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Lake of Fire – Gehenna – Hell – If we are Judged till the Last Penny – Why need Christ?


All Men too – Christ’s Ransom for All


Someone Said, ‘Christ Pays for your Judgment till the last penny’.


Christ Says till you pay it and not till He pays it for you (Matthew 5:26, Matthew 18:34). In His Parable itself, He doesn’t say that He pays it (your afterlife Judgment part) but you pay it In Judgment (Gehenna/Lake-of-Fire-Matthew 5:22 – 26, Kingdom-of-Heaven-Judgment-part-Matthew 18:21 – 35).

Christ Pays for your sins for your Resurrection or Making Alive Part or your Salvation part (1 Corinthians 15:20 – 23) with Reconciliation after Judgment when His Mercy Triumphs over it but only after Judgment without Mercy or accordingly is endured first (James 2:13) by the demand of victims or angelic authorities (John 12:48, Hebrews 2:2).

Even Every believer is judged (Hebrews 12:8) but on earth (Hebrews 12:5 – 11) and “Passover” with no afterlife Judgment (John 5:24).

Peace to you







Hell – Lake of Fire or Gehenna is till the Last Penny only and not forever


Says Who?


Lord Jesus Christ Himself as He Describes this Punishment or Judgment Parabolically till the ‘last penny only’:


  1. Apostle Peter asks regarding the Kingdom of Heaven and its Judgment-part


“Then Peter came up and said to him, “Lord, how often will my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? As many as seven times?” Jesus said to him, “I do not say to you seven times, but seventy-seven times.


“Therefore the kingdom of heaven may be compared to a king who wished to settle accounts with his servants. When he began to settle, one was brought to him who owed him ten thousand talents. And since he could not pay, his master ordered him to be sold, with his wife and children and all that he had, and payment to be made. So the servant fell on his knees, imploring him, ‘Have patience with me, and I will pay you everything.’ And out of pity for him, the master of that servant released him and forgave him the debt.


“But when that same servant went out, he found one of his fellow servants who owed him a hundred denarii, and seizing him, he began to choke him, saying, ‘Pay what you owe.’ So his fellow servant fell down and pleaded with him, ‘Have patience with me, and I will pay you.’ He refused and went and put him in prison until he should pay the debt.

“When his fellow servants saw what had taken place, they were greatly distressed, and they went and reported to their master all that had taken place. Then his master summoned him and said to him, ‘You wicked servant! I forgave you all that debt because you pleaded with me. And should not you have had mercy on your fellow servant, as I had mercy on you?’ And in anger his master delivered him to the jailers, until he should pay all his debt. So also my heavenly Father will do to every one of you, if you do not forgive your brother from your heart.”


— from the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 18, ESV


Please notice the phrase “And in anger his master delivered him to the jailers, until he should pay all his debt.” which proves that Hell is NOT eternal but ‘age-during*’ only ’till that debt of Judgment or Unforgiveness is paid in Hell’ (implied Parabolically) as the literal Biblical Word means.


*for ever an ever = more accurately, to the ‘ages of Ages’ or ‘to the aeons of Aeons’ (e. g. Even the Maximum Judgment Sentence in Revelation 20:10) – the ‘same phrase’ to which St. Irenaeous himself has stated that it refers to the ‘aeons’ only, in his own words (definition) below:



“… we ourselves, when at the giving of thanks we pronounce the words, “To Aeons of Aeons” do set forth these Aeons. And, in fine, wherever the words Aeon or Aeons occur, they at once refer them to these beings.” – St. Irenaeous of Lyons (c. 130 AD – c. 202 AD, ‘Against Heresies’, Chapter III, Book I)


Translation Source:







Focus Phrase proving this simple claim:

“… we [Christian, True Believers] pronounce the words, “To aeons of Aeons” do set forth these aeons…”


Gehenna – Lake of Fire


How do we know that “Gehenna” (mentioned in Matthew 5:22, Matthew 10:28) in reference to the “age-during or AEONIAN Fire” (Matthew 25:46) till ‘the last penny only, not forever’ (Matthew 5:26) metaphorically refers to the “Lake of Fire” (Revelation 20:11 – 15)?


Here’s First Christianity’s Irrefutable Definition:


“… Lake of Fire, the Second Death.” Now this is what is called Gehenna, which the Lord styled eternal [AEONIAN, AGE-DURING] fire. “And if any one,” it is said, “was not found written in the Book of Life, he was sent into the Lake of Fire … ” – St. Irenaeous of Lyons (c. 130 AD – c. 202 AD, ‘Against Heresies’, Book 5, Chapter XXXV, Point 2)


Translation Source:



  1. Gehenna (Lake of Fire) is Described till the Last Penny only again by Christ


Here’s a Sola Scriptura Proof from the Mouth of our Most Blessed Saviour Himself that the Lake of Fire or Gehenna is NOT forever but till the last penny only (has an ‘end’):



“But I say unto you, … shall be in danger of the judgment: … shall be in danger of hell [GEHENNA-LAKE of FIRE] fire … Verily I say unto thee, Thou shalt by NO means COME OUT thence, TILL thou hast PAID the UTTERMOST FARTHING.” – Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 5:22, 26, KJV)



Please note that this ‘same Gehenna’ is mentioned in Verse below too (‘Context linking all these Verses together to speak of this Same Topic’):


“Do not fear those who kill the body but are unable to kill the soul; but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell [GEHENNA in Greek]” – Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 10:28, NASB)


[Emphasis Mine throughout for Clarity]


In other Translations:


“But I say to you … shall be guilty enough to go into the fiery hell [GEHENNA-LAKE of FIRE]… Truly I say to you, you will NOT COME OUT of there UNTIL you have PAID up the LAST CENT.” – Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 5:22, 26, NASB)


“but I — I say to you, … shall be in danger of the judgment, … shall be in danger of the GEHENNA of the FIRE … verily I say to thee, thou mayest NOT come forth thence TILL that thou mayest PAY the LAST FARTHING.” – Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 5:22, 26, YLT)



P/S: First Christianity Proof


Question 8


Which Church Father/Leader among these believed that the Lake of Fire (Revelation 21:8) ends in “Salvation” or being “Saved” or “Restored, being Made New toward ALL THINGS eventually” (Revelation 21:5, Revelation 22:17)?


Reply 8


St. Justin Martyr and St. Clement of Alexandria.




Yes. In fact, both of them quote these same passage from ‘Greek Philosophy’ in the Context of the ‘part they got right’ as follows (please compare and see ‘how identical’ they each quote & believe this same passage’ in the Context of the ‘Lake of Fire’):



8.i. St. Justin Martyr (100 AD – 160 AD)


“Then further concerning Him, that He alone is powerful, both to institute judgment on the deeds performed in life, and on the ignorance of the Deity [displayed by men], I can adduce witnesses from your own ranks; and first Sophocles, who speaks as follows:


That time of times shall come, shall surely come,


When from the golden ether down shall fall


Fire’s teeming treasure, and in burning flames


All things of earth and heaven shall be consumed;


And then, when all creation is dissolved,


The sea’s last wave shall die upon the shore,


The bald earth stript of trees, the burning air


No winged thing upon its breast shall bear.


There are two roads to Hades, well we know;


By this the righteous, and by that the bad,


On to their separate fates shall tend; and He,


Who all things had destroyed, shall all things save.” – St. Justin Martyr (CHAPTER 3, Testimonies to a future judgment, On the Sole Government of God)





Focus Phrase: “That time of times shall come, … in burning flames All things of earth and heaven shall be consumed; And then, when all creation is dissolved, … here are two roads to Hades, well we know; By this the righteous, and by that the bad, On to their separate fates shall tend… and He, Who all things had destroyed, shall all things save” – St. Justin Martyr


Even Finer Focus: “That time of times shall come, … in burning flames All things of earth and heaven shall be consumed; And then, when all creation is dissolved, … and He,



Who all things had destroyed, shall all things save” – St. Justin Martyr



Even, Even Finer Focus: ” and He, Who all things had destroyed, shall all things save” – St. Justin Martyr


I repeat with emphasis (please note that ‘all that is destroyed in this Lake of Fire (Revelation 21:5) will be Restored or Made New’, Revelation 21:5):



” and He, Who ALL THINGS had DESTROYED, shall ALL THINGS SAVE” – St. Justin Martyr


Can you see now that St. Justin Martyr himself believed in Universal Salvation in quote above irrefutably that the ‘same ALL CREATED THINGS’ (Colossians 1:16) which is DESTROYED in the LAKE of FIRE (Revelation 21:8) will be MADE NEW (Revelation 21:5) and SAVED (Colossians 1:20), yes toward ALL CREATION eventually (Romans 8:20 – 22). Though the Whole World may be engulfed in the Fire from the Lake of Fire, ‘believers (Sheepfold1)’ cannot be harmed in any way by this “Second Death” (Revelation 20:4 – 6, Revelation 2:11).



8.ii. St. Clement of Alexandria (c. 150 AD – c. 215 AD)



Lord Jesus Christ Saves even from Hades now to the Final Lake of Fire (Gehenna)


“… There is an eye of justice, which sees all. For two ways, as we deem, to Hades lead- One for the good, the other for the bad. But if the earth hides both for ever, then Go plunder, steal, rob, and be turbulent. But err not. For in Hades judgment is, Which God the Lord of all will execute, Whose name too dreadful is for me to name, Who gives to sinners length of earthly life. If any mortal thinks, that day by day, While doing ill, he eludes the gods keen sight, His thoughts are evil; and when justice has The leisure, he shall then detected be So thinking. Look, whoe’er you be that say That there is not a God. There is, there is. If one, by nature evil, evil does, Let him redeem the time; for such as he Shall by and by due punishment receive.” And with this agrees the tragedy in the following lines: “For there shall come, shall come that point of time, When Ether, golden-eyed, shall ope its store Of treasured fire; and the devouring flame, Raging, shall burn all things on earth below, And all above.” . . .And after a little he adds: “And when the whole world fades, And vanished all the abyss of ocean’s waves, And earth of trees is bare; and wrapt in flames, The air no more begets the winged tribes; Then He who all destroyed, shall all restore.” – – St. Clement of Alexandria (c.150 AD – c. 215 AD, Stromata, Book 5)


Translation Source:





Focus Phrase: “And when the whole world fades, And vanished all the abyss of ocean’s waves, And earth of trees is bare; and wrapt in flames, The air no more begets the winged tribes; Then He who all destroyed, shall all restore.” – St. Clement of Alexandria


Even Finer Focus: “He who all destroyed, shall all restore”

I repeat with emphasis (please note that ‘all that is destroyed in this Lake of Fire (Revelation 21:5) will be Restored or Made New’, Revelation 21:5):


“He who ALL DESTROYED, shall ALL RESTORE.” – St. Clement of Alexandria




Peace to you












Lake of Fire – Gehenna – Hell – If we are Judged till the Last Penny – Why need Christ?



This is a Common Fallacy arising due to rejecting or not understanding the Doctrines of First Christianity Correctly. Since the New Testament Bible is Written in Koine Greek, the most accurate exegesis and meanings are by the ‘Greek Fathers’ of the Church (Please see Image).









Source for Image:









Let’s Consider the Following Apostolic Teaching Primarily by St. Justin Martyr, St. Irenaeous of Lyons and St. Clement of Alexandria.





Question 1


You’re saying the Apostle Paul may have to suffer in the lake of fire for a period of time to suffer for those he persecuted in the Church before his conversion? After all, there are those souls under the altar that have not forgiven and are asking when God will take vengeance on their behalf. (Rev 6:9-10)


Reply 1


If you repent on earth, you suffer here in some way (Hebrews 12:5 – 11) as apostle Paul and every believer too as sons (well he died a martyr too) but no afterlife Judgment (John 5:24).

All are judged either in this life (believers) or next (non-believers).


Question 2


So the repentant Christian will not have to endure the lake of fire at all (whether those he has harmed has forgiven him nor not)? But the unrepentant rebel will endure the lake of fire until purified/cleansed which will then reconcile him to God?


Reply 2


The repentant Christian that does lawless deeds a contradiction taught by some denominations . The lawless Christian (Matthew 7:20 – 23) gets treated the same as the unbelievers (Luke 12:46 – 48) till the last penny (Luke 12:59).


Question 3


But the unrepentant rebel will endure the lake of fire until purified/cleansed which will then reconcile him to God?


Reply 3


Yes, lawless Christian slave and unbeliever together in same punishments in Lake of Fire (Luke 12:46 – 48).


Question 4


Just wanted to be clear. Once the unrepentant rebel is cleansed and purified in the lake of fire he is thereby reconciled to God – no more punishment? Did I get this right?


Reply 4


Yes that’s right sir. But being least in His Kingdom for starters (Matthew 5:19). All may be equal in ages after that as God being all in all in the points (1 Corinthians 15:24- 28). Either way yes, that part is no more punishments but only Glory after Glory increase with His Kingdom beyond the “ages” (AEONS) and has no end (Luke 1:33).


Question 5


But if the unrepentant sinner can indeed be reconciled to God by temporarily suffering himself, then Jesus isn’t literally the “Savior of the world” since some can reconcile themselves to God through their temporary lake of fire punishment. Am I missing something?


Reply 5


You’re arguing from a common misconception due to not accepting St. Justin Martyr and St. Irenaeous’ Doctrines of Truth.

Heaven like abode vs Hell like abode existed before Christ itself (Luke 16:19 – 31).


We don’t need Christ to live with our souls there. Paying for one’s sins in Judgment causes one’s body + soul destroyed (Matthew 10:28) and only living in the spirit state (1 Corinthians 5:5, 1 Peter 4:6, 1 Peter 3:17 – 18).


We need Christ to be ‘made alive’ into a ‘resurrection of the body in sinlessness, restored’ (1 Corinthians 15:20 – 23).


As St. Justin said, Resurrection is the spirit getting the body again. Without this redemption of the body, our soul (with spirit) lives in those abodes only and not on earth.


To live on earth and next ascend to the heavens as Christ’s Example itself demonstrates, we need this Resurrection for body also to be saved apart from soul being saved and spirit being saved too (1 Thessalonians 5:23).


The body is the house of the soul . The soul is the house of the spirit. The spirit is the living breath of God which defines us at the core as St. Justin Martyr clearly defined.


The wicked benefit only Christ’s Making alive in a sinless body (healing the damaged soul + body in Gehenna) as St. Justin Martyr points will be done in this way (renewal, repair) toward His Enemies too as His Ransom is toward “All” (1 Timothy 2:6) including ‘all men too’ (1 Timothy 2:4) especially believers (1 Timothy 4:10).



Question 6


If I’m picking up what you’re laying down, you’re saying that Christ’s sacrifice alone is insufficient for complete reconciliation and restoration to God. To achieve complete reconciliation and restoration requires Christ + the unrepentant sinner’s temporary lake of fire suffering.


