed by “not” Doing What He Commanded? (Not opinions of men)


Indeed, Preaching Christ includes not just about Him but also What He Commanded such as the Charity Doctrine Lifestyle of “Almsgiving” to clean the “Lawlessness Inside” (Matthew 23:25 – 28 and Luke 11:39 – 45).


“… But why do you call Me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and NOT DO THE THINGS WHICH I SAY? …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 6:46, NKJV)



Peace to you



Almsgiving or Charity Doctrine Delivers from Judgment of Sin just like the Acts of Love as Christ Himself Taught


1) St. Polycarp the Direct Disciple of St, John the Apostle Quotes Book of Tobit (Apocrypha) as “Scripture” for this “Almsgiving part”. It’s hard to imagine that a direct disciple of the Apostles can make a ‘mistake’ in this



“… STAND FAST, therefore, in these things, and FOLLOW THE EXAMPLE OF THE LORD, being firm and UNCHANGEABLE IN THE FAITH, loving the brotherhood, and being attached to one another, joined together in the truth, exhibiting the meekness of the Lord in your intercourse with one another, and despising no one. When YOU CAN DO GOOD, DEFER IT NOT, because “ALMS DELIVERS FROM DEATH.” [Tobit 12:9]” Be all of you subject one to another? having your conduct blameless among the Gentiles,” that YE MAY BOTH RECEIVE PRAISE FOR YOUR GOOD WORKS, and the Lord may not be blasphemed through you. But WOE TO HIM by whom the name of the Lord is blasphemed! Teach, therefore, sobriety to all, and manifest it also in your own conduct. …” – Blessed St. Polycarp, Bishop of Smryna, an Apostolic Father being the Disciple of the Blessed St. John the Apostle who wrote the Book of Revelation (c. 69 AD – c. 155 AD, CHAPTER X.–EXHORTATION TO THE PRACTICE OF VIRTUE, THE EPISTLE OF POLYCARP TO THE PHILIPPIANS)


Source: http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/text/polycarp-roberts.html


St. Polycarp is quoting the Tobit section below:


“…  6 Then he said to them SECRETLY: Bless ye the God of heaven, give glory to him in the sight of all that live, because he hath shewn his mercy to you. 7 For it is good to hide the secret of a king: but honourable to reveal and confess the works of God. 8 PRAYER IS GOOD WITH FASTING AND ALMS MORE THAN to lay up treasures of gold: 9 For ALMS DELIVERETH from DEATH, and the same is that which PURGETH AWAY SINS, and maketh to FIND MERCY AND LIFE EVERLASTING. … 15 For I am the angel RAPHAEL, one of the seven who stand before the Lord. …” (Bible Scripture.Net Translation, Tobit 12:6 – 9, 15)


Source: https://biblescripture.net/Tobias.html



Sy. Polycarp is not the only one to endorse the Book of Tobit as Scripture but other Great First Christian Saints too as it is Described in link below:




Please note that this is Biblical Truth without even the Book of Tobit quote by Christ Himself even as discussed in Points 3) to 4) to Conclusion at the end.


2) St. Leo I the Great


“… Let no one therefore, dearly beloved, flatter himself on any merits of a good life, if works of charity be wanting in him, and let him not trust in the purity of his body, if he be not cleansed by the purification of almsgiving. For “almsgiving wipes out sin,” kills death, and extinguishes the punishment of perpetual fire. (Tobit) …” – Blessed St. Leo the Great,  also known as Pope Leo I, Bishop of Rome, Listed in the Ancient Lutheran’s Book of Concord as an accepted Church Father by Protestants & Pope Benedict XVI said that Leo’s papacy “was undoubtedly one of the most important in the Church’s history, Doctor of the Church,  a Roman aristocrat, and was the first pope to have been called “the Great”. (c. 400 – 461 AD)







3) Prophet Daniel Teaches that “Almsgiving” or the Charity Doctrine removes the “Judgment of Sins” part


“… Wherefore, O king, let my counsel be acceptable unto thee, and BREAK OFF THY SINS BY RIGHTEOUSNESS, and THINE INIQUITIES BY SHEWING MERCY TO THE POOR; if it may be a lengthening of thy tranquillity. …” – Blessed and Holy Prophet Daniel (Daniel 4:27, KJV based on the Masoretic Text)

Source: https://biblehub.com/daniel/4-27.htm




” … 27Therefore, O king, let my counsel please thee, and ATONE FOR THY SINS BY ALMS, and THINE INIQUITIES BY COMPASSION ON THE POOR: it may be God will be long-suffering to thy trespasses.” … – Blessed and Holy Prophet Daniel (Daniel 4:27, Brenton Septuagint Translation, based on the Septuagint or LXX)

Source: https://biblehub.com/sep/daniel/4.htm




4) Lord Jesus Christ Teaches that “Love” (in Action) Covers a “Multitude of Sins” (via Apostle St. Peter) too below


“… Therefore I say to you, HER SINS, which are MANY, are FORGIVEN, for SHE LOVED MUCH. But to whom little is forgiven, the same loves little.” …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 7:47, NKJV)


Note: Christ Himself Says “LOVED MUCH” can cause “SINS to be FORGIVEN” where “Love is not words but Action which is the Charity Doctrine lifestyle of Giving and Sharing which Christ Knew in his Foreknowledge that she must have Practiced as Love in Words/Feeling without Action is not Biblical according to 1 John 3:16 – 18 itself. Apostle St. Peter repeats this Truth from Christ below:


“… And above all things have fervent love for one another, for “LOVE will COVER a MULTITUDE of SINS”  …” (1 Peter 4:8, NKJV)



“…  But love covers all sins. …” (Proverbs 10:12, NKJV)


Yes, … Love covers all sins ..” —> from Judgment. Love in Action = Charity Doctrine Lifestyle according to Verses below:







In light of Christ’s Quotes we understand that the “Charity Doctrine” removes the “Judgment of Sins”  but it cannot give new life nor give Resurrection. Only the Blood of Christ Can Remove Sin itself and bring us to the Resurrection Life beginning within us on earth itself. So only Christ’s Atonement and Work Gives us Life. The Almsgiving stops the ‘Judgment of Sins’, nothing more as that’s the Context meant in Tobit or elsewhere in Verses quoted here (even in Christ’s Parable of the Rich Man and Beggar Lazarus too which Speaks of this absence of Charity Doctrine leads straight to Hell in Luke 16:19 – 31) by which even Lazarus can be ‘spared of that Judgment’ too.


Since Christians cannot be Saved with “Lawlessness” and one of the evidence of “Lawlessness is outward Holiness without Almsgiving” (according to Christ in Luke 11:39 – 45 with Matthew 24:12’s “Lawlessness makes the Love of MANY cold”), this is discussed in detail in link below:




Peace to you


Lawlessness is not just sin but no Works of Love nor Mercy Context


Source Post:




1) These REJECTION Verses despite converting “MANY” based on “Prophesied in Your Name, Cast out Demons in your Name or other Miracles”


“… 14Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it  … 21“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22MANY will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ 23And then I will declare to them, ‘I NEVER KNEW YOU; depart from Me, you who practice LAWLESSNESS!’ …” (Matthew 7:14, 21 – 23, NKJV)


2) Context for “Lawlessness” as “Lack of Love/Works of Mercy in Action” (e.g. the Charity Doctrine Lifestyle) Verses


“… And because LAWLESSNESS will abound, the LOVE of MANY will grow cold …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 24:12, NKJV)




Mercy is Love in Action. Spiritually for example is sharing God’s Knowledge for free so others know it in analogy of the Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25 – 37)  Describes it for “Eternal life” toward an ‘Imperfect Theologically’ person (i.e. ‘the Good Samaritan’) as opposed to the better Theological Knowledge persons of the “Priest/Levite” who failed in this Charity Doctrine Aspect for “Eternal Life” (hence “Lawlessness” of the “Love grown cold type”) which Christ Himself Directly Taught in Luke 10:25 – 37 .


Yes, the rejection of Christians is based on “Lawlessness” (as I already wrote earlier to reject Christians who teach that sin is okay). So mainstream Christians are generally okay not doing that. If they teach that reject them. Also, it is also written that because of “Lawlessness” the “Love of Many” grows “cold” (Matthew 24:12), example absence of the Charity Doctrine Lifestyle which is Love in Action acts of Mercy. “Lawlessness” within though “outwardly holy whitewashed tombs without Almsgiving” is the Context for this as Christ Taught in Luke 11:39 – 41 which is the ‘other type of Lawlessness’ by which these can be Rejected.


To be Safe Scripturally, May God Help us to be neither of these “two Lawlessness” Described in Scripture as Christ Teaches to Cleanse this “Lawlessness” (please notice this word carefully in each quoted Verse here, “Context”) by “Almsgiving from what you have” quoted below:


“… 25“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you CLEANSE THE OUTSIDE OF THE CUP and dish, but INSIDE THEY ARE FULL OF EXTORTION and [l]SELF-INDULGENCE. 26Blind Pharisee, first cleanse the inside of the cup and dish, that the outside of them may be clean also. 27“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like WHITEWASHED TOMBS which indeed appear BEAUTIFUL OUTWARDLY, but inside are full of dead men’s bones and all uncleanness. 28Even so you also OUTWARDLY APPEAR RIGHTEOUS TO MEN, but INSIDE YOU ARE FULL OF HYPOCRISY AND LAWLESSNESS. …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 23:25 – 28, NKJV)


“… 39Then the Lord said to him, “Now you Pharisees make the OUTSIDE OF THE CUP and DISH CLEAN, but YOUR INWARD PART is full of [k]GREED and WICKEDNESS. 40FOOLISH ones! Did not He who made the outside make the inside also? 41But rather GIVE ALMS of [l]SUCH THINGS AS YOU HAVE; then indeed ALL THINGS ARE CLEAN TO YOU. 42“But woe to you Pharisees! For YOU TITHE mint and rue and all manner of herbs, and pass by JUSTICE and the LOVE of GOD These you ought to have done, without leaving the others undone. 43Woe to you Pharisees! For you love the [m]best seats in the synagogues and greetings in the marketplaces. 44Woe to you, [n]scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like graves which are not seen, and the men who walk over them are not aware of them.” …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 11:39 – 45, NKJV)



Peace to you




Charity Doctrine Lifestyle is not a Return to the Law but a Doctrine of Grace


Source Post:




Question (rephrased)


When you teach the Charity Doctrine, you are teaching a Return to the Law (Torah) and thus relying on self-righteousness and not on the Grace of God in the Finished Work of Christ




Nope it’s Christ Who Commanded it in Matthew 19:21 – 24. The lawful behaviour was Matthew 19:16 – 20 after which this rich young ruler then  asked “what do I still lack” (Matthew 19:20)? Please also notice that Matthew 19:21 includes Christ’s Exhortation of “Follow Me” together with “If you want to be Perfect, Sell what you have and Give to the Poor” Exhortations. So this Giving lifestyle is “Increasing in Grace” and is NOT LAW as Apostle Paul himself writes in verses below:


“… 1Moreover, brethren, we make known to you the GRACE OF GOD BESTOWED on the churches of Macedonia: 2that in a GREAT TRIAL OF AFFLICTION the abundance of their joy and their DEEP POVERTY ABOUNDED in the RICHES OF THEIR LIBERALITY. 3For I bear witness that ACCORDING TO THEIR ABILITY, YES, and BEYOND THEIR ABILITY, they were FREELY WILLING, 4imploring us with much urgency [a]that we would RECEIVE THE GIFT and the fellowship of the MINISTERING TO THE SAINTS. 5And not only as we had hoped, but they FIRST GAVE THEMSELVES TO THE LORD, AND THEN TO US BY THE WILL OF GOD. 6So we urged Titus, that as he had begun, so he would also COMPLETE THIS GRACE IN YOU AS WELL.  7But as you abound in everything—in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in all diligence, and in your love for us—see that you ABOUND IN THIS GRACE ALSO.  8I speak NOT BY COMMANDMENT, but I am TESTING THE SINCERITY OF YOUR LOVE by the diligence of others. 9For you know the GRACE OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich..” (2 Corinthians 8:1 – 9, NKJV)




Please consider these Verses in an easier English Translation:


“… 1And now, brothers and sisters, we want you to know about the GRACE THAT GOD HAS GIVEN the Macedonian churches. 2In the midst of a very SEVERE TRIAL, their overflowing joy and THEIR EXTREME POVERTY WELLED UP IN RICH GENEROSITY. 3For I testify that THEY GAVE AS MUCH AS THEY WERE ABLE, and EVEN BEYOND THEIR ABILITY. Entirely on their own, 4they urgently pleaded with us for the privilege of sharing in this service to the Lord’s people. 5And they exceeded our expectations: THEY GAVE THEMSELVES FIRST OF ALL to THE LORD, AND THEN BY THE WILL OF GOD ALSO TO US. 6So we urged Titus, just as he had earlier made a beginning, to bring also to completion this ACT OF GRACE ON YOUR PART. 7But since you excel in everything—in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in the love we have kindled in you a —SEE THAT YOU ALSO EXCEL IN THIS GRACE OF GIVING. 8I AM NOT COMMANDING YOU, but I WANT TO TEST THE SINCERITY OF YOUR LOVE by COMPARING IT WITH THE EARNESTNESS of OTHERS. 9For you know the GRACE OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich. …” – Blessed St. Paul the Great Apostle of Christ to the Gentiles (2 Corinthians 8:1 – 9, NIV)




1) This Charity Doctrine Lifestyle of Giving to the needs of one another (2 Corinthians 8:4) is an ACT of the GRACE OF GOD and not the Law (2 Corinthians 8:1, 2 Corinthians 8:6).


2) It’s measured in ‘Relative Measure’ based on what we are given and based on what we suffer but yet we give according to our ability or beyond our ability as God Wills (2 Corinthians 8:2 – 3).


3) Giving oneself to the Lord is naturally evidenced by this Charity Doctrine Lifestyle of how much one gives oneself for the benefit of others likewise (2 Corinthians 8:5).


4) Giving via this Charity Doctrine Lifestyle is something God Wished to see us “EXCEL IN” (2 Corinthians 8:7) implying a high relative measure type of giving as we are able (where the poor Widow with 2 Coins tops this list as Christ Himself Revealed in Luke 21:1 – 4).


5) None of these “Growing in Grace” are a “Command” like the ‘Torah’ but an exhortation “WILLINGLY” (2 Corinthians 8:8) just like Christ Exhorted the Rich Young Ruler likewise in Matthew 19:21  toward Perfection as discussed in the earlier post below:



6) This type of CHARITY DOCTRINE LIFESTYLE Described in Verses here by taking care of each other and providing for the needs of each other (2 Corinthians 8:1 – 9) is the Way to FOLLOW CHRIST in the GRACE OF GOD He Demonstrated First in Action as it’s compared here in 2 Corinthians 8:9.


7) Please notice that this the “being Rich” in 2 Corinthians 8:9 here refers to “spiritually rich” with “treasure in heavens” (Matthew 19:21 – 24, Luke 12:30 – 35) and not materialistically rich in any way because this Church that was called “rich” here was in “Extreme Poverty  in the earthly sense (2 Corinthians 8:2) but yet exercised great giving in Relative Measure according to their ability and beyond their ability” (2 Corinthians 8:3).


8) Church History in this ‘same Corinthian’ Church during the early times prove that this was the True Meaning and was part of the “Meat Doctrine” and “Growth in Grace” which was discussed in an earlier post in link below:






The Bible clearly Teaches here that there is “no” fall from Grace but only a “GROWTH IN GRACE” via the ‘Charity Doctrine Lifestyle’. So, any True Church teaching the “Doctrines of Grace” must also likewise teach and do Excel in this “Grace of Giving likewise in Relative Measure” which is opposite of the “Collecting money in the Name of God and using it for self prosperity instead of sharing/giving to other needy believers or the poor” as these “quoted Bible Verses” (and not opinions of men) Testify Clearly as “It is Written”.



Peace to you





Outward Holiness is WhiteWashed Tombs if without the Charity Doctrine Lifestyle of Almsgiving as Christ Teaches in Verses below

“… 25“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you CLEANSE THE OUTSIDE OF THE CUP and dish, but INSIDE THEY ARE FULL OF EXTORTION and [l]SELF-INDULGENCE. 26Blind Pharisee, first cleanse the inside of the cup and dish, that the outside of them may be clean also. 27“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like WHITEWASHED TOMBS which indeed appear BEAUTIFUL OUTWARDLY, but inside are full of dead men’s bones and all uncleanness. 28Even so you also OUTWARDLY APPEAR RIGHTEOUS TO MEN, but INSIDE YOU ARE FULL OF HYPOCRISY AND LAWLESSNESS. …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 23:25 – 28, NKJV)

“… 39Then the Lord said to him, “Now you Pharisees make the OUTSIDE OF THE CUP and DISH CLEAN, but YOUR INWARD PART is full of [k]GREED and WICKEDNESS. 40FOOLISH ones! Did not He who made the outside make the inside also? 41But rather GIVE ALMS of [l]SUCH THINGS AS YOU HAVE; then indeed ALL THINGS ARE CLEAN TO YOU. 42“But woe to you Pharisees! For YOU TITHE mint and rue and all manner of herbs, and pass by JUSTICE and the LOVE of GOD These you ought to have done, without leaving the others undone. 43Woe to you Pharisees! For you love the [m]best seats in the synagogues and greetings in the marketplaces. 44Woe to you, [n]scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like graves which are not seen, and the men who walk over them are not aware of them.” …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 11:39 – 45, NKJV)


1) The Context of the Two verses above are linked because Christ is Teaching “Appear Outwardly to men” (i.e. Outward Holiness is present) but the Inward Cleansing via Almsgiving is not Practiced.

2) Only “Almsgiving/Charity Doctrine” is mentioned as able to cleanse “Inwardly” as Christ Himself Reveals above.  There is “no” Verse which states that any other religious act does so and not from Christ Himself in the New Testament (if someone says otherwise, please ask for a verse and you will realize that there’s none).

3) Christ Teaches Inward Cleansing is not purely via Prayer/Fasting etc. because these Good Sacrifices is only accepted as much as Almsgiving is done first as per Judgment Day Verses too regarding our response to ‘… when I was Hungry, Thirsty, Homeless, Naked, …’ in Matthew 25:31 – 46 agreeing to Verses here. That’s why ‘Praying + Fasting + Almsgiving’ is the Best Combination for Spiritual Growth & Perfection (as even His Own Words echo ‘… If you want to be PERFECT, sell what you have and GIVE to the POOR …’ in Matthew 19:21 rings likewise).

4) Please notice in Luke 11:42 Christ also mentions the “Tithing” part where in analogy if tithing/Church attendance or other religious acts can cleanse within, then the Almsgiving would not be necessary. The fact that Almsgiving is mentioned on top of tithing in this Verse in the phrase “… These you ought to have done, without leaving the others undone. …” points to “Almsgiving/Charity Lifestyle” as fulfilling the LOVE of GOD part which ‘tithing does NOT fulfil’ as Christ’s Own Words Compare referring to these both as follows (a point many fail to see despite so clearly Written):

“… 41But rather GIVE ALMS of [l]SUCH THINGS AS YOU HAVE; then indeed ALL THINGS ARE CLEAN TO YOU. 42“But woe to you Pharisees!  For YOU TITHE mint and rue and all manner of herbs, and pass by JUSTICE and the LOVE of GOD. These you ought to have done, without leaving the others undone.   …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 11:41 – 42, NKJV)

Note: Christ clearly Equates “Alms” = “Charity” = “JUSTICE and the LOVE of GOD” which these Pharisees ‘skipped’ but did practice ‘tithing’. If ‘tithing’ was part of “JUSTICE and the LOVE of GOD”, then Christ would have congratulated the Pharisees because they were ‘perfect in obedience in tithing’ as Christ’s Phrase “… For YOU TITHE mint and rue and all manner of herbs, and pass by JUSTICE and the LOVE of GOD means in full. Yes, please notice carefully that the Pharisees’ perfect ‘tithe paying’ did “… pass by JUSTICE and the LOVE of GOD …” (meaning the tithing did NOT fulfil the ‘Justice and Love of God’ part) which in these Verses ONLY REFERS to the ALMSGIVING/CHARITY LIFESTYLE so clearly ‘as it is Written’.

5) There is an ‘illusion’ of Charity or Charity of little value (let God Judge) where if done, it brings us in return ‘financial returns of equivalent for doing so’ or ‘charity done with other people’s money’. This point is clear in Christ’s Phrase “… SUCH THINGS AS YOU HAVE; …” in “… “… 41But rather GIVE ALMS of [l]SUCH THINGS AS YOU HAVE; then indeed ALL THINGS ARE CLEAN TO YOU. …”. Yes the phrase “… SUCH THINGS AS YOU HAVE; …” puts the ‘Relative Measure’ aspect (e.g. the ‘Poor Widow’, Luke 21:1 – 4) and points to clearly “Giving/Sharing to Charity/Alms” (i.e. toward anyone in need) from ”what we have” (not from what others give us or with other people’s money) where facilitation is good but not of high value. Example question: If by doing Charity with other people’s money we receive ‘blessing money’ or equivalent and we become ‘rich’ but never gave much from ‘our own money’, then this aspect is not fulfilled much either and is what the Pharisees were doing likewise which the LORD CORRECTED by Teaching them this too clearly here for ‘Inward Cleansing’.

6) Charity/Alms from “what you have” can also mean ‘cheaper prices’ for the ‘services you give for work’ (because others charge higher by economic/racial exploitation) implying you are doing “JUSTICE and the LOVE of GOD” which Christ Speaks off in this Passage. How to know if your services is cheaper (not oppressive or mammon-led)? Significantly lower than what others would charge if they could do the same Level/Quality of Work.

Peace to you







Christian Creed – are we Saved? with a look at St. Irenaeous of Lyons



Source Post:



“… The Catholic Church possesses one and the same faith throughout the whole world, as we have already said. …” – Blessed St. Irenaeous, Bishop of Lyons, a Hearer of Blessed St. Polycarp the Disciple of Blessed St. John who wrote the Book of Revelation (c. 130 AD – c. 202 AD)


1) First Christian Creed = Nicene Creed (Please see image, 325 AD)


To quote regarding Nicene Creed and beyond:


“… The first confession of faith established within Christianity was the Nicene Creed by the Early Church in 325. [9] It was established to summarize the foundations of the Christian faith and to protect believers from false doctrines. Various Christian denominations from Protestantism and Evangelical Christianity have published confession of faith as a basis for fellowship among churches of the same denomination. [10][11]  Many Christian denominations did not try to be too exhaustive in their confessions of faith and thus allow different opinions on some secondary topics.[12]In addition, some churches are open to revising their confession of faith when necessary. Moreover, Baptist “confessions of faith” have often had a clause such as this from the First London Baptist Confession (Revised edition, 1646):[13]  Also we confess that we now know but in part and that are ignorant of many things which we desire to and seek to know: and if any shall do us that friendly part to show us from the Word of God that we see not, we shall have cause to be thankful to God and to them …”


Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creed


I believe in the Nicene Creed in full.


Source for Image:




2) Apostle’s Creed (5th Century AD estimate)


“… I believe in God, the Father almighty,

creator of heaven and earth.