Reply 6


Christ’s Death and Resurrection doesn’t take away the Judgment-part which is in this life for believers as sons (Hebrews 12, especially Hebrews 12:5 – 11) with no afterlife Judgment (John 5:24) which is only for non-believers immediately upon death (Hebrews 9:27) in their souls first (Luke 16:19 – 31).


Christ’s Reconciliation is now toward Christians only (Romans 3:26, Colossians 1:21 – 22) and “not yet” (Hebrews 2:8) for the rest of “All Created things” (Colossians 1:16, 20) especially “enemies” (1 Corinthians 15:24 -28) which is only post afterlife Judgment with Body too in Gehenna later (John 5:29, Revelation 20:11 – 15, Romans 9 – 11, Romans 11:33) where Mercy which Triumphs over and end this Judgment-part will be shown eventually (James 2:13) to “All” (Romans 11:32) including the “enemies of the Gospel as beloved” (Romans 11:28 – 29) & the ‘disobedient (NASB) & unbelieving (KJV) ones too’ (Romans 11:30 – 31).




Question 7


I think I’m getting it. You’re saying Christ is just part of the solution to get man fully restored. Christ deals primarily with resurrecting the body. But the unrepentant sinner must suffer temporarily for his own sins in the lake of fire in order to be purified/cleansed from sin and reconciled to God..


Reply 7


Christ doesn’t Judge anyone in the Punishment Context (John 8:15) and passes it on to ‘others in authority (Hebrews 2:2) & the victims (Revelation 6:9 -10)’ and so He only Reconciles, yes. The Judgment part is determined by angelic authorities (Hebrews 2:2) and saints (1 Corinthians 6:2) even victims (Revelation 6:9 – 10) & other relevant ones (Matthew 12:42, John 5:45).


This Last Punishment in the Body in the Lake of Fire or Gehenna as St. Irenaeous defines these to be the same (Matthew 5:22) is only till the ‘last penny only (not forever), Matthew 5:26’.


Please notice carefully that though the Judgment is Passed first to the Son (John 5:22), the Son Judges not anyone for the sins done against Him (John 12:47, Luke 23:34) & forgives them for their sins against Him (Matthew 12:31) except the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit which is Punished to two ages (Matthew 12:32) probably due to angelic authorities deciding it prior (Hebrews 2:2, Psalm 82:1).


The ones in Gehenna (Matthew 5:22) are punished till the last penny (Matthew 5:26) not for the sins they did to Christ (which Christ forgave already) but for the sins we did to each other as Christ’s passes this Judgment Right to ‘another’ (John 12:48) according to the Law & Prophets allow this choice to the ‘victims’ (Revelation 6:9 – 10) and others (Hebrews 2:2, Matthew 12:42, John 5:45) as it is Described in Matthew 5:23 – 25 (in Context of the Consecutive Verses Describing Gehenna or the Lake of Fire Parabolically, in Matthew 5:22 – 26).


His Reconciliation is Post this Judgment as explained Prior toward His Enemies.






Question 8


Which Church Father/Leader among these believed that the Lake of Fire (Revelation 21:8) ends in “Salvation” or being “Saved” or “Restored, being Made New toward ALL THINGS eventually” (Revelation 21:5, Revelation 22:17)?


Reply 8


St. Justin Martyr and St. Clement of Alexandria.




Yes. In fact, both of them quote these same passage from ‘Greek Philosophy’ in the Context of the ‘part they got right’ as follows (please compare and see ‘how identical’ they each quote & believe this same passage’ in the Context of the ‘Lake of Fire’):


8.i. St. Justin Martyr


“Then further concerning Him, that He alone is powerful, both to institute judgment on the deeds performed in life, and on the ignorance of the Deity [displayed by men], I can adduce witnesses from your own ranks; and first Sophocles, who speaks as follows:


That time of times shall come, shall surely come,

When from the golden ether down shall fall

Fire’s teeming treasure, and in burning flames

All things of earth and heaven shall be consumed;

And then, when all creation is dissolved,

The sea’s last wave shall die upon the shore,

The bald earth stript of trees, the burning air

No winged thing upon its breast shall bear.

There are two roads to Hades, well we know;

By this the righteous, and by that the bad,

On to their separate fates shall tend; and He,

Who all things had destroyed, shall all things save.” – St. Justin Martyr (CHAPTER 3, Testimonies to a future judgment, On the Sole Government of God)






Focus Phrase: “That time of times shall come, … in burning flames All things of earth and heaven shall be consumed; And then, when all creation is dissolved, … here are two roads to Hades, well we know; By this the righteous, and by that the bad, On to their separate fates shall tend… and He, Who all things had destroyed, shall all things save” – St. Justin Martyr


Even Finer Focus: “That time of times shall come, … in burning flames All things of earth and heaven shall be consumed; And then, when all creation is dissolved, … and He,

Who all things had destroyed, shall all things save” – St. Justin Martyr


Even, Even Finer Focus: ” and He, Who all things had destroyed, shall all things save” – St. Justin Martyr



I repeat with emphasis (please note that ‘all that is destroyed in this Lake of Fire (Revelation 21:5) will be Restored or Made New’, Revelation 21:5):


” and He, Who ALL THINGS had DESTROYED, shall ALL THINGS SAVE” – St. Justin Martyr


Can you see now that St. Justin Martyr himself believed in Universal Salvation in quote above irrefutably that the ‘same ALL CREATED THINGS’ (Colossians 1:16) which is DESTROYED in the LAKE of FIRE (Revelation 21:8) will be MADE NEW (Revelation 21:5) and SAVED (Colossians 1:20), yes toward ALL CREATION eventually (Romans 8:20 – 22). Though the Whole World may be engulfed in the Fire from the Lake of Fire, ‘believers (Sheepfold1)’ cannot be harmed in any way by this “Second Death” (Revelation 20:4 – 6, Revelation 2:11).


8.ii. St. Clement of Alexandria


Lord Jesus Christ Saves even from Hades now to the Final Lake of Fire (Gehenna)


“… There is an eye of justice, which sees all. For two ways, as we deem, to Hades lead- One for the good, the other for the bad. But if the earth hides both for ever, then Go plunder, steal, rob, and be turbulent. But err not. For in Hades judgment is, Which God the Lord of all will execute, Whose name too dreadful is for me to name, Who gives to sinners length of earthly life. If any mortal thinks, that day by day, While doing ill, he eludes the gods keen sight, His thoughts are evil; and when justice has The leisure, he shall then detected be So thinking. Look, whoe’er you be that say That there is not a God. There is, there is. If one, by nature evil, evil does, Let him redeem the time; for such as he Shall by and by due punishment receive.” And with this agrees the tragedy in the following lines: “For there shall come, shall come that point of time, When Ether, golden-eyed, shall ope its store Of treasured fire; and the devouring flame, Raging, shall burn all things on earth below, And all above.” . . .And after a little he adds: “And when the whole world fades, And vanished all the abyss of ocean’s waves, And earth of trees is bare; and wrapt in flames, The air no more begets the winged tribes; Then He who all destroyed, shall all restore.” – – St. Clement of Alexandria (c.150 AD – c. 215 AD, Stromata, Book 5)


Translation Source:



Focus Phrase: “And when the whole world fades, And vanished all the abyss of ocean’s waves, And earth of trees is bare; and wrapt in flames, The air no more begets the winged tribes; Then He who all destroyed, shall all restore.” – St. Clement of Alexandria


Even Finer Focus: “He who all destroyed, shall all restore


I repeat with emphasis (please note that ‘all that is destroyed in this Lake of Fire (Revelation 21:5) will be Restored or Made New’, Revelation 21:5):


He who ALL DESTROYED, shall ALL RESTORE.” – St. Clement of Alexandria





P/S: Please allow me to repeat the Crux in Point 5 with these Authoritative Church Father Quotes


  1. You’re arguing from a common misconception due to not accepting St. Justin Martyr and St. Irenaeous’ Doctrines of Truth. Heaven like abode vs Hell like abode existed before Christ itself (Luke 16:19 – 31).


We don’t need Christ to live with our souls there. Paying for one’s sins in Judgment causes one’s body + soul destroyed (Matthew 10:28) and only living in the spirit state (1 Corinthians 5:5, 1 Peter 4:6, 1 Peter 3:17 – 18).


” And what men does he think beloved of God, but Moses and the rest of the prophets? For their prophecies he read, and, having learned from them the doctrine of the judgment, he thus proclaims it in the first book of the Republic:


When a man begins to think he is soon to die, fear invades him, and concern about things which had never before entered his head. And those stories about what goes on in HADES, which tell us that the man who has here been unjust must there be punished, though formerly ridiculed, now TORMENT HIS SOUL with apprehensions that they may be true. And he, either through the feebleness of age, or even because he is now nearer to the things of the other world, views them more attentively. He becomes, therefore, full of apprehension and dread, and begins to call himself to account and to consider whether he has done any one an injury. And that man who finds in his life many iniquities, and who continually starts from his sleep as children do, lives in terror, and with a forlorn prospect. But to him who is conscious of no wrong-doing, sweet hope is the constant companion and good nurse of old age, as Pindar says. For this, Socrates, he has elegantly expressed, that ‘whoever leads a life of holiness and justice, him sweet hope, the nurse of age, accompanies, cheering his heart, for she powerfully sways the changeful mind of mortals.’.” – St. Justin Martyr (CHAPTER XXVI, HORTATORY ADDRESS TO THE GREEKS)







  1. We need Christ to be ‘made alive’ into a ‘resurrection of the body in sinlessness, restored’ (1 Corinthians 15:20 – 23).


As St. Justin said, Resurrection is the spirit getting the body again. Without this redemption of the body (Romans 8:23), our soul (with spirit) lives in those abodes only and not on earth.


“The resurrection is a resurrection of the flesh which died. For the spirit dies not; the soul is in the body, and without a soul it cannot live. The body, when the soul forsakes it, is not.” (‘FRAGMENTS OF THE LOST WORK OF JUSTIN ON THE RESURRECTION’ CHAPTER X)






iii. To live on earth and next ascend to the heavens as Christ’s Example itself demonstrates, we need this Resurrection for body also to be saved apart from soul being saved and spirit being saved too (1 Thessalonians 5:23).


“… For if you have fallen in with some who are called Christians, but who do not admit this[truth], and venture to blaspheme the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob; who say there is no resurrection of the dead, and that their souls, when they die, are taken to heaven; do not imagine that they are Christians, …” – St. Justin Martyr (‘Dialogue with Trypho, CHAPTER LXXX)






Comment from an earlier post discussing this often easily misunderstood truth:


What did Justin mean when he says “… who say …their souls, when they die, are taken to heaven; do not imagine that they are Christians?


Doesn’t that plainly contradict Luke 16:19 – 31?


Not really. What Justin Martyr means as heaven is far more complex than ‘what we assume’ to be. Firstly, Luke 16:19 – 31 mentions of “Paradise” into which the “souls of the righteous go” and NOT heaven. Yes, “heaven” and “Paradise” are different as the Writings of Iraneous & even Papias reveal below (and Justin must be speaking from this ‘same knowledge too’):


Yes, this definition of ‘heaven(s)’ may be more complex than usually assumed, to quote:


‘A fragment from the early 2nd century of one of the lost volumes of Papias, a Christian bishop, expounds that “heaven” was separated into three distinct layers. He referred to the first as just “heaven”, the second as “paradise”, and the third as “the city”. Papias taught that “there is this distinction between the habitation of those who produce a hundredfold, and that of those who produce sixty-fold, and that of those who produce thirty-fold’ (Papias, Fagments 5:1)


Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heaven_in_Christianity


This explanation is further proven True as Lord Jesus Christ went to “Paradise” on the “same” Day He Died with His SOUL (Disproving the Soul Sleep Theory that His Soul Slept in the Grave for Three Days, Luke 23:43) but after He Resurrected Gloriously, i.e. Three Days later, He Ascended to the Father in a RESURRECTED BODY into the “Heavens” eventually (John 20:17, Mark 16:19, Acts 1:2 – 3, Acts 1:9 – 11, Ephesians 4:9 – 10).


This means that when we die, as Christians, with ‘our soul we will enter Paradise’ immediately (as per Luke 16:19 – 31) and await the ‘redemption of the body’ (Romans 8:23) to enter ‘heaven’ later when He Returns during the First Resurrection (Revelation 20:4 – 6). Yes, a soul with spirit can live in the afterlife abodes or regions such as ‘Abraham’s Bosom’ or Paradise (Luke 16:19 – 31, Revelation 6:10) or be gathered in the New Jerusalem City for the Wedding (Galatians 4:26, Revelation 21:2, Revelation 19:7 – 9) but to ‘live on earth again or to enter higher into the heavens’, we need to partake of the Resurrection First (Revelation 20:4 – 6, Hebrews 11:39 – 40, Hebrews 12:21 – 24).




“we are of good courage, I say, and prefer rather to be absent from the body and to be at home with the Lord.” – apostle Paul (2 Corinthians 5:8, NASB)


So, the phrases in Verse above may mean as follows:


‘absent from the body’ = Bodily Death = Soul with Spirit separates from the Body where the latter sleeps in the dust of the earth.


‘to be at home with the Lord’ = Soul with Spirit enters the abodes of the righteous


The ‘Unconscious’ Part of being ‘dead’ refers to the ‘body primarily’ and in the context of NOT knowing anything that is ‘done under the sun’ (earthly context – not speaking of afterlife unconsciousness in Ecclesiastes itself). Example of a good post explaining this, please consider:





Please note that the Twenty Four Elders may be in the Heavens (in the Throne Room of God Itself, Revelation 4:4, Revelation 4:10, Revelation 11:16, Revelation 19:4) because these may be the WORTHY SAINTS of the past who may already obtained their RESURRECTION in the BODY just ‘after’ Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 27:52 – 53) who may be the ones that ‘sit on the thrones’ during the First Resurrection for Christians itself (Revelation 20:4 – 6).



  1. The body is the house of the soul . The soul is the house of the spirit. The spirit is the living breath of God which defines us at the core as St. Justin Martyr clearly defined.


“For the body is the house of the soul; and the soul the house of the spirit. These three, in all those who cherish a sincere hope and unquestioning faith in God, will be saved.” (‘FRAGMENTS OF THE LOST WORK OF JUSTIN ON THE RESURRECTION’ CHAPTER X)





  1. The wicked benefit only Christ’s Making alive in a sinless body (healing the damaged soul + body in Gehenna) as St. Justin Martyr points will be done in this way (renewal, repair) toward His Enemies too as His Ransom is toward “All” (1 Timothy 2:6) including ‘all men too’ (1 Timothy 2:4) especially believers (1 Timothy 4:10).