I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord,

who was conceived by the Holy Spirit

and born of the virgin Mary.

He suffered under Pontius Pilate,

was crucified, died, and was buried;

he descended to hell.

The third day he rose again from the dead.

He ascended to heaven

and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty.

From there he will come to judge the living and the dead.


I believe in the Holy Spirit,

the holy catholic* church,

the communion of saints,

the forgiveness of sins,

the resurrection of the body,

and the life everlasting. Amen. …”


*that is, the true Christian church of all times and all places


Source: https://www.crcna.org/welcome/beliefs/creeds/apostles-creed






I believe in the Apostle’s Creed in full.


3) Athanasian Creed (most likely 5th or 6th century AD)


“… Whosoever will be saved, before all things it is necessary that he hold the catholic faith. Which faith unless every one do keep whole and undefiled, without doubt he shall perish everlastingly. And the catholic faith is this: that we worship one God in Trinity, and Trinity in Unity; neither confounding the Persons, nor dividing the Essence. For there is one Person of the Father; another of the Son; and another of the Holy Ghost. But the Godhead of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, is all one; the Glory equal, the Majesty coeternal. Such as the Father is; such is the Son; and such is the Holy Ghost. The Father uncreated; the Son uncreated; and the Holy Ghost uncreated. The Father unlimited; the Son unlimited; and the Holy Ghost unlimited. The Father eternal; the Son eternal; and the Holy Ghost eternal. And yet they are not three eternals; but one eternal. As also there are not three uncreated; nor three infinites, but one uncreated; and one infinite. So likewise the Father is Almighty; the Son Almighty; and the Holy Ghost Almighty. And yet they are not three Almighties; but one Almighty. So the Father is God; the Son is God; and the Holy Ghost is God. And yet they are not three Gods; but one God. So likewise the Father is Lord; the Son Lord; and the Holy Ghost Lord. And yet not three Lords; but one Lord. For like as we are compelled by the Christian verity; to acknowledge every Person by himself to be God and Lord; So are we forbidden by the catholic religion; to say, There are three Gods, or three Lords. The Father is made of none; neither created, nor begotten. The Son is of the Father alone; not made, nor created; but begotten. The Holy Ghost is of the Father and of the Son; neither made, nor created, nor begotten; but proceeding. So there is one Father, not three Fathers; one Son, not three Sons; one Holy Ghost, not three Holy Ghosts. And in this Trinity none is before, or after another; none is greater, or less than another. But the whole three Persons are coeternal, and coequal. So that in all things, as aforesaid; the Unity in Trinity, and the Trinity in Unity, is to be worshipped. He therefore that will be saved, let him thus think of the Trinity.


Furthermore, it is necessary to everlasting salvation; that he also believe faithfully the Incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ. For the right Faith is, that we believe and confess; that our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is God and Man; God, of the Substance [Essence] of the Father; begotten before the worlds; and Man, of the Substance [Essence] of his Mother, born in the world. Perfect God; and perfect Man, of a reasonable soul and human flesh subsisting. Equal to the Father, as touching his Godhead; and inferior to the Father as touching his Manhood. Who although he is God and Man; yet he is not two, but one Christ. One; not by conversion of the Godhead into flesh; but by assumption of the Manhood into God. One altogether; not by confusion of Substance [Essence]; but by unity of Person. For as the reasonable soul and flesh is one man; so God and Man is one Christ; Who suffered for our salvation; descended into hell; rose again the third day from the dead. He ascended into heaven, he sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty, from whence he will come to judge the living and the dead. At whose coming all men will rise again with their bodies; And shall give account for their own works. And they that have done good shall go into life everlasting; and they that have done evil, into everlasting fire. This is the catholic faith; which except a man believe truly and firmly, he cannot be saved. …”


Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Athanasian_Creed


I believe in the Athanasian Creed in full.


4) Augsburg Confession


This is Blessed Martin Luther (the First Protestant) Team’s Creed (28 Articles of Faith) which I believe in full too as it is described in link below (too many to list here):




An Important Comment: The “Augsburg Confession” itself already Describe that the “Fruit of Salvation” is “Good Works” (not the Cause of it):


“… XX Of Good Works The Lutheran notion of justification by faith does not somehow condemn good works; faith causes them to do good works as a sign of our justification (or salvation), not a requirement for salvation. …” – Augsburg Confession (Article XX in from link above)


Now that’s why we stress on Preaching this Doctrine especially in the Context of the ‘Wise & Foolish’ Virgins too in which the foolish failed to produce these good works and we quote even Blessed Martin Luther himself for this Contextual Understanding of this Parable as it’s described further in free pdf book in link below:




Here’s Blessed Martin Luther’s Quote found in Book above which agrees to many Church Father’s Interpretation likewise of this parable which is discussed in this Book above:


“… Therefore, let each one see to it that he has these two together: the OIL, which is TRUE FAITH and trust in Christ; and the LAMPS, the VESSEL, which is the OUTWARD SERVICE TOWARD YOUR NEIGHBOR. The WHOLE CHRISTIAN LIFE CONSISTS in THESE TWO THINGS things: BELIEVE GOD. HELP YOUR NEIGHBOR. The WHOLE GOSPEL TEACHES this. PARENTS should TELL IT TO THEIR CHILDREN at HOME and EVERYWHERE. Children, too, should CONSTANTLY FOSTER THIS WORD AMONG THEMSELVES. I should really say something about the sleep of the virgins and about the setting out of the Bridegroom for the wedding. But the hour is late. Another time. May God be gracious to us! Amen. …”- The First Champion of the Protestant Faith, Blessed Martin Luther’s Sermon which was translated in 2013 by the Rev. Paul A. Rydecki, On Faith and Good Works, Preached in Erfurt at St. Michaeliskirche on the Day of the 11,000 Virgins (October 21st), 1522)


Source: http://www.godwithuslc.org/luther-sermon-for-trinity-27/




If you notice carefully:


1) The “everlasting punishment” part in these Creeds only came in late about the 5th century onward as evidenced in the “Athanasian Creed” where both the earlier Creeds of the “Nicene Creed” & “Apostle’s Creed” only mention “Life Everlasting”. So those Christians were saved believing that only. Note: I have no problem believing in the everlasting punishment of the wicked.


2) Roman Catholics like to Quote St. Irenaeous of Lyon’s Holy Catholic Church Faith as follows:


“… The Catholic Church possesses one and the same faith throughout the whole world, as we have already said. …”  – Blessed St. Irenaeous of Lyons, a Hearer of Blessed St. Polycarp who is an Apostolic Father being the Disciple of Blessed St. John who wrote the Book of Revelation (c. 130 AD – c. 202 AD)


*Catholic Church = Universal Church (at that time)


3) Here are some parts of that “Universal Faith” which “St. Irenaeous of Lyons” believed in which even some of the Roman Catholics/Orthodox or even Protestants may “not” believe “nor” fully know either, to quote:


  1. i) Chiliasm


St. Irenaeous of Lyons believed in “Chiliasm” which is rejected by the Roman Catholic Church today


“… Millennialism was taught by various earlier writers such as Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Tertullian, Commodian, Lactantius, Methodius, and Apollinaris of Laodicea in a form now called premillennialism.[9] According to religious scholar Rev. Dr. Francis Nigel Lee,[10] “Justin’s ‘Occasional Chiliasm’ sui generis which was strongly anti-pretribulationistic was followed possibly by Pothinus in A.D. 175 and more probably (around 185) by Irenaeus”. … Melito of Sardis is frequently listed as a second century proponent of premillennialism.[12] The support usually given for the supposition is that “Jerome [Comm. on Ezek. 36] and Gennadius [De Dogm. Eccl., Ch. 52] both affirm that he was a decided millenarian.”[13] In the early third century, Hippolytus of Rome … Around 220, there were some similar influences on Tertullian, although only with very important and extremely optimistic (if not perhaps even postmillennial) modifications and implications. On the other hand, “Christian Chiliastic” ideas were indeed advocated in 240 by Commodian; in 250 by the Egyptian Bishop Nepos in his Refutation of Allegorists; in 260 by the almost unknown Coracion; and in 310 by Lactantius. Into the late fourth century, Bishop Ambrose of Milan had millennial leanings (Ambrose of Milan. Book II. On the Belief in the Resurrection, verse 108). Lactantius is the last great literary defender of chiliasm in the early Christian church. …”


Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Millennialism


My bet is on the “Millennialism” or “Chiliasm” Doctrine being True and I don’t condemn Christians who don’t believe in it because:


“… I admitted to you formerly, that I and many others are of this opinion, and [believe] that such will take place, as you assuredly are aware; but, on the other hand, I signified to you that many who belong to the pure and pious faith, and are true Christians, think otherwise. …” – Blessed St. Justin Martyr (c. 100AD – c. 160 AD, Dialogue with Trypho the Jew, Chapter 110)


Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Millennialism


Example Chiliasm Quote (this exact same quote below is also quoted by St. Irenaeous of Lyons in his book ‘Against Heresies’, Book 5, Chapter Chapter XXXVI, Points 1 – 2, 3):


“… As the presbyters say, then those who are deemed worthy of an abode in heaven shall go there, others shall enjoy the delights of Paradise, and others shall possess the splendour of the city; for everywhere the Saviour will be seen, according as they shall be worthy who see Him. But that there is this distinction between the habitation of those who produce an hundredfold, and that of those who produce sixty-fold, and that of those who produce thirty-fold; for the first will be taken up into the heavens, the second class will dwell in Paradise, and the last will inhabit the city; and that on this account the Lord said, “In my Father’s house are many mansions:” …” – Blessed St. Papias, Bishop of Hierapolis, an Apostolic Father being the Disciple of the Blessed St. John the Apostle (c. 60 AD – c. 163 AD)


Source: http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/text/papias.html


Roman Catholic “Chiliasm” Rejection example Quote:


“… One popular Catholic apologetic resource states, “As far as the millennium goes, we [Catholics] tend to agree with Augustine and, derivatively, with the amillennialists… . In the 1940s the Holy Office judged that premillennialism ‘cannot safely be taught,’ though the Church has not dogmatically defined this issue.”1 On the other hand, one writer commenting on the history of millennial thought notes, “Following Augustine, the Church had long believed that the reign of the saints foretold by Revelation was already in operation through its own good offices, and shown little enthusiasm for the idea that Christ would return imminently to set up an earthly kingdom: indeed, the Council of Ephesus declared such a belief heretical in 431 …”





Under this Chiliasm Timeline, I considered a possibility that there could be an Unsolved Mystery  – Is there Possible Gospel Hope for some Unbelieving Non Christians if Hell is Eternal? in a Free e-Book PDF Link:




Note: I do “not” Teach the above as Doctrine because I’m “not” sure  but I just exercise it as a “possibility” in thought these days, nothing more letting God Decide it  & I will accept His Decision when He Reveals it One Day either way.


  1. ii) Aeons/Ages/Olams to Come


The Biblical Concept that there are AGES to COME literally (Ephesians 2:7) is supported by St. Irenaeous himself (who was a direct Disciple of St. Polycarp who in turn was a Disciple of the Blessed St. John the apostle himself) to quote:


“… we [True Christians] ourselves, when at the giving of thanks we pronounce the words, “To Aeons of Aeons” [Revelation 20:10] do set forth these Aeons. And, in fine, wherever the words Aeon or Aeons occur, they at once refer them to these beings. …” – Blessed St. Irenaeous, Bishop of Lyons, a Hearer of Blessed St. Polycarp the Disciple of Blessed St. John who wrote the Book of Revelation (c. 130 AD – c. 202 AD, ‘Against Heresies’, Chapter III, Book I)


Translation Source:




Comment: St. Irenaeous clearly refers to time as the “Aeon” (singular) and “Aeons” (Plural) in his last quote above & dispels the Gnostic Myth that these refer to some creatures (beings). So the next ‘age (Aeon/Olam) to come’ is followed by at least one more age/aeon/olam to come due to ‘plural’ usage in Scripture in Ephesians 2:7.


This brings up the “Possibility” that the “Aeonian Judgment” in Matthew 25:31 – 46 may refer to ‘Judgment to that Age’ instead of ‘eternity’ where the ‘Aeonian Life’ likewise  might be compared in contrast granted to the righteous in that age. It in no way limits the “Eternal” Life which continues into the “ages to come” by Christ to us. However is such an interpretation of ‘possible’ Universalism possible from St. Irenaeous’ writings? (since we are quoting the ‘same Catholic Faith’ as St. Irenaeous as per quote at the start). Indeed, here is a “possible” one:


“… Christ, who was called the Son of God before the ages [Aeons], was manifested in the fulness of time, in order that He might cleanse us through His blood, who were under the power of sin, presenting us as pure sons to His Father, if we yield ourselves obediently to the chastisement of the Spirit. And in the end of time He shall come to do away with all evil, and to reconcile all things [Colossians 1:16, 20], in order that there may be an end of all impurities. … ” – Blessed St. Irenaeous, Bishop of Lyons, a Hearer of Blessed St. Polycarp the Disciple of Blessed St. John who wrote the Book of Revelation (c. 130 AD – c. 202 AD, Fragment XXXIX, FRAGMENTS FROM THE LOST WRITINGS OF IRENAEUS)


Translation Source:




Comment: In light of St. Irenaeous understanding the concept of “ages to come” likewise, it’s possible that he believed in Christ Centered Universalism as the quote above shows. Also, his other “Eternal Punishment” type of quotes may thus refer to the “Aeonian Judgment” meant to that particular Aeon & mistranslated as Eternal in English if this interpretation is true. So, that’s why I don’t Teach this part as Doctrine because I don’t know which is the True Meaning of this Original Koine Greek Word in this usage but most likely the traditional eternal Hell interpretation may be true as most Christians believe that. I let God Decide One Day and accept His Decision either way (1 Corinthians 4:5).


iii) Shadow of Death


“… For as the Lord “went away in the midst of the SHADOW of DEATH” [Ps. 23:4], where the SOULS of the DEAD were …” – Blessed St. Irenaeous, Bishop of Lyons, a Hearer of Blessed St. Polycarp the Disciple of Blessed St. John who wrote the Book of Revelation  (c. 130 AD – c, 202 AD, ‘Against Heresies’, Book 5, Chapter XXXI:2)


Source: http://www.regels.org/Irenaeus-Millennarism.htm


St. Irenaeous clearly believes that the “Shadow of Death” phrase refers to the Spirit World Context (Definition) in his quote above based on which other Bible Verses using that same phrase can mean possible Salvation from Hades (Hell now) as discussed in link below (too much details to quote here):




  1. iv) Trinity


Some Protestants celebrate “Unitarian” Doctrines which deny the “Classical Trinity Concept” but have ‘their own trinity versions’ in  contrast to St. Irenaeous of Lyons who is clearly a  Classical Trinitarian:


“… For “the beginning” is in the Father, and of the Father, while “the Word” is in the beginning, and of the beginning. Very properly, then, did he say, “In the beginning was the Word,” for He was in the Son; “and the Word was with God,” for He was the beginning; “and the Word was God,” of course, for that which is begotten of God is God. …  The fallacy, then, of this exposition is manifest. For when John, proclaiming one God, the Almighty, and one Jesus Christ, the Only-begotten, by whom all things were made, declares that this was the Son of God, this the Only-begotten, this the Former of all things, this the true Light who enlighteneth every man this the Creator of the world, this He that came to His own, this He that became flesh and dwelt among us …” – Blessed St. Irenaeous, Bishop of Lyons, a Hearer of Blessed St. Polycarp the Disciple of Blessed St. John who wrote the Book of Revelation  (c. 130 AD – c, 202 AD, ‘Against Heresies’, Book I, Chapter VIII, Point 5 & Chapter IX, Point 2)








“… “The Church, though dispersed throughout the whole world, even to the ends of the earth, has received from the apostles and their disciples this faith: . . . one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven, and earth, and the sea, and all things that are in them; and in one Christ Jesus, the Son of God, who became incarnate for our salvation; and in the Holy Spirit, who proclaimed through the prophets the dispensations of God, and the advents, and the birth from a virgin, and the passion, and the resurrection from the dead, and the ascension into heaven in the flesh of the beloved Christ Jesus, our Lord, and His manifestation from heaven in the glory of the Father ‘to gather all things in one,’ and to raise up anew all flesh of the whole human race, in order that to Christ Jesus, our Lord, and God, and Savior, and King, according to the will of the invisible Father, ‘every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth, and that every tongue should confess; to him, and that He should execute just judgment towards all . …” – Blessed St. Irenaeous, Bishop of Lyons, a Hearer of Blessed St. Polycarp the Disciple of Blessed St. John who wrote the Book of Revelation  (c. 130 AD – c, 202 AD, (Against Heresies X.l) )






  1. v) Post Tribulation Rapture


Example quote:


“… For all these and other words were unquestionably spoken in reference to the resurrection of the just, which takes place after the coming of Antichrist, and the destruction of all nations under his rule; in [the times of] which [resurrection] the righteous shall reign in the earth, waxing stronger by the sight of the Lord: and through Him they shall become accustomed to partake in the glory of God the Father, and shall enjoy in the kingdom intercourse and communion with the holy angels, and union with spiritual beings; and [with respect to] those whom the Lord shall find in the flesh, awaiting Him from heaven, and who have suffered tribulation, as well as escaped the hands of the Wicked one which, when they overcome they are crowned with incorruption. …” – Blessed St. Irenaeous of Lyons, a Hearer of Blessed St. Polycarp who is an Apostolic Father being the Disciple of Blessed St. John who wrote the Book of Revelation (c. 130 AD – c. 202 AD, ‘Against Heresies’, Book 5, Chapter XXXV, Point 1)


Translation Source:




St. Irenaeous clearly believed in Post-Tribulation Rapture but sometimes is misquoted by ‘Pre-tribulation rapture believers’ as it’s discussed in detail in post in link below:








Even the Protestant Reformers all believed in Post-Tribulation Rapture and thus if the foolish virgins refers to ‘those who didn’t believe in Pre-Trib Rapture’ as some modern churches claim, then neither is Martin Luther (the first Protestant), John Calvin (authour of 5-Point Calvinism) or even John Wesley (founder of Methodism) or Charles Spurgeon (the Prince of Preachers) is saved because each of these believed in “Post-Tribulation Rapture” only as discussed further in link below:




  1. vi) Shepherd of Hermas


St. Irenaeous accepted the ‘Shepherd of Hermas’ Writing as “Scripture”, to quote:


“… Truly, then, the Scripture declared, which says,  “First of all believe that there is one God, who has established all things, and completed them, and having caused that from what had no being, all things should come into existence. He who contains all things, and is Himself contained by no one.” [Book 2, First Commandment, of the Shepherd of Hermas]. Rightly also has Malachi said among the prophets: “Is it not one God who hath established us? Have we not all one Father?” …”  – Blessed St. Irenaeous of Lyons, a Hearer of Blessed St. Polycarp who is an Apostolic Father being the Disciple of Blessed St. John who wrote the Book of Revelation (c. 130 AD – c. 202 AD, 4.20.2. of Adversus Haereses)


Source: http://www.ntcanon.org/Irenaeus.shtml


Please notice that this same ‘Shepherd of Hermas’ (which if Scripture according to the First Bible Canon called the Muratorian Canon*) has the following Verse describing “Purgatory” (for some, which includes the ‘unbaptized’ as well which opens up some possibilities of the ‘non-Elect Salvation’ discussed earlier which may just be a ‘General Salvation’ as opposed to the ‘Elect Salvation’ full of Glory), example quote:


“… Do you wish to know who are the others which fell near the waters, but could not be rolled into them? These are they who have heard the word, and wish to be baptized in the name of the Lord; but when the chastity demanded by the truth comes into their recollection, they draw back, and again walk after their own wicked desires.” .She finished her exposition of the tower. But I, shameless as I yet was, asked her, “Is repentance possible for all those stones which have been cast away and did not fit into the building of the tower, and will they yet have a place in this tower?” “Repentance,” said she, “is yet possible, but in this tower they cannot find a suitable place. But in another and much inferior place they will be laid, and that, too, only when they have been tortured and completed the days of their sins. And on this account will they be transferred, because they have partaken of the righteous Word. And then only will they be removed from their punishments when the thought of repenting of the evil deeds which they have done has come into their hearts. But if it does not come into their hearts, they will not be saved, on account of the hardness of their heart.” …” – Shepherd of Hermas (Chapter VII, Third Vision, Translated by another Well Known Scholar Mr. Roberts-Donaldson)


Source: http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/text/shepherd.html


A detailed discussion is given in link below:


https://www.facebook.com/jonathan.ramachandran/posts/101594398203927 84


St. Irenaeous is “not” the only one who saw the ‘Shepherd of Hermas’ as Scripture but many till today too as the post below gives such a historical view in detail:




vii) Charity Doctrine


St. Irenaeous clearly believed in the Charity Doctrine Lifestyle:


“…  As long as any one has the means of doing good to his neighbours, and does not do so, he shall be reckoned a stranger to the love of the Lord.  …” – Blessed St. Irenaeous of Lyons, a Hearer of Blessed St. Polycarp who is an Apostolic Father being the Disciple of Blessed St. John who wrote the Book of Revelation (c. 130 AD – c. 202 AD)


Source: https://quotestats.com/topic/irenaeus-quotes/





So these examples especially the first one which is for certain itself proves that neither the Roman Catholic/Orthodox Christians are believing in “Chiliasm” generally “nor” are some protestants believing the Shepherd of Hermas as Scripture or his other quotes here but are using St. Irenaeous of Lyon’s quote of “following his same Catholic Faith” at his time which is clearly a “fallacy”.


Also, these gray areas of what exactly St. Irenaeous believed in these aspects do “not” affect Salvation of a believer as the earlier Creeds itself have shown.


Last but not least, please notice carefully that “eschatology doctrines” (Endtime Prophecy Timeline Studies) are NOT listed in any of these Creeds meaning getting it right on interpretation on such things do “not” affect Salvation at all. The most famous example would be Blessed Martin Luther the First Protestant himself who didn’t even believe in the Book of Revelation as Scripture but allowed it because other Christians believed so:


“… “To my mind it (the book of the Apocalypse) bears upon it no marks of an apostolic or prophetic character… Everyone may form his own judgment of this book; as for myself, I feel an aversion to it, and to me this is sufficient reason for rejecting it.” …” – Blessed Martin Luther, First Champion of the Protestant Faith


Source (with Luther’s Original Words in full discussed from a Reformed Protestant Quote link too in link below):




May God have Mercy on whomever He Wills.



“… The Catholic Church possesses one and the same faith throughout the whole world, as we have already said. …” – Blessed St. Irenaeous, Bishop of Lyons, a Hearer of Blessed St. Polycarp the Disciple of Blessed St. John who wrote the Book of Revelation (c. 130 AD – c. 202 AD)





Please also carefully note that St. Irenaeous of Lyons DOES NOT HAVE ONE PRAYER to “Virgin MARY” NOR the “saints” in any of his writings “NOR” any iconography which proves that these have NOTHING to do with the TRUE ORIGINAL CATHOLIC (UNIVERSAL) Christian Faith.


This also proves that the Roman Catholic/Orthodox have “not” changed St. Irenaeous’ writings as some protestants claim because some of the difference in their theology itself is evident clearly in his writings quoted here.


Let’s see if St. Irenaeous was believing the heresy or the modern church in which it differs One Day when God Reveals it.


Peace to you





St. Methodius reveals that Virginity is not in “body only” but other aspects too


Source Post:



“… Nor if he have STRONGLY RESISTED THE DESIRES OF the SENSES, BUT IS LIFTED UP WITH VAINGLORY, and from this cause is able to repress the Heats Of Burning Lust, and reckon them all as nothing, can he be thought to honour chastity; for HE DISHONOURS IT in that he is lifted up with pride, CLEANSING THE OUTSIDE OF THE CUP AND PLATTER, THAT IS, THE FLESH AND THE BODY, but INJURING THE HEART BY CONCEIT AND AMBITION. Nor when ANY ONE IS CONCEITED OF RICHES is HE DESIROUS OF HONOURING CHASTITY; he DISHONOURS IT MORE THAN ALL, preferring a little gain to that to which nothing is comparable of those things that are in this life esteemed. For all riches and gold in respect of it are as a little sand. Wisdom 7:9 And neither does he WHO LOVES HIMSELF ABOVE MEASURE, and eagerly CONSIDERS THAT WHICH IS EXPEDIENT FOR HIMSELF ALONE, REGARDLESS OF THE NECESSITIES OF HIS NEIGHBOUR, honour chastity, but HE ALSO DISHONOURS IT. For he who has REPELLED FROM HIMSELF CHARITY, MERCY, AND HUMANITY, is MUCH INFERIOR TO THOSE WHO HONOURABLY EXERCISE CHASTITY. Nor is it right, on the one hand, by the use of chastity to keep virginity, and, on the other hand, to pollute the soul by evil deeds and lust; nor here to profess purity and continence, and there to pollute it by indulgence in vices. Nor, again, here TO DECLARE THAT THE THINGS OF THIS WORLD BRING NO CARE TO HIMSELF; THERE TO BE EAGER IN PROCURING THEM, and IN CONCERN ABOUT THEM. But all the members are to be preserved intact and free from corruption; NOT ONLY THOSE WHICH ARE SEXUAL, but those members also which minister to the service of lusts. For it would be ridiculous to preserve the organs of generation pure, but not the tongue; or to preserve the tongue, but neither the eyesight, the ears, nor the hands; or lastly, to preserve these pure, but not the mind, defiling it with pride and anger. …”  – Blessed St. Methodius of Olympus,  bishop in Lycia. Little is known of his life. He was apparently put to death in the Diocletianic persecution. Only a small part of his extensive writing survives. The ‘Symposium [Banquet], or On Chastity’, also known as the ‘Banquet of the Ten Virgins’, extols virginity. In a treatise on the Resurrection, he took issue with Origen and upheld the identity of the resurrection body with that worn in this life. His work on Free Will is a defence of human liberty against the fatalism of the Gnostics (died c. 311 AD, Banquet of the Ten Virgins, Discourse 11, Chapter 1)


Source: https://www.newadvent.org/fathers/062311.htm





Please consider his selected quotes from above, as St. Methodius explains to understand  that “Virginity” or “Chastity” / “Purity” has many aspects for example:


1) Keeping Holy in the flesh but being Prideful because of it or other reasons dishonours chastity


“… Nor if he have STRONGLY RESISTED THE DESIRES OF the SENSES, BUT IS LIFTED UP WITH VAINGLORY, and from this cause is able to repress the Heats Of Burning Lust, and reckon them all as nothing, can he be thought to honour chastity; for HE DISHONOURS IT in that he is lifted up with pride …” – St. Methodius


2) Outward Holiness alone is “not” Virginity




Comment: The phrase used by St. Methodius above “… CLEANSING THE OUTSIDE OF THE CUP AND PLATTER, THAT IS, THE FLESH AND THE BODY …” is also used by Christ in Verses below where the Solution is the “Charity Doctrine” of “Give Alms/Charity” to “Clean All” (hence outside holiness without the Charity Doctrine is “not” Virginity of Scripture yet in ‘Lord Jesus Christ’s Own Most Blessed Words below’ ):


“… [ 39Then the Lord said to him, ] “Now you Pharisees make the OUTSIDE OF THE CUP and DISH CLEAN, but YOUR INWARD PART is full of [k]GREED and WICKEDNESS. 40FOOLISH ones! Did not He who made the outside make the inside also? 41But rather GIVE ALMS of [l]SUCH THINGS AS YOU HAVE; then indeed ALL THINGS ARE CLEAN TO YOU.  …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 11:39 – 41, NKJV)


3) The “Worst” thing which defiles “Chastity” is “desire for riches” according to St. Methodius


“… Nor when ANY ONE IS CONCEITED OF RICHES is HE DESIROUS OF HONOURING CHASTITY; he DISHONOURS IT MORE THAN ALL, preferring a little gain to that to which nothing is comparable of those things that are in this life esteemed. For all riches and gold in respect of it are as a little sand. Wisdom 7:9  …” – St. Methodius


4) The amount of “Chastity or Virginity” preserved is proportional also to the amount of the “Charity Doctrine Lifestyle” lived according to St. Methodius




5) To keep chastity one must keep away from “Vices” and preserve the “other senses pure” too according to St. Methodius


“… Nor is it right, on the one hand, by the use of chastity to keep virginity, and, on the other hand, to pollute the soul by evil deeds and lust; nor here to profess purity and continence, and there to pollute it by indulgence in vices. … But all the members are to be preserved intact and free from corruption; NOT ONLY THOSE WHICH ARE SEXUAL, but those members also which minister to the service of lusts. For it would be ridiculous to preserve the organs of generation pure, but not the tongue; or to preserve the tongue, but neither the eyesight, the ears, nor the hands; or lastly, to preserve these pure, but not the mind, defiling it with pride and anger. …” – St. Methodius





6) “Virginity/Chastity” is defiled by “desiring this World’s things as the Prosperity Gospel claims it as blessings instead” in contrast to St. Methodius’ warning (please see the verse in image too, 1 John 2:15)




Comment: St. Methodius’ quotes here prove also the dangers of the “Prosperity” Gospel in each points above and defiles the “Virginity/Chastity” of “Holiness” as even 1 John 2:15 or Christ’s Direct Words Warn in Luke 11:39 – 41 as “Alms/Charity” from “what you have” is the opposite to “Prosperity/Self-indulgence”. The result of these dangers can be destruction if we are not careful and in not so serious cases, corruption or loss of rewards.

May God Help us.



Peace to you




Christ only Spoke of Treasures in Heaven to be obtained via the Charity Doctrine Lifestyle


Source Post:



One can be saved by believing in Him, but Christ never promised “Treasure in Heaven” for believing in Him only but rather clearly pointed out the “Charity Doctrine Lifestyle” to obtain it as a transaction for our “earthly treasures” (if anyone says otherwise, please ask for a Verse because to lose these “unfailing Treasures in Heaven” would be eternal or “Unfailing” and if anyone looks down on “Christ’s Own Words below (not mine)”, then they truly don’t deserve it):


1) No such thing as being rich both on earth and in Heaven under the New Testament


One cannot be rich in both heaven and earth at the same time under the New Covenant


“… 15But He said to them, “Beware, and be on your guard against every form of greed; for NOT EVEN when ONE IS AFFLUENT does his life CONSIST OF HIS POSSESSIONS.”  … 21 So is he who LAYS UP TREASURE FOR HIMSELF, and is NOT RICH TOWARD GOD …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 12:15, 21, NKJV)


Comment: The past rich man of God such as David or others also had “more than one wife” which is prohibited under the New Testament. And so similarly, them being rich likewise without the Charity Doctrine Lifestyle cannot be applied under this New Covenant as Christ clearly Reveals in Verses above in this Context:


“… 30Truly, these times of ignorance God overlooked, but now commands all men everywhere to repent, …” (Acts 17:30, NKJV)



2) Heart and Treasure in Heaven link


Your heart is literally where your treasure is and no one can do a ‘new way’ against Scripture


“… 19“DO NOT LAY UP FOR YOURSELVES TREASURES ON EARTH, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; 20but LAY UP FOR YOURSELVES TREASURES IN HEAVEN, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21For WHERE YOUR TREASURE IS, THERE YOUR HEART WILL BE ALSO. …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 6:19 – 21, NKJV)


Comment: The ‘Prosperity Gospel’ clearly breaks all these Commands of Christ because one cannot have both treasure on earth and in heaven as Christ Himself Says so clearly in these Verses but yet people believe that, so strange isn’t it? For example please notice the first line here “… DO NOT LAY UP FOR YOURSELVES TREASURES ON EARTH,  …” which any Prosperity Gospel Teaching teaches the “opposite”.


3) Transaction for the Unfailing Treasures in Heaven


The “unfailing Treasures in Heaven” is only via the “Charity Doctrine Lifestyle” as Christ Himself Teaches below


“… 31“But SEEK HIS KINGDOM, and THESE THINGS will be ADDED TO YOU. 32“Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has chosen gladly to give you the kingdom. 33“SELL YOUR POSSESSIONS and GIVE TO CHARITY; make yourselves money belts which do not wear out, an UNFAILING TREASURE IN HEAVEN, where no thief comes near nor moth destroys. 34“For WHERE YOUR TREASURE IS, THERE YOUR HEART WILL BE ALSO. 35“Be dressed in readiness, and KEEP YOUR LAMPS LIT. …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 12:31 – 35, NASB)




4) Perfection


Perfection of Christianity is “not” in even Keeping “All the Torah (Law) which includes religious attendance of synagogue/church, prayers, fasting etc.” But rather in the ‘Charity Doctrine’ of “Sell what you have to Give to the POOR” to attain to that Mysterious “Treasures in Heaven” as again, Christ Himself Directly Taught in Verses below too (as the ‘Highest Spiritual Growth’ since Christ calls it “Perfect”):


“… 20The young man said to Him, “All these things I have kept [g]from my youth. WHAT DO I STILL LACK?” 21JESUS said to him, “If you want to be PERFECT, GIVE to the POOR, and YOU WILL HAVE TREASURE IN HEAVEN; and come, FOLLOW ME.” 22But when the young man heard that saying, he went away SORROWFUL, for he had GREAT POSSESSIONS. 23Then JESUS said to His disciples, “Assuredly, I say to you that it is HARD for a RICH MAN TO ENTER THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN. 24And AGAIN I say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. …” (Matthew 19:20 – 24, NKJV)


Please also notice that Christ didn’t Say sell what you have and give to the “synagogue” or to the “rich friends or family” but only to the “poor” (whether they be a stranger or someone you know or a poor pastor, poor family member or poor friends as long as they’re the “poor”). The Verses 22 to 24 clearly depicts that to “Inherit this Treasure in Heaven” (i.e. to “Enter the KINGDOM OF HEAVEN”) is only via the Charity Doctrine as Christ never Said any other act as a transaction for its inheritance part.


Please notice that Christ also clearly warned that it is “hard” for a “rich” man to enter Heaven meaning that the context of entering Heaven is harder with “much riches” and the it’s “possible” to be saved but beyond that to enter heaven, the level of “possibility” required is ‘the easier miracle of a camel to go through the eye of the needle’. Indeed, this is what differentiates the “few” saved to “Enter Heaven to inherit it” as Christ Reveals it so clearly here.


We don’t need to sell all because that’s for the “Hundredfold” Reward of Inheritance (e.g. Matthew 19:278 – 30) but we may share according to our ability in regards to this Charity Doctrine Lifestyle and thereby attain “our reward level of Inheritance of Heaven as believers respectively”. Please notice that the Charity Doctrine lifestyle does “not” give you Salvation which is by God’s Grace in Christ but it determines “your reward level/inheritance in the Kingdom of Heaven level” clearly as these Verses Reveal so clearly.

Here is an example of a ‘Rich Man’ who is Saved in the Bible who did this (where some Christians laugh at Zacchaeus story but others don’t because we know that we cannot even do what he did which is ‘give half to the poor’ and restore fourfold to each one he wronged), Verses:


“… 5And when Jesus came to the place, He looked up [a]and saw him, and said to him, “Zacchaeus, [b]make haste and come down, for today I must stay at your house.” 6So he [c]made haste and came down, and received Him joyfully. 7But when they saw it, they all [d]complained, saying, “He has gone to be a guest WITH A MAN WHO IS A SINNER.” 8Then Zacchaeus stood and said to the Lord, “LOOK, LORD, I GIVE HALF OF MY GOODS TO THE POOR; AND IF I HAVE TAKEN ANYTHING FROM ANYONE BY FALSE ACCUSATION, I RESTORE FOURFOLD.” 9And JESUS SAID TO HIM, “TODAY SALVATION HAS COME TO THIS HOUSE, because he also is a son of Abraham; 10for THE SON OF MAN has come TO SEEK AND TO SAVE THAT WHICH WAS LOST.” …” (Luke 19:5 – 10, NKJV)


Charity Doctrine is Christ’s Command toward “Perfection” (Matthew 19:21) and so how much we do it may prove ‘how much we Love Christ back in return’ in Principle of Verse below:


“… If you love Me, Keep My Commandments …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (John 14:15, NKJV)


That’s why I admire the ‘Church Fathers’ and Christians who have lived like that across the denominations as the Sign of the Holy Spirit is “not” gifts but how much of “His Commands” we “can Obey by His Help” as this Verse clearly proves where how much more the highest commands of “PERFECTION” as Christ Calls this ‘Charity Doctrine Command to Sell what you have and GIVE TO THE POOR’ we can obey (in Matthew 19:21) fulfills the ‘Love God and your neighbour as yourself’ (Mark 12:29 – 31), Verses:


“… 13HOLD FAST The PATTERN OF SOUND WORDS which you have heard from me, in faith and love which are in Christ Jesus. 14That good thing which was committed to you, KEEP BY THE HOLY SPIRIT who dwells in us. …” (2 Timothy 1:13 – 14, NKJV)



“… 29JESUS answered him, “The [k]first of all the commandments is: ‘Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. 30And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ [l]This is the first commandment. 31And the second, like it, is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is NO OTHER COMMANDMENT GREATER THAN THESE.” …” (Mark 12:29 – 31, NKJV)


Yes, Christ never said that the “Anointing of the Holy Spirit” is greatest in the “Gifts such as healing, accurate prophecy or Bible Knowledge etc.” but in “Loving God and one’s Neighbour as oneself as Prove of it” as per Verses above and Blessed Apostle St. Paul clearly affirmed this same Biblical Truth that the “Way of Apage (Love Lifestyle)” is the Greatest Gift of the Holy Spirit (which is closely linked to the ‘Charity Doctrine lifestyle’) as Verses below clearly compare (and hence we should compare too) and conclude:


“… 27Now you are the body of Christ, and members individually. 28And God has appointed these in the church: first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, administrations, varieties of tongues. 29Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Are ALL WORKERS OF MIRACLES? 30DO ALL HAVE GIFTS OF HEALINGS? DO ALL SPEAK WITH TONGUES? Do all interpret? 31But earnestly desire the [i]best gifts. And YET I SHOW YOU A MORE EXCELLENT WAY. …” (1 Corinthians 12:27 – 30, NKJV)


Note: The “more Excellent Way” referred to in Verses above is the Way of Agape/Love which is described in the famous 1 Corinthians 13 passage which stands by itself and needs not “miracles” or “tongues” etc. as it is compared by the “Bible Verses” above (not my opinion) and so we know that it’s highest way there is better than all the gifts above. Now, Agape (“or Love of God”) in Action is Commanded and described in many verses as nothing more than “the Charity Doctrine of Giving & Sharing Tangible Earthly Goods Lifestyle” as per example Verse below (which agrees with the Judgment Day Verses in Matthew 25:31 – 46 next too):





“… 1And He looked up and saw the rich putting their gifts into the treasury, 2and He saw also a certain poor widow putting in two mites.[a] 3So He said, “TRULY I say to you that this POOR widow has put in MORE THAN ALL; 4for all these out of their abundance have put in offerings [b]for God, but she OUT OF HER POVERTY PUT IN ALL THE LIVELIHOOD THAT SHE HAD.” …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 21:1 – 4, NKJV)


Comment: God doesn’t look at the result nor the amount of giving but your love & relative measure which makes it ‘fair to all’ (as God has no Partiality) as the widow who gave only two coins which probably couldn’t feed any still gave more than all including the Rich’s giving which had tangible effects.


The Problem with modern Christianity is that we look high upon things which Christ “never” Praised once in the Gospel as ‘great’ and at the same time ‘look down’ at ‘things’ which Christ called as ‘Great’ in actual “Written Bible Verses” where Christ clearly Spoke more of the Charity Doctrine Acts of “Give/Share” even towards strangers and enemies more than any other religious acts (the other acts are ‘not even close in number when actually counted’ as per ‘how many Bible Verses by Christ Directly Speak of it?’). This is important if we really seek to ‘please Christ based on what He Wanted us to do most’:


“… But why do you call Me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and not do the things which I say? …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 6:46, NKJV)


5) Earthly Treasure hoarding in the Last Days can cause one to be unsaved


“… 1Come now, YOU RICH, weep and howl for your miseries that are coming upon you! 2Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are moth-eaten. 3Your GOLD and SILVER are corroded, and their corrosion will be a witness against you and will EAT YOUR FLESH LIKE FIRE. You have HEAPED up TREASURE in the LAST DAYS. … 5You have lived on the earth in PLEASURE and LUXURY; you have fattened your hearts as in a DAY of SLAUGHTER. …” – Blessed St. James the Just, First Bishop of Jerusalem (James 5:1 – 3, 5, NKJV)


Please notice carefully that in Verses above the phrase “eat your flesh like fire” (James 5:3) toward the “rich” Christians who “store treasure instead of sharing it in the last days” is used which seems to indicate possibility only the “spirit is saved” in the end context as this Verse below also may hint likewise (1 Peter 4:6) after both body + soul are destroyed in Gehenna for such (Matthew 10:28):

Berean Literal Bible


For to this END the GOSPEL was PROCLAIMED even to THE DEAD, so that they might be JUDGED indeed according to men in the FLESH, but they might LIVE in the SPIRIT according to God.


Source: https://biblehub.com/1_peter/4-6.htm


“… And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to DESTROY BOTH SOUL and BODY in HELL [Gehenna]. …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 10:28, NKJV)


This seems closely related to the concept of “Alms Delivers from Death” where “Riches profit not” where with this Verse we see that it’s because the “riches when not shared eats the flesh of the Resurrection for Judgment body away” (John 5:28 – 29) implying they’re most likely unsaved and may only be saved in spirit-state (1 Peter 4:6) or worse (let God Decide) as discussed in Appendix III on page 93 onward in free book in link below:




Please don’t take these Bible Verses lightly for the Judgment Sentence revealed doesn’t seem ‘light’.


Peace to you




Completed: 30 December 2021



Unsure of the Resurrection Doctrines?




It’s okay as neither did Martin Luther (The first protestant get it 100% right on these doctrines either).


Yes, even the First Protestant Champion of Faith, Blessed Martin Luther was confused regarding what ‘happens at death’ even and how much more of the Mysteries of the First and Second Resurrection if we couldn’t understand them perfectly.


In short, if Martin Luther himself can be saved whilst “not” knowing all these Doctrinal Points regarding the Resurrection and Judgment accurately, any protestant Christian can be saved likewise without knowing these parts perfectly either.


Source for image and detailed explanations:




For ‘charismatic Christians’ who sometimes think that they’re “infallible”, if Martin Luther was filled with the Most Blessed Holy Spirit of God, then how could he have made these obvious Doctrinal Errors? So in short, a doctrinal error doesn’t necessarily mean a person is  not Anointed with the Holy Spirit as the very example of Blessed Martin Luther (whom all Protestants agree must be saved regardless) points clearly here.


Peace to you






Mystery of the Oil in the Wise Virgins in Matthew 25:1  to 13 to Possibilities Uncertain


1) Why is this important?


A wrong meaning of the “oil” could lead to one being a foolish virgin and hence miss becoming “Christ’s Bride”


“… 1“Then the kingdom of heaven shall be likened to ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. 2Now five of them were wise, and five were foolish. 3Those who were foolish took their lamps and took no oil with them, 4but the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.  …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 25:1 – 4, NKJV)



2) Can the “Oil” refer to the Holy Spirit?


Many modern Christians claim so but if so, how would they explain the “buy and sell oil” part (since the Most Blessed Holy Spirit of God is “not” obtained via any earthly transaction):


“…  8And the foolish said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.’ 9But the wise answered, saying, ‘No, lest there should not be enough for us and you; but go rather to those who sell, and buy for yourselves.’ 10And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the wedding; and the door was shut. …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 25:8 – 10, NKJV)




  1. The phrase “… but go rather to those who sell, and buy for yourselves.’ 10And while they went to buy, …” above seems to indicate that the ‘foolish virgins’ went toward some earthly direction to buy when the door was shut implying it’s “not” in an Heavenly direction.


  1. The “to those who sell,” therefore may refer strongly as belonging to those on earth to whom such a transaction is to be made.


iii. If it’s just a metaphor and such a transaction cannot be made, Christ wouldn’t have implied a transaction as per the ‘Wise Virgins Spoke’ above, right? I mean it doesn’t seem logical that the ‘Wise Virgins’ would point to an earthly transaction of “… but go rather to those who sell, and buy for yourselves.’…” unless they themselves did it prior in their lifetime first and are revealing what they did.


  1. Also the foolish virgins upon hearing this also went to buy as this Verse Says, “… 10And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came, …”.


So I see that the “Oil” may most likely mean an Action which is Empowered by the Most Blessed Holy Spirit of God.


3) What action(s) could the “Oil” represent that a Person Filled with the Holy Spirit ought to do?


As discussed prior (on pages 27 to 33 in this book), it must refer to keeping of any Commandment of Christ (Matthew 7:24) to avoid the Denial of ‘I never you’ also quoted in this Parable (Matthew 25:12 tying this context together) where the main righteous acts of “your righteousness to exceed that of the Pharisees” with “Holiness” which Christ Specifically mentioned that are required to “Enter the Kingdom of the Heavens” (Matthew 5:20) while discussing the ‘Definition of Righteousness’ (in Matthew 6) during this same Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5 to Matthew 7) are:


  1. Charity Doctrine/Almsgiving (Matthew 6:1 – 4).


  1. Prayer (Matthew 6:5 – 15)


  1. Fasting (Matthew 6:15 – 18)


Comment: Without the Empowering of the Most Blessed Holy Spirit of God, one cannot do the above or do enough of it which may signify the “oil” when these Verses are viewed collectively under the Context of ‘Entering the Kingdom of Heaven’ as the ‘Fruit and not the Cause of Salvation which may evidently be seen by each in their own self examination of themselves’.


4) Context for Alms being the Foremost righteousness even exceeding prayer and fasting


Bible Verses Comparing Clearly that Almsgiving is Greater than Prayer/Fasting too are clearly discussed in Pages 300 to 305 in this same book and so I’m “not” going to repeat those Verses here.