This Context is strengthened & Expanded next by the Fact that St. Justin Martyr understands the Verse above to mean that for a Christian, all three (Body, Soul, Spirit) is Saved (1 Thessalonians 5:23) while for the Wicked (Body, Soul) can be Destroyed in the Lake of Fire (Gehenna, Matthew 10:28) implying that the latter only ‘live in their spirit’ thereafter as St. Irenaeous’ quote and Verses above seems to suggest (1 Peter 4:6, 1 Corinthians 5:5) post afterlife Judgment but these ‘destroyed body/soul in Gehenna’ (Matthew 10:28) may be ‘regenerated to the Salvation of the destroyed Body, Soul’ in St. Justin’s quote below (though albeit mysterious):



“.. But, in truth, He has even called the flesh to the resurrection, and promises to it everlasting life. For where He promises to save man, there He gives the promise to the flesh. For what is man but the reasonable animal composed of body and soul? Is the soul by itself man? No; but the soul of man. Would the body be called man? No, but it is called the body of man. If, then, neither of these is by itself man, but that which is made up of the two together is called man, and God has called man to life and resurrection, He has called not a part, but the whole, which is the soul and the body. Since would it not be unquestionably absurd, if, while these two are in the same being and according to the same law, the one were saved and the other not? And if it be not impossible, as has already been proved, that the flesh be regenerated, what is the distinction on the ground of which the soul is saved and the body not? Do they make God a grudging God? But He is good, and will have all to be saved…. But no thanks are due to one who saves what is his own; for this is to save himself. For he who saves a part himself, saves himself by his own means, lest he become defective in that part; and this is not the act of a good man. For not even when a man does good to his children and offspring, does one call him a good man; for even the most savage of the wild beasts do so, and indeed willingly endure death, if need be, for the sake of their cubs. But if a man were to perform the same acts in behalf of his slaves, that man would justly be called good. Wherefore the Saviour also taught us to love our enemies, since, says He, what thank have ye? So that He has shown us that it is a good work not only to love those that are begotten of Him, but also those that are without. And what He enjoins upon us, He Himself first of all does.” – St. Justin Martyr (100 AD – 165 AD, On the Resurrection, Chapter VIII)






It is very clear from the above that St. Justin Martyr Speaks the Salvation of Body, Soul and Spirit for believers and then implies (in the latter) part that since God is Good, He will not only do this to His Own (or ‘those begotten of Him’, Christians, Sheepfold1 John 10:14) but also toward His Slaves (Sheepfold2, John 10:16) and even toward His Enemies (the wicked, eventually) as the Context of the Passage (Topic) only Speaks of this. Pleas note that the Wicked may only attain to this Salvation of ‘Body, Soul’ (the ‘houses in his own definition below’) which must undergo ‘decay/destruction first’ (Matthew 10:28 in Gehenna or the Lake of Fire first, implied) before ‘Renewal, Salvation, Restoration’ as explained in a Parabolic way above.


More line by line careful analysis of St. Justin’s Quote with Source is discussed under the Subtopic of “Judgment – God Judges No One – Saves All – Wrath Context” after the question ‘What did First Christianity Preach regarding the ‘Destruction of the Soul’?’ in link below:




Peace to you






Hades – Christ Saves from Hell – Parable of the Strong Man Mystery



We must not take lightly the Parables of Christ as it may Reveal Major Secrets which were kept hidden from the Foundation itself:


“This was to fulfill what was spoken through the prophet: “I WILL OPEN MY MOUTH IN PARABLES; I WILL UTTER THINGS HIDDEN SINCE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD.” (Matthew 13:35, NASB)


The Verse in Image (Matthew 12:29) and Mark 3:27 both Speak about Lord Jesus Christ Saving from Hell literally (be it Hades now or Gehenna later or both).


Says who in First Christianity?


Please note ‘carefully’ that both these First Orthodox Christian Saints below quote the “Strong Man” Parable referring to the ‘Strong Man as the Devil’ and the ‘plundered or Saved goods from the Devil as Mankind’ implying ‘afterlife Salvation post Judgment literally’, to quote:


  1. St. Irenaeous of Lyons


“… For if MAN, who had been created by God that he might live, after losing life, through being injured by the serpent that had corrupted him, should NOT any more RETURN to LIFE, but should be utterly [and for ever] ABANDONED to DEATH, God would [in that case] have been CONQUERED, and the WICKEDNESS of the serpent would have PREVAILED over the WILL of GOD. But inasmuch as God is invincible and long-suffering, He did indeed show Himself to be long-suffering in the matter of the CORRECTION of MAN and the PROBATION of ALL, as I have already observed; and by means of the second man did He BIND the STRONG MAN, and SPOILED his GOODS, and abolished death, VIVIFYING that MAN who had been in a state of death. For at the first Adam became a vessel in his (Satan’s) possession, whom he did also hold under his power, that is, by bringing sin on him iniquitously, and under colour of immortality entailing death upon him. For, while promising that they should be as gods, which was in no way possible for him to be, he wrought death in them: wherefore he who had led man captive, was justly captured in his turn by God; but MAN, who had been led captive, was LOOSED from the BONDS of CONDEMNATION.” – St. Irenaeous of Lyons (c. 130 AD – c. 202 AD, ‘Against Heresies’ , Book 3, Chapter XXIII, Point 1)






  1. St. Melito of Sardis


The ‘afterlife keeping in prison’ Post-Judgment awaiting Christ’s Salvation via Preaching of the Gospel has happened in the past (1 Peter 3:18 – 19) toward all as even St. Melito of Sardis clearly revealed proving this Context true toward the ‘future Gehenna Judgment’ as well as 1 Peter 4:5 – 6 implies:

Verses Describing this Parabolically: Mark 3:27 & Matthew 12:29.

First Christianity taught this:


“The Lord, having put on human nature, and having suffered for him who suffered, having been bound for him who was bound, and having been buried for him who was buried, is risen from the dead, and loudly proclaims this message: Who will contend against me? Let him stand before me. It is I who delivered the condemned. It is I who gave life to the dead. It is I who raised up the buried. Who will argue with me? It is I, says Christ, who destroyed death. It is I who triumphed over the enemy, and having trod down HADES, and bound the STRONG MAN, and have SNATCHED MANKIND up to the HEIGHTS of HEAVEN. It is I, says Christ. So then, come here ALL you FAMILIES of MEN, weighed down by your sins and recieve pardon for your misdeeds. For I am your pardon. I am the Passover which brings salvation. I am the Lamb slain for you. I am your lustral bath. I am your life. I am your resurrection. I am your light, I am your salvation, I am your King. It is I who brings you up to the heights of heaven. It is I who will give you the resurrection there. I will show you the Eternal Father. I will raise you up with my own right hand.” – St. Melito, Jewish Bishop of Sardis (Died c. 180 AD, ‘Homily on Pascha’)







Please note ‘carefully’ also that neither of these quote refers to men of the past alone but “Man” in general (e. g. St. Irenaeous’ uses a two-fold argument to refer to Man and Adam by equivalence being set free from Condemnation* while St. Melito’s quote clearly mentions that Christ brings Salvation to all the families of Mankind in Hades itself) . Yes , even Hades/Sheol is mentioned in St. Melito’s quote. A Deep Mystery Indeed.

There is no despair or lost of Hope beyond afterlife Judgment because Christ has the “Keys” of “Hades” and “Death” setting free anyone even now after Justice or afterlife Judgment is served accordingly to some as the Verses below (from the Bible & Shepherd of Hermas Writing which is Scripture too as endorsed in First Christianity by St. Irenaeous) reads as follows:


“and the Living One; and I was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore [to the ages of Ages**], and I have the keys of death and of Hades.” – Lord Jesus Christ (Revelation 1:18, NASB)


“15[92]:5 “Wherefore, Sir,” say I, “did the forty stones also come up with them from the deep, though they had already received the seal?” “Because,” saith he, “these, the apostles and the teachers who preached the name of the Son of God, after they had fallen asleep in the power and faith of the Son of God, preached also to them that had fallen asleep before them, and themselves gave unto them the seal of the preaching.

15[92]:6 Therefore they went down with them into the water, and came up again. But these went down alive [and again came up alive]; whereas the others that had fallen asleep before them went down dead and came up alive.


15[92]:7 So by their means they were quickened into life, and came to the full knowledge of the name of the Son of God. For this cause also they came up with them, and were fitted with them into the building of the tower and were builded with them, without being shaped; for they fell asleep in righteousness and in great purity. Only they had not this seal. Thou hast then the interpretation of these things also.” “I have, Sir,” say I.

17[94]:1 “Now then, Sir, explain to me concerning the mountains. Wherefore are their forms diverse the one from the other, and various?” “Listen,” saith he. “These twelve mountains are [twelve] tribes that inhabit the whole world. To these (tribes) then the Son of God was preached by the Apostles.” (Shepherd of Hermas)






Please note that the Shepherd of Hermas records the Afterlife Preaching of the Gospel to the Dead not by Christ to those of the past times but by the 40 apostles + teachers who went there after they died proving that post mortem evangelism for Sheepfold2 (non-Christian righteous with good works) is true and is on going post Christ’s Resurrection as 1 Peter 4:5 – 6 also means literally.


*Please also note that the righteous ones were in the Blessed Compartments of Hades (e. g. Abraham and Lazarus) while the wicked were in the “condemned” section of Hades (e. g. the ‘rich man’) as Christ’s Own Words Prove this in Luke 16:19 – 31 as even the First Christianity quote below reveals as well agreeing to this:


“The Lord has taught with very great fulness, that souls not only continue to exist, not by passing from body to body, but that they preserve the same form [in their separate state] as the body had to which they were adapted, and that they remember the deeds which they did in this state of existence, and from which they have now ceased,-in that narrative which is recorded respecting the rich man and that Lazarus who found repose in the bosom of Abraham. In this account He states that Dives knew Lazarus after death, and Abraham in like manner, and that each one of these persons continued in his own proper position, and that [Dives] requested Lazarus to be sent to relieve him-[Lazarus], on whom he did not [formerly] bestow even the crumbs [which fell] from his table. [He tells us] also of the answer given by Abraham, who was acquainted not only with what respected himself, but Dives also, and who enjoined those who did not wish to come into that place of torment to believe Moses and the prophets, and to receive the preaching of Him who was to rise again from the dead. By these things, then, it is plainly declared that souls continue to exist that they do not pass from body to body, that they possess the form of a man, so that they may be recognised, and retain the memory of things in this world; moreover, that the gift of prophecy was possessed by Abraham, and that each class of souls] receives a habitation such as it has deserved, even before the judgment.” – St. Irenaeous of Lyons (c. 130 AD – c. 202 AD, ‘Against Heresies’ , Book 2, Chapter XXXIV, Point 1)





**ages of Ages highlights (and not limits) Christ’s Resurrection into that same time period into which the Final Punishments are to endure bringing Hope in that He has the Keys to Save from both Death & Hades be it in the Lake of Fire or Second Death (Revelation 20:14) as the Reconciliation toward anyone thirsty from here (implied) may drink of the river of life which flows out of the Holy City to be Saved in their own order (Revelation 22:17, 1 Corinthians 15:21 – 23).

St. Clement of Alexandria (c. 150 AD – c. 215 AD) also affirms this ‘Same First Christianity Truth’:


“But how? Do not [the Scriptures] show that. the Lord preached the Gospel to those that perished in the flood, or rather had been chained, and to those kept “in ward and guard”? And it has been shown also, in the second book of the Stromata, that the apostles, following the Lord, preached the Gospel to those in Hades. For it was requisite, in my opinion, that as here, so also there, the best of the disciples should be imitators of the Master; so that He should bring to repentance those belonging to the Hebrews, and they the Gentiles; that is, those who had lived in righteousness according to the Law and Philosophy, who had ended life not perfectly, but sinfully. ” – St. Clement of Alexandria (Stromata, Book 6, Chapter VI)




P/S: The Righteous and Wicked do NOT go to the same part of Hades


Here’s a quote attributed to Hippolytus of Rome who was a hearer of St. Irenaeous:


“Hippolytus of Rome (c. 170 – c. 236), has the following: “And this is the passage regarding demons. But now we must speak of Hades, in which the souls both of the righteous and the unrighteous are detained. Hades is a place in the created system, rude, a locality beneath the earth, in which the light of the world does not shine; and as the sun does not shine in this locality, there must necessarily be perpetual darkness there. This locality has been destined to be as it were a guard-house for souls, at which the angels are stationed as guards, distributing according to each one’s deeds the temporary punishments for characters. And in this locality there is a certain place set apart by itself, a lake of unquenchable fire, into which we suppose no one has ever yet been cast; for it is prepared against the day determined by God, in which one sentence of righteous judgment shall be justly applied to all. And the unrighteous, and those who believed not God, who have honoured as God the vain works of the hands of men, idols fashioned, shall be sentenced to this endless punishment. But the righteous shall obtain the incorruptible and un-fading kingdom, who indeed are at present detained in Hades, but not in the same place with the unrighteous.”






Peace to you






























Age-during Life vs Immortality – What does it Really Mean in relation to Time?







Firstly, please note that the Original Biblical Koine Greek Word for “Age-during” (Aeonian, Aeon-Singular) and “Immortality” (e. g. Aphtharsian) are different though related as the Verse below Reveals from Romans 2:7 (in image too):


“Who [God] shall render to each according to his works; to those, indeed, who in continuance of a good work, do seek glory, and honour, and INCORRUPTIBILITY — life AGE-DURING ; and to those contentious, and disobedient, indeed, to the truth, and obeying the unrighteousness — indignation and wrath,” – apostle Paul (Romans 2:6 – 8, YLT)




New American Standard Bible

to those who by perseverance in doing good seek for glory and honor and IMMORTALITY , AEONIAN* life;


King James Bible

To them who by patient continuance in well doing seek for glory and honour and IMMORTALITY , AEONIAN* life:


Conclusion – First Christianity Definition


In relation to the Concept of Time, Immortality is seen as continuing existence in God’s Will into the FUTURE “Aeons” (Ages) say from the ‘current age [AEON1] followed by the next age [AEON2] and so on [AEON3 etc. ]’ Biblically in First Christianity as the phrase ‘age-during or aeonian life’ means (and age-during is life for that particular age being highlighted or emphasized and not eternity).


Says who?


To quote:


” … For from the very fact of THESE THINGS having been CREATED, [it follows] that they are not uncreated; but by THEIR CONTINUING in being throughout a LONG course of AGES [AEONS], they shall receive a faculty of the Uncreated, through the gratuitous bestowal of AEONIAN* [age-during] existence upon them by God. And thus in ALL THINGS God has the pre-eminence, who alone is uncreated, the first of all things, and the primary cause of the existence of all, while all other things remain under God’s subjection. But being in SUBJECTION to God is CONTINUANCE in IMMORTALITY, and IMMORTALITY is the GLORY of the Uncreated One. By this arrangement, therefore, and these harmonies, and a SEQUENCE of this nature, MAN, a created and organized being, is rendered after the image and likeness of the Uncreated God, -the Father planning everything well and giving His commands, the Son carrying these into execution and performing the work of creating, and the Spirit nourishing and increasing [what is made], but MAN MAKING PROGRESS DAY by DAY, and ascending towards the perfect, that is, APPROXIMATING to the UNCREATED ONE …” – St. Irenaeous of Lyons (c. 130 AD – c. 202 AD, ‘Against Heresies’, Book4, Chapter XXXVIII, Point 3)






Thus “age-during punishments” are contrasted to “age-during life” to refer to non-inheritance of Salvation for that particular age only & not forever.