5) Textual Evidence (Evidence Unseen except in the Original Language) – the meaning of “Oil” as signifying “Mercy”


  1. i) In the Original Koine Greek Bible, both these Words “Oil” and “Mercy” are linked by the ‘same root word’, example quote:


“… The word mercy in English is the translation of the Greek word eleos. This word has the same ultimate root as the old Greek word for oil, or more precisely, olive oil; a substance that, was used extensively as a soothing agent for bruises and minor wounds. The oil was poured into the wound and gently massaged in, thus soothing, comforting, and making whole the injured part.  The Hebrew word which is also translated as eleos and mercy is hesed, and means steadfast love. …”



Source: https://orthodoxtimes.com/the-meaning-of-kyrie-eleison/


  1. ii) Koine Greek Definitions of the Word Christ Used


  1. a) elaion: olive oil




Note: You can see that Matthew 25:3, 4, 8 clearly uses this word in list in link above just as Luke 10:34 does too.


Let’s reference it next as [Greek: elaion-“Oil” 1637] next for simplicity.


  1. b) eleos: mercy, pity, compassion




Let’s reference it next as [Greek: eleos-“Mercy” 1656] next for simplicity.


Note: This same word [Greek: eleos-“Mercy” 1656] is found in a crucial Verse below as God Himself has “Commanded” us to “find out its Meaning diligently”:


“… But if you had known what this means, ‘I DESIRE MERCY [Greek: eleos-“Mercy” 1656] AND NOT SACRIFICE,’ you would not have condemned the guiltless. …” (Matthew 12:7, NKJV)


6) Actual Usage by Christ in Matthew 25 and Luke 10


  1. i) Usage in the Wise vs Foolish Virgins Parable in Matthew 25:1 – 13


“… 1“Then the kingdom of heaven shall be likened to ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. 2Now five of them were wise, and five were foolish. 3Those who were foolish took their lamps and took NO OIL [Greek: elaion-“Oil” 1637]  WITH THEM, …  8And the foolish said to the wise, ‘Give us some of YOUR OIL [Greek: elaion-“Oil” 1637] , for our lamps are going out.’ 9But the wise answered, saying, ‘No, lest there should not be enough for us and you; but go rather to those who sell, and buy for yourselves.’ 10And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the wedding; and the door was shut. 11“Afterward the other virgins came also, saying, ‘Lord, Lord, open to us!’ 12But he answered and said, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, I DO NOT KNOW YOU.’ …” (Matthew 25:1 – 3, 8 – 12, NKJV)


Comment: God may “not” know anyone who is “Lawless” or doesn’t do “His Sayings” (Matthew 7:24) as He Declared likewise “I never knew you!” (in Matthew 7:20 – 23) toward a ‘fake Christianity which converted “many” via ‘Prophesying, Casting out Demons, and Miracles’. In comparison, please notice that Christ knew the ‘Surprised Sheep’ on Judgment Day (Matthew 25:31 – 36) even if that sheep may “not” have known Him fully or they may be theologically imperfect as they asked in Reply, “When did we see you Lord… etc.” but they all did the CHARITY DOCTRINE in response to ‘… when I was Hungry, Thirsty, Homeless, Naked, …’ (which is the “common ground” where Christ Declares that ‘He Knows them as His Sheep’ in those Verses clearly).


Also, Christ’s Usage of the “Samaritan” can refer to someone clearly with an ‘imperfect knowledge of God’ (John 4:21 – 22) but was saved on account of this ‘Charity Doctrine Lifestyle’ as His Own Words Prove in quote below next (in Luke 10:25 – 37’s Parable of the Good Samaritan where the “only oil” this Good Samaritan had was the ‘Charity Doctrine Lifestyle’ as Christ doesn’t comment on whether he prayed/fasted or was accurate theologically etc. proving this common ground argument as a strong possibility).


  1. ii) Usage in the Answer for “What to do for Eternal Life?” by Christ in Luke 10:25 – 37


“…  25And behold, a certain [h]lawyer stood up and tested Him, saying, “Teacher, WHAT SHALL I DO TO INHERIT ETERNAL LIFE?” … 33But a certain SAMARITAN, as he journeyed, came where he was. And when he saw him, he had compassion. 34So he went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on OIL [Greek: elaion-“Oil” 1637]  and wine; and he set him on his own animal, brought him to an inn, and took care of him.  … 36So which of these three do you think was neighbor to him who fell among the thieves?”  37And he said, “He who showed MERCY [Greek: eleos-“Mercy” 1656]  on him.” Then JESUS said to him, “GO AND DO LIKEWISE.” …” (Luke 10:25, 33 – 34, 36 – 37, NKJV)



iii) The “possible” link between these two passages


Both these Greek Words [Greek: elaion-“Oil” 1637] and [Greek: eleos-“Mercy” 1656] occur clearly in this Parable of the Good Samaritan (in Luke 10:25 – 37). Also both these root words are connected linguistically meaning that “the oil” in the “Parable of the 5 Wise and 5 Foolish Virgins” can also mean that “this oil” primarily refers to the “Acts of Mercy” which points to the ‘Charity Doctrine’ as per the Church Fathers’ quotes earlier which “not” only reflects the First Christianity position on it, but also the official Roman Catholic and Orthodox positions likewise on it too, example links:


  1. Roman Catholic View


“… The ten virgins with their lamps especially remind us of the community invited to dance for joy and celebrate the coming of the Bridegroom. It is the symbol of the Church called to wait joyfully for the coming of Christ. This symbol could remind us of the Jewish interpretation of the chorus of virgins in the Song of Songs: the disciples that carry the light of the Law (the Torah) and keep watch for the Messiah. The lamp however needs oil to continue to shine: it is the oil used to keep watch for and welcome the Bridegroom, the oil of welcoming. But oil is also what the Good Samaritan uses to heal the wounds of the man beaten down by life. And above all, oil is what is used to anoint and consecrate the Messiah, He for whom our hearts continuously hope. Therefore, oil is the symbol of very deep and very personal gestures.  …”






  1. Orthodox View


“…The virgins who had money, but no oil are those who did not fully invest their “talent” that the Master gave them.  St John Chrysostom teaches that the merchants who sell oil represent those in the world whom we assist with charitable action.  By being generous, we purchase “oil” for the age to come. The five maidens who were lacking oil either thought that they could take their worldly goods with them or they thought, “I’ll have time to repent and do good later.”  And so they procrastinated and, without warning, “fell asleep” until the sudden announcement of the bridegrooms arrival.  Realizing their works were not on par with the faith they professed, they attempted to borrow the good deeds of others.  But that cannot be done.  So, they scrambled to the market place and returned to find that it was too late.  The Bridegroom never knew them anyway. Other fathers, take a slightly different angle in interpreting it.  St. Gregory Palamas and St. Seraphim of Sarov note that all ten are called “virgins,” which means they lived in a state of virtuous actions, but not all ten entered the Kingdom.  Those who were outside of the Kingdom had good works, but did not acquire the grace of God. …”






Comment: For protestants (like me), just because it’s a non-protestant link it doesn’t mean it’s wrong because these same “non-protestants” also believe in “Eternal Hell” or “Trinity” too, and does that mean those are wrong? Thus what I am showing is that this interpretation was dominant in the Church and was the main interpretation until we reached these ‘last days Christianities’ which somehow some of them had ‘new meanings attached to this parable’.


iii. Example Protestant View that all Protestants must allow – Why? Because they all consider Martin Luther (the first protestant saved) and he preached this meaning


“… Therefore, let each one see to it that he has these two together: the OIL, which is TRUE FAITH and trust in Christ; and the LAMPS, the VESSEL, which is the OUTWARD SERVICE TOWARD YOUR NEIGHBOR. The WHOLE CHRISTIAN LIFE CONSISTS in THESE TWO THINGS things: BELIEVE GOD. HELP YOUR NEIGHBOR. The WHOLE GOSPEL TEACHES this. PARENTS should TELL IT TO THEIR CHILDREN at HOME and EVERYWHERE. Children, too, should CONSTANTLY FOSTER THIS WORD AMONG THEMSELVES. I should really say something about the sleep of the virgins and about the setting out of the Bridegroom for the wedding. But the hour is late. Another time. May God be gracious to us! Amen. …”- The First Champion of the Protestant Faith, Blessed Martin Luther’s Sermon which was translated in 2013 by the Rev. Paul A. Rydecki, On Faith and Good Works, Preached in Erfurt at St. Michaeliskirche on the Day of the 11,000 Virgins (October 21st), 1522


Source: http://www.godwithuslc.org/luther-sermon-for-trinity-27/


Note: Regardless if Martin Luther (above) quoted the “oil” and “lamp” as “faith” and “good works” respectively, it doesn’t change the meaning in essence that he is emphasizing clearly that the CHARITY DOCTRINE LIFESTYLE as signified in his phrase above as ‘OUTWARD SERVICE TOWARD YOUR NEIGHBOR’ is part of the “5 Wise Virgins” and he exhorts to “Preach it everywhere”, in his words “… BELIEVE GOD. HELP YOUR NEIGHBOR. The WHOLE GOSPEL TEACHES this. PARENTS should TELL IT TO THEIR CHILDREN at HOME and EVERYWHERE. Children, too, should CONSTANTLY FOSTER THIS WORD AMONG THEMSELVES. …”. So we preach likewise and cannot be condemned for it either as we are following Martin Luther in this.


Now please ask yourself: what are the odds (just like the Doctrine of Trinity), here we find the “Roman Catholics”, “the Orthodox” and even the “first Protestant (Martin Luther)” agreeing in essence with this Charity Doctrine meaning for this Parable of the 5 Wise and 5 Foolish Virgins not mentioning the ‘Church Fathers’ we have quoted and many more? are they all wrong? or are they all right since this is the ‘most obvious common ground that the Charity Doctrine Lifestyle is the Evidence of the “oil” in which the Wise Virgins will have according to each of these quotes here?’




7) Can the “Oil” be some modern church teaching such as ‘Pre-Trib rapture’?


Some modern Christians claim that only those who believe in Prre-Trib rapture will be the 5 Wise Virgins as the meaning of this Parable. I think this is “not” true because:


  1. None of the Church Fathers Taught this nor offered such an interpretation even as a possibility.


  1. Even the Protestant Reformers all believed in Post-Tribulation Rapture and thus if the foolish virgins refers to ‘those who didn’t believe in Pre-Trib Rapture’ as some modern churches claim, then neither is Martin Luther (the first Protestant), John Calvin (authour of 5-Point Calvinism) or even John Wesley (founder of Methodism) or Charles Spurgeon (the Prince of Preachers) is saved because each of these believed in “Post-Tribulation Rapture” only as discussed further in link below:




iii. The differences in doctrine among these great protestants themselves should show that it’s “not” a doctrine which signifies the “oil” but rather something which must be ‘common’ to ‘all saved Christians’ be it the ‘Church Fathers’ or ‘those Protestant Reformers’ or even us.





So the “Oil” must be “common” and referring to something which all “Church Fathers” and “Protestant Reformers” and others must have practiced.


The only common thing is certainly ‘holiness’ (but that may be signified by the word “Virginity”) which even the foolish virgins had & that’s why they’re still called “virgins” but were still unsaved.


How about the ‘Prayer, Fasting and Alms/Charity Doctrine’ (as Matthew 6 specified earlier)? Prayer and Fasting is quite common to each but the problem is Matthew 25:9 – 10’s phrase “…  but go rather to those who sell, and buy for yourselves.’ 10And while they went to buy, …” seem to indicate that this “oil” (Matthew 25:8) which “others sell” is most likely “not” a personal act like ‘Prayer & Fasting’ which doesn’t require ‘others to sell’ even parabolically.


Based on this the most likely candidate is certainly “Almsgiving” (or the ‘Charity Doctrine Lifestyle’) as only this involves ‘another outside person who sells directly’ (which parabolically can refer to the recipient of the ‘Acts of Mercy’ as per the ‘related root words’ of [Greek: elaion-“Oil” 1637] and [Greek: eleos-“Mercy” 1656] discussed earlier likewise)  which is the only thing which matches ‘all these given conditions’ and even the Context of Say Christ’s Response in the Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25 – 37) or Matthew 25:1 – 8’s Parable of the Wise & Foolish Virgins itself as later Judgment Day Verses in Matthew 25:31 – 46 all Speak of the Charity Doctrine Acts in Response to ‘… When I was hungry, thirsty, naked, homeless …’ only likewise.


Maybe that’s why early Church Fathers understood its meaning likewise as these example quotes show here (as I quoted more in the Free ebook, pdf titled “Parable of the 5 Wise and 5 Foolish Virgins”) next means (examples):



  1. St. John Chrysostom


“… Hom. lxxviii, In the foregoing parable the Lord set forth the punishment of the man who beat, and was drunk, and wasted [p. 844] his Lord’s goods; in this He declares his punishment who profits not, and does not prepare for himself abundantly the things of which he has need; FOR THE FOOLISGH VIRGINS HAD OUL, BUT NOT ENOUGH. … And He employs the character virgins in this parable to shew, that though virginity be a great thing, yet if it be not accompanied by works of mercy, it shall be cast out with the adulterers. … Or, The “OIL” DENOTES CHARITY, ALMS, and EVERY AID RENDERED TO THE NEEDY; the lamps denote the gifts of virginity; and He calls them “foolish,” because after having gone through the greater toil, they lost all for the sake of a less; for it is greater labour to overcome the desires of the flesh than of money. …  You see then how great merchants the poor are to us; but THE POOR ARE NOT THERE, but here, and THEREFORE WE MUST STORE UP OIL HERE, that we may have it to use there when occasion shall require. … That, “WHILE THEY WENT TO BUY,” shews that even, IF WE SHOULD BECOME MERCIFUL AFTER DEATH, IT WILL AVAIL US NOTHING to escape punishment, as it was no profit to the rich man, that he became merciful and careful about those who belonged to him. …” – Blessed St. John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople, Doctor of the Church, one of the Three Holy Hierarchs (c. 349 AD – c. 407 AD, Commentary on Matthew 25:1 – 13’s Parable of the Five Wise/Foolish Virgins in Catena Aurea)






  1. St. Hilary of Poitiers


“… The “OIL” IS THE FRUIT OF GOOD WORKS, the “vessels” are the human bodies in whose inward parts the treasure of a good conscience is to be laid up. …  At the trumpet signal they go forth to meet the bridegroom alone, for then shall the two be one, that is, the flesh and God, when the lowliness of the flesh shall be transformed into spiritual glory. … Or, the trimming their lamps is the return of their souls into their bodies, and their light is the consciousness of good works that shines forth, which is contained in the vessels of the body. … THEY THAT SELL ARE THE POOR, who, NEEDING THE ALMS OF THE FAITHFUL, made them that recompense which they desire, SELLING in return for the relief afforded to their wants, a consciousness of good works. This is the abundant fuel of an UNDYING LIGHT WHICH MAY BE BOUGHT AND STORED UP for the FRUITS OF MERCY. ... “The marriage” is the putting on of immortality, and the joining together corruption and incorruption in a new union. … Yet though the season of repentance is now past, the foolish virgins come and beg that entrance may be granted to them. …” …” –  Blessed St. Hilary of Poictiers, the “Athanasius of the West”, Doctor of the Church, The Champion of Trinity in the West (c. 310 AD – c. 368 AD, Commentary on Matthew 25:1 – 13’s Parable of the Five Wise/Foolish Virgins in Catena Aurea)






  1. St. Augustine of Hippo


“… Lib. 83 Quaest, Q59: Or, “The lamps” which they carry in their hands are their works, of which it was said above, “Let your works shine before men.” [Matt 5:16] … Or, by the five virgins, is denoted a five-fold continence from the allurements of the flesh; for our appetite must be held from gratification of the eyes, ears, smell, taste, and touch. And as this continence may be done before God, to please Him in inward joy of the conscience, or before men only to gain applause of men, five are called wise, and five foolish. Both are virgins, because both these men exercise continence, though from different motives. … Or, The “oil” denotes joy, according to that, “God hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness.” [Ps 45:7] He then whose joy springs not from this that he is inwardly pleasing to God, has no oil with him; for they have no gladness in their continent lives, [p. 846] save in the praises of men. “But the wise TOOK OIL with their lamps,” THAT IS, the GLADNESS OF GOOD WORKS, “in their vessels,” that is, they stored it in their heart and conscience, as the Apostle speaks, “Let every man prove himself, and then shall he have rejoicing in himself, and not in another.” [Gal 6:4] …  … ” – Blessed St. Augustine of Hippo, Doctor of the Church, who influenced virtually all of subsequent Western philosophy and Catholic theology, as well as a significant amount of Protestant theology (c. 354 AD – c. 430 AD,  Commentary on Matthew 25:1 – 13’s Parable of the Five Wise/Foolish Virgins in Catena Aurea)






An Edifying Comment: Surely these Church Fathers quoted here must be saved especially St. Augustine of Hippo (who is the Protestant’s favourite saint too) and hence preaching likewise as them in this cannot cause any Christian to be condemned either.


Acts of “Mercy” are understood by any human being whether illiterate or literate or whether rich or poor and so any Christian is “not” at an disadvantage in any way to “not” know it. I mean even without reading all these deeper insights with First Christianity quotes or the Original Koine Greek Bible Words here, any Christian easily would likewise understand the importance of “Love in Action” as the ‘Charity Doctrine Lifestyle’ by ‘Giving and Sharing’ with each other and all men regardless if they choose to do it or not (as per the Anointing of the Most Blessed Holy Spirit to Enable them likewise):


“… By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (John 13:35, NKJV)


Example: A ‘secretly racist Christian’ who pretends to mingle around (example) certainly cannot live this Love in Action or Charity Doctrine Lifestyle. In fact, in his heart, he may “not” even see a person (believer) of a different race as same as him. Personally I have seen some Christians like this where even in marriage (they don’t allow their sons or daughters to marry those of a different race/inferior race to them) but such also have held leadership positions in Churches for years. Some have repented while some have covered their ways in this but God Knows all. This can be a clear sign of the ‘foolish virgins type’ as this is an example of the ‘lack of Charity Doctrine too’ as they ‘lack God’s Love (Agape) clearly even if they pretend and do Charity’. Let God Judge but we understand it privately in theory so that by His Mercy we may repent of these if we are such within.


Why is this important?


Only the 5 Wise Virgins made it while the 5 Foolish Virgins did “not” make it to become “Christ’s Bride or the Christian Salvation”.


Only ‘the Bride of Christ’ is endowed with the “Celestial/Heavenly Resurrection Body”


“… 39ALL FLESH IS NOT THE SAME FLESH, but there is one kind [f]of flesh of men, another flesh of animals, another of fish, and another of birds. 40There are also [g]CELESTIAL BODIES and [h]TERRESTRIAL BODIES; but the GLORY of the CELESTIAL is one, and the GLORY of the TERRESTRIAL is another. 41There is one glory of the sun, another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars; for one star differs from another star in glory. 42So also is the RESURRECTION of THE DEAD.  …” (1 Corinthians 15:39 – 42, NKJV)




  1. CELESTIAL BODIES = relates or belong to “Heavenly bodies” (Christian Resurrection Bodies)


  1. TERRESTRIAL BODIES = relates to “earthly bodies” (some non-Christians who are saved’s resurrection bodies)



“… just as CHRIST also LOVED THE CHURCH and gave Himself for her, 26that He might [g]sanctify and cleanse her with the WASHING OF WATER by the WORD, 27that He might present her to Himself a GLORIOUS CHURCH, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish. …  be JOINED TO HIS WIFE, and the TWO SHALL BECOME ONE FLESH.” 32This is a GREAT MYSTERY, but I SPEAK CONCERNING CHRIST AND THE CHURCH …” (Ephesians 5:25 – 27, 31 – 32, NKJV)


Comment: Please notice that the phrase “… be JOINED TO HIS WIFE, and the TWO SHALL BECOME ONE FLESH.” 32This is a GREAT MYSTERY, but I SPEAK CONCERNING CHRIST AND THE CHURCH …”   = Only His Church or ‘His Bride’ becomes “One Flesh” with “Christ Himself” and the Bible here Hides the Glorious Details by just Saying it here as it will be a “Mystery”.


Note: The “terrestrial/earthly body salvation” for some other “nations who are saved with kings of the earth” (the word ‘earth’ signifying ‘terrestrial salvation’ with ‘terrestrial body too’) may be revealed in Verses below as they Visit the Heavenly City where ‘His Church/Bride is’ toward only those who are Written in the Lamb’s Book of Life, Verses:


“… Come, I will show you the [g]BRIDE, the LAMB’S WIFE.” 10And he carried me away in the Spirit to a great and high mountain, and SHOWED ME THE [H]GREAT CITY, the [I]HOLY JERUSALEM, DESCENDING OUT OF HEAVEN from God,  … 24And the NATIONS [N]OF THOSE WHO ARE SAVED shall walk in its light, and the KINGS OF THE EARTH bring their glory and honor [o]into it. 25Its gates shall not be shut at all by day (there shall be no night there). 26And they shall bring the glory and the honor of the nations into [p]it. 27But there shall by no means enter it anything [q]that defiles, or causes an abomination or a lie, but ONLY THOSE WHO ARE WRITTEN IN THE LAMB’S BOOK OF LIFE. …” (Revelation 21:8 – 10, 24 – 27, NKJV)


Another Comment: The ‘Bride of Christ’ and God seem to call out to ‘thirsty ones (on that Day)’ to be given the ‘Water of Life’ and be saved as a possible non-Elect Salvation in Verse below


“… And the SPIRIT and the BRIDE say, “Come!” And let him who hears say, “Come!” And LET HIM WHO THIRSTS COME. Whoever desires, let him TAKE THE WATER OF LIFE FREELY. …” – apostle John (Revelation 22:17, NKJV)


“… I will give of the fountain of the WATER OF LIFE FREELY TO HIM WHO THIRSTS. …” (Revelation 21:6, NKJV)


Let’s see this related Verse in full:


“… 6And He said to me, “It[c] is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. I will give of the fountain of the WATER OF LIFE FREELY TO HIM WHO THIRSTS. 7He WHO OVERCOMES [d]SHALL INHERIT ALL THINGS, and I will be his God and he shall be My son. 8But the cowardly, [e]unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.” …” (Revelation 21:6 – 8, NKJV)


I find it hard to see that Revelation 21:6 and Revelation 21:7 Speak of the ‘same’ People especially with Revelation 22:17 above which seem more likely to Speak of Saved-Christians calling out to some recently saved non-Christians as per details next. Three groups of people seem to mentioned distinctly and compared here namely:


  1. Christians whose Faith Overcomes the World with Doing His Commandments who alone become ‘His Sons’ who “inherit” all of the Kingdom in some way. (Revelation 21:7).


  1. Possible non-Christians who are relatively good but are sinners and only saved on Judgment Day (as they are still thirsting there, for ‘truth’ or ‘to believe after seeing’, Revelation 21:6).


iii. The ones whose names are “not” in the Book of Life and were cast into the Lake of Fire and hence NEVER enter the City (Revelation 21:8).