Don’t you know that ‘All Created Things’ (Colossians 1:16) will eventually be Reconciled back to Him due to His Blood (Colossians 1:20) and that God Will ‘Subject All Created things’ back to Him eventually including His Enemies (1 Corinthians 15:24 – 28) toward which St. Irenaeous clearly implies Salvation eventually because he identifies ‘subjection to mean continuance in immortality – in his quote above – can you see it?’ – with nothing left out though this is a Prophetic Truth which is not Fulfilled yet toward ‘all created things’ in ‘enemity’ during this age now (Hebrews 2:8) except believers only (Colossians 1:21 – 22)?


P/S: How did St. Irenaeous understand Ephesians 2:7? – THINGS of TIME – Who is Erring using Holy Scripture?


St. Irenaeous Reveals the Concept of Ages (Aeons) in relation to Time in quotes above and below and points out that this is a Great Reason of ‘not understanding Scripture Accurately’, to quote:


” … God, therefore, is one and the same, who rolls up the heaven as a book, and renews the face of the earth; who made the THINGS of TIME. for man, so that coming to maturity in them, he may produce the fruit of immortality; and who, through His kindness, also bestows [upon him] AEONIAN* [age-during] things, “that in the AGES [Aeons] to come He may show the exceeding riches of His grace [Ephesians 2:7]; ” who was announced by the law and the prophets, whom Christ confessed as His Father. … To those, therefore, who are ignorant of these matters, and on this account imagine that they have discovered another Father, justly does one say, “Ye do ERR, NOT KNOWING the SCRIPTURES , NOR the POWER of God.” St. Irenaeous of Lyons (c. 130 AD – c. 202 AD, ‘Against Heresies’, Book 4, Chapter V, Point 1)






*I corrected the translation keeping the original transliterated Greek Word here as AEONIAN for clarity.


Quote above In full:


“… God, therefore, is one and the same, who rolls up the heaven as a book, and renews the face of the earth; who made the THINGS of TIME. for man, so that coming to maturity in them, he may produce the fruit of immortality; and who, through His kindness, also bestows [upon him] AEONIAN* [age-during] things, “that in the AGES [Aeons] to come He may show the exceeding riches of His grace [Ephesians 2:7]; ” who was announced by the law and the prophets, whom Christ confessed as His Father. Now He is the Creator, and He it is who is God over all, as Esaias says, “I am witness, saith the Lord God, and my servant whom I have chosen, that ye may know, and believe, and understand that I AM. Before me there was no other God, neither shall be after me. I am God, and besides me there is no Saviour. I have proclaimed, and I have SAVED.” And again: “I myself am the first God, and I am above things to come.” For neither in an ambiguous, nor arrogant, nor boastful manner, does He say these things; but since it was impossible, without God, to come to a knowledge of God, He teaches men, through His Word, to know God. To those, therefore, who are ignorant of these matters, and on this account imagine that they have discovered another Father, justly does one say, “Ye do ERR, NOT KNOWING the SCRIPTURES , NOR the POWER of God.” St. Irenaeous of Lyons (c. 130 AD – c. 202 AD, ‘Against Heresies’, Book 4, Chapter V, Point 1)





Thus in relation to St. Irenaeous’ quote above, it is clear that those who don’t know the concept of TIME and its relation to the Biblical Concept of ‘ages [AEONS] to come… AEON2, AEON3,… ‘ are the ones who ERR (For example: quoting Ephesians 2:7’s Context in the above – Proving for example that the ‘age-during punishment cum corrections’ in the next age or AEON2 as Described in Matthew 25:46 cannot be eternal as AEON3 must come causing AEON2 to end first – Can you really see these sound Biblical implications of accurate exegesis?)


Indeed, we too agree with these First Orthodox Christians and set forth these AEONS (Concept of FUTURE AGES likewise in sound & accurate exegesis):


” … Paul also, they affirm, very clearly and frequently names these Aeons, and even goes so far as to preserve their order, when he says, “To all the generations of the Aeons of the Aeon.” Nay, we ourselves, when at the giving of thanks we pronounce the words, “To Aeons of Aeons” do set forth these Aeons**. And, in fine, wherever the words Aeon or Aeons occur, they at once refer them to these beings.” – St. Irenaeous of Lyons (‘Against Heresies’, Chapter III, Book I)


Translation Source:




**Ages (English-Plural) = AEONS (Biblical Koine Greek-Plural too)


Example of occurences of the phrase ‘aeons of Aeons’ as St. Irenaeous points out above to refer to the long but limited time period of the smaller subset of ages (aeons of) out of the total larger set of Ages (Aeons) is found in Revelation 20:10 itself which describes the punishment of Satan himself which may thus not be forever agreeing to the ‘Reconciliation of All Created things’ even in His Will to Make All Created Things New (Revelation 21:5) be it post Lake of Fire Judgment first (Revelation 21:8) followed by His Reconciliation toward ‘anyone who is thirsty – from the Lake of Fire itself as His Spirit & His Saved-Bride-Church calls out Prophetically from that future time onward in Revelation 22:17’ as discussed in detail in Previous posts in our website www.AnonymousChristian.org .


Also, More Reading and Scholarly links & Explanations in regards to this Topic of AEONIAN vs FOREVER may be found link below for further edification:




Thank you for reading


Peace to you




























Love – No Record of Wrongs Kept




Now, since “God is Love (Agape), 1 John 4:8”, “God the Father is Perfect” (Matthew 5:48) and “Love (Agape) keeps no record of wrongs, 1 Corinthians 13:5” , the only Biblical Conclusion ‘as it is Written’ is:


“God the Father Who Is Perfect Love Keeps no record of wrongs”


Keeping no record of wrongs is synonymous with keeping “no anger in Judgment” at all towards anyone and the Verse & First Orthodox Christianity quote below Proves this too, again ‘as it is Written’:


“It (Love) does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it (Love, Agape) keeps no record of wrongs.” – apostle Paul (1 Corinthians 13:5, NASB)


  1. God the Father Judges no one


“For not even the Father judges anyone, but He has given all judgment to the Son,” – Lord Jesus Christ (John 5:22, NASB)


  1. God the Father has no anger


First Christianity taught that God is NOT angry at ALL His Creatures. Really?

Says who?

“… let us look steadfastly unto the Father and Maker of the whole world, and cleave unto His splendid and excellent gifts of peace and benefits. Let us behold Him in our mind, and let us look with the eyes of our soul unto His long-suffering will. Let us note how free from anger He is towards all His creatures.” – St. Clement of Rome* (c. 35 AD – 99 AD, 1 Clement 19:2 – 3)

Translation Source:





Focus Phrase proving our claim: “how free from anger He is towards all His creatures”


I repeat with emphasis: “how free from anger He [God the Father] is towards ALL His creatures [and not toward Christians only]”

Can you see it?


*For Roman Catholics: Pope Clement I


Web-Post link:






Probably this is what it means “to know God the Father”:


“All things have been handed over to Me by My Father; and no one knows the Son except the Father; nor does anyone know the Father except the Son, and anyone to whom the Son wills to reveal Him.” – Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 11:27, NASB)


Christ Judging others (John 8:16, John 12:48) is that ‘He passes now for us to decide each other’s sentences or forgiveness for the wrongs (Matthew 7:1 – 2, Matthew 5:22 – 26) & and the good that we did not do towards each other’ (James 4:17, Matthew 7:12) as the phrase ‘has one (another Person, “us” – relevant party) to decide the passed on Judgment-part (John 12:48)’ especially in the ‘Resurrection of Judgment too’ (John 5:29) as ‘His Word for Judgment-part on the Last Day Means this literally’ (John 12:48) as all Resurrections happen on this ‘Last Day only’ (John 11:24):


“You judge according to the flesh; I am not judging anyone. But even if I do judge, My judgment is true; for I am not alone in it, but I and the Father who sent Me.” – Lord Jesus Christ (John 8:15 – 16, NASB)


“If anyone hears My sayings and does not keep them, I do not judge him; for I did not come to judge the world, but to save the world. “He who rejects Me and does not receive My sayings, has one who judges him; the word I spoke is what will judge him at the Last Day.” – Lord Jesus Christ (John 12:47 – 48, NASB)


Because Christ Alone follows this in His Footsteps by ‘Forgiving All Men of any sins they do Personally to Him’ (as we are only judged on earth or in Hell for the sins we do towards each other only, Luke 23:34, John 8:15, John 12:47, Matthew 12:31) God the Father Gives Lord Jesus Christ the “Name above every Name” as Prophetically Inspired in Verses below:


“do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the INTERESTS of OTHERS. Have this ATTITUDE in yourselves which was also in CHRIST JESUS, Who, although He existed in the form of God, did not regard EQUALITY with GOD (the FATHER) a thing to be grasped, but EMPTIED HIMSELF , … For this reason also, God highly exalted Him, and bestowed on Him the NAME which is ABOVE EVERY NAME, so that at the name of Jesus EVERY KNEE WILL BOW, of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” – apostle Paul (Philippians 2:4 – 7, 9 – 11, NASB)


‘There is no Law against Love (Agape)’ (Galatians 5:22 – 23)


‘Agape or the Love of God is Greatest’ (1 Corinthians 13:13)


Peace to you










Perfection of God – Matthew 5:22 – 26 Context – No Anger No Judgment from Him Directly


Question – Accusation – Fallacy


Jonathan Ramachandran, All the fluffy happy-talk does not change what Paul is communicating to the Corinthians in 1 Cor 10. God is not mocked or despised, nor is he giddy-happy when people mock or despise him. He wasn’t when ancient Israel did it, and he isn’t when people do it today, nor will he be happy about it in the future.


//God Loves us whether we love Him back by obeying His Commandments or not by allowing even the Command Breakers to be eventually in His Kingdom of the Heavens (Matthew 5:19) due to His Perfect Unconditional Love// Sorry, the buffoon god doesn’t exist.


If only the rose-colored happy-talk were true. Matt 5:25-26 has nothing to do with post-death judgment, but about the danger of anger of the believer and the anger of the world toward believers here on earth, and to resolve the issues before they get out of hand.


“Unconditional”? Not hardly. Ask the 603,548 men 20 years old and up who mocked and despised God during the Exodus – those he swore in his wrath that they would not only not enter the promised land but would also not enter his eternal Sabbath rest that all believers enter in to. (Heb 3&4). Then read 1 Cor 10 to see the warning Paul gives the church at Corinth (and all believers) that ties back to the exodus, for those who think they can mock and despise God by giving in to their sinful desires with no consequences.


A Biblical Reply




Matthew 12:31 —-> All sins is Forgiven by God with no consequences.


The Consequences we face (e. g. Matthew 12:32) are due to the Judgment-part right of angels (Hebrews 2:2), Victims (Revelation 6:9 – 10) etc.


God Forgives unconditionally (John 12:47) by Keeping no record of wrongs (1 Corinthians 13:5, NASB) doesn’t mean He forces others to forgive like that and allows ‘others in relevance to still decide afterlife or earthly Judgment sentences’ (John 12:48).


He fully Forgave on the Cross itself (Luke 23:34).


To ignore this is to ignore each Scripture quoted and not Understand His Perfection (Matthew 5:48) vs the Process of Judgment accurately (from Matthew 5:22 – 26, Described Parabolically) in the Context of Gehenna or Lake of Fire too (Matthew 5:22) till the last penny accurately (Matthew 5:26).


Wrath of God – Judgment-part is on behalf (John 12:48) explains your ancient Exodus example in 1 Corinthians 10 where your cherry picking fails with John 12:47 or John 5:22 as well.


Don’t you know that every ‘hate your enemy verses’ from the Old Testament Context, Christ NEVER admitted that it’s from God directly (hence, is ‘quoted on behalf which is allowed by spiritual authorities, Hebrews 2:2) but the opposite ‘Love your enemies’ is Directly from Him in Matthew 5:43 – 44.


Apostle Paul Quotes this ‘Enemies being Still Loved in the afterlife Judgment Context regardless as the Election of God being Irrevocable in Romans 11:28 – 29 Context Literally agreeing to this Irrefutably’.


Further Explanation:


Man’s Definition of Hate is cancelled (Matthew 5:43) and Christ Reveals that God’s Hate toward such (that’s why they are called ‘enemies’) is still ‘Agape’ (Loved less) in the next Verse, Matthew 5:44 (Context):


“You have heard that it was said, ‘YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR and HATE your ENEMY.’ “But I say to you, LOVE your ENEMIES and pray for those who persecute you,” – Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 5:43 – 44, NASB)


Apostle Paul agrees that these ‘enemies (hated ones) in the Context of the Gospel’ are still “Beloved” (AGAPE) in the ‘irrevocable calling of God’ who will be shown Mercy eventually too in Verses below (post afterlife Judgment Context as apostle Paul discussed afterlife Judgments first say in Romans 11:12, 20 – 21 toward being part of the First Resurrection & Millennial Reign Post Resurrection, implied Jewish Context, Luke 20:35 – 36, Revelation 20:4 – 6):


“From the standpoint of the GOSPEL they are ENEMIES for your sake, but from the standpoint of God’s choice they are BELOVED for the sake of the fathers; for the GIFTS and the calling of God are IRREVOCABLE … For God has shut up ALL in DISOBEDIENCE so that He may show MERCY to ALL … For from Him and through Him and to Him are ALL THINGS. To Him be the glory forever [to the AGES, AEONS]. Amen.” – apostle Paul (Romans 11:28, 29, 32, 36, NASB)


P/S: I repeat


Please note carefully these opposites and ‘who said/taught them’


  1. i) Hate your enemy (Matthew 5:43)


Christ does NOT say, ‘I said to you earlier through Moses but now I change My Mind’


Christ Says, ‘You have heard it was said… ‘ (Hinting Beautifully that it was NOT from Him)


  1. ii) Love your enemies (Matthew 5:44)


Christ Declares Majestically that this part is from Him, as He Continues in Comparison/Contrast:


“But I Say to you… Love your enemies…” – Lord Jesus Christ


Don’t you know that God is Free from All Anger and His Wrath & Judgment Sentences is Quoted in ‘On Behalf Context of the Innocent & Victims Demanding it in JUDGMENT’?

Please visit link below which discusses this with “Verses”:




Please note that one of the things Discussed in Context regarding God Loving His Enemies is the ‘Restoration of the Body & Soul’ after the Sin-part is Destroyed in Gehenna or Lake of Fire (Matthew 10:28) by God Who allowed that Judgment-part as Demanded by Victims, us and Angelic Authorities first (Hebrews 2:2).


P/S 2: First Christianity


I will Repeat some of the above with further First Christianity details.


You’re repeating common fallacies again.


Please consider:


1) God is Truly not angry and thus doesn’t Judge anyone (John 5:22)


God is NOT angry at ALL His Creatures. Really?


Says who?