Peace to you



Faith includes the Renunciation of Earthly Treasures and Looking forward to Heavenly Treasures


Source Post:



Verses (in image too):




Which “Reward”? Hebrews 11 clearly Writes that it’s the “Heavenly City” (New Jerusalem City in the Heavens, Revelation 21:24 – 27) is the “Reward” all who have “faith” will look forward to “inherit”:


“… 13These ALL DIED IN FAITH, NOT HAVING RECEIVED THE PROMISES, but having seen them afar off [e]were assured of them, embraced them and CONFESSED THAT THEY WERE STRANGERS and PILGRIMS ON THE EARTH. 14For those who say such things DECLARE PLAINLY THAT THEY SEEK A HOMELAND. 15And truly if they had called to mind that country from which they had come out, they would have had opportunity to return. 16But now THEY DESIRE A BETTER, THAT IS, A HEAVENLY COUNTRY. THEREFORE GOD IS NOT ASHAMED TO BE CALLED THEIR GOD, for He has PREPARED A CITY FOR THEM. …” (Hebrews 11:13 – 16, NKJV)




1) The phrase “… 13These ALL DIED IN FAITH, NOT HAVING RECEIVED THE PROMISES,  …” means even if any of those with faith were ‘rich on earth’, their richness was “not” a reward of faith at all as the “only” reward all of them of the ‘true faith’ look forward to is the “Heavenly” (not Earthly Jerusalem) as Revelation 21:24 – 27 Describes Majestically.


2) If such an “Heavenly” Desire is “not” in us as Blessed Moses had it as it is Written ‘… for he LOOKED TO THE REWARD. …’ (Hebrews 11:26) referring to this Heavenly New Jerusalem One Day, we may “not” be those chosen of faith then.





In short, there’s “no” True Faith without some type of “Renunciation of Earthly Treasures” Doctrine as Christ Himself Directly Taught that without this aspect, it’s “impossible” to be “His Disciples” (as only a ‘fake faith’ claims ‘earthly treasures’ against these Bible Verses clearly where if any riches come, it’s “not” because of faith but just “Contentment” followed by “Giving/Sharing” too as He Commanded), Verses:


“… So likewise, whoever of you DOES NOT FORSAKE ALL that he has CANNOT BE MY DISCIPLE …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 14:33, NKJV)


In the ‘other manuscript’, it’s even more clear that the context is “leaving possessions” (not gaining them as the error of the Prosperity Gospel Teaches):


“… So then, NONE OF YOU CAN BE MY DISCIPLE who does NOT GIVE UP ALL HIS OWN POSSESSIONS …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 14:33, NASB)


Comment: Christ is Speaking Directly a condition here to be “His Disciple” without which we cannot be His Disciple. So if we value to be ‘His Disciple’, we must renounce all we have in some way. The “Degree of Renunciation” can merit either a Thirty-fold, Sixty-fold or Hundredfold Reward Level for Christians.


Context: The very interesting thing in “Luke 14:33” is that just as He Taught the above, a few Verses earlier, Christ Taught that the ‘Charity Doctrine’ type of “forsaking all may be the primary counting the cost” in the Context of Participating in the “Resurrection of the Just”, Verses:


“… 12Then He also said to him who invited Him, “When you give a dinner or a supper, do not ask your friends, your brothers, your relatives, nor rich neighbors, lest they also invite you back, and you be repaid. 13But WHEN YOU GIVE A FEAST, INVITE THE POOR, the [d]MAIMED, THE LAME, THE BLIND. 14And YOU WILL BE BLESSED, BECAUSE THEY CANNOT REPAY YOU; FOR YOU SHALL BE REPAID AT THE RESURRECTION OF THE JUST.” …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 14:12 – 14, NKJV)





Does that mean we have to give all our possessions away? There’s “no” must but rather willingly what we decide.


Yes, the level we forsake it would merit our rewards accordingly be it “Thirty-fold, Sixty-fold or Hundredfold” level as Christ affirmed this is the meaning in the case of Zacchaeus who was “His Disciple” even when He didn’t Give away all but only gave away “50% to the poor” based on what he had and decided willingly.




Peace to you




What does Sow and Reap Sparingly Mean? Is it the Charity Doctrine?





In fact, when 2 Corinthians 9:6 was Written, the TOPIC is NOT ‘how many souls they converted’ but rather the CHARITY DOCTRINE of “HOW MUCH EACH ONE GAVE to MINISTER to EACH other’s NEEDS beginning with the CHURCH to CHURCH sharing of money to even outsiders or ALL MEN who are POOR ONLY with what they have”, Verses:


“… 6But this I say: HE WHO SOWS SPARINGLY WILL ALSO REAP SPARINGLY,  and HE WHO SOWS BOUNTIFULLY WILL ALSO REAP BOUNTIFULLY. 7So let EACH ONE GIVE as he PURPOSES in HIS HEART, not grudgingly or of [f]necessity; for GOD LOVES A CHEERFUL GIVER. 8And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for EVERY GOOD WORK. 9As it is written: “He has dispersed abroad, He has GIVEN TO THE POOR; His righteousness endures FOREVER.” …” (2 Corinthians 9:5, NKJV)




1) The Verse is “not” talking about number of conversions made by a Church or individual but only “GIVING literal earthly goods + money” for “needs” to the “poor”.


2) God doesn’t reward ‘no of converts’ because that’s by ‘relative measure’ as a big number will usually be for ‘easier levels of faith’ or lesser levels such as the thirty-fold as opposed to Christ Commanding the “Hundredfold Perfection” (in Matthew 19:21 – 24, Matthew 19:27 – 30) as Christ Himself only had “Twelve Apostles” at the Highest Levels.


3) If the number of converts is meant as ‘sow and reap sparingly’, then how come the 144000 purely “Jewish Virgin Men” are the “Firstfruit” of salvation itself as mentioned in Revelation 7:1 – 10, Revelation 14:1 – 5 as in comparison of history, how many ‘preachers which big church/big conversions’ (in history) are purely “… unmarried Jewish Virgin Men …”? so the greatness in the Kingdom is “not” based on ‘number of converts’ but the ‘Level of Obedience to His New Testament Commands’ (as Matthew 5:19 – 20 Reveals). God is Fair to each Christian in this way as it’s based on ‘Relative Measure’ only His Principle as elaborated in the Poor Widow’s giving example in Luke 21:1 – 4. Two people, one with 1000 converts while another with 2 converts can be equal if they work as hard for the Kingdom and keep His Commands Equally well in ‘Relative Measure’ (Let God Judge those measurements for He Alone is without Bias and will be Fair to all).



4) In short, nothing “Written” in 2 Corinthians 9 refers to ‘sow or reap sparingly’ as referring to Number of Converts. The only thing in Topic here in this entire chapter is the ‘Charity Doctrine Lifestyle’ of sharing/giving with each other’s needs (not luxury/wants/prosperity giving to the rich). Example: Please notice the word “poor” in a Verse in this same chapter below:


5) If you keep giving to the rich (be it pastors or churches or individuals) for their ‘prosperity beyond needs and luxuries’, your giving is wasted and may “not” merit any reward in heaven (as that’s the punishment for those who disobey when they see their money wasted on such people as you chose to give like that), Verse:


“… And he who gives to the rich, will surely come to poverty. …” (Proverbs 22:16, NKJV)


Note: Some of those who do the above never become poor on earth (e.g. the prosperity of the wicked as Psalm 73:3 – 12 Speaks) and so will be “poor in heaven” (lower level of rewards if not too bad) or “hell” as the case of the ‘Rich Man’ with “no” Charity Doctrine to the “Poor” as Christ Warned in Luke 16:19 – 31.


6) Charity Doctrine increases the “fruits of righteousness”


“… 10Now [g]may He who supplies seed to the sower, and bread for food, [h]supply and multiply the seed you have sown and INCREASE THE FRUITS OF YOUR RIGHTEOUSNESS, 11while you are enriched in everything for ALL LIBERALITY, which causes THANKSGIVING THROUGH US TO GOD. …” (2 Corinthians 9:10 – 11, NKJV)


7) Charity Doctrine is only counted for “needs” (please notice this word carefully in Verse below, all from this ‘same Chapter, Same Topic, Same Context) and ‘not wants/luxury or equivalent’:




8) Charity Doctrine is the PROOF and OBEDIENCE to both the CONFESSION and GOSPEL of CHRIST as ‘no other righteous act is mentioned in this chapter be it praying, fasting, church attendance, etc.’ but in Verse below this Will of the Father is specifically Revealed as “…for YOUR LIBERAL SHARING WITH THEM and ALL MEN, …” – can you see it? (this means other religious acts be it ‘praying, fasting, church attendance, etc.’ are only accepted as much as this Charity Doctrine is done in OBEDIENCE first as discussed in Previous posts with other Verses too such as Isaiah 1:10 – 20, Amos 5:10 – 12, 21 – 24, Isaiah 58:3, 7 – 9, James 1:27, Luke 11:39 – 41):





Please notice the last line carefully that this “liberal sharing” is not just toward “them” (referring to ‘other churches’) but also “ALL MEN” (meaning including non-believers too). Can you see it please as ‘it is Written’?


Here are some related First Christianity Quotes for edification (which are “not” necessary as these Verses themselves as sufficient) but it helps us to understand that early Christians were aware of it too:


“… Nothing is so incongruous in a Christian, and foreign to his character, as to seek ease and rest; and to be engrossed with the present life is foreign to our profession and enlistment. Your Master was crucified, and do you seek ease? Your Master was pierced with nails, and do you live delicately? Do these things become a noble soldier? Wherefore PAUL SAYS, MANY WALK, of whom I told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the ENEMIES OF THE CROSS OF CHRIST (Philippians 3:18). Since there were some who made a PRETENSE OF CHRISTIANITY, YET LIVED IN EASE AND LUXURY, and this is CONTRARY TO THE CROSS: therefore he thus spoke. … . As when he says, Except a man TAKE UP HIS CROSS AND FOLLOW ME Matthew 16:24, i.e. except he be prepared to die. But these being base, and LOVERS OF LIFE, and LOVERS OF THEIR BODIES, are ENEMIES OF THE CROSS. And every one, who is a FRIEND OF LUXURY, and of PRESENT SAFETY, is an ENEMY OF THAT CROSS in WHICH PAUL MAKES HIS BOAST: which he embraces, with which he desires to be incorporated. …” – Blessed St. John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople, Doctor of the Church, one of the three Holy Hirearchs (c. 349 AD – c. 407 AD, Commentary on Philippians 3:18 – 21)


Source: https://sites.google.com/site/aquinasstudybible/home/philippians/st-john-chrysostom-on-philippians/chapter-1/chapter-2/chapter-3




“… Therefore when He said, Make to yourselves friends, he added, of the mammon of unrighteousness, to show, that their friendship will not alone protect us unless good works accompany us, unless we righteously cast away all riches unrighteously amassed. The most skillful then of all arts is that of almsgiving. For it builds not for us houses of mud, but lays up in store an everlasting life. Now in each of the arts one needs the support of another; but when we ought to show mercy, we need nothing else but the will alone. …” – Blessed St. John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople, Doctor of the Church, one of the Three Holy Hierarchs (c. 349 AD – c. 407 AD)








“… Feeding the hungry is a greater work than raising the dead …” – Blessed St. John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople, Doctor of the Church, one of the Three Holy Hierarchs (c. 349 AD – c. 407 AD)


Source: http://thefaceofhunger.stophungernow.org/?p=2299


or this is the best quote for this post:


“… Hear ye therefore the parable of the sower, ( Matthew 13:18 ) says He; and He speaks what we before mentioned, of carelessness and attention, of cowardice and fortitude, of wealth and VOLUNTARY POVERTY; pointing out the hurt from the one, and the benefit from the other. Then of virtue also He brings forward different forms. For being full of love to man, He marked out not one only way, nor did He say, unless one bring forth an hundred, he is an outcast; but he that brings forth sixty is saved also, and not he only, but also the producer of thirty. And this He said, making out salvation to be easy. 3. And thou then, are you unable to practise VIRGINITY? Be chaste in marriage. ARE YOU UNABLE TO STRIP YOURSELF OF YOUR POSSESSIONS? GIVE OF YOUR SUBSTANCE. CAN YOU not bear that burden? SHARE YOUR GOODS WITH CHRIST. Are you UNWILLING TO YIELD HIM UP ALL? GIVE HIM BUT THE HALF, BUT THE THIRD PART. He is your brother, and joint-heir, make Him joint-heir with you here too. WHATSOEVER YOU GIVE HIM, YOU WILL GIVE TO YOURSELF…” – Blessed St. John Chrysostom (c. 349 AD – c. 407 AD, ‘St. John Chrysostom on Matthew‎’, Point 2)






Peace to you





Possibility for Hope for Some non-Christians in the Second Resurrection Discussion


Source Post:





Judgement Day is only for the >>Unsaved and Sinners and the Demon Seeds.


For the Righteous are Rapture 1,000 + years before the Great White Throne Judgement Days…


So if you found your Soul at the Great White Throne at the Judgement Day that meant you were Never Saved


For you did not receive your First Resurrection/Rapture when Jesus return ….




Firstly, Regardless of Eschatologies, the Mercy to be saved on “that Day” as Apostle St. Paul Writes is clearly based on Charity Doctrine in 2 Timothy 1:16 – 18 as was discussed in an earlier post in link below:




As regards to Eschatology,


Some seemed to be saved only on Judgment Day as per details below:



1) The Surprised Sheep of the “nations/Gentiles” based on the “Charity Doctrine of what one did ‘… when I was Hungry, Thirsty, Naked, Homeless,…’ are clearly Saved on Judgment Day only (as described in Matthew 25:31 – 46)  which  occurs 1000 years after the First Resurrection and Rapture (Matthew 25:1 – 13).


Please take note that it’s highly unlikely that Matthew 25:1 – 13 and Matthew 25:31 – 46 Speaks of the “same timeline”.


Also, the Millennial Reign Jews which consists of “sinners” too on the earth at that time (e.g. Isaiah 65:20, KJV) are only saved on Judgment Day based on their works/”fruit” as Matthew 25:14 – 30 Describes.


So, it’s unlikely that all three passages in Matthew 25 namely Matthew 25:1 – 13, Matthew 25:14 – 30 and Matthew 25:31 – 46  Speak of only the Christian Salvation but rather may be indicating the 1000 years timeline as per the Chiliasm Doctrine in First Christianity which seems to match it best.


2) Revelation 21:24 – 27 mentions “nations who are saved” which only occurs post-judgment Day because Revelation 21:27 refers to this as “those whose names are in the Book of Life” referring to Revelation 20:11 – 15’s Judgment Day Timeline as Christians or “the Bride” are clearly mentioned to be different in Revelation 21:9 – 10 here.


3) Both John 5:28 – 29 and Daniel 12:2 seem to Speak of a righteous rising from the dead simultaneously with the wicked. If literal, this cannot refer to the Christian Resurrection because Christians only Rise alone according to Revelation 20:5 or Revelation 20:7 which implies that the Second Resurrection is 1000 years later and could have a second badge of righteous likewise.


In comparison, in these same chapters the Christian Salvation may have been Described in John 5 in John 5:24 – 25 without Judgment while in Daniel 12 as the “Wise who start to Shine like the Heavens with those who convert others to righteousness as the stars” at that time as Written in Daniel 12:3 instead.





Possibility here:


Daniel 12:2 = some non-Christians saved while some non-Christians condemned when they ‘rise simultaneously’ in the Second Resurrection


Daniel 12:3 = the Christians who are “Wise who start to Shine like the Heavens with those who convert others to righteousness as the stars” at that time during this Second Resurrection Timeline as they are already saved 1000 years earlier.


and likewise


John 5:24 – 25 = Christians who Rise at the “hour now is” (First hour of the Last Day without Judgment) to be part of the First Resurrection


John 5:28 – 29 = some non-Christians saved while some non-Christians condemned when they ‘rise simultaneously’ in the Second Resurrection at the “hour which is coming” on the ‘Last day’ (end of this day, separated by 1000 years).


If each word is to have a meaning, the phrase ” in “… the hour is coming, and now is,…” in the Verse “… the hour is coming, and now is, when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God; and those who hear will live. …” (John 5:25, NKJV) could refer to ‘those who live or saved‘ as:


  1. i) ‘the hour now is’ (referring to the Last Day as it’s Resurrection Context) = START of the 1000 years Millennial Reign for the First Badge of Righteous = Christian Salvation


  1. ii) i) ‘the hour is coming’ (referring to the Last Day as it’s Resurrection Context) = END of the 1000 years Millennial Reign into start of Judgment Day for second badge of righteous = non-Christian Salvation for some


The similar phrase “… the hour is coming, and now is,…” in John 4:23 in the Context of Worshipping God in “Spirit and Truth” may thus actually point to when we are Resurrected as these two badges of righteous only fully know the truth on ‘after their Resurrection’ as ‘no one knows everything fully from here as even Blessed Apostle St. Paul himself said he sees dimly only’ (in 1 Corinthians 13:12).




4) Some who are “thirsty” (thirsty most likely refers to not believing fully yet as per John 7:37 – 39 in comparison) are given the Water of Life only on Judgment Day as Revelation 21:6 Writes. It’s unlikely that Christians saved 1000 years earlier (as you claim too) are still thirsty for 1000 years as Christians thirst no more upon their Resurrection as implied clearly in the same John 7:37 – 39 itself.


Please note that the 1000 years Millennial Reign of Christ (Revelation 20:4 – 6) which all Christians participate according to 1 Thessalonians 4:13 – 18 in one Gathering of the Elect happens on  the “Old Earth and Heavens” which is 1000 years before Judgment Day (Revelation 20:5, Revelation 20:7, Revelation 20:11 – 15).


In comparison, the ‘thirsty ones’ given the ‘water of life freely’ in Revelation 21:6 most likely cannot be the same ones who “overcome” as mentioned in Revelation 21:7 as the thirsty ones sounds like they are much lower whilst the one who “overcomes must have faith” in comparison of the word “Thirsty” which indicates lack of believing as per John 7:37 – 39 too and thus may not be the same group either.


In 1 Corinthians 15:39 – 42, it’s clear that there are two types of Resurrection bodies mentioned in the Context of the Resurrection of the Dead (1 Corinthians 15:42) namely the “Celestial” (Heavenly) Vs the “Terrestrial” (Earthly) of which I conjecture that the  Celestial one refers to Christians only because only they become one flesh with Christ (as Ephesians 5:25 – 27, 31 – 32 Reveals) while the rest are only earthly bodies as Christ does “not” become One Flesh with them as it’s only towards His Bride.


Please also notice very carefully in 1 Corinthians 15:40 that two types of “Glory” are mentioned for the final Resurrection Bodies namely “but the GLORY of the CELESTIAL is one,” Vs ” and the GLORY of the TERRESTRIAL is another.” (in 1 Corinthians 15:40).






Now the word “Glory” in “… GLORY of the TERRESTRIAL is another …” (mentioned clearly in 1 Corinthians 15:40) in this Context of “Resurrection of the Dead” (1 Corinthians 15:42)  itself indicates that some of the of the TERRESTRIAL RESURRECTION BODIES are also “Saved” for it doesn’t seem logical for a body raised with “glory” to be “unsaved“. To say that this “Terrestrial Glory” ones refers to some lower Christians contradicts Ephesians 5:25 – 27, 31 – 32 which describes Christ Sharing One Flesh with all Christians in some way and so they must be “CELESTIAL (Heavenly) RESURRECTION GLORY Bodies only“.


Also, in this Same Chapter the word “we” in “…  WE SHALL ALSO BEAR THE IMAGE of the HEAVENLY MAN. …” (1 Corinthians 15:49) refers only to “Christians”  who are called here as “Heavenly Man” meaning “CELESTIAL (Heavenly) RESURRECTION GLORY Bodies only” again so if some Christians have only “… GLORY of the TERRESTRIAL is another …” (1 Corinthians 15:40) type of Resurrection Body (1 Corinthians 15:42), it’s a clear contradiction.


Also the phrase here in 1 Corinthians 15:42 comparing these two types of Glory of Celestial (Heavenly) Vs Terrestrial (Earthly) as “another” clearly implies that these are speaking of two classes of Resurrection Bodies distinctly where the word “Glory” indicates these are among the “saved” most likely.


The Bible Verses in Revelation 21:24 – 27 also matches where they are called “NATIONS WHO ARE SAVED who have KINGS OF THE EARTH” (where the word “earth” refers to “Terrestrial” clearly in Revelation 21:24 – 27) and they visit the “Bride” (Heavenly/Celestial Christians, Revelation 21:9 – 10) through the Gates of that Heavenly Jerusalem which occurs clearly after Judgment Day (Revelation 20:11 – 15) when the Book of Life is Revealed (Revelation 21:27) which seem to point to these two “saved” groups as different.


Also Revelation 22:17 is the strongest evidence that these “thirsty ones” who are given the ‘Water of life freely’ at that time which is after Judgment Day as it’s only on the New Earth and Heavens (Revelation 21:1)  most likely cannot be Christians simply because “the Bride” (or Christians themselves) are calling toward them to take the Water of Life freely in Revelation 22:17  literally.


I could be wrong but reading these Verses literally seem to point this as a “possibility” and when God Reveals it One Day I accept it either way.



Peace to you





Post Tribulation Rapture is more likely than the popular Pre-Tribulation Rapture


Source Post:






The 2nd and Last Resurrection is not just for the unrighteous.


It will have both;

The Just, and,

The unjust.

(Acts 24:15)


See also this same resurrection spoken of in (John 5:29) and,

( Daniel 12:2 )


Those that missed the 1st Resurrection were saved, but not ready.

(Matthew 25:10)


Many will be saved, but their hearts were not ready to be rulers or guides or judges.

(1st Corth.6:3)

( John 7:24)


We must forgive others, and show mercy to others, and judge righteously, and treat others like they are Jesus … and this must be part of our Christian makeup as God reads the heart.

(Matthew 25:31-40)

Anyone without this attitude of heart will be left behind…

However, their faith in Jesus is their salvation as promised by Christ Himself. (John 1:12)





(Daniel 12:12)


The 1st Resurrection takes place immediately after the 3 1/3 year Great Tribulation.

(Matthew 24:29)

And only those that have mastered a Christ likeness will be taken…

BUT, even Paul did not know if HE is chosen.


(John 10:3)




Firstly, you cannot understand Matthew 25:1 – 13 without 1 Thessalonians 4:13 – 18.


The Second Resurrection Righteous most likely cannot be Christians because all Christians must participate in the Gathering of the Elect mentioned in 1 Thessalonians 4:13 – 18 which clearly includes the phrase “the dead in Christ will Rise First” (1 Thessalonians 4:16) and only after that the “Rapture” for “those Christians who are still alive at that time” (1 Thessalonians 4:17).


And it’s clearly emphasized at the start of these Verses in 1 Thessalonians 4:15 that “the First Resurrection occurs first” (1 Thessalonians 4:16, Revelation 20:4 – 6 points this at the start of the 1000 years)  and only after that the “Rapture for those who are still alive to be caught up” (1 Thessalonians 4:17).



“… 15For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that WE WHO ARE ALIVE and REMAIN UNTIL the COMING OF THE LORD will by NO MEANS PRECEDE THOSE WHO ARE [d]ASLEEP. 16For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And THE DEAD IN CHRIST WILL RISE FIRST. 17Then WE WHO ARE ALIVE AND REMAIN shall be CAUGHT UP TOGETHER with them in the clouds to MEET THE LORD in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord. 18Therefore comfort one another with these words. …” (1 Thessalonians 4:15 – 18, NKJV)


There is only one gathering of the Elect as 1 Thessalonians 4:13 – 18 says at the same time.