“… let us look steadfastly unto the Father and Maker of the whole world, and cleave unto His splendid and excellent gifts of peace and benefits. Let us behold Him in our mind, and let us look with the eyes of our soul unto His long-suffering will. Let us note how free from anger He is towards all His creatures.” – St. Clement of Rome* (c. 35 AD – 99 AD, 1 Clement 19:2 – 3)


Translation Source:




Focus Phrase proving our claim: “how free from anger He is towards all His creatures”


God the Father Chooses not to Judge anyone and passes down the right to Judge to His Son, Lord Jesus Christ (John 5:22)


Lord Jesus Christ has Chosen the Perfect Way of the Father (Matthew 5:48) to also ‘Choose to Judge no one’ (John 8:15, John 12:47, Luke 23:34) and has Chosen to ‘pass the Judgment right’ to ‘another person’ —-> ‘has one who judges him’ (John 12:48, NASB) or ‘hath one that judgeth him’ (John 12:48, KJV).


Christ’s Personal Word only Judges a Person into which ‘Resurrection one participates in on the Last Day, be it to life or to Judgment’ (John 5:25, John 5:28 – 29).


The ‘Resurrection of Judgment’ is to be Understood as per Point 4 below. Why? Christ accuses no one in Principle of Verse below:


“Do not think that I will accuse you before the Father; the one who accuses you is Moses, in whom you have set your hope.” – Lord Jesus Christ (John 5:45, NASB)


Who is this ‘other person’ who determines ‘all Hell** Sentences’?


Angels & Spiritual Authorities (Hebrews 2:2, Revelation 16:5)


Christians (John 20:23, Luke 18:7, Revelation 18:20, 24) and Prophets as well as Righteous men of the Past (Deuteronomy 32:43, Psalm 79:10, Psalm 119:84)


iii. Relatively Innocent Victims (Genesis 4:10, Revelation 6:10, Psalm 9:12)


Please note that the “souls” (this word exists in Revelation 6:9, thus implied in the ‘afterlife abodes’) are crying out for vengeance for their ‘blood which was spilled wrongfully’ (Revelation 6:10).


Souls slain means that ‘the souls are separated from the body by being killed on earth prior’ as the ‘spirit (with soul) is separated from the body at death’ (James 2:26).


Some Judgments are demanded by the innocent ones toward their enemy counterparts on earth itself. For example, it is the ‘innocent babies who were first dashed to the rocks’ (Verse Psalm 137:8) who are demanding the Judgment of their enemies’ babies to be dashed to the rock likewise (next Verse, Psalm 137:9, Context) which is sometimes granted by ‘spiritual authorities who govern now’ be it the good (Hebrews 2:2) or the bad (Ephesians 6:12).


Others in Concern (Matthew 12:41 – 42, John 5:45, Luke 11:31)


**Hell = Collectively, Afterlife Judgment by Default toward all men (Hebrews 9:27) except Christians in faith (John 5:24) in Sheol/Hades with their souls now (Luke 16:19 – 31) or some even in a resurrected body later too in Gehenna (Matthew 10:28) or the ‘Lake of Fire’ (Revelation 20:11 – 15).


Executing Judgment Sentences


Christ ‘executes the Judgment Sentences’ which we have ‘demanded’ (by the parties aforementioned in point 3 above) which is ‘on behalf’:


“and He gave Him authority to execute judgment, because He is the Son of Man.” – Lord Jesus Christ (John 5:27, NASB)


So, when God says, ‘Vengeance is Mine…’ (Romans 12:19), He Repays later according to the collective decision of victims post Judgment (Matthew 5:21 – 23).


2) Matthew 5:22 – 26 and not 25-26 speaks collectively and Parabolically regarding “Gehenna” (Matthew 5:22) and the afterlife “Prison” analogy (Matthew 5:25) till the last penny (Matthew 5:26).


The ‘afterlife keeping in prison’ Post-Judgment awaiting Christ’s Salvation via Preaching of the Gospel has happened in the past (1 Peter 3:18 – 19) toward all as even St. Melito of Sardis clearly revealed proving this Context true toward the ‘future Gehenna Judgment’ as well as 1 Peter 4:5 – 6 implies:


Verses Describing this Parabolically: Mark 3:27 & Matthew 12:29.


First Christianity taught this:


“The Lord, having put on human nature, and having suffered for him who suffered, having been bound for him who was bound, and having been buried for him who was buried, is risen from the dead, and loudly proclaims this message:


Who will contend against me? Let him stand before me. It is I who delivered the condemned. It is I who gave life to the dead. It is I who raised up the buried. Who will argue with me? It is I, says Christ, who destroyed death. It is I who triumphed over the enemy, and having trod down Hades, and bound the Strong Man, and have snatched mankind up to the heights of heaven. It is I, says Christ. So then, come here all you families of men, weighed down by your sins and recieve pardon for your misdeeds. For I am your pardon. I am the Passover which brings salvation. I am the Lamb slain for you. I am your lustral bath. I am your life. I am your resurrection. I am your light, I am your salvation, I am your King. It is I who brings you up to the heights of heaven. It is I who will give you the resurrection there. I will show you the Eternal Father. I will raise you up with my own right hand.” – St. Melito, Jewish Bishop of Sardis (Died c. 180 AD, ‘Homily on Pascha’)






3) Wrath of God – Quoted on behalf as “His Hate & Judgment” is only Revealed and Properly understood through Christ.


To quote:




So, when God says, ‘Vengeance is Mine…’ (Romans 12:19), He Repays later according to the collective decision of victims post Judgment (Matthew 5:21 – 23).


We are either forgiven in this life itself if we make amends toward the person whom we have wronged (Matthew 5:24) or according to the measure we have judged (Matthew 7:1 – 2, Matthew 6:15) or forgiven others (Matthew 6:14), we may face even into the Final Judgment in ‘Gehenna’ (Lake of Fire) too (Matthew 5:22) as these victims, accusers and opponents (Matthew 5:23 – 24) may cause this afterlife Judgment to last ’till the last cent’ accordingly (Matthew 5:25 – 26) after the aforementioned factors are taken into account as it is Parabolically Revealed in these Consecutive Verses (in Matthew 5:21 – 26 in the Context of ‘Gehenna or Lake of Fire’ as mentioned in Matthew 5:22).


This is true Exegesis even toward the Final ‘Lake of Fire’ Judgment even as both Matthew 5:21 – 26 agree with Luke 12:57 – 59 and Matthew 18:23 – 35 regarding this Context perfectly. Please note that the Perfection of the Father (Matthew 5:48) includes allowing the Final Judgment of ‘Gehenna’ (i.e. metaphorically refers to the Lake of Fire as St. Ireneaous pointed out) in this manner (Matthew 5:22) as Described in Matthew 5:21 – 26 where God/Christ has passed on the Decision of Judgment to ‘us’ to ‘decide’ as per point 3 as it is explained therein.


A Christian can only decide a Sentence regarding the Cases which affected them directly (1 Corinthians 6:2 – 3) as to whether to demand ‘punishment cum correction till the last penny’ or ‘forgive them unconditionally’ (Acts 7:59 – 60).


A Christian’s choice to Love unconditionally by Forgiving unconditionally as with the case of the First Christian Martyr, Stephen (Acts 7:60) toward those who stoned him to death (Acts 7:59) decides his ‘better resurrection’ (in principle of Hebrews 11:35) for a ‘Greater Beauty/Glory’ accordingly (1 Corinthians 15:39 – 43 , Matthew 5:19).


What is the Wrath of God then?


  1. i) God’s Wrath or “Hate” is He ‘Loving less’ and not an absence of His Love as the same word ‘Hate’ is used toward Parents too, to quote:


“… But let neither this trouble you, nor the still harder saying delivered in another place in the words, “Whoso hateth not father, and mother, and children, and his own life besides, cannot be My disciple.” For the God of peace, who also exhorts to love enemies, does not introduce hatred and dissolution from those that are dearest. But if we are to love our enemies, it is in accordance with right reason that, ascending from them, we should love also those nearest in kindred. Or if we are to hate our blood-relations, deduction teaches us that much more are we to spurn from us our enemies. So that the reasonings would be shown to destroy one another. But they do not destroy each other, nor are they near doing so. For from the same feeling and disposition, and on the ground of the same rule, one loving his enemy may hate his father, inasmuch as he neither takes vengeance on an enemy, nor reverences a father more than Christ. For by the one word he extirpates hatred and injury, and by the other shamefacedness towards one’s relations, if it is detrimental to salvation. If then one’s father, or son, or brother, be godless, and become a hindrance to faith and an impediment to the higher life, let him not be friends or agree with him, but on account of the spiritual enmity, let him dissolve the fleshly relationship.” – St. Clement of Alexandria (c. 150 AD – c. 215 AD)










  1. ii) God’s Hate is not the same as Man’s hate definition


“for the anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God.” – apostle James (James 1:20, NASB)


Man’s Definition of Hate is cancelled (Matthew 5:43) and Christ Reveals that God’s Hate toward such (that’s why they are called ‘enemies’) is still ‘Agape’ (Loved less) in the next Verse, Matthew 5:44 (Context):


“You have heard that it was said, ‘YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR and HATE your ENEMY.’ “But I say to you, LOVE your ENEMIES and pray for those who persecute you,” – Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 5:43 – 44, NASB)


Apostle Paul agrees that these ‘enemies (hated ones) in the Context of the Gospel’ are still “Beloved” (AGAPE) in the ‘irrevocable calling of God’ who will be shown Mercy eventually too in Verses below (post afterlife Judgment Context as apostle Paul discussed afterlife Judgments first say in Romans 11:12, 20 – 21 toward being part of the First Resurrection & Millennial Reign Post Resurrection, implied Jewish Context, Luke 20:35 – 36, Revelation 20:4 – 6):


“From the standpoint of the GOSPEL they are ENEMIES for your sake, but from the standpoint of God’s choice they are BELOVED for the sake of the fathers; for the GIFTS and the calling of God are IRREVOCABLE … For God has shut up ALL in DISOBEDIENCE so that He may show MERCY to ALL … For from Him and through Him and to Him are ALL THINGS. To Him be the glory forever [to the AGES, AEONS]. Amen.” – apostle Paul (Romans 11:28, 29, 32, 36, NASB)


4) No Consequences —-> All Sins will be Forgiven (Matthew 12:31)


Except the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit which is not forgiven till the next age only (Matthew 12:32) as probably decided by spiritual authorities (Hebrews 2:2).


Yes, the consequence part in afterlife Judgment or here is determined primarily by spiritual angelic authorities (Hebrews 2:2) as God Forgives all unconditionally (Matthew 12:31) and Judges no one as explained prior (John 5:22, John 8:15, Luke 23:34, John 12:47) and has passed down the ‘Judgment-part decision to others whom He allows to decide as explained prior’ (John 12:48).




His Perfect Love keeps no record of wrongs (1 Corinthians 13:5, the Dead Sea Scroll Manuscripts e. g. In the NASB).


5) Sons of the Devil – True Meaning is not eternal exclusion but no inheritance only (Matthew 5:19’s all are Sons by Nature or 1 Corinthians 6:9 – 10’s not inheriting the kingdom meaning implied below)


iii) All are Children of God but Christians, the Elect gain the highest Inheritance in His Kingdom (e.g. as Priests & Kings, Revelation 1:6, Revelation 5:10) while the others do NOT (1 Corinthians 6:9 – 10) in His Kingdom which Begins with His 1000 Years Millennial Reign Visibly on Earth (Revelation 20:4 – 6).


What is the True Meaning of Sons of God vs sons of the Devil?


Who says all are still Children of God where the difference between obedient vs disobedient Children is getting inheritance vs not getting inheritance in His Kingdom?


St. Irenaeous of Lyons (c. 130 AD – c. 202 AD):


” Since, therefore, all things were made by God, and since the devil has become the cause of apostasy to himself and others, justly does the Scripture always term those who remain in a state of apostasy “SONS of the DEVIL” and “angels of the wicked one” (maligni). For [the word] “son,” as one before me has observed, has a twofold meaning: one [is a son] in the order of nature, because he was born a son; the other, in that he was made so, is reputed a son, although there be a difference between being born so and being made so. For the first is indeed born from the person referred to; but the second is made so by him, whether as respects his creation or by the teaching of his doctrine. … For as, among men, those sons who DISOBEY their fathers, being DISINHERITED, are STILL THEIR SONS in the course of NATURE, but by LAW are DISINHERITED, for they do NOT become the HEIRS of their natural parents; so in the SAME WAY is it with God,-those who do NOT OBEY Him being DISINHERITED by Him, have CEASED to be His sons. Wherefore they CANNOT RECEIVE His INHERITANCE…” (Irenaeous, ‘Against Heresies’, Book 4, Chapter XLI, Point 2 and Point 3)






The Context in which Holy Scripture is clear as Irenaeous implies the Paternal Love of the Father that ALL are HIS SONS due to being CREATED by HIM, hence HIS CHILDREN.


However, in regards to ‘obedience and doctrine’, the ‘sons of the Devil are those who disobey and hence do NOT inherit His Kingdom’ (1 Corinthians 6:9 – 10, e.g. may just ‘enter only’ to live in some OUTSIDE permitted regions of the ‘kingdom of the heavens’ and NOT the heavens, please take note ‘carefully’, being the ‘least’ due to Command-Breaking Matthew 5:19) vs in Contrast, ‘His Sons of obedience & doctrine’ INHERIT His Kingdom (e.g. highest positions such as KING & PRIESTS too, Revelation 1:6, Ephesians 3:6 and beyond!, 1 Corinthians 2:9 being the ‘Great’ in His Kingdom of the Heavens too, Matthew 5:19).


(which implies that all men will be Saved eventually, 1 Timothy 4:10 even the reconciliation of some from the Lake of Fire as Revelation 22:17 Mysteriously Prophesies but the believers are more special in Physical Glory, 1 Corinthians 15:37 – 42, in inheritance, Romans 8:17, even in gradation of those saved first, Matthew 13:23, inclusive of those saved in spirit only first, 1 Corinthians 5:5, 1 Peter 4:6 toward those who break His Commandments too – Matthew 5:19, in the Context of All Law and Prophets, Matthew 5:17 – 18 first – John 12:32).


6) Context for Matthew 5:22 – 26

Please note that though I can’t find in St. Irenaeous or St. Justin’s writing directly discussing Matthew 5:22 – 26, the quote below by St. Irenaeous supports that ‘Matthew 5:22 – 26, Gehenna till the Last Penny’ refers to the ‘afterlife Judgment Context in First Christianity’ except that ‘the gnostic heretics falsely taught that it referred further to some type of reincarnation or transmigration of souls concept’.


“So unbridled is their madness, that they declare they have in their power all things which are irreligious and impious, and are at liberty to practise them; for they maintain that things are evil or good, simply in virtue of human opinion. They deem it necessary, therefore, that by means of transmigration from body to body, souls should have experience of every kind of life as well as every kind of action (unless, indeed, by a single incarnation, one may be able to prevent any need for others, by once for all, and with equal completeness, doing all those things which we dare not either speak or hear of, nay, which we must not even conceive in our thoughts, nor think credible, if any such thing is mooted among those persons who are our fellow-citizens), in order that, as their writings express it, their souls, having made trial of every kind of life, may, at their departure, not be wanting in any particular. It is necessary to insist upon this, lest, on account of some one thing being still wanting to their deliverance, they should be compelled once more to become incarnate. They affirm that for this reason Jesus spoke the following parable:-“Whilst thou art with thine adversary in the way, give all diligence, that thou mayest be delivered from him, lest he give thee up to the judge, and the judge surrender thee to the officer, and he cast thee into prison. Verily, I say unto thee, thou shalt not go out thence until thou pay the very last farthing.” They also declare the “adversary” is one of those angels who are in the world, whom they call the Devil, maintaining that he was formed for this purpose, that he might lead those souls which have perished from the world to the Supreme Ruler. They describe him also as being chief among the makers of the world, and maintain that he delivers such souls [as have been mentioned] to another angel, who ministers to him, that he may shut them up in other bodies; for they declare that the body is “the prison.” Again, they interpret these expressions, “Thou shalt not go out thence until thou pay the very last farthing,” as meaning that no one can escape from the power of those angels who made the world, but that he must pass from body to body, until he has experience of every kind of action which can be practised in this world, and when nothing is longer wanting to him, then his liberated soul should soar upwards to that God who is above the angels, the makers of the world. In this way also all souls are saved, whether their own which, guarding against all delay, participate in all sorts of actions during one incarnation, or those, again, who, by passing from body to body, are set free, on fulfilling and accomplishing what is requisite in every form of life into which they are sent, so that at length they shall no longer be [shut in the body.” – St. Irenaeous of Lyons (c. 130 AD – c. 202 AD, ‘Against Heresies’, Book 1, Chapter XXV, Point 4)


Translation Source:




Indeed, St. Irenaeous of Lyons does NOT refute these ’till the last penny, Gehenna-Judgment Verses’ (Matthew 5:22 – 26) to refer to an ‘earthly context instead of an afterlife one’ (implied).


Here’s a scholarly Quote in support of this claim further:

“Irenæus has been quoted as teaching that the Apostles’ creed was meant to inculcate endless punishment, because in a paraphrase of that document he says that the Judge, at the final assize, will cast the wicked into “eternal” fire. But the terms he uses are “ignem aeternum” (aionion pur.) As just stated, though he reprehends the Carpocratians for teaching the transmigration of souls, he declares without protest that they explain the text “until thou pay the uttermost farthing,” as inculcating the idea that “all souls are saved.” Irenæus says: “God drove Adam out of Paradise, and removed him far from the tree of life, in compassion for him, that he might not remain a transgressor always, and that the sin in which he was involved might not be immortal, nor be without end and incurable. He prevented further transgression by the interposition of death, and by causing sin to cease by the dissolution of the flesh * * * that man ceasing to live to sin, and dying to it, might begin to live to God.”






We know from other early Christian Quotes (though not as authoritative as St. Irenaeous or St. Justin) that these ’till the last penny Gehenna Judgment’ (Matthew 5:22 – 26) means it as we describe too, to quote (from the same source above again):


The Carpocratians.


The Carpocratians were followers of Carpocrates, a Platonic philosopher, who incorporated some of the elements of the Christian religion into his system of philosophy. The sect flourished in Egypt and vicinity early in the Second Century. Like the Basilidians they called themselves Gnostics, and inculcated a somewhat similar set of theories. Irenæus says that the Carpocratians explained the text: “Thou shalt not go out thence until thou hast paid the uttermost farthing,” as teaching “that no one can escape from the power of those angels who made the world, but that he must pass from body to body until he has experience of every kind of action which can be practiced in this world, and when nothing is wanting longer to him, then his liberated soul should soar upwards to that God who is above the angels, the makers of the world. In this way all souls are saved,” etc. But while Irenæus calls the Carpocratians a heretical sect, and denounces some of their tenets, he had no hard words for their doctrine of man’s final destiny.

In Tertullian’s Apology are fifty arguments for the Christian religion, but not once does he state that endless punishment was one of the doctrines of the church. He seems to have been half-inclined to the truth, for he speaks of the sinner as being able, after death, to pay “the uttermost farthing.”


Tertullian illustrates the effect of the doctrine he advocated in his almost infernal exultations over the future torments of the enemies of the church. “How I shall admire, how I shall laugh, how exult,” he cries with fiendish glee, “to see the torments of the wicked.” * * * “I shall then have a better chance of hearing the tragedians call louder in their own distress; of seeing the actors more lively in the dissolving flame; of beholding the charioteer glowing in his fiery chariot; of seeing their wrestlers tossing on fiery waves instead of in their gymnasium,” etc.8 Referring to the “spectacles” he anticipates, he says: “Faith grants us to enjoy them even now, by lively anticipation; but what shall the reality be of those things which eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, nor hath it entered into the heart of man to conceive? They may well compensate, surely, the circus and both amphitheatres and all the spectacles the world can offer.” No wonder DePressense says, “This joy in the anticipation of the doom of the enemies of Christ is altogether alien to the spirit of the Gospel; that mocking laugh, ringing across the abyss which opens to swallow up the persecutors,” etc. But why “alien,” if a God of love ordained, and the gentle Christ executes, the appalling doom? Was not Tertullian nearer the mood a Christian should cultivate than are those who are shocked by his description, if it is true? Max Muller calls attention to the fact that Tertullian and the Latin fathers were obliged to cripple the Greek Christian thought by being destitute of even words to express it. He has to use two words, verbum and ratio, to express Logos. “Not having Greek tools to work with,” he says, “his verbal picture often becomes blurred.”


Hase says that Tertullian was a “gloomy, fiery character, who conquered for Christianity, out of the Punic Latin, a literature in which ingenious rhetoric, a wild imagination, a gross, sensuous perception of the ideal, profound feeling, and a juridical understanding struggled with each other.”


Theodore of Mopsuestia and the Nestorians.


Theodore of Mopsuestia was born in Antioch, A.D. 350, and died 428 or 429. He ranked next to Origen in the esteem of the ancient church. For nearly fifty years he maintained the cause of the church in controversy with various classes of assailants, and throughout his life his orthodoxy was regarded as unimpeachable. He was bishop for thirty-six years, and died fill of honors; but after he had been in his grave a hundred and twenty-five years, the church had become so corrupted by heathenism that it condemned him for heresy. He was anathematized for Nestorianism, but his Universalism was not stigmatized. His great renown and popularity must have caused his exalted views of God’s character and man’s destiny to prevail more extensively among the masses than appears in the surviving literature of his times.


His own words are: “The wicked who have committed evil the whole period of their lives shall be punished till they learn that, by continuing in sin, they only continue in misery. And when, by this means, they shall have been brought to fear God, and to regard him with good will, they shall obtain the enjoyment of his grace. For he never would have said, ‘until thou hast paid the uttermost farthing,’ unless we can be released from suffering after having suffered adequately for sin; nor would he have said, ‘he shall be beaten with many stripes,’ and again, ‘he shall be beaten with few stripes,’ unless the punishment to be endured for sin will have an end.”


Diodore of Tarsus.


Diodore, Bishop of Tarsus, from A.D. 378 to 394, was of the Antiochan or Syrian school. He opposed Origen on some subjects, but agreed with his Universalism. He says: “For the wicked there are punishments, not perpetual, however, lest the immortality prepared for them should be a disadvantage, but they are to be purified for a brief period according to the amount of malice in their works. They shall therefore suffer punishment for a short space, but immortal blessedness having no end awaits them * * * the penalties to be inflicted for their many and grave sins are very far surpassed by the magnitude of the mercy to be showed them. The resurrection, therefore, is regarded as a blessing not only to the good, but also to the evil.”22 The same authority affirms that many Nestorian bishops taught the same doctrine. The “Dictionary of Christian Biography” observes: “Diodorus of Tarsus taught that the penalty of sin is not perpetual, but issues in the blessedness of immortality, and (he) was followed by Stephanus, Bishop of Edessa, and Salomo of Bassora, and Isaac of Nineveh.” “Even those who are tortured in Gehenna are under the discipline of the divine charity.” “And they were followed in their turn by Georgius of Arbela, and Ebed Jesu of Soba.” Diodore contended that God’s mercy would punish the wicked less than their sins deserved, inasmuch as his mercy gave the good more than they deserved. He denied that Deity would bestow immortality for the purpose of prolonging and perpetuating suffering. Diodore and Theodore, the first, Chrysostom’s teacher, and the second his fellow-student, were really the pioneers in teaching Scripture by help of history, criticism and philology.23 They may be regarded as the forerunners of modern interpretation. Like so many others of the ancient writings Diodore’s works have perished, and we have only a few quotations from them, contained in the works of others. But we have enough to qualify him to occupy an honorable place among the Universalists of the Fourth Century.


Even Dr. Pusey is compelled to admit the Universalism of Diodore of Tarsus, and Theodore of Mopsuestia. He says, quoting from Salomo of Bassora, 1222, some eight hundred years after their death: “The two writers use different arguments and have different theories. Theodorus rests his on Holy Scripture, ‘Until thou hast paid the uttermost farthing,’ and ‘the many and few stripes,’ and attributes the amendment of those who have done ill all their lives to the discovery of their mistake. Diodorus says that punishment must not be perpetual, lest the immortality prepared for them be useless to them; he twice repeats that punishment, though varied according to their deserts, would be for a short time. His ground was his conviction that since God’s rewards so far exceed the deserts of the good, the like mercy would be shown to the evil.” 24


Though somewhat later than the projected limits of this work, two or three authors may be named.


Macarius is said by Evagrius to have been ejected from his see, A.D. 552, for maintaining the opinions of Origen. Whether universal restitution was among them is uncertain.


Again, Peace to you




































Gehenna Judgment to Freedom – “Perspective” (Law & Grace)


1) Freedom to Sin – “Slavery”


“Jesus answered them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who commits sin is the slave of sin.” (John 8:33, NASB)


2) Freedom from Sin to Obey God Willingly – “Liberty”


“Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.” – apostle Paul (2 Corinthians 3:17, NASB)




What “Freedom” does the Walk in Spirit mean?


Verses Explaining the Characteristics of the “Freed ones vs those still enslaved in sin”:


“It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery… For you were called to freedom, brethren; only do not turn your freedom into an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another… For the whole Law is fulfilled in one word, in the statement, “YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF.”… But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the Law. Now the deeds of the flesh are evident, which are: immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes, dissensions, factions, envying, drunkenness, carousing, and things like these, of which I forewarn you, just as I have forewarned you, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law…” – apostle Paul (Galatians 5:1, 13, 14, 18 – 23, NASB)


Want to Love God more? (John 14:15), We may willingly keep ‘the commands of the Lord’ as He delivered to apostle Paul which is preserved in his Inspired Writings (1 Corinthians 14:37). Yes, apostle Paul wrote most of the Verses quoted here and thus that’s what ‘True Freedom in the Lord means in his own words’.




God Loves us whether we love Him back by obeying His Commandments or not by allowing even the Command Breakers to be eventually in His Kingdom of the Heavens (Matthew 5:19) due to His Perfect Unconditional Love but the spiritual authorities and angels can judge each man first (Hebrews 2:2) except believers (John 5:24) in the afterlife primarily (Hebrews 9:27, Luke 16:19 – 31 – Hades now or Matthew 5:22 – 26 – Lake of Fire or Gehenna later (Definition in Matthew 5:22 or Matthew 10:28), ’till the last penny only, Matthew 5:26′).


Peace to you


P/S: Gehenna – Lake of Fire


How do we know that “Gehenna” (mentioned in Matthew 5:22, Matthew 10:28) in reference to the “age-during or AEONIAN Fire” (Matthew 25:46) till ‘the last penny only, not forever’ (Matthew 5:26) metaphorically refers to the “Lake of Fire” (Revelation 20:11 – 15)?


Here’s First Christianity’s Irrefutable Definition:


“… Lake of Fire, the Second Death.” Now this is what is called Gehenna, which the Lord styled eternal [AEONIAN, AGE-DURING] fire. “And if any one,” it is said, “was not found written in the Book of Life, he was sent into the Lake of Fire … ” – St. Irenaeous of Lyons (c. 130 AD – c. 202 AD, ‘Against Heresies’, Book 5, Chapter XXXV, Point 2)


Translation Source:




Source from Post:







Here’s a Sola Scriptura Proof from the Mouth of our Most Blessed Saviour Himself that the Lake of Fire or Gehenna is NOT forever but till the last penny only (has an ‘end’):


“But I say unto you, … shall be in danger of the judgment: … shall be in danger of hell [GEHENNA-LAKE of FIRE] fire … Verily I say unto thee, Thou shalt by NO means COME OUT thence, TILL thou hast PAID the UTTERMOST FARTHING.” – Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 5:22, 26, KJV)


Please note that this ‘same Gehenna’ is mentioned in Verse below too (‘Context linking all these Verses together to speak of this Same Topic’):


“Do not fear those who kill the body but are unable to kill the soul; but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell [GEHENNA in Greek]” – Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 10:28, NASB)


[Emphasis Mine throughout for Clarity]


In other Translations:


“But I say to you … shall be guilty enough to go into the fiery hell [GEHENNA-LAKE of FIRE]… Truly I say to you, you will NOT COME OUT of there UNTIL you have PAID up the LAST CENT.” – Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 5:22, 26, NASB)


“but I — I say to you, … shall be in danger of the judgment, … shall be in danger of the GEHENNA of the FIRE … verily I say to thee, thou mayest NOT come forth thence TILL that thou mayest PAY the LAST FARTHING.” – Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 5:22, 26, YLT)


Did First Christianity Preach that the Lake of Fire is NOT eternal and it Serves as a Purifying Purpose too for the Sake of being SAVED from there by Christ (Revelation 21:5, 8, 22:17) toward RENEWAL too (Romans 8:20 – 22)?


Yes, to quote from a recent Post – Who?:


St. Justin Martyr and St. Clement of Alexandria.





Yes. In fact, both of them quote these same passage from ‘Greek Philosophy’ in the Context of the ‘part they got right’ as follows (please compare and see ‘how identical’ they each quote & believe this same passage’ in the Context of the ‘Lake of Fire’):



8.i. St. Justin Martyr



“Then further concerning Him, that He alone is powerful, both to institute judgment on the deeds performed in life, and on the ignorance of the Deity [displayed by men], I can adduce witnesses from your own ranks; and first Sophocles, who speaks as follows:



That time of times shall come, shall surely come,


When from the golden ether down shall fall


Fire’s teeming treasure, and in burning flames


All things of earth and heaven shall be consumed;


And then, when all creation is dissolved,


The sea’s last wave shall die upon the shore,


The bald earth stript of trees, the burning air


No winged thing upon its breast shall bear.