The dead rise first not go first as 1 Thessalonians 4:16 reveals means bodily resurrection.


1 Resurrection of the Elect happens at the same time for those dead and those alive . For those alive it’s called the Rapture in 1 Thessalonians 4:17 with the phrase “caught up”  and so if the Second Resurrection contains a second badge of Righteous 1000 years later, it then cannot be the elect.


Pre-Trib Rapture Teaching contradicts 1 Thessalonians 4:15  clearly which teaches that


1) The Dead in Christ Rise First (1 Thessalonians 4:16) = First Resurrection (Revelation 20:4 – 6, as there are “no” two resurrections for the dead in Christ for if so Revelation 20:4 – 6 cannot be the “first” Resurrection but a second one which includes “those slain but did not take the mark of the beast” as Revelation 20:4 – 6 clearly mentions meaning this First Resurrection happens AFTER the TRIBULATION of the 7 year antichrist timeline)


2) Only after the dead in Christ Rise first (1 Thessalonians 4:16), THOSE ALIVE and REMAIN at that time are said to be CAUGHT UP or RAPTURED in 1 Thessalonians 4:17 undergoing their Bodily Resurrection without the usual death in the TWINKLING OF THE EYE type of Transformation instead which has “no” translation difficulties as the word “NO MEANS PRECEDE THOSE ASLEEP” (i.e. ‘not go before in time order of the dead in Christ who resurrect first’) as 1 Thessalonians 4:15 clearly implies this order of “Time”.


Peace to you



Can Mid-Tribulation Rapture be True?



If it is post [tribulation rapture] then why would Jesus take the raptured to Heaven with Him when we read that after the tribulation Jesus physically returns to earth and establishes His 1,000 year Kingdom. Why be caught up to simply come back down? The early fathers taught a mid-trib rapture/catching away with the final 3 1/2 years being the great tribulation and the reign of the anti-Christ.




Because they’re “resurrected” but just not without death becoming immortals in during the rapture for those who are alive at that time.



Early fathers taught mostly post-tribulation (e.g. St. Irenaeous of Lyons) because if mid-trib also, we have the same problem that if some Christian still didn’t take the mark of the beast and is killed during the final 3.5 years, his resurrection must happen “first” (as part of the dead) before the rapture happens as 1 Thessalonians 4:15 specifies.


1 Thessalonians 4:16 specifies this person (even if he dies at the end of the ‘last 3.5 years’) as part of  “the dead in Christ who Rise first” (their resurrection during the First Resurrection) which happens first  before rapture (1 Thessalonians 4:15 marks this timeline out clearly) and we know that the “First Resurrection” details  specified in Revelation 20:4 – 6 Speaking of this ‘same event/context’) includes even the persons who die at the ‘last 3.5 years reign of the antichrist’ as part of this “…I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their witness to Jesus and for the word of God, who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and had not received his mark on their foreheads or on their hands.  …” (Revelation 20:4, NKJV).


So if mid-trib Rapture was true, then there are “two” first resurrections which is impossible (some dead rising at the 3.5 years middle timeline while the second badge of the dead rising after the last 3.5 years’ reign of the antichrist).



In Verses below, Christ clearly Specifies that the ‘one gathering of All the Elect’ (referred also in 1 Thessalonians 4:13 – 18) occurs AFTER the TRIBULATION (so at the end of 7 year reign of the Antichrist and not in its middle’) as CHRIST HIMSELF RETURNS FIRST as He Himself Describes in Verses below and only after that He Gathers all the elect:


“… 29“Immediately AFTER THE TRIBULATION of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. 30Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the SON OF MAN COMING on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. 31And He will send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they will GATHER TOGETHER HIS ELECT  from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. …” (Matthew 24:29 – 31, NKJV)


Note this is “not” Elect from the ‘heavens only’ as Mark Records even more accurately as “not just from heaven” (as some Pre-Trib/Mid-Trib supporters claim) but also “from the earth” (that is those who are alive at that time and so are RAPTURED only AFTER THE TRIBULATION and AFTER CHRIST’S SECOND COMING Described clearly in Order above by Christ Himself) as Christ Himself Taught this below (as Mark recorded this ‘further detail’):


“…And then He will send His angels, and GATHER TOGETHER HIS ELECT from the four winds, from the FARTHEST PART OF THE EARTH  to the FARTHEST PART OF HEAVEN. …” (Mark 13:27, NKJV)


To say that the last 3.5 years reign of the antichrist contains “no” Christians does “not” agree in the Timeline order of Revelation 19 where Revelation 19:11 – 21 (is sequential at these parts) specifies the Second Coming of Christ destroying the Antichrist first (which indicates the end of the 7 years full antichrist reign to occur first) which is  before Revelation 20:1 – 3 happens next where Satan is locked up and only after that the “First Resurrection” occurs (as revelation 20:4 – 6 specifies next).







The official positions of “rapture” of even the Roman Catholics and Orthodox are also “post tribulation rapture only”, example quotes:


  1. Roman Catholic view is clearly Post-Tribulation only as the link below quotes that this is the historic position evidenced by the phrase ‘… The problem with all of the positions (except the historic, post-tribulational view) is that they split the Second Coming into different events. …’


Source: https://www.catholic.com/tract/the-rapture


  1. Orthodox position is the same and just like the Roman catholics they try to avoid the term rapture and just maintain calling it as the Second Coming of the Lord even clearly dispelling the mid-trib view as well (first line in quote below) leaving only the ‘Post-Trib view as theirs too’, to quote:


“…  Perhaps the most compelling argument against the pre/mid tribulation rapture theory is that no Christian believed it or even knew about it for the first 1800 years of Christianity. When it comes to Christianity, the “faith once delivered to the saints” (Jude 1:3), there is simple rule: “if its new, it just can’t be true!” …”






iii. Protestant reformers all believed in Post-Tribulation rapture only till the 19th Century as (discussed in link next below)


Example previous discussions:


  1. i) Protestant reformers such as Martin Luther, John Calvin, Charles Spurgeon, William Tyndale, John Wesley and others all taught “post-tribulation rapture only likewise” link:








  1. ii) I have discussed the common half-quote of the Shepherd of Hermas and St. Irenaeous to misunderstand ‘pre-trib’ position in link below and links further there






Peace to you



The Simplest Answer (by Logic even) why both Pre-Tribulation rapture nor Mid-Tribulation Rapture can be true is this:


“… If the Rapture occurred before the Final Tribulation, who is the Antichrist “anti” or persecuting then since all the remaining ones are on his camp? …”


Yes even if mid-tribulation is true, then the last 3.5 years will “not” be called “tribulation” as it’s “only tribulation” by Bible Definition toward those who ‘believe in Christ’ and the entire 7 years of the Antichrist is ‘Tribulation for Christians’ while ‘Prosperity for the non-Christians who took the mark of the beast & didn’t go against the Antichrist’, example Verse:


  1. i) Last 3.5 years of the Antichrist as only tribulation for those who are Christians


“… 7When they finish their testimony, the beast that ascends out of the bottomless pit will make war against them, overcome them, and kill them. 8And their dead bodies will lie in the street of the great city which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also [c]our Lord was crucified. 9Then those from the peoples, tribes, tongues, and nations [d]will see their dead bodies three-and-a-half days, and not allow their dead bodies to be put into graves. 10And those who dwell on the earth will rejoice over them, make merry, and send gifts to one another, because these two prophets tormented those who dwell on the earth. …” (Revelation 7:7 – 10, NKJV)


  1. ii) The Last 3.5 years of the Antichrist Contains both Christians and non-Christians clearly refuting the “mid-trib rapture” theory which claims (no Christians remain on earth during this final 3.5 years), Verses below Speak otherwise clearly:


“…  3And I saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded, and his deadly wound was healed. And all the world marveled and followed the beast. 4So they worshiped the dragon who gave authority to the beast; and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him?” 5And he was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies, and he was given authority to [c]continue for forty-two months. 6Then he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme His name, His tabernacle, and those who dwell in heaven. 7It was granted to him to make WAR WITH THE SAINTS AND OVERCOME THEM. And authority was given him over every [d]tribe, tongue, and nation. 8All who dwell on the earth will worship him, whose names have not been written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. 9If anyone has an ear, let him hear. 10He who leads into captivity shall go into captivity; he who kills with the sword must be killed with the sword. HERE IS THE [e] PATIENCE and the FAITH OF THE SAINTS …” (Revelation 13:3 – 10, NKJV)


Note: Revelation 13:3 – 5 with Revelation 12’s War in Heaven itself clearly puts this timeline as the ‘last 3.5 years of the antichrist’ simply because only during this last 3.5 years the Antichrist controls the whole world as the first 3.5 years it is hindered by the Two Witnesses who are killed in the middle of this 7 years as Revelation 7:7 – 10 clearly Describes.



Peace to you




Both Pre-Trib and Mid-Trib Rapture are false if one Christian remains alive during the last 3.5 years of the Antichrist


Source Post:



Please note the word “if” in title meaning I am “not” saying that they must be 100% false as it’s a conditional statement based on the following arguments:


Now here are Verses which Prove that the “Elect” (Christians) are Gathered after the end of the 7 years Period clearly “from EARTH also” (meaning they were ALIVE during the entire 7 years Antichrist period HENCE RAPTURED only AFTER THE 7 YEARS ANTICHRIST PERIOD IS OVER) contradicting the ‘no elect on earth’ during the last 3.5 years of the Antichrist as “mid-trib” claims:


“… 29“Immediately AFTER THE TRIBULATION of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. 30Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the SON OF MAN COMING on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. 31And He will send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they will GATHER TOGETHER HIS ELECT  from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. …” (Matthew 24:29 – 31, NKJV)



Note this is “not” Elect from the ‘heavens only’ as Mark Records even more accurately as “not just from heaven” (as some Pre-Trib/Mid-Trib supporters claim) but also “from the earth” (that is those who are alive at that time and so are RAPTURED only AFTER THE TRIBULATION and AFTER CHRIST’S SECOND COMING Described clearly in Order above by Christ Himself) as Christ Himself Taught this below (as Mark recorded this ‘further detail’):


“…And then He will send His angels, and GATHER TOGETHER HIS ELECT from the four winds, from the FARTHEST PART OF THE EARTH  to the FARTHEST PART OF HEAVEN. …” (Mark 13:27, NKJV)



There is ONLY one Gathering of the ELECT as Verses below Describe  further Details implying that the “CHRISTIAN from the EARTH” above which exists after CHRIST’S SECOND COMING at the end of the 7 year Antichrist Reign must undergo RAPTURE as HE IS ALIVE and REMAINS till the COMING OF THE LORD, Verses:


“… 15For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that WE WHO ARE ALIVE and REMAIN UNTIL the COMING OF THE LORD will by NO MEANS PRECEDE THOSE WHO ARE [d]ASLEEP. 16For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And THE DEAD IN CHRIST WILL RISE FIRST. 17Then WE WHO ARE ALIVE AND REMAIN shall be CAUGHT UP TOGETHER with them in the clouds to MEET THE LORD in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord. 18Therefore comfort one another with these words. …” (1 Thessalonians 4:15 – 18, NKJV)



Peace to you




Sola Scriptura – Post Tribulation Rapture and Public Second Coming of Christ with Luke 21:25 – 28


I’m “not” going to say that I must be right 100% because “no” matter how much our logic claims so, we still could be wrong. So I am going to discuss this “possibility” strongly next in detail (and please don’t be offended by it if you believe otherwise).


0) Background Logic


  1. If all the Christians are saved in a “pre-trib or mid-trib rapture”, then who is the Antichrist “anti” or persecuting during the final 3.5 years where his persecution is maximum?


  1. If there is such thing as ‘tribulation saints’ (meaning Christians who are ‘left behind’ from pre-trib/mid-trib rapture) who must die in the hands of this antichrist during this last 3.5 years to be saved, then at the end of this 7 years, they are among the ones mentioned to be resurrected in the “First Resurrection” in Revelation 20:4 – 6 with phrases referring to them as “those who did not take the mark of the beast (antichrist)” but this contradicts the following:


‘… but both the pre-trib and mid-trib believers say that the “dead in Christ Rise First” mentioned in 1 Thessalonians 4:15 – 18 after which only rapture happens then does NOT refer to the above ‘tribulation dead saints’ . This means both pre-trib and mid-trib are referring to the resurrection of these dead tribulation saints mentioned in Revelation 20:4 – 6 as the ‘Second Resurrection’ which is a contradiction as Scripture calls that as the ‘First Resurrection’. Can you see it? Some pre-trib and mid-trib scholars claim that only the Raptured ones have body-change while ‘the dead in Christ Rise first’ are in spirit/soul-state but will only be raised at the end of 7 years bodily. This is also a contradiction because 1 Thessalonians 4:13 – 18 Speaks of ‘Bodily Resurrection’ as the meaning of ‘dead in Christ Rise First’ and for the Rapture is an instant Bodily Resurrection except that it does not undergo the usual death but a twinkling of an eye type of change for those alive at that time. So it cannot be that the raptured ones have bodily resurrection but the ‘dead in Christ rise spiritually first’ (denying bodily resurrection till the 7 years are over) because this clearly contradicts 1 Thessalonians 4:15 in that ‘the dead in Christ have precedence to experience Bodily Resurrection first’ and there is “no” ‘spiritual resurrection’ in Scripture and “not” the Context here either as these are all about ‘Bodily Resurrection only’. The Raised Spiritually in the heavenly places (Ephesians 2:6) is Speaking of “now” when we die, Christians are immediately in their souls/spirit being absent from body are with the Lord (2 Corinthians 5:8) whilst waiting for the ‘Resurrection’ (which is soul/spirit getting a body again) as ‘the redemption of our bodies’ mentioned in Romans 8:23  …’


iii. The Bible never has one Verse in “plural” when Describing the “Coming of Christ” meaning that “no Comings of the Lord (two Comings, secret vs public)” is stated with grammar referring to “plurality”. In fact Hebrews 9:28 itself clearly mentions that the “Christ’s Coming” which all Christians are ‘looking for’ is called the “Second Coming of Christ” by this phrase “… and UNTO THIM that LOOK FOR HIM SHALL HE APPEAR the SECOND TIME without sin unto salvation. …” (Hebrews 9:28, KJV). Can you see it?


The phrase “SECOND TIME” referring to ‘His Coming’ (“He shall Appear”) refers to Christ Coming for “believers/Christians” that is, those who are called here as “…  UNTO THIM that LOOK FOR HIM …”. So if this is the ‘Secret Second Coming of Christ’ (as “pre-trib or mid-trib rapture believers claim”), then the ‘Public Coming of Christ later at the end of 7 years of this Antichrist Reign must be the THIRD COMING of CHRIST, isn’t it?’ (implied). So to ‘call the public Coming of Christ as SECOND COMING in words but believing it as the THIRD COMING’ seems contradictory, isn’t it?


  1. That is why both “pre-trib and mid-trib rapture” believers cannot have one Christians or “Elect” to exist “during Christ’s Second Coming” as a ‘surviving human being’ during the ‘final 3.5 years of the Antichrist Reign’ as all must die even if they live into this time-frame as ‘tribulation saints’.


Why? because if ‘one Christian survives till this entire final 7 year Antichrist period in the flesh without being pre-trib raptured or mid-trib raptured’, they cannot explain ‘how’ this ‘mortal flesh Christian’ at the Second Coming of Christ (at the end of 7 years) is going to be saved.


This is because if they say that he is saved by being transformed into a Glorious Body immediately (as he is still mortal when he survived in a sinful body), then both the “pre-trib rapture/mid-trib rapture theorists contradict themselves” as they now have not one but “two” raptures (one earlier and one at the end of this 7 years for such surviving ones). Please note that without ‘death or without rapture’, no Christian can participate in their New Resurrection Body which is sinless.


The other option is this Christian must die and resurrect at the end of this 7 years which sounds illogical as ‘he just survived the entire 7 years of the Antichrist’ but yet needs to be put to death now? Also, if such Christians who survive till the entire 7 years  die and resurrect now, then their resurrection mentioned in Revelation 20:4 – 6 as the “First Resurrection” is “no” more First Resurrection because “they dead in Christ Rise First” (as 1 Thessalonians 4:15 clearly mentions to happen BEFORE RAPTURE for those alive as 1 Thessalonians 4:16 – 17 also describe it in this order confirming it) means that these end-of-7-years-mortal-Christians are participating in a SECOND DEAD in CHRIST Resurrection if that’s the case.


So, now there are “two” Dead in Christ resurrections? This is “not” found in any Scripture which Speak of One Gathering of the Elect only as they go for the ‘Marriage of the Lamb’ as Christ Marries Once only. If the Rapture signifies the Marriage of the Lamb, these end of 7 year mortal “second badge” dead in Christ Christians or “second badge” of raptured Christians clearly ‘miss the Wedding’, right? (which is weird because “all the Elect” must participate in the Wedding as Christ Shares One Flesh with them as Ephesians 5:25 – 27, 31 – 32 clearly Reveals). This Verse in Ephesians 5:31 – 32 itself proves that the “first badge” cannot be waiting in the heavens for 7 years or 3.5 years for the “second badge” to join them as He Becomes One Flesh with them all at the same time during the ‘Wedding of the Lamb’, right?


In short, both “pre-trib / mid-trib” believers must believe in either “two” Dead in Christ Resurrections or “two” Raptures within this Final 7 year Antichrist period before Christ Returns which clearly contradicts the phrases “Dead in Christ Rise First” (1 Thessalonians

4:13 which they claim occurs either at the START of the 3.5 or 7 years) with the “First Resurrection” (in Revelation 20:4 – 6 which includes ‘tribulation saints who did not take the mark of the beast/Antichrist’) which for both these views too say clearly that Revelation 20:4 – 6 must occur at the END of the final 3.5 years or 7 years which is a clear “contradiction” because if so, Revelation 20:4 – 6 CANNOT be the FIRST RESURRECTION but some type of “SECOND” Resurrection already toward these ‘tribulation saints’ and/or ‘those Christians/Elect who survive the entire 7 year Antichrist period in mortal bodies faithfully till Christ Returns’. Can you see it?


  1. If one Christian/Elect survives till the end of the antichrist’s 7 year reign, then both the ‘pre-trib and mid-trib’ must admit that this Christian is either saved by a “Second” Resurrection at this time (which contradicts Revelation 20:4 – 6) or a “Second” Rapture (which contradicts 1 Thessalonians 4:15 – 18), right? It also contradicts Hebrews 9:28 which points to the “Second” coming of Christ (for the “First Resurrection” and “only Rapture”) to occur once “for all the Elect” (not some Elect ‘left behind’ to be gathered later).




So that’s why they claim confidently that there is “no” Christian/Elect who will survive this entire 7 year Antichrist period. But this contradicts the verse below which has the phrase “gathers His Elect” from “earth” too in the time “after the (final) tribulation”, i.e. at the end of this 7 years since Christ Returns in Glory (as everyone sees Him ‘publicly here as all nations see’) and only AFTER THAT this ‘mortal elect from earth is gathered’ together with ‘dead in Christ in their souls/spirits are gathered from heavens’ to Participate in the “First Resurrection Bodily into Sinless Body” (Revelation 20:4 – 6), Verses:



“…24“But in those days, AFTER THAT TRIBULATION, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; 25the stars of heaven will fall, and the powers in the heavens will be shaken. 26Then THEY WILL SEE THE SON OF MAN COMING  in the CLOUDS with great power and glory. 27And then He will send His angels, and GATHER TOGETHER HIS [h]ELECT from the four winds, from the FARTHEST PART OF THE EARTH  to the FARTHEST PART OF HEAVEN. …” (Mark 13:24 – 27, NKJV)



Note: the phrase “… GATHER TOGETHER HIS [h]ELECT  … to the FARTHEST PART OF HEAVEN …” = Dead in Christ in their souls/spirits who are called to Participate in the First Resurrection Bodily as the Antichrist is defeated ushering in the 1000 years Millennial Reign of Christ on “earth” clearly “as kings and priests” (Luke 20:34 – 36, Revelation 1:6, Revelation 5:10) as “the Dead in Christ who Rise First” (1 Thessalonians 4:16).



The phrase “… GATHER TOGETHER HIS [h]ELECT  … from the FARTHEST PART OF THE EARTH   …” = Mortal Christians who were alive for the entire 7 year Antichrist period without dying as tribulation saints either which clearly seems to contradict both the “pre-trib and mid-trib position” as they claim this doesn’t exist. These are “Raptured” as part of those who are “alive and remain” till the “Coming of the Lord” undergoing their Version of the Resurrection without the usual death via the twinkling of the eye type of change of body (1 Thessalonians 4:15 – 18).








Bible Verses (next exists) for a Christian/Elect surviving till the end of 7 years of the Antichrist Period to be “Raptured” which both the pre-trib and mid-trib position denies.


Yes, this next set of Verses (in image too) is perhaps the clearest proof of some “Christians/Elect”  who did “not” die in the hands of the Antichrist but will survive mortally till the end of the 7 years till Christ Returns, Verses:


“… 25“And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth DISTRESS OF NATIONS, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring; 26MEN’S HEART FAILING THEM FROM FEAR and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken. 27THEN THEY WILL SEE THE SON OF MAN COMING IN A CLOUD WITH GREAT POWER AND GLORY. 28NOW WHEN THESE THINGS BEGIN TO HAPPEN, LOOK UP and LIFT UP YOUR HEADS, BECAUSE YOUR REDEMPTION DRAWS NEAR.” …” (Luke 21:25 – 28, NKJV)




  1. This is “not” Rapture or ‘Secret’ Coming of Christ as the whole earth can see these mighty signs ‘… And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth DISTRESS OF NATIONS, …’ Visibly and Globally indicating the ‘Public’ Coming of Christ Indicated.


  1. Christ Comes in a “Cloud” but seen “Publicly” by all (“not” Secret Coming again) as evidenced by this Phrase “… 27THEN THEY WILL SEE THE SON OF MAN COMING IN A CLOUD WITH GREAT POWER AND GLORY …” where the “… 27THEN THEY WILL SEE …” refers “not” to Christians only but also those “… 26MEN’S HEART FAILING THEM FROM FEAR  …” and those nations whom Verse 25 Described as “… and on the earth DISTRESS OF NATIONS, with perplexity, …”. Can you see it please that this Coming on the “Cloud” is NOT a ‘Secret’ Coming of Christ but a “Public” one here clearly ‘as it is Written’?





  1. How about Christians?


Please notice also carefully that Christians are “not” stated to be “raptured already nor absent from the earth as mortals too” at this time as both the “Pre-Trib and Mid-Trib position” claims but rather ‘some of them are dead (due to the Antichrist killing them, e.g. the ‘tribulation saints’, Revelation 13:3 – 10) while ‘some other Christians are STILL ALIVE and REMAIN during this PUBLIC SECOND COMING OF CHRIST’ clearly Described in these Verses here with phrases below:




Can you see it?


  1. The Phrase “… 28NOW WHEN THESE THINGS BEGIN TO HAPPEN …” = ‘Public’ Second Coming of Christ as Christ Himself Sets the Context here as per earlier Consecutive Verses here.