There are two roads to Hades, well we know;


By this the righteous, and by that the bad,


On to their separate fates shall tend; and He,


Who all things had destroyed, shall all things save.” – St. Justin Martyr (CHAPTER 3, Testimonies to a future judgment, On the Sole Government of God)









Focus Phrase: “That time of times shall come, … in burning flames All things of earth and heaven shall be consumed; And then, when all creation is dissolved, … here are two roads to Hades, well we know; By this the righteous, and by that the bad, On to their separate fates shall tend… and He, Who all things had destroyed, shall all things save” – St. Justin Martyr



Even Finer Focus: “That time of times shall come, … in burning flames All things of earth and heaven shall be consumed; And then, when all creation is dissolved, … and He,


Who all things had destroyed, shall all things save” – St. Justin Martyr



Even, Even Finer Focus: ” and He, Who all things had destroyed, shall all things save” – St. Justin Martyr




I repeat with emphasis (please note that ‘all that is destroyed in this Lake of Fire (Revelation 21:5) will be Restored or Made New’, Revelation 21:5):



” and He, Who ALL THINGS had DESTROYED, shall ALL THINGS SAVE” – St. Justin Martyr



Can you see now that St. Justin Martyr himself believed in Universal Salvation in quote above irrefutably that the ‘same ALL CREATED THINGS’ (Colossians 1:16) which is DESTROYED in the LAKE of FIRE (Revelation 21:8) will be MADE NEW (Revelation 21:5) and SAVED (Colossians 1:20), yes toward ALL CREATION eventually (Romans 8:20 – 22). Though the Whole World may be engulfed in the Fire from the Lake of Fire, ‘believers (Sheepfold1)’ cannot be harmed in any way by this “Second Death” (Revelation 20:4 – 6, Revelation 2:11).



8.ii. St. Clement of Alexandria



Lord Jesus Christ Saves even from Hades now to the Final Lake of Fire (Gehenna)



“… There is an eye of justice, which sees all. For two ways, as we deem, to Hades lead- One for the good, the other for the bad. But if the earth hides both for ever, then Go plunder, steal, rob, and be turbulent. But err not. For in Hades judgment is, Which God the Lord of all will execute, Whose name too dreadful is for me to name, Who gives to sinners length of earthly life. If any mortal thinks, that day by day, While doing ill, he eludes the gods keen sight, His thoughts are evil; and when justice has The leisure, he shall then detected be So thinking. Look, whoe’er you be that say That there is not a God. There is, there is. If one, by nature evil, evil does, Let him redeem the time; for such as he Shall by and by due punishment receive.” And with this agrees the tragedy in the following lines: “For there shall come, shall come that point of time, When Ether, golden-eyed, shall ope its store Of treasured fire; and the devouring flame, Raging, shall burn all things on earth below, And all above.” . . .And after a little he adds: “And when the whole world fades, And vanished all the abyss of ocean’s waves, And earth of trees is bare; and wrapt in flames, The air no more begets the winged tribes; Then He who all destroyed, shall all restore.” – – St. Clement of Alexandria (c.150 AD – c. 215 AD, Stromata, Book 5)



Translation Source:





Focus Phrase: “And when the whole world fades, And vanished all the abyss of ocean’s waves, And earth of trees is bare; and wrapt in flames, The air no more begets the winged tribes; Then He who all destroyed, shall all restore.” – St. Clement of Alexandria



Even Finer Focus: “He who all destroyed, shall all restore”



I repeat with emphasis (please note that ‘all that is destroyed in this Lake of Fire (Revelation 21:5) will be Restored or Made New’, Revelation 21:5):



“He who ALL DESTROYED, shall ALL RESTORE.” – St. Clement of Alexandria






God is Good All the Time.




All the Time, God is Good and Unchangeable:


“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.” – apostle James (James 1:17, KJV)













Salvation – Ransom for Many – What’s More Special about the Christian Salvation?




What is apostle Paul Warning about in 1 Corinthians 10?


In your own words, how would the Church of Corinth have understood Paul’s warning to them in 1 Cor 10:1-22?


Exegete the words of 1 Cor 10:1-22. Are you able to do so? What is Paul telling the people of the Church of Corinth and how would they have understood his words? If Paul had spewed all that you wrote, the church at Corinth would do like I did: shook my head.




They wouldn’t be part of the First Resurrection (Revelation 20:4 – 6, Luke 20:35 – 36) inheriting the kingdom (1 Corinthians 6:9 – 10) being kings and priests (Revelation 5:10, 1:6) where the Hope of this Greatest Salvation is not available to rest of the dead but Christians only (1 Thessalonians 4:13 – 18).


Not enter my rest and His Wrath meaning?


Already explained before sir, perhaps you haven’t read First Christianity understanding of it, link below




Further Explanation


All Context of Christian Salvation is falling away from the Hebrew Promise of the First Resurrection and Millennial Reign (there’s no other context – inherent Messianic) whether it is detailed in 1 Corinthians 10 or not.


Your question is equivalent to asking to prove Eternal Conscious Torment- Hell or Annihilation from the Verses in 1 Corinthians 10 only which is impossible as those words itself in Greek do not exist here.


The only word mentioned here is “Saved” and it is to be understood with ‘other Verses’ as Described above which is First Christianity’s only Doctrine of Salvation of Christians under the New Covenant as referring to the ‘partaking of the First Resurrection with no afterlife Judgment’.


Further Detailed Explanation – Regarding the “Christian Salvation”


Here’s the Proper First Christianity Orthodox Doctrine of Salvation proving this Claim True in Full


To quote:


“For this reason, when about to undergo His sufferings, that He might DECLARE to ABRAHAM and those with him the GLAD TIDINGS of the INHERITANCE being thrown open, [Christ], after He had given thanks while holding the cup, and had drunk of it, and given it to the disciples, said to them: “Drink ye all of it: this is My BLOOD of the NEW COVENANT, which shall be shed for MANY for the REMISSION of SINS. But I say unto you, I will not drink henceforth of the fruit of this vine, until that DAY when I will drink it new with you in my Father’s kingdom.” Thus, then, He will Himself renew the inheritance of the earth, and will re-organize the mystery of the glory of [His] sons; … the inheritance of the earth in which the new fruit of the vine is drunk, and the RESURRECTION of His disciples in the FLESH. For the new flesh which rises again is the same which also received the new cup. And He cannot by any means be understood as drinking of the fruit of the vine when settled down with his [disciples] above in a super-celestial place; nor, again, are they who drink it devoid of flesh, for to drink of that which flows from the vine pertains to flesh, and not spirit… And for this reason the Lord declared, “When thou makest a dinner or a supper, do not call thy friends, nor thy neighbours, nor thy kinsfolk, lest they ask thee in return, and so repay thee. But call the lame, the blind, and the poor, and thou shall be blessed, since they cannot recompense thee, but a recompense shall be made thee at the RESURRECTION of the JUST.” And again He says, “Whosoever shall have left lands, or houses, or parents, or brethren, or children because of Me, he shall receive in this world an hundred-fold, and in that to come he shall inherit eternal life.” For what are the hundred-fold [rewards] in this word, the entertainments given to the poor, and the suppers for which a return is made? These are [to take place] in the TIMES OF THE KINGDOM , that is, upon the SEVENTH DAY, which has been sanctified, in which God rested from all the works which He created, which is the true SABBATH OF THE RIGHTEOUS, which they shall not be engaged in any earthly occupation; but shall have a table at hand prepared for them by God, supplying them with all sorts of dishes.


The blessing of Isaac with which he blessed his younger son Jacob has the same meaning, when he says, “Behold, the smell of my son is as the smell of a full field which the Lord has blessed.” But “the field is the world.” And therefore he added, “God give to thee of the dew of heaven, and of the fatness of the earth, plenty of corn and wine. And let the nations serve thee, and kings bow down to thee; and be thou lord over thy brother, and thy father’s sons shall bow down to thee: cursed shall be he who shall curse thee, and blessed shall be he who shall bless thee.” If any one, then, does not accept THESE THINGS as REFERRING to the APPOINTED KINGDOM, he must fall into much contradiction and contrariety, as is the case with the Jews, who are involved in absolute perplexity. For not only did not the nations in this life serve this Jacob; but even after he had received the blessing, he himself going forth [from his home], served his uncle Laban the Syrian for twenty years; and not only was he not made lord of his brother, but he did himself bow down before his brother Esau, upon his return from Mesopotamia to his father, and offered many gifts to him. Moreover, in what way did he inherit much corn and wine here, he who emigrated to Egypt because of the famine which possessed the land in which he was dwelling, and became Subject to Pharaoh, who was then ruling over Egypt? The predicted blessing, therefore, belongs unquestionably to the times of the kingdom, when the righteous shall bear rule upon their rising from the dead; when also the creation, having been renovated and set free, shall fructify with an abundance of all kinds of food, from the dew of heaven, and from the fertility of the earth: as the elders who saw John, the disciple of the Lord, related that they had heard from him how the Lord used to teach in regard to these times, and say: The days will come, in which vines shall grow, each having ten thousand branches, and in each branch ten thousand twigs, and in each true twig ten thousand shoots, and in each one of the shoots ten thousand dusters, and on every one of the clusters ten thousand grapes, and every grape when pressed will give five and twenty metretes of wine. And when any one of the saints shall lay hold of a cluster, another shall cry out, “I am a better cluster, take me; bless the Lord through me.” In like manner [the Lord declared] that a grain of wheat would produce ten thousand ears, and that every ear should have ten thousand grains, and every grain would yield ten pounds (quinque bilibres) of clear, pure, fine flour; and that all other fruit-bearing trees, and seeds and grass, would produce in similar proportions (secundum congruentiam iis consequentem); and that all animals feeding [only] on the productions of the earth, should [in those days] become peaceful and harmonious among each other, and be in perfect subjection to man.


And these things are bone witness to in writing by PAPIAS, the hearer of JOHN, and a companion of POLYCARP, in his fourth book; for there were five books compiled (suntetagme/na) by him. And he says in addition, “Now THESE THINGS are CREDIBLE to BELIEVERS.”


And he says that, “when the traitor Judas did not give credit to them, and put the question, `How then can things about to bring forth so abundantly be wrought by the Lord? ‘the Lord declared, `They who shall come to these [times] shall see.’” When prophesying of these times, therefore, Esaias says: “The wolf also shall feed with the lamb, and the leopard shall take his rest with the kid; the calf also, and the bull, and the lion shall eat together; and a little boy shall lead them. The ox and the bear shall feed together, and their young ones shall agree together; and the lion shall eat straw as well as the ox. And the infant boy shall thrust his hand into the asp’s den, into the nest also of the adder’s brood; and they shall do no harm, nor have power to hurt anything in my holy mountain.” And again he says, in RECAPITULATION, “Wolves and lambs shall then browse together, and the lion shall eat straw like the ox, and the serpent earth as if it were bread; and they shall neither hurt nor annoy anything in my holy mountain, saith the Lord.” I am quite aware that some persons endeavour to refer these words to the case of savage men, both of different nations and various habits, who come to believe, and when they have believed, act in harmony with the righteous. But although this is [true] now with regard to some men coming from various nations to the harmony of the faith, nevertheless in the RESURRECTION of the JUST [the words shall also apply] to those animals mentioned. For God is non in all things…” – St. Irenaeous of Lyons (c. 130 AD – c. 202 AD, ‘Against Heresies’, Chapter XXXIII, Book 5)


Translation Source:




Please note the phrase “Resurrection of the Just” (Luke 14:14) which occurs in the above quote which refers to the “First Resurrection” Context (Revelation 20:4 – 6, 1 Thessalonians 4:16) during the ‘hour now is’ (John 5:25) on this Last Day of this age (John 11:24) which is a Hope not available toward any of the dead (1 Thessalonians 4:13) except Christians in faith (1 Thessalonians 4:13 – 18) with “no” Lawlessness (Matthew 7:20 – 23).


This is the Hallowed “Sabbath Day” or Messianic “times of the Kingdom” too and the ‘Gospel preached to Abraham’ as highlighted in bold letters in quote above.


Please note that this is the Correct Context for understanding how Christ’s Ransom applies more toward the “believers in faith” being more special (1 Timothy 4:10) as the “New Covenant” means too in St. Irenaeous of Lyons quote above too to refer to the “First Resurrection” or the “Resurrecton of the Just who live by faith” & their participation in these “times of the Kingdom” on this Hallowed “Seventh or Sabbath Day” during this 1000 years Millennial Reign of Christ.






Conclusion of the Warning


They miss out on the First Resurrection if they don’t keep to the worthiness of the Christian Faith which is not a hope available for the rest of the dead (apostle Paul’s own words – 1 Thessalonians 4:13 – 18) agreeing Perfectly to St. Irenaeous of Lyons ‘full explanation’ of the ‘New Covenant’ above as a ‘Ransom for this Many’ (Matthew 20:28).


7th Day Sabbath rest is Not eternal. It’s called the “times of the kingdom” as St. Irenaeous clearly mentions. It’s serious indeed. But let’s not add nor remove from First Christianity exegesis. If you claim you don’t believe St. Irenaeous, I claim the same back to you and don’t believe your ‘eternal Sabbath’ claim either.


I will Stick to St. Irenaeous than your futile imagination sir. His exegesis is more helpful and we will see on the Resurrection Day whose exegesis (St. Irenaeous’ or yours) is right.


Peace to you















Lovers – Givers vs Takers – Day of Vengeance Mystery


Lesson: In Each Situation, we are either Givers or Takers. The Video highlights certain things which are ‘not spoken of’ nor admitted openly. Video Link:




My look at this Topic with Verses, please consider:


I see three general types of lovers between a man and woman in marriage (though sometimes the lines are a little more blur as people progress or regress accordingly in their characters):



1) Giver and Taker


The Giver hurts and sometimes just keeps giving while the taker is never satisfied being selfish, to quote: an example Verse:


“The leech has two daughters, “Give,” “Give.” There are three things that will not be satisfied, Four that will not say, “Enough”:” (Proverbs 30:15, NASB)




2) Taker and Taker


Example: Those who marry a spouse for the reason that he/she is rich or beautiful or equivalent. Here’s a heart test:


‘Would you have chosen that person as your spouse if he/she didn’t have that wealth/beauty/education/equivalent but is exactly the same person in character?’


Answer: Your own conscience will reveal as to how truthful you are and it need not be spoken out.


iii) Giver and Giver


The Best Marriages are between a Giver and Giver Personalities because where there is selflessness, there is Perfect Love.


A True Biblical Example of this is the Prudent Wife and her Wise Husband as the Bible specially discusses her-selfless-giving-traits in the Infamous Proverbs 31 Chapter, for example:


“An excellent wife, who can find? For her worth is far above jewels. The heart of her husband trusts in her, And he will have no lack of gain.

She does him good and not evil All the days of her life. She looks for wool and flax And works with her hands in delight … She extends her hand to the poor, And she stretches out her hands to the needy … Her husband is known in the gates, When he sits among the elders of the land … Her children rise up and bless her; Her husband also, and he praises her, saying:

“Many daughters have done nobly, But you excel them all. Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, But a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised.” (Proverbs 31:10 – 13, 20, 23, 28 – 30, NASB)


Secret: A Prudent Wife always marries a ‘Wise Man’ (hence he behaves likewise toward her – can you see it? Proverbs 31:23) and such a Best Wife Most Importantly Obeys God’s Commands (Proverbs 31:30).


P/S: The Curse of Adultery is not Erased – Judgment is Decided by the Victim


Firstly, note that any ‘sexual immorality’ Verse from the Torah or Prophets apply in the New Testament Context too as the Apostolic Decision in Acts 15:29 implies this.


  1. i) Woman – Adultress


An adultress targets men because she doesn’t like them being loyal & happy in a monogamous non-cheating relationship. Psychologically such people are extremely wicked since they take pleasure in knowing that a wife has been cheated by her husband on account of her making the marriage-love not so pure in hope that it may be destroyed. Such adultress women often have broken family / broken marriages and hence they hunt to destroy the precious life / marriages of others likewise:


“To keep you from the evil woman, From the smooth tongue of the adulteress. Do not desire her beauty in your heart, Nor let her capture you with her eyelids. For on account of a harlot one is reduced to a loaf of bread, And an adulteress hunts for the precious life.” (Proverbs 6:24 – 26, NASB)


An adulteress / willing* prostitute is a epitome of a Taker where all she wants in return is “money”.


*There are cases of human trafficking where girls have been forced into prostitution via drugs, kidnapping and plain beating / abuse should they not comply. As the ancient Sibyline Oracles’ Quote rings true, the Judgment for such cases may be different or more merciful as gently hinted toward such cases (inclusive) as follows:


“Whosoever willfully Commits a wrong, an evil man is he; But he that does it under force, the end I tell not; but let each man’s will be right.” – Sibyline Oracles (Book II)


Translation Source:




The end is probably not spoken of yet simply because a more thorough analysis of Fair and Righteous Judgment needs to be conducted especially by angelic authorities before a Judgment-Acquittal decision is made (Hebrews 2:2).


  1. ii) Man – Adulterer


Some type of punishment is certain and the cheated-husband may get to decide the punishment into the afterlife Judgments, to quote:


“So is the one who goes in to his neighbor’s wife; Whoever touches her will not go unpunished … The one who commits adultery with a woman is lacking sense; He who would destroy himself does it. Wounds and disgrace he will find, And his reproach will not be blotted out. For jealousy enrages a man, And he will not spare in the Day of Vengeance.” (Proverbs 6:29, 32 – 34, NASB)


Please note carefully the phrase “Day of Vengeance” (Proverbs 6:34) which proves that the cheated-spouse gets to demand Judgment on Judgment Day (the Victim’s choice, case by case basis – till the last penny, Matthew 5:26).


Let us be Wise in God’s Holy Commands.


P/S: Day of Vengeance Mystery


Some Christians deceive others by claiming that there is no “Day of Vengeance” (Judgment Day) as Spoken by Isaiah 61:2 as Lord Jesus Christ seems to have ‘skipped’ reading it in Luke 4:19. Truth is, Christ Skipped Reading it because:


  1. i) He Judges No one following the Perfection of the Father (John 5:22, John 12:47).


It doesn’t mean that there is No Judgment but that Judgment Sentencing is Decided by ‘another’ (example: Victims as they decide case by case, John 12:48).


  1. ii) The Victims Judgment Demands will be meted out till the Last Penny on the “Day of Vengeance” (e.g. Proverbs 6:34) before any Reconciliation occurs post-this-Judgment which is followed by Universal Forgiveness eventually (Matthew 12:31) except for the Blashphemy of the Holy Spirit which lasts for Two Ages (Aeons) of Punishment (Matthew 12:32) as Probably decided by angelic authorities prior (Hebrews 2:2) as explained in Detail with Verses in earlier posts.


At the Point of their forgiveness, their afterlife Judgment ends and they are reconciled when ‘Mercy Triumphs over Judgment’ but only after the ‘Judgment-part without Mercy or accordingly to the last penny first as demanded by the Victims’ (James 2:13) in Gehenna (or Lake of Fire) Context too , Matthew 5:22 – 26).


First Christianity understood the Phrases ‘Acceptable Year of the LORD’ and the ‘Day of Vengeance/Retribution’ (as ‘Judgment Day’) likewise in this ‘Same Timeline Context’ as Described above, to quote:


“… That, then, was called the Day of Retribution on which the Lord will render to every one according to his works-that is, the judgment. The acceptable year of the Lord, again, is this present time, in which those who believe Him are called by Him, and become acceptable to God-that is, the whole time from His advent onwards to the consummation [of all things], during which He acquires to Himself as fruits [of the scheme of mercy] those who are saved. For, according to the phraseology of the prophet, the day of retribution follows the [acceptable] year; and the prophet will be proved guilty of falsehood if the Lord preached only for a year, and if he speaks of it. For where is the day of retribution? For the year has passed, and the day of retribution has not yet come; but He still “makes His sun to rise upon the good and upon the evil, and sends rain upon the just and unjust.” And the righteous suffer persecution, are afflicted, and are slain, while sinners are possessed of abundance, and “drink with the sound of the harp and psaltery, but do not regard the works of the Lord.” But, according to the language [used by the prophet], they ought to be combined, and the day of retribution to follow the [acceptable] year. For the words are, “to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, and the day of retribution.” This present time, therefore, in which men are called and saved by the Lord, is properly understood to be denoted by “the acceptable year of the Lord; “and there follows on this “the day of retribution,” that is, the judgment. …” – St. Irenaeous of Lyons (c. 130 AD – c. 202 AD, ‘Against Heresies’, Book 2, Chapter XXII, Point 2)


Translation Source:




Peace to you















Enemies – Why did God Command us to Love them instead of Hate them?




“You have heard that it was said, ‘… and HATE your ENEMY.’ “But I say to you, LOVE your ENEMIES…” – Lord Jesus Christ (highlighted opposite parts in Matthew 5:43 – 44, NASB)


What is the Proper Christian Response toward our Enemies who Use and Persecute us?


Lord Jesus Christ Says to “Love”, “Bless”, “Do Good” and “Pray” (in Verse in Image – the Hardest Commands for sure).

The Spiritual Paradox is that if you do these Blessed Commands of our Lord toward your enemies which is “Selfless Love”, we reap “Selfless Love” likewise in the Spiritual Sense (e. g. “Peace Within”) though an earthly blessing may not always be guaranteed, to quote:


“If you pray for your enemies, peace will come to you. And when you love your enemies, take for certain that great divine grace dwells in you.” – St Silouan of the Holy Mountain


Conclusion – Leadership by Example – Did Christ Himself Practice It?


Yes, to quote:


“… And from this fact, that He exclaimed upon the cross, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do,” the long-suffering, patience, compassion, and goodness of Christ are exhibited, since He both suffered, and did Himself exculpate those who had maltreated Him. For the Word of God, who said to us, “Love your enemies, and pray for those that hate you,” Himself did this very thing upon the cross; loving the human race to such a degree, that He even prayed for those putting Him to death. If, however, any one, going upon the supposition that there are two [Christs], forms a judgment in regard to them, that [Christ] shall be found much the better one, and more patient, and the truly good one, who, in the midst of His own wounds and stripes, and the other [cruelties] inflicted upon Him, was beneficent, and unmindful of the wrongs perpetrated upon Him, than he who flew away, and sustained neither injury nor insult.” – St. Irenaeous of Lyons (c. 130 AD – c. 202 AD, ‘Against Heresies’, Chapter XVIII, Point 5, Book 3)






Christ Does NOT Judge Anyone:


“You judge according to the flesh; I am not judging anyone.” – Lord Jesus Christ (John 8:15, NASB)


Yes, just like the Father Chose to Judge No One and pass the Judgment-rights to the Son (John 5:22), Likewise Christ Chooses to Judge No One for sins done against Him (John 12:47) but passes down the Judgment Demands towards the Victims (‘the other which Judges’ in John 12:48) by executing the Sentence we require (John 5:27) as Hell (Hades now or Gehenna later, e. g. Matthew 5:22 – 26 Describing this Parabolically till the last penny) on others in the afterlife but forgiving All eventually (Matthew 12:31) except the Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit which lasts to exactly “two AGES*” (Matthew 12:32) causing Universal Reconciliation in the End (Colossians 1:16, 20; 1 Corinthians 15:24 – 28).


*Not Forgiven (in the current AEON1 and next, AEON2, where there is at least AEON3 to come according to PLURAL-AGES/AEONS to come in Ephesians 2:7 disproving the popular misunderstanding that AEON2 is eternal)


The Concept of “AGES” (AEONS) in order, one after the other is endorsed by First Christianity as the Most Orthodox Position – Says who?


To quote:


“Paul also, they affirm, very clearly and frequently names these Aeons, and even goes so far as to preserve their order, when he says, “To all the generations of the Aeons of the Aeon.” Nay, we ourselves, when at the giving of thanks we pronounce the words, “To Aeons of Aeons” (for ever and ever), do set forth these Aeons. And, in fine, wherever the words Aeon or Aeons occur, they at once refer them to these beings.” – St. Irenaeous of Lyons (‘Against Heresies’, Book I, Chapter 3, Point 1)



Link (Chapter 3, Book 1, Point 1, Greek-Latin Scan image 24 – 25):




What is the image highlighting?



A scan of the ‘Original Koine Greek copy of St. Irenaeous’ quote of the section underlined in red’:





“To Aeons of Aeons” (for ever and ever), do set forth these Aeons.”





“To Aeons of Aeons” , do set forth these Aeons.”



Can you see it?



St. Irenaeous of Lyons did NOT write ‘(for ever and ever)’ the-bracket-part at all which is added by the translator.


St. Irenaeous’ clearly sets forth the Truth that First Christianity utters the phrase “To Aeons of Aeons” (hence it’s not a blasphemy to use this Biblical phrase, as it occurs say in Revelation 20:10 and Galatians 1:5) —–> and “sets forth these Aeons” into the future.


Aeon = Age = Singular, ‘a long, unknown limited time period’.


Aeons (Koine Greek – Transliterated) = Ages (English) = Plural, at least two future ages indicated (AEON2, AEON3, …).

We believe literally likewise as explained in detail in previous posts.


Image Source:



Source for the Post above and more details:




Eventually All Men will be Saved some Post-Afterlife-Judgment:


“But this is Adam, if the truth should be told, the first formed man, of whom the Scripture says that the Lord spake, “Let Us make man after Our own image and likeness; ” and we are all from him: and as we are from him, therefore have we all inherited his title. But inasmuch as man is saved, it is fitting that he who was created the original man should be saved. For it is too absurd to maintain, that he who was so deeply injured by the enemy, and was the first to suffer captivity, was not rescued by Him who conquered the enemy, but that his children were,-those whom he had begotten in the same captivity. Neither would the enemy appear to be as yet conquered, if the old spoils remained with him. To give an illustration: If a hostile force had overcome certain [enemies], had bound them, and led them away captive, and held them for a long time in servitude, so that they begat children among them; and somebody, compassionating those who had been made slaves, should overcome this same hostile force; he certainly would not act equitably, were he to liberate the children of those who had been led captive, from the sway of those who had enslaved their fathers, but should leave these latter, who had suffered the act of capture, subject to their enemies,-those, too, on whose very account he had proceeded to this retaliation,-the children succeeding to liberty through the avenging of their fathers’ cause, but not so that their fathers, who suffered the act of capture itself, should be left [in bondage]. For God is neither devoid of power nor of justice, who has afforded help to man, and restored him to His own liberty… Wherefore also He drove him out of Paradise, and removed him far from the tree of life, not because He envied him the tree of life, as some venture to assert, but because He pitied him, [and did not desire] that he should continue a sinner for ever, nor that the sin which surrounded him should be immortal, and evil interminable and irremediable. But He set a bound to his [state of] sin, by interposing death, and thus causing sin to cease, putting an end to it by the dissolution of the flesh, which should take place in the earth, so that man, ceasing at length to live to sin, and dying to it, might begin to live to God… And this same thing does the Lord also say in the Gospel, to those who are found upon the left hand: “Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting [AGE-DURING] fire, which my Father hath prepared for the devil and his angels; ” indicating that eternal [AGE-DURING] fire was not originally prepared for man, but for him who beguiled man, and caused him to offend-for him, I say, who is chief of the apostasy, and for those angels who became apostates along with him; which [fire], indeed, they too shall justly feel, who, like him, persevere in works of wickedness, without repentance, and without retracing their steps … Therefore, when man has been liberated, “what is written shall come to pass, Death is swallowed up in victory. O death sting? ” This could not be said with justice, if that man, over whom death did first obtain dominion, were not set free. For his salvation is death’s destruction. When therefore the Lord vivifies man, that is, Adam, death is at the same time destroyed… and endeavouring from time to time to employ sayings of this kind often [made use of] by Paul: “In Adam we all die; ” ignorant, however, that “where sin abounded, grace did much more abound.” Since this, then, has been clearly shown, let all his disciples be put to shame, and let them wrangle about Adam, as if some great gain were to accrue to them if he be not saved; when they profit nothing more [by that], even as the serpent also did not profit when persuading man [to sin], except to this effect, that he proved him a transgressor, obtaining man as the first-fruits of his own apostasy. But he did not know God’s power. Thus also do those who disallow Adam’s salvation gain nothing, except this, that they render themselves heretics and apostates from the truth, and show themselves patrons of the serpent and of death” – St. Irenaeous of Lyons (c. 130 AD – c. 202 AD, ‘Against Heresies’, Chapter XXIII, Highlights Point 2, 3, 6, 7, 8 Book 3)






P/S: What NOT to do – His Commands of Virtue


“Moreover, this impious opinion of theirs with respect to actions-namely, that it is incumbent on them to have experience of all kinds of deeds, even the most abominable-is refuted by the teaching of the Lord, with whom not only is the adulterer rejected, but also the man who desires to commit adultery; and not only is the actual murderer held guilty of having killed another to his own damnation, but the man also who is angry with his brother without a cause: who commanded [His disciples] not only not to hate men, but also to love their enemies; and enjoined them not only not to swear falsely, but not even to swear at all; and not only not to speak evil of their neighbours, but not even to style any one “Raca” and “fool; “[declaring] that otherwise they were in danger of hell-fire; and not only not to strike, but even, when themselves struck, to present the other cheek [to those that maltreated them]; and not only not to refuse to give up the property of others, but even if their own were taken away, not to demand it back again from those that took it; and not only not to injure their neighbours, nor to do them any evil, but also, when themselves wickedly dealt with, to be long-suffering, and to show kindness towards those [that injured them], and to pray for them, that by means of repentance they might be saved-so that we should in no respect imitate the arrogance, lust, and pride of others…” – St. Irenaeous of Lyons (c. 130 AD – c. 202 AD, ‘Against Heresies’, Chapter XXXII, Point 1, Book 2)






Peace to you





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