  1. The Phrase “… LOOK UP and LIFT UP YOUR HEADS, …” = Christ Refers to ‘Christians/Elect who are still alive and remain during His Public Second Coming in their mortal Bodies to LOOK UP and be ready because the RAPTURE is ABOUT TO HAPPEN (when understood with other Verses and don’t look back as ‘Remember Lot’s Wife’).


iii. The Phrase “… BECAUSE YOUR REDEMPTION DRAWS NEAR.” …”  = Christian or Elect Salvation has NOT happened yet which by Christ’s Own Most Direct Words here, refutes both the Pre-Trib and Mid-Trib Rapture theory which claims that ‘they were already redeemed before this end of 7 years or before this public Second Coming of Christ’. Can you see it?







  1. The Phrase “… YOUR REDEMPTION DRAWS NEAR.” …” = Anytime now, they’re going to be RAPTURED as the whole world is viewing Christ’s Second Coming including them (a Global Event) agreeing perfectly to Post-Tribulation Rapture Position only. It “Draws Near” because “the dead in Christ Rise First” having their Resurrection (imagine the splendor) and anytime now, the Christians/Elect who are ALIVE and REMAIN are also GOING TO CHANGE in the TWINKLING OF AN EYE to become IMMORTALS with New Resurrection Bodies agreeing to the ‘Time Order Specified for this Event’ Clearly in 1 Thessalonians 4:13 – 18 with “no” Contradictions of any kind next ushering in the 1000 years Millennial Reign of Christ as Chiliasm Doctrine was Taught by the Apostolic Fathers and their successors in First Christianity (Revelation 20:4 – 6).


  1. This “… Phrase “… YOUR REDEMPTION DRAWS NEAR.” …” = “… THE REDEMPTION OF OUR BODY  …” = Christian/Elect Resurrection of the Dead with Rapture for those alive which is explained further by Apostle St. Paul in Verses below using this same word as referring to ‘the Christian/Elect Resurrection’ to become ‘Sons of God’, Verses:


“…  19For the earnest expectation of the CREATION EAGERLY WAITS for the REVEALING OF THE SONS OF GOD  …  23Not only that, but we also who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, eagerly waiting for the adoption, THE REDEMPTION OF OUR BODY  …” (Romans 8:19, 23, NKJV)


As ‘Sons of God’ or ‘Immortals’ who die “no” more, we Join Christ to Usher in the 1000 Years Millennial Reign of Christ AGE/AEON/OLAM Ha Ba as Christ Himself Describes Majestically in Verses below (the ‘phrase sons of God’ in these passages tying up the context together and refers to this ‘after the Resurrection and after His “Public” Second Coming only timeline’), Verses:


““… 34JESUS answered and said to them, “The sons of this age marry and are given in marriage. 35But THOSE WHO ARE COUNTED WORTHY TO ATTAIN AGE [Aeon/Olam]*, and the RESURRECTION FROM THE DEAD. neither marry nor are given in marriage; 36nor can they die anymore, FOR THEY ARE EQUAL TO THE ANGELS AND ARE SONS OF GOD, BEING SONS OF THE RESURRECTION. …” (Luke 20:34 – 36, NKJV)


*[Emphasis Mine to show the Original Koine Greek Word used]


What a Glorious Day it will be in the End!


Maranatha, even so Come Lord Jesus! Amen.



Peace to you




Matthew 25:31 to 46 – Is it the Second Coming of Christ or Judgment Day?


Source Post:



Some Christians think that Matthew 25:31 – 46 is the “Second Coming of Christ” which is “not” true as it’s actually “Judgment Day” which occurs 1000 years “AFTER the Second Coming of Christ”.


Please consider this FIRST Christianity Chiliasm Position as explained with details below:


Matthew 25:31 – 46 is not second Coming but at the end of the 1000 years Millennial Reign which is for those mortals non-Christians who live thereafter as Revelation 20:7 – 10 and Isaiah 65:20 for example mentions.


The mortal Israelite Salvation for this Millennial Reign is described in Matthew 25:14 – 30 while for Gentiles from all timeline is Matthew 25:31 – 46 as regards to how they treated Christ’s Brothers and sisters (the millennial reign mortals and Christians prior from other timelines) with the Charity Doctrine.


The Book of Revelation itself agrees as you have your timeline clearly mixed up:


1) Second Coming of Christ and Rapture (Revelation 19:17 – 21, Matthew 25:1 – 13) occurs before the Millennial Reign Begins which also 2 Thessalonians 2:1 – 8 Describes.


2) 1000 years Millennial Reign of Christ with Christians as Immortals (Revelation 20:4 – 6, Luke 20:34 – 38) and some mortal Jews to fulfill Israelite Prophecies (e.g Isaiah 65:20) as Chiliasm Position Taught (St. Irenaeous extensively) where at the end of the Millennial Reign the Jews are judged as per  Matthew 25:14  – 30’s Stewardship entrusted to them while the Gentiles as per Matthew 25:31 – 46 as per the Charity Doctrine on “Judgment Day” (Revelation 20:11 – 15).



3) You are wrongly quoting Matthew 25:31 – 46 to refer to Christ’s Second Coming where this is actually Him Sitting on the “Throne” which is only on “Judgment Day” which means this refers to AFTER THE 1000 YEARS MILLENNIAL REIGN IS OVER. Yes, Judgment Day is 1000 years after the Millennial Reign (Revelation 20:7) as Described in Revelation 20:11 – 15 as it can only happen when all mortal humans cease to be created after this.


4) Please note that assuming Matthew 25:31 – 46 as Second Coming contradicts the fact that after the Second Coming of Christ, the 1000 years Millennial Reign of Christ Contains mortal sinners too (the righteous e.g. Isaiah 65:20) Vs (wicked sinners as Revelation 20:7 – 10 clearly Describe one last revolt against God) before Judgment Day.


5) Please notice the phrase “… 7NOW WHEN THE THOUSAND YEARS HAVE EXPIRED, …” (in Revelation 20:7) below before which Revelation 20:11 – 15 “Judgment Day is Described” next. Please remember that the “Second Coming of Christ” was 1000 years before this Millennial Reign (Revelation 19:11- 21) where during this 1000 years Satan is locked in a bottomless pit (Revelation 20:1 – 6).




“… 7NOW WHEN THE THOUSAND YEARS HAVE EXPIRED, Satan will be released from his prison 8and will go out to deceive the nations which are in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle, whose number is as the sand of the sea. 9They went up on the breadth of the earth and surrounded the camp of the saints and the beloved city. And fire came down from God out of heaven and devoured them. 10The devil, who deceived them, was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where[b] the beast and the false prophet are. And they will be tormented day and night forever and ever. 11THEN I SAW A GREAT WHITE THRONE and HIM WHO SAT ON IT, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away. And there was found no place for them. 12And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before [c]God, and books were opened. And another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to their works, by the things which were written in the books. 13The sea gave up the dead who were in it, and Death and Hades delivered up the dead who were in them. And they were judged, each one according to his works. 14Then Death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second [d]death. 15And anyone not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire. …” (Revelation 20:7 – 15, NKJV)



6) Matthew 25:31 – 46 is at the end of the 1000 years brother. Please look at Revelation 20:7 – 15 below to understand this as follows clearly:


There is only One Judgment Day which means Matthew 25:31 – 46 = Revelation 20:11 – 15 because Judgment Day can only happen for the rest of non-Christians (non-Elect) after the creation of man has ceased.


Compare the “THRONE” of God Described Uniquely for “Judgment Day”:


“… 31“When THE SON OF MAN COMES IN HIS GLORY, and all the [c]holy angels with Him, then He WILL SIT ON THE THRONE OF HIS GLORY. …” (Matthew 25:31, NKJV)


“… 11Then I saw a GREAT WHITE THRONE and Him who sat on it, from WHOSE FACE THE EARTH AND THE HEAVEN FLED AWAY.  …” (Revelation 20:11, NKJV)


Both Matthew 25:31 and Revelation 20:11 distinctly mention “THE THRONE” of God only Revealed on this Day implying that both these Verses are the “Same timeline as it is Written”.


The phrase “… WHOSE FACE THE EARTH AND THE HEAVEN FLED AWAY …” (Revelation 20:11) above also means that the old earth and old heavens ceases to exist only to be replaced by the “New Heavens and New Earthafter Judgment Day (Revelation 21:1).











7) The Easiest Way to see that Matthew 25:31 – 46 refers to “Judgment Day” and “not” the “Second Coming of Christ” is based on the following Verses, please compare:


  1. i) Second Coming of Christ


Only the Beast (Antichrist) and False Prophet are cast into the Lake of Fire at the “Second Coming of Christ” while “Satan” (the Devil) is locked up for 1000 years from this time onward


“… 19And I saw the beast, the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war AGAINST HIM WHO SAT ON THE HORSE and against His army. 20Then THE BEAST WAS CAPTURED, and WITH HIM THE FALSE PROPHET who worked signs in his presence, by which he deceived those who received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped his image. THESE TWO WERE CAST ALIVE into THE LAKE OF FIRE burning with brimstone. … 1Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, having the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. 2He laid hold of the dragon, that serpent of old, who is THE DEVIL AND SATAN, AND BOUND HIM FOR A THOUSAND YEARS; 3and he cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal on him, so that he should DECEIVE THE NATIONS NO MORE TILL THE THOUSAND YEARS WERE FINISHED. But AFTER THESE THINGS HE MUST BE RELEASED FOR A LITTLE WHILE. …” (Revelation 19:19 – 20, Revelation 20:1 – 3, NKJV)


  1. Judgment Day


Satan (or “The Devil”) is only thrown into the Lake of Fire at the end of this 1000 years  (Revelation 20:7, Revelation 20:2 – 3, Revelation 20:10) which is mentioned clearly in Matthew 25:41 meaning irrefutably that Matthew 25:31 – 46 is Speaking of “Judgment Day” which occurs at the End of the 1000 years Millennial Reign of Christ making it the same context as Matthew 25:31 – 46, so clearly, Verses:


“… 41“Then He will also say to those on the left hand, ‘Depart from Me, you cursed, into the EVERLASTING FIRE PREPARED FOR THE DEVIL and HIS ANGELS:  …” (Matthew 25:41, NKJV)


“… 7NOW WHEN THE THOUSAND YEARS HAVE EXPIRED, Satan will be released from his prison … 10The DEVIL, who deceived them, was CAST INTO THE LAKE OF FIRE and brimstone where[b] the BEAST AND THE FALSE PROPHET ARE. And they will be tormented day and night forever and ever. …” (Revelation 20:7, 10, NKJV)


I repeat, Matthew 25:31 – 46 includes the Final Judgment of Satan too in  Matthew 25:41 which only occurs on “Judgment Day”


“… . 41“Then He will also say to those on the left hand, ‘Depart from Me, you cursed, into the EVERLASTING FIRE PREPARED FOR THE DEVIL and HIS ANGELS:  …” (Matthew 25:41, NKJV)


Satan (the Devil) is not prepared for Lake of Fire until Judgment Day (Revelation 20:10). If your claim was true, then it should read the bottomless pit for 1000 years matching (Revelation 20:1 – 3) in Matthew 25:41 which is “not” the case.


Example Question (by pre-trib/mid-trib believers)


The first resurrection comes at the rapture, not the second coming. The judgment of Mathew 25 takes place on earth, not in Heaven. Nations will be judge during the millennial reign and after Satan is defeated in the last battle.


Example Reply


Matthew 25:34 not on earth only as mortals but  heavenly because it refers to “eternal life” (Matthew 25:46) which is only on Judgment Day for these who do not participate in the Rapture/First Resurrection meaning it is 1000 years later (Revelation 20:5, Revelation 20:7) as your own words imply here.








8.) Another simple Way to see that Matthew 25:31 – 46 cannot refer to the “Second Coming of Christ” is simply because the “non-Christian dead” are “not” Resurrected for Judgment until the 1000 years are finished (Revelation 20:7).


The Context for Matthew 25:31 – 46 is “not” inheriting the ‘Millennial Reign on earth’ but the ‘Kingdom of Heaven’ (Matthew 25:34) meaning this Judgment is ‘not toward mortals who can die’ but toward the ‘eternal life for the Resurrected Righteous of the Second Resurrection’ (Matthew 25:46), Verses:


“… 34Then the King will say to those on His right hand, ‘Come, you blessed of My Father, INHERIT THE KINGDOM PREPARED FOR YOU FROM THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD: …   46And these will go away into everlasting punishment, but the RIGHTEOUS INTO ETERNAL LIFE .”  …” (Matthew 25:34, 46, NKJV)


Please also notice carefully that if Matthew 25:31 – 46 is on “Judgment Day” (Revelation 20:11 – 15), then Matthew 25:46 itself contradicts the popular claim by many modern Christians who claim that ‘all in the Second Resurrection are thrown in the Lake of Fire’ but here we clearly see a “Second” badge of righteous which is Raised Simultaneously with the wicked who also enter into their “eternal life” (in Matthew 25:46 clearly).


Hence, if Matthew 25:31 – 46 is Judgment Day, it’s certainly the “Second Resurrection” for it is 1000 years later (Revelation 20:5) from the “First Resurrection” (Revelation 20:4 – 6) and certainly contains a “Second Badge of Righteous to be Saved on Judgment Day from the NATIONS (ethnē ἔθνη) based on the CHARITY DOCTRINE LIFESTYLE of what one did when ‘… I was Hungry, Thirsty, Naked, Homeless, …’ (as the only acts Described in Matthew 25:31 – 46 clearly).


This means, these Verses below also must be “literal” and speak of the “Second Resurrection” to have a “Second Badge of Righteous” to be Saved on “Judgment Day” giving hope for non-Christians who Practiced the CHARITY DOCTRINE toward CHRISTIANS (Christ’s Brethren, Matthew 12:50) or Millennial Reign Jews likewise as Revelation 21:24 – 27 may Describe them visiting the New Jerusalem City where “Christians/the Bride” are located for a Great Reunion (Revelation 21:8 – 10):


“… 28Do not marvel at this; for the hour is coming in which all who are in the graves will hear His voice 29and come forth—those who have done good, to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil, to the resurrection of condemnation. …” (John 5:28 – 29, NKJV)


“… And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, Some to everlasting life, Some to shame and everlasting contempt. …”(Daniel 12:2, NKJV)


As discussed further in earlier post in link below:



These same “NATIONS(same Word, Koine Greek: 1484 [e] ethne ἔθνη) in both Matthew 25:32 and Revelation 21:24 ties up both to refer to this same “Judgment Day” timeline toward their ‘Eternal Salvation’ and the Book of Life Revealed (as Revelation 21:27 below itself shows it’s referring to Revelation 20:11 – 15’s Judgment Day) and also the Christians or BRIDE the LAMB’S WIFE is mentioned distinctly from them (hence ‘the nations who are saved are most likely “not” left behind Christians as you claim, Revelation 21:8 – 10) which all Happens on the NEW HEAVENS AND NEW EARTH (Revelation 21:1 first as this is the Final Heavenly Jerusalem) which is different from the “Second Coming of Christ” and Millennial Reign on the “OLD EARTH and HEAVENS” (Revelation 20:4 – 10) where this “OLD EARTH and HEAVENS ONLY PASS AWAY at the END OF THIS 1000 YEARS MILLENNIAL REIGN as Revelation 20:7 and Revelation 20:11 clearly Describe which Contradicts your claims), Verses:


“… Come, I will show you the [g]BRIDE, the LAMB’S WIFE.” 10And he carried me away in the Spirit to a great and high mountain, and SHOWED ME THE [H]GREAT CITY, the [I]HOLY JERUSALEM, DESCENDING OUT OF HEAVEN from God,  … 24And the NATIONS [N]OF THOSE WHO ARE SAVED shall walk in its light, and the KINGS OF THE EARTH bring their glory and honor [o]into it. 25Its gates shall not be shut at all by day (there shall be no night there). 26And they shall bring the glory and the honor of the nations into [p]it. 27But there shall by no means enter it anything [q]that defiles, or causes an abomination or a lie, but ONLY THOSE WHO ARE WRITTEN IN THE LAMB’S BOOK OF LIFE. …” (Revelation 21:8 – 10, 24 – 27, NKJV)


I am “not” saying that I must be 100% right but it’s “possible” without contradicting Scripture but let God Decide and I accept it either way knowing that no matter how much I may think about it, I could still err being human.



Peace to you





Discussing a POSSIBILITY NOT Doctrine as I could be Wrong for Revelation 20:12


Firstly a related set of Verses for ‘Context of Mercy to be Shown on Judgment Day‘ for some based on the FRUIT of CHARITY DOCTRINE:


“…  12For this reason I also suffer these things; nevertheless I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep what I have committed to Him UNTIL THAT DAY. 13HOLD FAST THE PATTERN OF SOUND WORDS which you have heard from me, in faith and love which are in Christ Jesus. 14That GOOD THING WHICH WAS COMMITTED TO YOU, KEEP BY THE HOLY SPIRIT who dwells in us. 15This you know, that all those in Asia have turned away from me, among whom are Phygellus and Hermogenes. 16The LORD GRANT MERCY to the HOUSEHOLD OF ONESIPHORUS, FOR HE OFTEN REFRESHED ME, and was not ashamed of my chain; 17but when he arrived in Rome, he sought me out very zealously and found me. 18The LORD GRANT TO HIM THAT HE MAY FIND MERCY FROM THE LORD IN THAT DAY—and YOU KNOW VERY WELL HOW MANY WAYS HE MINISTERED [d]TO ME AT EPHESUS. …” (2 Timothy 1:12 – 18, NKJV)



Verses 16  and 18 here which clearly Teach the CHARITY DOCTRINE LIFESTYLE as the FRUIT OF SALVATION for MERCY to be SHOWN ON JUDGEMENT DAY ( “in that Day”).


Please note that Verse 12 mentions ( “UNTIL that Day”) together with Verse 18 “THAT HE MAY FIND MERCY FROM THE LORD IN THAT DAY”  refers most likely to “Judgment Day” simply because ‘Christians are the “GREAT” on “Judgment Day” (while the saved non-Christians could  be “the SMALL” who are saved on this day while “THE DEAD” only are JUDGED who are “STANDING” indicating consciousness in their ‘Resurrection for Judgment Bodies’ which are the unsaved non-Christian ) in Verses below:


“… And I saw THE DEAD, SMALL and GREAT, STANDING BEFORE GOD, and books were opened. And another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. And THE DEAD WERE JUDGED according to their works, by the things which were written in the books. …” (Revelation 20:12, NKJV)

So possibly,


  1. The CHRISTIANS = THE GREAT here (as in front of God, an unsaved dead being called great seems unlikely, the BRIDE the LAMB’S WIFE Revelation 21:8 – 10, Overcomers Revelation 21:7, CELESTIAL/HEAVENLY GLORY Resurrection Bodies 1 Corinthians 15:39 – 42, who come for REWARD and not JUDGMENT John 5:24 – 25, and SHINE Daniel 12:3)


  1. The SMALL = Saved non-Christians (from the NATIONS who are SAVED Revelation 21:24 – 27 from the [New] EARTH with TERRESTRIAL/EARTHLY GLORY Resurrection Bodies 1 Corinthians 15:39 – 42 who have DONE GOOD (‘FRUIT’ not cause of Salvation, John 5:28 – 29) for ETERNAL LIFE (Daniel 12:2, Matthew 25:46) who may be THIRSTY ONES given the WATER OF LIFE FREELY (Revelation 21:6) as even THE BRIDE or CHRISTIANS CALL OUT TO THEM ON THAT DAY after JUDGMENT DAY in the NEW HEAVENLY JERUSALEM TIMELINE (in REVELATION 22:17 Mysteriously) where THIRSTY can also indicate BELIEVING AFTER SEEING (based on John 7:37 – 39) and John 6:36 – 40 especially JOHN 6:40 on the LAST DAY.

iii. The DEAD = Unsaved non-Christians (‘…  THE DEAD WERE JUDGED …’) into the Lake of Fire (Revelation 21:8) who are only resurrected  for Judgment for doing evil (John 5:29)  hence EVERLASTING SHAME & PUNISHMENT in FIRE (Daniel 12:2, Matthew 25:46).


Regardless, Charity Doctrine is Truly a Doctrine for the Church of Christ in the Context of Finding MERCY on JUDGMENT DAY as the FRUIT OF SALVATION according to 2 Timothy 1:18 itself.


I am “not” saying that I must be 100% right but it’s “possible” without contradicting Scripture but let God Decide and I accept it either way knowing that no matter how much I may think about it, I could still err being human.



Peace to you





A Rare Faith among Men – Mystery of Faith of Eunuchs in the Kingdom of Heaven


Source Post:



1) Why is this important?


Perhaps (if not us), someone might be called to live such a life of faith for Christ whose faith is “not” normal but Described Mysteriously in Verses below that it’s even Greater than that of the usual “sons and daughters”, Verses (which are Written in the ‘Context of Final Salvation‘ and ‘God’s Righteousness to be Revealed’):



“…  1Thus SAYS THE LORD:

“Keep justice, and do righteousness,



2Blessed is the man who does this,

And the son of man who lays hold on it;

Who keeps from defiling the Sabbath,

And keeps his hand from doing any evil.”

3Do not let the son of the foreigner

Who has joined himself to the Lord

Speak, saying,

“The Lord has utterly separated me from His people”;


“Here I am, a dry tree.”4For THUS SAYS THE LORD:

“TO THE EUNUCHS who keep my sabbaths,


And hold fast My covenant,




I will give [a]them AN EVERLASTING NAME

That SHALL NOT BE CUT OFF. …” (Isaiah 56:4 – 5, NKJV)





0) Context: The Promises in these particular Set of Verses is “not” for every believer at that time even but only toward “EUNUCHS” (i.e. those who have Renounced Marriage for God in some way to Serve Him or some via Castrations) as God Himself Sets this Context in the Opening Lines here as “… 4For thus says the Lord: TO THE EUNUCHS  …”


  1. The phrase “… BETTER THAN THAT OF SONS AND DAUGHTERS; …” seems to point to a really great inheritance in the Kingdom beyond the usual “sons and daughters of God (implied)”.


  1. The phrase “… I WILL GIVE IN MY HOUSE And WITHIN MY WALLS A PLACE …” = Seem to Point to a “special Level of Heavenly Inheritance” above the usual one given to other saved “… SONS AND DAUGHTERS; …”


  1. The phrase “… I WILL GIVE IN MY HOUSE And WITHIN MY WALLS … And A NAME …” = Seem to Point to a “special Level of Title/Rank” above the usual one given to other saved “… SONS AND DAUGHTERS; …”


  1. The phrase “… I will give [a]them AN EVERLASTING NAME That SHALL NOT BE CUT OFF. …” means their above than usual Reward and Name in His Kingdom than the usual “… Sons and daughters …” is “not” a temporary reward nor a temporary “NAME GIVEN BY GOD” but a permanent and “EVERLASTING” one.




  1. These Hidden Mysteries may have been known in the “Priestly” Context too in the Old Covenant itself even before these Verses in Isaiah were Written as per Verses below “in Principle” (or even “allegorically“):


“… And the PRIEST ANSWERED David and said, “There is NO COMMON BREAD on hand; but there is HOLY BREAD, if the young men have AT LEAST KEPT THEMSELVES FROM WOMEN.” …” (1 Samuel 21:4, NKJV)


2) Perhaps this has been echoed in this “Wisdom of Solomon” book likewise as God Quotes the Context of “… I WILL GIVE IN MY HOUSE And WITHIN MY WALLS A PLACE …” (in Isaiah 56:5) as follows:


“… [14] And BLESSED IS THE EUNUCH, which with his hands hath wrought no iniquity, nor imagined wicked things against God: for UNTO HIM SHALL BE GIVEN THE SPECIAL GIFT OF FAITH, and an INHERITANCE IN THE TEMPLE OF THE LORD more acceptable to his mind. …” (Wisdom of Solomon 3:14, KJV)






Another related Quote:


“… [1] BETTER IT IS TO HAVE NO CHILDREN, AND TO HAVE VIRTUE: for the MEMORIAL THEREOF IS IMMORTAL: because it is known with God, and with men. [2] When it is present, men take example at it; and when it is gone, they desire it: it weareth a crown, and triumpheth for ever, having gotten the victory, STRIVING FOR UNDEFILED REWARDS. ….” (Wisdom of Solomon 4:1 – 2, KJV)







3) Does it apply in the New Covenant?


This applied in the “Old Covenant” and similarly may be echoed in Principle in the New Covenant too (“not” according to the abolished parts of course but in obedience to the New Testament Verses) as Christ Himself may have Pointed to such a case in Verses below:



“… For there are eunuchs who were born thus from their mother’s womb, and there are eunuchs who were made eunuchs by men, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves EUNUCHS FOR THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN’S SAKE. He who is ABLE TO ACCEPT IT, LET HIM ACCEPT IT.” …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 19:12, NKJV)



4) Is that the Reason why Blessed Apostle St. Paul himself echoed that “… He WISHED ALL MEN were LIKE THAT? …” Verses (for if there was “no” difference in a Heavenly or Spiritual Perspective, he may not have wished it):



“…  7For I WISH THAT ALL MEN WERE EVEN as I MYSELF. But each one has his own gift from God, one in this manner and another in that. 8But I say to the UNMARRIED AND TO THE WIDOWS: IT IS GOOD FOR THEM IF THEY REMAIN EVEN AS I AM; 9but if they cannot exercise self-control, let them marry. For it is better to marry than to burn with passion. … 28 But even if you do marry, you have not sinned; and if a virgin marries, she has not sinned. Nevertheless such will have TROUBLE IN THE FLESH, but I WOULD SPARE YOU. … 32But I want you to be without care. He who is UNMARRIED CARES FOR THE THINGS OF THE LORD—how he may PLEASE THE LORD. 33But HE WHO IS MARRIED CARES about the THINGS OF THE WORLD—how he may PLEASE HIS WIFE. … 38So then he who GIVES HER IN MARRIAGE DOES WELL, but he WHO DOES NOT GIVE HER IN MARRIAGE DOES BETTER. …” (1 Corinthians 7:7 – 9, 28, 32 – 33, 38, NKJV)






5) The “Firstfruits” of Salvation (Holiest lot) itself belongs to a particular 144000 “unmarried Jewish Virgin Men” likewise proving this Context for such “Eunuchs” too:


“… 1Then I looked, and behold, [a]a Lamb standing on Mount Zion, and WITH HIM ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-FOUR THOUSAND, [b]having His Father’s name written on their foreheads. … . 3They SANG AS IT WERE A NEW SONG before the throne, before the four living creatures, and the elders; and NO ONE COULD LEARN THAT SONG except the HUNDRED AND FORTY-FOUR THOUSAND who were redeemed from the earth. 4These are the ones WHO WERE NOT DEFILED WITH WOMEN, FOR THEY ARE VIRGINS. These are the ones WHO FOLLOW THE LAMB WHEREVER HE GOES. These were [c]redeemed from among men, being FIRSTFRUITS to God and to the Lamb …” (Revelation 14:1, 3 – 4, NKJV)


6) The “Septuagint” reads the “same” meaning this Scripture is 100% True and Preserved


“… 4Thus SAITH THE LORD TO THE EUNUCHS, as many as shall keep my sabbaths, and CHOOSE THE THINGS WHICH I TAKE PLEASURE IN, and take hold of my covenant; 5I will GIVE TO THEM IN MY HOUSE and WITHIN MY WALLS AN HONOURABLE PLACE, BETTER THAN SONS AND DAUGHTERS: I will give them AN EVERLASTING NAME, and IT SHALL NOT FAIL. …” (Isaiah 56:4 – 5, Brenton Septuagint Translation)

Source: https://biblehub.com/sep/isaiah/56.htm


7) Example First Christianity Quotes


“… Now any one may object to this interpretation, and may give another which harmonizes with the rule of faith. For as the ark was to have rooms not only on the lower, but also on the upper storeys, which were called ” third storeys,” that there might be a habitable space on the third floor from the basement, some one may interpret these to mean the three graces commended by the apostle, — ^faith, hope, and charity. Or even more suitably they may be supposed to represent those THREE HARVESTS IN THE GOSPEL, THIRTYFOLD, SIXTYFOLD, AN HUNDREDFOLD, — CHASTE MARRIAGE DWELLING IN THE GROUND FLOOR, CHASTE WIDOWHOOD IN THE UPPER, AND CHASTE VIRGINITY IN THE TOP STOREY. Or any better interpretation may be given, so long as the reference to this city is maintained…” – Blessed St. Augustine of Hippo, Doctor of the Church, who influenced virtually all of subsequent Western philosophy and Catholic theology, as well as a significant amount of Protestant theology (c. 354 AD – c. 430 AD, Book XV, ‘City of God’, Page 99)

Source: https://archive.org/stream/cityofgodvolumet009439mbp/cityofgodvolumet009439mbp_djvu.txt



“… For there are TWO WAYS IN LIFE, as touching these matters. The one the more moderate and ordinary, I mean MARRIAGE; THE OTHER ANGELIC AND UNSURPASSED, NAMELY VIRGINITY. Now if a man choose the way of the world, namely marriage, he is not indeed to blame; yet HE WILL NOT RECEIVE SUCH GREAT GIFTS AS THE OTHER. For he will receive, since he too BRINGS FORTH FRUIT, NAMELY THIRTYFOLD. But if a man embrace the holy and unearthly way, even though, as compared with the former, it be rugged and hard to accomplish, yet it has the more wonderful gifts: for IT GROWS THE PERFECT FRUIT, NAMELY AN HUNDREDFOLD…”  – Blessed St. Athanasius the Great, the Father of Orthodoxy, Patriarch of Alexandria and Champion of Trinity, Doctor of the Church and Confessor, Coptic Pope (c. 296 AD – c. 373 AD, Letter XLVIII.—Letter to Amun4583. Written before 354 AD via Philip Schaff, Pages 971 – 972)








“… And again THE LORD SAYS: Let the one who has married not be cast out, and let the one who HAS NOT MARRIED NOT MARRY. He who has confessed that he will NOT MARRY ACCORDING to HIS DECISION OF EUNUCHHOOD, LET HIM REMAIN UNMARRIED….” – Blessed St. Clement of Alexandria, Head of the Cathecathical School At Alexandria (c. 150 AD – c. 215 AD, Miscellanies 3.15)


Source for the “Agrapha ” Quote above (Agrapha Quote refers to ‘not’ in Bible Quote but attributed to Christ especially via Church Fathers):








If such a unique Reward occurred for those Eunuchs of the Old Testament, Christ Reassuring that there are Eunuchs likewise for the “Kingdom of Heaven” in the New Covenant allows such a “Reward in His Kingdom’s Inheritance” to be likewise applied to those who live by this Gift of Faith by God toward them.


I just find these Verses fascinating indeed and am intrigued much by it.


Please notice that Christ Himself Warned that “not” all are able to accept this Truth regarding “Eunuchs for the KINGDOM OF HEAVENbut it’s True regardless because He Himself Said it below, I repeat:


“… [11But He said to them], “ALL CANNOT ACCEPT THIS SAYING, but ONLY THOSE TO WHOM IT HAS BEEN GIVEN: 12For there are [c]eunuchs who were born thus from their mother’s womb, and there are eunuchs who were made eunuchs by men, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves EUNUCHS FOR THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN’S SAKE. HE WHO IS ABLE TO ACCEPT IT, LET HIM ACCEPT IT.” …” – The KING, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 19:11 – 12, NKJV)


The “Definition of Eunuch” as Christ Himself Uses the Koine Greek Word above may be seen in the Bible Dictionary below which includes the “being Unmarried Context” too as a type of it, to quote:


“… Definition: a eunuch

Usage: (a) a chamberlain, keeper of the bed-chamber of an eastern potentate, eunuch, (b) a eunuch, castrated person, or ONE WHO VOLUNTARILY ABSTAINS FROM MARRIAGE. …”






So even if we couldn’t accept it, we need to Preach it for someone who could be “GIVEN” to “ACCEPT THIS Mysterious DOCTRINE for the KINGDOM OF HEAVEN’S SAKE” as Christ Teaches above.



Peace to you





Mystery of Our own righteousness vs God’s Righteousness with Emphasis on the Life of Blessed Charles Spurgeon the Prince of Preachers


Bible Verses:


“… 2For I bear them witness that they have a ZEAL FOR GOD, but NOT ACCORDING TO KNOWLEDGE. 3For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and SEEKING TO ESTABLISH THEIR OWN RIGHTEOUSNESS, have NOT SUBMITTED TO THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD. 4For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes. …” (Romans 10:2 – 3, NKJV)





1) Salvation is only by Christ’s Righteousness and by Believing in Him.


2) The “your righteousness” Christ Spoke of in Matthew 5:19 – 20 determines ‘your reward level in the Kingdom of Heaven (for those saved)’ as it depends on “Obeying God’s Commands”.


3) In principle of Romans 10:2 which states “…  zeal for God, but not according to knowledge. …” if applied to “your righteousness” for ‘reward level in Heaven not Salvation’ (Matthew 5:19 – 20), then those faith that “… deny Written Commands …” may be doing “… their own righteousness instead of submitting to God’s Righteousness …” as some New Testament Verses have warned regarding “being crowned” (as finishing the race of faith itself doesn’t necessarily mean being “crowned”) unless one runs according to the “RULES specified in WRITTEN SCRIPTURE” as per Verses below:




  1. i) No ‘Race of Faith’ is “Crowned” unless it’s “according to the Rules” or if they Teach against Scripture, it’s to the “… RUIN OF THE HEARERS. …” and the Context here is “God’s Commands in Action” (not ‘eschasthalogy’ or anything else), Verses:


“… 5And also if anyone competes in athletics, he is NOT CROWNED unless he COMPETES ACCORDING to THE RULES. … 14REMIND them of THESE THINGS, charging them before the Lord not to [d]strive about words to no profit, to the RUIN OF THE HEARERS. … ” (2 Timothy 2:5, 14, NKJV)


  1. ii) There is “no” Race of Faith based on ‘obeying or doing things beyond what is Written only’ in New Testament Scripture:


“… that you may learn in us NOT TO THINK BEYOND WHAT IS WRITTEN, that none of you may be [c]puffed up on behalf of one against the other. … 14I do not write these things to shame you, but as my beloved children I warn you. 15For though you might have ten thousand instructors in Christ, yet you do not have many fathers; for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel. 16Therefore I URGE YOU, IMITATE ME. 17For this reason I have sent Timothy to you, who is my beloved and faithful son in the Lord, who will remind you of my ways in Christ, as I TEACH EVERYWHERE IN EVERY CHURCH. …” (1 Corinthians 4:4, 14 – 17, NKJV)






1) Fearing God


Those who “Fear God” will do two things namely, “Give Alms” (Charity Doctrine) + “Pray Always”, Verses:


“… 1There was a certain man in Caesarea called Cornelius, a centurion of what was called the Italian [a]Regiment, 2a DEVOUT MAN and ONE WHO FEARED GOD with all his household, who GAVE ALMS GENEROUSLY to the people, and PRAYED TO GOD ALWAYS  …” (Acts 10:1 – 2, NKJV)


Comment: A True “Fear God Doctrine” will likewise Teach both aspects above namely:


  1. GAVE ALMS GENEROUSLY (Charity Doctrine Lifestyle)


Nothing else is mentioned in these Verses meaning these are the “First Definitions” of “Fearing God” which the “Bible has approved its Meaning as it is Written“.








2) Disobedience


Inability to Obey (“Keep” His Words or Keep “His Sayings”) may cause “Many” to be “Denied” from the “First Resurrection” as it’s LAWLESSNESS despite “Converting that same Many based on Casting out Demons, Prophesying and Miracles in His Name“, Verses:


“… 21“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22MANY will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ 23And then I will declare to them, ‘I NEVER KNEW YOU; depart from Me, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS!’ 24“Therefore WHOEVER HEARS THESE SAYINGS OF MINE, and DOES THEM, I will liken him to a WISE MAN WHO BUILT HIS HOUSE ON THE ROCK: …” (Matthew 7:21 – 24, NKJV)


3) Holy Spirit


The Sign of the Most Blessed Holy Spirit is “how much of His Commands we can keep” and ‘not’ everyone has the ‘other Gifts’ where the Greatest Gift is “Love” (Agape in Action), Verses:


“… 27Now you are the body of Christ, and members individually. 28And God has appointed these in the church: first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, administrations, varieties of tongues. 29Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Are ALL WORKERS OF MIRACLES? 30DO ALL HAVE GIFTS OF HEALINGS? DO ALL SPEAK WITH TONGUES? Do all interpret? 31But earnestly desire the [i]best gifts. And YET I SHOW YOU A MORE EXCELLENT WAY*. …” (1 Corinthians 12:27 – 30, NKJV)


*of “Agape” (Love of God) as 1 Corinthians 13 Revealed next to Verses above while in Verses below it’s the ‘Charity Doctrine Lifestyle’:



“… 16By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us. And we also OUGHT TO LAY DOWN OUR LIVES FOR THE BRETHREN. 17But WHOEVER HAS THIS WORLD’S GOODS, and SEES HIS BROTHER IN NEED, AND SHUTS UP HIS HEART FROM HIM, HOW DOES THE LOVE OF GOD ABIDE IN HIM? 18My little children, let us NOT LOVE IN WORD or IN TONGUE, BUT IN DEED AND IN TRUTH …” (1 John 3:10 – 18, NKJV)


“… 13HOLD FAST The PATTERN OF SOUND WORDS which you have heard from me, in faith and love which are in Christ Jesus. 14That good thing which was committed to you, KEEP BY THE HOLY SPIRIT who dwells in us. …” (2 Timothy 1:13 – 14, NKJV)


Comment: If ‘Casting out Demons, Miracles, Prophecies’ were keeping His Commandments, then it “contradicts” 1 Corinthians 12:27 – 30 above which states that these “Gifts” (though Good) but are “not” for all believers (meaning it cannot be the Commandments meant for every believer).



Comment: If some claim some new ways against ‘Written Scripture Rules’, “no” need to be harsh in condemning them either because we are “not” sure if God Showed them a ‘new way‘ and so better not to judge (Matthew 7:1 – 2).


But we remind them also “not” to force “nor” disturb us to “accept their new ways” simply because the “First Way of Scripture by obeying these Quotes New Testament Verses is already approved by God 100% and has ZERO CONDEMNATION if we obey it”, examples:


  1. ‘women pastors presiding over their men’ against 1 Timothy 2:12


“… 10but, which is proper for women professing godliness, with good works. 11Let a woman learn in silence with all submission. 12And I DO NOT PERMIT A WOMAN TO TEACH OR TO HAVE AUTHORITY OVER A MAN, BUT TO BE IN SILENCE. …” (1 Timothy 2:10 – 12, NKJV)



or No silence of women in their congregations against 1 Corinthians 14:34


“… 34WOMEN  SHOULD REMAIN SILENT IN THE CHURCHES. They are NOT ALLOWED TO SPEAK, but must be in SUBMISSION, as the law says. 35If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is DISGRACEFUL FOR A WOMAN TO SPEAK IN THE CHURCH. 36Or did the word of God originate with you? Or are you the only people it has reached? 37If anyone thinks they are a PROPHET or otherwise GIFTED BY THE SPIRIT, let them ACKNOWLEDGE that what I am WRITING to you is the LORD’S COMMAND. 38But IF ANYONE IGNORES THIS, THEY WILL THEMSELVES BE IGNORED …” (1 Corinthians 14:34 – 38, NIV)


Comment: These I have discussed in Pages 440 to 466 in this Book quoting the best Protestants including Blessed Martin Luther (the First Protestant),  Blessed John Calving (Founder of 5-Point Calvinism/Tulips Doctrine), Blessed John Wesley (Founder of Methodism) and even Blessed Charles Spurgeon (Prince of Preachers).


Please allow me to quote “Blessed Charles Spurgeon” alone here for a short example quote here (more quotes are in those pages mentioned):


“… But this commitment also meant that in areas where Scripture was clear, Spurgeon dared not trespass, no matter where his enlightened culture was going. In his sermon, “The Head of the Church,” Spurgeon declared,


When we meet together in church-meeting we cannot make laws for the Lord’s kingdom; we dare not attempt it. Such necessary regulations as may be made for carrying out our Lord’s commands, to meet for worship, and to proclaim the gospel, are commendable, because they are acts needful to obedience to his highest laws; but even these minor details are not tolerable if they clearly violate the spirit and mind of Jesus Christ. . . . Law-making in the church was finished in that day when the curse was pronounced on him who should take from or add to the word of God. Christ alone is the legislator of his church—none but he . . . has left to us his Statute-book, sufficient to guide us in every dilemma. …




Spurgeon believed that the preaching of the Word in the gathering of the church was restricted to men, along with the office of elders and deacons. At the same time, his predominant emphasis was on calling women to engage in ministry in all the other ways that were available to them.


When it came to the gathering of the church, Spurgeon believed that, according to Scripture, women were not to preach. Preaching on Matthew 8:14, 15, “First Healing and the Service,” Spurgeon commends the example of Peter’s mother-in-law:


But notice that what this good woman did was very appropriate. Peter’s wife’s mother did not get out of bed and go down the street and deliver an address to an assembled multitude. Women are best when they are quiet. I share the apostle Paul’s feelings when he bade women be silent in the assembly. Yet there is work for holy women, and we read of Peter’s wife’s mother that she arose and ministered to Christ. She did what she could and what she should. She arose and ministered to him. Some people can do nothing that they are allowed to do, but waste their energies in lamenting that they are not called on to do other people’s work. Blessed are they who do what they should do. It is better to be a good housewife, or nurse, or domestic servant, than to be a powerless preacher or a graceless talker. …”


Source (via Mr. Alex DiPrima is the Senior Pastor of Emmanuel Church in Winston Salem, NC. He holds a PhD from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in historical theology with an emphasis in the ministry of Charles Spurgeon & Mr. Geoff Chang serves as an assistant professor of church history and historical theology and is also the curator of the Spurgeon Library at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary):







Because despite teaching all these ‘strict Doctrine’, historical records Testify that Blessed Charles Spurgeon was used to do Miracles by God more than others and SO THEIR CLAIMS of HAVING SOME SPECIAL GIFTS only if WE DENY THESE BIBLE VERSES IS BASELESS (and hence the title ‘Prince of Preachers’ was conferred to him on account of his most widespread influence till today in Protestantism too), to quote:


  1. a) Charles Spurgeon may have been used by GOD to HEAL MORE PEOPLE in MIRACLES despite all these ‘STRICT DOCTRINES he Preached and Believed’, to quote:


“… “Yet, NO MAN PROBABLY, IN ENGLAND or in AMERICA, IN THIS CENTURY, HAS EVER HEALED SO MANY PEOPLE as did MR. SPURGEON, although he was not himself a physician and never wrote prescriptions. He felt that there was UNEXPLAINABLE MYSTERY ABOUT THE WHOLE MATTER. Yet, he asserted that there was SOME POWER CONNECTED WITH PRAYER which ought to be used when persons were in pain and could be relieved by it.” from “The Life of Charles Haddon Spurgeon” by Russell H. Conwell. …”


Source (with more details):  https://www.healingandrevival.com/BioCHSpurgeon.htm


  1. b) Charles Spurgeon Taught that ANY CHRISTIAN can Baptize not just particular chuches/pastors/denominations:


“… Oh, I would that the church could hear the Savior addressing these words to her now, for the words of Christ are living words, not having power in them yesterday alone, but today also. The injunctions of the Savior are perpetual in their obligation, they were not binding upon merely apostles, but upon us also, and upon EVERY CHRISTIAN does this yoke fall, “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, BAPTIZING THEM in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.”  …” – Blessed Charles Spurgeon (Prince of Preachers, On April 21, 1861, Charles Spurgeon delivered a sermon titled “The Missionaries’ Charge and Charter” (#383) addressing the core of the missionary task.)





  1. c) Charles Spurgeon was “never” officially a “an ordained pastor nor priest” for any denomination


“… Baptists had a long tradition of ordaining ministers, for example, but Spurgeon managed to get his church to omit this step—he never was ordained. He campaigned arduously to do without the customary title, Reverend, and he eventually succeeded in replacing it with Pastor. …”


Source: https://www.christianitytoday.com/history/issues/issue-29/what-did-spurgeon-believe.html


  1. d) Charles Spurgeon is the No.1 most influential Christian History apart from Bible ones


“… Charles Haddon Spurgeon is history’s most widely read preacher (apart from the biblical ones). Today, there is available more material written by Spurgeon than by any other Christian author, living or dead. …”


Source: https://www.christianitytoday.com/history/issues/issue-29/charles-h-spurgeon-did-you-know.html


  1. e) Charles Spurgeon didn’t believe in Speaking in Tongues nor in Progressive Revelations


Charles Spurgeon is a little harsh in his words toward those who speak in tongues but we need “not” judge either way (just using this to prove that true Men of God didn’t endorse it at all too throughout the Protestant Reformation), example in link below:


“… “I have heard many fanatical persons say the Holy Spirit revealed this and that to them. Now that is very generally revealed nonsense. The Holy Ghost does not reveal anything fresh now. He brings old things to our remembrance. “He shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance whatsoever I have told you.” The canon of revelation is closed; there is no more to be added. God does not give a fresh revelation, but he rivets the old one. When it has been forgotten, and laid in the dusty chamber of our memory, he fetches it out and cleans the picture, but does not paint a new one. There are no new doctrines, but the old ones are often revived. It is not, I say, by any new revelation that the Spirit comforts. He does so by telling us old things over again; he brings a fresh lamp to manifest the treasures hidden in Scripture; he unlocks the strong chests in which the truth had long lain, and he points to secret chambers filled with untold riches; but he coins no more, for enough is done. Believer! there is enough in the Bible for thee to live upon for ever.” …” – Blessed Charles Spurgeon (Prince of Preachers)


Source (official Spurgeon Pages):








We can be neutral and not support either Christianity in this Context if we are not sure as discussed in detail in post below to be ‘safe’ and ‘not accidentally speak any Blasphemy to the Holy Spirit’ either way:











iii. Post Tribulation  Rapture


Protestant reformers such as Martin Luther, John  Calvin, Charles Spurgeon, William Tyndale, John Wesley and others all taught “post-tribulation rapture only likewise” link:







I have discussed th